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An Exposition on the Book of Revelation


By James B. Jordan

(These are notes that accompany a 204 audio lecture series of the same name. However, they have been
retyped from the original and have been modified such that the page numbers do not match those of the
original as referred to by JBJ in his lectures.)

Biblical Horizons
P.O. Box 1096
Niceville, FL 32588


TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................ 2

LECTURE #001 - AN INTRODUCTION TO THE BOOK OF REVELATION .......................................... 8
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Informal Introductory Remarks ............................................................................................................... 8
A. Literary Structuring by Sevens ........................................................................................................... 8
LECTURE #002 – HEPTAMEROUS SEQUENCING IN REVELATION .................................................. 9
(Comparison to Heptamerous Structure of Genesis 2-3) ............................................................................ 9
LECTURE #003 – THE LEVITICAL CALENDAR IN REVELATION .................................................... 10
(Comparison to Heptamerous Structure of Leviticus 23).......................................................................... 10
LECTURE #004 – LITURGICAL WARFARE IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION ................................. 11
(Revelation as a Worship Service) ............................................................................................................ 11
B. Liturgical Structure of Revelation .................................................................................................... 11
LECTURE #005 - AUTHOR, DATE, & AUDIENCE OF REVELATION ................................................ 13
C. Author, Date, & Audience of Revelation .......................................................................................... 13
LECTURE #006 - APPROACHES TO THE BOOK OF REVELATION ................................................... 14
D. Approaches to Revelation’s Prophecies .......................................................................................... 14
LECTURE #007 - REVELATION 1:1-3 ...................................................................................................... 15
LECTURE #008 - REVELATION 1:4-6 ...................................................................................................... 16
LECTURE #009 - REVELATION 1:7-8 ...................................................................................................... 19
LECTURE #010 - REVELATION 1:9-11 .................................................................................................... 21
LECTURE #011 - REVELATION 1:12-13A ............................................................................................... 26
LECTURE #012 - REVELATION 1:13B-16 ............................................................................................... 28
LECTURE #013 - REVELATION 1:14 ....................................................................................................... 29
LECTURE #014 - REVELATION 1:15-16 .................................................................................................. 30
LECTURE #015 - REVELATION 1:17-20 .................................................................................................. 31
Revelation 2 & 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 33
I. Passover and the Meals of Unleavened Bread................................................................................. 33
II. Structures in this section .................................................................................................................. 33
A. Creation Days and Parallels ........................................................................................................... 33
B. Historical Recapitulation ................................................................................................................. 33
LECTURE #017 – THE LETTERS TO THE SEVEN CHURCHES - OVERVIEW .................................. 34
Types of the Church in the Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia ........................................................... 34
REVELATION 2 & 3 .................................................................................................................................... 35
C. Chiastic Structure (see also U. below) ............................................................................................ 35
D. Three Plus Four ............................................................................................................................... 35
E. Four Plus Three (see also J. below) ................................................................................................ 35
F. The First Three - theme: assaults on the saints ............................................................................... 35
G. The Last Three - theme: maintain faithful witness. ......................................................................... 35
H. Jesus as the Standard for the Church .............................................................................................. 36
I. The Enemies of the Churches ............................................................................................................ 36
J. Structural anticipations of Revelation as a whole: ........................................................................... 37
LETTERS ...................................................................................................................................................... 38
K. Structure of each letter: ................................................................................................................... 38
L. The structure and covenant renewal: ............................................................................................... 38
M. Chiastic structure of each letter: ..................................................................................................... 38
N. Ephesus: unified but compromised church. ..................................................................................... 38
O. Smyrna: unified and faithful church. ............................................................................................... 39
P. Pergamum: divided church. Good but with a few who should be purged. ...................................... 39
Q. Thyatira: divided church. Half and half, must be split. ................................................................... 39
R. Sardis: divided church. Evil but with a few who will be saved. ....................................................... 39
S. Philadelphia: unified and faithful church. ....................................................................................... 39

T. Laodicea: unified but compromised church. .................................................................................... 40

U. Church Discipline as theme: (You rule now, so get busy ruling!) .................................................. 40
LECTURE #020 – THE LETTERS TO THE SEVEN CHURCHES – OVERCOMING ............................ 41
V. Victory in warfare as theme: (overcoming; conquering) ................................................................. 41
W. The True Church (comparison to Revelation 19-22) ...................................................................... 41
LECTURE #021 – EPHESUS AND SMYRNA – REVELATION 2:1-11 .................................................. 43
III. The Angel Problem .......................................................................................................................... 43
Ephesus 2:1-7 ............................................................................................................................................ 43
Smyrna 2:8-11 ........................................................................................................................................... 44
LECTURE #022 – PERGAMUM – REVELATION 2:12-17 ...................................................................... 45
LECTURE #023 – THYATIRA – REVELATION 2:18-29 ......................................................................... 47
LECTURE #024 – SARDIS AND PHILADELPHIA – REVELATION 3:1-13 .......................................... 49
Sardis 3:1-6 ................................................................................................................................................ 49
Philadelphia 3:7-13 .................................................................................................................................... 50
LECTURE #025 – LAODICEA – REVELATION 3:14-22 ......................................................................... 51
LECTURE #026 – REVELATION: STRUCTURAL REVIEW .................................................................. 53
LECTURE #027 – THE HEAVENLY TEMPLE – REVELATION 4:1-3 .................................................. 57
Revelation 4 & 5 ........................................................................................................................................ 57
A. The Heavenly Temple (Rev. 4) .......................................................................................................... 57
LECTURE #028 – THE HEAVENLY LEVITES – REVELATION 4:4 ..................................................... 58
LECTURE #029 – AT THE THRONE – REVELATION 4:3-5 .................................................................. 59
LECTURE #030 – WORSHIP IN HEAVEN – REVELATION 4:6-10 ....................................................... 62
LECTURE #031 – THE COMING OF THE LAMB – REVELATION 5:1-7 ............................................. 65
B. The Ascension (Rev. 5) ...................................................................................................................... 69
LECTURE #032 – THE WORSHIP OF THE LAMB – REVELATION 5:8-14 ......................................... 70
LECTURE #033 – THE THREE BOOKS – REVELATION 5:2-4 ............................................................. 71
Revelation 6 & 7: The Seven Seals ........................................................................................................... 71
LECTURE #034 – THE SEALS – REVELATION 6:1 ................................................................................ 74
LECTURE #035 – THE WHITE AND RED HORSE RIDER – REVELATION 6:1-4 .............................. 75
LECTURE #036 – THE BLACK AND GREEN HORSE RIDER – REVELATION 6:5-8 ........................ 77
Star Chart ................................................................................................................................................... 80
LECTURE #037 – THE FIFTH SEAL – REVELATION 6:9-11 ........................................................ 80
LECTURE #037 – THE FIFTH SEAL – REVELATION 6:9-11 ................................................................ 81
LECTURE #038 – DECREATION – REVELATION 6:12-14 .................................................................... 82
LECTURE #039 – JUDGMENT – REVELATION 6:15-17 ........................................................................ 83
LECTURE #040 – THE SEALING – REVELATION 7:1-3 ....................................................................... 84
LECTURE #041 – THE SEALED – REVELATION 7:4-8 ......................................................................... 85
LECTURE #042 – THE TUNED LYRE – REVELATION 7:9-17 .............................................................. 88
LECTURE #043 – WORSHIP IN REVELATION ....................................................................................... 91
LECTURE #044 – THE SEVENTH SEAL – REVELATION 8:1-5 ........................................................... 93
Revelation 8-11: The Seven Trumpets ...................................................................................................... 93
LECTURE #045 – TRUMPETS 1 & 2 – REVELATION 8:6-9 .................................................................. 94
LECTURE #046 – TRUMPETS 3 & 4 – REVELATION 8:10-12 .............................................................. 95
LECTURE #047 – THE FIFTH TRUMPET (A) – REVELATION 8:13 – 9:12 ......................................... 97
LECTURE #048 – THE FIFTH TRUMPET (B) – REVELATION 9:1-11 ................................................. 98
LECTURE #049 – THE SIXTH TRUMPET – REVELATION 9:13-21 ................................................... 100
LECTURE #050 – EXCURSUS: DANIEL 10 – 12 – REVELATION 10 ................................................. 103
LECTURE #051 – FROM DICTATION TO INSPIRATION – REVELATION 10 ................................. 104
Excursus: Ezekiel and Revelation ........................................................................................................... 104
LECTURE #052 – EZEKIEL & REVELATION – REVELATION 10 ..................................................... 105
Excursus: Ezekiel and Revelation (Continued) ....................................................................................... 105
LECTURE #053 – ZECHARIAH’S NIGHT VISIONS, PART 1 – REVELATION 10 – 11 .................... 107
Excursus: Zechariah's Night Visions ....................................................................................................... 107
LECTURE #054 – ZECHARIAH’S NIGHT VISIONS, PART 2 – REVELATION 10 – 11 .................... 108
Excursus: Zechariah's Night Visions (Continued) .................................................................................. 108
LECTURE #055 – ZECHARIAH’S NIGHT VISIONS, PART 3 – REVELATION 10 – 11 .................... 109

Creation Days in Zechariah 1-6 ............................................................................................................... 109

