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University Press
Woman Lawyer Contents
The Trials of
Clara Foltz United States. . . . . . . . . 2-3
Barbara Babcock Europe.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
Woman Lawyer tells the
Cold War History. . . . . . . . . 7
story of Clara Foltz, the
first woman admitted Latin America.. . . . . . . . 8-9
to the California Bar.
Famous in her time as a Asia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-12
public intellectual, leader Middle East.. . . . . . 13-15
of the women’s move-
ment, and legal reformer, Jewish History.. . 16-17
Foltz faced terrific prejudice and well-organized oppo- Cultural and
2 sition to women lawyers as she tried cases in front of Intellectual History. . . 18
all-male juries, raised five children as a single mother,
Also of Interest.. . . . . . . . 19
and stumped for political candidates. She was the
first to propose the creation of a public defender to
balance the public prosecutor. This book uncovers the Exam Copy Policy.. . . . 19
legal reforms and societal contributions of a woman Ordering.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
celebrated in her day, but lost to history until now. It
casts new light on the turbulent history and politics 20% discount
of California in a period of phenomenal growth and
highlights the interconnection of the suffragists and
on all titles
other movements for civil rights and legal reforms. Use promo code:
“Barbara Babcock is one of our leading legal historians.
Woman Lawyer gives voice to Clara Foltz’s long and
fascinating life, making vivid her important contribu-
tions as a reformer, ‘first’ woman lawyer, and legal
thinker. It will establish itself as a classic in legal stud-
ies, women’s studies, and American biography.”
—Jill Norgren, City University of New York

“Unflinching in its assessment of the temptations of

demagoguery to the pioneering Clara Foltz, Barbara
Babcock has produced a compelling book of enor-
mous and enduring insight into how even gifted
and visionary individuals navigate, shape, and reflect
political and social contests."
—Martha Minow, Harvard Law School

448 pp., 13 figures, 2011

9780804743587 Cloth $45.00  $36.00 sale

United States
Radio Free Europe Economic Evolution Prerogative
and Radio Liberty and Revolution in Imperial Power in
The CIA Years Historical Time an Age of Terrorism
and Beyond Michael A. Genovese
A. Ross Johnson Edited by Paul W. Rhode,
Joshua L. Rosenbloom, and “This well-researched and
Radio Free Europe and Radio David F. Weiman elegantly written manuscript
Liberty examines the first twen- “This volume constitutes a bold makes a significant contribution
ty years of the organization, and refreshing contribution to understanding the sources
policies, and impact of Radio to the field of economic his- and limits of presidential power
Free Europe and Radio Lib- tory. The high quality essays in the twenty-first century. It
erty, arguably one of the most included are as exciting as they combines historical overview
important and successful policy are important.” with contemporary analysis to
instruments of the United present a comprehensive study
—Peter A. Coclanis,
States during the Cold War. University of North of the meaning of prerogative
Copublished with the Woodrow Wilson Center Press Carolina-Chapel Hill power and its application in
304 pp., 2010 488 pp., 39 figures, 2011 the American Presidency in an
9780804773560 Cloth $60.00  $48.00 sale 9780804771856 Cloth $65.00  $52.00 sale age of terrorism. It will contrib-
ute greatly to our knowledge
Charlotte Perkins Henry Kaplan of the underpinnings of presi-
Gilman and the Story of dential authority.”
A Biography Hodgkin’s Disease —Meena Bose,
Cynthia J. Davis Hofstra University
Charlotte DeCroes Jacobs
“The book is noteworthy not 216 pp., 1 table, 2010
“Most people know about Jonas 9780804762977 Paper $19.95  $15.96 sale
only for its inclusion of new sa- Salk and the polio cure, but Ka- 9780804762960 Cloth $55.00  $44.00 sale
lient information about Gilman, plan and the Hodgkin’s-disease
but for the careful correlations tale is even more compelling— Bohemia in America,
Davis provides to better pres-
ent Gilman, the private woman,
and wonderfully told in these 1858–1920
pages.... It’s a great journey, Joanna Levin
and her particular public and I’d do it all over again in a
forums of activism... Summing 480 pp., 2009
heartbeat.” 9780804760836 Cloth $65.00  $52.00 sale
up: Essential.”
—Abraham Verghese,
—M.L. Mock, Wall Street Journal
University of Pittsburgh at
Johnstown, CHOICE 456 pp., 31 illustrations, 2010
9780804768665 Cloth $35.00  $28.00 sale
568 pp., 25 illustrations, 2010
9780804738897 Paper $27.95  $22.36 sale
9780804738880 Cloth $65.00  $52.00 sale

