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A Project Report
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
Award of degree of Masters of Business Administration

2018 – 2020

Submitted by: Guided by:

Ashok Kumar Attrish (0181MBA130) Dr. Aditi Malhotra

Sakshi Banga (0181MBA167)

Radhika Sehgal (0181MBA160)

Manan Chandhok (0181MBA141)

Sourabh Singh (0181MBA046)


This is to certify that the project report entitled “Role of Technology in Environmental
Disorders” submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the
degree of MBA is an original work carried out by Ashok Kumar Attrish, Manan
Chandhok, Radhika Sehgal, Sakshi Banga, Sourabh Singh under the guidance of
Dr. Aditi Malhotra. The authenticity of the project work will be examined by the viva
examiner which includes data verification, checking duplicity of information etc. and it may
be rejected due to non-fulfillment of quality standards set by the Institute.

Signature of the student


I offer my sincere thanks and humble regards to Bharati Vidyapeeth University Institute of
Management & Research, New Delhi, for imparting very valuable professional training in
Masters of Business Administration.

I pay my gratitude and sincere regards to Mrs. Aditi Malhotra, my project guide for sharing
her knowledge. I am thankful to her, as she has been a constant source of advice, motivation
and inspiration. I am thankful to her for giving me suggestions and encouragement
throughout the project work.

Name & signature of the student

What is the environment?
The word "environment" is derived from the old French word "environment", which means
"surround, enclose and surround". The environment refers to a number of conditions or
environments in which living things such as humans, animals and plants live or survive and
non-living beings exist.

 All living things, including humans and their environment, react to each other and influence
each other in different ways. It is generally equated with nature in which the physical
components of the planet Earth such as earth, air, water, etc. support and influence life in the

Components of the environment

The physical elements are space, geographical features, water, climate, soils, rocks and

These factors determine the variable character of human habitat, as well as its opportunities
and limitations.

Biological elements include plants, animals, microorganisms and humans.  The cultural
elements include economic, social and political conditions, most of which were created by
humans.  Types of environments Because the environment is a combination of physical and
biological factors, it contains living or biotic and non-living or abiotic components.

On the basis of this basic structure, the environment can be divided into physical or abiotic
and living or biotic environment.

Physical or Abiotic Environment

The physical environment is made up of the following states - solid, liquid, and gas.
These three elements denote the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. Based on the
spatial distribution, the smallest units are called coastal, plateau, mountain, lake, river,
maritime, etc.  Living or biotic environment The biotic environment consists of plants (flora)
and animals (fauna), including humans as an important factor. Thus, the biotic environment
can be of two types such as floral environment and faunal environment.

There is also a social, cultural and psychological environment.

Social and Cultural Environment

This type of environment includes socio-cultural interactions of varied aspects as well as its
consequences such as beliefs, attitudes, stereotypes etc. The tangible and intangible aspects of
the environment are included in it.
Psychological Environment

The psychological environment deals with perception and experience in relation to any
environmental environment. Some environments can be exciting and exciting for us, while
others can be boring and boring. The psychological environment is most often used in the
organizational context. Simply put, the condition includes nature.


People need food, shelter and heating (in some places) to survive. Our planet's ecological
resources help meet these needs. But how many resources do we use? This question can be
answered with the Ecological Footprint.

Just as a bank statement records revenue versus expenditure, environmental footprint

accounting measures a population's demand for the provision of resources and services from
natural ecosystems.  

On the demand side, the ecological footprint measures a person's or population's demand for
food and vegetable products, livestock and fishery products, wood and other forest products,
space for urban infrastructure, and forest that absorbs its carbon dioxide emissions from
fossils. . Fuels  On the supply side, the biocapacity of a city, state, or nation represents its
biologically productive land and sea area, including woodland, pasture, arable land, fishing
grounds, and urbanized land.  

The ecological footprint can be calculated for a single person, city, region, country and the
entire planet. The gap between ecological footprint and biocapacity is determined by several
factors. Our personal footprint is a product of how much we use and how efficiently it is
produced. The biocapacity per person is determined by how many hectares the production
area has, how productive each hectare is and how many people (in a city, a country or the
world) share this biocapacity.

The term "technology" refers to the use of logical information for practical purposes,
devices, and devices that were created later. We currently live in an era of rapid change,
where mechanical progress changes the way we live, while pushing us to failure more than
environmental change and a lack of assets.

Throughout his presence on Earth, even before history began to record, man adapted his
needs to his natural environment. Human ability to adapt to changing circumstances and
resources is remarkable. However, over a period of time, there has been mismanagement and
misuse of the environmental resources on which humankind's survival depends. Therefore,
we are facing a serious situation that requires better environmental management in order to
achieve sustainable development in harmony with the environment.

The term "environment" is often used in its broad sense, which covers almost all conditions
or factors that surround people, be it physical, biological, artistic, economic, political,
cultural, psychological, etc. For the sake of the soul, the practical question of good
environmental management requires a more precise term. To this end, we can consider that
the human environment consists of two groups of interacting factors:

A) the material resources of the environment needed to sustain life and meet the needs of
people; and

B) Social factors that determine how people use these resources.

Technology is a special interest, i.e. man-made tools and processes for transforming
resources into products for use. Other important factors are the economy, namely the
generation and distribution of wealth, as well as production and consumption models and
environmental laws, which define rights and duties in the use of resources and in the
conservation of environmental quality.

Technology is often touted as the root of environmental problems, leading to pollution,

landfill waste and resource depletion. However, technology can also play an important role in
solving this problem.

We will start by discussing the negative impact of technology on the environment and make
further progress in the latest developments and benefits.

The industrial revolution has made new progress with extraordinary power. This is a change
in new forms of assembly in Europe and the United States between 1760 and 1840. It has
won by continuing industrialization and other innovative advances in countries created
around the world.

Environmental degradation is a growing concern, as industrialization continues, especially in

developed countries. Industrialization linked to technological progress continues to
negatively influence the environment. The industrial advantages deriving from the adaptation
of technology in the main activities contribute indirectly to the improvement of living
standards, although the worst part of the technology manifests itself more. This is
demonstrated by the growing international discussion and consultation through conferences
and meetings. The main theme of this meeting were environmental violations due to

There are three main negative impacts of technology on the environment. First of all, the
environmental pollution deriving from the production of waste is a factor generated by
technology. Contributions to global warming are the second effect of technology
development. Finally, the depletion of natural resources and the ecological imbalances
currently present are the result of technology.

Ecological pollution initially occurred due to the lack of innovation and the lack of control
measures. Lately, innovative improvements have seen the creation of multiple machines,
weapons and vehicles. The expansion of greater use of the office triggers demand which,
therefore, influences the supply of the required properties of the elements that are significant
effectors of industrialization through greater innovation. The importance of innovation in
these cases is recognized to meet human needs. Despite the fact that pollution is unfavorable
conditions due to the expansion of creation in the assembly and preparation of society, in the
testing of weapons and in the high use of cars, for example vehicles. Air pollution, water and
concussion pollution are important parts of a domain that constantly gets dirty because of
innovation. The release of large quantities of gas, for example the CO2 felt by large
companies, causes air pollution, which has seriously damaged the condition. Again, the
disposal of waste water in waterways and water structures by different companies and
foundations is a natural hazard due to water pollution. In addition, a large amount of shock
pollution by testing and using weapons, companies in normal procedures and the creation of
vehicles are the cause of ecological failure.