LECTURE #056 – ZECHARIAH’S NIGHT VISIONS, PART 4 – REVELATION 10 – 11 .................... 110
LECTURE #057 – OVERVIEW OF REVELATION 10 – 11 ................................................................... 112
Trumpet 6: Overview ........................................................................................................................... 112
LECTURE #058 – EZEKIEL 8 – 11 - REVELATION 10 – 11 ................................................................. 113
The Little Book and Ezekiel 8-11 ......................................................................................................... 113
LECTURE #059 - REVELATION 10:1-14 ................................................................................................ 114
Trumpet 6, Part II: The Little Scroll (chapter 10) ............................................................................... 114
The Seven Thunders or Great Voice Events (10:3) ............................................................................. 115
Interlude: Survey of New Testament History .......................................................................................... 116
LECTURE #061 – NO MORE DELAY – REVELATION 10:5-6 ............................................................ 117
LECTURE #062 – THE MYSTERY OF GOD, PART 1 – REVELATION 10:7 ...................................... 118
The Mystery of the Kingdom .................................................................................................................. 118
LECTURE #063 – THE MYSTERY OF GOD, PART 2 – REVELATION 10:7 ...................................... 119
LECTURE #064 – THE INSPECTION – REVELATION 10:8-10 ........................................................... 120
LECTURE #065 – THE MEASURER – REVELATION 10:11 – 11:2 ..................................................... 121
Measuring the Sanctuary ......................................................................................................................... 121
LECTURE #066 – THE TWO WITNESSES – REVELATION 11:3-4 .................................................... 123
The Two Witnesses ................................................................................................................................. 123
LECTURE #067 – PLAGUES – REVELATION 11:5-6 ........................................................................... 125
LECTURE #068 – THE TRIUMPH OF THE WITNESSES – REVELATION 11:7-12 ........................... 126
LECTURE #069 – THE SEVENTH TRUMPET – REVELATION 11:14-19 ........................................... 128
LECTURE #070 – STAR SIGNS, PART 1 – REVELATION 12:1-5 ....................................................... 130
Trumpets, Part 2: The Three Star-Signs of Old Creation History (11:19- End) ..................................... 130
LECTURE #071 – STAR SIGNS, PART 2 – REVELATION 12:1-5 ............................................... 133
LECTURE #071 – STAR SIGNS, PART 2 – REVELATION 12:1-5 ....................................................... 134
The Woman and the Dragon ................................................................................................................ 134
The Falling of the Stars ....................................................................................................................... 134
The Seven Heads and Diadems ........................................................................................................... 134
LECTURE #072 – WAR IN HEAVEN – REVELATION 12:5-17 ........................................................... 136
War in Heaven ..................................................................................................................................... 136
Praise in Heaven ................................................................................................................................. 136
The Initial Persecutions ....................................................................................................................... 137
LECTURE #073 – ROMANS – REVELATION 13:1-10 .......................................................................... 139
The Beasts of Revelation 13 .................................................................................................................... 139
The Sea Beast ...................................................................................................................................... 139
LECTURE #075 – EDOMITES – REVELATION 13:11 .......................................................................... 143
The Land Beast .................................................................................................................................... 143
LECTURE #076 – POWER RELIGION – REVELATION 13:12 ............................................................. 144
LECTURE #077 – A FALSE PENTECOST – REVELATION 13:13 ....................................................... 145
LECTURE #078 – THE BEAST-IMAGE – REVELATION 13:14 ........................................................... 146
LECTURE #079 – WAR BETWEEN THE BEASTS – REVELATION 13:15 ......................................... 147
LECTURE #080 – THE MARK OF THE BEAST – REVELATION 13:16-17 ........................................ 149
LECTURE #081 – THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST – REVELATION 13:18 ........................................ 150
LECTURE #082 – MID-COURSE OVERVIEW OF REVELATION, I ................................................... 151
LECTURE #083 – MID-COURSE OVERVIEW OF REVELATION, II .................................................. 151
LECTURE #084 – MID-COURSE OVERVIEW OF REVELATION, III ................................................ 151
LECTURE #085 – REVELATION 14 - OVERVIEW ............................................................................... 151
LECTURE #086 – REVELATION 14:1-5 ................................................................................................. 152
The Harvest of the First Fruits: Revelation 14 ........................................................................................ 152
LECTURE #087 – REVELATION 14:6-14 ............................................................................................... 153
Summary or the Trumpets ................................................................................................................... 153
End of Trumpet Era ............................................................................................................................. 153
Structural Considerations ................................................................................................................... 153
LECTURE #088 – THE END OF THE TRUMPETS - REVELATION 14 ............................................... 154

B. The Trumpets in Context ......................................................................................................... 154

LECTURE #089 – THE NATURE OF ASTRAL REVELATION ............................................................ 155
The Third Sky Sign ................................................................................................................................. 155
LECTURE #090 – THE ZODIAC AND COMETS ................................................................................... 156
LECTURE #091 – PLANETARY POWERS ............................................................................................. 157
LECTURE #092 – THE TUNED SKY, PART I ........................................................................................ 158
LECTURE #093 – THE TUNED SKY, PART II ....................................................................................... 159
LECTURE #094 – THE TUNED SKY, PART III ...................................................................................... 162
LECTURE #095 – THE END OF THE FIRSTFRUITS ERA .................................................................... 165
The Seventh Trumpet .............................................................................................................................. 165
LECTURE #096 – THE COMING OF WRATH – REVELATION 15 ..................................................... 166
LECTURE #097 – BOWLS – REVELATION 16 ...................................................................................... 167
I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 167
II. Bowls or Comprehensive Alienation and Rejection ................................................................ 167
LECTURE #098 – LAVERS – REVELATION 16 .................................................................................... 169
III. Unpacking the Symbolism ............................................................................................................. 169
LECTURE #099 – LIBATIONS – REVELATION 16 ............................................................................... 170
LECTURE #100 – INCENSE – REVELATION 16 ................................................................................... 171
LECTURE #101 – TRIBUTE – REVELATION 16 ................................................................................... 172
LECTURE #102 – LAMPS – REVELATION 16 ...................................................................................... 173
LECTURE #103 – PASSOVER – REVELATION 16 ............................................................................... 174
LECTURE #104 – PURIFICATIONS – REVELATION 16 ...................................................................... 175
LECTURE #105 – THE COVERED WEEK – REVELATION 16 ............................................................ 176
LECTURE #106 – LEPROSY & DEATH – REVELATION 16 ............................................................... 177
LECTURE #107 – DAY OF ATONEMENT I – REVELATION 16 ......................................................... 178
LECTURE #108 – DAY OF ATONEMENT II – REVELATION 16 ....................................................... 179
LECTURE #109 - ATONEMENT IN ZECHARIAH (1) ........................................................................... 181
LECTURE #110 - ATONEMENT IN ZECHARIAH (2) ........................................................................... 182
LECTURE #111 - ATONEMENT IN ZECHARIAH (3) – THE LEPROUS HOUSE .............................. 184
LECTURE #112 - ANOINTING ................................................................................................................ 186
LECTURE #113 – THE 1ST AND 2ND BOWLS – REVELATION 16:1-3 ................................................ 187
IV. The Seven Bowls (Revelation 16) .............................................................................................. 187
LECTURE #114 – THE 3RD BOWL – REVELATION 16:4-7 .................................................................. 189
Worthy are they! .................................................................................................................................. 189
LECTURE #115 – THE 4TH BOWL – REVELATION 16:8-9 .................................................................. 191
LECTURE #116 – THE 5TH BOWL – REVELATION 16:10-16 .............................................................. 192
LECTURE #117 – KINGS & FROGS & THE EUPHRATES – REVELATION 16:12-13 ...................... 195
LECTURE #118 – KINGS OF THE OIKUMENE – REVELATION 16:14 ............................................. 199
LECTURE #119 – THE THIEF AND OUR GARMENTS – REVELATION 16:15 ................................ 200
LECTURE #120 – THE FEAST-BATTLE – REVELATION 16:16 ......................................................... 201
LECTURE #121 – CYRUS ......................................................................................................................... 203
LECTURE #122 – AMALEK ..................................................................................................................... 205
LECTURE #123 – THE SEVENTH BOWL – THE LEPROUS HOUSE ................................................. 206
LECTURE #124 – THE MEMORIAL OF JERUSALEM ......................................................................... 208
LECTURE #125 – THE COLLAPSE OF THE FIRMAMENT ................................................................. 209
LECTURE #126 – BABYLON (I) .............................................................................................................. 210
LECTURE #127 – BABYLON (II) ............................................................................................................ 211
LECTURE #128 – OVERVIEW OF REVELATION 18 ........................................................................... 212
The Seven Last Visions ........................................................................................................................... 212
Structure of Revelation 17 ....................................................................................................................... 213
LECTURE #129 – HARLOT (I) ................................................................................................................. 214
LECTURE #130 – TEXTUAL CRITICISM .............................................................................................. 216
LECTURE #131 – HARLOT (II)................................................................................................................ 217
LECTURE #132 – GIDEON AND REVELATION ................................................................................... 219
Excursus: A Few Thoughts on the Fall ................................................................................................... 220

