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Business Strategy & Analysis

Costin Ciora, Assistant Professor

The Bucharest University of
Economic Studies (ASE)

Lectures 1&2
The Motivation
Current global issue of increasing company performance in order to improve
how people will live and organization will work.

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The Motivation
Current global issue of increasing company performance in
order to improve how people will live and organization will

Source: Global cities of the future: An interactive map, 2012 - http://www.mckinsey.com/

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Course content

• Strategic planning
• Understanding competitive forces
• Internal resources & capabilities
• Strategies for competitive advantage
• Methods of strategic development
• Business process design
• Financial Analysis
• Strategies for value creation

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Course schedule
Session Lecture Topic

Lecture 1 Strategic planning (I)

Lecture 2 Strategic planning (II)
Lecture 3 Understanding competitive forces (I)
Lecture 4 Understanding competitive forces (II)
Lecture 5 Internal resources & capabilities
Lecture 6 Strategies for competitive advantage (I)
Lecture 7 Strategies for competitive advantage (II)
Lecture 8 Methods of strategic development
Lecture 9 Business process design (I)
Lecture 10 Business process design (II)
Lecture 11 Financial Analysis (I)
Lecture 12 Financial Analysis (II)
Lecture 13 Strategies for value creation (I)
Lecture 14 Strategies for value creation (II)

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Learning outcomes

• Understand what is strategic planning and main

challenges in this field;

• Be familiar with the features of competitive forces and

internal capabilities;

• Understand the strategies for increasing competitive

advantage and what are successful strategies in Central
and Eastern Europe;

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Learning outcomes

• Be familiar with methods for business process design

and important performance measurement;

• Understand the use of financial analysis in the strategic

planning process;

• Understand the methods of value creation.

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Assessment methods

5 Homeworks = 20%

1 Project presentation = 30%

1 Final Exam –written = 50%

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Project Requirements (I)
The purpose of the project:
• Assess the strategic position of the company
• Evaluate the strategic choices available
• Propose a reliable strategy for the subject company

Structure of the project

A. Strategic position analysis:

1.The environment analysis:

Competitors, markets, regulations, discoveries, opportunities and threats
2.The strategic capabilities:
Resources, competences, strengths and weaknesses
3.The culture, beliefs and assumptions of the organisation
4.The expected power of stakeholders

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Project Requirements (II)

B. Strategic choices:

5.Generation of strategic options: growth, acquisition, diversification or

6.Evaluation of the options to asses their relative merits and feasibility
7.Selection of the strategy or option

C. Strategy proposal

8.Present the appropriate strategy


Group: 3-4 students

To be presented at the last lecture.
Print A4 (no more than 20 pages) & presentation.

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Lecture 1 & 2

Strategic planning


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1. What is strategy?

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Strategy is a high level plan to achieve one or more
goals under conditions of uncertainty.

Strategy is important because the resources available to

achieve these goals are usually limited.

Source: Wikipedia

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“Strategy without tactics is
the slowest route to victory.

Tactics without Strategy is

the noise before defeat.”
Sun Tzu
Chinese military general,
strategist, and philosopher

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“Good business planning is 9 parts execution
for every 1 part strategy.”
Tim Berry
Founder and chairman of
Palo Alto Software

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What is business strategy?

“Strategy is how a company achieves its goal by developing

its scarce resources to gain a
sustainable competitive advantage”.
Source: Vaughan Evans – Key strategy tools
(Pearson Publishing), 2013

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Source: The Boston Consulting Group, Your strategy needs a strategy. How to
Choose and Execute the Right Approach. Harvard Business Review Press – Martin
Reeves, Knut Haanaes, Janmejaya Sinha

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Strategic • A firm’s values and purpose and the scope of its
Mission operations in product and market terms

• How a firm positions itself in the market and

Strategic develops and leverages internal resources and
capabilities to accomplish its strategic mission

Strategic • Individual actions taken to execute the strategic

actions plan in pursuit of the strategic mission

Michael J. Lenox – Foundations of Business Strategy University of Virginia

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2.Strategic Planning Characteristics

• Long term horizon (more than 5 years)

• Takes into consideration the entire organization
• It looks at how to gain a sustainable competitive advantage
• Forces organization to look on the future horizon providing direction
for the business
• Monitoring the progress of the organization
• It can be costly and could increase bureaucracy development
• Could be difficult to apply in very fast changing markets

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2.Strategic Planning Characteristics

How important is Strategic planning?

• Commercial centre

• Real estate company

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3.The rational top-down approach

Costin Ciora - Business Strategy & Analysis Source: ACCA – Paper P3 Business Analysis - Kaplan Publishing 24
Johnson, Scholes and Whittington
(JSW) - model of strategic planning

Source: ACCA – Paper P3 Business Analysis - Kaplan Publishing

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A. Strategic position / analysis

• Competitors, markets, regulations,

The environment discoveries, opportunities and

• Resources, competences, strengths

The strategic and weaknesses

• beliefs and assumptions of the

The culture organisation

The expected power • what do the stakeholders want ? Will

employees co operate?
of stakeholders

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A. Strategic position / analysis

The aim of strategic analysis: To form a view of the main

influences on the present & future of the organization.

• The PESTEL environmental variables:

• The resources availability
• The aspiration & expectations (shareholders, managers,
owners, unions etc.)

