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University Press
All Judges Table of Contents
Are Political— U.S. Law and Policy. . . . . . 2-4
Except When International and
They Are Not Comparative Law . . . . . . . . 5-7
Acceptable Hypo- Law and Crime. . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8
crisies and the
Rule of Law Law and Society. . . . . . . . 9-10
Keith J. Bybee Jurisprudence and
We live in an age where Legal History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
one person’s judicial
“activist” legislating from
the bench is another’s Examination Copy Policy . . . 3
impartial arbiter fairly interpreting the law. After the Ordering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2 Supreme Court ended the 2000 Presidential election
with its decision in Bush v. Gore, many critics claimed
that the justices had simply voted their political pref- 20% discount
erences. But Justice Clarence Thomas, among many on all titles
others, disagreed and insisted that the Court had acted
according to legal principle, stating: “I plead with you,
Use promo code:
that, whatever you do, don’t try to apply the rules of S11Law
the political world to this institution; they do not apply.”
“Between costly partisan judicial elections and a Su-
preme Court that appears frozen in an ideological
5-4 split, there has never been a more apt time to
answer conclusively the question of whether judges
are apolitical oracles or ideological politicians. Bybee’s
answer—they are both—sounds at first like a dis-
comfiting one. But in this fascinating book he shows
that the courts’ very survival in fact rests on the white
lie of this fundamental tension.”
—Dahlia Lithwick, Senior Editor,

“Judicial authority is not in grave danger, at least in the

terms that some alarmists imagine. In conversation
with mainstream approaches to judicial practice, this
remarkably original work contends that law's deceits
sustain order and moderate conflict, all the while sus-
taining hierarchy. A major accomplishment.”
—Michael W. McCann, University of Washington

The Cultural Lives of Law

192 pp., 2010
9780804753128 Paper $19.95  $15.96 sale
9780804753111 Cloth $55.00  $44.00 sale

Cover photo: by Tim Green

U.S. Law and Policy

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Prerogative Control 3
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Imperial Power in Immigration Policy
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We allow instructors 90 “This well-researched and Edited by Monica W.
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20% discount. “Genovese provides an excellent tion federalism.”
critique of all broad claims of —Peter Spiro,
Mail to: presidential prerogative, de- Temple University Law School
Examination Copy molishing the argument that Published in association with the Center for
Stanford University Press there is some sort of basis for Comparative Immigration Studies at the
prerogative powers within the University of California, San Diego
1450 Page Mill Road 320 pp., 13 tables, 5 figures, 3 maps, 2010
constitution itself. This book
Palo Alto, CA 94304 9780804770279 Paper $24.95  $19.96 sale
deserves a wide reading.” 9780804770262 Cloth $65.00  $52.00 sale
—J. David Fairbanks,
Fax to: University of Houston
(650) 736-1784 216 pp., 1 table, 2010
9780804762977 Paper $19.95  $15.96 sale
9780804762960 Cloth $55.00  $44.00 sale

U.S. Law and Policy

Privacy in Context Virtual Freedom AVAILABLE IN MAY 2011

Technology, Policy, Net Neutrality and Pollution Limits

4 and the Integrity of Free Speech in the and Polluters’
Social Life Internet Age Efforts to Comply
Helen Nissenbaum Dawn C. Nunziato The Role of Govern-
“This book provides a refreshing, “Dawn Nunziato has written a ment Monitoring
contemporary look at informa- first rate critique of the law’s and Enforcement
tion privacy in the twenty-first failure to address the ways in
century. Nissenbaum persua- which control of digital net-
Dietrich H. Earnhart and
sively argues that privacy must works may threaten our speech Robert L. Glicksman
be understood in its social freedoms. With careful explica- 368 pp., 5 figures, 2011
context, and she provides an tion of the First Amendment Paper $29.95  $23.96 sale
insightful and illuminating case law as it has developed Cloth $80.00  $64.00 sale
account of how to do so. For over the past century, Profes-
anyone considering the bur- sor Nunziato makes a strong The Soul of
geoning problems of informa- argument for changing the way Creativity
tion privacy, Privacy in Context is courts currently deal with free-
essential reading.” dom of expression in the digital
Forging a Moral
—Daniel J. Solove, environment. This book will be Rights Law for the
George Washington University of great value to anyone who is United States
Law School and author of interested in the First Amend-
Understanding Privacy Roberta Rosenthal Kwall
ment, media law, or cyberlaw
and is of relevance to anyone 272 pp., 2009
304 pp., 2009
9780804763677 Paper $24.95  $19.96 sale
9780804752374 Paper $24.95  $19.96 sale who uses the Internet.” 9780804756433 Cloth $70.00  $56.00 sale
9780804752367 Cloth $70.00  $56.00 sale —Ellen Goodman,