LECTURE #136 – THE MYSTERY OF INIQUITY: 4 – OEDIPUS & THE PHARISEES ..................... 225
LECTURE #137 – THE MYSTERY OF INIQUITY: 5 – JOB’S DISTRESS ........................................... 226
LECTURE #139 – THE MYSTERY OF INIQUITY: 7 – CRISIS TIME .................................................. 227
LECTURE #140 – THE MYSTERY OF INIQUITY: 8 – JEREMIAH & SOCRATES ............................ 228
LECTURE #142 – THE MYSTERY OF INIQUITY: 10 – THE ROMAN REPUBLIC ........................... 231
LECTURE #143 – THE MYSTERY OF INIQUITY: 11 – ROME AND ISRAEL ................................... 232
LECTURE #145 – THE EIGHTH HEAD - REVELATION 17:11 ............................................................ 237
LECTURE #146 – THE TEN HORNS - REVELATION 17:12-14 ........................................................... 240
LECTURE #147 – EYE FOR EYE - REVELATION 17:15 ...................................................................... 242
LECTURE #148 & #149 – BURN FOR BURN - REVELATION 17:16 .................................................. 245
LECTURE #150 – REVELATION 17:17-18 ............................................................................................. 246
LECTURE #151 – REVELATION 18:1 ..................................................................................................... 247
Revelation 18 ........................................................................................................................................... 247
LECTURE #152 – REVELATION 18:2-3 ................................................................................................. 249
LECTURE #153 – REVELATION 18:4 ..................................................................................................... 250
LECTURE #154 – REVELATION 18:5 ..................................................................................................... 251
LECTURE #155 – REVELATION 18:6-8 ................................................................................................. 252
LECTURE #156 – REVELATION 18:9 ..................................................................................................... 254
The Three Lamentations .......................................................................................................................... 254
The Lamentation of the Kings of the Land ............................................................................................. 254
LECTURE #157 – VINDICATION OF THE PROPHET .......................................................................... 256
LECTURE #158 – THE SMOKE OF HER BURNING ............................................................................. 257
LECTURE #159 – MERCHANTS LAMENT 1 – REVELATION 18:11-12 ............................................ 258
The Lamentation of the Merchants of the Land ...................................................................................... 258
LECTURE #160 – MERCHANTS LAMENT 2 – REVELATION 18:13-17 ............................................ 263
LECTURE #161 – SHIPMASTERS LAMENT – REVELATION 18:17-20 ............................................. 264
The Lamentation of the Seafarers ............................................................................................................ 264
The Festival of the Saints ........................................................................................................................ 264
LECTURE #162 – THE GREAT STONE – REVELATION 18:21 ........................................................... 265
The End of Babylon................................................................................................................................. 265
LECTURE #163 – DECREATION – REVELATION 18:22-24 ................................................................ 268
LECTURE #164 – NEW LITURGY – REVELATION 19:1-2 .................................................................. 270
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb (19:1-10) .......................................................................................... 272
LECTURE #165 – REVELATION 19:3-7 ................................................................................................. 274
LECTURE #166 – REVELATION 19:8 ..................................................................................................... 275
LECTURE #167 – THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY - REVELATION 19:9-10 ........................................... 276
LECTURE #168 – RESURRECTION - REVELATION 19:11 ................................................................. 277
The Battle of the Mountain of Festival Assembly (19:11-21) ................................................................ 277
LECTURE #169 – THE FEAST OF BOOTHS - REVELATION 19:9 ..................................................... 278
LECTURE #170 – THE TOTUS CHRISTUS - REVELATION 19:11 ..................................................... 279
LECTURE #171 – THE CROWNED EMPEROR - REVELATION 19:12 .............................................. 281
LECTURE #172 – THE BLOODY GARMENT - REVELATION 19:13 ................................................. 283
LECTURE #173 – THE WHITE ROBE - REVELATION 19:14 .............................................................. 285
LECTURE #174 – CHURCH AND STATE - REVELATION 19:15-16 .................................................. 286
LECTURE #175 – THE CURSE OF THE COVENANT - REVELATION 19:17-18 .............................. 288
LECTURE #176 – DOOM OF THE ANTI-WITNESSES - REVELATION 19:19-21 ............................. 291
LECTURE #177 – THE MILLENIUM I - REVELATION 20:1-3 ............................................................ 293
The Millennium (I) .................................................................................................................................. 293
LECTURE #178 – THE MILLENIUM II - REVELATION 20:1-3 ........................................................... 296
LECTURE #179 – THE MILLENIUM III - REVELATION 20:1-3 ......................................................... 297
LECTURE #180 – THE MILLENIUM IV - REVELATION 20:4-6 ......................................................... 299
The Millennium (II) ................................................................................................................................. 299

LECTURE #181 – JOHN THE FORERUNNER - REVELATION 20:4 ................................................... 302

LECTURE #182 – NAZIRITES - REVELATION 20:4 ............................................................................. 303
LECTURE #183 – CORPORATE RESURRECTION - REVELATION 20:4-6 ....................................... 304
LECTURE #184 – SATAN LOOSED - REVELATION 20:7 ................................................................... 307
The Final Conflict (Revelation 20:7-10) ................................................................................................. 307
LECTURE #185 – THE FINAL CONFLICT - REVELATION 20:8-9 ..................................................... 309
LECTURE #186 – SATAN JUDGED - REVELATION 20:10 ................................................................. 310
LECTURE #187 – CONQUEST IN JOSHUA ........................................................................................... 311
LECTURE #188 – OVERVIEW OF EZEKIEL ......................................................................................... 312
LECTURE #189 – THE NATIONS AND EZEKIEL ................................................................................. 314
LECTURE #190 – GOG AND HAMAN AGAG ....................................................................................... 315
Typological Parallels ............................................................................................................................... 316
LECTURE #191 – EZEKIEL 38:1-16 ........................................................................................................ 318
LECTURE #192 – EZEKIEL 38 - 39 ......................................................................................................... 320
LECTURE #193 – THE AMALEK PATTERN ......................................................................................... 322
LECTURE #194 – THE LAST JUDGMENT IN MATTHEW .................................................................. 325
LECTURE #195 – THE LAST JUDGMENT – REVELATION 20:11-15 ................................................ 326
LECTURE #196 – THE NEW JERUSALEM – REVELATION 21:1-7 ................................................... 328
The Everlasting Kingdom (21:1-8) ......................................................................................................... 328
LECTURE #197 – CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WICKED – REVELATION 21:8 ............................ 331
LECTURE #198 – THE LIGHT OF THE CITY – REVELATION 21:9-11 ............................................. 333
The New Jerusalem (21:9-22:5 or 9) ....................................................................................................... 333
LECTURE #199 – THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY – REVELATION 21:12-17 .............................. 337
LECTURE #200 – THE MATERIALS OF THE CITY – REVELATION 21:18-21 ................................ 340
LECTURE #201 – THE STONES OF THE CITY – REVELATION 21:19-20 ........................................ 342
LECTURE #202 – THE TEMPLE & PEOPLE OF THE CITY – REVELATION 21:22-27 .................... 352
LECTURE #203 – GARDEN, SABBATH, AND SIN IN THE CITY – REVELATION 22:1-9 .............. 354
LECTURE #204 – THE FINAL EXHORTATIONS – REVELATION 22:10-21 ..................................... 362



Informal Introductory Remarks

(No notes provided.)

A. Literary Structuring by Sevens

1. The many sevens in Revelation.

2. The structure of the book itself.

The Man (ch. 1)


The Churches: True & False (ch. 2-3)

Letters to the Seven Churches

The Call to the Throne (ch. 4-5)

Ascension of Christ

The Book (ch. 6-7)

Seven Seals

The Call to Judgment (ch. 8-15)

Seven Trumpets

The False Church and the True (ch. 16-20)

Seven Chalices

The Bride (ch. 21-22)

The City


(Comparison to Heptamerous Structure of Genesis 2-3)

3. The Heptamerous Structure of Genesis 2-3:

1. Garden formless, empty, given light-bearer, (man), 2:4-7

“And YHWH God formed man”
Spirit hovered, made light // breathing into dust, make man

2. Garden-sanctuary, 2:8
“And YHWH God planted a garden”

3. Trees grow out of land, 2:9; centrality of land, 2:10-14

“and YHWH God caused to grow”

4. Man established as ruler, 2:15

“And YHWH God took the man and put him”

5. Commands, regarding trees, 2:16-17

“And YHWH God commanded the man”

6. Community, 2:18-24
“And YHWH God said”

7. Sabbath sin and judgment, 2:25 – 3:23



(Comparison to Heptamerous Structure of Leviticus 23)

4. The Heptamerous Structure of Leviticus 23:

1. Sabbath (vv. 1-3) – God’s rest

2. Passover (vv. 4-8) – sin removed

3. Firstfruits (vv. 9-14) – brought to God

4. Pentecost (vv. 15-22) – law revealed

5. Trumpets (vv. 23-25) – brought to God

6. Atonement (vv. 26-32) – man’s rest



(Revelation as a Worship Service)

B. Liturgical Structure of Revelation

1. On the Lord’s Day.

2. Clearly set out as a worship service.

3. Meaning: liturgical warfare.

4. Outline


v. 3 – reading & hearing

v. 4 – addressed to churches

v. 7 – Jesus comes

v. 10 – in Spirit on Lord’s Day

1. Call: (1:10-20) [Sabbath]

v. 10 – Jesus call us to worship

v. 17 – Jesus enables us to worship

2. Confession of Sin: (2 & 3) [Passover]

- Jesus inspects us

3:20 – invitation to communion

3. Ascension for Praise: (4 & 5) [First-fruits]

chapter 4 – worship is already going on in heaven

chapter 5 – we, in Christ, ascend to participate

Psalm 100:4

Gloria in Excelsis

4. Opening of the Word: (6 & 7) [Pentecost]

- only takes a second for us today, but because Revelation is more than just a worship service, takes
longer here

Procession of the Word


5. Proclamation of the Word: (8 – 14) [Pentecost]

Reading of Scripture (8 & 9)

Preaching of Scripture (10:9-11)

- offer ourselves & our gifts (14:13-20)
- praise (15:1-4)

6. Administration of the Lord’s Supper: (15 – 19) [Day of Atonement]

1 Corinthians 11:30

Marriage Supper of the Lamb (19:9)

The Anti-Supper (19:17-18)

Praise (19:1-8)

7. Mission: (19:11 – 22:7) [Tabernacles]

Epilogue: (22:8-21)

Invitation to participate in worship (v. 17)

5. Aspects of worship in Revelation:

a. Organized

b. Planned

c. Antiphonal

d. Responsorial

e. Instrumental

f. Physical


C. Author, Date, & Audience of Revelation

1. Author – v. 1
- “John”

- not composed by John, but simply recorded by him.

- thus there is no reason to expect it to have the same style as John’s gospel and epistles.

2. Date

a. The time is near: 1:1; 22:7,10, 12,20

b. The “near” event in the rest of the NT is the destruction of Jerusalem

Matthew 23:34-38

Matthew 24:34

Luke 21:20-24 + 34

Hebrews 10:25; 13:13-14

c. Jerusalem is still standing: Rev. 11:8

Rev. 1:1 – communication is by signs and symbols

d. Babylon is always primarily a religious power

Zechariah 5:5-11

e. Therefore, Revelation written before the Jewish-Roman war, before AD 66.

f. If Babylon is Jerusalem, the Seabeast is Rome.

