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Chapter 1

Psyche`s POV
“Psyche!!Wake up!!” I was startled when some one shouted,I opened my
eyes,that someone is my bestfriend magnus “Magnus why the hell are you
shouting?It`s so early!” I said in a husky voice,he replied “It`s our last year as
highschool students,we should early today!” I rolled my eyes in annoyance,why is
he so OA?”Go to school without me,Im still sleepy” I laid on my bed and closed
my eyes to sleep again.Eros was so loud earlier,why is he so silen~ “TAKE YOUR
SHIRT OFF!!” I opened my eyes and groaned,he opened my radio and played that
song and god knows how much I hate it “Okay Okay I`ll get ready na!!He just
laughed and said “ Works everytime”,tsk bastard.

That was embarrassing but let me introduce my self,Im Psychia Maxine

Valdez,17 years old and my strand is ABM,soon to be a business woman.Im the
only child so that means Im the onlu who`ll inherit my parent`s business.Even
though Im already at my last year bening a high school student,I still get bullied,Im
the main target,Cool right?Im always on highest section and im always top in my
class,all in all you can call me a nerd but honey no,Im not a nerd.I don’t dress like
a nerd, I don’t look like a nerd,I don`t have breaces,but I wear glasses because my
vision is blurry.Even though I get bullied all the time,it doesn`t matter for me
because im contended with the friends I have now.

The boy that walked me up earlier is Magnus Niel Quintos,his strand is

STEM,soon to be a doctor,We`ve been friends since childhood,my parents and his
parents are also childhoos friends,and that`s what they want us to be, Bestfriends
too like them.Plot twist,maybe we can`t be what our parents want us to be because,
I have feelings for Magnus since I was sophomore student,how long has it been?
three years,I still have feelings for him even if three years already passed.I still
didn`t confessed my feelings friendship.His smile,his laugh,his jolliness,everything
about him.I ove it,I love every piece of him,but already in a relationship and im
happy for him,but my feelings will remain for him because I was afraid for our
Chapter 2
Psyche`s POV
One week had already passed,nothing much has happened except that I started
receiving love letters from an anonymous admirer.It`s very odd because unlike
Magnus,I am not attractive to a person`s eye.Magnus girlfriend approached which
is also my friend Margaux Allissa Paulo. “ Hey are you okay?You seemed
uncomfortable with me this past few days ,did I do something wrong?” I stared at
her and let out a deep sigh “It`s not about you Marguax don`t worry.You see my
problem is that I started receiving this love letters inside m locker last week from
an anonymous admirer and I am really bothered because im not used to this” she
stared at me for a moment,did I said something wrong? “ Hey are you serious?” I

“KYAHHHHHH!!!” Margaux screamed so loud to the point that we caught

peoples attention in the hallway “Why did you schout?!” I slightly raised my voice
to let her know that what she did was totally embarrassing “You finally have an
admirer!!” I shot her deadly galare in orerder to sense her tht she shouldn`t shout
again “Yeah I have a scret admirer but why are you shouting?” she smirked and
replied “Let`s go to your locker!!” she held my hand and started running towards
my locker,my god I almost tripped!!There were people glaring at us and some are
making a way for us.

“Open you locker!!” I glared at her,seriously why is she shouting?This isn`t a

bigdeal “Listen Margaux will you shut your mouth for a moment please?In
exchange that I`ll open my locker for you like you`re the one who`s reiceving this
love letters from an anonymous person,my gosh” She rolled her eyes and said “No
more chitchats please Miss Valdez,I need to your love letter first so please open
your locker” tsk,when I opened my locker I saw a love letter and red rose. “OMG!
OMG!” here she goes again “Marguax keep quiet please will you?And please I
don`t want anyone to know that I have a secret admirer they`ll make fun of me tss”
she smirked “copy that”
Chapter 3
Magnus POV
I yawned and stared at my teacher who`s giving us free time.I cheked my phone
and it was 4:44,our class ends at 3:20.I stared at the window watching the beautiful
pastel pink sky,its was so beautiful I took a picture of it,Pastel pink sky is so
important for me because that was the time when I met my girlfriend,Margaux

Two Years Ago

I was in a hurry,god knows how much sleep I need!Iwas walking so fast in the
parking lot trying to find our car so I can go home,when I saw the sky,pastel pink
mixed with sky blue is a masterpiece,god is truly the best artist in the world.It was
so beautiful I decided to stare at it.

