About Anbiya

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What is the name of the first nabi (prophet)?

A1. Hazrat Aadam (AS).

Q2. Who are the father and mother of the mankind?

A2. The father of the mankind is Hazrat Aadam (AS) and the mother is the zawjah (wife) of
Aadam (AS) Maulatana Hawwa (AS).

Q3. Where was Hazrat Aadam (AS) born?

A3. Hazrat Aadam (AS) was born on the island of ‘sarandeep' which is now known as Sri
Lanka, which was then a part of India.

Q4. Who is the wasi (Deputy, Successor) of Hazrat Aadam (AS)?

A4. His son Hazrat Haabeel (AS) and Hazrat Shees (AS).

Q5. What is the age of Hazrat Aadam (AS)?

A5. 100 years.

Q6. Who was the enemy of Hazrat Aadam (AS)?

A6. Iblees (Haaris bin Murrah) (LA).

Q7. Where is the Qabr-e-Mubarak (grave, a place of burial) of Hazrat Aadam (AS)?
A7. On the mountain of Abi Qubays.

Q8. Who is the celebrated and distinguished Prophet of the daur of Hazrat Aadam (AS)?
A8. Hazrat Idrees (AS).

Q9. When did Allah Ta'aala pardon the mistake of Hazrat Aadam (AS)?
A9. When Hazrat Aadam (AS) realized his mistake of eating the forbidden fruit in Paradise
he performed tawaaf (circumambulated) around Ka'batullah, he wept penitently; then Allah
Ta'aala pardoned his mistake.

Q10. What is the period of nubuwwat (daur) of Hazrat Aadam (AS)?

A10. 2080 years 4 months and 15 days.

Q11. Who is the great and notable Prophet after Hazrat Aadam (AS)?
A11. Hazrat Nooh (AS). He superseded the teachings of Hazrat Aadam (AS) and became the
firstnabi (naatiq) of Ulul ‘Azam (one who introduces the updated and upgraded law of
shari'at by the command of Allah, as needed at that period of time).

Q12. What is the name of Hazrat Nooh (AS)?

A12. Abdul Ghaffaar.

Q13. Who is the wasi of Hazrat Nooh (AS)?

A13. His eldest son Hazrat Saam (AS).

Q14. Who was the enemy of Hazrat Nooh (AS)?

A14. His son Haam (LA).
Q15. Which miracle of Hazrat Nooh (AS) is famed?
A15. The miracle of “Ark” is his famed miracle which is popularly known as ‘Noah's Ark
'. Those people who believed and followed the teachings of Nooh (AS) were saved and the
others were swept away by the floods.

Q16. What is the age of Hazrat Nooh (AS)?

A16. 120 years.

Q17. Who are the well-known and distinguished Prophets of the daur of Hazrat Nooh (AS)?
A17. Hazrat Saaleh (AS) and Hazrat Hood (AS).

Q18. Where is the Qabr-e-Mubarak of Hazrat Nooh (AS)?

A18. On the mountain of “Joodi”.

Q19. What did Allah Ta'aala send for Hazrat Saaleh (AS) from the Heaven?
A19. A she-camel which Allah Ta'aala created by commanding ‘ kun ' meaning ‘Be' and it
came into being.

Q20. Which community was the enemy of Hazrat Saaleh (AS)?

A20. The community of Samood.

Q21. Which community was the enemy of Hazrat Hood (AS)?

A21. The community of ‘Aad.

Q22. How Allah Ta'aala punished the community of Samood and ‘Aad?

A22. The people of Samood were destroyed in a mighty calamity, a violent earthquake
accompanied by a terrible thunderstorm and lightning. And the localities of ‘Aad were
ruined by a furious and violent blast of wind which lasted unceasingly for 8 days and 7

Q23. What is the period of nubuwwat ( daur ) of Hazrat Nooh (AS)?

A23. 972 years 6 months and 15 days.

Q24. Who is the great and notable Prophet after Hazrat Nooh (AS)?
A24. Hazrat Ibraaheem (AS).

Q25. Who are the wasi of Hazrat Ibraaheem (AS)?

A25. His two sons Hazrat Ismaa'il (AS) and Hazrat Ishaaq (AS).

Q26. Who is the mother of Hazrat Ismaa'il (AS) and Hazrat Ishaaq (AS)?
A26. Maulatana Haajrah (AS) is the mother of Hazrat Ismaa'il (AS) and Maulatana Saarrah
(AS) is the mother of Hazrat Ishaaq (AS).

