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Dominique Ricks 09/10/12

INT-322-90-121 Ass. 3 –
Ch. 3

Read Chapter 3 - Broaden Your Perspective (Worth 100 points - Due September 10, 2012)

1. What are the three steps that will assist in you becoming an individual? Stage 1:
Acknowledge the influences that have shaped your thinking. Stage 2: Sort out and evaluate your
ideas and attitudes, even your most cherished ones. Stage 3: Last, choose the best ones.
2. What habits hinder thinking? Habits that hinder thinking are mine-is-better, face saving,
resistance to change, conformity, stereotyping, and self –deception.
3. How does a critical thinker overcome bad habits? A critical thinker over comes bad habits by
examining our first impressions of problems and issues.

Finally, read the issues for extended analysis. Read The Essays: Protect the Children and
Pedophiles Deserve Fairness on pages 64-64 in your text. In a paragraph, discuss your
position on Pedophilia indicating which essay you agree with and why. Remember to
include incorporate information learned from the chapter and Broaden your Perspective!
This is a critical thinking class; so, remember to be open-minded and think about your
responses, before you put them in writing. The essay should be a minimum of five
Dominique Ricks 09/10/12
INT-322-90-121 Ass. 3 –
Ch. 3

In reading chapter 3, Broaden Your Perspective we read about becoming an individual

and the habits that hinder are thinking. They also talked about overcoming those bad habits.

Inside the chapter there was an issue given, Pedophile. One essay Protect the Children, Daleesha

Ford expresses how she felt they should be punished more strictly. Then, there was Pedophiles

Deserve Fairness, in which William Murphy explained that they simply just need help. Even

though I do not completely agree with either, I agree more with William Murphy.

Being an individual we all have are pretenses about certain subjects. My personal beliefs

are that pedophiles are sick people, but besides that they are human. In reading the chapter, part

of becoming an individual and stop stereotyping is to put my personal beliefs behind me for the

moment. Pedophiles usually get the stereotype of being delusional people who are just naturally

sick minded. William Murphy says therapists are now seeing them as lonely people searching

for closeness and intimacy. Is this not what psychology and psychiatrist is here for? Yes,

psychiatrists are here for people to talk about issues.

I disagree with Underwager’s view of seeing pedophilia as an “acceptable expression of

God’s will for love and unity among human beings.” Although we as humans are made for one

another, there is and should be an age restriction. I do agree with the fact that pedophilia is an

illness and pedophiles are victims of urges beyond their control. Just because this is an illness, in

cases there should be legal consequences, not that this will correct the problem. Legal action is

taking responsibility for what one has done.

People in regards to criminals or the mentally ill should not be resistant to change. I do

believe the key to dealing with rehabilitation in a therapeutic facility. Not saying that some do
Dominique Ricks 09/10/12
INT-322-90-121 Ass. 3 –
Ch. 3

not deserve to be imprisoned. I believe it should be based off the intensity of the case. The

children who have been attacked by pedophiles may now have illness because of what happened

to them. They as well need therapeutic help as well. At the same time, by sending pedophiles all

to jail has obviously not stopped them from having these urges. So, we need to look and examine

new ideas to come up with a better solution.

So in conclusion, we all need to chuck all of our personal issues, pretenses, and other bad

habits that make us have an instant reaction to an issue without thinking it through. In saying this

I strongly disagree with them having to wear tracking devices. Are they on house arrest? No,

they are dealing with a mental illness. By keeping them locked away or confined within their

home gives them more time to have these urges. By seeking them treatment slowly will help

pedophiles make progress in controlling Pedophilia.

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