*Pug!!* I fell down and felt a text book on my chest “Oh my god!!Im so sorry”
she said and started picking her book,I took the book in my chestand gave it to her
“It`s okay” when I examined her from head to toe,I witnessed that she`s really
beautiful,maybe she`s just new or our strand is not the same so she goes in another
building “Im really sorry” she said sincerely,I nodded.I walked away and enetered
my parents car,that`s weird”

End of Flashback

I was in deep thoughts that I didn`t notice it was already 3:20 which means class
has ended.I took my bag and stood up to leave or classroom.

I went to the STEM building,there were girls screaming when I entered their
hallway.I saw psyche and Margaux infront od Psyche`s locker,I can see that my
girlfriend is really happy like she won the lottery.I approached them both “Hey
Psyche,hey babe” I said and kissed her on her forehead,Psyche seems to be
uncomfortable when she`s with us and she looks lowkey sad.”Babe you won`t
believe this news!”Margaux said in excitement, “Spill it”

“ Psyche has a secret admirer!!”

“Psyche has a secret admirer!!”

“Psyche has asecret admirer!!”

Those words were echoing in my head,Psyche has secret admirer?since when?I

don`t know why but thus information made me furious and angry. “Since when did
you had this secret admirer of yours?”They were schocked by my reaction but I
didn`t care,they didn`t answer myquestion and just stared at each other confused on
what`s going on. “I`ll get in the car” I said as I walked out of that scene.What the
hell is happening is to me?

Psyche`s POV

“Hey is something wrong with Magnus that I don`t know?” I said in a worried
voice,I was worried for Magnus on why did he act like that earlier,we were
walking trhough the parking lot to find Magnus car. “I don`t know,im also
confused psyche,he was happy when he greeted us but when he found out about
your admirer he started acting like it was such a ridiculous act to make him angry”
she said as I can hear concern for hey boyfriend “Is that so?That`s odd.Maybe he`s
just not that used to this kind of information and his worried that maybe this secret
admirer of mine is just my bully who wants to play with my feelings”I gave her
reassuring smile and she was still not convinced.

We found Magnus car and went inside,the whole ride was quiet,just the radio
playing oldsongs that relaxes us.When we aarived at my house,he just stopped the
car and opened the door for me,normaly he would smile and remind me to eat
dinner but no,he didn`t.What`s wrong with him?
Chapter 4
Psyche`s POV
I entered our house and went straight to the kitchen to greet my mom “Hi mom
where`s dad?and what`s for dinner toight?” “Your dad is on abroad for a business
trip and our ulam dor tonight is adobong manok” She said and gave me her
beautiful smile,I smiled back and went to my room to change my pamabahay
clothes,and went downstairs to eat with my mom.When were done eating I helped
my mom clean up and went to my room.

I entered my room and took my phone to browse on twitter,I saw a tweet that


A thread”

The first thing that popped up in my mind was my secret admirer,he may be my
bully who just wants to play with my feelings,I took the box full of loveletters that
had given to me and scattered it through my bed.I remember on what the letter was
given to me through their design.


“Hi psyche!Don`t worry im not a stalker,this letter is for you my lady,I just want
you to know that I have feelings for you even though you don`t know meand I
appreciate everything about you,you don`t know me but you`ll meet me soon.Stay
safe please,I love you!!”


“Hi Psyche!!Won`t get tired making this ltters for you my love,how are you?I hope
you`re doing well,I hope you`re fine and healthy and living a happu life,I can`t
wait to see you my love,I really can`t.Please keep in mind that there are people
loving you in this world.I love you!!’

“Psyche,the goddess of love and beautyand the wife of eros.Your name resembles
you,it suits you so

well my love.”


