IMSLP27600-PMLP01812-Verdi Requiem - Vocal Score PDF

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Grant them and Kyrie. (Requiem e Kyrie.) Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, Tenor, Bass and Chorus. Revised by H. W. NICHOLL. G. VERDI. Andante. SOPRANO. CONTRALTO. 5 es 5 s TENOR. 2} BASS. Andante. (¢~ 80.) PIANO. PP 1 it pik p possible. b sotto vece. ic ———— # =Es daz += # =: e = Je Sj Grant them rest, grantthemrest e - ter- nal, Re-qui-em, Re-qui-em ae - ter-nam, + £ —— f + ——- == + =] ees ze, 0 2% FF Sotto voce. i] pid p possible. + — ——=—— = SS = Grant them rest, grantthem rest e - ter-nal, Re -qui - em, Re-qui-em ae - ter-nam, SS — | = ooo ig = Fer Oe cn Copyright, 1895, by G. Schirmer. (Four Sopranos only.) t = grant them, grant them, do - na, do - na con espressione. LY, Tutti sempre pp and light et lux and light et lux Ppp dolciss. 10847 —— — grant e them, pet-n-al, pe-tu-a, pet-u-al, pe-tu-a, Lord, Thy rest, Do - mi - ne: STS and light per-pet - u-al et lux per-pe - tu-a and light per-pet- u-al et Inx_ per-pe - tu-a By ppp shinedown up - on them, lu-ce- at e-is, PrP shine down up - on them. lu -ce-at e-is, shine down up- lu - ce - at Ppp__—_—_——__ shine down up - on them. Iu -ce - at e-is. LL, P — 4, Poco pitt mosso. - onthem. e-is. shine down up lu- ce - at St There shall be Te de-cet Sf _ >> Thereshall be singing to Thee in e-is. Te deoet hymnus, De- us, in f= > >> ‘There shallbe singing un - to Theein Si - on, and Te de-cet hymnus, De - us, in Si -on, et Poco pili mosso. (#= 88.) Ree rir te Senza accomp. t 104a7 dim. PPP sing - ing un - = 7 to de-cet hy - mnus, De - - - - —-—= nay —e nae — ==- + sing - ing un-to______ Thee in Si - = on, and hy - mous, De - - us, in Si - = on, et > =~, PRP [efter faa =| ft = = Si - on, and pray’ shall_ go up_— to Thee in Je - Si - on, et ti - y red - de - tur vo-tum in Je- >> + —————_ —: la we ===: SEESEF = j st pray'r—— shall go up to Thee in Je - ru - sa-lem: ti - bired-de - tur vo-tum in Je - ru-sa-lem: ji i —— \ % i v r ° rr Sf . > > dim. f [“ & Z e I i 3y crese. Thee— je-ru - sa - - tum— iu Je-ru - sa - Thee in Si - on, and pray'r us, in Si - on, et ti - bi shgff go dp to ed - de-tur vo shall go_up, pray'r—__ shall go upto Thee— inJe-rn- sa - bi, red-de-tur ti - bi, red-de - tur_ vo-tum inJe-ru - sa - give ear — to. - ru - sa-lem: e-xau - di ys my humble suppli-ca- — - 0 -ra-ti-o-nem me- — - >> ging, PS to TE si Poa iS ofan Hh o - ra-ti- onemme - ——ooTaeeeee =~) ; fi. Ji ti l% as foaa7 ut owe" = == es === = lem: give ear i home ae + pli ca - tion, Jem: e- xXau - me - am, es = —- 7 tem: my hum-ble— sup - = - cae = tion, lem: o-ra-ti - o - nem me - am, Ce E + tion, my hum - blesup-pli- ca - = tion, am; o - ra F ti-o-nem me - am, ad te - - prs iae Se SSS Ss tion, my humble sup - - pli-ca tion, am, o-ra-ti- 0 - - nem me - am, dim. sempre. i =] un - ad te Pp fo Thee shall o - mnis— ro ve-ni- et. un - to Thee shall SE == ES Ei Sj = all flesh come at last. pote 9 -mnis ca -r we - mi - et. 2 sae = Thee shall all flesh come at last. o - mis ca- - - ro. ve - mi - et. 2P + == t un - to Thee shall ad_ te o - mnis oaaT SSS SS allfleshcome at last. ca-ro ve - ni - et. Tempo lI. an TF s dim. sempre. Pp. = st PP sotto voce. Grant them rest, grant them rest e -.ternal Re-qui- em, Re-qui-em ae - ternam, PP sotto voce. ternal - ternam, Grant them rest, grantthem rest e Re-qui - em, Re-qui-em ae PP sotto voce. Grant them rest, grantthem rest e - ternal Re - qui-em, Re-qui-cm ae - ternam, PP sotto voce. Grant them rest, Re - qui-em, grant them rest e - ternal Re-qui-em ae - ternam, —~, ¢2 (Four Sopranos only.) SS == grant them, | grant them, grant them, Lord, Thy rest, do - na, do - na e - is, Do-mi - ne: 2 5 Se _—— tt BE = f t + pet con espressione. J Lay {> L= an 8 ur, Tutti» PP and light per - pet-u-al, light per-pet-u-al et lux per - pe-tu-a, lux per-pe-tua Ppp and light per - pet-u-al, light per-pet - u-al et lux per - pe-tu-a, lux per-pe- tua PPP dolciss. shine down up- on them, lu-ce - at e-is, shine down up - on lu-ce-at__e- —_———— shine down up - on them, Iu -ce- at e-is, sHine down up - on In-ce-at_e- 2 —_— shine down up - on lu-ce-at e- =— shine down up - on lu - ce-at e - - To, Animando un poco. TENOR. Ky - i them. is. Animando un poco. son, BASS. Chri - ste, 10 40 sop. son, MEZZO-SOP. Chri - ste, Chri - ste e- le TEN. e-le - son, €-fe-i - son, Ky = - ti-e son, e - le-i - son, Chorus. P son, leggieriss. Pp 10447 e-le-i - son, e - le-i - son, Ky - ri-e e - le- t-son, - le- i-son, Christe e - le - e-le-i - son, Chri-ste e-le e - le-i-son, Chri-ste_"e - PP £4 = SS Chri - = = ste e-le - i - son, Chri - 5 son, Christee - le - ‘i - — son, Chri- = - Je - i-son, Chri _- - - ste e-le - i-son, Be == J son, Christe e-le OE Ky-rie _e - Je-i-Sn, Ky - tie e - le-i-son, y - Ky - ti e - le-i-son, 14 iy rp - son, e-le-i - son, PPP e-le-i - son, Ppp e-le-i - son, e-le-i - son, — Efi Ppp son, - i = son, e-le-i - son, (4 Sopranos.) SS — divisi. . le-i - son, e-le-i - son, Sf —@ Contraitos.) ——S e-le-i - son, (4 Tenors.) divisi, —— e-le-i - son, e-le-i - son, (2 Basses.) e-le-i - son, 15 22 le - i- son, Chri-ste e - le-i e-le-i - son, e - le - i-son, 404487 = ——>>- SS —__——._ Chri-ste e-le-i- | —=: j ¥ — — e- le - i-son, —— se = e- le - - i - — = aries] -We - i-son, e-le-i - = =: - le - i-son, e-le - - i- 10an7 17 morendo. —S = deter Chri-ste, s00,Chri-ste e-le-i- son,e-le-i- son, Chri-ste, le - son, =<, eae son,_________e-le-i -eon, Christe, — Chri-ste e-le- i- son, e-le-i - son, dim, allarg. Chri-ste, 18 3 poco allarg. morendo. — LN == See SS =] . Chri - ste e- le-i - son. Ppp a morendo. Ppp - a ———————: 4 Chri - ste e- le-i- son. Ppp x A £ == i j morendo. PrP — =a SS] 10887 19 “Day of Anger!” (Dies irae.) Allegro agitato Soprano. Contralto. Tenor Chorus. PIANO. of troub - Ie, day es il- - la, di - > > 2 io. I : - Ja, S —— ; petro ty Mee ie Day___ of troub - 7 =: ~ le, D- e il - = = - la, troub - 4 é < 3 te, ilo. = - = la, Day Di - troub 2 3 : : - Ie, il- troub - le, day of troul Wo Taydir sues = = la, a troub - il = - ee s - shall, i shall per-ish like a vet, - vet sae-clum in fa - >> sy shall, Time shall per- ish like a - vet, Sol - - vet sae-clumin fa- ihe Fgh p ee bub - : - ble, So spake Da- vid and the vil - : - la: Te - ste, Da- vid cum Si- > >> SS SS Se > st >> > + = : 4 bub 5 - ble, So spake, 80 spake Davidandthe vil - 7 - lat Te - ste, Te - ste DavidoumSi- > g a: f. >>> ) So spake, so spake David andthe “Te - -ate, Te - —_- ste David oumSi- Sib - - - yl Day. of an ger, day. of byl - 2 -la. Di- es i- me, Di. - es _ ~ >>ee Time shall per Sol - vet Time shall per - vet sae bub - ble, vil - la: vil - la: bub - ble, Day of an- ger, day of troub-le,Time shall per- ish like a _ vil- la: Di-es i- rae, Di-es il - la, Sol-vet eae-clum in fa- So spake Da-vid and the Sib vil - la: Te- ste Da-vid cum Si - byl Uy Ya 25 ¢ a Z—~ — —= =—. = Day_{§ —ef an- ger, Day of __troub- le, Di <5 we i- me, Di SS we il - 1a, Sf. — Day of an - ger, Day of troub - le, Di - es i - rae, Di - es il la, = SS Day of an - ger, Day of-_—ttroub- le, Di - oe i - rae, Di - oes il.- la, ow Time— , shall Sol VT xet— Time shall Sol - vet Time— _— shall Sol - vet Time shall Sol - vet ‘per - ish sae - clam per - ish sae - clum per - ish eae - clum per - ish sae-clum € # is o£) # a oN bub - ble, vil- la, bub - ble, vil- Ia, bub - ble, vil- la, bub - ble, vil - la, 26 Evid + Day ofan - ger, Day of dim, Di - es i- tae, Di - es P Time shall per - ish ke asi - ble, Sol - vet sae -clum in fa - vil- la: dim, — Time shall per - ish like a bub - ble, Sol - vet see - clum in fa = vil - la: Time— shall per - ish like a __bub-- ble, Sol - vet sae - clum in fa - vil - la: P dim. | r = = 10447 troub- te, il - la, P NS So. Te ery ancora dim. Day Di Da- vid Da - vid Da - vid Da - vid 7 #3 es dil sempre ppp; Day of Di - es RT , £2 soprano. PE SSS — troub - le; Day of il - la; Dire - ¢8 a 2 F SS eos tS = NE =| wig Ppp a Bisse 10487 SOPRANO. How CONTRALTO. Quan - + Pp sotto voce. SS = each heart shall tus tre-mor we pp sotto voce. a <== = =e How Quan - each heart shall tus tre-mor + gO wv . + ie e Se oe beat with ter - ror, When the judge comes, truth to est fu - tu- ras, Quan-do Ja - dex est ven- ee | i SSS SS SS ¥ # eh ae ee beat with ter. ror, When the judge comes, truth to est fa - tu- rus, Quan-do Ju - dex est ven- zs 10987 29 a % > mir-ror, Strict - ly weigh - ing mor - tal ex- - tu-rus, Cun-octa stri - ete dis - cus - su - - > = > ee f Se sg = y Fr = — mir-ror, Strict - ly weigh - ing mor - tal ex D tu-rus, Cun-ctastri - ete dis - cus - su- - a q | Allegro sostenuto. ————— == ror! rus! Se = SS Se j ror! rus! = SSS =| Allegro sostenuto.(d= 88 .) (Trumpets in the Orchestra) In the Orch.) WP (Trumpets afer.) 30 ‘ett animando |a poco cresc. a poco a pocg. #2! oe|¢: ttt — sempre ae 4 poco a poco» iia oaa7 34 SOPRANO. I> == = j Hark! Tu - - = == j == : : =| the trum ~ petsounds ap-pall - ing, Tu - = -ba mi- rum spargens so - num, uu > (ater) 3 2~ Hark! the trum . pet sounds ap - Ta - ba mi - romspar - gene 2 s e 10aa7 32 > = > sounds ap - ~ ~ pall - - spar- - gens 80 - - - ——— : sounds ap - pall - : - spar-gens 60 =a sounds ap - pall - - spar-gens 80 ~ : = £ — =r > j pall- ing, Earths se - pul-turd dead up - call - 7 so-num, Per se - pul-chra re- gi - 0 - - - 8 3 s a a _— 3 | 7 5 ( = = ott oe s . s > | animando, sempre sino. > .8.> 68 > .8.> menzgs 8). = ee 2 wh > - = - ing, = - - nom, E = = S| - - - ing, Hark! the - - - nom, Ta - ba —m™N. a (Trampete afar.) 2, (Orchestra, alla fine ma a poco a poco. 3 3s 3 “94a sounds ap spar - gene ~ >> és (afer) sounds spar- ap- ~gens ae acpi SES dead up - call-ing, reg- i - o- num, > >>> > Sf = = =——— | palling, Round the sonum, Co - get > ae: ay SS —= ) Earth’s je - pul - turd Per se - pul - chra_ > 3. 