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National symbols of the USA.

One of the most important symbol of the USA is the coat-of-arms of the USA,it represents an eagle with
wings outspread,holding a bundle of rods-the symbol of administering-in the left claw and the olive twig-
the emblem of lova-in the right claw.Americans treat with respect their flag wich bren adopted in
1777,ithas 13 red and white stripes representing the original 13 states and 50 stass-for each of the state
of it.Each colour in the flag brars a massage.The red tells of the bravery of the men and women who
helped to make the nation.The red tells to be fear less in supporting the cause of justice and right.The
white tells the pure and noble lives of the founders of the nation.The white tells to live so to be worthy
citizens of the country and the blue tells to be loyal Americans,true to the country and to the flag.''The
star-spangled Banner''is the nationalauthem of the US,there's also a truly love national song,wichis not
the national anthem of theUS,''America the Beantiful''.

What are the main values of the EU?

The Europian Union is an economic and political union of 27 member states.Today the Europea Union is
a very attractive entidy for every European nonmember country.The European Union is based on a
common worh and all dicisions are negotiated by the member was founded on the values of
respect for human rights ,freedom,democracy,eguality,the rule of law ,non-discrimination
tolerauce,pistice,eguality betwren women and men.The Europian Union is considered to be a community
of law ,solidarity,peace,frameworc and values sustainability,accountability(which means stop
capitalism)security are auother important value of the E.U.And,of course,Promoting Europe's values in
the world is the last,but not less important value that the E.U.promotes.Howeves the European Union is
caracterized by very strict values and standarts thata non-member state,like R.M.,should accomplish in
order to join this community.

What are the major events of national and social importance which are traditionally celebrated in the
Thanksgiving Day is are major holiday of national and social importance wich is traditionally celebrated in
the USA on the fourth thursday of is a day for families and friends to get together for a
special meal.Thanksgiving Day is a time for many people to give thanks for what they have ,there's
organizate parades or festivities. Another important national event in the USA is Independance Day,it is
annualy celebrated on July 4.Patriotic displays an family events are organized turoughout the USA.Many
people display the American flag on their homes.Many communities arrange tireworks that are aften
accompanied by patriotic muzic.It is a day of family celebrations with picnics and barbecue,shaving great
deal of emphasic on the American traditions of political freedom.

