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Limiting conditions for pitting corrosion of stainless steel EN 1.4404 (316L) in

terms of temperature, potential and chloride concentration

Article  in  Materials and Corrosion · January 2013

DOI: 10.1002/maco.201609061


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2 authors, including:

Sukanya Hägg Mameng



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272 DOI: 10.1002/maco.201609061 Materials and Corrosion 2017, 68, No. 3

Limiting conditions for pitting corrosion of stainless steel

EN 1.4404 (316L) in terms of temperature, potential and
chloride concentration
S. H. Mameng*, R. Pettersson and J. Y. Jonson

The main stainless steel grades used for water applications are 1.4307 and
1.4404. The grade selection depends on the conditions: 1.4404 is a more
conservative choice and has an improved corrosion resistance over 1.4307. This
paper addresses the concept of defining limiting conditions for pitting corrosion
of 1.4404 in terms of the environmental parameters such as temperature,
potential and chloride concentration. Extensive testing has been done with a
combination of short-term electrochemical measurements and long-term
chlorination experiments. Results are discussed in the light of the current
understanding of the critical levels of key parameters for pitting corrosion.

1 Introduction been done with a combination of short-term electrochemical

measurements and long-term chlorination experiments.
The austenitic stainless steel EN 1.4404 (316L) is considered to be
one of the more resistant of the basic standard stainless steels to
chloride environments and is therefore an important steel grade 2 Experimental
for water applications such as potable water piping and cooling
water systems. The corrosion resistance of this stainless steel 2.1 Material
grade is provided by the chromium content in combination with
molybdenum. An oxide layer is formed on the surface of material The material used in this study was the standard austenitic
and this passive layer protects the steel against the aggressive stainless steel EN 1.4404, tested as sheet and welded specimens.
environment [1]. However, like other stainless steels, this grade All specimens have the same thickness of 3 mm. The actual
may suffer localised corrosion in chloride-containing environ- chemical composition of EN 1.4404 is given in Table 1.
ments, limiting its use in different applications.
The pitting corrosion behaviour of stainless steel in chloride 2.2 Pitting corrosion testing
environment has been extensively investigated as a function of
environmental variables [2–16]. The chloride concentration and Two test programmes were used for this investigation: a short-
temperature are the most important parameters that affect the term electrochemical test, which was supplemented by potentio-
pitting resistance of stainless steel and both decrease the pitting static exposures in critical cases, and a long-term immersion test.
potential [2–5]. Besides the influence of pH and dissolved oxygen, Both aim to determine limiting conditions for pitting corrosion
the effect of anions such as perchlorate ion, thiosulfate ion, etc. of EN 1.4404 in terms of temperature, potential and chloride
has also been investigated [2–4,8,9]. A very extensive analysis of concentration.
published data is available in Ref. [7]. This paper addresses the
concept of defining limiting conditions for pitting corrosion of 2.2.1 Potentiodynamic polarization measurements
EN 1.4404 in terms of the environmental parameters tempera- Pitting potential measurements (Epit) were performed in
ture, potential and chloride concentration. Extensive testing has chloride solution at different temperatures. Specimens of size
30  30  3 mm were used and were wet ground to 320 grit at
least 18 h before testing, then immediately before the experiment
S. H. Mameng, J. Y. Jonson cleaned with ethanol. Polarization curves for the different steels
Avesta Research Centre, Outokumpu Stainless steel AB, Koppar- were obtained in solutions with chloride ion concentrations
dalsva€gen 65, P.O. Box 74, SE-774 22 Avesta (Sweden)
between 35 and 100 000 ppm (mg/L) at different temperatures
from 10  1 to 80  1 8C. In order to eliminate the influence of
R. Pettersson crevice corrosion, the Avesta cell (Fig. 1) [6] was used in all the
Jernkontoret – The Swedish Steel Producers’ Association, Kungstra electrochemical experiments where the chloride content was
årdsgatan 10, P.O. Box 1721, 111 87 Stockholm (Sweden) 1000 ppm or higher. For chloride concentrations of 355 ppm or © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Materials and Corrosion 2017, 68, No. 3 Limiting conditions for pitting corrosion of stainless steel 273