United States
Paris, 1200
John W. Baldwin
Paris in 1200 was a city
in transition. The great
cathedral of Notre Dame
was halfway through its
construction and walls
were being built to enclose
the new, larger limits of
the city. Pope Innocent
III ordered all French
churches closed to punish
King Philip Augustus for
From Deficit to Deluge
his remarriage; the king himself negotiated an un-
The Origins of the
4 precedented truce with the English; and the students French Revolution
of Paris threatened a general strike, punctuated with Edited by Thomas E. Kaiser
incidents of violence, to protest infringements of and Dale K. Van Kley
their rights. “This excellent collection is
representative of the many
John W. Baldwin brilliantly resurrects this key mo- analytical pathways explored
ment in Parisian history using documents only from in the so-called ‘post-revisionist’
era of French Revolutionary
1190 to 1210—a narrow focus made possible by the studies. The contributors bring
availability of collections of the Capetian monarchy together a nice mix of perspec-
and the medieval scholastic thinkers. This unique tives and subjects and show
approach results in a vivid snapshot of the city at the impressive mastery over the
relevant scholarship. The edi-
turn of the thirteenth century. tors impose an unusual degree
of unity on the volume with
Paris, 1200 introduces the reader to the city itself and their thoughtful disquisition on
its inhabitants. Three "faces" exemplify these inhabit- origins and their state of the art
ants: that of the celebrated scholar Pierre the Chanter, historiographical framing.”
of King Philip Augustus, and of the more deeply hid- —Jay Smith,
University of North Carolina
den visages of women. The book examines the city’s at Chapel Hill
primary institutions: the royal government, the Church, 360 pp., 2011
and its celebrated schools that evolved into the univer- 9780804772815 Paper $25.95  $20.76 sale
9780804772808 Cloth $65.00  $52.00 sale
sity at Paris. Finally, it offers an account of the delights
and pleasures, as well as the fears and sorrows, of Pari-
sian life in this period.
304 pp., 31 illustrations, 3 tables, 4 maps, 2010
9780804772075 Paper $24.95  $19.96 sale
9780804762717 Cloth $65.00  $52.00 sale

Defending National Paris Dreams,
Treasures Paris Memories
French Art and Heritage
Under Vichy The City and
Elizabeth Campbell Its Mystique
Karlsgodt Charles Rearick
“This book makes several
How did Paris become what
critical arguments, including a
strongly documented case for it is today? Charles Rearick
continuity in French cultural argues that we can best find
policy from the Third Republic the answer by understand-
through Vichy and the post-
ing Paris as several cities in
war years. Karlsgodt shows
that French cultural policy one, each with its own his-
during the Occupation must tory and its own imaginary
be understood more in terms shaped by dream and memory. Paris has long been at
of domestic interests than as
a function of collaboration
once a cosmopolitan City of Light and of modernity, a 5
with the Germans. She raises patchwork of time-resistant urban “villages,” a treasured
important ethical questions heirloom (“old Paris”), a crowded and dirty hell without
about museum acquisitions opportunities for the downtrodden, and a legendary
policies, not only in Vichy
pleasure dome. These different faces of Paris have all
France, but also in postwar
France and elsewhere.” played a part in making the enchanting, beloved, flawed
—Bertram Gordon, city of our time.
Mills College

400 pp., 5 tables, 3 figures, 18 illustrations,

Paris Dreams, Paris Memories reveals that, more than is
1 map, 2011 commonly recognized, Paris’s contemporary buildings,
9780804770187 Cloth $65.00  $52.00 sale
monuments, public festivities, and cultural events have been
AVAILABLE IN MARCH 2011 created following historical imaginations of the city.
Captives and Corsairs “Rearick has written not so much a history of Paris, but
France and Slavery a history of the history of Paris. He deals with the ways
in the Early Modern
Mediterranean observers (mostly Parisian) have envisaged the city and
Gillian Weiss confronted the ways in which it has changed. This is
“Captives and Corsairs is a fasci- a book who will appeal to anyone—tourist or profes-
nating chronicle of changing sional historian—who has learned to love Paris, warts
cultural perceptions that will and all.”
be warmly welcomed by all —William Irvine, York University
historians of modern Europe,
all scholars of slavery, and all “Rearick is an expert guide through the tricky territory
thinking individuals concerned
of people’s perceptions and expectations, and his dis-
with West/East and Christian/
Islamic relations.” cussion of the tension between Parisians who would
—Colin Jones, preserve their vision of the past and those who would
Queen Mary, University of London modernize the city is important for understanding how
384 pp., 5 tables, 14 figures, 1 map, 2011 Paris functions today.”
9780804770002 Cloth $65.00  $52.00 sale —Jeffrey H. Jackson, Rhodes College