Harboring Data
Rutgers University
Framing Equal
Information Security,
216 pp., 2009
9780804763851 Paper $22.95  $18.36 sale Opportunity
Law, and the 9780804755740 Cloth $65.00  $52.00 sale Law and the Politics
Corporation of School Finance
Edited by Andrea M. Reform
Matwyshyn Michael Paris
368 pp., 3 tables, 1 figure, 2009 336 pp., 2010
9780804760089 Cloth $39.95  $31.96 sale 9780804763547 Paper $27.95  $22.36 sale
9780804763530 Cloth $75.00  $60.00 sale

U.S. Law and Policy

Stanford Studies in Human Rights A series edited by Mark Goodale
Stones of Hope
How African Activists
Reclaim Human
Rights to Challenge
Global Poverty
Edited by Lucie E.
White and Jeremy
Stones of Hope engages
with the work of remark-
able African advocates who
have broken out of the
conventional boundaries Localizing Trans- 5
of human rights practice to challenge radical poverty.
Through a sequence of case studies and interpretive es-
itional Justice
says, it illustrates how human rights can be harnessed to Interventions and
generate democratic institutional innovations. Ultimate-
Priorities after Mass
ly, this book brings the reader down from the heights
of official human rights forums to the ground level of Edited by Rosalind Shaw
advocacy. It is a must-read for human rights advocates, and Lars Waldorf, with
Pierre Hazan
development practitioners, students, educators, and all
368 pp., 2010
others interested in an equitable global society. 9780804761505 Paper $27.95  $22.36 sale
9780804761499 Cloth $75.00  $60.00 sale
“This remarkably timed, methodologically innovative,
and illuminating collection of case studies and essays Judging War,
by leading activists and scholars in the socio-eco- Judging History
nomic rights field, demonstrates how human rights Behind Truth and
strategies can have a sustainable impact on the liveli- Reconciliation
hoods and well-being of the world’s most marginal- Pierre Hazan
ized people. The volume is a must-read for all of those
Translated by Sarah Meyer
interested in making rights real and working towards
de Stadelhofen
an ethical globalization.”
240 pp., 2010
—Mary Robinson, President of Realizing Rights: The Ethical Globalization
9780804769563 Paper $21.95  $17.56 sale
Initiative, former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and
9780804769556 Cloth $60.00  $48.00 sale
President of the Republic of Ireland

“A breakthrough text. This important work profoundly Human Rights for

alters the way scholars and lawyers conceive of strate- the 21st Century
gies for economic and social rights practice.” Sovereignty, Civil
—Caroline Elkins, Harvard University, author of Imperial Reckoning: The Society, Culture
Untold Story of Britain's Gulag in Kenya
Helen M. Stacy
280 pp., 2010
280 pp., 2009
9780804769204 Paper $24.95  $19.96 sale 9780804760959 Paper $21.95  $17.56 sale
9780804769198 Cloth $70.00  $56.00 sale 9780804745390 Cloth $60.00  $48.00 sale

International and Comparative Law

Between Law The Fog of Law Raising the
6 and Diplomacy Pragmatism, Security, Global Floor
The Social Contexts and International Law Dismantling the
of Disputing at Michael J. Glennon Myth That We
the World Trade “No defender of legal universal-
Can’t Afford Good
Organization ism can afford to ignore the Working Conditions
Joseph A. Conti challenge of this book.” for Everyone
—Pierre Hassner, Jody Heymann and
Between Law and Diplomacy Research Director Emeritus,
crafts an insider’s look at Sciences Po, Paris Alison Earle
international trade disputes at “Raising the Global Floor is
Copublished with the Woodrow Wilson
the World Trade Organization. Center Press among the most persuasive,
Drawing on interviews with 224 pp., 2010 eye-opening, and timely
trade lawyers, ambassadors, 9780804771757 Cloth $40.00  $32.00 sale books I’ve ever read. Every
trade delegations, and trade employer, activist, and policy
jurists, this book details how Bankrupt maker should read this re-
trade has become increasingly Global Lawmaking markable book!”
legalized and the implications
of that for power relations be-
and Systemic —John de Graaf,
Executive Director,
tween rich and poor countries. Financial Crisis Take Back Your Time

