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1. Text for number 1 to 4 Relate Relates Related Relating is related C

Read this text carefully and complete it
using the suitable words.
Irrigation is any activity which (1) ….. to
the efforts to obtain water for the farm
land. For this purpose people may (2) …..
reservoir or a man-made lake, use water
pump and build dams and ditches. The
ditches (3) ….. to lead water from the
resources to the farm land and drain off the
excess water which is not (4) ….. by the

2. Text for number 1 to 4 Make Makes Made Making be made B

Read this text carefully and complete it
using the suitable words.
Irrigation is any activity which (1) ….. to
the efforts to obtain water for the farm
land. For this purpose people may (2) …..
reservoir or a man-made lake, use water
pump and build dams and ditches. The
ditches (3) ….. to lead water from the
resources to the farm land and drain off the
excess water which is not (4) ….. by the
3. Text for number 1 to 4 Use Uses Using is used are used E
Read this text carefully and complete it
using the suitable words.
Irrigation is any activity which (1) ….. to
the efforts to obtain water for the farm
land. For this purpose people may (2) …..
reservoir or a man-made lake, use water
pump and build dams and ditches. The
ditches (3) ….. to lead water from the
resources to the farm land and drain off the
excess water which is not (4) ….. by the

4. Text for number 1 to 4 Use Used uses Using to use E

Read this text carefully and complete it
using the suitable words.
Irrigation is any activity which (1) ….. to
the efforts to obtain water for the farm
land. For this purpose people may (2) …..
reservoir or a man-made lake, use water
pump and build dams and ditches. The
ditches (3) ….. to lead water from the
resources to the farm land and drain off the
excess water which is not (4) ….. by the

5. Nina : …..Yogyakarta? What do you How do you What do you Why Why do you like E
Ima : Hm..m.. I think It’s not too big.But. think like like don’tyou like
not too small either and most of the people
are friendly.

6. Nimas and Yuni are at a shop. Nimas wants to agreement disappointed Asking opinion surprise Displeased C
buy an umberella.
Nimas : How about this Umbrella?
Yuni : I think it’s pretty good for you. It
matches the colour of your clothes.
The underlined utterance is used to express….
7. Anna: Was Indonesia team as strong as Which team is Which team is Which country Which Which country A
Japan? the strongest? the weakest? plays better? country
Cindy : No, I think Japan was stronger than plays the
Indonesia. fastest?
Ana : But …..China, Japan or Indonesia?
Cindy: China.

8. Nadine …..… her mother before she came phones phoned has phoned had phoned To had phoned D
9. Our teacher never…… England. visits visited has visited had visited hes visited C

10. Susie:Can Jack speak English? is joining has joined will join joins are joins B
Tom: Maybe, he… the English course ten
two years.
11. Text for number 11 to 13. The process of The process of The way to Step to The way step B
how to make a recovering collect plastics selling to selling
Plastic recycling is the process of bottle of scrap or waste plastics’ plastics’
recovering scrap or waste plastics and plastic. plastics and product. product.
reprocessing the material into useful reprocessing
products, sometimes completely different the material
in form from their original state. Typically into useful
a plastic is not recycled into the same type product.
of plastic, and products made from
recycled plastics are often not recyclable.
When compared to other materials like
glass and metal materials, plastic polymers
require greater processing to be recycled.
Plastics have a low entropy of mixing,
which is due to the high molecular weight
of their large polymer chains. When
different types of plastics are melted
together they tend to phase-separate, like
oil and water, and set in these layers.

What is plastic recycling mean ?

12. Text for number 11 to 13. No, it isn’t. Yes, it is. No, it doesn’t. Yes, it does No, it does A

Plastic recycling is the process of

recovering scrap or waste plastics and
reprocessing the material into useful
products, sometimes completely different
in form from their original state. Typically
a plastic is not recycled into the same type
of plastic, and products made from
recycled plastics are often not recyclable.
When compared to other materials like
glass and metal materials, plastic polymers
require greater processing to be recycled.
Plastics have a low entropy of mixing,
which is due to the high molecular weight
of their large polymer chains. When
different types of plastics are melted
together they tend to phase-separate, like
oil and water, and set in these layers.

