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Web-service Lookup

From SPC Brasil - Wiki Pages

Desenvolvimento de Sistemas > Web-service de Consulta > Main Page > Web-service de Consulta

The purpose of this document is to introduce Web-Service available to consult to SPC Brazil's products. The purpose of this document is not to describe its technology and specifications related to the access to
For any further details, as data types, may be found directly from the file named as "WSDL", available in the addresses bel ow:

1 Acess
2 Authentication
3 Operation "listarProdutos"
4 Operation "detalharProduto"
5 Inputs with returned occurences
6 Operation "consultar"
7 Replicated entities
8 Latest changes


Migrated Entities:

Replicated Entities:


Migrated Entities:

Replicated Entities:


Migrated Entities:

Replicated Entities:


Add to the end of URL "?wsdl"

The use of UTF-8 charset is required to submit information.

The service authentication follows the http basic standard way (check the file "Forma padrão de autenticação dos web -services da aplicação Java").

Operation "listarProdutos"
Description: Returns all products available to consult.

Usage rules:

1. If there is no product available to the operator, the operation does not return any data.

Entry parameters: it does not apply.

Return: A list about available products to the operator, containing the following attributes:

Nome Descrição
codigo Product code.
nome Product name.
A list of parameters needed to make a lookup on a product. Each parameter has two attributes: "required", which indicates if the parameter will be
mandatory when making a consult to a product, and "name" describes the parameter.
insumo-opcional A list of optional inputs which can be requested when making a lookup on a product. These inputs will only be returned on the query if requested by the operator.
insumo-retorno Inputs configurated on product.


Código Retorno Descrição

0 CN_GER001.E Internal error.

Operation "detalharProduto"
Description: It returns the details about a specific product, if available to consult for the operator. This operation is similiar to “listarProdutos”; however, is used in a specific product.

Usage Rules:

1. The product code to be detailed needs always to be sent.

2. In order to a product can be successfully detailed, the entity/associate linked to the operator needs to have the access to the product, the operator profile also needs to have access of consult to the product.

Entry Parameters:

Nome Descrição
codigo-produto Product code to be inserted. All available products for a query may be obtained through the "listarProdutos" operation
Retorno: Data product requested, if available to the operator. The attributes returned to the product are the same set on "Listar Produtos" operation.


Código Retorno Descrição

0 CN_GER001.E Internal Error.
1 CN_GER003.E1 The product to be detailed either does not exist or is inactive.
39 CN_INT006.E2.1 The operator does not have access to product.