In addition, innovation contributes to resource depletion. The increase and use of innovation
adds a mechanical action that requires raw materials for normal activities, such as coal, wood
and wild creatures. In addition, the large rural enterprises that live in Bangladesh are
profitable in terms of efficiency, but the expected possibility is the consumption of public
goods, such as the distribution of forests, the maturity of water and land, and the organization
of living things. Cultivation, such as consuming shrubs, deforestation and the use of synthetic
substances to increase soil fertility, are natural feats. Extensive mining of gold, gems and
various minerals is also a movement that contributes to the loss of assets at an alarming rate.
Excessive exploitation of petroleum products and activities are no longer valuable and are
becoming natural risks.
In addition, imbalances and disturbances in ecological systems are the result of technological
advances in the modern world. The collapse of ecological life and the extinction of organisms
from their natural habitat may be a direct result of technology. The extinction of wild animals
from their natural habitat to create more space for agricultural activities and accommodate a
growing population is evidence of how technology causes environmental imbalance.

In addition to the negative impact of technology on the environment, the recent increase in
global awareness of climate change has led to the development of new environmental
technologies designed to help solve some of the major environmental problems that we face
as a society by moving towards more sustainable issues. Environment. Low carbon economy.
Environmental technology is also known as “green” or “clean” technology and refers to the
development of new technologies aimed at preserving, controlling or reducing the negative
impact of technology on the environment and resource consumption. ,

The Paris Agreement, signed in 2016, has forced almost all countries in the world to make

ambitious efforts to combat climate change, maintaining a rise in global temperature below 2

° C above pre-industrial levels. New advances such as renewable energy; smart technology;

electronic vehicles, etc. can make enough impact on the environment.

Ongoing environmental innovations have enabled us to capture the vitality that normally
takes place and turn it into valuable energy or heat with gadgets such as solar-powered
panels, wind turbines and water that reflect the extraordinarily positive impact of innovation
on the earth. The costs of further developing energy sources, such as solar-powered circuit
boards and wind turbines, have declined, while government speculation has increased.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of Internet-connected objects that can collect and
exchange data using integrated sensor technology. This data allows devices on the network to
independently “make decisions” based on real-time information. For example, smart lighting
systems only illuminate the areas that need them, and smart thermostats keep homes at
certain temperatures during certain hours of the day, thereby reducing waste.

Experts predict that cities in the future will become places where every car, phone, air
conditioning, light and much more will be interconnected, which will give life to the concept
of a “smart city”, which is energy efficient.
A review of the relevant literature is an important part of scientific research. This helps
researchers to collect the latest information on what has been done in the specific area in
which the researcher will study.

The examination of related studies also maintains a strategic distance from the duplication of
efforts that have just been made and forces specialists to delve into neighboring problems. It
also helps to take into account various features of the problem. This provides an overview of
the methods, actions and other parameters obtained by others, which can help improve the
structure of intelligence. It is an important guide for characterizing a problem, understanding
its criticality, recommending gadgets that promise to collect information, choosing
investigation plans and sources of information. Then, a review of previous exams in the
important area of investigation is carried out.

This study is an attempt to discover environmental knowledge and achievements in the field
of environmental technologies within the higher state and society.

Innovation in environmental technologies is a series of technological activities or

technological innovations that support, improve or improve the quality of the environment,
including product innovation, technological innovation and innovation. materials, market
innovation and organizational innovation that contribute to improving the environment,
cleaner production and sustainable development, etc. Ecological technological innovation
plays an important role in solving global environmental problems, contributing to the
conservation of business energy.

First, the concept and content of research on environmental technological innovation

The understanding of an individual of the progress of environmental innovation previously

followed the hypothesis of Schumpeterian development, that is to say from the point of view
of special studies and of finance and nature, of predicting pollution and to guarantee nature.
With the growing awareness of natural problems, the colors promoting environmental
innovation have gradually improved. Researchers who have already advanced the idea of
promoting environmental innovation (Technological Environmental Innovation, TEI) are A.
Rath and B. Herbert-Copley (1993), E. Strand and D. Worth (1994), W. Forster (1995) that
they provide Different meanings to promote environmental innovation from a special,
financial and natural point of view, that is to say that the development of natural innovation
refers to achievements in monitoring active and making it possible to avoid or reduce
environmental pollution, including innovations in the field of clean vitality, innovations in the
fields of pure procedures and progress in pure creation Since that time, Ruediger (2007) ,
Joseph H. (2008) and others have expanded their sense of progress in natural innovation.
From now on, Kemp's notion is dominant in the academic world, he commented that "natural
development includes new procedures or innovations, improvements, frameworks and
elements that can maintain strategic distance or limit ecological damage." This definition
highlights the progress of the framework in addition to procedures, innovation and article
Therefore, the progress of ecological innovation is not only the development of natural
innovations, but more importantly, it highlights the mix of progress from an ecological
perspective, associations and advances in the consultative model, presenting the development
of government strategies and many different advances. The local use of the idea of progress
in ecological innovation is somewhat confusing, different researchers in aspects of natural
finance, biology and innovation development explore the use of contradictory ideas or names,
for example, development of natural innovation, progress of ecological innovation,
development of ecology, development conditions and economic progress. These ideas are
used to refer to the exercise of mechanical progress with the benevolent reflection of the

Shahnawaj (1990) conducted research on environmental awareness in the community and

environmental attitudes.

The main conclusion of this research is

95% of students have a positive attitude towards the environment.

ii. The teachers who are trained in the environment and the teachers we are trained do not
differ in their attitudes.

iii. Teachers are more environmentally conscious than students. The trained and trained
teachers are no different in terms of environmental awareness.

Gopalakrishnan and Sarojini (1992) conducted research on the impact of environmental

education on children in elementary schools.

The main conclusion of this research is

The distribution of the total scores in the environmental education tests of all the samples is
close to the normal form, which implies that the environmental education studies have a very
good impact on the children.

ii. Analyzing the environmental education in the area, the madrasa children achieve better
results compared to Coimbatore and Nilgiris, and this may be due to a better exposure of the
madrasa children.

iii. This study shows that participatory learning approaches can have a better impact.

Wingate Thomson Smith and Raymond Jones (2005) conducted research on multiple
intelligence in high school math classes.

The first of these findings is

Participation was made up of language intellectuals 42% of the time, with people interacting
with other people 18% of the time. Further, social studies were found not to be the same as
Chandra Kumari (2006) has researched environmental awareness, environmental attitudes
and growing environmental practices.

The first of these findings is

i. Only 4% of women and 14% of men had low mood levels

ii. One percent among men and women have negative attitudes

I, I am. Most of the respondents identified five behavioral and environmental changes, and
the behavior of the respondent changed in the environment studied.

To this end, many researchers have completed a number of papers, for example, by Liu
Xielin and Dai Hongyi (2009) deliberately eliminating the idea of home design and from a
distance. Shen Xiaobo and Cao Fangping (2010), from the perspective of the neoclassical
financial crisis, think that the success of ecological studies has many features of its
disadvantages and externalities, from the point of view of developmental problems, they
think and the development of creative nature has a degree of dependency. frequently. So, the
idea of developing a natural evolution gave rise to the name of environmental growth.
Environment - The environment affects all individuals and living beings because it
is a common good, a commodity that belongs to everyone. Because this article deals with the
environmental impact of technology, it is important to understand its meaning. Among many
other definitions, the environment is defined here as the conditions under which an individual
or thing exists, lives, or develops. In humans, the environment encompasses the entire
physical world as well as social and cultural conditions. The environment for mankind
includes factors such as earth, atmosphere, climate, noise, other human and social factors,
fauna, flora, ecology, bacteria, etc.