Rev. 17:10 – Nero

Rev. 13:18 – Nero Caesar

Nero became emperor in AD 54. He began his persecutions in AD 64.

3. Audience: the seven churches, not Jerusalem; 1:4



D. Approaches to Revelation’s Prophecies

1. The Futurist Approach

2. The Historical Approach

2a. Collapse of the Historical Approach

3. The Thematic Approach

4. The Preterist Approach

a. The Ancient Newspaper (Josephus) Approach

b. The Biblical-Theological Approach

5. Because Revelation is written to the churches, it is always applicable.



v. 1 –

revelation “of” -

God – Jesus – Angel – John – Churches

the “Angel” –

shortly take place –

signified –

v. 2 –

word of God & testimony of Jesus –

v. 3 –


v. 4-5a

seven churches –

grace & peace –

Him Who Is and Who Was and Who Is to Come –

The Seven Spirits –

Jesus Christ:

- faithful witness –

- firstborn of the dead –

- ruler of kings of earth –

1. Is 5. Faithful Witness
2. Was 4. Seven Spirits 6. Firstborn from Dead
3. Is to Come 7. Ruler of Kings of Earth

v. 5b-6 –

Him who loves us –

Him who releases (probably not “washed”) us –

(no other washings with this verb; 6 other loosings: 5:2,5; 9:14,16; 20:3,7)

Him who made us a kingdom of priests –

Glory & dominion –


The Beatitudes in Revelation

1:3 - "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep
those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.”

This refers to the worship service on the Lord's Day (Rev. 1:10). Those who are invited to the assembly of
God's people, and get to hear His word officially read and preached, are blessed. Those who do not
participate in worship are left outside, under the curse. It is not enough, however, merely to attend church:
We have to honor, guard, and obey God's Word in order to preserve our blessing.

14:13 - "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from now on."

When Adam sinned, God locked the gates of paradise against him. When men died in the Old Covenant,
they did not enter God's heaven, but went to a place of blessing that was outside of heaven in the proper
sense. Luke 16:22 calls it "Abraham's bosom." When Jesus opened heaven at His ascension, all the saints
of the Old Testament ascended with Him to heaven, and were seated on heavenly thrones (Rev. 20:4).
Since heaven is now open, those who die faithful to the Lord now get to go directly to heaven, and thus
receive a fuller blessing than the Old Covenant saints received when they died.

16:15 - "Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth (guardeth) his garments, lest he walk
naked, and they see his shame."

The garments refer to the clothing of salvation, which is shown in the sacrament of Holy Baptism. We must
guard our baptisms, and remain faithful to what we have been given. Adam and Eve failed to be watchful,
and Satan defiled them, with the result that their nakedness caused them shame (Gen. 2:25; 3:7). Similarly,
warning about the future, Jesus repeatedly encouraged His saints to be watchful. The foolish virgins of
Matthew 25 were not watchful and lost the blessing.

19:9 - "Blessed are they that are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb."

There are two feasts in Revelation 19, the vulture's feast and the Lamb's supper. The vulture's feast pictures
the curse that comes upon the wicked if they do not repent and are destroyed under the wrath of God. The
blessing of the righteous is to be inclined in God's eternal feast, which today we have as the Lord's Supper.

20:6 - "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection; over such the second
death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with
Him a thousand years."

The first resurrection was that of Jesus Christ, when he arose that first Easter morning. Those who have a
part in that resurrection are Christians, who have been baptized into Christ's body, and who have received
the inner regeneration of the Holy Spirit. The Bible promises that true Christians will reign with God on
earth during the New Covenant. This may not always be evident to sight, but it is always true, and becomes
progressively more visible as history moves along.

22:7 - "Blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book."

Those who heed the warnings of Revelation will evade the curse, and receive the blessing. This actually
happened at the destruction of Jerusalem, in that all the Christians were watchful, and escaped. Let us learn
from them, and keep close to Christ and to His heavenly body, the Church.

22:14 - "Blessed are they that do His commandments (or, that wash their robes), that they
may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

Some Greek manuscripts say "that do His commandments," while others (probably the better ones) say
"that wash their robes." If we go with "wash their robes," the reference is to baptism. Baptism entitles us to
the Lord's Supper (the tree of life), and this gives us access into Christian culture and civilization (the city).
Christian culture grows out of the Church, because when the Church is pure, and we "seek first His
righteousness," then the world is changed and "all these things will be added unto you" (Matt. 6:33).

If we go with "that do His commandments," we are told that those who obey will be given access to the
Lord's Supper (the tree of life). That looks like works-salvation, but the actual meaning would be that those
who obey God in the sense of putting their faith and trust in Him and remaining loyal to Him, receive the
blessing and inherit the Kingdom.


Amen – should begin v. 7 (see 7:12)

v. 7 –

begins and ends with “amen” –

- textual problem with “amen” – 1:18; 22:21

- the seven “amens” of Revelation:

1:6 – He is coming
1:7 – He is coming
5:14 – He rules
7:12 – He rules
7:12 – He rules
19:4 – He has come
22:20 – He is coming

“coming with the clouds” Daniel 7:9-10,13-14

“glory & dominion” Rev. 1:6

- Coming to the Father:

Rev. 5:7

Matt. 24:30
- other "comings" in Matt. 24 use "parousia": 3,27,37,39

- Coming to the earth in judgment/blessing:

Matt. 10:23?

Matt. 16:27-28

Matt. 25:31

- Cloud-comings in Revelation:

Rev. 10:1

Rev. 11:12

Rev. 14:14-16

"mourning" over the "pierced" Zechariah 12:10 - 13:1

Matt. 24:30

destructive judgment or blessing?

context of Zechariah - mourning of the ransomed

context of Daniel -blessing to saints
context of Revelation 14 - coming on cloud for the saints
immediate context - an "Amen" to verses 5-6


v. 8 – the Word of God

text: does “the first and the last” belong after “the Alpha and the Omega”?
- very little manuscript evidence
- tentative conclusion: omit

1. The Alpha & the Omega

God as Word

God as Alphabet

Alphabet passages in the Bible:

Psalm 1

Psalm 9 – 10, 25, 34, 37, 111, 112, 119, 145

Proverbs 31

Lamentations 1 – 4

Nahum 1

2. Lord God – Davidic

3. I am that I am – Mosaic

4. God Almighty – Abrahamic

What belongs in quotations?

v. 9 –

brother and fellow partaker

on the island called Patmos


Psalm 111

All my heart shall praise Jehovah, 1

Before the congregation of the righteous;
Deeds of goodness are the deeds Jehovah, 2
Earnestly desired of all them that have pleasure therein;
For his righteousness endureth for ever, 3
Glorious and honourable is his work;
He hath made his wonderful works to be remembered, 4
In Jehovah is compassion and goodness;
Jehovah hath given meat to them that fear him, 5
Keeping his covenant for ever,
Learning his people the power of his works, 6
Making them to possess the heritage of the heathen;
Nought save truth and equity are the works of his hands, 7
Ordered and sure are his commands,
Planted fast for ever and ever, 8
Righteous and true are his testimonies;
Salvation hath he sent unto his people, 9
Their covenant hath he made fast for ever;
Upright and holy is his name, 10
Verily, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
Yea, a good understanding have all they that do thereafter;
Zealously shall he be praised for ever.

Psalm 119

1. All they that are undefiled in the way, walking in the law of the Lord, are blessed.
2. All they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart, are blessed.
3. Also they do no iniquity: they wa1k in his ways.
4. All thy precepts diligently to keep thou hast commanded us.
5. Ah, Lord! that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes!
6. Ashamed I shall never be, when I have respect unto all thy commandments.
7. Always will I praise thee, with uprightness of heart, when I shall have learned thy
righteous judgments.
8. All thy statutes will I keep: O forsake me not utterly.

9. By what means shall a young man cleanse his way ? By taking heed thereto according
to thy word.
10. By day and by night have I sought thee with my whole heart: O let me not wander
from thy commandments.
11. By thy grace I have hid thy word in my heart, that I might not sin against thee.
12. Blessed art thou, O Lord: teach me thy statutes.
13. By the words of my lips will I declare all the judgments of they mouth.
14. By far more than all the riches I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies.

15. By thy help I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways.
16. By thy grace I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word.

Verses 1-8 for Oral Reading

The Revelation of Jesus Christ,

Which God gave Him to show to His slaves,
The things that must shortly take place;

And He signified, sending by His angel to is slave John,

Who testified the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ,
Whatever he saw.

Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy,
And guard the things that are written in it,
For the time is near.

John to the seven churches that are in Asia:

Grace to you and peace

From Him who is and who was and who is to come,
And from the seven Spirits who are before His throne,
And from Jesus Christ:
The Faithful Witness,
The Firstborn from the dead,
And the Ruler of the kings of the land.
To Him who loves us,
And released us from our sins by His blood,
And He has made us a kingdom, priests to His God and Father,
To Him be the glory and the dominion age after age.

Behold, He is coming with the clouds,
And every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him,
And all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him.
Even so! Amen!

"I am the Alpha and the Omega,"

Says the Lord God,
Who Is and Who Was and Who Is to Come,
The Almighty.

Revelation 1:10-20

I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day,

and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet,
Saying, "Write in a book what you see,
and send to the seven churches:
to Ephesus
and to Smyrna
and to Pergamum
and to Thyatira
and to Sardis
and to Philadelphia
and to Laodicea.”
And I turned to see the voice that was speaking with me.

And having turned, I saw seven golden lampstands;

and in the middle of the lampstands one like a Son of man,

clothed in a robe reaching to the feet,

and girded across His breasts with a golden girdle.

And His head and His hair were like white wool, like snow;
And His eyes were like a flame of fire;
And His feet like burnished bronze, when it has been caused to glow in a furnace;
And His voice like the sound of many waters;
And in His right hand He held seven stars;
And out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged sword;
And His face was like the sun shines in its strength.