Table 1. The actual chemical composition for EN 1.4404 Fig. 2. Duplicate samples were tested and gave in most cases
a difference of <100 mV (SCE). If larger differences were
Typical composition (wt%)
observed, additional measurements were made.
C Cr Ni Mo N Si Mn Cu
0.021 17.2 10.1 2.1 0.038 0.45 1.65 0.39 2.2.2 Potentiostatic measurements
For cases in which the potentiodynamic results gave question-
able results, potentiostatic experiments were also carried out. A
specimen was held at a given temperature in the solution at an
lower, a hydrophobic washer (silicone-based dental putty; provo applied constant potential close to Epit evaluated from the anodic
Novil Putty-Soft fast set, Heraeus) with teflon spray (Cargo-Oil) polarisation curve. These experiments were carried out in
was used to cover the crevice area of the specimen. 1000 ppm chloride solution at 30–60 8C and potentials of 400,
Polarisation measurements were made using a Solartron 500 and 600 mV (SCE). Before each measurement, the open
1287 potentiostat. The potential of the working electrode was circuit potential (OCP) was measured for 10 min, then the
measured versus a saturated calomel (SCE) reference electrode. potential was increased at 20 mV/min from the starting potential
The auxiliary electrode was platinum (Pt) wire. Dissolved oxygen of 300 mV (SCE) up to the set potential for the potentiostatic
was maintained at a low level by bubbling nitrogen through the experiment. The current was then monitored for a test period of
sodium chloride solution during the whole test time. Before each 3 h. The solution was purged with nitrogen throughout the test.
polarization measurement, the open circuit potential (OCP) was
measured for 10 min in the test solution. The polarisation started 2.3 Long-term chlorination test of welded samples
at 300 mV (SCE) and the scan rate was 20 mV/min. Epit was
defined at the point where the current exceeds 100 µA/cm2 Welded samples were tested by long-term immersion in a slightly
[17] and remains above this level for at least 1 min as shown in chlorinated environment at different temperatures. The welded

Figure 1. Avesta electrochemical cell used to avoid crevice corrosion © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

274 Mameng, Pettersson and Jonson Materials and Corrosion 2017, 68, No. 3

chloride concentrations and temperatures. Typical curves for

evaluation of Epit are illustrated in Fig 2. At lower chloride levels
and temperatures, the Epit was high and the current increased
slowly with increasing potential (Curve B) when pitting occurred.
At higher chloride levels and temperatures, pitting propagated
more rapidly, so the current increased much faster and at a
lower potential (Curve A). In the absence of pitting, a very gradual
current increase at transpassive potentials was seen (Curve C).
In all cases specimens were evaluated in a stereo microscope
after testing, to verify that pitting corrosion was present.
The pitting potential was defined as the potential where the
current continuously exceeds 100 µA/cm2. The reason for using
this current density and not 10 µA/cm2 is that the metastable
Figure 2. Typical polarisation curves obtained in sodium chloride pitting could give current peaks above 10 µA/cm2 so clear
solution (Curve A: higher chloride and temperature, Curve B: low identification of stable pitting required the higher threshold.
chloride and temperature, Curve C: transpassive behaviour with a This approach also avoided any uncertainty in cases when the
breakdown potential above 1.200 V (SCE)) passive current density was relatively high value. The pitting
potentials evaluated at 10 and 100 µA/cm2 are shown in Fig. 3,
which demonstrates that there is little difference at lower
samples were produced by tungsten inert gas welding (TIG), potentials but some deviation at higher potentials.
using a filler material and welding conditions as specified in Figure 4 shows the relationship between Epit and chloride
Table 2. Coupons of duplicate welded specimens with size concentration at different temperatures and indicates that the
60  30  3 mm were used and all cut edges were wet ground to Epit decreases as the logarithm of the chloride concentration
320 grit. In order to remove weld oxides, samples were pickled increases. At the lowest chloride level investigated (35 ppm)
in mixed acid (3 M HNO3 and 3 M HF) for 3 min at 53 8C. transpassive behaviour with a breakdown potential above
The test solutions were prepared from distilled water and 1200 mV (SCE) is seen at temperatures up to 50 8C (Curve C
sodium chloride to give chloride ion levels in the range of 100– in Fig. 2). As the chloride level is increased to 100 ppm there is a
100 000 ppm. The pH was in all cases in the range 6.5–7.5. The fairly sharp drop in the critical potential and pitting occurs at
solutions were dosed with sodium hypochlorite (1000 ppm) to approximately 700 mV (SCE) at temperatures of >20 8C (Fig. 4a).
give 1 ppm residual chlorine concentrations. The residual This sharp drop extends up to 355 ppm at temperatures of
chlorine level was measured with colorimeter using the >50 8C (Fig. 4b). Thereafter the decrease in pitting potential is
diethyl-p-phenylene diamine (DPD) method. The redox potential more gradual.
was typically in the range 650–750 mV (SCE) [8]. Immersion tests Figure 5 shows the same data plotted as a function of
were carried out for 30 days at various temperatures (20–80 8C). temperature. This relationship has frequently been used to
The depth of maximum attack was measured with a light optical define a critical pitting temperature [2–6,10,14,15], particularly in
microscope and a depth of attack of at least 0.025 mm was cases in which there is a sharp transition. The results indicate
defined as the pitting corrosion. The open circuit potential was that the pitting potential Epit was only weakly dependent on the
monitored in some cases. temperature in the bulk solution, particularly at chloride
concentration higher than 3545 ppm, see Fig. 5b. This indicates