The environment can be defined as its environment. The global environment consists of the
atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the lithosphere, which contain the vital resources of the
earth. Initially, when the human population was small and the level of scientific and
technological development was also low, the extent to which humans could disrupt the
ecosystem was limited and the ecosystem was able to sustain the effects of human

The first people used natural resources to meet the need for air, water, food and protection.
These unprocessed natural resources were readily available and the residues created using
such a resource were generally compatible. Primitive people ate plant and animal foods
without disturbing the atmosphere with campfire smoke. Even as the use of fire became
common, the relatively small amounts of smoke generated were easily and quickly dispersed
and absorbed through the atmosphere. But with population growth, the need has increased.
Science and technology as well as all human ingenuity are used to use resources.

The environment is the influence of human interaction with nature over time. Human affairs
have played an active role in playing with nature. The existing environment is a historical
study that explains how people have designed their environment to their advantage. Historical
analysis is therefore the study that focuses on people's activities and influence on a much
broader social, political, economic and cultural analysis. It examines how the biophysical
world has influenced the course of human history and how people were thought and tired to
change their environment.

Resources are limited and the population is growing. For all practical purposes, the water in
the country is limited, although it can refill over a certain period of time, it can also become
scarce. The air is inexhaustible, but becomes unusable due to a serious deterioration in its
quality due to changes in its composition. Energy in its natural form, like the sun's rays,
appears to be abundant, but it is Consumer shortage. Fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and the
radioactive element are all finished. The increasing use of resources leads to rapid depletion.
The availability of these resources per capita has decreased in India. This is mainly due to
population growth and also to the loss of basic resources / deficiencies due to human
Technology - Technology is an artificial material and knowledge that is used to
create objects to improve human ability to perform tasks that they would not have been able
to do otherwise. Objects are invented, designed, manufactured and consumed. Throughout
history, people have acquired powerful skills by developing and using technologies to change
their lifestyles. educated societies; and influences the natural environment at local, regional
and global levels. New technologies are emerging from dangerous embryonic stages and the
solutions proposed are often rejected. If accepted, distribution will follow and technologies
will continue to grow and improve with wider application possibilities that can be integrated
with existing technologies and infrastructure. The growth in demand is the result of complex
and interactive demographic, economic and lifestyle forces.

The term technology is derived from Greek works: technne (the skill or craft required to
make something) and logos (discussion or knowledge of something). Technology therefore
means knowing how something is made. Technology is created by man. It means improving
people's physical and mental capacities; It is also an instrument for converting natural
resources into useful goods, an instrument for conditioning the environment. It is a resource
for wealth creation. Technology is embodied in various forms such as machines, devices,
documents, processes and skills. Technology therefore has the domain of science and
technology. Some examples of technology are transistors and computers, air conditioning and
cooling, shape heating and rural electrification, robotics, space exploration, nuclear energy,

The impact of technology on the environment is not uniform around the world because the
development and use of technology is not distributed equally. This is due to the fact that the
development, acceptance and use of technology by people are incompatible and, depending
on economic and social conditions, vary considerably from region to region and from nation
to nation. other (5). Even today, billions of people have been excluded from today's
technology or have only a very small share.

In other words, technology is a double-edged sword that can both harm and reverse the
quality of the environment.
Environmental problems affecting humanity:
“Today's interaction in society, in which nature is so extensive that the environmental
question has taken a part which affects all of humanity. Industrialization, urbanization,
population explosion, excessive exploitation of resources, exhaustion of traditional sources of
energy and raw materials and search for new sources of energy and raw materials,
disturbance of the natural ecological balance, destruction of many of animal and plant species
for economic reasons and sometimes without valid reason are factors that human scientific
and technological progress has given him with the power that intervenes endlessly in nature.
If man is capable of transforming deserts into cases, he also leaves deserts in the philosopher
who warns humanity. Do not flatter ourselves too much because of our human victories over
nature. Nature takes revenge on us for each victory. Each victory brings the expected results,
on the one hand, but on the other hand and thirdly, it has very different unforeseen effects
that too often cancel the first. Environmentalists believe that the most important ecological
and social problem is the widespread disappearance of certain species of living organisms
from around the world. Biologists predict the extinction of animal and plant species to an
extent that is incomparably greater than extinction over millions of years. It is said that more
than half of the species extirpated in the last 2000 years did so after 1900. The International
Association for the Protection of Nature and Natural Resources calculates that an average of a
species or a subspecies is now lost every year. It is useful that about 1,000 species of birds
and animals are currently threatened with extinction. It is therefore true that the
environmental question has become urgent and must be understood and answered correctly
by man. Nature and history are two components of the environment in which we live, move
and prove ourselves.
Below we look at technology and the environment in four key areas: energy, climate, water
quality and waste disposal. In any case, we illustrate the double nature of the environmental
impact of technology. We are also examining the emerging relationship between the Internet
and the quality of the environment, which in turn seems to go both ways. We then see how
technology helps shape a policy that enables producers and consumers to recognize and
internalize the environmental costs of technology and drive innovation to clean the

• Direct effects are mainly caused by new technologies, by the production of completely new
substances (eg DDT and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)). Many of these new substances have
new and direct environmental impacts.

• Indirect effects result from the ability of humans to mobilize enormous resources and to
significantly increase economic performance through productivity and efficiency gains as a
result of continuous technological change. For example, the disappearance of infectious
diseases such as typhoid and cholera has extended lifespans and combined with shorter
working hours and higher incomes has changed time budgets and spending patterns.
Manipulation of human behavior can therefore lead to significant environmental changes.

The impact of technology can be divided into three main areas: agriculture, industry and

Agriculture. Besides fire, agriculture is the oldest human technology and has influenced the
natural environment for millennia. Intensive tillage, reservoirs and irrigation have been part
of many civilizations since ancient times. The world's population has increased significantly
since the 18th century. To provide the growing population with food, around 12 million km2
of forest and wetlands have been converted into arable land. One of the main impacts of
technology has been the significant improvement in agricultural practices in the past few
centuries. This improvement has allowed an increasing proportion of the growing population
to settle in cities. In most industrialized countries, less than 3% of the workforce now works
on farms. Before the industrial revolution and in many countries, this figure was 75%, and the
shift in agricultural employment led to urbanization. Many countries are currently
experiencing this change. In connection with general population growth, the increase in
migration from country to city leads to problems in terms of infrastructure, health, housing
and transport.

Industry - While important technological innovations have been identified in earlier historical
periods, the most important ones have been found that have a significant impact on the
environment eighteenth century. Meanwhile, innovations combined with the accumulation of
knowledge and social transformations have intensified to advance the industrial revolution.
During the industrial revolutions, there were three main trends: (a) the large-scale
replacement of machines for human effort and capacity, (b) the replacement of animal energy
by fossil fuels, which has increased considerably the energy available, and (c) the use of new
and abundant raw materials. Heavy coal-fired industry (eg steel production) dominated the
industry between the 1850s and the 1940s. Meanwhile, other technologies such as
petrochemicals, plastics, radio, and l electricity appeared. The era of mass production and
consumption is still as strong in the new millennium. The environmental impact of this era is
significant in that it produces waste and pollutants whose long-term effects we do not know.
The number of new materials and substances introduced in the past 50 years is significant.
Industrialization is at the heart of global change today.

Services. The service and information industry is an emerging and important technology
sector that is likely to dominate human behavior and the environmental impact of technology
in the near future. Consumer activities are decentralized and driven by complex motivational
structures. Their restrictions no longer depend solely on natural and economic resources and
technological restrictions, but also on human activities. In industrialized countries, the service
sector generally accounts for about two-thirds of economic output and employment.

Technology and economy.