304 pp., 33 figures, 2011

9780804770934 Paper $24.95  $19.96 sale
9780804770927 Cloth $60.00  $48.00 sale

AVAILABLE IN FEBRUARY 2011 English Presbyter- Ethnic Europe
Special Relations ianism, 1590–1640 Mobility, Identity,
6 The Americanization Polly Ha and Conflict in a
of Britain? “Ha presents us with a quite
Globalized World
H. L. Malchow original vision both of the con- Edited by Roland Hsu
“This is a major work of his- tinuity of Presbyterian thought “This book is a timely and
torical interpretation, strongly between 1590 and 1640, incisive contribution to our un-
revisionist in its approach and when that discussion was sup- derstanding of migration flows
cogently argued. A skeptical posed to have vanished, and into Europe in today’s global-
critic, Malchow offers an unsen- of a full-fledged Presbyterian ized world. Substantial move-
timental, nuanced approach polity that compelled the ments of peoples into Europe,
that eschews naïve anglophilia loyalty and active involvement from far beyond traditional
or American triumphalism. An of a large number of English countries of origin, present
American scholar who has urban people.” the European Union and the
closely observed life in Britain —Paul S. Seaver, countries of Europe with fun-
over many years, his personal Stanford University damental challenges in human,
experience clearly informs a social, and political terms. [It]
320 pp., 9 tables, 1 figure, 4 illustrations, 2010
work that is more insightful 9780804759878 Cloth $65.00  $52.00 sale is an excellent guide and tool
than any other on the subject.” in analyzing a subject of major
—Fred Leventhal, new in paperback importance for the road ahead
Boston University for European integration.”
Sir Edward Coke and
—Jan Eliasson,
392 pp., 9 illustrations, 2011
9780804773997 Cloth $65.00  $52.00 sale
the Elizabethan Age Former Minister for Foreign Affairs
Allen D. Boyer of Sweden and President of the
United Nations General Assembly
new in paperback “This is a good book, carefully
Nathan Mayer researched and written in an 272 pp., 2010
accessible and engaging style. 9780804769471 Paper $24.95  $19.96 sale
Rothschild and the It integrates the best recent 9780804769464 Cloth $60.00  $48.00 sale
Creation of a Dynasty scholarship which brings light
The Critical Years to bear upon the historical mi-
1806–1816 lieu in which Sir Edward Coke
Herbert H. Kaplan rose to prominence.”
224 pp., 1 table, 7 illustrations, 2006 —Australian Journal of
9780804773614 Paper $21.95  $17.56 sale Legal History

Jurists: Profiles in Legal Theory

344 pp., 2003
9780804776592 Paper $24.95  $19.96 sale

Cold War International History Project
Copublished with the Woodrow Wilson Center Press

Stalin and Togliatti A Distant Front AVAILABLE IN MARCH 2011 7

Italy and the Origins in the Cold War The Cold War in East
of the Cold War The USSR in West Asia, 1945–1991
Elena Agarossi and Africa and the Congo, Edited by Tsuyoshi Hasegawa
Victor Zaslavsky 1956–1964 “There is, clearly, a real need for
“The book has a sense of history Sergey Mazov a book of this sort and it will
in the making: it combines at “This book addresses a subject doubtless be welcomed by
times gripping narrative with on which almost nothing is scholars in all of those fields, as
sober synopses of complicated available on the Russian side, well as international/diplomatic
and controversial policies.” and so it covers a very impor- historians more broadly and
—Carl Levy, tant ‘blank spot of history’. ” area specialists and comparativ-
Department of Politics, ists in Political Science.”
—Dr. Svetlana Savranskaya,
University of London
George Washington University —Robert McMahon,
“The scholarship that went Professor of History at
“For the first time, this book Ohio State University
into this work is analytically
uncovers flaws in Soviet policy
excellent and rigorous, and “This edited volume provides
toward Africa, inherent weak-
superior to anything that a wealth of new information
nesses relating to the lack of
exists on the connections coming from fresh research in
resources and imagination,
between Italian communists Japanese, American, East Euro-
bureaucratic impediments and
and Moscow in the English- pean, U.S., and Chinese archival
ignorance, which led eventu-
language historiography.” and primary sources. This is an
ally to failure to compete with
—Vladislav Zubok, the United States for the ‘hearts important contribution to the
Temple University state of the field.”
and minds’ of Africans.”
320 pp., 2010 —Ilya Gaiduk, —Christopher Goscha,
9780804774321 Cloth $60.00  $48.00 sale Institute of World History, University of Quebec at Montreal
Russian Academy of Sciences 344 pp., 2011
Connecting Histories 9780804773317 Cloth $55.00  $44.00 sale
256 pp., 2010
Decolonization and the 9780804760591 Cloth $60.00  $48.00 sale
Cold War in Southeast Two Suns in the
Asia, 1945–1962 Rebellious Satellite Heavens
Edited by Christopher Poland 1956 The Sino-Soviet Struggle
E. Goscha and Christian Pawel Machcewicz for Supremacy, 1962–1967
Ostermann 320 pp., 2009 Sergey Radchenko
456 pp., 2009 9780804762052 Cloth $55.00  $44.00 sale 288 pp., 2009
9780804769433 Cloth $60.00  $48.00 sale
9780804758796 Cloth $65.00  $52.00 sale