3 Results

3.1 Influence of chloride concentration and

temperature on pitting potential

Potentiodynamic anodic polarization curves were used to

determine the pitting potential (Epit) for EN 1.4404 at different

Table 2. Welding condition of welded specimens

Base Welding Shielding Welding Heat Joint

material wire TIG gas speed input design
(EN ISO (cm/min) (kJ/cm)

EN W 19 12 Argon gas 24.66 0.60 Butt

1.4404 3 L Si (Ar) joint Figure 3. Epit of EN 1.4404 was determined at a critical current limit of
10 and 100 µA/cm2

© 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Materials and Corrosion 2017, 68, No. 3 Limiting conditions for pitting corrosion of stainless steel 275

Figure 4. Effect of chloride concentration on Epit of EN 1.4404 at different temperatures

that the protective efficiency of the passive film is relatively temperature insensitive) regime at low chloride levels, an
insensitive to temperature. intermediate regime in which the potentials are strongly
influenced by temperature (but largely insensitive to chloride
3.2 Construction of engineering diagrams for pitting concentration) and a chloride-sensitive/temperature-insensitive
corrosion regime at the highest chloride levels. The only exception of
the general shape is seen at 500 mV (SCE), where there is a more
The pitting potential results were used as a basis for constructing linear trend which was confirmed by repeated measurements.
engineering diagrams showing the risk areas for pitting in terms The effect of the choice of current density criterion of 100
of chloride concentration and temperature. The idea of engineer- or 10 µA/cm2 for evaluation of the pitting potential is illustrated
ing diagrams based on Epit measurements has been presented for Fig. 7. This shows that for the lower potential of 400 mV
earlier, for example by Fielder and Johns in 1989 [3]. In the present there is no difference between the two criteria, while at 700 mV
study, the diagrams are obtained by mapping the regions in which a more conservative line results from the use of the lower
pitting occurs at different given potentials as shown in Fig. 6. The 10 µA/cm2 criterion.
critical potential used for defining the boundary was set at various
levels in the range 300–700 mV (SCE). The solid points indicated 3.3 Potentiostatic determination of pitting potentials
that Epit is lower than the selected potential and open points
indicate that it is higher or equal. When used in combination with In this part of the investigation, a constant potential, Eapp in the
knowledge of the corrosion potential in a system containing range 400–600 mV (SCE) was applied. The intention was to
various oxidising species [2–8] such diagrams can be used to obtain more information about the pitting behaviour at 500 mV
assess the corrosion risk. (SCE), where there was a deviant linear trend in the engineering
The diagrams for EN 1.4404 at all the five selected potentials diagram, Fig. 6f. The current density was monitored as a function
are plotted together in Fig. 6f. The curves are largely parallel, of time at the imposed potential and examples of the results are
and have a S-shaped form, with a chloride sensitive (largely shown in Fig. 8.