Q27. Who was the enemy of Hazrat Ibraaheem (AS)?

A27. Nimrood bin Kin'aan (LA) who threw Hazrat Ibraaheem (AS) in the fire tying him on
‘ minjaneeq' for not obeying his command and preaching the principles of tawheed .

Q28. Which is the famed miracle of Hazrat Ibraaheem (AS)?

A28. “The Fire that turned into Garden for him by the command and grace of Allah” is the
famed miracle.
Q29. Which legendary edifice did Hazrat Ibraaheem (AS) and Hazrat Ismaa'il (AS) construct?
A29. Ka'batullah (Baytullah) in Makkah.

Q30. What is the age of Hazrat Ibraaheem (AS)?

A30. 113 years.

Q31. Who are the well-known and distinguished Prophets of the daur of Hazrat Ibraaheem
A31. Hazrat Ya'qoob (AS), Hazrat Yoosuf (AS), Hazrat Ayyoob (AS), Hazrat Sho'aib (AS), and
Hazrat Loot (AS).

Q32. Which are the “ Sunnat” (Practices) of Hazrat Ibraaheem (AS)?

A32. When Allah Ta'aala ordered Hazrat Ibraaheem (AS) to clean-up himself; he first
trimmed the hairs of his moustache so that the upper lip is clearly visible, then he clipped
the nails of fingers on Friday, then he shaved off the hairs of underarms, then he sheared off
the hairs around the genitals, and at last when still he was ordered to clean-up, he
circumcised his genitals. It is mandatory on every mumin to follow the practices of Hazrat
Ibraaheem (AS) and if one fails to perform the above practices for more than 40 days, and
then he will be influenced by shaitaan. When the girl reaches at the age of seven years and
not before that, she should be circumcised.

Q33. Where is the Qabr-e-Mubarak of Hazrat Ibraaheem (AS)?

A33. In the village of “Khaleel ur-Rehmaan” near Bayt ul-Muqaddas.

Q34. To whom did Hazrat Ya'qoob (AS) love the most out of his all sons?
A34. Hazrat Ya'qoob (AS) loved his youngest son Hazrat Yoosuf (AS) the most and out of
jealousy he was thrown into the well by his elder brothers.

Q35. For which incident is Hazrat Ayyoob (AS) well-known?

A35. Hazrat Ayyoob (AS) is famous for his patience. Allah Ta'aala engaged him in a serious
suffering in which worms invaded his body and ate his flesh. Even in this suffering Hazrat
Ayyoob (AS) continued to praise Allah and kept patience. Finally he was freed of his

Q36. In which forbidden act was the community of Hazrat Loot (AS) engaged?
A36. The community of Hazrat Loot (AS) was engaged in the act of Homosexuality and
Sodomy (lawaatat ), where a man has sexual relations with a man and woman has relations
with woman. They were eventually destroyed by a mighty earthquake in which the entire
community was buried alive.

Q37. What is the period of nubuwwat (daur) of Hazrat Ibraaheem (AS)?

A37. 1150 years 7 months and 8 days.

Q38. Who is the great and notable Prophet after Hazrat Ibraaheem (AS)?
A38. Hazrat Moosa (AS).

Q39. Who is the wasi of Hazrat Moosa (AS)?

A39. Hazrat Haaroon (AS) and Hazrat Yoosha' bin Noon (AS).
Q40. Which heavenly book is revealed on Hazrat Moosa (AS)?
A40. “Tauraat”.

Q41. Who was the enemy of Hazrat Moosa (AS)?

A41. Fir'aun (LA) whose name was Mis'ab bin Khaalid.

Q42. Who fostered Hazrat Moosa (AS)?

A42. Maulatana Aasiya binte Mazaahim (AS), the wife of Fir'aun (LA).

Q43. What is the name of mumin (believer) during the rule of Fir'aun mentioned in the
A43. “Hizqeel”.

Q44. Allah Ta'aala granted which miracle to Hazrat Moosa (AS)?

A44. “Asaa” (Stick) and “Yad-e-Bayzaa” (Light emitting from the palm).

Q45. Which miracle of Hazrat Moosa (AS) is well-known?

A45. Hazrat Moosa (AS) capsized the army of Fir'aun in the middle of the river Nile .
Q46. Who are the well-known and distinguished Prophets of the daur of Hazrat Moosa (AS)?
A46. Hazrat Taaloot (AS), Hazrat Zakariya (AS), Hazrat Yahyaa (AS), Hazrat Dawood (AS),
Hazrat Sulaimaan (AS), Hazrat Ilyaas (AS), Hazrat Luqmaan (AS).