What changes in present-day schools would you propose to make them more effective for educating
All school days the most important period of life ,this is the base of our personality and future career.We
are already the conditions from our schools,even if they are not the best but uer can make
them better and more effective for educating pupils and we can start this process of changes in present
day schools ,from simple things.We khow that very few schools,from our country and not only,have an
Uniform and its really regretable,because pupils very often wear inadeguate elothes,they confound
school with disco wearing.It will be so nice if all present day schools land theUniform,because an
uniform is the symbol of responsability,education and solidarity.
In order to improve school life ,i would like that in an school and in all scholls from the country,the
chimistry fitics,biology laboratories to be well eguiped,unfortunately today we learu ouly the theary,but
we dout put it in practice,but practice beats theary turichind our library will be a great think for present
day scholl,inclusively for our scholl,becouse there're a lot of interesting books that can't be found in our
libraries.We know that Internet is the biggest source of information and it gives us a lot of opportunities
to be well informed.It well be so effective for educating pupils and of a great help,if every pupil in our
school pass free acces to Internet,becouse in our school,for example,there're students that dout have
this posibility and it's pitty once we know that Internet is a way of developing computer skills and gives
information from all over the World.The educational system will be so effective if there changes are
applied.Our country should invest in it because students are its future and they need an effective and
qualitative studying process.
What are the benefits of globalization for the average person?
Globalization describes the spread and connection of production,communication and technologies
across the involes the of ideas and practices.we are aware of the fact that globalization
is the main factor of denationalization and becouse of it all the things that have been transmited from
generation to generation:traditions,language,culture,customs are about to die,but beside
disadvantages,globalization is not bad at all.for example advances in medicine that have been spreaded
all araund the world and now are applied in all the countries,improved public health,and of courseevery
average person has benefits from it.another advantage is the spread of tehnological
innovations,nowdays almost everyone has an iphone or an ipad wich give us so many benefits,it is like
we have yhe whole world in our pocket or bag,having an iphone or an ipad you have a permanent acces
to internet,you can call someoane and see him in the same time,which is perfect for those who have
relatives abroad,you can watch TV an your iphone.Globalization affects us a nation,but individually we
can say that it has only benefits.
Every nation has its own customs and traditions.How can you explain why people keep up their
traditions and practice them for centuries?
Every country,nation is characterized by its own customs and traditions.customsand tradition are the
national wealth,becouse they date back to the earliest times,we can say that theyare the proiection of
every nation's history,they have been transmited from generation to generation and describe every
country's all about diversity all over the world that determinates every nation oneness and
probably this is the main reason why people keep up their traditions and practice them for
centuries,becouse every nation wants to save its oneness and identity,the concept of ,,diversity,, and ,,
variety,, wouldn't exist if people didn't keep up their tradition,fot example our country wont be the
same if we dont continue to practice our wedding traditions wich are unique in the whole world,or to
wear our national port,or Japan wont be the same if people stop wearing their,, ,,and wear
something else,or Brazil wont be the same if people dont organize their traditional Salsa Carnaval
anymore.wich means that keeping up their tradidions people want to be uniqul and maintain the
aoncept of variety and diverity,in fact practicing our traditions and customs life is more
interesting,becouse variey is the very spice of life.
Thing of some people who excelled in the world of music,art and cinema.One of them.
Whitney huston,unfortunately,was an incredible and an amazing singer,she truly excelled in the world of
misuc,becouse she was the most-aworded female singer of all the times.She was one of the best selling
music artists.Whitney Huston has done for this world what nobody will ever be albe to do,becouse she
was inuque and will remain uniqui.,,I will always love you'' is the most beatefiful love songs. I have ever
heard and it will remain a legend it's a song that will always and forever heard on the biggest
stages,becouse this song is just perect,there's whitney's soul and heart.Her music speaks from itself.its
works like a relaxing sound theraphy songs like:,,I wanna dance with somebody'', ,,Didnt we almost have
il all'' ,,So emotional'' ,,Where do broken hearts go'' are hits that changed the music industry.Whitney
Huston remains a legend and a true model,she song for us and her voice will always remain alive. the
whole universe lost a big star.

Describe some things wich are asociated with the scots.

