Distance Fossils Webquest 1

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Fossils Webquest:

How do Fossils Give Us Evidence that Earth’s Climate Has Changed Over Time?

Website 1: Go to bit.ly/FossilWebquest1
1. Define paleoecology:

Read and click through the webquest until you get to the page titled “Fossils Tell Us
About Past Environments”
2. What are some animals and plants that you would expect to find living in the

Click “More”, read the text, and then click “More” again.
3. What type of fossils have been found in this desert?

4. Why is it surprising that this type of animal fossil was found in the desert?

Keep reading and clicking “More” until you get to the page that asks the question:
“What could explain finding fossils of sponges in the Nevada desert?”. Click on
the answer you think is correct and circle it here:
a. Sponges used to live in the desert OR b. Nevada used to be
covered by water

Website 2: Go to bit.ly/FossilWebquest2
1. Where is Antarctica located and what surrounds it?

2. How would you describe the climate of Antarctica?

3. How do you think the climate affects the types of animals and plants that live on
Antarctica? What kinds of animals and plants do you think live there?

4. Do you think you could survive on Antarctica if you didn’t take supplies with you
(food, shelter, appropriate clothes? Why or why not?
Website 3: Go to bit.ly/FossilWebquest3
1. Describe the first dinosaur species the explorers found:
a. Where was it found?

b. What did it eat?

2. Are there plants on Antarctica today?

3. What does this fossil evidence suggest about what Antarctica was like in the past?

Think about this relationship in terms of cause and effect. Fill out the following graphic

What is the cause? What is the effect?

Animals died
Why did the and became
cause cause
the effect? fossils.

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