3. > 3 >>>> > a8 => FR] (far) ‘ gee == PoP te = Lord’s throne pros - trate fall - si - ~ om - nes an - te thro- - - - x ee = AE. 5 ' call- ~ - ~see oe ee Oe PPP Solo. ing. Death, with nes. Mors stu- =y i con 8% sotto. con oa sotto, oaa7 35 _—. wonder, Death, with won - deris en - chain - ed When man pe-bit, Mors’ stu - pe - bitet na - tu- -ra,Cum re - i ’ p # t 7 con 84 sotto. con 84 sotto. con'8S sotto, hisgrasp, re - gain - ed,Stands be-fore -thejudge ar- getcre - a - tu - ra, Ju - di-can - ti re - spon Teg 7 Y con'8& sotto. con Besar OPE %S 7 197 cont soto, con 8 sotto. con 58 sotto. cupo. 1 4 Death, Death en-chain - ed. Mors, Mors stu-pe - bit. ~ : PP ~S a i= con 8&sotte. - con 8@ sotto. con 84sotto. con84sotte. «= ——~ 10aa7 36 Allegro molto sostenuto. (d=8s.) MEZZO-SOPRA| ——— pp Now the rec-ord shall be Li - ber soriptus pro -fe - ——<—_————_ > pp tL all thingsstandsin - - ed, to-tum odn - ti- - NS A > = iF E A d,whence the world shallbe re-quit - ed, whence the -dus, Tn - de mun-dus_ju-di-ce - tur, Un - de Ave = world shall, whence the world shall be re- = quit - = - mun - dus, un - de mun- -dus ju - di - ce- 5 a oaa7 37 cs a tempo. it. tur. SOPRANO. a con voce cupa ¢ tristissima. Day of anger! Di-es i-rael SCONTRALTO. | S TENOR. Chorus. : Day of anger! Di-es i-rae! BASS. . on voce cupa ¢ tristissima. Tt ES _ 5 —— ta judg - ment all are bid- -den, - -dex. er - go cum se - de- -bit, 88 den, Not a tres-pass go un - smitten; Nothing bit: Nil i-nul-tum — re- -ma- ne-bit; Quidquid SOPRANO. 5 sempre Day ofanger!. Di -es i-rael CONTRAL:’ TENOR. Day of anger! Di-es i-rae! sempre ppp ‘un poco accelerando. longer shall be hid-den, Not a trespass, not a_ tres- la-tet, ap - pa -re-bit, Nil. i- nultum, Nil i - nul- nf & tembo, | | ~emit-ten, go un-smit- — -ten, -ne - bit, re- ma-ne- -bit, 10887 an Pee = # = trespass,not a tres- pass go_un - smit= —~ .ten. Now the nultum, Nil i - nul-tum re - ma- ne- -bit. Li - ber = a =— £ e = o tr — a ; ; se ve 7 7 ad Pr Pv ~ ~ ii Hs Ss rec- - shall fe cit- - -ed, Where- -in serip- -tus pro- -fe - re- = -tur, In quo all _—thingsstands —in - dit- to- -tum con - ti-ne- 40 SS SSS ed. When to judgment all are bid - den,Nothing tur. : Ju -dex er - go cum se - de - bit,Quidquid Day of an-ger! Di- es i-rae SOPRANO. CONTRALTO. - 5 E = = j TENOR. = SSS Day of an-ger! Di -es i-rae longer shall be hid - den, Not a trespass Intet, ap- pa - re - bit: Nil i-nobum A A ancora pil pp 10807 ai sempre pit p morendo. 1 gounsmit-ten, not, not, Tema-ne -bit, Nil, Nil, erdendost. ., A AAA a tempo. Now the rec-ord shallbe cit- -ed. Li - ber soriptus pro-fe-re- -tur. SOPRANO. Sempre cupo ¢ pianissimo. Day ofan. ger! Di - esi- -rael CONTRALTO. sempre cupo ¢ pianissimo. Day ofan- ger! Di - esi- -rael sempre ianissimo. oe Sr Ne NS pcot canto. | a tempo. 10887 Di - es i- -rae! ee = a Day ofan- -gerl Di - es i- -rael ee ta + ge SS 5 Day ofan- -ger! BE } | | > fh He Ss + PP E33 i= : ji Day of an- -ger! Di - es i- -rael i = it SSS == ff + Day ofan- -ger! Di es i- -rae! 3 a 48 troub- le, il - la, an - ger, Day of troub -1e, i - rae, Di - es il - Ie, qb al NCP KD EG field lata |e 10487 & SSS SS SS Time_ shall per - ish like a bub - ble, Sol- -vet sae - clum in fa- -vil - la, + + + Pe SSS Time shall per - ish like a bub - ble, Sol - vet sae - clum in fa- -vil - la, = a —= Time shall per- ish like bub - ble, Sol- =vet sae-clum in fa- -vil - la, ‘ime shall per - ish ike bub - ble, Sol - vet sae - clum in fa- -vil - la, ED Eee Ef § cp ee see he toy jel I —— Day of an - ger, Day of Di- -es i - rae, Di- -e8 p dim $e (= Ss St — = Time shall per - ish like bub - ble, Sol- -vet sae clam in fan -vil - Ia, p dim Time shalt per - ish Sol - vet sae - clam in fa- -vil - Ia, p din : = SS i Time shall per- ish iw ble, Sol - -vet sae-clum in fa- -vil - la, GES i: ia vv Nr Seas NF SE SS a ? ; ; dim. 2 z = 10847 troub-le il - la, So spake and the Te - ste cum = Si- r, Day of troub - le, Day of e, Di-es il - 1a, Di - es SS == SS PP =< SS =e Di-es il - la, Di - es soaa7 _— 41 Adagio. (ob: 100:) MEZZO-SOPRANO. espress. = SSS SS What af - Quid sum, mine_ex-ceed - ing? tune-die-tur - us, Who shall stand Quem pa - tro- 5 - - 62 SSS 5 ——=== forth for—__me plead - ing,When the just nom ro = ga-tur - us, Cum vix jus- — - - - canto. = = if oe -. . * 7 SS | ¢ 10487 — | 48 ben legato 6 dolce. oe aid__._ is_ need - sit__ se - cur- What af - mine ex- Quid sum, tune dic SS = for me plead- = - Who shall stand forth, Quem pa - tro- = + oe What af-flic - - What____ ah! Quid sum, Quid sum,mi- = et eS _—___ What_ af- flic- - ceed - ing?What, ahl. tur - us? Quid sum, Quid— sum, mi- = “9987 — 49 = —_—_— dolce € legato. — the just___™ aid— is vix jus - sit se- ex-ceed - ing? di- ctu - rus? —= ————_ PP Who. - ing? . Quem 5 —= rus? = What af - hic - tion! Who shall_standforth,for me Quidsum, mi - ser! Quem pa - tro-num’ ro -_ga- What af - flic - tion! Who shall__ Quid sum, _m ser! fem pa a PP, 7 ‘senza accomp. —== ie > > who_ shall stand forth, for. me uem pa - tro- num’ ro - ga- stand forth, tro - num, plead- ing, Who shall stand__forth,__ for__ me plead- 5 tu - rus, Quem ra - tro—- pum ro - ga - tu - - stand forth, tro - num, iS ——S bj 10847 50 = Hs Plead - ingWhen the just______ tu - rus,Cam tus ate ie ¥ 5 oe ing, When rus, Com a> + oe need - 5 : Te cu - rus? uid — sum,_ mi - : += 5 ee = = = j need - - ing? What af - flic - . eu > rus? Quid -mi mine ex- teed - ing? tune di- ctu = - rus? mine ex - ceed ~ tune di - ctu What af flic-tion mine ex- ceed - ing? What Quid __sum, mi- ser!tune di- ctu - rus? Quid = > dS af = flic - tion sum, —_ mi - ser! a A A > > ¥ — mine ex.- ceed - ing? Ah, what! tune di-ctu - rus? se Quid s sum, — £ mine ex-ceed - ing? What tune di-ctu rus? Quiq— + ao} ¥ =a f = mine ex - ~ Coed - Ah! what, what af - tune di-ctu - ie Quid sum, Quid sum, = = IS >, When the Cum vix Who shall standforth for me pleading, >= Quem pa - tro-num ro-ga- tu- rus, flic-tion, mine ex. ceed - ing? mi-ser, tune di - ctu - rus? m7. Mie, 404487 52 ‘io maestoso. justman aid is need-ing? jus-tus sit se- cu rus? Tutti. BASS. = Chorus. King of glo-ries,brightand glow - Rex —tremen-daemaj- es - fa = - Adagio maestoso.(d = 72.) TENOR #iPisi- King of glo-ries,bright and! Rex tre-inen-dae may - es ta -tiel ere King of glo-ries,bright and Rex tre-men-dae maj - es - ——_—* oe. = BASS. = E SSS Ses Save me,Lord,with mer- cy 2P, Ly Sal- va me, fons pi-e - Grace on whom thou wilt bestow-ing, — Qui sal-van-dos sal-vas gra-tis ’ 10447 58 SOPRANO. A Save me, Lord, save me, Lord, Sal-va’ me, Sal-va’ me, ‘Save me,Lord,with mercy flow - ing! TENOR. _Sal-va’ me,fons pi-e - ta - tis! BASS. Save me,Lord,with mercy Salva’ me,fons pi- ¢- flow - ing! ta - tisl save me, Lord, Sal-va me, flow- ing! ta - tis! SOPRANO. CONTRALTO. ENOR.. Lord, me, King of glo-ries,bright and glow - ing! Rex tremen-dae'maj - es- ta — tis! == Se rasa Lord, save me, Lord, me, Sal - va me, eS SSS j Lord, save me, Lord, me, Sal - va me, — SS | Lord, save me, Lord, me, Sal - va_ me, se ft = = = save me, Lord, save me, Sal - va me, Sal - va Ss ; === SS = save me, Lord, save me, Sal - va me, Sal - va . 5. 2 f i #4 == e King ofgloriesbright and glow - ing! Grace on whom thouwilt be - Rex tremendae maj-es-ta - tis! Qui sal-van-dos sal-vas 2 TeV i ie * Hey sare te “ft toaa7 mer-cy flow-ing! pi-e - ta-tis! save me, Sal-va, as ss save me, Sal-va, Is save me, save me, Sal -va, Sal-va, es > bee Save me, save me,Lord, save me,save me,Lord, Sal - va, Sal- va me, Sal - va, Sal-va me, 55 save mo, Sal-va, save me, Sal-va, >> save me,Lord,with mer- cy flow-ing! Sal - va me, fons pi-e - ta-tis! 10447 87 with___mer-cy flowing! fons____ pi-e - ta-tis! me, Lord, with___mer-cy va Save me, Lord, Sal-va me, estremament Save me, Lord, Sal-va me, 104487 me, fous pi-e - save me, Lord, Sal-va me, PPP save me,Lord, Sal-va me, PPP 58 flow-ing! —— tis! Save me,Lord,with mer- cy flow-ing! — Sal- va me, fons pi-e - ta- — Sal - Save me,Lord,withmer-cy _flow-ing! save Sal - va me, fons pi-e - ta - tis! Sal - Prpp = ie = = == | save me, Lord, Sal- va me, 1S : 5 z SS S= == =| save me, Lord, Sal-va me, 59 animando a poco a poco. ot. > > ee — <- Lordwith mercy flow - ing! Save me, me, fons pi-e-ta - tis! Sal - - va. Lord,with mercy flow - ing! Save me, me,fons pi-e-ta - tis! Sal - - ve > > a = 7 “ a f + =S _ me, saveme, Lord, King of glo-ries,bright and - va, Sal-va me, Rex tremendae maj - es - Ff == == 3 save me, Lord, Sal - - ve me, save me, Lord, Sal - - ve me, 2 SPU py th pp King ofglo-riesbrightand glow - ing! Rex tremendae maj- es - ta - tis! animando a poco a poco. toaa7 60 sempre animando, glowing! King of glories,bright and glowing! ta-tis! Rex tremendae maj. es ta-tis! sempre animando. me, Lord, - va me, save Sal bar King of gloriesbrightand glow - ing! Grace on whom thou wilt be- Rex tremendaemaj-es - ta - tis! Qui sal-van-dos sal-vas Sempre animando. ita 10887 Grace on whom thou wilt be 10487 Qui sal-van-dos sal-vas_ stow - ing, gra - tis, save me, Sal - va beatae oO stowing, Save me,save me, gratis, Sal-va, Sal-va__ me, Lord, - va me, Save me,Lordwithmercy flow-ing! Sal-va me,fons pi-e - ta-tis! 61 62 sempre animando. a primo tempo. ae SSS me, save. ne, . va, Sal - : - == E i = ee =: fat Lord, save___ me, Lord, with mr - cy me, Sal - - va me, fons pi - e- = = be 8 = ———— = Lord, with mer - cy flow-ing! Save_ me, me, fons pi- e - ta-tis! Sal - va, 4 =~ or ae pte Sa Lord,with mer - cy flow-ing! Save me, Lord, save me, me, fons pi - e - ta-tis! Sal-va me, Sal - va sempre animando. — ae —————— SSS + ——- —- save Lord, save_ me, Sal; 7 me, Sal - va, £ z te = = a with mer- cy flow - ~ ing! fos pi-e - ta - 2 : - tis! at > > bey be +_——9— = : oii == with mer- cy flow-ingl Save_ - me, fous pi- e - ta-tis! Sal - va, a 2 2 s SSS ste: 3 SS - with mer - cy flow-ing! Save me, Lord, save me, fons pi - e - ta-tis! Sal-va me, Sal - va ope eS hee = Sempre animando, £ == a iy > aaaAT allarg. stent. save me; save me, Sal- va, Sal ss - ~—sva o_O OF me, va save . me, Sal- va,—_ save Sal save —__ Sal_- - <—T allarg. stent. t fan 5 SSS 10887 Lord, me, in tempo. dolce. és Lord, me, save me, Sal - va Lord, me, 64 save me,_ Sal - - va nf — =e j =e nS save me, Lord,with mer - cy Sal- va me, fons pi - e - f LH 5 | = SSS save me,_ Sal - - va oh —— = f = =e = save me, Lord,with mer- cy Sal - va me, fons pi- e* save. me, save me,— Sal - va, Sal - - va L =: ra — save me, Lord, save ne, ‘Sal-va me, Sal - - vay as te Tutti. aes =S=2: ——— = +4 = = =F a] LNeime Lord, save meyLord, save me, Sal-va me, Sal-vame, = Sal - - va half of the Tenors) nf Tutti. = js SS SS & = == =e Ee = SS save me, Lord, save me, Lord,with mer - cy Sal-va me, Sal- va me, fons pi- e - pplulol the Basses.) . nf Tutti ave me Lord, save me, Lord,with mer- cy Sal-va_ me, Salva me, fons pi- e - & iat = i + FF == al #—} -9| = ona7 65 save me, Lord Sal- -va mel SS SS E z E flow - - ing. ta - - tis! S— $= = = = = save me, Lord. Sal- -vas mel S—_—_— ———— = = flow - ing ta - - tis! a——— F F = = save __ me, Lord. Sal - va me! ——— T T e s —_— Ss E = = + + flow - ing ta - tis! = = =i —_—_ | n ess az 66 Lo stesso tempo. SOPRANO. : = MEZZO-SOPRANO. espress. SS SS Ant re- mem - ber, Je- For me Re - cor-da - re, Je - Quod __ sum Lo stesso tempo- ida t= . : r 43 . FF (an a a - = 4 + += + > +> t Cantabile. An! re- mem - ber, Re - cor-da - re, op- press - ed. ae vi - ——— —_—=_— = SS SS a Je- -sus bless - ed, For me Thy path, for me Je - -su_ pi- e, Quod __ sum cau - sa, Quod __ sum mp + f SS 8 For me Thy path, was op - Quod sumcan - sa tu - ae 67 | Thy ______path was op - pressed, | can - : -sa tu-ae_ vi-ae, | & % a os Lootere press - - ed, Save __ me then, by fear dis-tressed, vi- - ae, Ne me per-das il- la di-e, rd a t Ss rrr LHI ae ea ft $e H + + =F. 4} = = + F a > Ab 4 £000 « poco animando, = fA, , pp = = z —— then, by fear dis - tress - : : -ed, save me then, by per-das il- la di : -e, Ne me per-das —— Save __ me then, ah! save. me_then, by Ne me _____ per - das, Ne me per-das ace LH] aaa = fae 's poco a poco animando. et = ff Hi —S — st = Te = == = —— = fear dis-tress - ed. For my sake, il-la_di- ee. Quae-rens me, — —— SSS fear dis - treas~- ed. For my sake, il-la di - e. Quae-rens me, oaa7 — for_ my sake, thou satst down weary, Thy cross bear - Quaerens me, se-di - sti las-sus: Re- de - mis - eR RGM ed SSS] —— for_ my sake, thou sat'st down weary, Thy cross bear - Quaerens me, se-di - sti las-sus: Re-de - mis - A dolciss. wf ee <= == tee et —- + F z = thy _______ cross bear-ing, meek and cheer - y; Fruit - -less te- -de - mis-ti, cru-cem pas - sus: Tan - -tas T - ing, thy_ cross bear-ing, meek and cheer - y; Fruit - less - -ti,. re- de - mis-ti, crn-cem pas - sus: Tan - tus aN SSS te Se =e 10487 69 animando sempre sino alla Fine. —_——. ven-geance, ye ap-pall me, From —— my sins, Ju dex uo. ti-o - nis, Do - num fac =e = ven-geance, ye ap - pall ———— me, From my Ja- dex wo - ti-o- = - -nis, Do-num “ee Eee = np un poco animando. — 5 = 7 i $ =5 at z x Lord, dis-en- thrall me, Ere to an - swer —__—_——._ re- mis-si- 0 - nis An . te di - em i SS Se = sins, ___ Lord, dis-en - thrall me, Ere to an. swer fac re-mis-si- 0 - nis An - te di - em Gat => p dolce. 70 animando. a —— my sins,Lord, dis-en - thrall — re to answer, Ere to num fac re - mis-si- 0 - - nis An-te. di-em, An-te = ow Ere to are An - te - nis oe animando. vad num fac re - mis. t fad ass ss $F =e = . an - swer, di - em, —S—*és Ante diem, — a = SS == SS Pe 5 - swer, ie = answer thou dost call me, Te to ai. -em, An-te di-em ra-ti- o-nis, ‘An-te ————— ; fat i rad ee a Ke SSS ==: = a= = ere to an- - - swer thou dost call An-te di- -em peas - nis. A = = ==] SSS 5 = an- -swer thou fa —————— me. di - -em ra- ti - - nis. = =: mn TENOR. fay ———~ _< . —= = Zé == = #5 = ec Sad-ly groan-ing, guilt-y feel - -ing, Oer my vis-age blushes In-ge- mi- sco tamquam re - us, Cul-pa ra-bet val-tus SS See steal-ing: Lord, oh! spare me, Lord, oh! spare me low-ly kneel - ing. me - us: Sup-pli-can- ti, Sup-pli- can-ti par-ce De - us. Poco meno mosso. dolce con calma,__ bee py eye 5 Thou, who Ma - ry sin for - gav- - est, Qui Ma - ri. - am ab-sol- vis - - ti, FF t | = oe < <¢ e ——_ Se + Who to. hear__the thief vouch-saf - -edst, Un - to la — tro - nem ex- au- dis- -ti, Mi- bi 40447 quo- que spem de~- dis - ti, Mi- SS me bright hope thou gav - est, Un- bright hope thou gay - = - est. - = gpe _spem de - dis - : - ti. 2 = SS _. 1 ¢ wa f — t = 7 = : PPP f £ | SSS SS i = =—=s Though my sad prays breath be wast - ing, Kind- Pre-ces me - ae non sunt di - gnae, Sed to = == 2 glanc- es on me cast - ing, Save the from flames e-ver- bo - nus fac be- nig - ne, Ne pe-ren- ni cremer rs haemo rt ' a, rT * ee 10447 ——————_———__ : = 4 last - - - - ing. ig - = S - ne = DEN DP A Saere ———_ ee espress. te te. Wy) iy — Es s Ss a =| tor ——— = dolce, ; — = —= =e = c=, + £ $ =| With thy sheep, Lord, deign to mate me, From the In- - ter 0 - ves lo - cum praes- ta, Et ab z | = SSS ——__—_ = ——— he - goats sep-a-rate me; With thy sheep, Lord, deign hae - dis me se-ques-tra; In - ter 0 - ves lo- 4 mS TE I 8) mate me, From the he-goats sep - a- rate Praes - ta, Et ab hae. dis me se - ques - be EX EY ten FER D 10887 74 animando. re tempo. a ; = me, At thy right, at ___thy__ tra, Sta- tu - ens, Sta. tu - ¢ i ¢ C— = . Fe a do thou in- state in par-te dex- 22S =F pppconespress. From the hegoats sep - a- rate me, At thyright do thou in- Et ab hae-dis me _se-questra,Sta-tu-ens in par-te ‘poco accel. oaa7 ad Andante. @= 96) BASS. pp £0" Sorsa. SS SSS From th’ac-curs-ed and re - ject - -ed, Doomd to fier-y flames con- Con - fu-ta-tis ma- le - dio - -tis, Flam-mis ac-ri-bus ab- AP a é 2. = Sie j vict - -ed, Call me forthwith thine e-lect-ed. dic - -tis, Vo - ca me__cum be - ne-dic-tis. a Lot I pray, a sup-pliant sigh- ing, Dark re. o- - To sup-plex et ac - cli - nis, Cor con - morse my heart up - dry-i me at the hour tri-tum yna-si euram me 716 Lo! I pray, a suppliant sighing, Dark re-morse my heart up-dry- ing, O-ro sup-plex et ae - cli-nis, Cor von-tri-tum qua-si ci - nis, me, heed me at the hour of dy - ing. re, Ge-re ca - ram me-i fi - nis. iT f, a ne ae . . pEEert ae SS From thac-curs- ed and re - ject - - ed, Con - fu-ta - tis ma- le - dic- ~ tis, ne SJ Cx i $$$ $e fom Doom'd to fier - y flames con - vict - - ed, Flam- mis ac - ri- bus ad - dic - - tis, ~ =~ . SEE De Pata, = ass i i ~ 10447 77 Call me forth with thine e - lect - ed, Vo - ca me cum be-ne- die - tis, espress. ae SS cs = Aaa + = == = 4 Call me forth __ with thine e - lect - ed, Call me forth, Yo - ca me cum be- ne dic - tis, Yo- ca me, — LS Sab fa ° b p> SL jac —_— call me forthwiththine e - lect - ‘Vo-ca me cum be- ne - dic - pray, a sup- pliant sigh - ing, sup- plex et ac - cli - nis, 104487 78 x = = Dark re - morse my heart up - dry - ing, Cor con - tri- tum qua - si ci - nis, tf pray, a sup-pliant sigh-ing, Dark re- morse my heart up - dry --ing, sup-plex et ac - cli-nis, Cor con-tri-tum qua-si ci - nis, =a + = ; => + es _ P =— PA be — SSS me, heed me at the hour of my dy- 5 Te ge-re cu - ram me-i fi - nis, Ge - “iT ee so4aa7 jaca ral. ing; nis; Lo! I pray, a sup - pliant sigh- ing, 0 - ro sup-plex et ac - cli - nis, me h00 ral. ——$_== . sie ~ _—_— ten. org FS bg a ee Pt ¥— = dy - ing, heed me at the hour of dy- E e en - ram, ge - re ou-ram me-i fi- — - - > > > = > a eet 10447 Allegro come prima. ing. nis. SOPRANO. CONTRALTO, ENOR. of an - ger, day es i - rae, Di - Allegro come prima. >> > > > > > > > > an- . - - - i- : : 2 a Day of an~ = 5 = ger, an - ger, day__ of an- 5 - ger, i - rae, Di_- es i - : - Tae, =p == _S—-= + =e == =| an- : = : : - ger, io : : - : - Tae, pens T flee 2: le £2 = => Ht troub - le, day of troub - le, day of trous = - i - laydi - es il - la, Di - es il - - Time — shall per - ish Sol - vet se - clum Time shall, Time — shall Sol - vet, Sol - vet shall,Time vet, Sol like a bub ble, So spake Da - vid in fa - vil la, Tes - te Da - vid a = SSS 5 like a bub ble, So spake Da - vid in fa - vil la, Tes - te Da - vid >> . ~ + tere perish like a bub ble, So spake Da - vid seeclum in fa - vil la, Tes - te Da - vid <-> naa . ——.. + Sa: fj per-ish like a bub ble, So spake Da - vid seclum in fa - vil la, Tes - te Da - vid pe — Jy => = > >>> > ee > 10947 a 83 andthe Sib cum Si - byl andthe Sib eum Si- byl = - la, Di - es i - Te, >~ and the. Sib - yl, Day ; ger, cum Si - byl - la, = Di - es i - Tey = — and = the_ Sib cum Si - byl - ia, Di - es i re, > >> ey Sea > day of an S ger,day of an > > Di - es i - re, Di-es i - . ~ P. PSSreer E = oe a day of a ger, day of Di - es i - re, Di - es day of an = ger, day of Di - es i - re, Di - es day of an ger, day of 84 troub - le! - Te, Di - es i-re, di - es il - Ia! an - ger, day of trouble, of troub - le! i- re, Di - es il-la, di - es il - lal — of troub - le! es il - lal troub - le, day of trouble! ilo. la, di - es il- la! 3 7 ay => ~~ —_— —— => ete pe morendo. : £ — - ——— ? B 10847 85 Largo. (d = 60.) con molto espress. MEZZO-SOPRANO. ——— = Ah! what weep-ing on_ that mor-row When man’s La-cry- mo-se di-es_ il-la! Qua re - — AA = SSS =SS = SSS ash - es form shall bor-row, Judg- ment guilt -'y shall de - surg - et ex fa - vil-la Ja - di - can- tus ho - mo 7 eS F In_ thy. mer-cy, Lord, then spare him. cantabile. Te - us. Hu -ic_ er-go par-ce De - us: BASS. ~~ ry f = = S 4 ‘Ah! what La - ery_ ian, a Pigngente. s 4 4 4 Ah!_ La - weep - ing on at mor- row When man’s ash - es form shall mo - sa di - es__ il - la! Qua re - surg - et_ex fa - —— ———~ — 5m s— I come un lamento. 10887 86 ooo that_ mor - row, on thatmor - es__ il = _lat__ di-es il - = —— - mo - sa di te ~ bor- row, Judg-mentguilt-y shall de-clarehim! In_ thy mercy,Lord,oh spare vil- la, Ju - di-can-tus ho - mo re- us. Hu- ic ergo parce De - wee MN . — _~ oh ath I t pp dole SOPRANO. ——_~ o. > Ze = =| In thy mer - = - cy, Lord, oh Hu-ic oer - - - go par-ce re oo == SS SS SSS ’ row! In thy mercy,Lord,oh spare him, la! Hu - ic ergo par-ce De - us, t = = 4 him. us. ppp doiciss. SOPRANO. : ah —_— 2 j SSS s In thy mer - cy, Lord, oh spare him, Lord, oh 3 Hu-ic er - go par - ce De - us, par - ce > C’ALTO. PPP, + SSS SSS) 2 s ag £5 m iene RE loaay 87 SOPRANO. een ————, a