Most societies in recent human history have attempted to increase their economic activity
through economic growth and an increased ability to provide goods and services. Economic
growth requires inputs and increased consumption of resources. It accelerates the flow of
matter and energy in society to achieve results. Technology contributes to this economic
growth; Therefore, technology and the economy are closely linked and can be treated with
macroeconomic or microeconomic models. The main drivers of this relationship are
population, demography, income level and standard of living, and resource use.
How technology affects the environment
Barely a day goes by without significant news on climate change and the damage we do to
our natural environment. Rising global temperatures, melting Arctic sea ice, plastic pollution
in the ocean, a sharp increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide and the extinction of mass
species embody the changes that are taking place on our planet. . Contemporary attempts to
manipulate and control the natural world have undermined our sense of the sacred.

1) Increased travel:

This point may seem uncomfortable, but it is true that we travel a lot now than in the past.
People traveled very little because of the lack of cars. But due to the improved technology
and speed of automobiles, we sometimes travel more and also unnecessarily. In this way, we
contribute directly to air pollution. We tour around the world and even on long journeys. This
has been done before when technology was weak. But then the risks of pollution were slim.
We had to rely on horses, camels and bulls to roam the streets. At sea, we depended on large
boats and ships. These modes of travel take time, but are less harmful to the environment.
However, current technology is so advanced that we can travel from one part of the world to
another in no time. It's great, but it poses a greater risk to human life and the environment.

The pollution from these trips is enormous. It occurs in the form of air, water and even noise
pollution. This pollution is harmful to health.

There is also a lack of physical exercise and we are developing sedentary habits.

2) Air and water pollution

Air pollution occurs when harmful or excessive amounts of gases such as carbon dioxide,
carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and methane are released into the Earth's
atmosphere. The main sources are all related to technologies that emerged after the industrial
revolution, such as the combustion of fossil fuels, factories, power plants, mass agriculture
and vehicles. The effects of air pollution include negative effects on human and animal health
and global warming, the increased amount of greenhouse gases in the air capturing thermal
energy from the Earth's atmosphere and causing global temperature rise.

Water pollution, on the other hand, is the contamination of bodies of water such as lakes,
rivers, oceans and groundwater, usually due to human activities. Some of the most common
water pollutants are household waste, industrial wastewater, insecticides and pesticides. A
concrete example is the discharge of insufficiently treated wastewater into natural waters,
which can lead to the deterioration of aquatic ecosystems. Other harmful effects are diseases
such as typhoid and cholera, eutrophication and the destruction of ecosystems which have a
negative impact on the food chain.
3) Depletion of natural resources

Resource consumption is another negative impact of technology on the environment. It refers

to the consumption of a resource faster than it can be replenished. Natural resources are those
that exist without humans having created them, and they can be renewable or non-renewable.
There are different types of resource scarcity, the most serious being the aquifer Depletion,
deforestation, depletion of fossil fuels and minerals, contamination of resources, soil erosion
and excessive use of resources. These are mainly due to agriculture, mining, water
consumption and the consumption of fossil fuels, all of which have been made possible by
technological advances.

Due to the increasing world population, the deterioration of natural resources is also
increasing. As a result, the global ecological footprint is estimated at one and a half times the
Earth's capacity to provide everyone with sufficient resources to meet their consumption in a
sustainable manner. Large-scale mineral and petroleum exploration has increased since the
industrial revolution, resulting in an increasing natural shortage of oil and minerals. Along
with advances in technology, development and research, mining has become easier and
people are digging deeper for more access, which has resulted in lower production of many

Furthermore, the impact of deforestation has never been so serious. The World Bank has
indicated that the net loss of global forest between 1990 and 2015 was 1.3 million km2. This
is mainly for agricultural reasons, but also because of the deforestation of fuels and the
creation of space for residential areas, favored by the increase in population pressure. Not
only does this result in the loss of trees, which are important because they remove carbon
dioxide from the atmosphere, but thousands of plants and animals lose their natural habitat
and are extinct.
Technology is a major part of everyone's life. Every day we face technology at home, at
school, and at work. We use this technique to improve our lives. But are we really? With the
advancement of technology, there is the issue of polluting the world in which we live. In
today's world, humans are very comfortable: they eat, they watch television, they sleep. Many
people do not realize that they are taking health risks every day when they do their daily
activities. Humans are becoming more dependent on machines to perform normal activities.
With the advancement in technology, people are at greater risk for their health. Not only are
new forms of entertainment designed solely, but factories have also been built, which pollute
the air and drink water. Man will do anything to make life easier, but without reason, to make
life easier. But is it really a comfortable life? People still have to go to work, still have to
breathe in polluted air and have other effects, all of which can be dangerous to their health.
Humans continue to manufacture harmful substances for the environment, and they call it
"technology." True, this may be "technology," but apparently citizens do not see that it is in
control of their lives. Most of the technology is for luxury and entertainment, while there are
a few selected manufacturing needs (airplanes, food machines, etc.). People need to stop
relying on artificial intelligence for ordinary tasks.
Although technology can be a powerful force to improve our lives, it comes at a cost. New
technologies are often a burden to the environment. This disadvantage can come from
acquiring resources to develop new technologies, or through toxic by-products of
technological production. This could include waste generated by the technology, or a cast of
outdated technology. This very first technique and its effect on the natural environment led to
the emission of greenhouse gases, which accumulated over a million years of extensive use of

Environmental pollution is the result of a lack of technology and control measures. In recent
years there has been more production of machines, weapons and vehicles than technological
improvements. The use of better utilities leads to increased demand, affecting the supply of
essential quality products, which are the key factors in industrialization using better
technology. The importance of technology in such cases reflects human satisfaction.
However, in the manufacturing and processing industries there is adverse environmental
pollution due to increased production, weapons inspection and overuse of vehicles such as
cars. Air pollution, water and noise pollution are key components of the environment that are
constantly polluting as a result of technology. The release of large quantities of gases, such as
CO2 into the air by large industries, causes air pollution, which in turn causes a drastic drop
in the environment. Again, residual drainage in rivers and water systems by industries and
other organizations is a threat to the environment through water pollution. Similarly a
Excessive pollution in the inspection and use of weapons from industries is the cause of their
regular production processes and vehicle environment degradation.

Environmental degradation is a growing concern because continuous industrialization is seen

in most developed countries. There are three major side effects to the environment considered
in this article of technology. First, the environmental pollution caused by waste residues is the
result of technology. The second effect of growing technology is contributing to global
warming. After all, today there is a lack of technology due to a lack of natural resources and
environmental imbalances. Environmental pollution is the result of a lack of technology and
control measures. In recent years there has been more production of machines, weapons and
vehicles than technological improvements. The use of better utilities leads to increased
demand, affecting the supply of essential quality products, which are the key factors in
industrialization using better technology. The importance of technology in such cases reflects
human satisfaction. However, in the manufacturing and processing industries there is adverse
environmental pollution due to increased production, weapons inspection and overuse of
vehicles such as cars. Air pollution, water and noise pollution are key components of the
environment that are constantly polluting as a result of technology. The release of large
quantities of gases, such as CO2 into the air by large industries, causes air pollution, which in
turn causes a drastic drop in the environment. Again, residual drainage in rivers and water
systems by industries and other organizations is a threat to the environment through water
pollution. Similarly, excessive noise pollution from the investigation and use of weapons,
their continuous production processes and vehicles from industries are the cause of
environmental deterioration.

