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Solent University

Warsash School of Maritime Science and Engineering

WDD 012 Bridge & Engineering Systems

AE 1 Examination (Bridge management)

STUDENT NUMBER:_________________

Date:------ MARCH 2019 Time:


Time allowed for this examination ONE HOUR.

This paper contains FOUR questions based on a ship’s scenario.

Candidates need to answer all four questions by writing answers on this paper.
This paper MUST BE RETURNED to the invigilators.

The allocation of marks is indicated in the paper. Total marks available 100.

To meet HND requirements students must achieve 40% of the available marks.

To meet professional (MCA) requirements students must achieve 50% of the available

The time stated on this paper is the standard exam duration. Students with certain
Specific Learning Difficulties (as indicated on the Examination Register) are entitled to an
additional 25% of the stated time.



Qu Marks

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Question 1

Your ship is swung outside Cape Town (South Africa) to have its compass adjusted. For
each step of the operation as outlined below state:
a. the coefficient involved;
b. the value of that coefficient (show working);
c. how the correctors should be adjusted for that coefficient?

Your ship’s Correctors are positioned as below:

Flinder’s Bar 9” forward

Spheres Bracket mid points
Vertical magnets Red end up
F & A magnets Red ends Fwd
Athwartship magnets Red ends to Port

Step 1

Heading Deviation
NE 17° E
SE 16° E
SW 26° W
NW 5° W
Answer: a. Coefficient: (1) b. Value: (4)

c. Action to adjust for coefficient: __________________________________________

Step 2

Heading Deviation
E 16° W
W 28° E
Answer: a. Coefficient: (1) b. Value (3)

c. Action to adjust for coefficient: _________________________________________

Step 3

Heading Deviation
N 17° W
S 23° E

Answer: a. Coefficient: (1) b. Value: (3)

c. Action to adjust for coefficient: _________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________ (4)

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Question 2

The ship then leaves Cape Town (South Africa), with a properly corrected magnetic
compass, and heads in a general westerly direction, making for the approaches to New
York (USA) (41°N). When she alters course to the west, towards the pilot station, it is
found that the magnetic compass has a deviation suddenly changes (in comparison to
deviation card).

Which error, is the most likely cause of this deviation? Explain how you are able to
discount the other potential errors? Explain how the deviation is generated and how does
the OOW manage it? Draw a sketch indicating which way the compass will be deviated.

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Question 3

Your ship then departs to New York (USA) (41°N), on a course of 065°gyro and at a speed
of 25 knots, towards the Norway. The gyrocompass on your ship is one that is damped in
TILT. The GPS has failed so speed and latitude settings need to be fed in manually, but
have inadvertently been left at zero.
Calculate the gyro error.

You may use the following approximations:

Damping (settling) error = 1.5 tan Lat

Steaming (speed) error = S cos course

15 cos Lat

Give your answer to the nearest ½º High or Low (25)

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Question 4

Fibre optic compass related question. (25)

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