= SSS Se SF spare, oh! spare _ him. Ah! what par - ce De - us. La - cry - cantabile. TENOR. P [Pp Sees Ah! what weep - ing on_ that La - cry- mo - ea di - es BASS. 2 ae eae SS fetta Ah! what weep - ing on_ that SOPRANO. La- cry - mo - sa di- ea_ = n spare, ob! spare him. An! what par- ce De - us. La - cry - CONTRALTO. 7 [3 —_ = | 5] ——_—_—_ 5 , ° cantabile. —. 4 TENOR. Sf o = = Ab! what weep - ing on_ that La - cry- mo - sa di - es BASS. : IB it $ ee ee cantabile. Ake \ com espress. cantabile, 88 = Ss weep - sing, Ah! what_ weep - ing, mo - sa La - cry - mo - sa —— # weep-ing on that mor-row When man's ash es_form shall bor - row, mo-sa di-es il-la! Qua re- surg - et_ ex fa-vil - la, AA xa = So mor - row When man's ash - es form shall bor- row, Judg-ment il - lal Qua re - surg - et ex fa - vil - la, Ju - di - é “te sg 4S — a + $F t =" i St SSS5 - SS as weep-ing on that mor-row When man's ash - —es_ formshall bor- row, mo-sa di-es il-la! Qua re-surg - et. ex fa-vil- la, 5 — — A a + mor - row When man’s ash - es form shall bor-row, Judg-ment il - ial Qua re - surg - et ex fa - vil- la, Ju- di - — “Se & AA = x 29 2 =e ee oR Moe ares 4 habe <— + >> aT alt 5 hs rs = + aa re aad 10aa7 weep-ing on that mor-row! Ah! what weep - - di-es, di - il- la. La- cry - mo - 7 —. AA A a Judg- ment guilt-y shall de-clare him, Judg-ment guilt-y shall de-clare Ju - di-can-dus ho-mo re-us, Ju- di - candus ho-mo re guilt y shall. de - clare him, In_ thy mer-cy,Lord, oh spare can-dus ho - mo_ re-us, Hu-ic_ er-gopar-ce De - > SN a Judg-mentguilt-y shall de-clare him, In thy mer-cy,Lord, oh spare Ju - di-can-dus ho-mo re-us, Hu-ic er-gopar-ce De - —— A_A_A_A 7 guilt y shall. de - clare him, In_ thy mer-cy,Lord,oh spare can- dus ho - mo. re-us, Hu-ic_ er-gopar-ce De - aS | Ea >> >> zm >, te i 10887 90 SS alcis5_—_ > Ah! what weep-ing, weep — - La-cry- mo-sa di - = =| thy mer- cy, Lord, ic er- go par - z =| + =| sotto voce. ppp cantabile Ee ty) SSS him, In thy__ mer - cy, er - go us, Hu- ic. Lord, oh. spare him,Lord, oh. par-ce_ De-us, par- ce Ppp cantadile ae SS SS SS E = SS 3 Ru 10847 cy ing on that es, di-es _—— > spare, oh spare him, ce De - us, —_ > ¢ In thymercy, Hu - ic ergo, and TENOR. 4st TENOR. In thy mercy, Lord, ohsparehim, Hu- ie ergo par- ce De-us, znd Bass. 4st BASS. In thy mercy, Lord, ohsparehim, Hu-ic ergo par- ce De-us, 92 In Hu - thy mer Lord, oh ie er = «go. par: = ce Lord, oh spare, oh —spare— him, par-ce, par-ce De - us, par - ce =—~ oh ce, Lord, par - yy go =~ In thy mer - cy, Lord, oh sparehim, In_ thy Hu-ic er - go par - ce De-us, Hu-ic_ spare— him, De - us, In thy mercy, Hu - ic_ er-go par - - Lord, oh spare him, In_ thy Ho - ico. er - go par - ce De-us, Hu-ic_ es =< ADI f oe J aT 93 pp dolciss. a ™~ Soli. . Gen-tle Je-sus, Gra-cious Lord,Grant them Pi-e Je-su, Do-mi - ne, Do - na pp dolciss. a x oh spare Gen-tle Je-sus, Gra-cious Lord ,Grant them ce De - us: Pi-e Je-su, Do-mi - ne, Do- na dolciss. spare, oh Je - sus, Grant them par - ce De - us: Je - su, Do- na pp dolciss. mer-cy,Lord, oh spare Grant them er-go par-ce De - us: Do- na oh spare par - ce De - mer-cy,Lord, oh spare him: er-go par-ce De - us: ro Thy e-ter- nal rest; Gen-tle e-is re-qui-em; Pi-e Je - sus; Gra - cious Lord, Je-su;'Do-mi - ne, Thy e-ter-nal_ rest; Gen-tle e-is re-qui- em; Pi-e A A Je - sus; Gra - cious Je- au; a Lord, Grant them, Do-mi - ne, Do- na a a Thy e-ter-nal. rest; Gen-tle Je - sus; Gra- cious Lord, Grant them, e-is re-qui- em; Pi-e Je-su; Do-mi - ne, Do- na Thy e-ter-nal rest; Gen-tle Je - sus; Gra-cious e-is re-qui- em; Pi-e Je-u; Do-mi - ne, —? EL ¢ fad [we <== x them, Thy e - ter- nal. nae - is re- qui - grant them, Thy Do - na e - them, is, - sus, grant them, Thy e - ter - nal is, Do - na ee - is re - qui - Grant them, Je - sus, grant | them, ____ Thy Do- na e - is, Do - na re - - qi - ——, d i 71 ee od 1oaa7 95 pp ullarg.e dolce =x eS rest; Gen - tle, Gen-tle Je - em; Pi- ej Pi-e_ Je - rest; Gen - tle Je - sus, em; Pi - e Je - ou, SOPRANO PP. Gen-tle Pi-e - —6u, CONTRALTO Fr) es 5 Gen - - tle Je—< sus, 3 Pi - - e Je - ea, ty oD TENOR. PP. Gen-tle. Je - sus, Gra-cious Lord, Pi-e_ Je - su, Do-mi - ne, Gen-tle. Je - sus, Gra - cious Lord, Pi-e_Je - su, Do - mi- ne, BASS. PP Pa) Gen - tle Pi - e Je - - su, ‘col canto. allarg. € dolce. d 10447 96 —==— a tempo. sus, Grant them Thy e - ter-nal_ rest, su, Do - ma e - is re- qui - em, Grant them Thy e - ter-nal_ rest, Do- ma e - is re-qui- em, Grant them Thy e - ter- nal_ rest, Do - m_ e - is re -qui-em, Pp e - ter- nal rest; Gen - tle. Do- na e - is re- qui- em; Pi- e_ of = Grantthem Thy e-ter-nal rest, grant Do- na e-is re-qui-em, Te SS of ————— — Grant them Thy e-ter-nal rest, grant them, Je - sus, Do-na e-is re-qui- em, Do- na e - is, =: of A _~ pp ¢ legato. 10487 sus, Gra - cious Lord, Grant Them Thy su, Do-mi - ne, Do-na_ e Gra - cious Lord,Grantthem Thy e - ter - nal_ Do - mi -~ ne, Do-na_ e is re - qui - 1oaa7 Pp ancora pik PP grant them rest, grant them em, re - qui-em, re - qui- ancora pit PP Pp grant them rest, . §rant them re - qui-em, re - qui- PP ancora pit PP grant —_ them rest, grant them en, re - qui-em, Te - qui- Pp ancora pik PP PP ancora pit Pp grant _them rest, grant them em, re - qui-em, re - qui- PP ancora pitt PP PP ancora pit PP . grant them rest, grant them em, re - qui-em, re - qui- PP ancora pit: PP cE? ancora pit 10487 99 cataitor morendo. Grant them Thy e-ter - nal em, Do-na e - isre - qui - —_—_—_—_. Grant them Thy e-ter - nal em, Do-na e - isre - qui - — Grant them Thy e-ter em, Do- ma e - isre - qui - OO rest, Grant them Thy e-ter - nal rest,Grant them Thy _e-ter em, Do-na e- is re-qui-em, Do-na e - iste - qui - calando, Grant them Thy e-ter - nal em, Do-na e - iste - qui - —_— —_—_—_—_— 10487 100 ‘ear “Oh Lord God? (Domine Jesu.) Offertory. MEZZO-SOP. PR ' + + SS aa Oh_ Lord God, Oh— Lord God,Lord Christ Je-sus, TEN. De - Do - mi-ne Je - su Christe, gue Se === 5 Oh_ Lord God, Oh— Lord God, Lord Christ Je-sus, Do - mi - ne, Do - mi-ne Je - su Christe, un poco marcato. 13 marcato, ae = + = s PPP -—|— p—— — j # 10947 LS dim. x ———~] —=—= SSS Lord Christ Je- sus, King of glo - ry—— Je - su Christe,Rex, glo - 4H -__ 8 Set oi it A Sarah = Lord Christ Je-sus, King of glo- ry, of__ Je - su Christe, Rex glo - - H-e@,—— Rex dolciss. — Of stlo- vy, — Rex cantabile. Jo - rie, as. ———_— de - liv - er li - be-ra Thou the _—_ a - ni- - 8 |p cantabite. t de - liv - er, the souls li- be- ra, ni-mas de souls li ni-mas of all them that "died in the faith of o = moi - um fi - de- -li-umdefan- 10487 103 of all them that died in the faith of Je - sus o-mni-um fi - de - li-um de - fun - cto - rum of all them that died in thefaith of Je - sus o-mni-um fi - de - li-um de - fun -cto - rum ——===_=—_ pains_ ev - er- pe - nis in- from___ pains ev -er- last and the a- de. pe - nis in - fer et de pro- pains ev-er - last and the a - poe -nis in-fer - ni et de pro- last-ing, a= byss_ fer-ni pro - fun - 10aa7 104 S—s + byss ui - fath-om'd: from_ the ee of the fun-do— la - ou: a - re le- eR SS de -+liv-er them from the mouth liv-er be-ra oe - - as de o - re le- SS = —, 7 vay ote a = ci Se eS ie ; =e - on, lest the - ani ne ab- 7 . gov tiee re pea ba _— of the li - on, Jest the jaws. oe re _le-o nis, ne_ab-sor- - Lat wz >See eT oO torte SS the jaws a the pit. ne ab- sor - be-at e - : ~ i - - = on, o- - nis, dim. Jaws == the pit shall swal-low them, sor - as, e-as tar-ta-rus — of the pit," ist the jdws of the pit shall swaliow them, — deat e ‘asyne_ab-sor-be-at_e - us tar - ta - rus, swal - - them, to tar - 7 - rus, ne _—_———__ but dim. s¢ -_ sed. lie in ut—- ter Uarkness. ca-dant in, ob - scu-rum. to lie in ut-ter darkness. ne ca-gant in ob - seu-rum. lice—_ in, to— lie_ in ut - ter darkness. ca - dant,ne_ ca-dant in ob - scu-rum. ancora ancora pit p 7 Be Bp leggicro. portando la voce. rand 10 20662 | ———= 10487 106 dolciss. let ho - ly Mi - chael,_ lead - er of si - gni-fer san - ctus_ Mi - cha - ba ag a poco a ‘poco crese. - ——— bring them re + pre 10aa7 oaa7 cresc. f— for - ward ho - - Wy ce sen - tet a Jo_-__-_cem _____ Thy— ho- ly splen - in Iu-cem san - 108 Allegro mosso. P ‘As un-to Quam 0 - lim BP — os As un-to A-bra-ham,as un-fo | Quam o-lim A -bra-hw,Quamo-lim | =S= 02 >: o ¢f ¢ —. A | 25 = - =e = eplen - dor. As un-to A -bra-ham, as un-to A-bra-ham Thou san - gtam.Quam o-lim A -bra-he,Quam o-lim A-bra-he, pro - Allegro mosso. (d= 152.) OT F +- | | | aa SS CF P As un- to A - bra-ham, as un- to A-bra- Quam o-lim A - bre-hw, Quam 0 - lim A-bra- | coo | sere SS SS * Se + J | A - bra-ham, as un-to A - bra- ham, A - bra-h#,Quam o-lim A - bra-he, | + i 6x SS SS 4 A - bra - ham— Thoudidst prom - - ise, A - bra -he,— pro-mi - si - - sti, : s = === = == —— didst_ prom-ise, Thou didst prom - ise, | - mi - si-sti, pro - mi-si - sti, | é _j oS tt sg Le £ file be be be 5 haat ihe ite> The o4a7 | 1 109 SS ham_Thou didst promise and his seed_ for ev - er. he_ pro-mi - si - sti et se-mi-niie - jus. =: i = S| | SSeS = un - to A-bra - ham_ Thou didst promise and his seed_ for ev - o-lim A-bra- he— pro-mi- si - sti et se-mi-nie - 104a7 110 — = = SS to A - bra - ham. Thou didst juam. o - lim A - bra - hew—_ pro - mi - = 3 As un - to A =. bra- ham Thou didst prom> ise Quam o - lim A - bra-he pro-mi - si - : + a er; As un - to A - bra - bam Thou didst prom - ise jus, gan o - lim A - bra - he pro-mi - si - sti 2 a ——— as = As un - to A - ‘bra - ham—_ ‘Thou didst Quam o - lim A - bra - he pro-mi - > S animando. 7 7 ——: - $353 j d prom ise “ and his seed__ for ev - er, and si - - sti et se - mi- ni ¢ - jus, et oe Se Fs j and his seed__._ for ev - er, and sti et se-mi-nie - jus, et = beo— ee = eS j SS his seed__. for ev - er, and et se-mi-nie - jus, et J prom - ise and his seed__ for ev - er, and si - - sti et se-mi-nie - jus, et 2 toaa7 114 Adagio. his seed for ev - - - er se - mi - ni e - : - jus. 2, - er. - jus. Adagio.