Is plastic recycled into the same type of

13. Text for number 11 to 13. bottle plastic bag plastic plastic plastic Bag bottle C
Plastic recycling is the process of
recovering scrap or waste plastics and
reprocessing the material into useful
products, sometimes completely different
in form from their original state. Typically
a plastic is not recycled into the same type
of plastic, and products made from
recycled plastics are often not recyclable.
When compared to other materials like
glass and metal materials, plastic polymers
require greater processing to be recycled.
Plastics have a low entropy of mixing,
which is due to the high molecular weight
of their large polymer chains. When
different types of plastics are melted
together they tend to phase-separate, like
oil and water, and set in these layers.

What’s kind of plastic that require greater

processing to be recycled?
14. Harry: Would you like to go camping with It sounds Sorry, I can’t I’m afraid, not I am sorry sorry to hear A
us next holiday? interesting to hear that that
Donny: … but I have to take care of my
mom. She has been hospitalized for a

15. Emeli : Did you KNOW? Nina has a new dress. I’m sorry to How are you? Yes,she is How What a bore! D
Sara : Wow! .......... hear that interesting
16. Ahmad : You should’ve drawn the octagonal complimenting criticizing congratulating introducing Ignoring D
model. Now, it looks like a mess.
Indah : I am sorry.
From the dialogue above, we know that
Ahmad is ………..Indah.
17. Joko : Sri, ………. Santo is my Santo want to Don’t you know Please I would like you A
Sri : I am delighted to meet you. friend meet you Santo is my introduce to meet my
Santo : I am delighted to meet you, too. friend your self friend, Santo
18. Waiter : Under what name would you like May I have Can I tell you Should you Will you speak about A
thereservation. your phone my phone write your speak about your phone
Hasan:Siregar,Hasan,Siregar.Waiter. number? number? phone your phone number?
Hasan : Yes. It’s. number? number?
19. Peter : Look at the pretty girl over there. Wow! How How old are you Did you come It is good. It’s nothing. A
John : ………… beautiful she is here yesterday
20. Bowo : I feel tired and I feel dizzy You must sing You can see the You should lie I will take I must take B
Ima : I think …. Don’t leave the bed if it is doctor tonight down and have you to the some rest, too.
not necessary. same rest hospital

21. Thank you so much for helping me. I accept agree appreciate deserve Love C
22. A thousand thanks for all you hard work. I forego forget foretell forbid forgive B
shall never…
23. She…….that TV shows five times. had has has seen saw Is C
24. Thank you for all you’ve done from base foundation end bottom inside D
the......of my heart
25. Columbus mad his first voyage from Europe to at in on with Or B
26. Terry : Andy,I think you’re the best one. Of course nevermine I’m sorry Thanks you You’re kidding D
Andi : ………….. me
27. Doctors ……… many deadly diseases. Have cured cured are cure has cured Cure A
28. Will you be here ……………..the weekend? in or and or At E
29. Jean : I won a quiz and got new bicyle Of course congratulations Don’t metion it Thanks you You’re welcome B
Erni : ………….
30. The rain ………………since last morning stop Hasn’t stopped Is stop stopped Will stop B
31. Text for number 31 to 40 use Used news loose can B

The 18th and 19th centuries glass was very

expensive and was … (1) for limited
applications, such as stained glass windows
for churches. Large-scale glass
manufacture … (2) with the industrial
revolution with the mass production of
glass containers beginning at the onset of
the 20th century and glass light bulb
production automated in 1926. Nowadays
glass is much less expensive and is … (3)
for granted as a packaging material in
addition to its use in windows and other
applications. New glass is… (4) from a
mixture of four main ingredients: sand,
soda ash, limestone and other additives.
Glass can be… (5) indefinitely as part of a
simple but hugely beneficial process, as its
structure does not… (6) when reprocessed.
If recycled glass is used to…(7) new
bottles and jars, the energy… (8) in the
furnace is greatly reduced. After
accounting for the… (9) and processing
needed, 315kg of C02 is… (10) per ton of
glass melted.