And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet like a dead man.
And He laid His right hand upon me,
saying, "Fear not;

“I am the first
and the last
and the Living One;
and I became dead,
and behold! I am alive age after age,
and I have the keys of death and of Hades.
Write, therefore, the things that you have seen,
and the things that are,
and the things what will take place after these things.

“As for the mystery of the seven stars that you saw in My right hand,

and the seven golden lampstands:

The seven stars are the messengers of the seven churches,
and the seven lampstands are the seven churches."


v. 10

In Spirit

On the Lord’s Day


1. God has come, as at Mount Sinai, to institute His kingdom

2. Jericho is about to fall.

3. The Year of Jubilee is about to come.

4. It is the Feast of Trumpets, and in ten days, Jubilee will begin.

Revelation 2:10

5. God’s people are summoned.

6. God’s people are set out on the march.

7. It is the day of worship and sacrifice.

v. 11

Write what you see

The seven churches

v. 12-13a

Turned to see – hearing precedes seeing

Why is John’s back to Jesus initially?

Lampstands with Son in center: Christ as both Yahweh & Adam in new grove.

Lampstands as the Watching Church.

Lampstands as Watching Pastors.


John in Church; hears Voice of God walking among the trees; sees Him; falls dead.


v. 13b

The robe and the girdle

The High Priest

The Greate Eliakim



vv. 14-16

And His head and His hair were like white wool, like snow;
And His eyes were like a flame of fire;
And His feet like burnished bronze, when it has been caused to glow in a furnace;
And His voice like the sound of many waters;
And in His right hand He held seven stars;
And out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged sword;
And His face was like the sun shines in its strength.

1 & 2. Head & hair like wool and snow.

3. Eyes like fire.

4. Feet like heated bronze.

5. Voice like waters.

6. Hand with stars.
7. Mouth with sword.
8. Face like sun.


1. His head and hair.

2. His eyes.


3. His feet.

4. His voice.

5. His hand.

6. His mouth.

7. His face.


v. 17-19

John’s death and resurrection.

“I am the first
and the last
and the Living One;
and I became dead,
and behold! I am alive age after age,
and I have the keys of death and of Hades.
Write, therefore, the things that you have seen,
And the things that are,
And the things that will take place after these things.”

V. 20

"As for the mystery or the seven stars that you saw in My right hand,
and the seven golden lampstands:
The seven stars are the messengers or the seven churches,
and the seven lampstands are the seven churches."

- Who is the messenger?

the reader of the letter?
the one who brings God's message to the congregation?

- Relation to other groups of seven messengers in Revelation.

- Unity

- Mystery
- not just something that has to be explained

- revelation of God's purpose for the ages

- in terms of the tabernacle, what was hidden

Mystery of the Kingdom
Mystery of Lawlessness (Zechariah 5)

- lamps and lampstand

- spirit angels as stars and preachers earlier
- now given to humanity

Holy of Holies
Head, Eyes, Voice, Mouth, Face

Holy Place

Lampstand and
Table of Bread Hands

Stream of Stream of
Fire Fire


Streams of Water
Chariots (Temple)

Bronze Altar Feet

River of Ezekiel’s


Revelation 2 & 3

I. Passover and the Meals of Unleavened Bread

II. Structures in this section

1. The Division in Genesis 1 and application in Revelation

2. Literary Structures of the Word of God in Revelation 2 & 3

A. Creation Days and Parallels

Ephesus - lampstand (light)

Smyma - prison versus crown (two sides of firmament?)

Pergamum -stone, bread

Sardis - garments (cp. priestly garments as fifth "day" in Exodus)

Philadelphia- pillar (man)

Laodicea - sabbath meal and throne

B. Historical Recapitulation

Ephesus - garden
Smyrna - patriarchs (especially Joseph)
Pergamum - wilderness
Thyatira – kingdom
Sardis - remnant
Philadelphia - restoration
Laodicea - from abomination under Jason to AD 70


Types of the Church in the Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia

Ephesus: Eden and the Fall

2:1 the Lord walking among tree-like the Lord walking in Eden (Gen.3:8) 23
lampstands (Ex.37: 19-21 )
2:4-5 falling from the first love Adam's fall

2:7 tree of life; paradise of God Genesis 2:9

Smyrna: The Patriarchs, especially Joseph

2:8 death and resurrection Rom 4:19; Gen 25:21; 29:31;

Gen 22:1-14; Heb 11:17-19
2:9 poverty and riches Heb.11:9
2:9 counterfeit Jews counterfeit Isaac, Gen. 21:9; Gal. 4:22-31

2:10 prison &elevation to the crown Gen.39, 41

Pergamum: The Exodus and Wilderness

2:13 Satan's environment wilderness, Matt. 4:1; 12:43

2:14 Balaam Num. 22-24; 31:16
2:14 Balak Num. 25:1-3
2:16 sword against fornicators Phineas, Num. 22:31; 25:7-8; 31:8

2:17 hidden manna Heb. 9:4 (manna hidden in ark)
2:17 white stone Ex. 28:9-12; Zech. 3:5-9

Thyatira: The Davidic Monarchy

2:18 bronze legs Jachin & Boaz, 1 Kings 7:15-22

2:20 Jezebel 1 Kings 16.21
2:22 great tribulation 1 Kings 17; Rev. 12:6; 13:5
2:23 God searches the heart Psalms of David. esp. Ps. 51,139

2:26f Kingly rule the Davidic Son, Psalm 2
2:28 the morning star Root of David, Rev. 22:16

Sardis: Jeremiah and the Later Prophetic Period

3:1 almost dead judgment and exile

3:3 invasion like a thief sack of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar (cp. Luke 12:39;
Rev. 16:15; the sack of Jerusalem by Titus)
3:4 soiled garments the garments of Joshua, Zech. 3

3:5 white garments. Christ defending us Zech.3
against Satan before the Father

Philadelphia: The Return from Exile

3:7 restored David Zerubbabel, Zech. 4

3:8 little power the post-exilic community (Ezra, Nehemiah)
3:6 open door world influence (Esther)
3:9 false Jews Ezra 4; Neh. 4, 6, 13
3:10 hour of testing the invasion of Antiochus Epiphanes, Dan. 11

3:12 rebuilt Temple Haggai, Zechariah, Ezekiel 40-48
3:12 inscribed Name Zech. 3:5,9; 14:20*

Laodicea: The Period of Christ and the Apostles

3:15f lukewarm Jews of Jesus' day

3:16 spew out of His mouth Lev. 18:24-28; Luke 21:24
3:20 the Lord's Supper New Covenant sacrament

3:21 enthronement Rev. 20:4-6



C. Chiastic Structure (see also U. below)

Ephesus – eat of Tree of Life

Smyrna - Jews, and tribulation coming soon

Pergamum - (white) manna, white stone, name, Jesus coming soon

Thyatira - Jezebel (Babylon); true and false meal & rule

Sardis - white garment, name, Jesus coming soon

Philadelphia - Jews, and tribulation coming soon

Laodicea - eat meal with Christ

D. Three Plus Four

"hear" before reward (first three)

reward before "hear" (last four)

E. Four Plus Three (see also J. below)

Ephesus (#1) -

7 stars &

7 lampstands (oiled by Spirit)

Sardis (#5) –

7 Spirits &

7 stars

F. The First Three - theme: assaults on the saints

Ephesus - tribulation; Nicolaitans (Balaamites)

Smyrna -tribulation; Jews

Pergamum - tribulation; Balaamites (Nicolaitans)

G. The Last Three - theme: maintain faithful witness.

Sardis – hypocrisy; soiled garments, new garments


Philadelphia - faithfulness (protection from tribulation, vs. Smyrna above)

Laodicea - hypocrisy; new garments needed

H. Jesus as the Standard for the Church

Ephesus - holds seven stars, walks among seven lampstands; 1:12,16

Smyrna - first & last, dead & resurrected; 1:17-18

Pergamum - sharp two-edged sword; 1:16

Thyatira - eyes like fire, feet of burnished bronze; 1:14-15

Sardis - has seven Spirits and seven stars; 1:4, 16

Philadelphia - holy & true, key of David; 1:18

Laodicea - Amen, faithful & true witness, Source of creation; 1:5

I. The Enemies of the Churches

Dragon (Satan)

Smyrna (Devil; slanderer – relates to Image of Beast)

Pergamum (Dragon: attacker - relates to Beast)

Thyatira (Serpent: seducer – relates to Fa1se Prophet & Babylon)

Beast (persecutor) (Balak)




False Prophet [and Apostle] (Balamite Nicolaitans)



Thyatira (sons of Jezebel)

Image of the Beast (Synagogue of Satan, Jews)



Babylon (Jezebel)


Hypocrisy (compromise) - failure to maintain faithful witness



J. Structural anticipations of Revelation as a whole:


1. Ephesus: False apostles and prophets (Nicolaitans)

2. Smyrna: False Israel (focus of the seals)

3. Pergamum: False king and prophet (Balak & Balaam) (focus of the trumpets)

4. Thyatira: False bride (Jezebel) (focus of the libation-bowls)


5. Sardis: The White Army (Revelation 19)

6. Philadelphia: The Key and Blessing (Millennium)

7. Laodicea: Entrance into the Throne-City (Revelation 21-22)



K. Structure of each letter:

1. Address: To the angel of the church at X write….

2. Revelation of Christ as Measure

3. Statement that Christ knows their works

4. Praise and/or criticism

5. Commands regarding what must be done

6. Promise to come soon and set things right

7. Exhortation to listen

8. Promise of reward to overcomers

L. The structure and covenant renewal:

1. Announcement of the Sovereign Lord

2. Historical transition to present estate

3. Commands of the Sovereign Lord

4. Promise that the Lord will come and give rewards and punishments


M. Chiastic structure of each letter:

1. To the angel write….

2. Christ the measure (alpha).
3. What Christ has seen (past).
4. What they must do (now).
5. What Christ will do (future, soon).
6. Rewards to those who measure up to Christ (bride: omega) .
7. Listen to what has been written.