“Conti not only enables readers

Terence C. Halliday and 256 pp., 2009
to understand how practitio- Bruce G. Carruthers 9780804768900 Cloth $35.00  $28.00 sale
ners in the trade field operate, 536 pp., 9 tables, 2 figures, 2009
9780804760751 Paper $29.95  $23.96 sale new in paperback
but he also provides the big
picture, including potential 9780804760744 Cloth $90.00  $72.00 sale
Engaging the
lines of reform that would
make the WTO more legitimate The Common Law Law in China
and friendly to developing in Two Voices State, Society,
countries. More theoretically,
Language, Law, and and Possibilities
this inside look at daily deal-
the Postcolonial for Justice
ings with the WTO points to an
increasing legalization that will Dilemma in Edited by Neil J.
resonate with lawyers, political Hong Kong Diamant, Stanley B.
scientists, and sociologists.” Lubman, and Kevin J.
Kwai Hang Ng
—Bryant G. Garth, O’Brien
Southwestern Law School 352 pp., 5 tables, 2 figures, 3 illustrations, 2009
9780804761659 Paper $24.95  $19.96 sale 256 pp., 6 tables, 9 figures, 2005
264 pp., 3 tables, 4 figures, 2010 9780804761642 Cloth $70.00  $56.00 sale 9780804771801 Paper $22.95  $18.36 sale
9780804771436 Cloth $50.00  $40.00 sale

International and Comparative Law

Critical Perspectives on Crime and Law
A series edited by Markus Dubber


Law and Long-

Term Economic 7
Change Knowledge Sunbelt Justice
A Eurasian Perspective as Power Arizona and the
Criminal Transformation of
Edited by Debin Ma and American Punishment
Jan Luiten van Zanden
and Community Mona Lynch
“Through fascinating country Notification Laws “Full of colorful characters who
narratives and comparative
analyses, the book brings non- in America do not hesitate to express their
European legal systems and Wayne A. Logan devotion to discipline and to
historical experience into the express their resentment of
“Provides critical analysis of outsiders who meddle in their
debate on the relationship
problems with popular criminal institutions.... It effectively shows
between law and economic
registration and community that Arizona and the other new
notification laws. Its compre- states of the American South-
—Curtis J. Milhaupt,
hensive inquiry confirms that west were always more dubious
Columbia Law School
legislation based on fear and about rehabilitative approaches
368 pp., 6 tables, 7 figures, 2011 anger wastes valuable energy to imprisonment than the North-
9780804772730 Cloth $65.00  $52.00 sale and resources when contrasted east and Midwest.”
with a more rational approach. —Doris Marie Provine,
AVAILABLE IN MAY 2011 This book credibly debunks the The Law and Politics Book Review

Gender and Islam myth that harsh reactionary

laws enhance public safety and
280 pp., 2 tables, 1 figure, 12 illustrations, 2009

in Africa crime prevention.”

9780804762854 Paper $24.95  $19.96 sale
9780804762847 Cloth $70.00  $56.00 sale
Rights, Sexuality, —Rafael E. Silva,

and Law
The Champion Victims’ Rights and
Edited by Margot Badran
312 pp., 2009
9780804761369 Paper $24.95  $19.96 sale
Victims’ Wrongs
Copublished with the Woodrow 9780804757102 Cloth $70.00  $56.00 sale Comparative Liability
Wilson Center Press in Criminal Law
336 pp., 2011 Vera Bergelson
9780804774819 Cloth $60.00  $48.00 sale 248 pp., 2009
9780804755382 Cloth $50.00  $40.00 sale