Scotland is an english regionin G>B> caracterized by a lot of traditions,customs,having its culture which
makes it unique.Scotland clothing is probably the most eloquest example that in this way SCotland is
very mainly featutes the tartan wich is the traditional dress os scots,but a very few people
wear tartans and these scotland traditional dresses are mostly found in the tourist markets.the morden
scotland clothing comprises of jackets,sporran,kilt hose and garfers kilt is only worn by men,becouse it's
male garment.iadies prefer to wear well cut certain skirt.they also wear blouses with cufts or collars
velvet silk jackets are also norn by the people. the national flag of scotland is represented by the
thistle,the thistle is also considered the national emblem.Scotish music is a significant aspect of the
national culture . a famouse traditional scottish instrument is the GREAT HIGHLAND Bagpipe.a wind
instrument consisting of tree drones and a melody pipe.
Tourism is becomingincreasingle important as a source of revenue......
Tourism is one of the most pleasant and useful on the same time way of spending free time that's why
the tourism industry has become increasingly important as a source of revenue to many countries where
are valuable touristic attraction.a simple example is our neighbour,Romania thank to the fact that it has
the Carpatian Mountain,The Black Sea,which are big touristic attractions that are vizited uearly by
thousands of tourists.Romania gets a lot of economi profit from it.The tourism industry is the economic
base of many countries such as:Egipt Greece dubai and plays an important role in GB USA France Italy
etc. but of course disadvantages shouldn't be averlooked,becouse tourism also can prance negative
environmental and cultural effects. tourism itself can distroy ecosystems and the level of pollution
rises.Culture also suffers,becouse tourists,in some way,threat the local lifestyle and cultural products
inclusively the language.Also a negative side of tourism is that very often the conditions described by the
Tourism Agency are not the same with the real ones.Although there some disadvantages,tourism
industry has much more advantages:pleasure culture profit.
Name some environmental problems and give some solutions to them.
Today, the ecological situation in the world can be described as close to critical. Among the global
environmental problems are the following:1)Destroyed or disposed of thousands of species of plants and
animals;2)Largely destroyed forest cover;3)Rapidly reducing the available supply of minerals;4) Not only
the world's oceans is being depleted as a result of the destruction of living organisms, but also cease to
be a regulator of natural processes;5)The atmosphere in many places polluted to the maximum
allowable size, and clean air is deficient;6)Partially broken ozone layer, which protects against harmful for
all living space radiation;7)Pollution of surface and disfigurement of natural landscapes: the Earth can
not find a single square meter of surface, which was not artificially created by human elements.Steel
quite obvious malignancy of consumer attitudes to nature, just as the object of obtaining wealth and
certain wealth. For humanity is vital change in the philosophy of relationship to nature.What measures
are needed to solve global environmental problems! First of all, we should move from consumer-
technocratic approach to nature to seek harmony with it. For this purpose, in particular, requires a
number of targeted measures to cleaner production: environmentally friendly technologies, mandatory
environmental impact assessment of new projects, creating a closed loop waste-free
technologies.Another measure aimed at improving the relationship between man and nature, is a
reasonable self-restraint in the expenditure of natural resources - especially energy resources (oil, coal)
that are life-essential humanity. Estimates of international experts suggest that if we start from the
current level of consumption the end of XX c The coal reserves will last another 430 years of oil - for 35
years, natural gas - for 50 years. Time, especially on oil, not so great. In this regard, a reasonable
structural changes are needed in the global energy balance toward increased use of nuclear energy, as
well as search for new, efficient, safe and harmless to the environment as sources of energy, including
space.However, the significant effect of all these and other measures can give only by joint efforts of all
countries in order to save nature. The first attempt at such an international association was carried out
at the beginning of the XX century. Then in November 1913 in Switzerland hosted the first international
meeting on environmental issues with representatives from 18 major countries in the world.Now go
interstate forms of cooperation to a qualitatively new level. Are international conventions on
environmental protection quotas for catching fish, the ban on whaling, etc. made a variety of joint
development and programs. The activity of public organizations for the protection of the environment -
the "green" "Greenpeace". Environmental and Green Cross International Green Crescent is currently
developing a program to address the problem of "ozone holes" in the Earth's atmosphere. However, it is
recognized that at very different levels of socio-political development of the world's international
cooperation in the environmental field is still far from its perfection.Another direction for the solution of
environmental problems, and may be in the future - most important of all, is the formation of ecological
consciousness in society, people's understanding of nature as any other living creature on which it is
impossible to rule without prejudice to him and myself. Environmental training and education in society
should be placed on the state level, held in early childhood. In any inspirations, being born mind, and
aspirations, the same vector of human behavior must be its harmony with nature.