The correct answer is …

32. The 18th and 19th centuries glass was very became begun begin began begining D
expensive and was … (1) for limited
applications, such as stained glass windows
for churches. Large-scale glass
manufacture … (2) with the industrial
revolution with the mass production of
glass containers beginning at the onset of
the 20th century and glass light bulb
production automated in 1926. Nowadays
glass is much less expensive and is … (3)
for granted as a packaging material in
addition to its use in windows and other
applications. New glass is… (4) from a
mixture of four main ingredients: sand,
soda ash, limestone and other additives.
Glass can be… (5) indefinitely as part of a
simple but hugely beneficial process, as its
structure does not… (6) when reprocessed.
If recycled glass is used to…(7) new
bottles and jars, the energy… (8) in the
furnace is greatly reduced. After
accounting for the… (9) and processing
needed, 315kg of C02 is… (10) per ton of
glass melted.

The correct answer is …

33. The 18th and 19th centuries glass was very taken taking take takes taked A
expensive and was … (1) for limited
applications, such as stained glass windows
for churches. Large-scale glass
manufacture … (2) with the industrial
revolution with the mass production of
glass containers beginning at the onset of
the 20th century and glass light bulb
production automated in 1926. Nowadays
glass is much less expensive and is … (3)
for granted as a packaging material in
addition to its use in windows and other
applications. New glass is… (4) from a
mixture of four main ingredients: sand,
soda ash, limestone and other additives.
Glass can be… (5) indefinitely as part of a
simple but hugely beneficial process, as its
structure does not… (6) when reprocessed.
If recycled glass is used to…(7) new
bottles and jars, the energy… (8) in the
furnace is greatly reduced. After
accounting for the… (9) and processing
needed, 315kg of C02 is… (10) per ton of
glass melted.

The correct answer is …

34. The 18th and 19th centuries glass was very make made meet maid maden B
expensive and was … (1) for limited
applications, such as stained glass windows
for churches. Large-scale glass
manufacture … (2) with the industrial
revolution with the mass production of
glass containers beginning at the onset of
the 20th century and glass light bulb
production automated in 1926. Nowadays
glass is much less expensive and is … (3)
for granted as a packaging material in
addition to its use in windows and other
applications. New glass is… (4) from a
mixture of four main ingredients: sand,
soda ash, limestone and other additives.
Glass can be… (5) indefinitely as part of a
simple but hugely beneficial process, as its
structure does not… (6) when reprocessed.
If recycled glass is used to…(7) new
bottles and jars, the energy… (8) in the
furnace is greatly reduced. After
accounting for the… (9) and processing
needed, 315kg of C02 is… (10) per ton of
glass melted.

The correct answer is …

35. The 18th and 19th centuries glass was very recycles bicycle cecycle recycled bicycle D
expensive and was … (1) for limited
applications, such as stained glass windows
for churches. Large-scale glass
manufacture … (2) with the industrial
revolution with the mass production of
glass containers beginning at the onset of
the 20th century and glass light bulb
production automated in 1926. Nowadays
glass is much less expensive and is … (3)
for granted as a packaging material in
addition to its use in windows and other
applications. New glass is… (4) from a
mixture of four main ingredients: sand,
soda ash, limestone and other additives.
Glass can be… (5) indefinitely as part of a
simple but hugely beneficial process, as its
structure does not… (6) when reprocessed.
If recycled glass is used to…(7) new
bottles and jars, the energy… (8) in the
furnace is greatly reduced. After
accounting for the… (9) and processing
needed, 315kg of C02 is… (10) per ton of
glass melted.