Inputs with returned occurrences

Input Description Brief Description Via web Column named realted on Webservice
Ação Ação Insumo-Acao
Alerta de documentos Alerta de documentos Insumo-Alerta-Documento
Banco, agência e c/c com consultado Banco, agência e c/c com consultado Agencia-Conta-Documento-Diferente
CCF Cheque Sem Fundo - CCF Insumo-CCF
Cheque lojista Registro de Cheque lojista Insumo-Cheque-Lojista
Cheque Sem Fundo Achei Registro de Cheques Sem Fundo - Outras Ocorrências Insumo-Cheque-Sem-Fundo-Achei
Cheque Sem Fundo Achei CCF CCF - Cadastro de Emitentes de Cheques Sem Fundo Insumo-Cheque-Sem-Fundo-Achei-CCF
Cheque Sem Fundo Varejo Cheque Sem Fundo Varejo Insumo-Cheque-Sem-Fundo-Varejo
Confirmação dados telefônicos Confirmação dados telefônicos Insumo-Dados-Telefone-Consultado
Confirme RG Confimação RG Insumo-Rg
Consulta realizada Consulta realizada Insumo-Consulta-Realizada
Contra-ordem Contra-ordem Insumo-Contra-Ordem
Contra-ordem agência diferente da consultada Contra-ordem agência diferente da consultada Insumo-Contra-Ordem-Agencia-Diferente
Contra-ordem agência e/ou c/c consultado Contra-ordem agência e/ou c/c consultado Insumo-Contra-Ordem-Agencia-Conta-Diferente
Contra-ordem docto.diferente do consultado Contra-ordem docto.diferente do consultado Insumo-Contra-Ordem-Documento-Diferente
Controle Societário Controle Societário Insumo-Quadro-Societario
Contumácia Acúmulo de Cheques Sustados pelo Motivo 21 Insumo-Contumacia
Crédito concedido Crédito concedido Insumo-Credito-Concedido
Dívidas Vencidas Dívidas Vencidas Insumo-Divida-Vencida
DPVAT DPVAT Insumo-Dpvat
Gravame Gravame Insumo-Gravame
Historico Cheque Documento Diferente Historico Cheque Documento Diferente Insumo-Historico-Cheque-Documento-Diferente
Histórico da Conta Corrente Histórico da Conta Corrente Insumo-Historico-Conta-Corrente
Histórico de Pagamento Histórico de Pagamento Insumo-Historico-Pagamento
Histórico do Cheque Histórico do Cheque Insumo-Historico-Cheque
Informação de Óbito Informação de Óbito Insumo-Obito
Limite de Crédito Sugerido Limite de Crédito Sugerido Insumo-Limite-Credito-Sugerido
Nome fonético - SPC Busca Nome fonético Insumo-Busca-Fonetica
Ordem Judicial Informações do poder judiciário Insumo-Informacao-Poder-Judiciario
Participação em Falência Participação em Falência Insumo-Participacao-Falencia
Participações em Empresas Participações em Empresas Insumo-Participacao-Empresas
Pendências Financeiras - Pefin Pendências Financeiras Insumo-Pendencia-Financeira
Pendências Financeiras - Refin Restrições Financeiras Insumo-Restricao-Financeira
Protesto Protesto Insumo-Protesto
Recheque Informações de Cheques - Sustados / Extraviados Insumo-Contumacia-SRS
Recheque Impedimento Ao Pagamento Cheque - Contra Ordem Insumo-Contra-Ordem-SRS
Recheque Impedimento Ao Pagamento Docto Diferente Cheque - Contra Ordem - Documento Diferente Insumo-Contra-Ordem-Documento-Diferente-SRS
Recheque Online Consulta Online ao Banco Insumo-Cheque-Consulta-Online-SRS
Recheque Outras Ocorrencias Em Sustacoes Cheque - Contra Ordem - Outras Ocorrências Insumo-Cheque-Outras-Ocorrencias-SRS
Registro de Consultas Registro de Consultas Insumo-Registro-Consultas
Registro de Consultas de Cheques Registro de Consultas de Cheques Insumo-Consulta-Realizada-Cheque
Renavam Renavam Insumo-Renavam-Federal
Renavam base estadual Renavam base estadual Insumo-Renavam-Estadual
Renda Presumida SPC Brasil Renda Presumida SPC Brasil Insumo-Renda-Presumida-Spc
Riskscoring 12 Meses Riskscoring 12 Meses Insumo-Riskscoring-12-Meses
Roubo / Furto (Auto) Roubo / Furto Insumo-Roubo-Furto
SPC Registro de SPC Insumo-SPC
Telefones vinculados docto. telefone consultado Telefones vinculados docto. telefone consultado Insumo-Telefone-Vinculado-Assinante-Consultado
Telefones Vinculados docto.consultado Telefones Vinculados docto.consultado Insumo-Telefone-Vinculado-Consumidor
Últimas Consultas Últimas Consultas Insumo-Ultimas-Consultas

Operation "lookup"
Descrição: It makes a lookup on a determined product.

Usage rules:

The product code to be consulted must always be sent. The needs/requirements about the others parameters depends on sett ings from the consulted product; the operations “listar produtos” and “detalharProduto”
they can be used to find which parameters are necessary/required for an determined consult to a determined product.

In order to the query of the product can be successfully completed, the operator from the entity/associate needs to have access to the product. The operator profile handled also needs permission to access on consult
to the determined product.

The returned data on consult may vary according to the product consulted; therefore, all the elements should be treated, for the result of the consult is variable, according to the consulted product. The elements set
in a product appear on a return of a consult, even if does not exist the information to the document consulted; In these cases, the amount of the referred input is shown as 0 (zero). The optional inputs appear on the
return only if they are requested in the entry parameters previously.

