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Fried rice is one of the foods that are very popular by everyone

1. Preparation

a) Material preparation
b) Utensils preparation


a) Chopped herb
b) Heat the oil
c) Saute ingredients
d) Add the egg
e) Add the rice
f) Add the sause
g) Mix well


Inconclution that fried rice can be serve according to the test and each desire.
How to make spicy fried rice

Fried rice is one of the foods that are very popular by everyone . To make fried rice we should
need material preparation.as for the marerials used,among others are : Two plates of rice, Five
chillies,1 clove of garlic, 3 colves of onion,Butter or vegetable oil,An egg,Soy sauce,Salt.other
than that,utensils preparation is need when cooking.As for the utensils needed, among
others:frying pan,stove,spoon,spatula and plate.to make spycy fried chicken you can use the
maneer are Firstly, puree chillies, garlic, and onion by using pestle. Or, for the easier way, you
can use blender as the alternative.second is heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Third, put the
pounded garlic and salt, and onions into the hot vegetable oil. Fry them a while. After that, add
the egg and stir it well. Mix them on the pan. You may add more egg to get more tasty fried rice.
Then, add the other ingredients such as chicken, sausages, beef, and mushroom. After that, add
the rice,salt and sause . Next, mix them well.Before serving it, taste it first to make sure that the
taste is good enough. For serving fried rice can be add various vegetables suah as
cucumber,lettece,etc. to beutify the appearance of fried rice .Finally, the spicy fried rice is ready
to serve. Inconclution that fried rice can be serve according to the test and each desire.

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