Business Plan Fear Chamber

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Fear Chamber of Dracula House

Startup Business Plan

Section 1) Executive Summary

Fear Chamber of Dracula House

Fear Chamber of Dracula House will be featuring main character as Dracula along

with others such as ghosts and aliens. The business opportunity is entertainment,

fun and leisure that individuals, tourists or visitors will be seeking. This kind of

tourism business found in international destination but it is not available in Dubai

(United Arab Emirates). It is opportunity because it is unique of its kind and not

found in other emirates.

According to questionnaire survey analysis and findings in sample of 50 people

shows that they are quite positive and interested in Fear Chamber of Dracula

House. The suggestion was to incorporate international features and some local

cultures making it entirely different opportunity.

The investment is high but there is certain return on investment. It is true that

Fear Chamber of Dracula House is difficult business opportunity but effective

business and financial plan will lead to start-up. Therefore, the financial project is

high, the reason is to create unique business opportunity, and this will attract

people domestically and internationally.

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Fear Chamber of Dracula House
Startup Business Plan

Section 2) Introduction

In the background of business plan, Fear Chamber of Dracula House design and

entertainment will be unique with less horrific style but more like fun. The castle

will be house of Dracula and it will be in old and European style design as shown

below sample:

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Fear Chamber of Dracula House
Startup Business Plan
Fear Chamber of Dracula House will include colour blends with red and other deep

colour matches. There will be family of Dracula showing adults and children along

with ghosts, aliens and unstructured creatures.

The purpose of business plan is to show and to present financial and resources

information. The plan will include basic information to understand the opportunity

and requirements to take advantage of this opportunity.

Section 3) Plan Description

1) Business Activities

The general business activities of Fear Chamber of Dracula House will include

entertainment and fun activities with the representation of beautiful and old

design castle that will be unique development. They will be acting as owning the

castle and it is their house where tourists and visitors will be visiting them to meet

and to use other facilities such as food court, machine games, and cinema.

Moreover, there will be character representation such as family of Dracula, aliens

and ghosts with other unstructured creatures.

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Fear Chamber of Dracula House
Startup Business Plan

2) Business Opportunity

The tourism market in Dubai is competitive and the people are always looking for

new and unique entertainment to come out of their daily work and busy time. The

tourists are travelling from local or international locations to visit Dubai. Due to

this reason, there is need of unique and new businesses supporting.

Fear Chamber of Dracula House is the right choice because it is as per suggestion

of respondents from survey questionnaire analysis. They have proposed various

facts and information that shows that it will be successful opportunity and it is

important for Dubai’s market. The opportunity analysis is below and survey is in

the appendix section:

1) Business opportunity

Business Opportunity No. of Respondents

Dracula House 30
Cinema (specific Genre) 15
Health Restaurant (Vegetarian/Diabetic&BP) 5

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Fear Chamber of Dracula House
Startup Business Plan
There is high percentage for Dracula house and average for Cinema so both

combined under entertainment theme of horror genre.

What do you think is business opportunity in terms of

entertainment and fun?
No. of Respondents

35 30
20 15
10 5
Dracula House Cinema (specif ic Genre) Health Restaurant

Busine ss Opportunity

Reasoning is:

• Dracula House is not available in UAE and it is very famous in international


• Cinema (specific Genre) is not available in UAE and all are providing general

movies such as drama, horror, comedy, etc. and this will be unique

internationally and locally.

Fear Chamber will combine Dracula House and Cinema providing horror or scary

movies only.

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Fear Chamber of Dracula House
Startup Business Plan
• Health Restaurant (Vegetarian/Diabetic&BP) is important for healthy society

but there are few initiatives due to questionable positivity by the people in


2) Proposed entertainment and fun products or services list

Business Opportunity: Products / Services No. of Respondents

Food Court 12
Cinema 5
Character Models 14
Room Rents 8
Membership Services 9
Parking Services 1
Horror & Fun Entertainment 1

What are the possible products / services?

No. of Respondents

16 14
14 12
10 9
6 5
2 1 1
Food Court Character Membership Horror & Fun
Models Services Entertainment

Business Opportunity: Products / Services

There is high number is food court and character models and this shows as

potential products for business opportunity.

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Fear Chamber of Dracula House
Startup Business Plan
3) Approximation of investment

Investment Proposed No. of Respondents

5 Million 38
3-2 Million 7
2.5 Million 4
1 Million 1

How much is expected investment?




