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Using Excel Tools for Slope Stability

Beena Ajmera and Binod Tiwari

Each year landslides around the world are responsible for the loss of
hundreds of lives, damage to infrastructure, billions of dollars in economic
loss and have an impact on the environment. An understanding of the
stability of slopes is crucial to reduce the impact of landslides and there are
several available methods and computer programs to do so. However, the
development of simple spreadsheets to evaluate the stability of slopes can
be beneficial in reducing the cost of purchasing commercially available
programs and the learning component associated with these programs.
This teaching tools outlines the procedures to develop Excel Spreadsheets
for four commonly used slope stability analysis methods. Specifically,
step-by-step procedures to determine the factor of safety using the
Ordinary Method of Slices, Bishop’s Simplified Method, Simplified Janbu
Method and the Lowe and Karafiath Method are provided.

Slope stability Excel tools Ordinary method of slices

Bishop’s simplified method Janbu simplified method Lowe’s method 

B. Ajmera
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 1 Introduction........................................................ 414
California State University Fullerton, 800 N. State 2 Available Methods and Software for
College Blvd., E-318, Fullerton, CA 92831, USA Conducting Slope Stability Analysis................ 414
e-mail: 3 Spreadsheet for Ordinary Method
of Slices ............................................................... 414
B. Tiwari (&) 4 Spreadsheet for Bishop’s Simplified
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Method ................................................................ 417
California State University Fullerton, 800 N. State 5 Spreadsheet for Lowe and Karafiath
College Blvd., E-419, Fullerton, CA 92831, USA and Simplified Janbu Methods ........................ 418

© Springer International Publishing AG 2018 413

K. Sassa et al. (eds.), Landslide Dynamics: ISDR-ICL Landslide
Interactive Teaching Tools,
414 B. Ajmera and B. Tiwari

6 Conclusions......................................................... 420 unknowns in each method and some of the sit-

References .................................................................. 420 uations where the method is commonly used.
A number of software programs have been
developed that incorporate the methods described
1 Introduction in Table 1 to evaluate the stability of slopes.
Some such programs are RocScience Slide 6.0
Landslides are widespread hazards occurring and GeoStudio Slope/W. The remainder of this
worldwide as a result of a variety of natural and tool will focus on the development of simple
manmade causes. Each year they cause billions spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel to conduct
of dollars of property damage, the loss of life and slope stability analysis using the Ordinary
infrastructures. Thus, it is crucial to understand Method of Slices, Bishop’s Simplified Method,
the stability of the slope and design preventive Simplified Janbu and Lowe and Karafaith
measures accordingly. The stability of the slope procedures.
is usually expressed as the ratio of resisting for-
ces to driving forces in terms of a quantity known
as the factor of safety (FS). There are many 3 Spreadsheet for Ordinary Method
available methods to determine the factor of of Slices
safety of a slope. These methods vary in the
complexity of the formulations from very simple Figure 1 shows a screenshot of an Excel
to computational intensive numerical calcula- Spreadsheet developed to use the Ordinary
tions. While some of the available techniques can Method of Slices (Fellenius 1936) to evaluate the
be easily programmed into spreadsheets, several factor of safety of the slope. In Row 1, the input
software programs are commercially available to parameters for the slope are presented. Specifi-
conduct slope stability analysis. This teaching cally, n is the number of slices, c is the unit
tool will first briefly summarize the commonly weight of the slope material, cw is the unit weight
methods for determining the factor of safety of of water, c is the cohesion and / is the friction
slope and a list of commercially available soft- angle of the material at the sliding surface.
ware programs to preform analysis using these Beginning from Row 2, the details of the con-
methods will be provided. However, the focus tents of each of the columns are provided next.
will be on the development and use of Excel Column A is simply a count of the number of
spreadsheets for four methods. slices beginning at one and extending to the
desired number of slices. Column B represents
the x-coordinate of the left hand side of the
2 Available Methods and Software corresponding slice. For example, the value in
for Conducting Slope Stability Cell B5 is the x-coordinate corresponding to the
Analysis left edge of Slice 3. Columns C, D, and E rep-
resent the y-coordinate of the sliding surface (ys),
The literature contains a number of limit equi- ground water table (yw) and ground surface (yg)
librium methods for determining the stability of at the corresponding x-coordinate in Column B.
slopes. As the focus of this teaching tool is in the The information in the rows and columns
development of simple spreadsheets for con- described are required in order to perform the
ducting slope stability analysis, the details of remainder of the computations necessary in order
each of these methods are not provided within to determine the factor of safety.
this document. However, Table 1 briefly sum- The width of each slice in computed in
marizes these methods, the assumptions made, Column F as the difference the x-coordinates for
the equilibrium conditions satisfied, the the left and right hand side of each slice. For
Using Excel Tools for Slope Stability Analysis 415