In addition, technology contributes to a lack of resources. The development and use of

technology is contributing to enhance industrial activity which requires raw materials from
natural resources such as coal, wood and wildlife. In addition, the large agricultural activities
experienced in Bangladesh are productive, but lack of natural resources such as forest cover,
water and soil fertility. The power and the structure of its organisms is a possible
phenomenon. Agricultural activities such as bushfires, deforestation and the use of chemicals
are exploitation of the environment to increase the fertility of the earth. Along with the
extensive mining of gold, diamonds and other minerals, there is an activity that is
contributing to a resource shortage at an alarming rate. Overuse of fossil fuels and other
resources stops being productive and poses a threat to the environment. In addition,
imbalances and disruptions of the ecosystem arise from technological advances in the modern
world. Disruption of environmental life and the disappearance of organisms from their
natural habitat is a direct consequence of technology.

The uniqueness of agricultural activities and home populations from their natural habitats to
growing populations is a testament to how technology causes environmental imbalances. Due
to the availability of advanced technology, people have to work in a conveniently appropriate
way to meet their basic needs and productivity needs. Human incarnations of activities such
as deforestation, widespread agricultural activities, environmental pollution that lead to
change in Natural life cycles that sustain the environment. Although the ecosystem may
reverse these negative effects, the environment will continue to decline and eventually
collapse by the disastrous human activities impacted by technology. Finally, current issues
are the adverse effects of technology and environmental factors on global warming. The
increase in controlled technology and use in the fields leads to imbalances of atmospheric
gases, especially due to air and water pollution. The emission of harmful gases such as CO2
produces large amounts of greenhouse effect, which is a major component of global
warming. Greenhouse gases are the result of such poor agricultural practices, transportation
systems, manufacturing processes, and renewable electricity generation activities, particularly
coal consumption. By burning and clearing decayed land, fossil fuels concentrate harmful
gases that affect the climate.

The high percentage of environmental problems is a direct result of the management of

technology by innovators and users. A small part of the environmental issues are related to
economic, social and natural changes from human activities. Climate change is technically
affected as a result of environmental pollution, environmental system disturbance, lack of
natural resources and global warming. Technology is important for growth and productivity
to meet human needs, but uncontrollable technology negatively affects the environment.


From the great space race of the 1960s to the invention of the Kia K900, humans have come a

long way from their ancestors' days in caves.

Technology is the reason why. Carrying in cars and trains, computers and refrigerators; it

gives the world electricity in the dark and entertainment during boredom. It saves lives. It

saves time. Going constant, and it's everywhere . But what about the real and tangible

benefits that technology had in modern society?

What results can you point out by making a list of positive and negative results? When you're
ready to be impressed by machines, these are just seven ways that technology has made the
world a little better than it found it.

1)Effective Transportation
Cars have become so ubiquitous in the world that many people cannot even imagine life

without them.
They changed the only transportation to have changed the human environment, however.
Anything with wheels or wings would seem like science fiction to early civilizations, and the
prospect of simply climbing into something with an engine and being able to travel anywhere
in the world? That would have been absolutely unthinkable.

2) Fast, Far-Flung Communication

It should come as no surprise that technology has significantly improved both the method
and the speed of communication worldwide. In the days of feathers and parchments I sent a
letter hoping for the best; In 2014, you can send text, tweet, drop, call, email, fax, and "click"
if you have information that needs attention. Going more, handheld tech ensures that you can
do it all without even leaving the couch! This kind of convenience and open-access
communication has allowed everyone in the world can connect, correspond and collaborate
on a global scale.3: Better Goods and ServicesIt's an understood psychological truth that
people behave better when they know being being watched. In an age where every customer
has a mobile phone camera, businesses are under this scrutiny 24/7, and forced to stay on
their toes to keep their doors open and their lights running.
When customers are treated rude, they can sign up on websites like Yelp and leave negative
comments. Fall Detector If they find dirty and uncomfortable conditions, they can record a
video in a few minutes and start a virus exposure. Businesses that want to succeed in the 21st
century must keep a constant eye on consumer satisfaction, and in turn, this means better
products, improved services and enriched business-to-customer relations.

4: Streamlined Systems

Think About the last time you had to wait more than ten minutes for a cup of coffee. How
frustrated did the experience leave you? Now imagine what it must have been like to live in
the 1900s when all coffee beans were harvested and roasted by hand. Machines have made all
the difference in how we perceive time and efficiency, especially in high-tech industries
where streaming data is the norm and the Internet is the foundation of business. The
automation of processing allows everyone to sit back and let the machines do all the work.

5) Meaningful Exchanges

The world has opened up with the rise of IT.

Not only can people simply log on to their cell phones to speak with friends from New York
to New Zealand, but the quality of their dialogue has also improved. The more you interact
with someone, the more you understand them, and the more cultural barriers to cease to exist.
Positive, meaningful communication is shared. The U.S. The government has already sent
shuttles into space with greetings to other life forms who may be out there. Who knows?
6) Longer lives

Advancements in medical tech are already thanks to this, though you can also point to
everything from better schools to improved agricultural systems. People are smarter now,
capable of dreaming, building and creating complex machines, and their gadgets and gizmos
have played a pivotal role in how they interact with the world around them. Men who are
only living their forties today are considered tragic.

7) Improved Media

Satellite systems are revolutionizing the way people exchange information. For the first time,
citizens could see and hear the world events for themselves. You just have to look at the
Kennedy-Nixon debate to see how this has changed the future. However, the consequences
go beyond politics and also affect science, business, finance, schools, computers and the
environment. No branch was touched or shaped by the media. They can deal with their
presence in different ways, but it is still part of their way of working. These are just seven
positive benefits that technology had in modern society.There are many more, but it's a long,
exhaustive and ever-growing list, and by the time you catalouged them all, someone would
probably have invented a new gadget that rendered everything on the list. Such is the power
of innovation in the 21st century.
It is undoubtedly true that technology is a major cause of environmental disruptions or
problems, and the fact that how humans use technology has a profound impact on the
environment. Like the two sides of the coin technique, it also has 2 sides, it can be both the
source and remedy for environmental problems. It plays an important role in environmental
monitoring and monitoring on a global and local scale. While technology plays an important
role in finding solutions to all environmental problems, it does nothing by itself. Technology
is a social work that responds to social, cultural, political and economic demands and
priorities. These technologies have harmed our world in two main ways; Pollution and lack of
natural resources.

Talking about the Indian scenario, pollution is a major contributor to climate change and
there is increasing concern in India. Air pollution causes the country to suffer the most illness
in the world. It is estimated that 100% of the population lives in concentrated areas of PM2.5,
meaning that pollution particles less than 2.5 cm in diameter are above WHO guidelines.

In addition, because India is home to more than 17% of the world's population and makes it
the second most populous country in the world, it is estimated that about 25-30 people from
the rural areas of India are cities. Go into In addition to further development and population
growth, environmental pollution is expected to increase.

Technology is likely to be an important promoter to prevent pollution not only in India, but
worldwide. According to the Ericsson Mobility Report, information communication and
technology solutions such as the Internet of Things can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions
by 15% by 2030. Areas like transportation, power grid, construction, agriculture and land use
can be improved. With the help of technology.

Another implication of the technology is the lack of natural resources, as most of the
multinationals are coming to India for business, the consumption of resources is fast because
it may have to be replenished.

Despite all the adverse effects of technology on the environment, the recent increase in
concerns about climate change has prompted the development of new technology in the
environment, which aims to solve some of the biggest environmental problems. India, among
other countries, signed a Paris Agreement in 2016 to make ambitious efforts to combat
climate change by raising global temperatures below 2 percent Celsius from the pre-industrial

But as stated, technology itself cannot change everything, a lot depends on us and how we
use it, taking into account the environmental aspects. Only by recognizing the basic social
changes that are needed - and by including our communities in the definition of a path
forward - will we be able to move these unique technological resources to a better future.
Equipped with technology, we can definitely help the world breathe better. This is on all of
Intel Pentium chip was invented by Vinod Dham, the world famous and most used
chip in compact trains. He is also known as the 'Father of the Pentium Chip'.

