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Autonomy Syllabus for Basic Electronics Engineering

Paper Name: Basic Electronics Engineering

Paper code: EC101/EC201
Contacts: 4L
Credit: 4

Module-I: Basics of semiconductor 6L

Conductors, Insulators, and Semiconductors- crystal structure, Fermi Dirac function, Fermi level, E-k and
Energy band diagrams, valence band, conduction band, and band gap; intrinsic, and extrinsic
( p-type and n-type) semiconductors, position of Fermi level in intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor,
drift and diffusion current – expression only ( no derivation) , mass action law , charge neutrality in
semiconductor, Einstein relationship in semiconductor , Numerical problems on- Fermi level,
conductivity, mass action law, drift and diffusion current .

Module-II: P-N Junction Diode and its applications 8L

p-n junction formation and depletion region , energy band diagram of p-n junction at equilibrium and
barrier energy , built in potential at p-n junction , energy band diagram and current through p-n junction
at forward and reverse bias, V-I characteristics and current expression of diode , temperature
dependencies of V-I characteristics of diode , p-n junction breakdown – conditions , avalanche and Zener
breakdown , Concept of Junction capacitance, Zener diode and characteristics.

Diode half wave and full wave rectifiers circuits and operation ( I DC , Irms , VDc , Vrms ) , ripple factor without
filter, efficiency ,PIV,TUF; Reduction of ac ripples using filter circuit (Qualitative analysis); Design of
diode clipper and clamper circuit - explanation with example, application of Zener diode in regulator
circuit. Numerical problems.

Module-III : Bipolar junction transistor(BJT) 6L

Formation of PNP/NPN Transistors ,energy band diagram, current conduction mechanism , CE ,CB,CC
configurations , transistor static characteristics in CE ,CB and CC mode, junction biasing condition for
active, saturation and cut-off modes ,current gain α ,β and γ, early effect.

Biasing and bias stability; biasing circuits - fixed bias; voltage divider bias; collector to base bias , D.C.
load line and Quiescent point, calculation of stability factors for different biasing circuits.

BJT as an amplifier and as a switch – Graphical analysis; Numerical Problems.

Module-IV: Field effect transistor (FET) 4L

Concept of field effect, channel width modulation Classification of FETs-JFET, MOSFET, operating
principle of JFET. drain and transfer characteristics of JFET (n-channel and p-channel), CS,CG,CD
configurations, Relation between JFET parameters. FET as an amplifier and as a switch– graphical
analysis. E-MOSFET (n-channel and p-channel), D-MOSFET (n-channel and p-channel), Numerical
Problems .

Module-V: Feedback and Operational Amplifier 10L

Concept of feedback with block diagram, positive and negative feedback, gain with feedback. Feedback
topologies, effect of feedback on input and output impedance, distortion, concept of oscillation and
Barkhausen criterion.
Operational amplifier – electrical equivalent circuit ,ideal characteristics , Non ideal characteristics of op-
amp – offset voltages ;bias current ;offset current; Slew rate ; CMRR and bandwidth, Configuration of
inverting and non-inverting amplifier using Op-amp, closed loop voltage gain of inverting and non-
inverting amplifier , Concept of virtual ground, Applications op-amp – summing amplifier; differential
amplifier; voltage follower ; basic differentiator and integrator .
Problems on Characteristics of Op-amp, CMRR, slew rate, amplifier and application of Op-amp to be
discussed. Any other relevant problems related to topic may be discussed or assigned.

Module-VI: Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) 2L

Operating principle of CRO with block diagram, measurement of voltage, frequency and phase.

Module-VII: Digital Electronics 4L

Binary numbers and conversion, Basic Boolean algebra, Logic gates ( AND,OR,NOR,NOT,NAND,XOR)
and realization of functions.

Text Books:
1. D. Chattopadhyay, P. C. Rakshit, Electronics Fundamentals and Applications, New Age
2. Millman & Halkias, Integrated Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Boyelstad & Nashelsky: Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory, McGraw Hill, 1976.
4. Sedra & Smith, Microelectronics Engineering

Reference Books:
1. John D. Ryder, Electronic Fundamentals and Applications, PHI
2. J.B.Gupta, Basic Electronics, S.K. Kataria.
3. Malvino: Electronic Principle.
4. Schilling & Belove: Electronics Circuits.

Electric current and voltage-D.C and A.C., Complex impedance, conductivity,

resistivity, transformer, charging and discharging of capacitor, active and passive

Course Objectives:

 To study basic electronic components.

 To observe characteristics of electronic devices.

 To apply the devices for specific applications.

Learning Outcomes:

 Students will be able to identify the different electronic circuit components.

 Students will be able to analyse the characteristics of different electronic

devices such as diodes, transistors etc.