Cold War History

Chimalpahin’s AVAILABLE IN FEBRUARY 2011 new in paperback
Conquest The Invisible War Winner of the 2009 James A.
8 A Nahua Historian’s Indigenous Devotions,
Rawley Prize in Atlantic History,
sponsored by the American
Historical Association
Rewriting of Francisco Discipline, and Dissent
Lopez de Gomara’s in Colonial Mexico Winner of the 2009 Mexican
History Book Prize, sponsored
La conquista de Mexico David Tavárez by the Conference on Latin
American History
Edited and Translated “The Invisible War provides a
by Susan Schroeder, remarkably full and genuinely Genealogical Fictions
Anne J. Cruz, Cristián Roa- historical study of the little- Limpieza de Sangre,
de-la-Carrera, and David E. known extirpation campaigns
Tavárez Religion, and Gender
in colonial Mexico and what,
in Colonial Mexico
“Here we have a fascinating in practice, idolatry in ‘Indian’
María Elena Martínez
glimpse of a Nahua historian’s communities of central Mexico
version of a well-known and Oaxaca came to mean for 424 pp., 13 illustrations, 2 maps, 2008
9780804776615 Paper $27.95  $22.36 sale
conquest narrative, infusing all the parties involved. It inter-
it with detail from a more lo- weaves the actions of colonial
new in paperback
cal, indigenous perspective, judges and Catholic priests, Na- Winner of the 2009 Murdo J.
and informed by hindsight. huatl- and Zapotec-speaking MacLeod Book Prize, sponsored
Chimalpahin’s Conquest is a nobles, shamans, and villagers, by the Southern Historical
Association, Latin American
significant contribution to the and an array of ritual practices and Caribbean Section
growing literature on the Con- and sacred texts. While insisting
quest of Mexico.” on local ‘diversity of indigenous Empire of Law and
—Kevin Terraciano, forms of consciousness,’ David Indian Justice in
University of California, Los Angeles Tavárez offers a sustained, Colonial Mexico
deeply researched interpreta-
536 pp., 2010 Brian P. Owensby
9780804769488 Cloth $60.00  $48.00 sale tion of native devotions in the
colonial period as epistemolog- 392 pp., 6 maps, 2008
9780804776622 Paper $29.95  $23.96 sale
ical dissent to Christian evan-
gelization and extirpation. Here
is native thought and action
understood in new, connected,
and richly contextualized ways.”
—William B Taylor,
University of California at Berkeley

368 pp., 5 tables, 5 figures, 6 illustrations, 2

maps, 2011
9780804773287 Cloth $65.00  $52.00 sale

Latin America
Before the Shining Path Brazil’s Steel City The Tourism
Politics in Rural Ayacucho, Developmentalism, Encounter
1895–1980 Strategic Power, and Fashioning Latin 9
Jaymie Patricia Heilman Industrial Relations American Nations
“This book is a sensitive and in Volta Redonda, and Histories
probing analysis of tensions in 1941–1964 Florence E. Babb
Ayacucho before the Shining Oliver J. Dinius
“Mark Twain once wrote that
Path insurgency devastated the “This book contributes a new travel is fatal to prejudice and
area in the 1980s. It is not easy understanding of labor and narrow-mindedness. Yet as
to understand the violence that business history in Brazil. Un- Florence Babb shows effec-
swept through this area, but Heil- like other works in Brazilian tively in this panoramic journey
man’s work provides important labor history, this one deals and anthropological analysis of
insights into local dynamics. Heil- with one of the most strategic post-revolutionary Cuba, Nica-
man excels at combining archival industries in Brazil, one that is ragua, Peru, and Chiapas, travel
research with oral history inter- state-owned and central to the cannot escape history. In The
views to create a complex and development plans of Brazilian Tourism Encounter, Babb shows
nuanced study of class and racial political elites. The very special that travel in the form of tour-
dynamics in the countryside.” labor history presented in Bra- ism is always packed with the
—Marc Becker, zil’s Steel City forces us to rethink politics of social relations, past
Truman State University those other studies of (largely and present. And that’s just the
272 pp., 1 map, 2010 privately owned) industries.” way it should be, as this book
9780804770941 Cloth $60.00  $48.00 sale —Marshall Eakin, so ably demonstrates.”
Vanderbilt University —Matthew Gutmann,
new in paperback 352 pp., 12 tables, 5 figures, 20 illustrations, 5 Brown University
Winner of the 2009 Warren maps, 2010
Dean Memorial Prize, sponsored 264 pp., 25 illustrations, 2010
by the Conference on Latin 9780804771689 Cloth $65.00  $52.00 sale 9780804771566 Paper $21.95  $17.56 sale
American History 9780804771559 Cloth $60.00  $48.00 sale
Winner of the 2010 Roberto Reis
Prize, sponsored by the Brazilian
Studies Association

A Poverty of Rights
Citizenship and Inequality
in Twentieth-Century
Rio de Janeiro
Brodwyn Fischer
488 pp., 14 tables, 3 figures, 5 illustrations,
5 maps, 2008
9780804776608 Paper $24.95  $19.96 sale