Table 1 Summary of some common limit equilibrium slope stability analysis methods
Procedure Assumptions Equilibrium Unknowns Uses
Infinite slope Infinite extent of sloe Forces Factor of safety, normal Homogenous cohesionless
(Taylor with a slip surface perpendicular force on base slopes and slopes were
1948) parallel to the slope and parallel to stratigraphy restricts
face slope surface to shallow depths
and parallel to slope face;
very accurate where
Swedish Circular slip surface; Moments about Factor of safety Slopes where u = 0;
circle friction angle is equal to center relatively thick zones of
(Fellenius zero weaker materials where
1922; the slip surface is
Skempton approximately circular
Ordinary Circular slip surface; Moments about Factor of safety Nonhomogeneous slopes
method of neglects forces on the center and c-u soils where slip
slices slice sides surface can be
(Fellenius approximated by a circle;
1936) very convenient for hand
calculations; inaccurate for
effective stress analysis
with high pore water
Bishop Circular slip surface; Moments about Factor of safety; normal Nonhomogeneous slopes
simplified horizontal forces on the center; forces in force on bases and c-u soils where slip
method slice sides of the slices the vertical surface can be
(Bishop direction approximated by a circle;
1955) more accurate than OMS
especially for analyses
with high pore water
pressures; calculation
feasible by hand or
Lowe and Slice side forces are Forces in the Factor of safety; normal Virtually all slope
Karafiath inclined at the average vertical and force on bases; interslice geometries and soil
(1959) slope of the ground and horizontal forces profiles; less accurate than
method sliding surfaces directions complete equilibrium
procedures; results are
sensitive to assumed
inclinations for interslice
Spencer Parallel interslice Moments about Factor of safety; Accurate procedure;
(1967) forces; normal force is any point; interslice force virtually all slope
method acting at the center of forces in the inclination; normal force geometries and soil
the slice base horizontal and on bases; interslice profiles; simplest complete
vertical forces; location of side equilibrium procedure
direction forces
Morgenstern Interslice shear force Moments about Factor of safety; Accurate procedure;
and Price and normal force are any point; interslice force virtually all slope
(1967) related; normal force is forces in the inclination and location; geometries and soil
method acting at the center of horizontal and normal force on bases; profiles; rigorous;
the slice base vertical horizontal interslice well-established complete
direction forces equilibrium procedure
416 B. Ajmera and B. Tiwari

Fig. 1 Screenshot of excel spreadsheet for ordinary method of slices

example, the formula in Cell F5 would be Column K contains the weight of the slice
“=B5-B4”. Column G contains the height of the (W), which is determined for the ith slice using
soil mass above the sliding surface (hs) and is the following equation:
computed for the i-th slice using:
Wi ¼ cbi hs;ave;i
hs;i ¼ yg;i  ys;i
As the unit weight is considered to be a constant
Thus, the Cell G5 contains the formula “=E5-C5”. across all of the material above the sliding sur-
Similarly, Column H represents the height of the face, this cell is fixed. Thus, the formula is Cell
water column (hw) above the sliding surface. This K5 is “F5 * I5 * $F$1”. The inclination of the
value is found for the i-th slice using: base of the slice, a, is determined using the dif-
ference between the y-coordinates of the left and
hw;i ¼ yw;i  ys;i right hand side of the slice and the width of the
slice and complied in Column L. The formula in
when the ground water table is above the sliding Cell L5 is “=DEGREES(ATAN((C5-C4)/F5))”.
surface. If the ground water table is below the Column M contains the pore water pressure
sliding surface, this value should be equal to (u) acting at the base of the slice, which is
zero. This is established using an IF command in determined for the i-th slice from:
Excel, which converts the negative values to
zero. The Cell H5 would contain the formula ui ¼ cw hw;ave;i
“=IF(D5-C5 < 0,0,D5-C5)”. As the values in
Columns G and H represent the values of hs and This corresponds to the formula “=$H$1 * J5” in
hw on the left hand side of the ith slice, the Cell M5. Columns N and O resolve the weight
average values of hs and hw in each slice, denoted into its normal (W cos a) and tangential (W sin a)
hs,ave and hw,ave are calculated in Columns I and components, respectively, relative to the base of
J, respectively. Specifically, the formulas in Cells the slice. Thus, the formulas in Cells N5 and O5
I5 and J5 are “=AVERAGE(G4:G5)” and are “=K5 * COS(RADIANS(L5))” and “=K5 *
“=AVERAGE(H4:H5)”, respectively. SIN(RADIANS(L5))”, respectively. The length
Using Excel Tools for Slope Stability Analysis 417

