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History Reading Guides


Topic/Title: WW1

Chapter: WW1 Section(s):1,2,3,4 Page Numbers: 356-367

Read to Discover Write Questions + Answers (complete after you read):

What foreign policy did the united states follow after WW1?
What were the major postwar peace initiatives
How did war debts and reparations affect European nations after WW1

Vocabulary (define all bold terms):

Isolationism: Idea of staying out of foreign affairs and keeping to the same country
Disarnment: reducing the size of a countries military
Nationalize: assert government control over something
Candilos: Military leaders who force to maintain orders
Totalitarian state: Government with one powerful leader
Anti-semitism: hatred against Jews
Appeasement: leniency towards allowing things in the world
Nonaggression pact: Nazis and soviets made a deal to not attack each other

Section 1: The war was won but there was no peace

Main Ideas and Isolationism of the United states put into action in the 20s and 30s
Reading Check World Court was shut down by US senate and the idea was trashed
Questions/Answer US people wanted to reduce the army
Kellogg-Briand Pact – outlawed war except for self defense

How did WW1 affect the role of the federal government?

-they increased in size and authority, some thinking too much
Describe the attempts made by Charles evans and others to prevent another
war- proposed ten years where boats would not be built, and the GB and Japan
destroy some of their ships to lower naval power, Britain, France, Japan and the
US agreed to stay off each others territory
How did the US role as a creditor nation affect its foreign policy?
They were owed money from Europeans and wanted the money back

Section 2:
Main Ideas and Trace US-Nicaraguan relations in the 20s and 30s
Reading Check - 1925 – Emilio Chamorro overthrows the Gov.
Questions/Answers - 1926 – war breaks out and they send Henry Stimson to negotiate an
U.S. History Reading Guides
end in 1927
- Sandino plots to overthrow the US and the marines never defeated
- 1933 – last of the troops are withdrawn
- US overthrew Nicaragua and had it until 1979
How did the economic interests of large companies affect US relations?
- They wanted to own all of the countries that grew cash crops to
promote business – united Fruit Company controlled the railroads and
- US companies should be compensated for land they had lost in the oil
How did the Great Depression contribute to the rise of caudillos?
- It allowed easy access to poor people with no defense, and the US
supported because it allowed them to do business

Section 3: Why did Italy become a fascist state?

Main Ideas and - Mussolini suggested that military power should rule society
Reading Check - Resulted in communists vs fascists
Questions/Answers - Benito was granted dictatorship powers from the king and got rid of
Communists and they took over Ethiopia
How was Joseph Stalin a dictator?
- Had complete control over the country, taking private land and made
them labor camps for 15 million people which suffered from famine
- Killed about 30 million people
List events that led to hitlers power
- Arrested and wrote Mein Kampf, then elected in 1933
- Created the 3rd Reich which claimed dictorial powers
- Rearmed the country and brought out of poverty
- 1936 moved into the Rhineland and overran Austria
- Nuremburg laws took over the rights of Jews
- Kristallnacht
How did the US government and individual americans respond to the Spanish
civil war?
- 3000 fought against fascism
- Popular Front – international alliance of organizations against fascism
Why did Japan’s military expand during the 1930s?
- Wanted to rely less on imports and more on Japanese expansion
- Manchuria invasion showed military power
- Started a war with China

Section 4: How did the US respond to fascism?

Main Ideas and - They reassembled union with Soviet Russia
Reading Check - Went against the Axis Powers
Questions/Answers - Passed neutrality laws that allowed US to ship with their own ships, also
not allowed to travel on the vessels of war nations
- Japanese sunk US vessel and killed 2 americans
U.S. History Reading Guides
How did WWII begin?
- Hitler seized Czech. And Poland, which caused France and GB to declare
- Stalin signs non aggression pact, dividing Poland between them
Why did the United States and Britain draw up the Atlantic Charter?
- Shoot on sight orders to the US
- Pledge to not pursue territorial expansion
Why did the Attack on Pearl Harbor lead to the US involvement in the war?
- They feared that if they let it happen matters would get worse

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questions you have
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