2) USB
USB is part of our daily life. This small, data storage gadget was co-authored by Ajay
Bharat, an Indian-American computer computer architect. But he didn't put any
money in it and that's fine. According to a Business Insider report, Ajay said he didn't
do it for the money, instead he did it for a change. And accordingly, many times
people do not get the chance to make this big change.

Dr. Narendra Singh Kapani is best known as one of the 7 "unsung heroes" by Bharchi
Magazine Magazine and is widely known for his pioneering work in fiber optics

It was India, and it was none other than Tipu Sultan, ruler of Mysore, and his father,
Haider Ali, who first used iron casings and a metal-cylinder rocket against the British
East India Company in 1780.

Cotton gin is a machine used to separate soft seeds from seeds. According to
cucumbers found in Ajanta caves, simple handhold rollers called charadha have been
used in India since at least 500 AD. Although this machine has gone through many
changes over time, the most important form of cotton has come from India.


Indian chemistry professor Rajagopalan Vasudevan prepared a plan to convert plastic
waste into bitumen - which is used for road construction. Also known as the "Plastic
Man", Vasudevan's clever conference has built 3000 miles (5,000 km) of plastic roads
in at least 11 states.


Most students in rural India do not have proper desks, which makes them difficult to
learn - looking poor and contributing to postures. Marketing firm DDB India and non-
profit organization Arma have created a creative solution called Help Desk. Made
from discarded cardboard, the cardboard desk doubles as a briefcase like a school bag
and costs only 20 rupees to manufacture. The helpdesk is making a significant
difference in the lives of students and is easy to export to other countries as needed.
Arshah Shah, a 16-year-old Indian boy, is a talkative, co-author, Taluk - an aide and
an alternative communication tool - that transforms breathing into speech and speech
commands and phrases. This patent-pending technical conference has the potential to
transform the lives of people with developmental disabilities and speech impairments.
Heartbreak was the last of the science fairs at Google Science and the Portable
Convention is expected to hit the market in the near future. After all the difficulties,
India and all the global Indians from time to time proved that we have the power to
change the world or at least make it a better place to live.
Almost every modern business relies on technology. Through the widespread use of
computer computers, smart phones, tablets, or the Internet, businesses have built
themselves behind the technology. However, such assurance brings potential for some
major technical risks. When its hardware, software and / or applications compromise
on-line cyber-attacks or equipment failures, organizations face technical risks.
Personal records and financial information can be stolen and sold in the black market
by criminals in a few days or hours. Every organization or employee is exposed to
global cyber attacks with smart phones, which are difficult to understand and predict.

Entrepreneurs around the world are innovating to reduce the impact of climate change
on five major sectors.

Large-scale wind and solar power in the US, India, China and Saudi Arabia;

Small-scale off-grid solar where the energy infrastructure is underdeveloped;

Efficiency technologies worldwide.

35% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions and industrial expansion will only
increase energy consumption in emerging markets when climate change mitigation
technology opportunities are embraced.

The good news is that the use of renewable energy has reached a global level, where
demand for clean energy sources for solar and new technologies is increasing in
emerging and developed markets. In fact, renewable energy is expected to become the
cheapest form of new power generation by 2020

China is ahead of all other countries in terms of total energy consumption and
emissions. Yet its government remains highly focused on reducing pollution and
energy emissions. The International Energy Agency estimates that by 2020 40% of
the total renewable energy capacity will come from China.

The Indian government is also actively increasing the use of renewables. In 2016, the
country unveiled the world's largest solar power plant. India is now on track to
become the world's third largest solar market in the US and China in 2017.

Animals Methane Reduction;

Varieties of efficient seeds and crops in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia;
The mechanism of agricultural processes is to reduce livestock emissions for
smallholder farms.
After years of neglect, agro-technology has begun to enrich entrepreneurial
imagination and provide new investment opportunities. Agtech investment reached
6.6 billion in 2015, up 95% over 2014. Although agriculture accounts for 13% of
global greenhouse emissions, this effect is significant in countries that rely heavily on
this area for export. For example, in Argentina, Australia and India, agriculture
accounts for more than one-third of total greenhouse gas emissions. In Bangladesh
and Rwanda, where agriculture plays a major economic role, the area accounts for
more than half of the total emissions.

While Agtech focuses mostly on biofilms, seed genetics and water extraction, it now
includes the development of new techniques to reduce the extraction of methane from
livestock - especially livestock. For example, in Argentina, scientists are developing
methane-rich backpacks for cows. The results of the liminary suggest that the
backpack can contain enough methane to power a cow's fridge 24 hours a day.

Aztec also includes a new technology for sustaining crop growth in extreme weather
conditions, such as Nigeria and Bangladesh.

The governments of agri-heavy countries are improving the investment landscape for
Aztec startups. In Australia, the government has partnered with the National Farmers
Federation to create Agtech Startup Accelerator Sportex. In Turkey, the development
of the following technologies is booming, as the government sets ambitious targets in
the world's top five agricultural producers by 2023. The three largest global emigrants
- focusing on technology investments - in China, India and Brazil. Modernization of
agricultural sector and increase of crop production.


Green building retrofits in major cities;

Vertical farming;

Remote sensing system for monitoring deforestation.

The built environment indicates emissions of greenhouse gases arising from new land
transfers for agricultural, industrial and urban development - buildings as well as
"land use, land use and forestry" (LULUCF). . About 40% of the world's greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions come from buildings, and another 10% -12% comes from
FLUCA, including deforestation.

In some emerging countries, deforestation can have a major contribution to

greenhouse gas emissions in Indonesia - 70% in Indonesia and 51% in Brazil. The
latter used remote sensing systems and forest erosion controllers, and other systems to
alert authorities to illegal rainfall, to monitor and mitigate the destruction of the
Amazon rain forests. Focusing is done. Enhancing more efficient farming techniques
such as vertical farming can also meet forest degradation.

The energy-efficiency movement in buildings has, at the moment, become a global

business in itself. The increase in green-building certification - such as Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design (LED) - is on the rise in developing countries, as
commercial real estate owners realize they are becoming more efficient with some of
the most powerful. Can get more benefits. The number of LED certifications in the
United States has increased from 366 in 2006 to 36,300 in 2016. And it's not just the
United States; For example, Poland increased green potatoes by 60% from 2014 to

New technologies work well beyond solar panels and green roofs. Energy efficiency
is now behind the scenes with automated building management systems that detect
patterns of use of lighting, heating and air conditioning. Lighting technology is also
an area of opportunity, as are innovations in window insulation, which absorb heat in
winter and keep out the sun in summer.

The non-profit Trade and Sustainability Development Commission estimates that 30

state-of-the-art buildings, clean vehicles, urban public transport and green buildings in
cities could represent more than $ 1.1 trillion in opportunities globally by the year
2030. With more than half coming from skilled buildings.


Increasing demand for electric vehicles in developed markets;

Public transport and biodiesel innovation in Brazil and Argentina;

Low cost transportation in low income economies.

I understand, but the long-promised future of the transport industry is now

understood. According to the International Energy Relations Association, the electric
vehicle market will account for 75% of global car sales by 2050. Efforts are also
underway to make vehicles equipped with solar panels.