The parameter uses CMC7 who configures the way to notify the bank checks for consult, if it was given (is used-CMC7= True), There are three gaps which represent CMC7 that must be provided; the obligatoriness
of the data to be inserted depends on settings of the product, therefore, each set of parameters (CMC7 or bank/account/agency/initial number check) are validated all-in-one set, thus, if the bank info was given, for
example, will be needed to provide all others parameters as (account/agency/initial number check). In the list with detailed bank checks, all data of every bank check will also be valited as set.

Some information introduce a summary item, the block below presents the total amount of register/info, value and date of the latest occurrence. For more details check on wdsl document.

Exemplo (spc):

<resumo valor-ultima-ocorrencia="1677.11" data-ultima-ocorrencia="2013-02-21T00:00:00-03:00" quantidade-total="42"/>

Some entities might force the entry of bank check data through CMC7; In these cases, an error will occur as soon as the consu lt be executed and will inform the initial bank check data (see errors table)
Details such as, for example, types of data, they won't be mentioned at this document, they can be obtained at wsdl document (see above how to obtain it)
Sample Request:

Cookie: $Version=0; JSESSIONID=48g39p406ezh_dev01; $Path=/spc

Authorization: Basic d3N0ZXN0ZTp3c3Rlc3RlMzMz
1799 SOAPAction: ""
User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.0.1
Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
Connection: close