Figure 5. Effect of temperature on Epit of EN 1.4404 at different chloride concentrations © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

276 Mameng, Pettersson and Jonson Materials and Corrosion 2017, 68, No. 3

Figure 6. Potential diagram for EN 1.4404 at the different selected potentials

Figure 8a shows the current evolution at 400 mV (SCE) at corrosion was observed. The conclusion is that at both 400 mV
three different temperatures, all of which were below the critical (SCE) and 600 mV (SCE) there is good correspondence between
temperature for pitting determined from the potentiodynamic the potentiodynamic and potentiostatic results. However, at
experiments. In all cases, the current density decreased gradually 500 mV (SCE) significant differences are observed. All three
with time and no pitting was observed. Figure 8c shows temperatures investigated in Fig. 8b were below the potentiody-
corresponding data for an applied potential of 600 mV (SCE) at namic critical temperature but in all cases there was an increase
three temperatures. 30 8C is below the potentiodynamically in current density after a short incubation time, and pitting
determined critical pitting temperature and shows only low was observed on the specimens after testing. A compilation
current densities, note that the vertical scale is much larger here of data at the three imposed potentials is given in Fig. 8d,
than for Fig. 8a so this curve appears flat. At 40 and 50 8C, the clearly illustrating that there is a difference in behaviour
current density increased rapidly to high values and pitting between potentiostatic and potentiodynamic testing at 500 mV

© 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Materials and Corrosion 2017, 68, No. 3 Limiting conditions for pitting corrosion of stainless steel 277

engineering diagram at this potential, Fig. 9, it is seen that there

is the same type of S-shaped curve as at other temperatures.

3.4 Immersion tests in chlorinated solutions

To assess the relevance of the engineering diagrams to longer-

term service performance, laboratory immersion tests were
performed to simulate the same corrosive environments. In
these tests, an elevated potential is achieved using sodium
hypochlorite addition to give 1 ppm residual chlorine in chloride
environments at 20–80 8C. The residual chlorine acts as an
oxidant and increases the risk of localised corrosion [8]. The
tested samples were examined after exposure in the chloride
environments for 30 days. A summary of the results is shown in
Table 3. The open circuit potential (OCP) was observed to be in
the range 600–800 mV (SCE) as shown in Fig. 10. There was a
Figure 7. Potential diagram at 400 and 700 mV (SCE) for EN 1.4404 slight decrease in the OCP with increased temperature; this
showing a shift in the limiting line for pitting when different current
is because a higher temperature decreases the equilibrium
density criteria are used to evaluate the pitting potential at 700 mV but
not at 400 mV potential.
The results from the long-term chlorination tests can be
used to construct the same type of concentration-temperature
(SCE). It appears that the existence of an incubation time maps as for the short-term tests. The data are shown in Fig. 11
means that the rate of potential increase dE/dt shifts the pitting and represent the maximum temperatures and chloride
potential to higher values compared to potentiostatic testing. concentrations which can be tolerated in slightly chlorinated
If the potentiostatic data at 500 mV (SCE) is included in the (1 mg/L) chloride environments.

Figure 8. Current density versus time curves in 1000 ppm chloride solution at different temperatures and applied potentials © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

278 Mameng, Pettersson and Jonson Materials and Corrosion 2017, 68, No. 3

Epit ¼ 3:165  1:943 log ½Cl   0; 0009 ½T

þ0:572 log ½Cl 2 þ 0:00015 ½T2

0:007 ½T log½Cl   0:056 log Cl 3

þ0; 00000169 ½T3 þ 0; 00038 T log Cl 2

þ0; 0000418 ½T2 log½Cl  ð1Þ

where the Epit is called the pitting potential (V vs. SCE), [Cl] is
the chloride ion concentration (ppm) and T is the temperature
( 8C). This gave an excellent fit to the experimental data,
with a coefficient of determination, R2 ¼ 0.958 as shown in
Fig. 13. This suggest that the pitting model can efficiently
simulate the intricate inter-relationship between the Epit and
Figure 9. Potential diagram for EN 1.4404 at 500 mV (SCE) selected
potential various environment parameters, and predict the critical
pitting potential of EN 1.4404 as a function of chloride ion
concentration and temperature. This could potentially be
useful in connection with service monitoring to warn of the
4 Discussion
danger of pitting when environmental parameters change over
time. However, this complicated model is difficult to connect
4.1 Modelling the influence of chloride and
to physical reality.
temperature on the pitting potential
A simplified model was therefore developed using linear
regression with the first three factors from Fig. 12. This yielded
Pitting corrosion is one of the most critical types of localised
Equation (2) and still gave a reasonable fit to the experimental
corrosion, since it can lead to failure of structural components
data, with a coefficient of determination, R2 ¼ 0.889 as seen in
and affect their service life. Figures 4 and 5 clearly show that the
Fig. 14.
Epit decreases with increasing temperature at different chloride
concentrations. These results are in agreement with other
Epit ¼ 1:945  0:493 log ½Cl   0:0057 ½T þ 0:0430 log ½Cl 2
researchers [9–16,18–24].
The potentiodynamically determined pitting potentials were ð2Þ
used as a basis for developing descriptive equations to predict the
pitting performance of EN 1.4404 stainless steel. The multivari- The inflection seen in the curves at very high chloride
ate data analysis program Simca (Umetrics) was used to assess concentrations (to give the second chloride-insensitive regime)
the significance of different possible factors and combinations of could perhaps be regarded as a very special case. However,
factors on the pitting potential, Fig. 12. removal of these values has only a small effect on the coefficient
Based on this, two different linear regression models were of determination, increasing it to R2 ¼ 0.896.
used to describe the experimental data. The first, full model Even in the simplified case, the role of the chloride ion
used all the factors in Fig. 12 and yielded the relation seems complicated, with both a negative coefficient for chloride
(Equation (1)): (i.e. chloride decreases the pitting potential) and a positive