International and Comparative Law | Law and Crime

The Handbook
of Comparative
Criminal Law
Edited by Kevin Jon
Heller and Markus D.
This handbook explores
criminal law systems from
around the world, with the
express aim of stimulating
comparison and discussion.
General principles of crimi-
nal liability receive prominent coverage in each essay— AVAILABLE IN MAY 2011
including discussions of rationales for punishment, the Criminals and
8 role and design of criminal codes, the general struc- Victims
ture of criminal liability, accounts of mens rea, and the W. David Allen
rights that criminal law is designed to protect—before
Criminals and Victims presents
the authors turn to more specific offenses like homicide, an economic analysis of deci-
theft, sexual offenses, victimless crimes, and terrorism. sions made by criminals and
victims of crime before, during,
This key reference covers all of the world’s major le- and after a crime or victimiza-
gal systems—common, civil, Asian, and Islamic law tion occurs. Its main purpose is
to illustrate how the application
traditions—with essays on sixteen countries on six dif-
of analytical tools from econom-
ferent continents. The introduction places each country ics can help us to understand
within traditional distinctions among legal systems and the causes and consequences
explores noteworthy similarities and differences among of criminal and victim choices,
aiding efforts to deter or reduce
the countries covered, providing an ideal entry into the
the consequences of crime. By
fascinating range of criminal law systems in use the examining these decisions along
world over. a logical timeline over which
crimes take place, we can begin
“The selection of countries for this handbook re- to think more clearly about how
ally provides an overview of criminal law systems policy effects change when it
is targeted at specific decisions
throughout the world and the book is definitely a within the body of a crime.
must have! It’s a real challenge to gather information
about criminal law in countries like Iran or China, and “Allen demonstrates how
economic theory can provide
such information makes this book especially valuable.” valuable insight into relatively
—Tatjana Hoernle, Ruhr-Universität Bochum understudied aspects of crimi-
nal and victim decision making,
“The tightly integrated chapters, by leading scholars offering clear examples of how
in their respective countries, invite us to ask why that theory can be empirically
countries are harmonizing their criminal law in some tested. He lays the foundation
respects, while preserving major differences in others.” of a new research agenda for so-
—Mark J. Osiel, University of Iowa cial scientists interested in crime.”
—Emily Owens,
672 pp., 2010 Cornell University
9780804757584 Cloth $90.00  $72.00 sale
324 pp., 14 tables, 2011
Cloth $55.00  $44.00 sale

Law and Crime


Law in Many
A Reader
Edited by Lawrence
M. Friedman, Rogelio
Pérez-Perdomo, and
Manuel A. Gómez
This law and society reader
taps a rich and diverse
literature to compare and
contrast the legal experi-
Law without ence of many different
cultures and nations. Drawing on a variety of meth-
Nations odological approaches, the selections allow students 9
Edited by Austin Sarat,
to evaluate whether there are general patterns that
Lawrence Douglas, and
Martha Merrill Umphrey explain how legal systems work (or fail to work) and
how these patterns relate to the structural and cultural
“There is a great deal of novelty
and insight in Law without Na- facts of society.
tions. The essays push thinking on
the subject beyond simple trade- Every country, of course, has its own legal system, and
offs between international and no two systems are the same. But in teaching law and
national legal systems. The book society, texts have focused nearly exclusively on Ameri-
draws on a dazzlingly diverse
can readings to the neglect of comparative and interna-
array of works and I find the in-
terconnection of the contributors’ tional work. This reader fills an obvious gap. It recog-
arguments particularly engaging.” nizes that law is increasingly global and cross-national,
—David Mednicoff, and shows how law relates to society in different times
University of Massachusetts
and places, the world over.
The Amherst Series in Law, Jurisprudence, and
Social Thought “This stimulating volume is a real winner. With smart
256 pp., 2010
9780804771696 Cloth $65.00  $52.00 sale ideas, sharp editors, and top-rate scholarly contribu-
tions, it shines as an important contribution to the law
Law and the and society and comparative law literature.”
Stranger —Eric Feldman, University of Pennsylvania
Edited by Austin Sarat, “An exciting and unique cross-national collaboration
Lawrence Douglas, and
reflecting current global concerns and influences. Dis-
Martha Merrill Umphrey
tinctive in its presentation of materials that highlight
“This is a brilliant and instructive
law and society organizations, networks, and publica-
book on the role of the stranger
in law and culture. An amazing tions around the world, it promises to make a strong
achievement.” impact within the United States and beyond.”
—Nan Goodman, —David M. Engel, University at Buffalo, SUNY
University of Colorado at Boulder
368 pp., 2011
The Amherst Series in Law, Jurisprudence, and 9780804763745 Paper $29.95  $23.96 sale
Social Thought 9780804763738 Cloth $80.00  $64.00 sale
264 pp., 2010
9780804771542 Cloth $65.00  $52.00 sale