N. Ephesus: unified but compromised church.

1. To the angel write….

2. Seven stars and seven lampstands.
3. I know good deed: Intolerance of evil.
3 ½. I have this against you: Left first love.
4. Repent: Do first deeds.
5 ½. I will come and remove lampstand.
5. You have this: Hate evil.

6. Listen to what has been written.

7. Eat of Tree of Life.

O. Smyrna: unified and faithful church.

1. To the angel write ….

2. First and the last, dead and come to life again.
3. I know good deed: suffer from evil men.
4. Persevere: Do not fear.
5. I will come and give crown of life.
6. Listen to what has been written.
7. Not hurt by second death.

P. Pergamum: divided church. Good but with a few who should be purged.

1. To the angel write….

2. Two-edged sword.
3. I know good deed: held fast to Me.
3 ½. I have this against you: tolerate Balaamites.
4. Repent therefore.
5 ½. I will come and kill with sword.
6. Listen to what has been written.
7. Hidden manna, white stone with secret new name.

Q. Thyatira: divided church. Half and half, must be split.

1. To the angel write.…

2. Son of God (King), eyes of fire, feet of bronze.
3. I know good deed: Improvement.
3 ½. I have this against you: tolerate Jezebelites.
4 ½. I will come and kill.
5. Hold fast.
6. Shared rule and morning star.
7. Listen to what has been written.

R. Sardis: divided church. Evil but with a few who will be saved.

1. To the angel write….

2. Seven Spirits and seven stars.
3 ½. I know sin: Hypocrisy.
4. Wake up, repent, remember.
5 ½. I will come like a thief.
5. You have a few: Unsoiled garments.
7. White garment, name not erased but confessed.
8. Listen to what has been written.

S. Philadelphia: unified and faithful church.

1. To the angel write

2. Holy, true, key of David.
3. I know good deeds: Held fast.

4. I will come and give open door, humble enemies, keep from evil.
6. Hold fast.
7. Pillar in Temple with name of God, City, and Christ.
8. Listen to what has been written.

T. Laodicea: unified but compromised church.

1. To the angel write….

2. Final Amen, Present Witness, Firstborn of Creation.
3. I know sin: Lukewarmness - self-deception.
4. Repent: buy gold, garments, eyesalve.
5. I will come for dinner.
6. Sit with Me on throne.
7. Listen to what has been written.

U. Church Discipline as theme: (You rule now, so get busy ruling!)

Ephesus: unified but compromised church.

Smyrna: unified and faithful church.
Pergamum: divided church. Good but with a few who should be purged.
Thyatira: divided church. Half and half, must be split.
Sardis: divided church. Evil but with a few who will be saved.
Philadelphia: unified and faithful church.
Laodicea: unified but compromised church.

1. Some churches are compromised and the church as a whole must shape up.

2. Some churches are faithful and need only hold fast.

3. Some churches need to purge out some wicked members.

4. Some churches need to split.

5. Some churches are doomed, and the righteous should leave.

6. If Pergamum fails, it will become Thyatira.

7. If Thyatira fails, it will become Sardis.



V. Victory in warfare as theme: (overcoming; conquering)

Genesis 4:7 - rule over "beast" -how?

Revelation 12:11 - secret of overcoming -offer lamb.

.Revelation 17:14 - Lamb overcomes. JESUS CHRISTOS NIKA

Ephesus: Tree of Life in Paradise of God.

Smyrna: Not hurt by second death.
Pergamum: Hidden manna; white stone with his secret name on it.
Thyatira: Morning star.
Sardis: White garments; name not erased but confessed.
Philadelphia: Pillar in Temple; dwell in Temple; names of God, City, Christ.
Laodicea: Sit on throne with Christ.

Jerusalem: God as Father, dwell in City, drink Spirit, be a son [ruler], not harmed by second death
(Rev. 21:7-8).

W. The True Church (comparison to Revelation 19-22)

1. Revelation 19:7-16 (marriage supper // conquest of world)

7. Marriage supper - Laodicea (dinner)

8 & 14. White linen - Sardis (white garments promised)

11. Faithful and True - Philadelphia (Holy and True)

12. Eyes a flame of fire - Thyatira (eyes of flame)

12. Many crowns - Smyrna & Philadelphia (crown of life promised)

12. New secret name on Him - Pergamum (secret new name)

15. Sharp sword from mouth - Pergamum (sword of mouth)

15. Rule with rod of iron - Thyatira (rule with rod of iron promised)

(No direct allusion to Ephesus)

2. Revelation 21-22

21:7. Overcomers - all churches

21:8. Second death - Smyrna (no second death promised)

21:14. Foundation stones with names - Pergamum (name on stone)


21:22. God as Temple - Philadelphia (pillar in Temple promised)

21:25. Gates never closed - Philadelphia (open door)

21:23. God as light - Ephesus & Sardis (7 stars); Thyatira (morning star promised)

21:27. Book of Life - Sardis (not to be erased, promised)

22:1. Throne of God - Laodicea (Throne promised)

21:2. Tree of Life - Ephesus (Tree of Life promised)

22:4. Christ's Name on foreheads -Philadelphia (Name on pillar promised)



III. The Angel Problem

1. Angelic overlord of church? Hardly. What sense does it make for such to receive a letter?
2. The "ideal " of the church before God? Again, what sense does it make to address a letter to such a
3. Pastor, specifically addressed, in the singular, in these letters. Like the Levites, he is accountable for
his church. If she is unfaithful, he is accountable to rebuke her.

Ephesus 2:1-7
Creation: Day 1 - light

History: Garden

Revelation: False Apostles (cities)

1. To the angel write....

2. Seven stars and seven lampstands.

3. I know good deed: Intolerance of evil.

I know your deeds,
And your toil,
And perseverance;
And that you cannot endure evil men,
And you put to the test those who call themselves apostles and are not, and you found them false,
And you have perseverance and have endured for My name's sake and have not grown

3 ½. I have this against you: Left first love.

4. Repent: Do first deeds.

5 ½. I will come and remove lampstand.

5. You have this: Hate evil.

Nicolaitans - 2:15

6. Listen to what has been written.

7. Eat of Tree of Life.


Smyrna 2:8-11

Creation: Day 2 - firmament (?)

History: Patriarchs, especially

Revelation: False Israel (seals)

1. To the angel write….

2. First and the last, dead and come to life again.

3. I know good deed: suffer from evil men.

4. Persevere: Do not fear.

ten days
versus 1000 years
from trumpets to Atonement

5. I will come and give crown of life.

6. Listen to what has been written.

7. Not hurt by second death.



Creation: Day 3 – land and plants; stone and manna

History: Mosaic Era, especially wilderness

Revelation: False king and prophet (trumpets)

1. To the angel write….

2. Two-edged sword -

3. I know good deed: held fast to Me.

Satan's throne - wilderness.

Antipas = Anti-Pater, Father's Representative

3 ½. I have this against you: tolerate Balaamites.

Balaam & Balak - Numbers 22-25

Nicolaitans -
No reason to think the same as Acts 6:5.
Nothing from ancient world about any such sect.
Nico-laos = People-conqueror.
Bala-am = People-consumer.

Teaching -
Eating meat sacrificed to idols:
- not forbidden in NT (1 Cor. 8-10)
- in context of Revelation, probably OT sacrifices
- not literal, but spiritual adultery, in Revelation

Goal - seduce the Church back to Judaism

- therefore, probably the same enemy as elsewhere: Judaizers

4. Repent therefore.

5 ½. I will come and kill with sword.

Numbers 25:7-8
Numbers 31:8 (22:23, 29, 31)

6. Listen to what has been written.


7. Hidden manna, white stone with secret new name

hidden manna - locked up in Holy of Holies in jar.

white stone –
names on onyx stones on shoulder of High Priest (Gen. 2:12; Num. 11:7)

names on breastpiece of High Priest (“white" can also “gleaming")

Matthew 17:2
Revelation 21:14,19-20
- breastpiece names were glorified, mature form of onyx names.


Creation: Day 4 - stars

History: Kingdom Era, especially Jezebel

Revelation: False bride (bowls)

1. To the angel write….

2. Son of God, eyes of fire, feet of bronze.

Son of God = king
2 Samuel 7:14
Psalm 89:26-27
Psalm 2:7
Heb 1:3-5
Rom 1:3-4

Eyes of fire: oversight; search and judge (v. 23)

Feet of bronze: walks length and breadth of land

3. I know good deed: Improvement.

3 ½. I have this against you: tolerate Jezebelites.

Jezebel - foreign queen dominates Israel

1 Kings 1 – 8 – Hiram

Revelation 2:26

Ierusa1em - Jeremiah 4:29-30

prophetess - 2 Kings 9:22

acts of immorality - image-worship (later: Rev. 13:14)

eat - fa1se communion

4 ½. I will come and kill.

Judgment suspended: time to repent

the "bed" - place to lie down (sleep, dine, sex, sickness, death)

children - followers

kill with death - Genesis 2-3

5. Hold fast.

deep things (bathea) of Satan

1 Cor. 2:10
Rev. 2:23

6. Shared rule and morning star.

authority over the nations - Psalm 2

morning star -

Numbers 24:17

Matthew 2:2

Revelation 22:16 - appears before sun rises

7. Listen to what has been written.



Sardis 3:1-6
Creation: Day 5 - swarms; garments (Ex. 28)

History: Remnant era

Revelation: Babylon versus white army (Rev. 18-19)

1. To the angel write....

2. Seven Spirits and seven stars.

3½. I know sin: Hypocrisy.

4. Wake up, repent, remember.

5½. I will come like a thief.