(d= 66.) . TEN. calmo - Lento. (le semicrome.) p dolciss. - to - bi, ?P animando un poco. =— — EP + S Lord, un - to Thee, oh Lord, of - fer we with prais - es, ne, ti - bi Do-mi-ne,— lau-dis of-fe- ri - mus, F 7 o $1 4. se | at oe 2 |# |# PP z + =———- = z pr - animando un poco. pie 10aa7" doiciss. Sac - fi-fice and prayr— Ho - sti-as ‘et pre -ces doiciss. é fo 3p Sac - ri-fice and prayr_ Ho - sti-as et pre - ces un - to.‘ Thee, oh Lord, ti - bi, Do - mi-ne, é SSS a é un - to. ‘Thee, oh Lord, ti - bi, Do - mi-ne, =e + = f 4 £ ++ ma Thee, oh — Lord, un - — to_Thee, oh Lord, of - fer we Do- mi - ne, ti - bi, Do-mi - ne,___ lan - dis of- 143 we with praises, of - fe - ri-mus, of - - fer we with praises, of - fe - ri-mu ac - cept Thouthese now for the souls of + tu su - sci-pe pro a - ni- ma-bus with prais - es, fe - ri - mus, of prais - es, we with prais - lau i ri - mus, dis of -fe - ri- —=— them,Lord, whose sake we do in mem- hold this day; il - lis, rum ho-di-e me-mo- fa - ci - mus: we with = prais - of - fe - ri - 104487 14 e8; - dis; them to pass, oh Lord, from death e - as, Do - mi -ne, de mor - con espress. 10447 115 pass, oh Lord, make Do - mi-ne, them to pass, oh Lord, e-as, Do - mi-ne, oh Lord, mi- ne, them to pass, oh Lord, e-as, Do - mi-ne fac_________ e -as, ‘them to pass, oh Lord, e - as, Do - mi-ne, fac. e - as, pass, oh Lord, from Do -mi-ne, de eresc. death un-to life mor - te tran-1 > > death un-to life mor - te tran-si - 10847 116 PP sotto voce parlando make them to pass,ohLord, face - as, Do-mi-ne, PP sotto voce parlando last - - ing; make them to pass,oh Lord, vi - - tam; face - as, Do-mi-n ev-er-last re ad vi make them to face -as, a morendo SS SS make them to pass unto life ev-er-last - ing. fac e-as de morte tran - sire ad vi - tam. - 7S SS SS + —— morendo S555 j make them to pass unto life ev-er-last - ing. fac e-as de morte tran - sire ad vi - tan, -——~. ore SSE $ ———| pass,oh Lord, to life ever - lasting. As un-to Do-mi-ne, fac e-asde morte. Quam o-lim 17 t— As un-to Quam _o-lim hk L sun -to ham, as un-to Quam o - lim he, Quam o-lim oe aN OT A - bra-ham, as un-to A - bra - hw, Quam o -lim A Ns roi, 4% ak fh = SS A 1 A t un-to A -bra- ham Thoudidst As un-to - bra-ham, as. Quam o -lim - bra-he, Quam o-lim A-bra- he, pro-mi- a 4 + = Ee = st HESS f £ =F ham, as un-to A - bra-ham, he,Quam o-lim A - bra-he, ham_Thoudidst prom - - ise, he,— pro-mi- si - _ - sti, ‘ls = j promise, Thou. didst prom - ise, si-sti, pro - _mi-si - sti, A oaa7 118 promise and his si - sti et un-to A -bra - o-lim = A-bra - tt As Quam. Lf. As un - to Quam o - lim t ham__ Thoudidst promise and his seed_ forev - er, As un - to he,— pro-mi - si - sti, et se-mi-nie - jus,Quamo - lim 10487 119 —_—_———~ —be— — = 2 ———— - tobe -to A -bra- ham Thou didst prom ise and his - lim A- bra - he pro - mi - si - sti, et = a toa A- Thou didst prom—= —~ his Ane pro-mi- si - 2 et = == === - bra - ham Thoudidst prom - ise, his - bra-he pro-mi-si - sti, et b. a -— ham__ Thou didst prom - ise and his he pro - mi -—ssi- ~ - sti, et ——— be: seed__._— for ev se - mi - nie 104487 Sf er, jus, = | = $ rs a Thou didst prom pro-mi- si - I Thou didst prom pro-mi- si - i. oe - a ise,Thou didst - sti, pro -mi - ise,Thou didst - sti, pro - mi - 120 ise,Thoudidst prom - ise sti, pro-mi-si - sti ise,Thoudidst prom - ise sti, pro-mi - si - sti ise,Thou didst prom - ise sti, pro-mi- si - sti ham —_______ and__ his. seed for he et. se - mi - oi + oP SE = SS] NS P z = S| ham and___ seed for be et. se - mi - ni as St : Thou didst prom - ise, and his seed for pro-mi-si - sti, se : mi - ni \oaa7 124 ben legato Come prima. aS = = ev - - - - De - liv-er eo: - - Dt ins. Li - be-ra A = = = Es i ———_ | x —A*’_™~ SS — SS + - er. De - liv-er Li - be -ra Come prima. Thou the souls a - ni- mas ey 3p ew Thou the souls ni - mas AF ie, . dim, PPP of all them that o-mnium fi a = died in the faith of Je - sus from - de-li-um de - fun -cto - rum de dim. PPP of all them that o-mnium fi died in the faith of Je - sus from - de-li-um de - fun~cto - rum de oR ge 122 legata @ doteiss. qe morendo pie = = pains ev-er- last *- ing,——— make them pass from pe -nis in-fer ——< fac e- as de pains ev-er-last nis_in -fe dotervs. seasa accomp. death un-to life es er - last - - - - - - - - mor -te transi -re ad vi > oo - ee Se a —— SSS = ar a death un-to life ev-er - last - fac _e-as de mor-te transi -re ad vi - ae dolce ‘aS eee = a= =e = SS 4 2 from death un-to life @v-er - last fac e -as de mor-te transi -re ad vi - f tole Seas 108a7 TFs E i = — Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho - ly, ho - ly,Lord God of_ Sab - a-oth, Sanctus,eanctus, san - ctus, Do - minus De-us— Sa - ba-oth, CONTRALTO. a. + $ Rs j =o Ho - ly, ho-ly, =< y San - ctussanctus, | é + wS - ho - ly, Allegro. d=112) __Sam_-_etus, san - ctus, san-ctus, Do- - — - Heavy - en andearth are full of. the maj - Ple - ni sunto@ - li et ter; ra glo - SI — SS ho - ly, ho - ly,Lord God_ of Sab-3-oth, Heav - en san - ctus Do - minus De -us_ Sa-bacth, Ple - ni TENOR. Ho - ly,ho-ly, ho - ly, San-ctussanctus, san - tus, > > - - Wy LordGod = of Sab - a oth, - - - mi-nus De - us_ Sa - ba - oth, CONTRALTO. ax ° Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - 1¥- ho : - - San - ctus, san - ctus, san -ctus Do - - - - mi- TENOR. mf San - ctus, ooo ee ON soaa7 127 =: of Thy -ri-a glo tu - + a, and earth are fullof the of Thy suntce - li etter - > ho - ly,Lord God of_ Sab-a-oth, Heav - en Do - mi-mus De -us_ Sa-ba-oth, Ple - ni suntee - li of, BASS. ho - ly, ho - ly,Lord - ctus, Do - mi-nus Ho - ly, ho-ly, San-ctussanctus, san God of Sab-a - oth, De-us Sa - ba - oth, > Lord God of_ Sab-a - oth, nus De - us_ Sa - ba - oth, God of De-us > > oS ho - ly, ho - ly, ho san - ctus, san -ctus Do - = - - ly LordGod of - mi-ous De - us BASS. y a Ho - ly, ho - ly, San - ctus, san - ctus, 7 > > > = SS or —e- 2 f aS F gf ¥ i a — oaa7 128 > VN earth are full ce - li et Sab - a -oth, Heat - en andearth are full of the Sa - ba-oth, Ple - ni sunt co - Mi et ter - > Ho - ly, ho-ly, ho - ly, ho - ly,Lord God_ of __ San-ctus,sanctus san - ctus, Do - mi-nus De - us__ Sab-a-oth, Sa-ba-oth, ly, Lord God of Sab- a - mi- nus De - us_ Sa - ba - 10447 129 —_————— the maj - es - ty = of Thy glo-ry. tr - - - - ma glo - - ti-a trea Oe Heav- - en is full of Thy glo - - Ple- - ni sunt co - Hi et 8a Sab-a-oth, Heav-en is full of Thy glo - - ry. Sa-ba-oth, Ple- ni suntcoe - li et ter - - ra. Ho- > > cS Ho - ly, ho-ly, ho - ly, ho - lyLord God of__ Sab - a-oth. San-ctus,sanctus, sun-ctus, Do - mi-nus De - us— ~ ga in the - na in-ex~- God of De -us Sab-a-oth. Sa-ba-oth. 104847" 180 —> >> Hosan-nainthe high- - Ho-san-nainex-cel - - >> Ho-san -nain the Ho-san-nain ex- Ho-san-nain the high - est, Ho-san-na in ex- cel - sis, Ho - san - na Ho -san-na in ex- ga-nainthe high - - - - san- na in ex - oel Ho-san-nain the high na, Ho Hosan-nainex-cel - - sis, ____ Ho-san - na, Ho Ho - san - na - - cis, Ho - san - na in ex- => 1oaa7 184 P ma Blessed is He, — bless - ed Be-nedi - ctus, Be - ne - P Blessed is He that comesin the name Be-ne-di - ctus qui ve-nit in no - Blessed is He that comes inthe name. Be-ne-di - ctus qui ve - nitin no | san - - a Blessed is sap - - ma. Be-ue-di - sel - - sis. vl 7 | A ref = LE + PP Fe = = z Z 4 : AI loaa7 182 Lord on high, Do- mi-ni, Bless-ed is___ He that Be-ne-di - ctus, qui Blessed He that Be-ne-di - of the Lord mi-ne Do - that comes in the qui ve - nit in 10887 comes in ve - nit com - eth, tus, in bless-ed is Be- ne-di - - of the mi - ne He that ctus qui Bless-ed is__— Be-ne-di - Lord on high, Do- mi-ni, of the Lord onhigh, mi - ne Do- mi -ni, 183 comes in the name of the Lord onhigh; Blessed is He, Bless - ed ve - nit in no - mi-ne Do-mi-ni, Be-ne-dictus, Be - ne - that comes. the name of the Lord on quive - - - nit in no- mi-ne Do- - mi. Blessed He that Be-ne-di - - comes, Blessedis_ He, bless-ed is ctus, Be-nedi - ctus, Be-ne-di- - > | Blessed is He, __ blessed is Be-nedi - tus, ___ Be-ne-di - Blessed is He that com - eth, Be-ne-di - ctus qui ve - nit, Blessed is—__ He that comes in the name of the Lord on Be-ne-di - ctus qui ve - nit__ in no - mi-ne Do - mi - SI j Ss | 19447 134 Blessed is__ Be-ne-di - comes, ctus, > > Bless - ed is—__-s- He, —_ Blessed is He, ctus, Be - ne-di - ctus,___________ Be- ne-dictus, Blessed is___ He that comes in the name. of the Lordonhigh Be-ne-di - ctus qui ve - nit in no - mi-ne Do-mi-ni, ft high, Bless- ed is_—— He, bless.ed is He, ni, Be - ne-di - - ctus, Be-ne-dictus, De Bless - ed is He, He that comes of the Lord onhigh, Be - ne - di - ctus qui ve - nit in uo - mi-ne Do-mini, ant> 10887 185, Tf. Bless - ed is____ He, Be - ne-di - ctus,. blessed is He, Be-ne - dictus, He that comes in the name of the Lord onhigh, ctus qui = ve ~~ «nit in no - mi-ne Do - mi-ni, Bless-ed is— He, _ blessed is He, Be - ne-di- - ctus, Be-ne-di-ctus, is He thatcomes in the name of the Lord onhigh, di - ctusqui ve - nit in no - mi-ne Do - mi-ni, — >> Bless-ed is Be - ne-di - ctus,. Bless - ed is Be - me - di- - - Bless - ed is_— Be - nedi - is He that Be - ne - di - ctus qui t > > >>)}>> > > > > 1oaa7 —_—, 3 2 pe = = _ Bless-ed is He, Be- nedi - = etus, —— = == Bless - ed He thatcomes,— He that comes in the name— Be- ne - di ~~ ctus quive - - nit, qui ve- - nit in no- - > abe: + + Bless-ed is" | He— that comes in the name of the Be - nedi- - ctus— qui. ve - nit in no- mi- ne sz te Te Ke Te e- op 2 oi ip get eg Th i Bless - ed is________ He that__ comes in the name of the Be- ne - di - - - ctus qui ve- nit in no- mi- ne , — 52 s. = = = — Sy Bless - od p He, Be - ne - ets, He, Bless-ed is________He, that comes, He that comes in. the name__ ctus, Be-ne-di - - ctusqnive - nit, qui ve - uit in no - — He, Bless-ed is ctus, Be-ne-di - - ctus qui ve - vit in no- mi- ne He that comes in the name of -the == Sa as comes in the name of the Lord onhigh, that comes in the name of the ve - nit in no - mi-ne Do-mi-ni, qui ve - nit in no - - 10847 137 Bless-ed—_— is Be- ne - di - - ctus. > of the— Lord on— high. mi - ne— Do - mi - ni. high. Do - mi - ai. ba be > > high, the Lord on high. Do - mi - ni,________ in _no-mi- ne. Lord on— high, Bless-ed is___ Hey, mi - ne— Do- mi - ai, Be - ne-di- - otus,—— PP. high, Bless - ed is— Do - mi - ai, Be - ne-di - ba eb = > oo sCOi*“P high, the Lord on high, in the Do - mi - ni, _________ in no- mi- ne, in — 10447 138 Pp dolciss. Heavy - and— earth are full Ple - i sunt_ coe - il et dolciss. P Bless-ed is Be- ne-di Pp doiciss. He, dless-ed is Ho - san - etus, Be-ne-di - I. Ho - san - name of the Lord on high. no - mi- ne Do - mi - ai. soaa7 139 10887 140 10887 144 104a7 142 z = —— are full of the ‘maj es iet ter - ra glo - Ss = ———] ss EE are fall of the maj - es i et ter - ra glo 5 —— = j = + == =F == = = 4 Ho - san - - ma Ho - san - - na = t+ = aS == 4 Ho - = san - - na, Ho - san - - na = =m: = Sj Ho - san - - Ray Ho - san - - na —_—_—_—_—_—. SSS = 5 Ho - san - - Ma, Ho Ho - san - - na, Ho . eo? =} + + jouw vaa7 143 glo - = a Ee = A I = 10447 Chorus II. 145 = x = x = = = # = Z =f z 2 ft Sj san na in the high - - est, san - na in ex - cel- - sis, san - na in the high- - est, staccato 10aa7 146 104887 loaa7 148 10487 Ho-san-na Ho-san-na Ho-san- na Ho- san - na col canto 149 Lamb of God! (Agnus Dei.) Soprano, Mezzo- Soprano and Chorus. Andante. dolciss. Solo. Soprano. Lamb of ~— God, A - gms De - dolciss. Solo. Mezzo-Soprano. Lamb of God, A- gnus De - Andante. (d = 84, Piano. ~~ that qui dost cleanse a-way the worlds trans-gres - sions; grant__ them, tol - lis pec-ca - ta mun- di, do- -ba, that dost cleanse a-way the worlds trans -gres - sions; grant them, __ qui tol - lis pec-ca - ta mun- di, do- -na, —=——_ them Thy e - ter- nal rest; -va.e - is re-qui-em; PP. grant, ___ oh_ grant them, grant do - na e- is, do- grant, oh_ grant them, grant them Thy e - ter - nal rest; do - na e- is, do- -ma_e - is re- qui-em; 10887 450 SOPRANO. Lamb of God, A - gous De - CONTRALTO. PP, Chorus. God, that dost. De - i, qui 7 ——, ~ them, grant,___ we grant na, do - na cleanse a-way the worlds trans-gres - sions, tol - lis pec-ca - ta mun- di, do 3 : — — OO! x grant__ them,___— grant, ___ we cleanse a-way the world’s trans-gres - sions, do - na, do - ona tol - lis pec-ca - ta mun - di, maar 154 ———— pray thee, grant —__ nal rest. e - is, do- qui-em. pray thee, grant —__ nal rest. e - is, do- i qui - em. SOPRANO. of God, A - gnus De - i A - gnus De - MEZZO-SOPRANO. nnm=>"”_ of God, oh_ Lamb —_ of God, gnus De 4108a7 152 cleanse a-way the worlds trans - gres - tol - lis pec-ca - ta mun- cleanse a-way the world’s trans - gres- tol - lis pee-ca - ta © mun- pray thee, a nal rest; e- is, i qui - em; pray thee, —=_—_—_ nal rest; e- i i qui - em; ar . 4 10887 4153 SOPRANO. SOS grant ___ —____ grant, do - do - CONTRA: Chorus. pray e thee, grant them Thy____ e - ter - mal rest. - is, do- : -mae- -is re - qui-em. — - ter - mal rest, grant them. is re - qui - em, do - na. them Thy e - ter - nal rest, grant them. na e - is re - qui - em, do. na. [lS = af 10447 154 SOPRANO. Lamb of God, A - gnus De - MEZZO-SOP! Lamb of God, A. gnus De - CQhacuna aaa P dolciss. cleanse a-way the world’s trans- gres sions, grant tol - lis pee-ca - ta mun di, do- — cleanse a-way the world’s trans-gres sions, grant tol - lis pec-ca - ta mun di, do- we pray thee, grant__ un_ to them Thy_rest e - ter - nals nae - is, do na ui-em sem-pi - ter - nam; ——_ No re? ra. we pray thee, grant un_ to them Thy_rest e - ter - nal; ne e- is, do - mna_re-qui-em sem-pi- ter - nam; 2 aa a) toaa7 155 Chorus. —————__ pp SOPRANO. un - to them Thy_rest © - ter - nal, -ma_ re-qui-em_sem- pi- ter - nam, grant __ do - MEZZO-SOPRANO. ———_— grant un - to them Thy—rest e - ter nal, do - -na— re-qui-em_——sem- pi- ter ‘ nam, PP pray thee, grant un - to them Thy_ rest e- ter - nal, e - is, do- -na re-qui- em sem- pi-ter - nam, grant them, do- na, do- thee, grant Thy_ rest, is re - qui - em, 10487 PP 156 them, grant, we pray thee, na,_ do- na e - is = = grant them, grant, we pray thee, do- na, do-na_e - is grant thy_ rest, na_e - is, grant them_ do - na_ Thy—— rest e - em sem-_pi - Thy rest e - em ——_sem - pi - grant them re - qui- grant them re - qui- Thy_ e- Light eternal. (Lux eterna.) Mezzo- Soprano, Tenor and Bass. [fs 3 ea eS Molto moderato. PPP Mezz0-Soprano. Light e--ter- nal shine down up-on them, Lux we-ter-na lu-ce-at e - is, 8 oe ~\ Piano. ——_———__—_ —————— oh Lord God, As on thy — Saints, -mi- ne, Cum San-ctis tu - is, as on thy cum San-ctis Grant them rest e- Re - qui-em w- 0847 158 SOPRANO. PP Graot them Re = qui- Grant them Re - qui- - nal, - is, -ter - nal, - ter - nam, Grant themrest e - fer - nal, Re-qui-em @-~ ter - nam yf SS _ PP Poco ato. and light per - rest e-ter- nal, grantthem, Lord: i et____lux_per- do-na_e- is, | Do - mi - ne: rest e-ter- nal, grant_them, Lord: and do-na e- is, Do-mi- ne: et — 7 and __ light per- et lux per- Poco pit animato. ter - nal, grant them, Lord: e - is, Do- mi - ne: If sensa_acco: oaa7 ———————— Sree a pet-u - al, and pe-tu - a, et light per - pet-u-al shineWdown up - on them, lux_ per - pe-tu-a In - ce-at e - is, light per - pet-u-al down up - lux_ per - pe-tu-a = In- = -ce - at b Tt pet-u - al, and pe-tu - a, et light per - pet-u-al shine_down up - on them, lux_ per - pe-tu-a In - ce-at e - is, —~ dim. shine down up - on them, In - ce-at e- - is, ‘As on Thy bless-ed Saints for__ Cum San-ctis tu- is in @- them, As on thy Saints, on Thy bless-ed Saints for e- - - is i Cum San-ctis, cum San-ctis ta- is in e- Saints for in @- shine down up - on them, As on Thy bless-ed In - ce-at e- -is, Cum San-ctis tu - is that a - er, for Thou art good, ter - num, qui; i pi- -us es ‘hou i - us es. for that Thou qui-a_ pi - - er, for — thai good. qui - a, for— that— qui - a__ ou art good, pi- -us es, pi-us es. 104487 160 a tempo Ppp PN Grant them rest, Re - qui - em, Grant them Ee eee Grant them rest, Re - qui - em, Re - qui - Grant them Re - qui- = = =a ieee Grant themrest e - ter Re - qui-em @ - ter a tempo PP - nal, - nam, Pp Grant them rest e-ter - nal, - na, do-na e i do ete SSB_—=—E_ = | at | & = = = Spe 7 rest, Grant them reste. ter - nal, em, Re- qui-em w - ter - nam, eae j Es = rest, Grant them rest - ter = nal, em, Re - qui-em @ - = ham, Grant them rest e Re- qui-em @ ter = ter - rest do - e na - ter - nal, grant them, Lord, zt is_ Do- mi - ne: a= Ser ter - nal grant them, Lord, e - is, Do- mi - ne, rest __ do e - ter-nal, na__e - is, grant Do - them, Lord, mi - ne. 164 MEZZO-SOPRANO. dolciss. on Thy bless- ed Sainte for ev-er and ev- er, Cums San-ctis. «= tu’ - is «in «© - ternum,ine-ter-num, 162 SS for that Thou art_ good, qui- a— pi-us— es, and forev - ef, in w-ter - num, St. = ett = = j —# + As on Thy bless - ed Cum Sanctis tu - is =—__ — rs ‘e. rs —— =F ———— 4 bless - ed Saints for ev - er and for to. is in e - ter- num, in @ - soaa7 163 and for ev - er, As. on Thy bless - ed in w-ter - num, Cum__ Santis tu - is Sainte fol. ov - oF and for_ i ter - num, — As. on Thy bless- ed Saints for ter - num, Cum San-ctis «=o tu - is in @ - and for ev - - - in @ - ter - - - 2 =| and for ev - - - in @ - ter - - - ————_ : : + ev - er, and for ev - - - ter - num, in @ - ter - - - staccato bevaddadedededed P = 104487 164 ae = — for that Thouart good, Thou art good, for_that Thou art num, “ a_pi-us es, pi-us es, qui- a pi- us 2 = ep ee == i er, that_ Thou art__ num, x - a pie we a aa - a pi-us r PP. # ; =E= SS = er, for stthat Thou art, Thou art num, qui - - - @& pi-us, pi- us == on = Thy_ bless. - - ed Saints Cum San- ctua, tu - - is in ep 2 pte. SS ee | As________ on Thy Cum San-ctus i— on Thy bless-ed Saints for evs im_ San - ctus_ qo As. Cu tu- is in 10447 165 EN dim. sempre _moren == = = = = for ev - er, for. ter - num, qui that Thou art a pi-us etter ta blessed Saints for ev - er, is in @ - ter - num wai - Thou art pi- us E ay er, for that Thou art good, for__t_.____ that Thou art num, qui- ® pi-us es,— qui - a pi- us ppd J D \ ' ; ee = ae p dim. | sempre morendo. os £ ——s 5 t : 5 Grant thy rest, Re- qui-em, rp Grant thy rest Re - qui-em = + = Grant thyrest, Re - qui-em, “Ge voce. —- z: j 2 BSS geod. a per- pet-u-al shine down up- on them, Lux per - pe - tu-a In- ce-at ec - is, + ===: S55 et Grant . thy rest Re - qui-em == fafa Ng) oN wet = pp = NS gs E 10aa7 166 SE shine down up-on them, oh Lord God. In- ce- at e - is, Do - 5 - mi - ne. Hd Ha HW WH Md aa7 Lord, deliver my soul. - (Libera me.) Solo for Soprano,Chorus and Fugue Finale. Moderato. senza misura, . Es: r= Soprano SSS de - liv - er my soul from the doom be - ra me, Do- mi - ne, de een Soprano. Contralto. ¢ s Tenor § Bass Moderato. (d = 72.) Piano. senza misura. e- ter-nal death in thedread day of judg-ment; when the heav- en and a@-ter-na, in di-e il- la tre- men- da, quan-do ee - li mo- a tempo le 7 zz = =e = = = eS Fe > > Ppp — earth shall both ven - a di sunt simili assai staccato 10447 88 senza misura. Lord, de-liv- er my soul from the doom of e- ter-naldeath in the dread day of Li- be-ra me, Do-mi- ne, de mor-te @-ter-na, in dive il- la tre- —_—— _——_——= — — ww ed - - eww Lord, de-liv er my soul from the doom of e-ter-naldeath in the dread day of Li be-ra me, Do-mi- ne, de mor-te w-ter-na, in di-e il - la tre- PP. oN if = =f SSS5 4 Lord, de-liv- er my soul from the doom of e- ter-naldeath in the dread day of Li- be-ra me, Do-mi- ne, de_mor-te m-ter-na, in_di-e il - la tre- Lord, de-liv- er my soul from the doom of ¢-ter-nal death in the dread day of | Li - be-ra me, Do-mi- ne, de mor-te w-ter-na, in di-e il- la tre- = isura, Les sensa_mis a tempo ancora pit se a tempo. === ==3 F ae judg-ment; when the heav-en and earthshall both be mov - ed. men - da; quan-do cw - li mo-ven-di sunt et ter- ra. SS # 2 id juég- ment; when the heav-en and earthshall both be mov - ed. men - da; quan-do ce - li mo-ven-di sunt et ter - ra. _Slempe SS = + == j judg- ment; when the heav-en and earthshall ma be mov. ed. men - da; quan-do cw- li mo-ven-di_ sunt et ter - ra. — ———— j ——?