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American Indians and the Celts.

The few Cleric

Race Flan that show in Urnst are natives of the
Each region of Greyhawk has different Priests come of all races. The faiths and
Pale or Tenh, especially refugees from churches of Urnst are detailed opposite.
feelings about the different races and not the latter.
every region has an equal distribution of Druid
the different races. Some races, such as Dwarves
The few druids in Urnst are almost
the Rhennee, are not available to be There is a very small community of hill
completely Flan. They often come from
played by players. Below is a listing of dwarves living in the Dreerwode just the Copper Wood, near Ventor, or the
all of the available character races. We outside of Brotton (a few hundred). Most
Dreerwode near Brotton. There are a few
detail each race with a short description dwur in Urnst come from the Rakers or
of mixed blood who practice the old
and list them by their commonality. the Finty Hills, to the east. ways. These animists are looked down
Elves & Half-Elves upon as being less civilized then those
Common Races There are few elves in Urnst. Elves worshiping “proper” gods.
appear in Urnst from time to time, who Fighter
Human come from the Celadon Forest. Urnst is a haven for mercenaries of all
Humans in Greyhawk come in many Gnomes types. We are the first line of defense
different breeds. There are five, only
Few gnomes are native to the county. against the hoards of Iuz, the Old One,
four of which can be played by PCs.
The duchy and the Domain of Greyhawk, and as such, our northern border swarms
Two of them are commonly found in
to the southwest, both have a fair with mercenaries. Our shore of the
Urnst. The population of the county is
population in the Cairn Hills. This is Artonsamay River is tall bluffs and cliffs,
about 79% human.
where most of the gnomes of Urnst come which provide a natural border against
Oeridian from, though there are a few from the invasion. This border is only broken in
Oeridians are the most common residents Flinty Hills or distant Verbobonc. one stretch, known as the Charn, where
of Urnst, they comprise about 70% of the the majority of mercenaries and
pure-blood population. They typically enthralled warriors fight for the honor of
have olive skin and dark hair (think
Ill-Advised Races Urnst and the safety of the world.
Italian) while preferring clothing which is Human - Baklunish Monk
either plaids or checks. Most of the
The Bakluns are long-time enemies of There is a monastery hidden somewhere
ruling houses of Urnst are Oeridian.
the Suel. Those closest to Urnst comprise in the forested hills of the Dreerwode.
Suel the Wolf and Tiger Nomads, as well as Monks, especially Suel monks, raise
The Suel comprise the other 30% of the Ket to the far northwest. Getting here suspicions these days. There is a great
population. The Suel are a very fair from any Baklun lands means having to fear of the Scarlet Brotherhood among
skinned people who have either blond or cross the Empire of Iuz or half of the the nobles, who are aware of the progress
red hair. In clothing, they tend toward Flanaess. Since the war, Bakluni are they’ve made in recent years. No PC can
solid colors. They are a conquered people almost never seen. be a member of the Scarlet Brotherhood.
in Urnst, having ruled an kingdom here Half-Orcs Paladin
before the arrival of the Oeridians, 600+
Half-Orcs are fairly common in Urnst, The county has one of the preeminent
years ago.
unfortunately. Most often, these occur training facilities for paladins of
Mixed-Blood near the Urnst-Bandit Kingdom borders. Hieronious. There are a few other
The different races of man frequently Rarely are half-orc children desired. Such paladins, to Zilchus, St. Cuthbert and
inter-marry. This leads to people who offspring are scorned throughout Urnst, Pholtus.
blend the traits of their respective as they are hard to discern from pure- Ranger
bloodlines together. This is true of blood orcs and real orcs leave a very bad
taste in any Urnstian’s mouth. There are few rangers in Urnst. There are
almost all of the common folk. The
a few hill-people in the Drerewode and
nobility and more well-to-do have a
Copper Wood. The remainder are scouts
tendency to breed true. Class working to skirt behind enemy lines.
Halfling Each of the different classes is thought of Many contest for the right to be one of
There is a sizable community of halflings differently in different parts of the world. the Countess’ foresters. Most are
in Urnst. Most hobniz live between Here are the general feelings of Urnstians Oeridian.
Count’s Markham and Trigol in a everywhere regarding the different Rogue
number of spread out communities of a classes, along with where they generally
There are thieves’ guilds in Brotton,
hundred or two. They are insular and come from and what human races they
Trigol, and Radigast City. Unguilded
heavily interbred. They all speak with a commonly come from.
thieves exist in every nook and cranny of
Minnesotan accent (think Fargo or Drop Barbarian the county. The rogue class is much
Dead Gorgeous).
They are no Barbarians native to Urnst. larger than that. They come from every
Uncommon Races The few barbarians that make it to Urnst creed, walk of life and moral standing.
Other races appear in Urnst, but they are generally Flan or Suel. They are Sorcerer
seldom do in any numbers. Most aren’t generally viewed with curiosity and a
Sorcerers are natural magicians and come
native to Urnst, but come from nearby degree of distain. They are usually from
from all places and peoples. They are
lands. the Barrens (Flan), with a few from the
feared in Urnst.
Frost, Snow and Ice lands (Suel), all to
Human - Flan the far north. Wizard
The Flan are the original inhabitants of Wizards are well-appreciated here. Their
the Flannaess. They have been largely
