Week 11&12 - Shape Transformation

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Course Title: Basic Design 1

Course Code: FP 101

Semester: Spring, 2019
Sana Burney (sana.burney@ivs.edu.pk), Rakshaan Qazi (rakshaan.qazi@ivs.edu.pk), Faryal Arif (faryyal@gmail.com)
M. Ali Khan (malikhan2006@gmail.com), Javaria Rafiq (javaria.rafiq@ivs.edu.pk)

Pre- Class Research:

Transforming shapes pg. 124- 129 (Basic Visual concepts and Principles by Wallschlaeger)

Research different examples of transformations in daily life, architecture nature etc.

WEEK 11 & 12 – Transformation and Metamorphosis


Metamorphosis: has to do with progressive, logical and sequential change as found in nature e.g embryo to a
baby, seed to a tree etc. or a yellow cab transforming into a bumble bee.

Transformation: is an act, process or instance of change of a Shape, form or structure. Transformation is a very
important concept in design.

In this assignment, we will be learning the process of transformation in two different ways. Firstly, through the
open-ended modification of shape, secondly through the relationship of shape and form.

Assignment 9-A: Shape Transformation

 To introduce the concept of transformation in design
 To apply logical, sequential process in transformation
 To apply previous knowledge of elements of design

Learning Outcomes:
 Achieve transformation on a basic shape using the additive process
 Use repetition, sequence and progression
 Observing figure and ground relationship

 Take 15”x20” tracing sheet and place a 15”x20” graph paper underneath it.
 Now divide your tracing sheet into 3 rows and 4 columns.
 On the horizontal sheet, choose and position one of the basic geometric shapes in the centre of the upper
left hand section of the grid.
 Start developing a progression of the altered shapes working from left to right, the shape should develop
naturally from the previous ones without big jumps, it should feel sequential and not abrupt.
 Once you have finished the transformation in pencil, outline each shape with a pointer and fill it in with a

Assignment 9-B: Shape Transformation - Representational

Pre- Class Assignment:
Research and bring 20-25 pictures of representational objects/shapes (vector silhouettes only)

 To explore the process of transformation with reference to shape/form association
 To use the design process of transformation within limitations
 To explore the process of transformation to tell stories

Learning Outcomes:
 Forming shape and form association
 Learning to make sequential changes to shapes by addition/subtraction method
 Composing and presenting transformations

 Choose any two shapes from the ones you have brought, the shapes should have some kind of visual
 On a 15”x20” offset sheet, make step by step logical alterations and transform one object into the other.
Maximum number of steps is 18.
 Brainstorm ideas in your sketchbook before proceeding to the final
 Once you have finished the transformation in pencil, outline each shape with a pointer and fill it in with a
marker. If you want, you can also add spot colour to your transformation.

 Metamorphosis
 Transformation
 Animation
 Structure
 Visual Association
 Gradual
 Sequential
 Negative Space/Positive Space

 1 offset sheet (15”x20”)
 1 Tracing sheet (15”x20”)
 1 Graph Paper (15”x20”)
 Drafting Supplies
 Set of B Pencils
 Round Tip markers, tempo markers, 0.4+0.6 pointers (black)
 Compass set
 Paint (if needed for spot colour)

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