Latin America
The Oil Prince’s Becoming Asia Modern China’s
10 Legacy Change and Continuity Network Revolution
Rockefeller Philanthropy in Asian International Chambers of Commerce
in China Relations Since World and Sociopolitical Change
Mary Brown Bullock War II in the Early Twentieth
Alice Lyman Miller and Century
The Oil Prince’s Legacy traces
Richard Wich Zhongping Chen
Rockefeller philanthropy in
China from the nineteenth This work fills a gap by pro- Zhongping Chen examines
century to today. Family diaries, viding a comprehensive, Chinese chambers of com-
letters, interviews in China, systemic account of Asian merce and their network devel-
and institutional archival affairs, including South and opment across Lower Yangzi
records are used to tell a com- Central Asia along with East cities and towns, as well as the
pelling story about successive Asia. It explains how Asia, nationwide arena. He details
Rockefeller generations and hardly more than a geographic how they achieved increas-
U.S.–China cultural relations. expression at the end of World ing integration, and how their
War II, became the vibrant, collective actions deeply influ-
This book describes how Rock- assertive region that it is today. enced nationalistic, reformist,
efeller philanthropy came to fo- Major themes are the interplay and revolutionary movements.
cus on elite science and medi- between nationalism and Cold With both historical narrative
cine and ensured their ongoing War bipolarity during the first and theoretical analysis of the
importance in the American- postwar decades, the rise of long neglected local chamber
Chinese relationship. largely export-led economies networks, this study offers a
and the search for regional keen historical understanding
“This is an extraordinary nu- integration.
anced and complex evaluation of the interaction of Chinese
of the Rockefeller family’s society, business, and politics in
“Tailor made for advanced
motives, actions, and achieve- the early twentieth century.
courses on the history of Asian
ments where East Asia is con- international relations, its read- “This is an insightful, carefully
cerned. Showing the impact ability and narrative structure researched study that should
of China on the Rockefellers as also offer the general reader ac- be on the reading list of all who
well as the Rockefellers impact cess to a historical perspective are interested in the social and
on China makes for some cap- on a region that is transforming economic history of China.”
tivating and at times breathtak- the world today.” —Di Wang,
ing reading.” —Carla Freeman, Texas A&M University
—Laurence A. Schneider, Johns Hopkins School of
Washington University in St. Louis Advanced International Studies 320 pp., 2011
9780804774093 Cloth $55.00  $44.00 sale
Copublished with the Woodrow Wilson Center Press 336 pp., 1 table, 2 maps, 2011
224 pp., 2011 9780804771511 Paper $32.95  $26.36 sale
9780804776882 Cloth $39.95  $31.96 sale 9780804771504 Cloth $80.00  $64.00 sale

Gourmets in the The Battle for China Tokyo in Transit
Land of Famine Essays on the Military Japanese Culture on
The Culture and Politics History of the Sino- the Rails and Road 11
of Rice in Modern Canton Japanese War of Alisa Freedman
Seung-joon Lee 1937–1945 This work discusses literary
A study of the politics of rice
Edited by Mark Peattie, depictions of mass transit in
in Canton, this book sheds Edward Drea, and 20th century Tokyo in the
new light on the local history Hans van de Ven decades preceding World War
of the city and illuminates how The Sino-Japanese War has II. It cuts across literary and
China’s struggles with food inspired numerous specialized historical/sociological analysis,
shortages in the early twentieth studies—some analyzing diplo- and contributes to the growing
century unfolded and the ways matic relations, some address- body of work examining Japa-
in which they were affected by ing specific incidents, and still nese urbanism, gender, and
the rise of nationalism and the others documenting the rise modernism.
fluctuation of global commerce. of Communism in China. The
“A significant contribution
war itself, however, has usu-
“In this creative and thoroughly to Japanese literary studies,
ally been presented from the
researched book, Seung-joon Tokyo in Transit offers such a
perspective of the West.
Lee explores a vitally impor- readable, compelling cultural
tant but largely ignored topic Departing from this tradition, history that anyone who has
in Chinese history: rice. Lee The Battle for China brings to- ever taken a train or waited
situates the marketing and gether Chinese, Japanese, and at a bus stop will find a story
consumption of rice at the in- Western scholars of the first here that strikes a chord.”
tersection of major forces in the rank to provide a comprehen- —Jan Bardsley,
early twentieth century, from sive and multifaceted overview University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
imperialism and revolution, to of the military operations that
regionalism and nationalism, to shaped much of what hap- 352 pp., 16 figures, 3 illustrations, 2 maps, 2010
urban modernization.” pened in political, economic, 9780804771450 Paper $22.95  $18.36 sale
and cultural realms. 9780804771443 Cloth $65.00  $52.00 sale
—Steven B. Miles,
author of The Sea of Learning:
Mobility and Identity in “A model of scholarship and
Nineteenth-Century Guangzhou tone, [it] is a uniquely compre-
hensive overview of the mili-
320 pp., 3 tables, 6 illustrations, 3 maps , 2011
9780804772266 Cloth $55.00  $44.00 sale tary operations that shaped
events in both China and
Japan from 1937–1945.”
—Dennis Showalter,
Colorado College