(L) of the sliding surface for the ith slice is 4 Spreadsheet for Bishop’s
computed using: Simplified Method
bi Presented in Fig. 2 is a screenshot of an Excel
Li ¼
cos ai Spreadsheet for Bishop’s Simplified Method
(Bishop 1955). The information and computa-
This value is calculated in Column P, with the tions presented in Row 1 and Columns A through
formula in Cell P5 being “=F5/COS(RADIANS Q are the same as those presented above in
(L5))”. The weight of water (U) in Column Q is Sect. 3 for the Ordinary Method of Slices.
computed for the i-th slice from: Column R contains the difference in the weight
of the slice and the weight of water. This would
Ui ¼ ui Li
correspond to the formula “=K5-Q5” in Cell R5.
This would imply that Cell Q5 contains the for- Column S contains the values of ma, which is
mula “=M5 * P5”. Finally, Column R contains computed for the i-th slice using:
the sum of the normal forces on the base of the tan / sin ai
slice (W cos a − U). Thus, Cell R5 contains the ma;i ¼ cos ai þ
formula “=N5-Q5”.
To compute the factor of safety using the Note that in order to solve for the value of ma,
Ordinary Method of Slices, the sum of the values the value of the factor of safety must be known.
in Columns O, R, and P are determined in Cells Thus, Bishop’s Simplified Method becomes an
U4, U5, and U6, respectively. The factor of iterative process, which can still be solved using
safety (FS) is then: the spreadsheet, but with the creation of a cell
P P containing a trial value for the factor of safety. In
c Lþ ðW cos a  U Þ tan /
FS ¼ P the example shown in Fig. 2, this corresponds to
W sin a Cell W7. Therefore, the formula for ma entered
in Cell S5 is “=(COS(RADIANS(L5))) + ((TAN
Therefore, the formula in Cell U7 is “=((J1 * (RADIANS($L$1)) * SIN(RADIANS(L5)))/$W
U6) + (U5 * TAN(RADIANS(L1))))/U4”. $7)”.

Fig. 2 Screenshot of excel spreadsheet for Bishop’s simplified method

418 B. Ajmera and B. Tiwari

Column T contains the value of the numerator Method is provided in Fig. 3. The formulas and
for the equation for the factor of safety for contents of Row 1 and Columns A through L and
Bishop’s Simplified Method, which is computed N through R are the same as that described pre-
as shown in the following equation: viously for the Ordinary Method of Slices in
P Sect. 3. The contents and formulas in Column S
ðcL þ ðW  U Þ tan /Þ m1a were described in Sect. 4. The remaining col-
FS ¼ P
W sin a umns and the calculation for the factor of safety
are presented in this section.
The formula in Cell T5 is, then, “=(($J In the Lowe and Karafiath Method, the incli-
$1 * F5) + R5 * TAN(RADIANS($L$1)))/S5”. nation of the interslice forces is assumed to be at
Cells W4, W5 and W6 contain the sum of the the average inclination of the ground surface and
values in Columns O, P, and T, respectively. the sliding surface. To determine this inclination,
Using this information, the factor of safety is Column M contains the inclination of the ground
calculated in Cell W8 as “=W6/W4”. To deter- surface (ag), which is computed by considering
mine the factor of safety, the value of the trial the difference in the y-coordinates of the ground
factor of safety is W7 should be changed until it surface at the left and right hand side of the slice
is equal to the value of the calculated factor of and the thickness of the slice. Specifically, the
safety in Cell W8. formula in Cell M5 is “=DEGREES(ATAN((E5–
E4)/F5))”. Thus, the inclination of the interslice
force at the left hand side of the ith slice is
5 Spreadsheet for Lowe computed using:
and Karafiath and Simplified
Janbu Methods ai þ ag;i
hi ¼
A simple spreadsheet can also be developed to
This translates to the formula “=AVERAGE(L5:
determine the stability of slopes using the Lowe
M5)” in Cell T5. In the Simplified Janbu
and Karafiath (1959) and Simplified Janbu
Method, the interslice force is assumed to be
Methods (Janbu et al. 1956). The formulas
horizontal; that is, the angle of inclination from
required to do so will be outlined in this section
the horizontal (h) is equal to zero. This is
of this teaching tool. A screenshot of an Excel
inputted into Column T instead of the computa-
Spreadsheet created for the Lowe and Karafiath
tion presented above. The magnitude of the

Fig. 3 Screenshot of excel spreadsheet for Lowe and Karafiath method

Using Excel Tools for Slope Stability Analysis 419

interslice force at the left side of ith slice (Zi+1) (L4−T3))) * (TAN(RADIANS($L$1))))/$Z
will be calculated using: $4) + ($J$1 * Q4/$Z$4)”.