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:web="">


Sample Reply:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 16:09:00 GMT
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:resultado data="2013-02-25T13:09:01.881-03:00" restricao="true" xmlns:ns2="">
<protocolo digito="7" numero="100007153"/>
<operador nome="OPERADOR" codigo="111555"/>
<consumidor-pessoa-juridica razao-social="BANCO DO BRASIL SA" numero-NIRE-NIRC="53300000638" nome-comercial="DIRECAO GERAL" data-fundacao="1966-08-01T00:00:00-03:00">
<cnpj numero="00000000000191"/>
<situacao-cnpj data-situacao="2013-02-23T18:00:00-03:00" descricao-situacao="ATIVA"/>
<endereco cep="70073901" bairro="ASA SUL" complemento="QUADRAQUADRA 01 BLOCO G" numero=" " logradouro="ST BANCARIO SUL S/N">
<cidade nome="BRASILIA">
<estado sigla-uf="DF"/>
<natureza-juridica codigo="2038" descricao="S.A CAP. ABERTO - CONTR.ACIONARIO ESTATAL "/>
<atividade-economica-principal codigo="6422100" descricao="BANCOS MÚLTIPLOS, COM CARTEIRA COMERCIAL"/>
<atividade-economica-secundaria codigo="6499999" descricao="OUTRAS ATIVIDADES DE SERVIÇOS FINANCEIROS NÃO ESPECIFICADAS ANTERIORMENTE"/>
<detalhe-grafia-pj razao-social="B DO BRASIL SA"/>
<detalhe-ultimo-telefone-informado quantidade-consulta="1" data-ultima-consulta="2008-03-20T00:00:00-03:00"
<telefone numero="32806253" numero-ddd="31"/>
<endereco cep="69055250" bairro="PQ 10 DE NOVEMBRO" complemento="A" numero="87"
logradouro="RUA 07 (CJ. CASTELO BRANCO), 87 - A - PQ 10 DE NO">
<cidade nome="MANAUS">
<estado sigla-uf="AM"/>
<endereco cep="66050100" bairro="UMARIZAL" complemento="EM FRENTE AO LIDER TOP" numero=" "
logradouro="TV DOM PEDRO I, 01083">
<cidade nome="BELEM">
<estado sigla-uf="PA"/>
<resumo valor-ultima-ocorrencia="1677.11" data-ultima-ocorrencia="2013-02-21T00:00:00-03:00" quantidade-total="42"/>
<detalhe-spc valor="1677.11" comprador-fiador-avalista="COMPRADOR" contrato="60511217" nome-entidade="CDL - RECIFE / PE"
data-vencimento="2013-01-12T00:00:00-02:00" data-inclusao="2013-02-21T00:00:00-03:00" codigo-entidade="1101" nome-associado="COMPESA">
<cidade-associado nome="RECIFE">
<estado sigla-uf="PE"/>
<telefone-associado numero="34129563" numero-ddd="81"/>
<detalhe-spc valor="38.58" comprador-fiador-avalista="COMPRADOR" contrato="60511209" nome-entidade="CDL - RECIFE / PE"
data-vencimento="2013-01-12T00:00:00-02:00" data-inclusao="2013-02-21T00:00:00-03:00" codigo-entidade="1101" nome-associado="COMPESA">
<cidade-associado nome="RECIFE">
<estado sigla-uf="PE"/>
<telefone-associado numero="34129563" numero-ddd="81"/>
<detalhe-spc valor="787.36" comprador-fiador-avalista="COMPRADOR" contrato="0000500002441892" nome-entidade="SAO PAULO / SP"
data-vencimento="2011-04-27T00:00:00-03:00" data-inclusao="2011-05-25T00:00:00-03:00" nome-associado="LIGHT S.E.S.A"/>
<resumo valor-total="127" data-ultima-ocorrencia="2013-02-01T00:00:00-02:00" quantidade-total="1"/>
<detalhe-credito-concedido valor="127" quantidade-credito="2" mes-vencimento="2" ano-vencimento="2013"/>
<consulta-realizada quantidade-dias-consultados="90">
<resumo data-ultima-ocorrencia="2013-02-25T00:00:00-03:00" quantidade-total="85"/>
<detalhe-consulta-realizada nome-entidade-origem="CDL - BELO HORIZONTE / MG" data-consulta="2013-02-25T09:47:47-03:00" nome-associado="TRANSFACIL">
<origem-associado nome="BELO HORIZONTE">
<estado sigla-uf="MG"/>
<detalhe-consulta-realizada nome-entidade-origem="CDL - JI-PARANA / RO" data-consulta="2013-02-22T13:11:44-03:00" nome-associado="AGRO RODEIO">
<origem-associado nome="JI-PARANA">
<estado sigla-uf="RO"/>
<detalhe-consulta-realizada nome-entidade-origem="CDL - GOIANIA / GO" data-consulta="2013-02-22T12:12:26-03:00" nome-associado="CATRAL">
<origem-associado nome="GOIANIA">
<estado sigla-uf="GO"/>
<ramo-atividade codigo="6422100" descricao="BANCOS MÚLTIPLOS, COM CARTEIRA COMERCIAL"/>
<atividades-economicas-secundarias codigo="6499999" descricao="OUTRAS ATIVIDADES DE SERVIÇOS FINANCEIROS NÃO ESPECIFICADAS ANTERIORMENTE"/>

Entry parameters:

Name: Description

codigo-produto The product code to be consulted. All available products for consult can be found through the Operation "ListarProdutos".

tipo-consumidor The type of consumer to be consulted, individuals or corporate entities

documento-consumidor The document number to be consulted: CPF or CNPJ

cep-consumidor Consumer zip code to be consulted:

telefone-consultar Consumer telephone to be consulted.

Indicates if the data of initial bank check to be consulted will be given through CMC7 (uses-CMC7 = True) or through bank/account/agency/check number data
(uses-CMC7 = False)

banco-cheque-inicial The number of initial bank check to be consulted; has to be given only if (uses-CMC7 = False)

agencia-cheque-inicial The agency bank check number to be consulted (without the digit); has to be given only if (uses-CMC7 = false)

conta-corrente-cheque-inicial Checking account number of the initial check to be consulted (without the digit); has to be given only if (uses-CMC7 = false)

digito-conta-corrente-cheque-inicial Digit of checking account number of the initial check to be consulted (without the digit); has to be given only if (uses -CMC7 = false)

numero-cheque-inicial The initial number of bank check to be consulted; has to be given only if (uses-CMC7 = false)

digito-cheque-inicial The checking account digit of the initial check to be consulted; has to be given only if (uses-CMC7 = false)

cmc71-cheque-inicial The first part of CMC7 of the initial check to be consulted; has to be given only if (uses-CMC7 = false)

cmc72-cheque-inicial The second part of CMC7 of the initial check to be consulted; has to be given only if (uses-CMC7 = false)

cmc73-cheque-inicial The third part of CMC7 of the initial check to be consulted; has to be given only if (uses-CMC7 = false)

quantidade-cheque The amount of bank checks to be consulted.

cheque-detalhado Bank checks to be consulted; the amount of detailed bank checks need to be equal to the same amount of bank checks inserted on previously parameter.