664 pp., 11 illustrations, 14 maps, 2010

9780804762069 Cloth $65.00  $52.00 sale

new in paperback

12 Winner of the 2009 Joseph

Levenson Book Prize, sponsored by
The Precious Raft Winner of the 2009 Academic
Excellence Award, sponsored
the Association for Asian Studies of History by the Chinese Historians in
the United States
Revolution of The Past, the West, and the
Woman Question in China Winner of the 2009 Cecil B. Currey
the Heart Book Award, sponsored by the
A Genealogy of Love Joan Judge Association of Third World Studies
in China, 1900–1950 “This fascinating book strips away
Haiyan Lee scholarly illusions about ruptures Village China Under
“A solid, carefully structured and
in China’s nineteenth and early- Socialism and Reform
twentieth century history, and re- A Micro-History,
thoughtfully argued theoreti-
veals how new roles for women 1948–2008
cal account of the centrality of
have deep roots in a dense
emotion in the transformation Huaiyin Li
textual and cultural past.”
of modernity and the construc-
— Susan Mann, “Based upon extensive use of
tion of the modern self in China
University of California, Davis rare local documentation as
from 1900 to 1950. Interdis- well as the author’s intimate
ciplinary in nature, the book 416 pp., 51 illustrations, 2008 familiarity with his own local
encompasses literature, mod- 9780804773263 Paper $29.95  $23.96 sale
community, this well-crafted
ern social history and cultural analysis of rural evolutionary
studies Haiyan Lee’s book is an Winner of the 2009 Outstanding
Academic Title Award, CHOICE transformation in east-central
ambitious and interesting proj- China deserves a wide reading.”
ect, to be lauded for the ways it Science for the Empire
synthesizes complex and con- Scientific Nationalism
tentious theoretical issues.” in Modern Japan 424 pp., 9 tables, 3 figures, 10 illustrations,
3 maps, 2009
—The China Quarterly Hiromi Mizuno
9780804776578 Paper $27.95  $22.36 sale
384 pp., 1 figure, 1 illustration, 2007 “A very important contribution
9780804773270 Paper $27.95  $22.36 sale to Japanese intellectual and Holy War in China
social history. Mizuno’s book The Muslim Rebellion
will require historians and social and State in Chinese
scientists of Japan to consider Central Asia, 1864–1877
further the importance of the Hodong Kim
natural sciences, nationalism, and
discourses about them for the “Kim’s narrative and analysis are
larger field of study.” far more complete than any
—James Bartholomew,
other work on the rebellion.”
The Ohio State University —The International History Review

288 pp., 2009 320 pp., 2 tables, 4 illustrations, 2 maps, 2004

9780804776561 Paper $21.95  $17.56 sale 9780804773645 Paper $24.95  $19.96 sale

Ottoman Ulema, Muslims, Christians, and Contested Conver-
Turkish Republic Jews in Early Twentieth- sions to Islam 13
Agents of Change and Century Palestine Narratives of Religious
Guardians of Tradition Michelle U. Campos Change in the Early
Amit Bein “Ottoman Brothers offers a star- Modern Ottoman Empire
“Bein addresses the obviously tling new insight into a globally Tijana Krstić
important, seriously under- important case: for a brief pe- “Rejecting both nationalist
studied reform of the ulema in riod in the not-so-distant past, preoccupations and a purely Is-
the last years of the Ottoman Palestine was consumed by lamic framework, Krstić looks at
Empire and the early years of civic activism and democratic Ottoman conversion narratives
the Turkish republic. He demon- co-existence, and was not nec- within their early modern con-
strates clearly how the seeds of essarily headed toward inevi- text. Drawing on a breathtak-
profound change were sown in table conflict. Campos delivers ingly wide range of sources, the
the Ottoman era with the par- a wonderfully rich contribution author gives us a sense of what
ticipation and support of much to the study of the modern it meant to be a Muslim in the
of the religious establishment, Middle East.” early modern Ottoman Empire.
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religious authority, and their 9780804770682 Paper $24.95  $19.96 sale plored in the Ottoman context.”
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—A. Holly Shissler,
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University of Chicago 9780804773171 Cloth $60.00  $48.00 sale
248 pp., 2011
9780804773119 Cloth $55.00  $44.00 sale

AVAILABLE IN JUNE 2011 “This is a most welcome and transformation will generate
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they undergo a very difficult

Middle East
Connecting Histories Palestinian Village Ghosts of Revolution
in Afghanistan Histories Rekindled Memories of
14 Market Relations and Geographies of the Imprisonment in Iran
State Formation on a Displaced Shahla Talebi
Colonial Frontier Rochelle A. Davis “This searing memoir of wom-
Shah Mahmoud Hanifi “In this delightful book, Davis en’s visceral pain, principled
“A brilliant revisionist study brings to light not only how resilience, and redemptive
that argues that the conven- the landscape of Palestine imagination in Iran’s brutal
tional view of Afghanistan as a was reconfigured but how it political prisons will leave you
model of resistance to colonial continues to live in the present, shaken, forever. Talebi’s voice
power is a myth and that in a mobile form of imagining, is remarkable for its generous
reality Afghanistan was from shaping identities and long- empathy, its poetry in evoking
the outset a ‘colonial construct’ ings. With an observant eye the tortured humanity of the
whose economic institutions, and a keen ear, Davis provides women with whom she shared
in particular its commercial insightful reflections on how, her prison experience, and its
and monetary policies, were in the process of colonial state brilliance in analyzing the dark
determined by policies over building and the violent trans- horrors inflicted on the men
which it had little or no control. formation of landscape, local and women condemned to
Students of Afghan history will forms of knowledge and ways these death-spaces that were,
never approach it in quite the of knowing place are carried in the 1970s and 1980s, and are
same way again.” into exile. A voluminous body even today, so strangely tied to
—Robert D. McChesney, of ethnographic and literary the exercise of power in Iran.”
New York University material provides poignant —Lila Abu-Lughod,
insight into how, in exile, Pales- Columbia University, author of
288 pp., 6 tables, 10 illustrations, 5 maps, 2011 Writing Women’s Worlds
9780804774116 Paper $24.95  $19.96 sale tinians move between past and
present, here and there, and 224 pp., 12 illustrations, 2011
new in paperback then and now.” 9780804772013 Cloth $24.00  $19.20 sale

