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1. Design a GUI application to display the Fibonacci series 0,1,1,2,3……….

till n terms

2. Design a GUI application which obtains a Minimum number and a Maximum number and
then find the factorial of all the numbers between both the numbers.

3. Create a GUI application to Create a GUI application to create a Matematics Quiz as Shown
Below.The start button will display four random numbers between 1 and 9999. The four
textfields are uneditable . The user will enter the answers and on the action performed
event of Textfield the answers will be verified.
4. Design a GUI application to input message in a jTextArea . When user press enter then total
character entered by user should be displayed in a textfield and it should also check ,how
many characters are remaining after trimming all leading spaces.

5. Design a Netbeans Application with the following interface .Enter any number in the TextField
and the multiplication Table should be visible in the jTable.


6. Develop a billing application for Happy Shopping- A retail chain involved in sales of Readymade
garments. The Happy Shopping offers discount to its members holding Platinum, Gold and
Silver Card. The 10% discount is given to platinum card, 8% to Gold card and 5% to silver
Card holder on sales amount. Write Java Code of Calculate, Close and Clear Button.

7. Design a GUI application for “Reader’S paradise Library” to generate the member ship fee
depending upon the membership type considering discount eligibility as well. A screenshot
of the same is shown below:
(i) After selecting appropriate Radio
Button, when ‘Check Fee’ button is
clicked, fee should be displayed in the
respective text field according to the
following criteria:
Membership Type Fee
Monthly 500
Quarterly 1000
Yearly 1500
(ii) After selecting appropriate Radio Button, when ‘Check Discount’ button is clicked,
appropriate discount should be displayed in the respective text field according to the
following criteria:
Discount Eligibility Discount
Students 200
Other 100
(iii) When ‘Calculate’ button is clicked, Net Fee should be calculated and displayed in the
respective text field as per the given formula:
Net Fee = Fee – Discount
(iv) When ‘Clear All’ button is clicked, all the text fields should be cleared.
8. Design a GUI application in java to convert kilograms into grams, Millimeter into Centimeter,
rupees into paisa and vice versa using combo box and text fields.
9. Design a GUI application to calculate employee gross salary with the following specification as
given in the table .The text fields corresponding to Salary, DA, and HRA should become
uneditable when Name is entered. When Job is selected Salary should be displayed in the
text field.

10. (a) Design a GUI application which obtains two a number from two separate text fields and
check the greater number is divisible by the smaller or not. Display the message in a

(b) Create an application based on the following interface used for rounding a number

11. (a) Design a GUI application to accept the cost price and selling price from the user in two
text fields then calculate the profit or loss incurred.
(b) Design a GUI application to accept a character in a text field and print in a label if that
character is a vowel: a, e, i, o, or u. ‘A ‘ and ‘a’ are vowels

12. Design a GUI Application to enter any number and on clicking the button the sum of the
digits and the number of digits to be displayed in the TextArea.

13. Create a GUI application to accept a string and display it in reverse order using the substring()
method. Also check whether it is a palindrome or not.

14. 1 1 1 1
Create a GUI application to find the sum of the series + + + ⋯ . Also display each step
2 4 6 𝑛
as shown below:

15. Design a Netbeans Application with the following interface .Calculate the Amount discount
and Net Amount according to the following specifications.
Type of Card Discount
Platinum 50%
Gold 40%
Silver 20%

16. Design a Netbeans Application with the following interface. Calculate Total marks, percentage
and grades of students for given marks in five subjects with maximum marks of 100. The
grade calculation rule is given below.

Total Grade
>=90 A+
80-89 A
70-79 B
60-69 C
50-59 D
40-49 E
<40 Detained

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