Law and Society

The Cultural Lives of Law

A series edited by Austin Sarat

Riding the Tort, Custom,
Black Ram and Karma
Law, Literature, Globalization and
and Gender Legal Consciousness Between now and June 30,
Susan Sage Heinzelman in Thailand 2011, receive a 20% discount
David M. Engel and (sale price) on all cloth and
“A solid resource for those inter-
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gender studies, or literature of “This book raises unexpected
catalog. Use the following
the period.” and disturbing questions Promotional Discount Code:
—V.A. Murrenus Pilmaier,
University of Wisconsin Sheboygan
regarding the impact globaliza- S11Law.
tion may have on religion, soci-
“By bringing ‘law’ and ‘literature’ ety and the legal cultures with Please order by phone or online.
into dialogue under the sign which it interacts. It exposes is- Call 800-621-2736, or visit
of ‘the feminine’, her new book sues that cry out for further ex-
prosecutes a knock-down case ploration, not only in Thailand
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dence with pure barristerial Asia, but far beyond as well.”
brio. Step aside Stanley Fish, —Frank Reynolds,
Peter Goodrich and James University of Chicago telephone:
Boyd White: there’s a new law- 208 pp., 1 table, 3 figures, 14 illustrations, 800-621-2736
and-literrateuse abroad, and rid- 2010
ing her black ram into the very 9780804763820 Paper $21.95  $17.56 sale Phone orders are accepted
heart of cultural legal studies!” 9780804763813 Cloth $60.00  $48.00 sale Monday–Friday,
—William P. MacNeil, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm CT.
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Ruth A. Miller published or temporarily out of stock will be charged to

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248 pp., 2009 process of being shipped. Stanford University Press books
9780804762564 Cloth $60.00  $48.00 sale are distributed by the University of Chicago Press Distribu-
tion Center. Shipping & Handling $5.00; outside the United
States $8.50; add $1.00/$8.50 for each additional book.

Law and Society

Jurists: Profiles in
Legal Theory
A series edited by
William Twining


The Politics of
Woman Lawyer Trafficking
The Trials of The First
Clara Foltz International
Barbara Babcock Movement to AVAILABLE IN MAY 2011
Woman Lawyer tells the story Combat the Sexual Habermas
of Clara Foltz, the first woman Exploitation of The Discourse Theory
lawyer on the Pacific Coast and Women of Law and Democracy
one of the first in the country.
Famous in her time as a pub- Stephanie A. Limoncelli
Hugh Baxter
lic intellectual, leader of the The Politics of Trafficking
women’s movement, and legal provides a unique look at the “A clear, well-judged, and cool
reformer, Foltz faced terrific history of that first anti-traf- assessment of Jürgen Habermas
prejudice and well-organized ficking movement, illuminat- and his debates with Niklas Luh-
opposition to women lawyers ing the role gender, sexuality, mann, two giants of twentieth-
as she tried cases in front of and national interests play in century social theory.”
all-male juries, raised five international politics. —Tim Murphy,
children as a single mother, The London School of Economics and
“Limoncelli provides a neces- Political Science
and stumped for political
candidates. The book uncovers sary and enlightening history “A must read for all those inter-
the legal reforms and societal for understanding the present ested in an exposition of Jürgen
contributions of a woman cel- world of women’s sex work Habermas’s fundamental contri-
ebrated in her day, but lost to and for thinking about the role bution to legal scholarship.”
history until now. transnational non-governmen- —David M. Rasmussen,
tal organizations play in making Boston College
“Unflinching in its assessment of policy in conjunction with
the temptations of demagogu- both states and the United Na- 360 pp., 2011
ery to the pioneering Clara 9780804769129 Cloth $60.00  $48.00 sale
tions. No one interested in the
Foltz, Barbara Babcock has fraught struggles over sex work
produced a compelling book new in paperback
and trafficking can afford to
of enormous and enduring in- ignore this history.” Sir Edward
sight into how even gifted and
visionary individuals navigate,
—Leila J. Rupp,
University of California,
Coke and the
shape, and reflect political and Santa Barbara Elizabethan Age
social contests.” 232 pp., 4 tables, 2010 Allen D. Boyer
—Martha Minow, 9780804762946 Cloth $39.95  $31.96 sale
Dean of Harvard Law School 344 pp., 2003
9780804776592 Paper $24.95  $19.96 sale
448 pp., 13 figures, 2011
9780804743587 Cloth $45.00  $36.00 sale

Jurisprudence and Legal History

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