THE HOUR, 3:10

5. You have a few: Unsoiled garments.

soiled garments = uncleanness
white garments = cleansed garments, 7:14
blood = Numbers 19

7. White garment, name not erased but confessed

compare Pergamum name, 2:17
book of life = covenant roll of the saints // church roll
confess before angels = in courtroom setting

8. Listen to what has been written.


Philadelphia 3:7-13

Creation: Day 6 - mankind as guardian of the door; pillar

History: Restoration era

Revelation: Key and blessing (millennium)

1. To the angel write....

2. Holy, true, key of David.

6tb day = man as guard of Eden

3. I know good deeds: Held fast.

4. I will come, give open door, humble enemies, keep from evil.
open door = possibly opportunity for service and evangelism, Acts 14:27, etc.
= more likely, door to fellowship with Christ, 3:20

Put out of synagogue, they are admitted to new synagogue, which will defeat the old.

Coming Hour:
tribulation upon the whole oikumene (world)
specifically to test those who dwell on the land (Jews)

6. Hold fast.
Crown, 2:10
Psalm 8

7. Pillar in Temple with name of God, City, and Christ.

Trees in garden
Tabernacle courtyard pillars
Tabernacle boards
Jachin & Boaz - priest & king, guardian of doorway
Galatians 2:9

Triune name
My God (Father)
City (Spirit)
My Name (Son)

8. Listen to what has been written.



Creation: Day 7 - sabbath meal and throne

expulsion from the Garden (3:16)

nakedness and clothing
eyes need to see aright

History: Abomination era

Daniel 11
Revolt of Jason, then Meneleus
God brings in Antiochus Ephinanes to punish Jews
“Restoration" by Maccabees
Appointment of false high priests by Maccabees (Hasmoneans)
Split between the faithful and the Maccabees
No true Day of Atonement from then on

Revelation: Call to enter the new Jerusalem

marriage supper of the Lamb

throne of God

1. To the Angel write….

2. Final Amen, Present Witness, Firstborn of Creation.

3. I know sin: Lukewarmness - self-deception.

a. To be lukewarm is to think you are okay, but you are not (v. 17)

b. Genesis 8:22 -


- to be lukewarm is to be out of the covenant

therefore, out of the creation
therefore, to be expelled from the creation
Leviticus 18:28 – vomited out of the land
Jesus is the New Land
Jesus is the new cosmos, the new creation

4. Repent: buy gold, garments, eyesalve.

c. Eyesalve – garden

b. Garments – garden

a. Gold – authority / wealth / power = “knowledge of good and evil”

5. I will come for dinner.

Primary application: Lord's supper in Church (Marriage Supper of Lamb)
Secondary applications to us personally

6. Sit with Me on throne.

7. Listen to what has been written.



A. The Four

1. The Seven Letters (1-3)

a. Intro: Jesus (1)
b. The Seven Letters

2. The Seven Seals (4- 7)

a. Intro: Jesus (4-5)
b. The Seven Seals (8th letter)

3. The Seven Trumpets (8-14)

a. The Seven Trumpets (8-11)
b. After: Woman, Dragon & Beasts, Saints, Harvest (12-14)

4. The Seven Libation-Bowls 15-22)

a. The Seven Bowls (15-16)
b. After: Woman, Dragon & Beasts, Saints, City (17-22)

B. The Four and the Cities

1. Ephesus (Seven Cities)

a. Jesus Himself walking
b. False apostles, a literal description, reality in the churches

2. Smyrna (Seven Seals)

a. Jesus dead and resurrected (Rev. 5)
b. Saints waiting in prison (Rev. 6:9-11)

3. Pergamum (Seven Trumpets)

a. Satan's throne, Satan dwells (Rev. 12)
b. Faithful witness (Rev. 11)
c. Balak and Balaam (Rev. 13)
d. Sword of mouth = trumpet

4. Thyatira (Seven Libation Bowls)

a. Jezebel and her lovers (Rev. 16-18)
b. Rule over the nation (Rev. 20)
c. Morning star (Rev. 22: 16)

C. The Five
1. Call to Worship (Rev. 1)

2. Transition into the Kingdom (Rev. 2-5)

a. Repentance (Rev. 2-3) (Churches)
b. Follow Lamb to Throne (Rev. 4-5)

3. Proclamation of the Word (Rev. 6-14)

a. Book Opened (Rev. 6- 7) (Seals)
b. Book Proclaimed (Rev. 8-14) (Trumpets)

4. Sacramental Sealing (Rev. 15-19)

a. Judgment on those who falsely partake (Rev. 16-18) (Bowls)
b. Blessing on the faithful (Rev. 19)

5. Mission into the World (Rev. 19-22)

a. Sent forth (Rev. 19)
b. Millennium (Rev. 20)
c. The Kingdom (Rev. 21-22)

D. The Seven

1. Revelation 1: Jesus
The First Day
Light = Jesus
The Sabbath (Lev. 23)
Ephesus "Desirable"
Stars, lamps (light)
Revelation 1:14 - His head and his hair were like white wool
Jesus appears as the Ancient of Days

2. Revelation 2-3: The Churches

The Second Day
Firmament = Church
Passover (Lev. 23)
Smyrna “Myrrh”
death & resurrection
Revelation 1:14 - His eyes were like a flame of fire
Jesus inspects the seven churches

3. Revelation 4-5: The Lamb to the Throne

The Third Day
Land = throne
Sea = before throne
Plants (fruit & grain) = sacramental (worshipping) host
First-fruits (Lev. 23)
Pergamum "Fortress, Acropolis, High Place"
Satan's throne
High-priestly access to God's gifts (manna; stone)
Revelation 1:15 – His feet were like burnished bronze
Jesus' holy feet can/may travel to the Throne

4. Revelation 6-7: The Seals

The Fourth Day
Lights rule = book rules
Pentecost (Lev. 23)
Giving of law
As soon as Book opened, Pentecost happens (8:1-5)
Thyateira “Fragrance of Oppression” “Smoking Incense of Oppression”
(possible pun: "Fragrance of Tyre" [Jezebel])
Involvement with sacrifices to idols
Compare Pentecostal incense of 8:1-5)
Compare destructive oppression of the seals
Revelation 1:15 – His voice was like the sound of many waters
Jesus opens the Book

5. Revelation 8-14: The Trumpets

The Fifth Day
Swarms gather (to God)
Sea and firmament (Gentiles and Jews)
Trumpets (Lev. 23)
Summoning of all to God
Sardis “Sardonic, Scornful”
Wake up before you die, the message of the trumpets to all who hear
Revelation 1:16 - In His right hand He held seven stars
Sardis: Rev. 3:1
Stars are heavenly swarm

6. Revelation 15-19: The Bowls

The Sixth Day
Animals, Man, and Bride (Beast, Prophet, Harlot)
Man is sinner, must be judged
Day of Atonement (Lev. 23)
Judgment on the wicked; scapegoat sent away
Philadelphia “Loyal to the Brother”
Saints survive the "hour of testing on the whole world"
Revelation 19: saints march out behind Jesus
Revelation 1:16 -out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged sword
Seen in Rev. 19:15

7. Revelation 20-22: The Victory

The Seventh Day
God's sabbath rest
Feast of Tabernacles (Lev. 23)
a. Lev. 23:33-36, worship Yahweh (Rev. 20)
b. Lev. 23:39-43, dwell with Yahweh in tents (Rev. 21-22)
Laodikea “People Justice”
Laodiceans need to come to Jesus to get the accoutrements of rule
Revelation 20-22, the people rule with Jesus
Revelation 1:16 – His face was like the sun shining in its strength
The Lamb is the Lamp of the City, Rev. 21:23

E. The Seven of the Enemies

1. Death and Hades (6:8) (Fourth Seal)

- false human teachers
- false apostles of Ephesus

2. Satan (Rev. 12)

- synagogue motivated by their father the devil
- synagogue of Satan of Smyrna

3. Beast and False Prophet (Rev. 13)

- Gentile powers and Jewish accomplices
- Balak and Balaam of Pergamum

4. Harlot (Rev. 17)

4. Harlot judged (Rev. 17-18)
- Jerusalem
- Jezebel of Thyatira

5. Beast and False Prophet judged (Rev. 19:20)

- (implied) judgment on Sardis

6. Satan judged (Rev. 20:2&10)

- Satan bound is open door for Philadelphia

7. Death and Hades judged (Rev. 20:14)

- at the last judgment, all that is left to be dealt with is humanity
- Laodicea: make your peace with Jesus


Revelation 4 & 5
A. The Heavenly Temple (Rev. 4)

1. The Throne (Chariot)

Ezekiel 1 Eagle
Ox Chariot Lion

Ezekiel 10

Revelation 4

2. The Furniture Table

Throne Lamp Sea Altar
Heaven Earth

3. The Throne Replicated in the Furniture


Bull Lion

Lion Eagle



4. The Altar of Incense

Exodus 28 (revisited)

Reuben Ruby / Red Carnelian / Sardius red

Simeon Topaz yellow
Levi Emerald green

Judah Dark Jasper dark red

Dan Saphire blue
Naphtali Diamond clear

Gad Jacinth Hyacinth (light purple)

Asher Agate White & brown striped
Issachar Amethyst purple

Zebulun Turquoise greenish blue

Joseph Onyx black
Benjamin Jasper any color

Compare Revelation 7.

a. Throne as Jasper-Sardius

b. The Emerald Rainbow

Exodus 32

Numbers 2-3

Numbers 16-18

1 Chronicles 24-25

When was the incense offered?



5. The Lampstand

6. The Bronze Sea

2 Chronicles 6:13

Spirit between water and throne: Gen. 1:2

7. The Table of Facebread

8. Exposition

v. 1-2

the door

comparison to first "in Spirit" vision (from C. E. Douglas, New Light on the Revelation of St. John
the Divine, 1923) See next page.

vv. 3-5a

A. And He who was sitting was like a jasper stone and a sardius in appearance.

B. And there was a rainbow around the throne, like an emerald in appearance.

B’. .And around the throne were 24 thrones, and upon the thrones 24 elders sitting, clothed in white
garments and golden crowns on their heads.