Table 3. Summary of visible pitting corrosion in this investigation

Appearance of pitting attack after 30 days

Chloride concentration (ppm) 20 8C 30 8C 40 8C 50 8C 60 8C 80 8C

100 – – o – o o
200 – o – o – o
300 – – o – o o
500 o o o x, w, e – –
1000 o – o – – –
5000 o – – – – –
10 000 o x, w, e x, w, e – – –
35 450 x, w, e x, w, e – – – –
100 000 x, w, e – – – – –

o, No corrosion; x, pit attack on base material; w, pit attack on weld area; e, edge attack; (–), not tested in this study.

© 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Materials and Corrosion 2017, 68, No. 3 Limiting conditions for pitting corrosion of stainless steel 279

Figure 10. Open circuit potentials measured in the chlorinated

environments, EOCP(max) (SCE)

coefficient for (Cl)2. In the full model there is an additional

feature of a negative coefficient for (Cl)3, which is necessary in
order to introduce the double inflection seen in the engineering Figure 12. Multivariate analysis using Simca of factors affecting the
diagram. potentidynamic pitting potential

4.2 Three regimes of environmental dependence

chloride contents, might be regarded as a rather special case in
An alternative approach to the analysis of the results is to divide the
which the concentration of the solution approaches saturated and
curves in the engineering diagrams (Fig. 6) into sections. The
could be expected to promote the formation and maintenance of a
S-shape indicates that there are three different regimes: a chloride-
salt film.
sensitive (or temperature-insensitive) region at high temperature
An increase in temperature is to be expected to have several
and low chloride then an intermediate temperature-sensitive (or
effects. Firstly, the rate of chemical reactions, including metal
chloride-insensitive) regime and finally a second chloride sensitive
dissolution, increases, as does the rate of pit growth as
(temperature-insensitive) region at high chloride concentrations
exemplified by curves A and B in Fig. 2. The characteristics of
and low temperatures, as illustrated in Fig. 15. The central regime
the passive film may also change. The high temperature passive
could be regarded as a ‘chloride independent’ critical temperature
film probably has a different structural characteristic from that
Tcrit in the same way as the ‘potential independent’ CPTconcept in
developed at low temperature, due to the thermodynamics of
ASTM G150 while the first regions could be regarded as
hydrolysis reaction between the ions of alloying elements such as
characterized by a ‘temperature independent’ critical chloride
iron chromium, nickel, and molybdenum and water molecules at
content, Clcrit. The third region, the ‘brine regime’ at very high
elevated temperature [25]. The porosity of the passive film has
also been reported to increase with temperature [26] and the
defect structure of the semiconductor anodic film on Fe–Cr–Ni
alloys may change from p-type to n-type with temperature. It has
been argued that n-type films could be more susceptible to pit
initiation than p-type films due to the existence of oxygen
vacancies, which can enhance the transport of chloride ions
through the oxide lattice [27,28]. Additional effects of tempera-
ture include faster diffusion of various species through the oxide
film as well as into and out of the pit [5]. On the other hand, an
increase in chloride content will increase the probability of
adsorption and/or penetration of chloride into the passive
film [5], causing pit initiation. A greater availability of chloride
ions will more readily replace water molecules or hydroxide ions
at undeveloped parts of the passive film (e.g., at H2O-M-OH2
bridges) [25]. It will also favour the transition from metastable to
stable pits by facilitating the formation of a salt film at the pit
mouth [29,30].
Figure 11. Engineering diagram for EN 1.4404 based on immersion A proposed explanation for the shape of the engineering
testing in chlorinated environments diagram curve, shown in Fig. 15, is that at sufficiently low © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