 Students will be able to analyse simple circuits like rectifiers, amplifiers etc.
Lesson Plan
Name of the Faculty: Santana Das
Department: Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
Stream: AEIE
Semester: 2nd semester
Paper Name: Basic Electronics Engineering
Paper Code: EC201 Session: 2017-018
Credit: 4 Btech: 2017-2021

Sl No. No. of Period Topics to be covered

1 1 Introduction, Crystalline material: Mechanical properties

2 1 Energy band theory, Classification of materials- Conductors,

Semiconductors and Insulators: electrical properties, band

3 1 Semiconductors: intrinsic and extrinsic, energy band diagram,

electrical conduction phenomenon, P-type and N-type
4 1 Drift and diffusion current.

5 1 Fermi levels

6 1 Formation of P-N junction, energy band diagram,

built-in-potential forward and reverse biased P-N junction,
formation of depletion zone, V-I characteristics,
7 1 Continuation of previous class

8 1 Zener breakdown, Avalanche breakdown and its reverse

9 1 Junction capacitance and Varactor diode.

10 1 Simple diode circuits, load line, linear piecewise model;

11 1 Rectifier circuits: half wave, PIV, DC voltage and current, ripple

factor, efficiency, idea of regulation.
12 1 Rectifier circuits: full wave, PIV, DC voltage and current, ripple
factor, efficiency, idea of regulation.
Mathematical problem practice related to diode and rectifier.

13 1 Mathematical problem practice related to diode and rectifier.

14 1 Bipolar Junction Transistors, Formation of PNP / NPN

junctions, energy band diagram;
15 1 Transistor mechanism and principle of transistors, CE,
configuration, transistor characteristics: cut-off active and
saturation mode
16 1 Transistor mechanism and principle of transistors, CB
configuration, transistor characteristics: cut-off active and
saturation mode
17 1 Transistor mechanism and principle of transistors, CC
configuration, transistor characteristics: cut-off active and
saturation mode
18 1 Problem solving related Transistor amplification factor

19 1 Biasing and Bias stability: calculation of stability factor;

20 1 Different transistor biasing circuit: Fixed bias circuit,

21 1 Collector to base bias circuit

22 1 Self bias circuit.

23 1 Concept of FET, Construction and operation of N channel & P

Channel JFET

24 1 FET Parameter, Transfer Characteristics. Problem solving

25 1 MOSFET –Depletion Type MOSFET

26 1 Enhancement MOSFET .Problem Solve.

27 1 Revision Of MOSFET,C MOS

28 1 Concept of feedback amplifier, positive and negative feedback,

loop gain, open loop gain, feed back
29 1 Topologies of feedback amplifier;

30 1 Continuation of topologies

31 1 Effect of negative feedback and positive feedback.

instability and oscillation, condition of oscillation, Barkhausen
32 1 Introduction to integrated circuits, Operational amplifier and its
terminal properties.
33 1 Application of operational amplifier; inverting and non-inverting
mode of operation, Concept of Virtual ground
34 1 Seminar on Buffer amplifier, Adders, Sub tractors,

35 1 Constant-gain multiplier, Voltage follower, Integrator,

Differentiator. Comparator
36 1 Problem Practice, Revision of OP-AMP , Application of Op
Amp in different signal processing purpose(Beyond Syllabus)
37 1 Introduction of CRO, Basic diagram of CRT,

38 1 Basic measurement of amplitude and phase by CRO

39 1 Introduction of digital Electronics, Introduction to binary

number; Basic Boolean algebra;
40 1 Logic Gate

41 1 PPT presentation on BJT biasing & stability Analysis and

different application of operational amplifier
Signature of the faculty

Paper Name: Basic Electronics Engineering Lab

Paper Code: EC191/EC291
Contacts: 3P/Week
Credit: 2
Course Objectives-

 To identify the basic electronic devices.

 To observe the characteristics of the electronic devices.

 To apply those devices for different signal processing purpose.

Program Outcome-

 Student will be able to understand the basic devices and their characteristics.

 Students will be able to verify the different electronic device operation through
implementation of hardware circuits.

List of Experiments:

1. Familiarization with passive and active electronic components such as Resistors, Inductors,
Capacitors, Diodes, Transistors (BJT) and electronic equipment like DC power supplies,
millimeters etc.
2. Familiarization with measuring and testing equipment like CRO, Signal generators etc.
3. Study of I-V characteristics of Junction diodes.
4. Study of I-V characteristics of Zener diodes.
5. Study of Half and Full wave rectifiers with Regulation and Ripple factors.
6. Study of I-V characteristics of BJTs.
7. Study of I-V characteristics of Field Effect Transistors.
8. Determination of input-offset voltage, input bias current and Slew rate of OPAMPs.
9. Determination of Common-mode Rejection ratio, Bandwidth and Off-set null of OPAMPs.
10. Study of OPAMP circuits: Inverting and Non-inverting amplifiers, Adders, Integrators and
11. Study of Logic Gates and realization of Boolean functions using Logic Gates.
12. Study of Characteristic curves for CB, CE and CC mode transistors.
13. Innovative Experiment

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