- SSS Se judg- ment; when the heav-en and earthshall both be mov - ed. men - da; quan-do ce-li mo-ven-di sunt et ter- ra. a tempo sensa misura a tempo. Ie = toaa7 SOPRANO. = SS When Thou shalt come in the Dum ve- ne-ris ju - di - midst of fire to judge the whole___—==———worrld. ca-re se - cuclum per i - - ~gnem. =— —__—T_ 7 st == Hy Hi UL ‘sig __batasheg = ‘ores t =: _— =. p stace. =: ——+ * — o sotto voce S Ss Full of ‘ter-ror Tre-mens fa-ctus aan by PrP Lt > = > tf hy > 10487 I,andof dread. — 5 - ful fear at the e-goet__ ti - : = _me- 0, dum di- ee SS > . + + se Pee = fe ao poe By judg - mentthat shallcome, and. at_—s'the.~«= com ing of = Thy seus - siove-ne-rit at - que ven- tu- ra i- . SSS when the heav - en andearth shall quan - do ce - ii mo-ren- di 10947 174 —— _ Full of ter-ror am I,andof dread - — Tremens fa-ctus sum e- go et ti- - PP 8 oo FE.... P £ pies 3 + 7 ? [3 PPPP ===__—— aS SSS == - = - - ful fear, Fall of ter- ror am I, . : - - me- 0, Tremens fa-ctus sume - 5 Sie ey my = _ Pp =—— a ee — > woce cupa tae = was = yea, Fall of —‘ter-ror am I, g0,_____ Tremens _ factus sume PEpP allarg._¢ do lunga pausa, = = = | ter - ror am I, and of dread - ful fear. fa-ctus sum e - go et ti - me - 0 pp morendo. 172 TENORS. chee . ~- SSS yt i 3 Day of an - ger, day of E Di - es i - re, Di - es 3 BASSES. tf —_—- —— SSS Day of an - ger, day of Di - es i - re, Di - es Allegro Agitato.d =80.) >> > 10887 173 = ae = = =a me 3 = ve Day Di - es r = la, Di - ie, x - = Ss le, Day of an - ger, Ta, Di - es i - Ye, a ao SS f A ' le, Day ofan - ger, la, Di - es i - Te, ea eet FLD Sm iE Fp & ===: = day of troub — - Day of an - 6er, di-es il - - Di - es io. Te, >> = + ae SSH day of troub — - Day of an - ger, dives il | : Di. es i - re, b> > > 2 = 7 5 day of, day of | troub - = Day of an - ger, di-es,di-es il - - Di - es i - re, = > #>z > _. i EE = =f = day of, day of | troub — : of an — = ger, di-es,di-es il - : - ei - re, . a . t= os oft > eee = —: > el > = = taj vests ie > > va 175 t— She ripe = fry dayof troub - 5 -le, + ut- ter con- di-es il - 5 -la, ca - la-mi - => a = = Ee a day of —troub - : - le, ut - ter con- il - - - la, ca- le-mi - >>> > ort IS, — + iF = + Day of, dayof an - : - ger, ut-ter con fu-sion,._ ut - ter con- Di-es, di-es =i - - - Te, ca-la-mi- ta-tis_ ca- la-mi - fo >> _——~ £ 2 #e z =—SSee =t me Day— of — an- = = ger, ut-tercon-fu-sion, ut-ter con- i i Te, ca-la-mi- ta-tis,_ ca-la-mi- fo - - sion and de- spond. - —&n-cy, - tis et. mi-se - _ri-w, — ae 5 eS 5 = sion and de- spond - — en-cy, - tis et mi- se - __—ri-w, z £ pox =F =] =EF | fu ~ sion and de- spond - — en-cy, ta. > tis et mi-se - _—iri-e, - fae = 2a fu - ~ sion and de- spond - —en-cy, et. mi - se 10847 pe: nee === - fall shall___ be then, and most bit - ter di - es oma - gna et a- - ma-ra > £ —— shall be - fall then, and most. bit - ter di e ms - gna et a- = mara > ‘. = SSS 5 shall be - fall then, and most bit - ter di - oe me - gna et a. - ma-ra > << pte SSS shall__ be - fall then, and most bitter di - es ma - gna et a - ma-ra Gees > shalt a 7 => os > > = , a = ——— be a Oe = ‘Seat >>> b Day of, Di- es, Day of, Di- es, Day of, Di-es, > >yr > sor- row. Day of an-ger, day of —_troub-le, ut - ter con - val - de. Di-es i-re, di-es il- la ca- la- mi - -oaa7 477 spond-en- cy shall be - fall them, and most bit-ter sor - row. se-ri-@, di-es ma-gna et a-ma-ra val - de. => > stent. un poco 10487 spond-en-cy, - se- ri-w, troub - le, day of an - ger day of il - la, Di - es i - re, Di - es SSS 7 a 2 ee ¥ 2 7? > te and = most__ bit - ter, most bit - ter sor - row. et a- - ma- ra, a -m™a~- ra val - de. SS == —_— and most bit - ter, most bit - ter sor - row. et a- - ma - ra, a- ma- ra val - de. WhenThou shalt come Dum ve - ne-ris Day of an - ger, Di-es i - re, ———_——— fire to judge the whole____________ world. se-colum peri - nem. of troub-le, troub - le, es i - Te, i - re, of troub-le, es i - re, re, di- es ancora pid p = FS =: j day of troub-le. Di - es i - re. : SS day of troub - le. Di - es i- re = 2S =F day of troub - le. acai p Di - es i - re. = = = = | ger, ‘day of an - - - ge. re. assai p ancora pit p Lae De EY bi ap DL SS S= SS SI SaaS SSS} ~ > SS — — £ +? rh. PRP + we \ 10aa7 Andante. SOP. ppp —— Ss eaprress. : = 7 SSS SS Grant them rest e - - - ter- nal, grant, = we_ Re- qui - em we - 2 - ter- nam, do - na_ Ppp } = f = Ee =| Grant them rest, grant__ themrest e - ter - nal, | grant them Re-qui- em, Re _- _qui-em_w - ter- nam, do - na =F = —_— ee oye oe aa, grant them—— ‘ppp . do - na. ; Se eee E Grant them rest, grant__ themrest e - ter - nal, grant them __ Re-qui- em, Re - qui-em »- ter - nam, do ~ na ___ HOR = = SS Se | Andante.(d = 80) _———_—_. mp sense oon ee = | = He $ Sie = St = _ # abe : = Fa = == =e pray thee, grant,we pray thee, grant them rest, oh Lord, grant_ e - is, do-na e- is. e - is, Do-mi-ne, do - —— = them, grant them, grant, we pray thee, do_- na, pif tee - is, = SS é ow == grant them, do - na, Pep grant them, grant, we pray thee, do_-_na, do - na e - is, =e Es | ——<_ = = — + + ¥ —— == om ? + = + Sp ee = = 188 ————4 rest © - ternal, oh____Lord, do- na e - is, Do- mi - ne, rest e-ter- nal, rest e-ter- nal, grant them rest, do- nae - is, do-nae - is, Do - mi- ne, rest. e-ter - nal, rest o-ter- nal, grant them rest, do-nae - is, do-nae - is, Do- mi - ne,__ —=——_ ‘ \ ppp dolciss. —— Portate. and_ light per- pet-u-al et__ lux per - pe- tu-a light lox light lox light pet-u - al_ chine down up- Inx pe-ta-a— In - ce- at 10487 184 — Fi a SS r= on them, shine down up - on e - is. la - - ce- at = is. = i = a = on them, and light per - pet-u - alshine down up- on_ them e - is, et lux per- pe-fu - a lu-ce-at ec - is. 5 S bp : PEE a] on them, and light per- pet-u - al shine down up - on a e - is, et lux per-pe-tu - a Iu-ce-at e SSS Tee TEES pS Grant them rest e - ter - nal, rest eter - nal, grant them,Lord, Re - qui-em @ - ter - nam do-nae - Do - mi- ne, ee apes = be = Grant them rest, ‘Thy rest, Re - qui - em do - na, PEP ancora pits Ss sg — = — Grant them rest ¢ - ter - nal, reste -ter - nal, grant them,Lord, Re- qui-em we - ter - nam, do -nae - is, Do- mi-ne, — 2S] EEE st 7 =) Grant them rest © - ter - nal, reste -ter - nal, grant them,Lord, Re - qui-em #- ter - nam, do- na-e - is, ~ mi - ne, ancora E Bobo 185 pecresc. a _—_—_ al chine down up - per- pe- tu - a__Iu-ce~ at - al shine down up - - @ la- ce- at light per - et Tux, et — lux__per a and light, and light per - pet - u - al shine down up - tu - a In- co- at 0a poco Pe cresc. a PP. = Sp SSS Grant them rest, grant them rest. Re - qui - em, Re - qui - em. PE odes = ——| Grant them rest, grant them rest. Re - qui- em, Re- qui - em = + = == i Grant them rest, grant them rest Re - qui - em, Re - qui - em. i Sa $ {—s- , 2 Lord, deliv-er mysoul fromthe doomof e - ter-naldeath inthe great day of Li - be-rame,Do-mi-ne, de mor-te # - ter-na, in di-e il - la tre- = —> = =] aT seman misura. Moderato. @ temp 0.§ $$$ judg - ment; when the heav - - en and earth shall both be men - da; quan do cm - - li mo - ven- di sunt et a tempo. IF mo bl i. i SS 4 - ed. : git corg 3 = 5 = Lord, de-liv-er my boul from the Li. be-ra me, Do-mi-ne, de Allegro risoluto. Cd eu8) a t Hi > > oF = 4 nal___ death in the great day of judg - na, in’ di-e il -_la_tre - men-, 5 F za = 3 3 187 >> 3 > ¥ z = i = + es + = 4 Lord, de-liv-er my soul from the doom of © - ter - nal__ Li - be-ra me, Do-mi- ne, de mor - te © - ter - na, CONT. > > — + a eS a dj ment; when the heav - en, the. heavy - en and_ da; quan - do, quan - do coe - - li mo - > SE - + £ E + T > + + = = eS . ' : 2 A —death in the great day of judg - ment; when_ the___—heav - en, — in di-e il - la tre-men - - da; quan - do, quan - do > - — 2 f = j ye be = ied SS earth shall both. be mov = - - ed,When Thou shalt come ven- di sunt. ect ter- = - - ra,Dum ve- ne - ris TEN. 1 + = = Sj BASS. Ss: >> = = f Lord, de-liy-er my soul from the Li - be-ra me, Do-mi-ne, de > if > {. = — 4 = s0aa7 iss — eee Ss = the. heav - en and earth shall both. be mov - coe = - Hit mo - ven - di sunt. et ter - = s +—F — === =e EE =e — in the midst___ of fire to judge the whole — ju-di- oo - = - re sw-cu-lum pr i - SF E E j = gz + + + doom of e - ter - nal mor- te # - ter - na, death in the great day of judg - in di-e il - Ia tre-men - It > —— _——_ £ —— s Sie os 5 ~ edWhen Thou shalt come in the midst : - ra,Dum ve - ne- ris___ ju- di - oa- - — SSS SS SSS When —___ Thou_ shalt come in the Dum______ ve - ne - ris ju- di- Lord, de-liv-er my soul from the doom of e - ter - nal__ Li - be-ra me, Do-mi-ne, de mor- te m# - ter- na, $ ——- + Sj the heavy - en, the heav - ‘en_ and_ do, quan - do ce - - iL mo - 189 a. Ps F = === | _ of fire to judge the whole. world. : - re sw-cu-lum per i - 5 - gem. L = = SSS =f midst_________ of fire to judge the whole__ world. Lord,_ ca - - - re sm-cu - lum per i - - gnem. Li - : —_ =} eS = =| — death in the great day of judg - : - ment. — in di-e il - tla tre- men - - - da. => = SSS SS earth shall both __ be mov - ed. Lord, de-liv-er ven - di sunt__et_—s ter «-~—sora. Li - be-ra me, = re Fans a ———" Lord, de-liv-er Li - be-ra. — de-liy-er - - be-ra my —___ me, - be-ra, de_ >> S>>> SL Do - - me, oh Lord, li-be-ra doom_ of e- ter - nal, mor - te, de mor-te m - ter - from me doom of e - mor- te #- ter - , >> a Sa = z == = Lord, de - - lv - er me, ne, Do - - mi - ne, Do - SS a de-liv-er me, de-liv-er my. . Li-be-ra me, li-be-ra me —s —— PSS ah, SS] ter - nal. death in the great day of ter - na in di - e il- la tre- 23S SS Sj ‘ nal death in the day, the great na in di - - @ in__ di - - a + + Tr , ; i —— cee id J ep dd zt dt So = 4 L => = ps. a eS ae SS _ oh___—S_ Lord, Lord, de-liv-er my soul from the - -mi - ne, Li - be-ra me, Do-mi-ne, de SSS = = 5 soul frome - ter- - nal death, de mor-te w- ~- ter - na, P a—— i FE — ] + judg - - - - ment, de - = men - - - - da, Li - - Ze oe ae j ‘ day of judg - - ment, e tre - men - - da, S —— = . ——— ——— = Ee =| $ aE ¥ ¥ P = ft 1 > —_~. : a d d a | iPox 3S x SSS Lord, de-liv- er my soul from the Li - be-ra me, Do-mi-ne, de Lord, de-liv-er mysoul from the doom of death e - ter- nal; Li - be-ra me, Do-mi- ne, de mor - te @- ter- na; > > > > heavy - en and earth shall both be quan - do coe - Hs mo- ven- di 10987 > | I = d j| judg - ment; men - da; =a te: = =I judg - ment; when the heavy - en , men - da; quan-do coe - “li mo- ven- di | when the heav - S shall both be quan -do coe - - mo - ven ines i moved, heav - en and earth shall both be sunt, quan - do ow Hi mo-ven- di qo = +- SS] Lord, de-liv-er ine, Lord, de-liv-er me, Li - be-ra me, Li - be-ra me, _"— = a both,_.