Fv sin a þ FH cos a þ Zi cosða  hÞ  ½Fv cos a  FH sin a þ U þ Zi sinða  hÞ tanFSð/Þ þ cL

Zi þ 1 ¼ sinðahi þ 1 Þ tan /
cosða  hi þ 1 Þ þ FS

where, Fv is the sum of all known forces in the Similarly, the formula in Cell V5 is “=
vertical direction including the weight of the slice (COS(RADIANS(L4−T4))) + ((SIN(RADIANS
and FH is the sum of all known forces in the (L4−T4)) * TAN(RADIANS($L$1)))/$Z$4).
horizontal direction. When there are no surface The magnitude of the interslice force is, then,
loads, no seismic forces and no forces from calculated in Column W. The formula in Cell W5
reinforcement, Fv will be equal to –W and FH is “=U5/V5”.
will be equal to zero. In the example in Fig. 3, it To determine the factor of safety using the
was assumed that there are no surface loads, no Lowe and Karafiath Method and the Simplified
seismic forces and no forces from reinforcement. Janbu Method, the value of the factor of safety
Columns U and V represent the numerator (FSo) in Cell Z4 is changed until the value of Zi
(Zi,NUM) and denominator (Zi,DEM), of the for the last slice is equal to zero or within a
equation given above. Thus, the formula in Cell tolerance range close to zero. As the Simplified
U5 is “=(P4) + (W3 * COS(RADIANS Janbu method always yielded factors of safety
(L4−T3))) − (((O4 + R4 + W3 * SIN(RADIANS values that are lower than those from more

Fig. 4 Correction factors for

simplified Janbu method as
summarized by Duncan et al.
420 B. Ajmera and B. Tiwari

rigorous procedures, Janbu (1973) proposed a teaching tool outlined the procedures to develop
series of factors to increase the factor of safety. such spreadsheets for four commonly used slope
These factors, presented in Fig. 4, are dependent stability analysis methods, namely, the Ordinary
on the ratio of the maximum depth and the length Method of Slices, Bishop’s Simplified Method,
of the sliding surface. From Fig. 4, the corre- Simplified Janbu Method and the Lowe and
sponding value of the factor (fo) is, then, used to Karafiath Method.
compute the factor of safety (FS) using:

FS ¼ fo FSo References
The geometry and parameters from the slope Bishop AW (1955) The use of slip circle in the stability
used as an example in this document were analysis of earth slopes. Géotechnique 5(1):7–17
inputted in RocScience Slide 6.0. The factors of Duncan JM, Wright SG, Brandon TL (2014) Soil strength
safety for each method were determined using and slope stability. Wiley, New Jersey, p 2
Fellenius W (1922) Staten Jarnjvagars Geoteknniska
this program and compared to the results Commission. Stockholm, Sweden
obtained from the spreadsheets developed. It was Fellenius W (1936) Calculation of the stability of earth
found that the results for the factors of safety dams. In: Transactions of the 2nd congress on large
dams, international commission on large dams of the
obtained from these sample spreadsheets were
world power conference, vol 4, pp 445–462
within 10% of the results obtained from the Janbu N (1973) Slope stability computations.
software. Embankment-dam engineering-Casagrande. Wiley,
New York, pp 47–86
Janbu N, Bjerrum L, Kjærnsli B (1956) Veiledning ved
Løsnig av Fundamenteriingsoppgaver (Soil mechanics
6 Conclusions applied to some engineering problems) vol 16.
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
Understanding the stability of slopes is critical in Lowe J, Karafiath L (1959) Stability of earth dams upon
drawdown. In: Proceedings of first pan American
order to prevent the loss of lives and damage to
conference on soil mechanics and foundation engi-
infrastructure. There are a number of available neering, vol 2, pp 537–552
methods to determine the stability of slopes. The Morgenstern NR, Price VE (1967) A numerical method
methods consider different conditions of equi- for solving the equations of stability of general slip
surfaces. Comput J 9(4):388–393
librium and directions of interslice forces and
Skempton AW (1948) The u = 0 analysis of stability and
vary in simplicity from simple to very complex. its theoretical basis. In: Proceedings of the second
Moreover, while there are several software pro- international conference on soil mechanics and foun-
grams available to compute the factor of safety of dation engineering, vol 1, pp 72–78
Spencer E (1967) A method of analysis of the stability of
slopes, these programs need to be purchased and
embankments assuming parallel inter-slice forces.
require user familiarity with the available func- Géotechnique 17(1):11–26
tions in order to operate. It is, therefore, benefi- Taylor DW (1948) Fundamentals of soil mechanics.
cial to use simple spreadsheets to gain an Wiley, New York
understanding of the stability of slope. This

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