Stringent rules for clean air policy makers are at the forefront of thinking about traffic
in new ways. Public transport is being made more public holiday efficient. According
to the report, initiatives to increase green public transport will be in strict demand for
clean transport technologies in the UK as well as in the United States.

Clean transportation technology is most needed, especially in rapidly growing

emerging markets. The demand for vehicles in India is expected to nearly double by
2020. Considering the demand for clean transportation in Brazil, the country has a
culture of single-car ownership and a large and well-established biofilm market.
Authorities are also exploring the construction of cleaner public transport in cities
such as São Paulo.


Carbon capture and storage technology;

High efficiency industrial power generation in Bangladesh;

Double industrial production development in emerging economies of counties.

The corporation is fighting against industrial pollution as part of its continuous

efforts. At the end of last year, for example, a group of oil companies - including
Amerco, Royal Dutch Shell and BP - invested a billion dollars in the development of
carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology over the next 10 years. .

Public protests against industrial pollution are also prompting governments to take
action in advanced and emerging economies.

The biggest opportunities for technological investment in the region are in emerging
economies, namely China and India, where growth in industrial sectors is expected to
grow by 25% and 40% respectively, by 2020. This increases the need for innovations
that are already low, with hazardous pollution levels in both countries.

China, where air pollution is a high political issue, tried to establish itself as a climate
leader, advancing a progressive agenda, including plans to implement a cap-and-trade
program in 2017 . In its latest five-year plan, China announced that it would seek to
reduce factory emissions by 25%.

Meanwhile, the Indian government has set a target of 20% reduction in the country's
emissions by 2020, while in 2016 its air pollution levels in China also decreased.
Indian corporations have also adopted clean air technology. In early 2017, for
example, a plant in Tuticorin, South India, installed a technology that captures carbon
dioxide from coal fired boilers and converts it into baking soda. It is the first
industrial-scale carbon capture initiative that has turned carbon emissions into a
business opportunity.
1. Measure probability and impact:
Once the information is collected, organizations identify key areas of concern and
measure the growth potential and impact of their business activities. This assists in the
development of a plan that the organization must pursue. Many organizations will
appoint IT experts to assist in the process.

2. Security Risk Analysis:

Organizations should identify any security vulnerabilities that may arise from a new
international enterprise. This may include external threats such as cyber crime and
cyber terrorism, as well as internal threats such as limited information distribution.
Organizations should review security requirements related to the following areas:
System Access and Control Authorization Transaction Authorization Authority Data
Integrity Audit Trailing Security Event Tracking Exception Handling System Activity
Security Security Logging can perform system tests anywhere. System performance
under recovery conditions.

3. Analyze the risk of hardware and software failure:

Organizations should consider what are the risks of hardware and / or software failure
for the enterprise and overall operations. How stable is the organization's use of
equipment and software, or plans to use it? What are the possible consequences of

4. Analyze the risks of our tossing:

It is very common for organizations to be a third-party company to handle system
development and maintenance, network administration, disaster recovery services,
application hosting, and cloud computing. It is important that organizations carefully
select vendors to ensure their viability, capacity, reliability, track record and financial

5. Identification of controlled technology:

Some organizations that buy and sell technology need to find out what constitutes
control technology within their jurisdiction. For example, the United States has a
Commercial Control List (CCL) list of goods and technologies that require a permit to
export from the United States. If an organization is trading in these goods. , He should
analyze the permit. For the purposes of export control, 'controlled technology' means
that the specific information that exports are legally regulated will be required for
their development, manufacture or use. This information can be a plan, manual,
model, and more. It can be written, printed, recorded, saved, spoken or passed in
another way electronically. For example, most things There are controlled exports
designed for personal use. Therefore, information for them, such as production
pictures, is a controlled technique. Organizations should use services and publications
in their respective courts to get more specific information about controlled technology
and possible exclusions.

6. Measuring effectiveness:
Once the risks of foreign material assets are analyzed, their potential impact should be
measured. Consider an illustration by Canadian candy maker Ken Coco. Has Coco
decided to expand its e-commerce operations and set up its own business in the
United States? The plan involves attending trade shows and events in the United
States to launch online stores. Coco is not currently planning to open a retail store but
is considering it for the future. Is Coco arguing for the incoming United States to be
processed? Orders and customer inquiries. It is figuring out whether to handle a home
order or outsource a job to a third party company. Has Coco hired a third-party IT
consulting company to analyze the risks involved in this new venture? Has Coco
identified a potential outsourcing company.

7. Rate the potential risks and report the desired result:

The consulting company obtains the information provided by Coco and describes the
potential risks. They provide Cain with a threat profile overview for cocoa, outlining
their risk types as well as risks. The outline of the threat posed to Can Coco suggests
that the organization wants to focus on mitigation strategies to address priority issues,
including cyber crime, outsourcing, internal fraud and hardware / software. The
company wants to test another outsourcing provider that has more security measures
to reduce the risk of outsourcing risk. It may also be wise to invest in more stable
hardware / software before starting an enterprise. This analysis addresses the key
areas that the company has to address before starting its latest venture. Once the data
is collected and analyzed, the organization reaches a decision point. This decision
cannot be made simply by considering the risks of technology. Once all the risk
factors are analyzed, an organization should select one of the risk management
options. These are: risk reduction risk transfer risk reduction.
Despite the adverse effects of technology on the environment, the latest increase in global
concern for climate change has led to the development of new environmental technologies,
which we aim to address, addressing some of the major environmental concerns. The media
is more sustainable as a society. To become a leader. , A low carbon economy.
Environmental technology is also known as 'green' or 'clean' technology and it marks the
development of new technology that aims to protect, monitor or reduce the adverse effects of
technology on the environment and resource consumption.
The Paris Agreement, signed in 2016, has forced almost every country in the world to make
ambitious efforts to combat climate change, assuming that global average temperatures are
below 2 Celsius below average. Above the level.
This section will focus on the positive effects of technology on the environment, resulting in
the development of environmental technologies such as renewable energy technology,
electric smart technology, electric vehicles and carbon dioxide removal.

Renewable .Release
Renewable, known as 'clean energy quilt', is an energy deposit that is collected from
renewable sources that naturally reproduce sunlight, wind, rain, poisons, waves and
atmospheric heat. Are filled. Modern environmental technology has helped us to achieve this
naturally-occurring energy source and transform it into appliances, such as solar panels, wind
and water turbines, in an electric or conducive heat, which has a very positive impact on the
environment and technology. Is.
Renewable sources currently generate more than 20% of the UK's electricity, after being
beaten by coal in 2015, to become our second largest generator, and the EU's goal is to
achieve 30% by 2020. Growth is likely to grow as many renewable projects leave projects
larger - at the same time, renewable technologies are also suited for remote areas and
developing countries, where human development is energy efficient. Is often important.
Renewable technologies The cost of custom technologies such as solar power panels and
wind turbines is decreasing and government investment is on the rise. It has contributed more
than 1.6 million to the total amount of roofing solar installations in Australia from
approximately 4,600 homes between 2007 and 2017.