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B. Strategic choices

• Generation of strategic options:

growth, acquisition, diversification
or concentration

• Evaluation of the options to

asses their relative merits and

• Selection of the strategy or


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B. Strategic choices
Strategic options
• A strategy can be pursued in 2 ways.
• Internal development
• External development (merger& acquisition,
• Example: Facebook, McDonald’s, Carlsberg

• Classroom discussion .
• Facebook

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B. Strategic choices
Strategic options
HOW you compete:
Porter define generic competitive strategies:
• Lowest cost or
• Differentiation

WHERE you compete:

Ansoff describes product-market strategies
• which market you should enter or leave

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C. Strategy into action
• Organizing/ structuring
• Internal development need to split activity into
regional divisions

• Enabling resources to support the strategy

• Appropriate peoples and fixed assets

• Managing change
• Employees‘ fears and resistance

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Group work:
• Air France considering low-fare subsidiary;

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Group work: Air France

• Strategic position
• Competition, oil price forecast , passenger forecast,
availability of cheap landing rights, effect of the main
• Strategic choices
• Which routes to launch, set up a new company or buy
an existing cheap airline, which planes to use
• Strategic implementation
• How autonomous should the new airline be?, recruit
and train staff, implementation the internal booking
system, acquisition of aircraft, obtaining the landing
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4.Alternative approaches (1/8)
(A1) Emergent strategy
• Mintzberg (1987) suggest that in real word the
strategies evolves over time (emerge) rather
than result from an in-depth analysis;

• Emergent strategy
• Example: a salesman visits a customer. The
product isn’t good and they put together some
changes. The salesman coming back to the
company and get it right after couple of rounds.

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4.Alternative approaches (2/8)
(A2) Freewheeling opportunities
• They prefer to see and grab opportunities

• Planning takes to much time and is too


• Often such peoples are entrepreneurs

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4.Alternative approaches (3/8)

(B) Level of strategic planning

• Corporate strategy
• What business is in the firm, what businesses should it be in

• Business strategy
• Analyze each strategic business unit (SBU)
• Which product should be developed
• Which market to enter

• Functional strategy
• Look at how different functions of the business support the
corporate and business strategy

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4.Alternative approaches (4/8)

• Example Gap
• Corporate strategy
• Should another range of shop to be established ? (Banana
• Should the company raise the capital
• Business strategy
• What markets should the new range of shops open it
• How often should inventories be changed
• Functional strategy
• Look at how different functions of the business support the
corporate and business strategy

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4.Alternative approaches (5/8)

(C)Strategic management & the entity’s dimension

• Small businesses
• Operates in single market with limited product range
• Expectations of founders – dominate

• Key strategic issues

• Pressure from large competitors, development of unique
capabilities, niche strategies
• Strategies may be limited by financing opportunities;
relationship with banks is vital
• Example: “Regina Maria” vs “Promed System”
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4.Alternative approaches (6/8)
• Multinationals
• Operates in many diverse markets with a wide
range of products

• Key strategic issues

• Control of diverse businesses is vital, relationship
between head office and local divisions
• Business unit strategy resource allocation and
coordination (logistics)

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4.Alternative approaches (7/8)

(D).Strategic manag. and type of organization

• Public sector
• Significant government influence
• Planning horizon driven by political rather than market
• Key strategic issues
• Role of ideology
• Competition for resources is not based on market
• Strategic options limited by funding (tax implications)

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4. Alternative approaches (8/8)

• Non – Profit Organizations

• Key objectives are not financial
• Funding often not linked to receipt of services
(discussion: professional associations)
• Key strategic issues
• Key decision usually centralized
• Competition for funds (meeting expectations of funding

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5.The Strategy lens (1/6)

Johnson and Scholes (JS) launch “strategic lens”

concept which means three ways of viewing

Strategy as design
Strategy as experience
Strategy as ideas

• Managers should try to look at strategy through all

three lenses in turn

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5. The Strategy lens

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5. The Strategy lens (3/6)
Strategy as design
• This is the view that strategy formulation is a rational,
logical process where information is carefully considered
and predictions made.
• Strategic choices are made and implementation takes
• Essentially this is the same as the rational planning
model discussed earlier

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5. The Strategy lens (4/6)
Strategy as experience
• This is the view that future strategies are based on
experiences gained from past strategies.
• There is strong influence from the received wisdom and
culture within an organisation about how things should
be done.
• This reflects the emergent approach described above

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5. The Strategy lens (5/6)
Strategy as ideas
• This is the view that innovation and new ideas are
frequently not thought up by senior managers at the
corporate planning level.
• Rather, new ideas will often be created throughout a
diverse organization as people try to carry out their
everyday jobs and to cope with changing circumstances

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5. The Strategy lens (6/6)

• IBM saw strategy as a matter of design and probably

one of experience

• No Strategy as ideas

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Case study

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Homework #1
Similar to Air France example, using JSW model assess the following

Apple to enter the Electrical Home Appliances sector (?)

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• ACCA P3 – Business Analysis, Kaplan Publishing, 2012

• Vaughan Evans – Key strategy tools, Pearson Publishing, 2013

• Martin Reeves, Knut Haanaes, Janmejaya Sinha - Your strategy

needs a strategy. How to Choose and Execute the Right
Approach. Harvard Business Review Press, 2015

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Thank you for your attention!


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