280 Mameng, Pettersson and Jonson Materials and Corrosion 2017, 68, No. 3

Figure 13. Application of the full model to the potentiodynamic pitting potential data

chloride contents the initiation process is impeded by the lower pit growth is so slow that it becomes a rate determining
availability of chloride ions. Once Clcrit is exceeded, this ceases process, since the pit chemistry cannot be maintained and pits
to become the rate determining process or at least becomes less passivate. A contributory factor may be a greater rupture
sensitive. On the other hand at sufficiently low temperatures, resistance of the low temperature passive film. Above Tcrit this

© 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Materials and Corrosion 2017, 68, No. 3 Limiting conditions for pitting corrosion of stainless steel 281

Figure 14. Application of the simplified model to the potentiodynamic pitting potential data

ceases to be a rate-determining process. In intermediate encounted at high chloride concentrations, in the brine regime
conditions, marked by the circle in the figure, there is a marked by a square. In these conditions, the closeness to
unfavourable combination of initiation and propagation which saturation could mean that pit chemistry can be maintained in
leads to pitting. The other set of unfavourable conditions are spite of a low dissolution rate, because the closeness to the © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

282 Mameng, Pettersson and Jonson Materials and Corrosion 2017, 68, No. 3

Figure 15. Schematic illustration of the potential diagrams

Figure 16. Comparison between short-term electrochemical test and

long-term chlorination test
saturation point means that a salt film can readily be
At 500 mV (SCE) there was a different type of behaviour,
with a straight engineering diagram line rather than an inflection magnitude in concentration. This underlies the need to
point. However, this shape was to a large extent discounted as a control excursions in potential in water treatment and transport
result of the potentiostatic experiments, which showed that systems – for example by not overdosing chlorination or addition
pitting could indeed occur in the ‘worst case’ regime if a of other oxidants.
sufficient incubation time was allowed. One possible contribu-
tory factor here is that bound water associated largely with 4.3 Comparison to electrochemical critical pitting
chromium (Cr) has been shown to be strongly influenced by the temperature measurements
applied potential, temperature and time at potential [9,19]. It was
established that the water content in the passive film formed on The concept of raising the temperature at the constant potential in
Type 304 in deaerated 0.5 M H2SO4 changed abruptly at the order to determine the critical pitting corrosion is well established
critical potential of 400 mV (SCE) [19]. Epit values determined and included in the standard test methods ASTM G150 and
from the potentiodynamic method are strongly dependent on ISO17864 [17]. The same EN 1.4404 material as in the present
the potential scan rate [20] and it is possible that the overshoot investigation was investigated using this method in Ref. [13], with
effect is therefore particularly marked at around such critical the difference that measurements were made at several different
potentials. potentials rather than only at the 700 mV (SCE) level described in
the standards. Some typical data are shown together with Epit
data from this study in Fig. 17. Comparing the two types of
4.3 Comparison to long-term chlorination experiments
measurement methods, it is seen that the general agreement is

Comparison of diagrams between short-term Epit measurement

and long-term curves for EN 1.4404 are shown in Fig. 16. The
short-term curves for both 600 and 700 mV (SCE) were
considered because these correspond most closely to the OCP
in the long-term tests. The comparison shows a good agreement
with behaviour predicted from the Epit data at 100 µA/cm2 and
700 mV (SCE), although the short-term curve is slightly more
conservative. This confirms that the choice of the higher current
criterion from the pitting potential measurements is appropriate.
The reasons for the difference between short-term and long-term
tests may be related to the fact that specimens in the long-term
tests are subject to a gradual potential increase at the start of
the experiment. This may well serve to strength on the passive
film compared to the situation in the short-term tests. Another
difference is that long-term exposures were done on pickled
samples with exposed edges, while the short-term specimens
were ground to 320 grit.
It is clear from these diagrams that the evolved or applied
potential has a major impact on the risk for pitting, shifting the Figure 17. Comparisons of potential effect between Epit data from this
curves several tens of degrees in temperature or orders of investigation and CPT data at different potential [13]

© 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Materials and Corrosion 2017, 68, No. 3 Limiting conditions for pitting corrosion of stainless steel 283

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(Received: May 9, 2016) W9061

(Accepted: June 10, 2016) © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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