Smart technology
Smart Home Technology uses devices such as sensors and other devices connected to the
Internet of Things (IoT) that can be remotely monitored and programmed to meet the needs
of efficient users and users can answer
Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of Internet-connected objects capable of collecting and
exchanging data using embedded sensor technologies. This allows devices in the data
network to make autonomous decisions based on real-time information. For example,
intelligent lighting illuminates only those areas that are a desirable temperature, and a smart
thermostat can keep homes at certain temperatures during certain times of the day, thus
reducing waste.
This is enabled by the Internet's connectivity as a result of the increasing availability of WiFi,
Bluetooth and smart sensors in environmental technology buildings and cities. Experts are
predicting that cities of the future will be the places where every car, phone, air conditioner,
lights and many more are interconnected, bringing the concept of 'efficient city to smart
The technology of the Internet further illustrates the positive impact of technology on the
environment, due to the fact that social media can raise awareness of global issues and create
virtual labs around the world. Experts from different fields can remotely share their research,
experiences and ideas with better solutions. In addition, travel is minimized as meetings /
communications between friends and family can be done approximately, which reduces
pollution from traffic congestion.
Electric vehicle
Electric Vehicle Environmental Technology is powered by one or more electric motors,
which utilize the energy stored in rechargeable batteries. Since 2008, the construction of
electric vehicles has increased due to environmental concerns such as environmental
pollution and the desire to reduce greenhouse gases.
Electric vehicles exhibit a positive impact of technology on the environment as they do not
produce carbon emissions, which contribute to the 'greenhouse effect' and cause global
warming. In addition, they do not contribute to air pollution, meaning they are clean and less
harmful to human health, animals, plants and water.
Recently several environmental technology governments have promoted plug-in vehicles, tax
credits and subsidies to encourage the introduction and adoption of electric vehicles. Electric
vehicles are likely to be the way forward for Haryana society as companies like Bloomberg
predicted that they could be cheaper than petrol cars by 2024 and, according to Nissan, are
actually fuel from the UK's fuel stations. Vehicle charging stations are more.

'Direct Air Capture' (DAC) - environmental technology to remove carbon from the
To conclude with a slightly more important technique, the idea of extracting carbon dioxide
directly from the environment has revolved around years of research to reduce climate
change, though it has been recently implemented and is still undergoing development. Is. Is.
Environmental technology is known as air direct air capture (DAC) and is the process of
acquiring carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere and producing a dense stream of CO2
for sequencing or use. The air is then pushed through the filter by several large fans, where
CO2 is removed. It is believed that this technique can be used to manage emissions from
distributed sources, such as emissions from cars. Full-scale DAC applications are capable of
absorbing an equal amount of carbon in the annual emissions of 250,000 average emissions.
Many people argue that DOC is essential for reducing climate change and that Paris can help
reach climate change goals, as carbon dioxide in the air has been the main cause of the
problem. However, the high cost of DAC right now means that it is not a widespread choice
and some believe that relying on this technology will pose a risk as it can reduce emissions
reductions as people make excuses. All their drainage can be removed just now.
While we cannot reverse the negative impact of technology on the environment due to
industrialization, many believe that the rapid decarbonization and redistribution of our
economy, including new environmental technologies, such as renewables, logistics and
resorts, resorts. Ability to bring. For more damaging damage.
Technology leads to rapid development and change. But at the same time technology
is increasing resources very rapidly. This means that raw material is also very fast.
There is a mix between technology and the environment. In some ways, this is good
for the environment, but in other ways it is bad.

Why bad? - The main problem with technology is that as we get more and more
technology, the demand for electricity (more electronics) is increasing, which leads to
higher demand for organic fuel. In addition, should not be ignored, not all living fuel
is safe, some are harmful.

Why good - IT can be used to help reduce stress in the environment. A good example
of this is the "Smart Grid" which is currently under development. This will help to
utilize electricity more efficiently, thus reducing demand and utilizing resources to
generate electricity.

Therefore, technology is a powerful tool today to improve performance in any pursuit

of human activity. It can be used to achieve any goal of human endeavor efficiently
and effectively. Environmental protection and improvement is one of the many areas
where technology can contribute.

Science and technology are the best thing a society can ask. From the industrial
revolution, science is in progress. Some areas promoted by science and technology are
energy relaxation, physics, information and communication. Science and technology
have benefited society greatly. Without society there is no technology and no science.
Certain tools and accessories have helped to achieve great things. Society today
cannot do without industries, and thus both are interdependent.

Technology can help us save the planet, but we must learn anything to respect nature.
Technology is fundamentally changing the way we live, work, interact with each
other and the outside world. There is no historical example of the speed, breadth and
depth of current successes and almost every region in every country is deteriorating.
Now more than ever, the advent of new technology has the potential to change
environmental protection.

New agility to support our development .The search for colors has always been a
major driver of technological development. Today, our civilization is facing a new
unprecedented challenge, technology can play an important role in reducing
development and environmental degradation.

The permission is obvious. No human technology can completely replace the

'technology of nature' that is perfect for hundreds of millions of years to provide great
services to sustain life on earth. A fertile, diverse natural world and a stable
environment have been the foundation of the success of our civilization, and will
continue to be so in the future. One of the fundamental issues of past technological
revolutions is the softness with which we have taken steps towards healthy natural
systems Such as forests, oceans, river valleys (all characterized and maintained by
biodiversity), rather than as a condition for development.

Currently, we are using source and ecosystem services because we have 1.7 means
and such ecological overshoot is only possible for a limited period before the
ecosystem collapses and eventually, disappears. As global biodiversity continues to
decline, the health and functioning of important ecosystems such as forests, oceans,
rivers, and wetlands will be affected. In addition to the effects of climate change that
are evident in warnings from global scientists and the increasing frequency and
intensity of extreme weather events worldwide; It is destructive to the balance of the
planet's environment and our existence. It is not just luck and misery, the risk is real.
Every day new evidence of our illicit impact on the environment is emerging.

According to the records, the last five years have been a hot period of five years. In
just 40 years, sea and freshwater wildlife have declined by 60% worldwide, and by
2020 a two-thirds decline. Blinky eyes, some of these species live on our planet,
compared to hundreds of millions of years.
Why is this the case? It matters because we will not build a stable, prosperous and
harmonious future on a secluded planet.

It is time to focus on solutions that we know exist or are likely to evolve, and this is
where technology, along with behavioural change, can help restore our nature and the
health of the planet.

From the high seas to the depths of the world's most dense forests, technology can
change how we identify, measure, track, and appreciate the many services and
resources provided by nature.
Based on the discussion in the previous chapters of this report, a number of accompanying
key research challenges and needs have been identified and summarized below. Although the
major challenges are numbered, they are all important in the context of this report and for the
triple bottom line of the chemical industry now and in the future. However, it shows how the
various major challenges (ovals) address the sustainability transition (large arrows) from the
current paradigm to the ideal vision in two critical periods:
1. Over the next 20 years (2005-2025) of continued use of fossil fuels (especially oil) as the
main source of energy and chemical resources that manage carbon, the intensive use of
energy resources will be reduced and educational efforts to promote sustainable thinking. will
be critical and
2. The next 20-100 years (2025-2105) in which the use of fossil fuels will cease and in which
the ability to carry out chemistry and green engineering (based on a basic understanding of
the effects of the cycle) will exist, life expectancy and chemical toxicology ) and access to
alternative renewable sources for fuels and raw materials will be essential.

Global warming, soil pollution, ozone depletion, hazardous waste, acid rain, radioactive
hazards, climate change, desertification, deforestation, noise and declining biodiversity are
examples of current environmental problems. that's nations all over the world in common.
The growth of the human population and the increase or deterioration in living standards due
to the use or misuse of technology exacerbate these problems. If the interaction between
humans and the environment continues and the human population increases with current
trends, the evidence shows that irreversible environmental damage can be affected on this
fragile planet. However, the knowledge acquired through science and the intelligent use of
technology, as well as the will and positive attitude of people as individuals and as nations,
can take a sustainable way to save the world from possible catastrophes caused by science if
this is not enough, there is evidence that individuals and nations understand the fragility of
the environment. There are also positive signs of development in international cooperation.

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