Q47. What is the age of Hazrat Moosa (AS)?

A47. 107 years.

Q48. Hazrat Moosa (AS) married to the daughter of which Prophet?

A48. Hazrat Sho'aib (AS).

Q49. To which Prophet did Allah Ta'aala grant the empire and kingdom?
A49. Hazrat Dawood (AS) and Hazrat Sulaimaan (AS).

Q50. What is the distinctiveness of Hazrat Dawood (AS)?

A50. Allah Ta'aala granted sweet and high pitched voice to Hazrat Dawood (AS). All the
animals and birds used to come to standstill to enjoy his voice, whenever he
recited “Zaboor”. Allah Ta'aala also granted him the skill and strength that he could mould
the iron with his hands into different shapes.

Q51. What is the distinctiveness of Hazrat Sulaimaan (AS)?

A51. Allah Ta'aala granted him the speech of all animals and birds and he was able to talk to
them in their language.

Q52. Which book is revealed on Hazrat Dawood (AS)?

A52. “Zaboor”.

Q53. What is the name of community who considered Hazrat Moosa (AS) as the last Prophet
of God?
A53. Yahood (Jews).

Q54. Where is the Qabr-e-Mubarak of Hazrat Moosa (AS)?

A54. Bayt ul-Muqaddas.
Q55. What is the period of nubuwwat (daur) of Hazrat Moosa (AS)?
A55. 1130 years 6 months and 28 days.

Q56. Who is the great and notable Prophet after Hazrat Moosa (AS)?
A56. Hazrat ‘Isaa (AS).

Q57. Who is the wasi of Hazrat ‘Isaa (AS)?

A57. Hazrat Sham'oon (AS).

Q58. Which book is revealed on Hazrat ‘Isaa (AS)?

A58. “Injeel” (Bible).

Q59. What is the name of the mother of Hazrat ‘Isaa (AS)?

A59. Maulatana Maryam binte ‘Imraan (AS).

Q60. Who was the enemy of Hazrat ‘Isaa (AS)?

A60. His maternal uncle Sehr-e-Boota.

Q61. Allah Ta'aala granted which miracle to Hazrat ‘Isaa (AS)?

A61. By the grace of Allah Ta'aala, Hazrat ‘Isaa (AS) gave life to the dead; restored the vision
of the blind and cured the person suffering from vitiligo.

Q62. Who are the well-known and distinguished Prophets of the daur of Hazrat ‘Isaa (AS)?
A62. Hazrat Yoonus (AS), Hazrat Zulqarnain (AS), and Hazrat Khizr (AS).

Q63. What is the age of Hazrat ‘Isaa (AS)?

A63. 32 years.

Q64. What is the name of the community who considered Hazrat ‘Isaa (AS) as the son of
A64. Nasraani (Christians).

Q65. Where is the Qabr-e-Mubarak of Hazrat ‘Isaa (AS)?

A65. Bayt ul-Muqaddas.

Q66. What was the outcome of the crucification of Hazrat ‘Isaa (AS)?
A66. He was buried and then by the command of Allah Ta'aala he was raised to heaven from
the grave on the third day after the burial.

Q67. When did Allah Ta'aala forgive the mistake of Hazrat Yoonus (AS)?
A67. Hazrat Yoonus (AS) apologized for his mistake in the belly of fish. Allah Ta'aala then
pardoned him and gave him a new lease of life.

Q68. What is the period of nubuwwat (daur) of Hazrat ‘Isaa (AS)?

A68. 670 years and 16 days

Q69. What is the total number of Prophets?

A69. There are 1 lakh 24 thousand Prophets whom Allah chose for the guidance of mankind
and show them the right and straight path that leads them to Paradise.
Q70. What are the laqab (title, designation) of the Prophets from Hazrat Aadam to Hazrat
‘Isaa (AS)?
A70. Hazrat Aadam (AS) – Safiyullah (Allah's close friend).
Hazrat Nooh (AS) – Najiyullah (Allah's confidant).
Hazrat Ibraaheem (AS) – Khaleelullah (Allah's dear one).
Hazrat Moosa (AS) – Kaleemullah (One who talks to Allah).
Hazrat ‘Isaa (AS) – Roohullah (Allah's soul).

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