Optional Input Code you may add to consult. Optional Inputs depend on product configuration to be consulted, and may be found on “ListarProdutos” and
“detalharProduto” operations.

cep-origem Zip code locality.

codigo-estacao-consultante Code to identify consultant station.

numero-rg For RG confirmation

data-nascimento-rg For RG confirmation

uf-emissao-rg For RG confirmation

chassi SPC Auto

renavam SPC Auto

motor SPC Auto

numero-caixa-cambio SPC Auto

placa SPC Auto

sigra-estadual-auto SPC Auto (UF)

Retorno: Data obtained from a consultation

All the information marked * return when are consulted "2 Bureaux" products

Nome da informação Descrição das informações e dos seus principais atributos/elementos

protocolo consultation protocol number

operador The operator utilized to consult

data Date and time of consult

restricao Indicates whether consultation returned represent credit restiction from the consumer consulted.

base-inoperante A list of database inoperative at the moment of the consult.

Consumer data consulted:

consumidor-pessoa-fisica: returns when requested as CPF as parameter:

consumido endereco;

consumidor-pessoa-juridica: returns when requested as CNPJ as parameter:



Both of the elements won't return at the same time.

grafia-pj Forms of razão social writings consulted (if documents provided on filter are CNPJ).They will only be shown if exist more than a way of writings.

endereco-cep-consultado Address data corresponding to zip code requested on consultation.

telefone-consultado Phone data requested on consultation.

telefone-vinculado-consumidor Phones number linked to document consulted.

telefone-vinculado-assinante-consultado Phones number linked to subscriber from consulted telephone number.

ultimo-telefone-informado All phones provided in previous consultations.

ultimo-endereco-informado The latest address information from document.

participacao-empresa Companies informations where the consulted document has share.

socio All shareholders informations related to company consulted. (if documents provided on filter are CNPJ).

administrador All administrators informations related to company consulted. (if documents provided on filter are CNPJ).

alerta-documento Documents alerts.

Recording of default - SPC:

data-inclusao: inclusion date of record.

data-vencimento: maturity date of record.

contrato: contract number with the associate.

valor: debit value.

comprador-fiador-avalista: If consumer is the responsible for the acquisition or a guarantor.

nome-associado: name of the associate responsible for inclusion record.

cidade-associado: city of the associate responsible for inclusion record;

telefone-associado: phone number of the associate responsible for recording;

codigo-entidade: entite code which executed the inclusion.

nome-entidade: entite name which executed the inclusion.

Recording of default - Cheque Lojista:

data-inclusao: date of inclusion of bank check.

alinea: point of returning bank check.

cheque-inicial: all information about initial bank check returned;

cheque-final: all information about final bank check, if dealing with a group of bank checks.
nome-associado: name of the associate responsible for inclusion record;

cidade-associado: city of the associate responsible for inclusion record;

telefone-associado: phone number of the associate responsible for recording;

codigo-entidade: entite code which executed the inclusion.

nome-entidade: entite name which excuted the inclusion.

Recording of bad checks

data-ultimo-cheque: date of the last bank check.

origem: information source.

quantidade: amount of bank checks.

motivo: point of returning bank check.

ultimo-cheque: details of the last bank check.

Recording of countermand for consulted bank checks.

data-ocorrencia: date of occurence of countermand;

motivo: point of countermand.

cheque-inicial: all information about counter-ordained initial bank chek;

cheque-final: all information about final bank check, if dealing with a group of countermand bank checks.

origem: information source.