art and wisdom is highly looked upon.
pushed out of Urnst by the Suel and later Bards travel the roads of Urnst. They are
Though the countess’ is Oeridian, the
the Oeridians. They are closer to nature principally Oeridian and Suel. They are
Suel have slightly more mages than the
then either of those people. They are ill-organized and individualistic. The
Oeridians do.
traditionally nomadic. They have dark- best sell themselves out to nobles for
brown skin and curly black hair. performances, the rest work taverns and
Culturally, they’re a cross between street corners in the larger cities.
š County ò of ò Urnst ›
Urnst Brotton
Urnst, the last bastion The old Suel capital, it sits in the
of civilization. Urnst, Dreerwode, the heart of Urnst. As the
the breadbasket of the oldest city in Urnst, it maintains a role in Ventor
world. Urnst, the the governing of the county.
The sister city of Stoink in the Bandit
shield against evil. Charn Kingdoms, Ventor is the site of the
Here is where you county’s ancient prison. It is ruled over
come from. Here is The seat of Urnst’s defenses, it’s a
mighty string of castles defending the by our Court Mage, Jacobis Underley.
your home.
only landable coast on our northern The Faiths
The Land border.
The table you see here details the gods
At first glance, Urnst’s terrain is very Count’s Markham who are typically worshiped in the
common and plain. In truth, it’s much county. Most people worship all of the
A small country estate belonging to
more varied than first impressions would gods. Most priests dedicate themselves to
House Gellor which sits half-way
suggest. a specific god and embody that deity’s
between Radigast and Brotton.
Farmland beliefs diligently. Common gods are
Dosselford acknowledged by all peoples as gods.
Without doubt, the vast majority of Urnst
An out of the way trading and gold
is farmland. We raise more food per
panning community on the Franz river, Neighbors
square mile than mostly any place else in
just south of the Crystal Springs. A country is not an island and the county
the Flanaess. Our land is rich and fertile.
High Mardreth is no exception. We are a major trade
We produce great amounts of grains,
nation and a major player in politics. We
some of which we use to make the Our major lake port and the seat of our are not combatants, rather, we bankroll
brandy for which we are famous. rather sizable navy. The Urnstian other nations to fight wars for us.
Artonsamay River Armada patrols the Nyr Dyv and the
One of the greatest God AL Race Sphere of Influence Domains Temples
rivers in the world, the Hieroneous LG OC Chivalry, Valor, War Good, Harmony, Law, War Count’s Markham
Artonsamay is the
St. Cuthbert LN C Common Sense, Law, Strength, Protection, Destruction Small Shrines
border between good Retribution
and evil. It carries our
Phyton CG S Nature, Farming Animal, Harmony, Healing, Plant Small Shrines
trade and is plied by our
Lydia NG S Love, Romance Good, Harmony, Protection Radigast City
Rhennee allies. Our
shore is largely shielded Agriculture Gods N O Farming, Husbandry Animal, Harmony, Healing, Plant Radigast City
by high cliffs. Xerbo N SC Sea Trade, Sailing Air, Travel, Water High Mardreth
Zilchus LN OC Money, Power Knowledge, Law, Trickery Radigast City
Copper Wood Yondalla LG H Halflings Good, Harmony, Law, Protection Radigast City
A deciduous forest on Norebo CN S Luck, Gambling Chaos, Luck, Trickery Radigast City
our northern border, Pholtus LN OC Light, Law, Sun Law, Sun Trigol
near Ventor, the forest is Boccob N C Balance, Magic Knowledge, Magic, Trickery No Temples
thick with willows,
birches and elms. Rumors persist of the Artonsamay to ensure trade and hinder Bandit Kingdoms
forest being haunted. piracy, slavery and the advances of Iuz.
Our near northern neighbor, they are a
Crystal Springs Jedbridge kingdom divided. They’ve been largely
This is the source of the Franz and is a A trade city from the days before Iuz conquered by Iuz and even before they
rocky region of rocky crags pierced with came to power in the Bandit Kingdoms. were conquered we really weren’t on
deep blue quartz. This city has seen itself decline with the friendly terms.
lack of trade. As it is an possible avenue
Dreerwode of invasion, it is well-garrisoned.
The Duchy of Urnst
Surrounding Brotton is an old deciduous The Duchy is our parent nation. Though
Radigast City we owe fealty to it, we are largely
forest set on deep, rolling hills. It’s deep
canopy keeps the place a twilight even in The capital of the county, it sits on a independent in terms of external and
the hottest part of the day. great river delta and is professed to be internal affairs.
one of the cleanest and most beautiful
Franz River cities in the Flanaess, as well as one of its Iuz
The Franz is a shallow, but wide river, in largest. Iuz, the Old One, stands as the great evil
which gold is panned. It is navigable to Rothberry to the north. The demigod’s legions
Trigol. nearly conquered the world six years ago,
A small farming community well renown and now we stand at an uneasy peace, at
Nyr Dyv for its sheep, especially the rare four- the verge of evil empire.
The Lake of Unknown Depths is the horned sheep.
deepest of all seas and effectively the Theocracy of the Pale
center of the world. It is the heart of our The Pale is a place of rigid laws and
trade abroad. A center from trade with Nyrond, Trigol forced obedience to the strict rules of
is a city at odds. There is a strong pro- their demanding god, Pholtus.
The Communities Urnstian movement which has risen in
Trigol as of late in rebuttal to the stream Nyrond
Bampton of refugees that have come to town. Originally, the state of which we were a
The port near Radigast. It is smaller part, we now fiscally support Nyrond.
than High Mardreth, but is a very active
port, carrying a large amount of trade.

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