5 Million 3-2 Million 2.5 Million 1 Million


• 5 Million, it is necessary, as everything is expensive nowadays. Moreover,

suppliers are no longer competing in providing better rates and quotations for

business start-up.

• 3-2 Million, it is acceptable and affordable by any investor or businessperson.

• 2.5 Million, it is possible to start small and grow later.

• 1 Million, it is small investment to avoid possible impacts from global financial


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Fear Chamber of Dracula House
Startup Business Plan

4) Approximation of profit return

Profit No. of Respondents

80-100% 6
50-70% 12
30-20% 30
Not Knowing 2

What is the percentage profit over investment?

4% 12%



80-100% 50-70% 30-20% Not Know ing

Most of the respondents agree that as per the current economical situation there

will be 20-30% profit on start-up of new business opportunity and it is true that it

is different from existing business opportunity.

5) Resources requirement

Resources No. of Respondents

Manpower 22
Financial 28

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Fear Chamber of Dracula House
Startup Business Plan

What are resources requirem ent?



Manpow er Financial

Both of the resources seem important for all business start-ups with enough work

force and financial resources to support the business.

3) External Market

1) External market condition is less competitive and Fear Chamber of Dracula

House will be new and challenging. The tourism industry is growing even though

there are financial and economical crises globally. It is in the market of tourism

in the area of entertainment and fun lovers.

2) Competition rate is very low because Fear Chamber of Dracula House is unique

and it requires high investment amount. Therefore, starting another similar

business will be risky for second or other businessperson.

3) Market positioning can be by the means of marketing activities and analyzing

competition possibilities. The means of advertising and marketing will be

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Fear Chamber of Dracula House
Startup Business Plan
through television, posters, website, billboards, flyers, magazine and

newspaper. Moreover, providing tour for new customers or groups will create

good awareness and friendliness knowing all about Fear Chamber of Dracula

House from first contact. In order to fair, there should be different rates for

adults and children along with loyal customers or groups. The means of

marketing will be personal selling and direct marketing to potential customers.

4) Products / Services

The product is Fear Chamber of Dracula House where there will be specially

developed castle for this business purpose only. The family of Dracula will be the

main entertainers and receiving customers around counters and main door of the

castle. There will be ghosts and aliens dressings and they will be employees in

customer services and other working areas.

The visitors will enjoy good range of food providers in the food court. There will be

machine games and playing area for children. The adults can join cinema for

showing horror or scary movies.

5) Core Objectives

1) To start-up new business creating sales and profit by 2010.

2) To obtain profit of 10% of the investment amount by end of 2010.

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Fear Chamber of Dracula House
Startup Business Plan
3) To satisfy by 70% of customers and the offering is variety of products and


6) Strategy for Core Objectives

Core Objectives, Strategies & Tactics Achievement Timeline

1) To start-up new business creating sales and profit 100% January

by 2010. 2010

1) To identify new tourism business opportunity

2) To identify potential market share

3) To analyze people attitude

4) To establish startup and year round aggressive

marketing and sales

5) To market it locally and internationally

2) To obtain profit of 10% of the investment amount 10% December

by end of 2010. 2010

• To budget and conduct financial plans

• To establish return on investment plans

• To assign sales target achievement on monthly

3) To satisfy by 70% of total customers and the 70% March

offering is variety of products and services on 70% June

quarterly basis. 70% September

• To establish quality management system 70% December

• To conduct satisfaction survey 2010

• To maintain special employee for complains

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Fear Chamber of Dracula House
Startup Business Plan

• To analyze dissatisfaction unknown reasons

• To seek customer satisfaction in terms of price and


7) Risks and Opportunities / Limiting Risks and Exploiting Opportunities

The risks and opportunities analysis is by the use of PESTLE and SWOT tools and

techniques. The analysis is in the below tables:

PESTLE Risk Analysis

1) Political • Changing governmental issues in terms of tax rate

• Imposing rules and regulations affecting FCDH business

• Fixing price for specific products or services

2) Economical • Slowing down of tourism business

• Turning down of new tourism businesses

3) Social • Showing less participation from Arab nationals

• Blending of culture of European and local is not

4) Technological • Changing technological interfaces affecting internal and

administrative workload

• Increasing costs affecting implementation of

automation and communication systems

5) Environmental • Increasing environmental disasters and uncertainties

affecting Dracula’s castle

• Facing maintenance issues due to environmental threats

6) Legal • Facing difficulties in processing license

• Facing complicated fulfilments of legal requirements

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Fear Chamber of Dracula House
Startup Business Plan
The below table shows exploiting strengths and opportunities, improving

weaknesses and developing threats:

SWOT Opportunities Analysis

1) Strengths • Professional staff

Exploiting: Using efficiently

• High design and comfortable environment

Exploiting: Showing in marketing means and medias

• Leader in tourism business for Fear Chamber

Exploiting: Creating it as message in marketing and sales

2) Weaknesses • Limited finance

Improving: Obtaining bank finance

• No reserve for improvements and uncertainties

Improving: Obtaining finance

3) Opportunities • High profit

Exploiting: Assigning marketing and sales

• High number of visitors (local and international)

Exploiting: Reaching customers 90% locally

4) Threats • New competitor

Developing: Making it difficult for competitors to introduce

similar business by high investment, professional

characters, wide range of products and services

8) Resources

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Fear Chamber of Dracula House
Startup Business Plan
The below are the resources needs evaluation for possible expenses and costs

along with justification:

 House in the form of castle and it play the venue of Fear Chamber of Dracula


 Employees will be presenting family of Dracula, aliens, ghosts and other

unstructured creatures. They will be frontline employees and characters

attracting and receiving visitors to Fear Chamber.

 There will be administration back office staff not directly dealing with

customers or visitors.

 Training needs are there for employees to make sure they act and represent


 Electricity and water is certain resource need and whole castle will consumer

high amount of it.

 Decoration and design is essential part and resource and it will be in old,

cultural and European style.

 Salaries are important to pay all types of employment along with possible

incentives for sales target.

 Business functions such as management, human resources, accounts, etc.

 Facilities and equipments are for customer and employee needs and


9) Financial Plans

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Fear Chamber of Dracula House
Startup Business Plan
The financial plan is showing complete budget for the first 12 months and one time

expenses and costs of resources:

Resources Finance Types Cost

Castle One Time AED 3,200,000
Cinema One Time AED 350,000
Food Court One Time AED 60,000
Uniforms One Time AED 5,000
Machine games One Time AED 25,000
Washrooms One Time AED 15,000
Prayer rooms One Time AED 10,000
Employees 12 Months AED 50,000
Training 12 Months AED 30,000
Electricity and water One Time/12 Months AED 22,000
Decoration and design One Time AED 80,000
Salaries / Incentives Anytime in 12 Months AED 15,000
Business functions One Time 12 Months Budget AED 100,000
Facilities / equipments One Time AED 38,000
Finance reserve NA AED 1,000,000
Total AED 5,000,000


The recommendation is to keep minimum the investment amount and within the

budget. When there are cases of exceeding particular resource budget then there

should be control or reduction in other areas. The overall spending budget is AED

4,000,000 and reserve is AED 1,000,000. The reserve amount should be for risks,

improvements and uncertainties not for reduce in budget.

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Fear Chamber of Dracula House
Startup Business Plan
Fear Chamber of Dracula House is tourism entertainment unique business

opportunity in Dubai and there is less chance for competition because there few

businessperson willing to invest high capital for existing businesses. It will change

the tourism business style and as per the recommendation, there will be blend of

local and European culture to meet the comfortable entertainment environment

needs by locals and expatriates.


There is need of new businesses in the market of tourism in Dubai because there

are local and international visitors. The new and unique business opportunity

identification is as per the analysis of questionnaire survey. The highest feedback

from respondents was Fear Chamber of Dracula House and there was identification

of products and services offering.

The business plan shows that there is good investment and return on investment

during the first 12 months. The external market is less competitive because Fear

Chamber of Dracula House will be the leader in tourism entertainment market.

There is need for aggressive marketing and sales in the first 12 months or 2 years

of startup. There is also reserve to face and to solve possible risks, uncertainties

and threats.

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Fear Chamber of Dracula House
Startup Business Plan
Section 6) Resources Reading










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Fear Chamber of Dracula House
Startup Business Plan
Section 7) Appendix

Unique Business Opportunity Survey

Travel and Tourism Industry / Dubai Market

What do you think is business opportunity in terms of entertainment and fun? Why?

What are the possible products / services?






How much is expected investment? Why?

What is the percentage profit over investment?

 80-100%,  50-70%,  30-20%, or  I do not know.

What are resources requirement?


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Fear Chamber of Dracula House
Startup Business Plan
Thank you for your participation and contribution.

Contact Miss Project

Noora Al Shehhi

United Arab Emirates

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