The Other Iraq —Julie Peteet,

author of Landscape of Apostles of Modernity
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in Hashemite Iraq Refugee Camps the Civilizing Mission
Orit Bashkin Stanford Studies in Middle Eastern and Islamic in Algeria
376 pp., 1 table, 6 figures, 2009 Societies and Cultures Osama W. Abi-Mershed
9780804773669 Paper $24.95  $19.96 sale 360 pp., 5 illustrations, 5 maps, 2010
344 pp., 15 tables, 4 figures, 2 maps, 2010
9780804773133 Paper $24.95  $19.96 sale
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Middle East
The Dönme For Better, For Worse AVAILABLE IN JUNE 2011

Jewish Converts, Muslim The Marriage Crisis That OrdinaryEgyptians

Revolutionaries, and Made Modern Egypt Creating the Modern 15
Secular Turks Hanan Kholoussy Nation through Popular
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ical account, Baer’s illuminating court documents in union “This is truly an excellent and
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of nations, and through the life modern Egypt. Demonstrating tions regarding the formation
and death of the Ottoman em- that bachelors—not single of nationalism, particularly in
pire to reconstruct the history women—stoked the anxiety its early stages, providing a
of a misunderstood group.” of Egyptians, she persuasively thought-provoking contribu-
—Sarah Abrevaya Stein, connects the marriage crisis tion to our understanding of
University of California, Los Angeles to concerns about national how agents propelled the for-
independence. For Better, For mation of nationalism in Egypt
360 pp., 12 illustrations, 2009
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9780804769594 Cloth $60.00  $48.00 sale 9780804772112 Cloth $70.00  $56.00 sale
Israel Gershoni and
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ing in its scope and yet atten-
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Middle East
Stanford Studies in Jewish History and Cultures A series

16 From Kabbalah to Memoirs of a The Jewish Persona

Class Struggle Grandmother in the European
Expressionism, Marxism, Scenes from the Cultural Imagination
and Yiddish Literature History of the Jews of A Case of Russian
in the Life and Work of Russia in the Nineteenth Literature
Meir Wiener Century, Volume One Leonid Livak
Mikhail Krutikov Pauline Wengeroff
This book argues that the rep-
An intellectual biography of Meir Translated with an Introduction, resentation of Jews in Euro-
Wiener (1893-1941), an Austrian Notes, and Commentary by pean literature has little to do
Jewish intellectual and a student Shulamit S. Magnus with actual, human Jews, but
of Jewish mysticism, who emi- “This is a stunning piece of work. rather is derived from the con-
grated to the Soviet Union in 1926 Wengeroff’s recreation of a ception of Jews as Christianity’s
and reinvented himself as a Marx- life during the transition from paradigmatic Other, eternally
ist scholar and Yiddish writer. traditional to modern Jewish reenacting their morally am-
culture in 19th century Russia is biguous New Testament role as
“This fascinating book offers the
engrossing, powerfully written, the Christ-bearing and -killing
first complete evaluation of the
and often lyric. As a window chosen people of God.
legacy of Meir Wiener, one of the
most prominent Jewish intellectu- into women’s lives and wom-
“Contributes a new understand-
als and writers of the twentieth en’s perspective on their com-
ing both of familiar Russian lit-
century. Wiener was, until now, munity’s life, this is an almost
erary texts and less familiar East
deprived of well deserved interest unparalleled source. Magnus’s
Slavic religious and folkloric
and fame because he chose to commentary is brilliant: she
texts. Livak’s theory is power-
share the fortunes of the Soviet has a fine eye for what needs
fully explanatory and will excite
Yiddish Communist establish- to be annotated and is remark-
controversy and debate.”
ment . . . . Krutikov is an ideal ably astute about the central
themes of the memoir.” —Gabriella Safran,
commentator, equipped with all Stanford University
the erudition and sophistication —Carol Berkin,
Baruch College 512 pp., 11 illustrations, 2010
the assessment of Wiener’s multi-
9780804770552 Cloth $60  $48.00 sale
faceted legacy necessitates.” 384 pp., 14 figures, 1 map, 2010
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Columbia University