Holidays in Great Britain

Emglish are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them. English people celebrate Christmas on
the 25th of December. It's the season of good will. It's the most beautiful time of the year - the time of
love, joy and hopes. There are some traditions on New Year's Day. One of them is the old First footing.
The first man to come into the house is very important. The Englishmen belive that he brings
luck.Another best-loved holiday of love and affection, the day of sending and giving presents to those
you love. In England, Easter is a church holiday. A custom is decorating eggs for children. Halloween is
the day or evening before all Saint's Day. Children dress up in Halloween costumes and masks over their
faces. According to the Act of Parliament of 1871 there are 4 bank holidays Easter Monday,whit-
Monday, Des 26th - Boxing Day. Other public holiday are Good Friday, May Day, Also there is a Pancake
Day, April's Fool Day, Mather's Day
millions of people wish there were more peace and harmony in the worldHow can they be achieved?
People over thousands of years were trying to reach harmony and peace in the world. As we can analyse
there is no "perfect" world , but we can make it better. First of all we can make world better by improving
ourselves. We don't need to blame somebody or teach someone how to live , we just need to look after
ourselves. Simply beeing polite to people will make our planet more peacful. Government also
responsible for nonviolent atmosphere.Equally important to resolve conflicts peacefully without
involving military. To begin with countries should provide more diplomats in order to prevent war. As i
have said there is no "perfect" world , but we can make it better simply being polite and peacful.
write what democracy means to you.
A democracy is a regime where rule is determined by the people. Usually, the rule of the people involves
voting either directly on propositions, or indirectly through representatives. The original Greek word was
derived from demos, meaning "the people," and kratein meaning "to rule." So it means '' ruled by the
people'' or ''the people rule.'' Essentially, a democracy is a system of government owned and controlled
by the majority of those it governs. Decisions on policies and actions by the government are made by the
elected representatives of the populace, or by direct plebiscite (propositions decided by a majority vote
of the citizens). The modern concept of a democracy is a form of government in which power is held
directly or indirectly by citizens under a free electoral system. Abraham Lincoln referred to the US
democracy as a government "by the people, of the people, and for the people." This is one of the best
and simplest definitions.
National symbols of moldova
State Flag of the Republic of Moldova – The Tricolor – is the official symbol of the republic. It symbolizes
the past, present and future of the Moldavian state; reflects its democratic principles, historical
traditions of the Moldavian people, equality in rights, solidarity and friendship between all citizens of the
republic.State Flag of the Republic of Moldova – The Tricolor - is a rectangular cloth consisting of three
strips of equal size, vertically arranged in the following sequence of colors from the stick: blue (cyan),
yellow, red. In center, on the yellow strip is printed the arms of Moldova.Moldavian's arms is a shield
divided horizontally having on top red chromatic, at bottom - blue, loaded with bull head having
between the horns eight-pointed star. Bull head is flanked on the right of a five petalled rose, on the left
– an outlined crescent. All the elements present in the shield are golden (yellow). The shield is placed on
the breast of a natural eagle carrying in its beak a golden cross (the crucial eagle) and taking in right claw
a green olive branch and a golden scepter in left.In representation, the black and white shield and
heraldic figures added up in the composition are represented in accordance with conventional signs used
by heraldic science. Respectively: the gold (yellow) by points placed at equal distance between them, red
by vertical lines, blue by horizontal lines and green by slashes from right to left. The eagle is just outlined.
How do changes in society influence people’s culture? What can slow down or speed up cultural

If we look for the word culture in dictionary, we will find this explanation: “Culture refers to the
cumulative deposit of knowledge, beliefs, values, religion, relations, material objects and possessions
acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.” And
this is what a person or a society is appreciated by. It is send from generation to generation and it’s
improving every decade. So that, this is an invaluable treasure, that makes us different from other
creatures on this earth, and it’s a treasure that we should promote and develop. But nowadays the
society is the leader, people with all their sudden ideas , decisions, imagination and problems, with all
the modernizations and freedom can produce a real chaos, a chaos that may lead to improvement or to
a disaster. Thus, there is a direct connection between the way society changes and the improvement or,
on the contrary, the decreasing of the culture of people.For example, the development of the
technological innovations can improve our knowledge and the future generations will become
professionals in what they do, and the level of their culture will increase fast and in a impressive way. On
the other hand, if we and the future generations don’t control ourselves with all these innovations, we
can become victims of the virtual life and so we will destroy even what we have. It is important to pass
the barriers and to know the limits. Therefore, everything should be controlled, even freedom, because
too much freedom leads to stupidity and forgetting of what is really important. If we speak about
Moldova for example, our culture and national beliefs are still alive and people are still confused about
everything, they don’t know what is their mother language, or who their ancestors are, they still speak
their own language with mistakes and mix Russian with Romanian language when speaking….and there
are more other examples. So, how can we speak about cultural development when we don’t know who
we are?Similarly to the things mentioned above, religion is also an important factor that participates at
the process of slowing or speeding up the cultural development. Furthermore it educates and gives hope
to those who are in need or to those who want grow, to improve the world. And depending on their
nationality and religion, we can speak about the speeding the process of cultural development or about
the slowing down. Consequently, if the religion is based on good and peaceful ideas, then it brings a
great benefit for the humanity, it highlights the beauty and makes a better place to live, its concepts lead
to a world with smart, educated and good people. But such religions as Muslim or others less known,
which allows hitting the women when they do something wrong or killing them when they want to
divorce, then , this kind of religion is for sure a curse and it may lead to consequences that can’t be
repaired.In conclusion, the cultural development is a treasure that ancestors left us and we should
promote and develop it because that is what makes us different from animals and that is what a society
needs for living in a world where peace, love and intellect dominates. The social, economical, political,
historical and religious changes may improve or decrease the culture of people.
symbols of UK
The United Kingdom Royal Coat of Arms consists of a shield divided into four quadrants. One of the
quadrants contain the guardant lions of England. Two of the quadrants contain the rampant lion of
Scotland. The final quadrant contains a harp which represents Northern Ireland.Supporting the shield
are a crowned lion and a unicorn. The crowned lion represents England and the unicorn represents
Scotland. The crowned lion also crowns the Coat of Arms.The Coat of Arms also contains Latin phrases
meaning "God and my right" and "Shamed be he who thinks ill of it". These arms are used by the Queen
or King in their official capacity as monarch, and are officially known as the Arms of Dominion.The United
Kingdom flag was officially adopted on January 1, 1801, and it's arguably the world's best known flag. In
short, this striking flag is actually a composite of England's St. George's Cross (the centered red cross
bordered in white), St. Andrew's Cross of Scotland (the diagonal white cross on the blue field), and the
Patron Saint of Ireland (diagonal x-shaped red saltire).