“I already gave you a hint of information,I hope you know me now psyche,I love


“Just found out that you`re half chinese,so that’s why you can speak chinese,great
my love!!”

This day

“Forgive me for all the shits you`ve been through,I know you`re,but ket me heal
that wonds of yours my love

Reading this love ltters makes me confused and curious,who are you?Why are
you giving me this love letters?Eh that`s okay

I`ll meet you soo, as you say

Margaux`s POV
I can`t help but to worry for Magnus,what`s with his reaction?His actionsamde
me confused,why is he so mad?Did we do something wrong?An idea came up to
my mind “No no no please trust him” I`ve been aware on how sensitive Magnus is
when it come to Psyche,if you`ll compare our relationship with each other and
their relationship with each other.They are the ones who looks like a couple

I held my head as I was pissed off about that idea,that can`t happen,it will never

No one can take you away from me Magnus,no one

Chapter 5
Psyche`s POV
Two weeks had passed,it was already Friday,I kept on receiving this loveltters,I
already have 1 loveltters,classes already ended and im heading to my locker to
store some books and notebooks,I have no assignments to do because I already
made them during lunch tim,what kind of ltter could I get this day?

I opened my locker and to my surprise,there was only a heart shaped chocolate

in a transparent container,on top of the container there was a sticky note that saids

“Today is the day,it finally came,let`s meet in the roof top after class.I`ll show you
myself psyche,im serious please don’t take this as a joke.I love you”

I don`t know what to feel,should I be happy because my curiousity will come to

an end?Should I be terrified because I don`t know who`s the person behind this
letters?My thoughts were interupted by Magnus and Margaux who approached
me “Hey psyche,ready to go home?”I satyed silent,That`s it,im going to meet that
secret admirer of mine “Uh no sorry I have to go to my classmate`s house for a
group report”I smiled hoping that they`ll believe me,luckily they did.Magnus still
ignored me and rolled his eyes on me “Bye psyche!Stay safe honey!” I was
already walking towards the stairs when I heard Marguax shouted “I will!”

When I was already at thes school`s rooftop,my hands were shaking,where is

he?Suddenly a romantic love song played tittled “Can`t help falling inlove” by
Haley Reinhart.I can sense a person standing behind me,I turned around and was
shocked because my face is so close to his face,what made me even more shocked
was that he`s Eos Nathan Delmundo,the exchange student of last year because of
his skills in basketball,and he`s my number 1 bully!!

“E-eros?”I said iwas sluttering “Hello my love,pleased to meet you” He said as

he took my hand to kiss it,Im still in shock,what th e hell is happening? “Are you
freaking serious?You`re the one wgo`s sending me those love letters all this time” I
said in an angry tone which made him sigh “Hey I know I`ve been a pain in the ass
for you but trust me,Im not here to play games with you.My feelings for you is true
and pure Psyche” He said in a sincere tone ,I still can`t trust him,I wish I didn`t
come here to meet my secret admirer which is Eros because overall that`s
impossible,He`s only playing games with me.

I pulled my hand from his slight grip and walk to towards the dorr to go
home,but he pulled my hand so hard that that we both fell into the ground.I was on
top of him,my hair was messy and my glasses were broken,great! “look what
you`ve done to my glasses!!”I said as I took my glasses and stood up,I cleaned it
and boom,there was a hige crack on it,he stood up to and cleaned his clothes “Hey
im really sorry I didn`t mean to,I just want you to believe me.I`ll buy a new one for
you” “Do you think this glasses are cheap?” “ Hey im not poor I can afford those
glasses for you my love” He smiled when he finished his last statement and that
made my froze. “Psyche,I`ll send you home,I`ll talk to your mom and I`ll ask
permission to court you”My eyes widened,noooo!! “WHAT THE HELL ARE
YOU DOING EROS,THIS ISN`T FUNNY!” I said as I was trying to relax and
breath properly,everything is gonna be alright psyche don`t worry,or so I thought
because his final words made me silent

“I f you think Im only playing with your feelings,you`re wrong.Let me court you
and prove you that this feelings is true and pure,that im really serious about you
psyche,I love you psyche,I really do”

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