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Subject: Class Unit:

Physical Education Grade 6 6(3) & 6(4) Basketball

General Learning Outcomes:

Activity – Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement

activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual activities and activities in an alternative
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environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor pursuits.

Cooperation – Students will interact positively with others.

Do it Daily … for Life! – Students will assume responsibility to lead an active way of life.

Specific Learning Outcomes:

A6-1 select, perform and refine challenging locomotor sequences
A6-2 consistently and confidently perform locomotor skills and combination of skills, by using

elements of body and space awareness, effort and relationships, alone and with others, to

improve personal performance

A6-5 demonstrate ways to receive, retain and send an object with increasing accuracy
C6-4 identify and then take responsibility for various roles while participating in physical activity;

and, identify leadership and followership skills used while participating in physical education

D6-1 demonstrate enjoyment of participation through extended effort in physical activity

D6-4 participate in, and demonstrate the benefits of, safe warm-up and cool-down activities

Learning Objectives:
Students will:

demonstrate the correct technique for passing and footwork (pivoting)

learn the proper way of the three passes (chest pass, bounce pass and overhead pass)

work cooperatively during skill activities.

Basketballs Whistle Cones


-- Introduction --
(53 mins)

(5-6 mins)

1. Start with a warm-up game by playing "British Bull Dog" (1-2 mins)

2. After the students are warm have them seated or standing facing me (eyes and ears on teacher)

3. Ask the class if anyone recalls what we will be learning today?

4. Introduce the first type of pass and ask a student to help me volunteer (chest pass)

Does anyone know the three common passes of basketball?

What does a passing form look like when doing a chest pass

Are my eyes looking at my hands or partner?

How do you hold the ball when doing a chest ball?

Am I allowed to pass the ball when my partner is not look at me?

Should my partners hand be out when I pass the ball to him/her?

-- Body --
(45 mins)

[After showing them how to do a chest pass, ask the students to find a partner and have them sitting
with them so I know they are ready]


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1. One ball per group (group of 2 or 3)

2. Have them practice chest past in a line (partner should be 5-6 feet away from each other)

walk up and down the line and see how they are doing (posture and pass)

3. Have a competition (how many passes can you do in 1 minute?)

Not allowed to drop the ball, if so restart from 0

See how they did after 1 minute passes

4. Then have the partner facing the wall take 2 big steps backwards (see how far they can pass)


1. Demonstrate how to do a bounce pass (form and pass)

What is the difference between a bounce pass and a chest pass?

2. Have the students practice a bounce pass with their partner

3. Repeat Activity #1 step 3 and 4


1. Demonstrate how to do a overhead pass (form and pass)

What is the difference between a bounce pass, chest pass and an overhead pass?

2. Have the students practice a bounce pass with their partner

3. Repeat Activity #1 step 3 and 4

[Blow the whistle 3 times, wait till they come in and sit/stand in front of me]


1. Demonstrate what pivoting looks like

Why do you think we pivot in basketball? (stop dribbling, positioning, passing & shooting)

2. Have the students get into a new group of 3

3. Have them decided who will be in the middle (like piggy in the middle)

4. The person in the middle will be pivoting after receiving a pass from the 2 outside players

Make sure to demonstrate what it looks like

5. I will blow the whistle to tell the middle player to switch with a outside player after a few


[Blow the whistle 3 times, wait till they come in and sit/stand in front of me]


1. Make 4 teams and give 3 of the teams different coloured pinnies

2. Explain the game to the class after everyone is in their group/team sitting down

3. The objective of the game is to pass to your own teammate 3 consecutive times

Players must pass to their own team 3 times to receive 1 point

The opposing team can block the pass or catch the ball before the other team catches it

You are not allowed to grab the ball out of the other players hand!
You may only take 3 steps then you must pass to your teammate

You must dribble the ball if your are taking your 3 steps or on the spot

A turnover is if someone travels or is out of boundaries

Show them where the boundaries are

Make sure to DEMONSTRATE with some students

4.Put the two teams on the left side of the gym and the other two teams on the right side of
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the gym

5. If theres enough time, switch teams (play a different team)

[Blow the whistle 3 times, and ask them to clean up and then bring it in]

-- Closure --
(2 mins)

1. Once the students are seated

2. Review what they have learned

Why do we pivot in basketball?

What were the 3 passes we learned?

Which pass was easier?

Do we keep our hands down when we receive a pass?

3. Let them change and make sure they wait till the bell rings

Spong Activity:
1. Have students in groups of 4-6

2. One player will be the tagger/piggy

3. The other players must form a circle while the piggy is in the middle

4. A player must pass the ball before they get tagged by the piggy

5. If the person with the ball gets tagged then they become the piggy

6. Must tag below the shoulders (safety)

Observation: (F)
Watching student participation within the activities, and their locomotor accuracy.

Students will also demonstrate correct safety measures and communicate their understanding

Listening: (F)
To their conversations and feedback to one another on each activity 

Feedback: (F)
Both from peers and teacher based on skills, safety measures, and instruction based on


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