british royal family

The British Royal Family is the group of close relatives of the monarch of the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland. Members and relatives of the British Royal Family historically represented
the monarch in various places throughout the British Empire, sometimes for extended periods as
viceroys, or for specific ceremonies or events. Today, they often perform ceremonial and social duties
throughout the United Kingdom and abroad on behalf of the UK, but, aside from the monarch, have no
constitutional role in the affairs of government.
How would you describe your country or region and the people who live there?

Although it is often cited that Moldova is the poorest country in Europe, it is a beautiful country with a
fascinating history, culture and people. Its lush green hills, dense forests, and the wonderful sunflower
fields are a treat to the eye. Vineyards and orchards occupy the biggest part of the country and the land
is very fertile. Moldova has enriched its own culture adopting and maintaining some of the traditions of
its neighbours and of other influence sources. The country’s cultural heritage was marked by numerous
churches and monasteries built by the Moldavian ruler Stephen the Great in the 15th century, by the
works of the later renaissance Metropolitans Varlaam and Dosoftei, and those of scholars such as
Grigore Ureche, Miron Costin, Dimitrie Cantemir, Ion Neculce. The cultural heritage of Moldova is rich in
traditions and customs. The country got an international fame due to its professional craftsmanship by
making fine objects of embroidery, wood carvings, knit carpets, different decorations, baskets of osier.
Also, Moldova has rich folk art traditions. Moldovan songs and dances are known far and wide. Carpets
are the pride of our republic. The national cuisine is known all over the world. The people of Moldova
are very hospitable. They would always offer a glass of fresh and cool wine. Wine-making in Moldova has
a long-standing tradition. Wine is an especially powerful symbol in Moldova; it is associated with quality
and purity. The cellars of Cricova and Milestii Mici with their extensive collection of old wines are
considered to be a state treasure. As we all know, Moldova has a well-developed science and culture.
Our biggest research centre is the Moldovan Academy of Science. It is worth mentioning that Mihai
Eminescu and Ion Creangă, a writer, are the most influential Romanian language artists, considered
national writers both in Romania and Moldova.
can you name any place in great britain which is internationl known?
buckingham palace.With its architecturally defined profile, this is one of London's most popular
historical buildings. Buckingham Palace was built in 1703 for the Duke of Buckingham. Later restored by
Nash, the present facade was planned by Sir Aston Webb in 1913. At the west end of the Mall,
Buckingham Palace is the London residence of the Sovereign. When the Queen is here, the royal
standard flutters over the palace. The Royal Mews, in Buckingham Palace Road, house the coaches and
horses used on all state occasions and are open to the public on Wednesday and Thursday. The Queen's
Gallery, also in Buckingham Palace Road; has especial exhibitions from the Royal collection and may be
visited every day except Monday. In its entirety, the Palace and the beautiful gardens which surround it
occupy an area of approximately 40 acres.