__=_=_>—ss when__ the heavy - en and ___ sunt, quan - doce - i SS mov - ed, when_ the heaven ter - ra, quan - do ce-li, ES > Es Ee =e £ moved, —__ when the sunt, quan - do > >> 273 ; 5 = + a = _| E —s j f— 193 Lord,’ de-liv-er me, Li - be-ra____—me, ul from the de Lord, de-liv-er my Li - be-ra me, Do -mi - ne, earth em - di shall both be moved, mo -ven-di sunt, shall both be moved, mo-ven-di sunt, shall both be mo - ven-di moved, sunt, death in the in di-e great day of il - la tre- when the heav - en and earth shall both be quan-do ce - li mo-ven- di sunt et and earth shall both, and earth shall both be mo -ven - di Pr mo - ven- di sunt et = en__ and_ earth 5 li_-_ mo - ven - di 10887 194 . = — = j = S| judg - - - ment, men - - - da; 3 f= can ~ i, in the midst of fee eet ju di-ea-re, = eet Ss qj SSS ‘mov - - - ed; When Thou. ter - - ra Dum ve - Z mov - - - ed;When Thou shalt come in the midst or ter - - - ra; Dum ve~ ne - ris ju-di - ca a in the midst of fire to judge the whole world, i -di-ca - re se-cu-lum per i - gnem,— a= Se fire, the midst of - fire o judge the whole world, the ju-di-ca-re se-ou - lum______ per i - : - gnem, per — shalt come in__ the midst of fire to - ne - ris___ ju - di- ca-re se -cu- Ete teeter - fire lo judge the | whole © world, in the midst of fire to judge the se-cu-lum per i - gnem,— ju-di-ca-re sw -cu-Inm per = > et FT Tes 10aa7 195 aie ~ — f St ae 1a in the midst of fire to judge the —_____——p ju - di-ca-re sa-cu - lum per Z ia F s =| + +—+ + tee rj ze + We whole world, in the midst of fire to judge the whole. i - guem ju-di-ca-re sm-ca -lum per i - - S + E = judge the whole world, in the midst of lum per i - gnem, ju - di -ca - re =F Sapa = | whole world, ie - - ghem, > > _L——4 3 th: rr > >>> whole world, i= gnem. je-liv-er me, oh —_Lord,__ Do-mi-ne, Do-mi_- ne, world. Lord, de-liv - er gnem. Li - be-ra__ ‘me, me, Lord, de -liv - er Li - be- ra, fire to judge the whole world, de-liv-er me, pert im perf - gnem Do-mi-ne, Do - in themidst of fire lo judgethe whole ju -di-ca-re se-cu-lum per i - - > 10887 106 espress. SOPRANO SOLO.) <~ Lord, Li — de-liv-er me, = Li-be-ra_ me, “ae, ‘oh Lord, Do - mi 10447 AS de-liv-er me, de - liv - er Li-be-ra me, Li - be - ra in that great day, __—in that day, the in di-e il la, in di- e f la, in di-e il - la tre- in that great day,' __—in that day, the ‘day. il - i in di-e de-liv-er me, de - liv - er Li-be-ra me, Li - be - ra 104487 198 == aS z: eka me, de-liv-er me, me, Li-be -ra me, t ie. = judgment,when the heay-——- - en andearthshall both be mov - men-da ‘quan -do - + + li mo-ven-di sunt et ter - as Sa ae br {— Et + = ie Ae ae = f 4 judgment,when the heav~ - en andearthshall both be mov - men-da quan-do ce - ¢- - fi mo-ven-di sunt et ter - _ i: aS = J ‘me, Ye-liv-er me from death, death e - ter - me, Li-be-ra me de mor’ - te w -ter - eS me, de-liv-er ‘me, me, Li-be-ra me, <> 2 + +—F = + ed, de-liv-er me, de-liv-er _me, ra, Li-be-ra me, Li-be-ra me, s + + bd, when =the heav - en.

. — ——_ ee — ed, de - - -liv - er, de - - ~- liv-er me from | ra, 4 - - be - ra, Li - - be-ra me de. “ — ————— 5 malin the day, the great day of nein di- - -e im di- - -e tre - 10447 earth shall both, shall _________________ both, shail__ both Yen - di sunt, mo - - ven-di__— sunt — death e - ter - nal on that day, the day of judg —mor-te @® - ter_- na in di - e_ il-la tre - men judg - = ment,when the heavy - | - enandearthshall both, men - - da,—quan-do ce - = li mo-ven-di sunt, ane a itd et —<———. d Sf nal, when the _heav - en and earth shall na,— quan do. ce - li mo -ven - di al, when the heav-en and earth shail na,— quan do. cw - li mo - ven - di mov= - ‘ed, and earth shall ter - - Ta, 10 - ven - di ment when the heavy and earth shall da quan-do ce - i mo -ven - di > > when the heav- en, when the heavy - - en, when the quan-do_ ce - ~- li, quan-do ce - - - By quando — a) > 10887 200 = == eee — —when = and earth, whenheavhand _ earth, mo-ven-di sunt, mo-ven-di _ sunt, “_whenheavhand earth, whenheaynand earth, ao be hs PEP. a = —— ie ————— _ SS eS] —— when the heav - en and earthshall both be mov - ed.—! -o Jom = Ii mo-ven-di_sunt et ter = ra, in vl PPP en and earth shall both be - li mo ven-di sunt et ter - Ta. quan -do when the heavy - en and earthshall both be = quan-do ce - li mo-ven-di sumtet ter - ra. heav - en and earth shall both be = mov - eds — ven-di sunt et ter - ra. > > Zz > 201 P=. > > Lord, de-liv - 6 Li - be-ra me, p> > Lord, de-liv-er my doul from the Li* be-ra me, Do-mi -ne, de p>. > > Lord, de-liv- er my soul from the doom of e- Li - be-ra me, Do-mi - ne, de mor-te => p> Lord, de-liv-er my soul from the doom of e - ter - Li-be-ra me, Do-mi- ne, de mor - te @ - ter - > P. my soul from the doom of e - ter-nal death Do-mi-ne de mor -te we - ter-na in doom of. mor - te e -ter - naldeath in the. e-ter - na in di-e great day of il- la tre- ter-nal death ter-na the great day of judgment, in di - e__ il - Ia tre - men-da, nal death in the. na in di - e___ great day of judg - ment, il-la tre -men - da, soaa7 202 great day of judgment, Lord, de-liv-er | my soul from the il - lo tre - men-da, Li - be-ra me, Do-mi - ue, de judg - ment, men - da, = Lord, de -liv - er Li - be-ra me, Lord, de-liv- er my soul fromthe doom of death in the Li - be-ra me, Do-mi-ne,de mor - te— in di-e >, Lord, de-liv-er my soul from the doom of Li - be-ra me, Do-mi - ne, de mor -te @2- >> > 2. SS he phe $ f — j —= —| doom. of________ e - ter - naldeath in the great day of mor - tems 2 - ter - na in di-e il - Ia tre- = + +— + + + # ? as a my soul from the doom of e - ter-nal death in the day of de mor - te we - ter-na in di - e tre- —- = =———— = =} sj the. great day of judg - ment, la,. il - 1a tre- men - da, g = = - bee > — + E Ft = ter - nal death in the great. «= day of += judg - - ter -na in di el il - Ja tre - men - - 10887 2038 espress. SOPRANO SOLO. De - li - judgment, men-da, 4 Solo voices. ; ‘sot Doce > ’ oe Judgment, when the heav - en dnd earth, the 24 BAS voices. quan - do ee .- li mo-ven - di ‘Sono voce. : 9 ° ; when the heavy - en and earth,the heavnand earth shall__ both__—_ be quan -do ce - li _mo-ven-di sunt, mo - ven- di sunt___et ment, a, a2 me, oh Lord, de. - - liv - : ~ = - er Do - mi-ne, Li - be - er me, 4 Solo volves. > Tat id earth shall mo -ven - di when the heavy - en quan -do ce - i oth be mov — - ed. ter - heavinand earth shall sunt, mo -ven-di____sunt_ et mov - - - ed, ter. - a - Ta, 4 Solo voices. —~ — = en and earth,when heavnand earth shall. both be - li mo-ven-di sunt, mo - ven - di sunt et > > when the heav quan - do ce +) These bars always softo coce, and sung by few voices only. For the Chorus 4 Sopranos, & Contraltos, ‘4 Tenors and & Basses will suffice. 104487 204 J oh Lord, from__ Be, de PR. be mov-ed, De sunt et ter-ra, Li - z a De - liv-er_ ss m= Lord,de-liv-er may Li-‘be-ra_ —me,__ Li-be-ra____—me,__ Li - be-ra__ epee == E = ] De - -lv- - -er me Li - = be - re me, PPPP. = = = = oy) SS Go + ——— —=—_—— —===. a a f + Ez = — 4 ter - nal in the_ great day___ of. ter - na indi-e il -la—— tre - : 7 Lappe fetes | r -iv- er me, de-liv - er me, - -be- = re me, Li-be - ra me, += ae = = £ =a Lord,deliv-er a; from death e - Li-bera me, Do - : de mor-teg- 2 = T ', + in the. day, the day of mor - te indi-e il ~ la i - la tre- ct + + great_ day of di - e tre- Ppp subito o == $ ch Lord God, Do -mi - ne, from de death, from mr - te 10447 e -ter - nal_ death e-ter - na 206 Chorus. Tutti. cominciando ppp sotto voce in themidst of ju-di-ca - re When Thou shalt come Dum ve - ne - ris SP cominctando ppp > fire to judge the se - cu-lum per ‘Thou shaltcome, ve - ne - ris, S St = E SSS _>. Pp fore p Thou shalt come, ve -ne-ris, poco cresc. Se pemee When Dum SSS = es in the midst of Ju-di-ca - re world, When Thou shalt come i - gnem,Dum ve - ne - ris > fire to judge the sw -cu-lum per So Se ona7 SS crese. Thou shalt come in the midst of ye - ne-ris ju - di-ca-re Thou shalt come ve - ue-ris > in the midst of ju - di-ca - re world, in themidst of fire to judge, in the midst of i - gnem, ju-di-ca-re swe - cu-lum, ju - di-ca-re S poco crese. > ancora crese. === — fire to judge se - cu-lum i ce fire to judge the world, oh Lord God, lum peri - gnem____ Do-mi - ne, fire to judge, yea, to judge the sw -ecu-lum, ee - cu-lum per 10aa7 208 tutta forsa Sh tutta forsa oh Lord God, de-liv-er me, oh God, de-liv-er me, oh God, de-liv-er Do-mi - ne, Do-mi-ne, Do-mi - ne, Li-be-ra, Li -be- ra, Li-be-ra >> >> > > > >> > > >> Sh tite Forze oh Lord God, de-liv-er me, oh God,de-liv-er me, oh God, de-liv-er Do-mi - ne, Do-mi-ne, Do-mi - ne, Li-be-ra, Li-be - ra, Li-be-ra >> > >> > > > > > > > >> SP tutta forsa = SOPRANO SOLO. f De - liv - er Li - be - ra death, mor - me from me, de > marcato} > ‘oaaT ae Thy judg tre - men of judg - la tre - men z —————— = =: espress. or ri tt as | ; | IN = [lla & | ' zalilll oth ee 2s Ni il li b ===! = - li er - be-ra et HiesHllesft tH Ale Boilie 8 sensa tempo ai Lord, de-liv-er my soul from the doom of e -ter-nal death in the great day of Li - be-ra me,Do-mi- ue, de mor-te »-ter-na, in di-e il - la tre- me, me senza tempo a tempo poco allarg. ‘Pppp morendo + = = i =| 7 = = = se judgment, de-liv-er me, i-be-ra me, me, Li-be-ra__me, e poco allarg. fe-lv-er ime, 2-f-¢ | Li-be-ra__me, Li-be- me. —SS eee ten. = 3 a pp atempo | col canto PEP morendo > a ee é iT #7 a é t/ a Sa. Sa, #

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