408 pp., 6 illustrations, 2010

9780804770071 Cloth $60.00  $48.00 sale

Jewish History
edited by: Steve Zipperstein and Aron Rodrigue

East West Mimesis

Auerbach in Turkey
Rabbis and Revolution Literary Passports Kader Konuk 17
The Jews of Moravia in the The Making of Modernist “Konuk’s groundbreaking study
Age of Emancipation Hebrew Fiction in Europe significantly enhances our
understanding of the shared
Michael Laurence Miller Shachar M. Pinsker
intellectual, literary, and politi-
A deeply researched and reveal- “A breakthrough in the under- cal history that links twentieth-
ing study of the Jews of Mora- standing of the literary modern- century Turkey to major
via throughout the nineteenth ism that flourished in Hebrew on developments in Europe. Her
century. European soil during the early work poses a significant chal-
decades of the twentieth cen- lenge to persistent beliefs
“Rabbis and Revolution is a work tury. Its vivid investigation of the about the ‘backwardness’ and
of the highest order: thoroughly cafe world of the Hebrew writers ‘Orientalness’ of modern Turkey,
original, rigorously focused, ex- locates their work in concrete revealing that Turkey has never
haustively researched and finely cultural space, and the discus- been properly understood in
crafted. This is the first synthetic sion of sexual themes in Hebrew the context of the Orientalism
study of Moravian Jewry as a modernism shows how deeply debate.”
whole, and Miller highlights how engaged it was in the prevalent —Nina Berman,
extensively it differed from the European discourse of the era.” Ohio State University
Jewries of other Hapsburg lands. —Robert Alter,
His book is a singular scholarly University of California, Berkeley 320 pp., 22 illustrations, 2010
achievement of value to histori- Stanford Studies in 9780804769747 Cloth $55.00  $44.00 sale
ans of the Hapsburgs and their Jewish History and Culture
provincial Jewish communities.”
504 pp., 20 illustrations, 2010
—Ismar Schorsch, 9780804770644 Cloth $60.00  $48.00 sale
Chancellor Emeritus, Jewish
Theological Seminary
480 pp., 10 illustrations, 2 maps, 2010
9780804770569 Cloth $60.00  $48.00 sale Mongrels or Marvels
The Levantine Writings
of Jacqueline Shohet
Edited by Deborah A. Starr
and Sasson Somekh
280 pp., 2011
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Jewish History
What Is Life? Police Aesthetics Violence as Worship
The Intellectual Literature, Film, and Religious Wars in the
18 Pertinence of the Secret Police in Age of Globalization
Erwin Schrödinger Soviet Times Hans G. Kippenberg
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Cristina Vatulescu Translated by Brian McNeil
Robert Pogue Harrison, “This is a very important, ground- “This book is both one of the
Michael R. Hendrickson, breaking book, one of the most best contributions to the study
and Robert B. Laughlin original and illuminating works of contemporary world conflicts
In this volume, four leading I have seen in recent years in and an impressive new ap-
American scientists and human- comparative Slavic studies. Po- proach to research on religious-
ists unfold the controversial po- lice Aesthetics will unquestion- ly inspired political conflicts in
tential of Schrödinger’s thought. ably position Cristina Vatulescu general. Kippenberg’s approach
as one of the foremost scholars is directed against all attempts
“An imaginative and highly of Soviet culture.” to essentialize ‘religion’ and
interdisciplinary invitation —Catharine Nepomnyashchy, ‘violence:’ instead, he focusses
to rethink the work of Erwin Columbia University on religious motivations and in-
Schrödinger, one of the most terpretations of violent acts by
264 pp., 29 illustrations, 2010
remarkable scientist-philoso- 9780804760805 Cloth $60.00  $48.00 sale individuals and collectivities.”
phers of the last two hundred —Hans Joas,
years. Each author brings a dif- Imagining Harmony Max Weber Center, University of
ferent perspective—two from Poetry, Empathy, and Erfurt, Germany, and Committee on
the humanities, two from the Social Thought, University of Chicago
Community in Mid-
sciences. And the whole turns
Tokugawa Confucianism 288 pp., 2011
out to be even more than 9780804768733 Paper $19.95  $15.96 sale
the sum of its parts, thanks
and Nativism 9780804768726 Cloth $55.00  $44.00 sale
to its well-defined focus on Peter Flueckiger
Schrödinger’s thought.” “This work will undoubtedly An Atheism that Is Not
—Peter Galison, and immediately emerge as a Humanist Emerges in
Harvard University fresh starting point for studies French Thought
of both literary and sociopo-
160 pp., 2011 Stefanos Geroulanos
9780804769167 Paper $18.95  $15.16 sale litical thought in Tokugawa
Japan. The scholarship is careful, Cultural Memory in the Present
9780804769150 Cloth $50.00  $40.00 sale
448 pp., 2010
grounded in sound theory, and 9780804762991 Paper $27.95  $22.36 sale
bold in its revision of long-held 9780804762984 Cloth $75.00  $60.00 sale
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University of Auckland

304 pp., 2010

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