different countries have reputation for being good at different sports. think of some example.
Many people all over the world are interested in sport. Sport helps people to stay healthy and
makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities.Australians are lucky.
They have a perfect climate, and an endless amount of land. In September attention is attached
to Melbourne where Australian Football Cup takes place Australian Football is played in
Australia only. There are two teams of 18 players in this game. The players are allowed to play
with their legs and arms. The participation is the game demands great physical strength and
very often injured players are carried away from the field or are replaced by other players.
Grand Australian Football Cup is the biggest sports competition of the year.Americans play most
international sports but they do not play football in the same way as the rest of the world.
Americans love winter sports and ice hockey is the most popular game. This game is very fast
and can be dangerous. But they are really good at baseball. Baseball is the most popular
summer sport in America. To play baseball you need teams of 9 players. American start playing
baseball young. There are “leagues” which children of 8 can join. The top players become big
stars.The British have reputation for being mad about sports. In fact they like watching sports
more than playing them. The British are spectator and the most popular spectator sports are
cricket and football. Football or soccer, is an example of a professional game.Rugby is another
popular British sport. It is also called rugby football. The story is told that in 1823 boys at
Rugby school in England were playing football in the normal way, when suddenly one boy picked
the ball up and ran with it. That was how a new game was born. There are 2 forms of rugby
football: the amateur game and the professional game. The 2 games have different rules.So we
have all grounds to say that sport is one of the things that makes people kin.

A stereotype is a fixed set of ideas that is generally held about the characteristics of a particular type of
person which are wrongly believed to be shared by all the people of that type. In my opinion it is a
dangerous thing to judge about a people or a group of people by existing stereotypes but nevertheless a
certain stereotype does exist. There are experimental ways of investigating stereotypes. One of the most
obvious is to ask a group of people what trades characterize the British, the Russians, the Americans.
Results of such studies of the whole agree well with what might have been expected. English are said to
be prim. Weather is the most important topic in the land. In English this is an ever – interesting, even
thrilling topic and you must be good at discussing the weather. You must never contradict anybody when
discussing the weather. Should it hail and snow, should hurricanes up root the trees, should someone
remark to you "Nice day, isn’t it?" – answer without hesitation "Isn’t it lovely?" On the continent people
either tell you the truth or lie, in Britain they hardly ever lie but they don’t tell you the truth either. The
British like people of every country tend to be attributed with certain characteristics which are
supposedly typical. However you should be cautious about accepting such characterizations too easily.
Societies change over time while their reputations lag behind. Many things which are often regarded as
typically British are no longer representative of modern life. One example of this is the popular belief
that Britain is a land of traditions. This is what most tourist brochures claim. The claim is based on what
can be seen in public life. And at this level – the level of public life it is undoubtedly true. However in
private everyday lives the British as individuals are probably less inclined to follow traditions than other
people of most other countries. According to the stereotypes English are also thought to be reserved,
conservative, shy of strangers, suspicious of change and slow to accept new ideas, responsible, honest
and unemotional. But I think this stereotype pictures are far from true, especially in today’s world.

english language
English is the main language of books,newspapers,airports and science,technology,diplomacy sport
music advertising.English has become on international language and it's a language almost everybody
understands.English is spoken in seventy-five countries with a total population of over two
billion.English is spoken as a natius language by around 375 million and as a second language by around
375 million speakers in the world.Over two thirds of the world's seventists its read in English.Three-
quarters of the word'smail is written in English.Eighty per cent of the word's elictronically storet
information is in English.Of the estimated forty million users of the Internet,some eighty per-cent
communicate in English.It is spoken everywhere,that's why can get a lot of advantages knowing English
gou'll neut English if you want to travel around the World,or if you want a good job especially if you
evant to work with computers.

health is like a song

to compuse a beauteful song an author has to choose the necessary notes to rewrite several times the
lyric to find the tone and to unique all these aspects for his future hit.a good song and its succes depend
on its creator.the same picture is with our health,we are the creators of my mind the only way to
stay healthyand to keep fit is going in for sports.the regular exerceses help you to have a healthier heart
stronger bones quicker reaction time and less susceptiblity to various illneses.
how do students spend in usa their free time

the majority of teenagers in great britain spend thei free time as everywhere in the world.the averanges
young person spends about 19 hours in front of the television.acording to thegovemment report neatly
three-quarter of young people haveTV sets in theit rooms besides watching tv other activities like cinem
going sport remain popular.listening to music is also a part of time spending. a lot of people either do
part time jobs or do something like sports or seefriends.part time jobs are usually bar
work,waitressing,sales assistant ina shop.the university library is also a good place to work.most
american students live on-campus and always have the opportunity to take part in university
addition there is one more factor than influences students free time it is every student's personal
schedule.becouse every students creates his ownschedule it is easy for him to take into account all his
activities including both work and entertainment.

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