The correct answer is …

36. The 18th and 19th centuries glass was very Deterioration interior deteriorate deteriorated interriorated D
expensive and was … (1) for limited
applications, such as stained glass windows
for churches. Large-scale glass
manufacture … (2) with the industrial
revolution with the mass production of
glass containers beginning at the onset of
the 20th century and glass light bulb
production automated in 1926. Nowadays
glass is much less expensive and is … (3)
for granted as a packaging material in
addition to its use in windows and other
applications. New glass is… (4) from a
mixture of four main ingredients: sand,
soda ash, limestone and other additives.
Glass can be… (5) indefinitely as part of a
simple but hugely beneficial process, as its
structure does not… (6) when reprocessed.
If recycled glass is used to…(7) new
bottles and jars, the energy… (8) in the
furnace is greatly reduced. After
accounting for the… (9) and processing
needed, 315kg of C02 is… (10) per ton of
glass melted.

The correct answer is …

37. The 18th and 19th centuries glass was very make made maid makes maded A
expensive and was … (1) for limited
applications, such as stained glass windows
for churches. Large-scale glass
manufacture … (2) with the industrial
revolution with the mass production of
glass containers beginning at the onset of
the 20th century and glass light bulb
production automated in 1926. Nowadays
glass is much less expensive and is … (3)
for granted as a packaging material in
addition to its use in windows and other
applications. New glass is… (4) from a
mixture of four main ingredients: sand,
soda ash, limestone and other additives.
Glass can be… (5) indefinitely as part of a
simple but hugely beneficial process, as its
structure does not… (6) when reprocessed.
If recycled glass is used to…(7) new
bottles and jars, the energy… (8) in the
furnace is greatly reduced. After
accounting for the… (9) and processing
needed, 315kg of C02 is… (10) per ton of
glass melted.

The correct answer is …

38. The 18th and 19th centuries glass was very needled needit needed indeed indeeded C
expensive and was … (1) for limited
applications, such as stained glass windows
for churches. Large-scale glass
manufacture … (2) with the industrial
revolution with the mass production of
glass containers beginning at the onset of
the 20th century and glass light bulb
production automated in 1926. Nowadays
glass is much less expensive and is … (3)
for granted as a packaging material in
addition to its use in windows and other
applications. New glass is… (4) from a
mixture of four main ingredients: sand,
soda ash, limestone and other additives.
Glass can be… (5) indefinitely as part of a
simple but hugely beneficial process, as its
structure does not… (6) when reprocessed.
If recycled glass is used to…(7) new
bottles and jars, the energy… (8) in the
furnace is greatly reduced. After
accounting for the… (9) and processing
needed, 315kg of C02 is… (10) per ton of
glass melted.

The correct answer is …

39. The 18th and 19th centuries glass was very transported transfer transfered transport transported D
expensive and was … (1) for limited
applications, such as stained glass windows
for churches. Large-scale glass
manufacture … (2) with the industrial
revolution with the mass production of
glass containers beginning at the onset of
the 20th century and glass light bulb
production automated in 1926. Nowadays
glass is much less expensive and is … (3)
for granted as a packaging material in
addition to its use in windows and other
applications. New glass is… (4) from a
mixture of four main ingredients: sand,
soda ash, limestone and other additives.
Glass can be… (5) indefinitely as part of a
simple but hugely beneficial process, as its
structure does not… (6) when reprocessed.
If recycled glass is used to…(7) new
bottles and jars, the energy… (8) in the
furnace is greatly reduced. After
accounting for the… (9) and processing
needed, 315kg of C02 is… (10) per ton of
glass melted.

The correct answer is …

40. The 18th and 19th centuries glass was very save saved safe shave shaved B
expensive and was … (1) for limited
applications, such as stained glass windows
for churches. Large-scale glass
manufacture … (2) with the industrial
revolution with the mass production of
glass containers beginning at the onset of
the 20th century and glass light bulb
production automated in 1926. Nowadays
glass is much less expensive and is … (3)
for granted as a packaging material in
addition to its use in windows and other
applications. New glass is… (4) from a
mixture of four main ingredients: sand,
soda ash, limestone and other additives.
Glass can be… (5) indefinitely as part of a
simple but hugely beneficial process, as its
structure does not… (6) when reprocessed.
If recycled glass is used to…(7) new
bottles and jars, the energy… (8) in the
furnace is greatly reduced. After
accounting for the… (9) and processing
needed, 315kg of C02 is… (10) per ton of
glass melted.

The correct answer is …

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