Recording of stopped check does not match to the document previously consulted.

documento: number of document which belongs to countermand;

codigo-tipo-documento: code of document type. (1 - CPF, 2 - CNPJ);

The others information are the same of recording of countermand.

Exceções: Returned code - Description

0 - Internal Error.

1 - The consulted product does not exist or it is inactive.

02 - Original zip code invalid.

03 - Invalid code of a consultant station (it supports up to 16 characters.)

04 - None parameter given.

5 - A Document of consult is required.

6 - The number of CNPJ provided is invalid.

07 - The number of CPF provided is invalid.

08 - Type of consumer invalid.

09 - Consumer zip code is required.

10 - Consumer zip code is invalid.

11 - Phone number to be consulted is required.

12 - DDD number of the Phone number to be consulted is invalid.

13 - Phone number to be consulted is invalid.

14 - Produto não possui insumo opcional.

15 - Optional input provided does not exist on the product settings.

16 - Initial bank check provided -- it must inform if uses CMC7 or data check bank.

17 - Inform the CMC7 or the initial number of bank check.

18 - Initial data check (bank/agency/account) invalid.

19 - It must be provided CMC7.

20 - Invalid Bank.

21 - Invalid Agency.

22 - Invalid checking accout number or invalid digit.

23 - Invalid checking account digit.

24 - The number of initial bank check invalid.

25 - Initial check digit is invalid.

26 - Amount of checks must be provided.

27 - Amount of checks should not exceed 24.

28 - Chequenet product - please, provide up to a maximum of 12 bank checks.

29 - Amount of detailed bank checks does not match to amount of bank checks provided.

30 - CMC7 of initial check is invalid.

31 - CMC7 should not be zero.

32 - The number of detailed bank check should not be lower than the number of initial bank check.

33 - The number of detailed check has been provided more than once.

34 - Number of detailed check is invalid.

35 - Digit of dettaild check is invalid.

36 - The date of deposit of detailed check should be provided.

37 - The date of deposit of bank check should be the future one.

38 - Value of detailed bank check is invalid.

39 - The operator does not have permission to access the product.

50 - The external base is not working at the time; please try again (only for products which access exclusively external information)
51 - The information on external base are not available (only for products which access exclusively external information)

52 - Acess is restricted only for migrated entities (When an operator from replicated entity trys to consult via web-service lookup for migrated entities).

53 - It should be provided entity code, replicated associate and document consultant. (for web-service of replicated entities, when any information is not provided)

54 - Replicated associate provided is not registered (There is no register for the code provided via parameter of the replicated associate at SPC Brasil )

55 - Document consultant provided is not valid.

56 - Document consultant provided does not match to register data of the associate (only for web-service of replicated entities.)

Replicated Entities
Replicated entities should provide additional data for associate identify and consultant entity. Therefore, There are differences on service requisition utilized for this type of ent ity (check the URL's above and its WDSL's

The additional fields which should be provided are:

documento-consultante: The number of CPF or CNPJ from the consultant associate. SPC

tipo-pessoa-consultante: Type of person related to the provided document in the previous field; must be legal entity or individual.

codigo-entidade-origem: Entity code which are running a consult. It must be the same entity code given previously in the replication process.

codigo-associado-origem: Associate code which are running a consult. It must be the same entity code given previously in the replication process.

Providing information to all fields are required.


All data provided will be Os dados enviados will be cross-checked with associate register, replicated to SPC Brasil. It will be executed the following validations:

The associate code provided should correspond to an associate from entity provided.
The number of the document consultant should have the number of the document consultant registered for the associate, via rep lication process.

If one of validations fail, the lookup won't be executed.

Entidades replicadas não conseguirão utilizar o web-service destinado à entidades migradas, e vice-versa.

Latest changes

october/2012 renda-presumida-spc input is now available.

attributes added: telefone-associado and codigo-entidade for spc and cheque-lojista, and tipo-cliente-score for spc-score-3-meses and spc-score-12-meses;
february/2012 limite-credito-sugerido input is now available.
Inclusion of specific attributes were made for consults of entities not migrated.

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