A. .And from the throne proceed flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder .

1. He - God the Father

2. Jasper - clear, Rev. 2l:11

3. Sardius - red

4. Rainbow

A. Rev. 1:10 C. Rev. 17:3

B. Rev. 4:2 D. Rev. 21:10


A. “I was in the Spirit”. C. “He carried me away in the Spirit."
B. “I was in the Spirit”. D. “He carried me away in the Spirit."


A. “A great voice as of a trumpet.” C. “One of the seven angels who had the seven
B. “The first voice which I heard as of a trumpet”. bowls."
D. “One of the seven angels who had the seven
bowls who were laden with the seven last plagues."

A. Behind the seer. C. In a wilderness.
B. In front of the seer. D. On a mountain great and high.


A. A single Male figure in motion (2 ) with seven C. A single Female figure seated.
stars in his right hand. D. A single Female figure in motion".
B. A single Male figure seated with a book
having seven seals in his right hand.

A. On earth. C. On earth.
B. In heaven. D. From Heaven.

A. The seven lampstands, representing seven C. A dress of splendid materials, namely, gold,
ecclesiae. precious stones and pearls, besides purple and
B. (i) Seven Lamps representing “the seven scarlet fabrics.
Spirits of God,” i.e., the sum total of Divine activity in D. A dress (21 ) of splendid materials, namely,
things created. (ii) A Circle of twenty-four Elders. gold, precious stones and pearls. The only textile
mentioned, however, is fine linen (19 ), which the
harlot does not wear, though it is provided for her
(18 ).

A. A spoken message, which takes the form of C. A Spoken message in direct explanation of
the concentrated essence or O. T. prophecy, the seated woman and her future.
arranged in seven oracles conforming strictly to D. A visual message in direct development of the
an ordered plan. nature and function of the city.
B. A visual message, which takes the form of the
sum of O. T. vision mixed with elements from
another source, arranged in two series or seven
portents up to the proclamation or the Kingdom in
chapter II.

4. Rainbow

5. Emerald

6. 24 thrones

7. 24 elders

8. White garments

9. Golden crowns

10. Lightning

11. Voices, Ex. 19:16

John 12:29

12. These three are manifestation of Throne in heaven

Trumpets: Rev. 8:5 – Throne extends to earth as earthquake; cf. Acts 2:2,6; 4:31

Rev. 11:13

Bowls: Rev. 11:19 – Throne adds hailstones (anticipates

Rev. 16:18 – Throne, earthquake, hailstones (v. 21)

Jesus: Matt. 28:3 + Rev. 11:1-3



vv. 5b-6a

the Seven Spirits

lamps - still nighttime

sea of glass, like crystal

all creation clearly seen from Throne


pre-Pentecostal; Rev. 15:2

barrier between God and man

becomes enclosure of Church, Rev. 21:18,21

vv. 6b-8a

full of eyes

in front and behind, around and within

watch all creation from position in heaven

when visit earth, eyes id wheels, Ezk. 1:18; 10:2

correlate with eyes of the Spirit, Rev. 5: 6

eyes judge, eyelids try, the sons of men: work of cherubim

four creatures

in Ezekiel, four faces on each

like a lion

like a bull (calf not necessary young bull)

face of a man

in New Covenant, man-face supersedes animal faces

flying eagle

flying in mid-heaven important in Revelation

six wings

in Ezekiel, four wings



wings produce stars

Hymns of Response to the Throne

1. The Hymn of the Living Creatures (8b)

Praise of God as He is in Himself

2. The Response of the 24 Elders (9-11)

Praise of God as Creator

"thanks" becomes "power"

Additional note on the 24 elders:

The 24 archangels appear specifically in Revelation as follows:

1. The two strong angels of

a. 5:2, a priestly guardian.
b. 18:21 a kingly administrator.
2. The four corner angels of 7:1&2 and 9:14&15 (kingly administrators).
4. The seven trumpet angels.
5. The seven bowl angels, including:
a. The prophetic angel.
b. The water angel of 16:5.
c. The solar angel of 19:17.
6. The two herald angels of 14:8&9.
7. The calling angel of 14:15.
8. The reaping angel of 14:17&19.

The order:

5:2 Strong angel

7:1 Four corner angels
8:6 Seven Trumpet angels
14:8 Herald angel
14:9 Herald angel
14:15 Calling angel
14:17 Reaping angel
15:1 Seven Bowl angels
18:21 Strong angel

The pattern:

12 angels of the Book, the Word:

1 Strong angel, guards Book, 5:2

4 Corner angels, lead to Trumpets, 7:1-2, 9:14-15
7 Trumpet angels

12 angels of action, the Sacrament:

4 Harvest angels, lead to Bowls, 14:8-9,15,17

7 Bowl angels
1 Strong angel, destroys Babylon, 18:21



I. After these things I looked,

And behold, a door open in heaven,
And the first voice that I had heard,
Like of a trumpet speaking with me,
Saying, "Come up here,
And I shall show you what must take place after these things."


II. Immediately I was in Spirit.

1. And behold, a Throne was standing in heaven,

And on the Throne, One sitting.
And He who was sitting: like a jasper stone and a sardius in appearance.

2. And a rainbow around the Throne,

Like an emerald in appearance;

3. And around the Throne 24 thrones,

And upon the thrones 24 elders sitting,
Clothed in white garments,
And golden crowns on their heads.

4. And from the Throne proceed flashes of

and voices,
and thunders.

5. And seven lamps of fire burning before the Throne,

Which are the seven Spirits of God.

6. And before the Throne, as it were, a sea of glass like crystal;

7. And in the middle of the Throne,

And around the Throne:
Four living creatures,
Full of eyes in front and behind.
And the first creature, like a lion;
And the second creature, like a bull;
And the third creature having the face of a man;
And the fourth creature, like a flying eagle.
And the four living creatures,
Each one of them having six wings apiece,
Around and within are full of eyes.


III.l. And they have no rest day and night, saying:

"Holy, holy, holy,
The Lord God,
The Almighty,
Who was and who is and who Is to come."

2. And whenever the living creatures will give

and honor,
and thanks
To Him who sits on the throne
To Him who lives age after age.
The 24 elders will fall down
Before Him who sits on the throne,
And will worship Him who lives age after age.
And will cast their crowns before the throne, saying:
"Worthy are You,
Our Lord and our God,
To receive:
and honor,
and power;
For You created all things,
And because of Your will they existed,
And were created."


IV. And I saw upon the right hand of Him who sat on the Throne,
A Book written inside and on the back,
Sealed up with seven seals.


V. 1. And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice,

"Who is worthy to open the Book,
And to loose its seals?"

2. And no one in heaven,

Or on the land,
Or under the land,
Was able to open the Book,
Or to look into it.

3. And I was weeping greatly,

Because no one was found worthy to open the Book,
Or to look into it.

4. And one of the elders says to me:

"Stop weeping.
Behold the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah,
The Root of David,
Has overcome so as to open the Book,
and its seven seals."


VI. And I saw

In the midst of the Throne,
And of the four living creatures,
And in the midst of the elders,
A Lamb standing,
As if slain,
Having seven horns,
And seven eyes,
Which are the seven Spirits of God,
Sent out into all the land.

And He came,
And He took out or the right hand or Him who sat on the Throne.


VII.3 And when He took the Book,

The four living creatures,
And the 24 elders,
Fell down before the Lamb,
Having each one a lyre,
And golden bowls full of incense,
Which are the prayers of the holy ones.
And they sing a new song, saying:
"Worthy are You to take the Book,
And to open its seals,
For You were slain,
And purchased for God with Your blood from every
and tongue,
and people,
and nation.
And You have made them a kingdom,
And priests,
To our God,
And they reign upon the land."

4. And I looked,
And I heard the voice of many angels around the Throne,
And the living creatures,
And the elders;
And the number of them was myriads of myriads,
And thousands of thousands,
Saying with a loud voice:
"Worthy is the Lamb,
Who was slain,
To receive
the power
and riches
and wisdom
and strength
and honor
and glory
and blessing. "

5. And every created thing

that is in heaven,
and on the land,
and under the land,
and on the sea,
Even all things in them,
I heard saying:
"To Him who sits on the Throne,
And to the Lamb,
the blessing
and the honor
and the glory
and the dominion
Age after age."

6. And the four living creatures kept saying, "Amen!"

7. And the elders fell down and worshipped.


B. The Ascension (Rev. 5)

1. The Book (5:1)

sits on open hand: God offers, man rejects

scroll written on both sides

seven seals

2. Lamentations of Response to the Book (5:2-5)

strong angel guards the Book

no one able

in heaven

on the land

under the land

response of the Saints: lamentation

the Messiah

how He overcame, and how we should

3. The Lamb (5:6-7)

Throne - He has the authority of the Throne

living creatures - the Revelation is four-fold implementation of Throne

elders - He sends the 24 archangels to implement His rule

standing - resurrected

as if slain - slain, but now standing, still bearing marks of wounds

seven horns - fullness of power

seven eyes - Holy Spirit

sent forth, especially at Pentecost

came - yet already there



4. Hymns of Response to the Lamb (5:8-14)

3. The Hymn of the Creatures and Elders (5:8-10)

all worship together

elders have lyres, the instrument of the Temple, established by David

elders have bowls of incense

new song - redemption

purchase with blood - Passover, creates new firstborn priesthood

tribe and tongue – Jew and Gentile

kingdom and priests

4. The Hymn of the Angels (5:11-12)

loud voice - how we should praise

sevenfold aspects of one ascription

this list bears a relationship to the seven attributes of Christ in 1:14-16

5. The Hymn of Al1 Creation (5:13)

four aspects of creation

compare the triple ascription to God

four ascriptions to God and the Lamb

6. The Amen of the Creatures (5: 14a)

7. The Response of the Elders (5:14b)



Revelation 6 & 7: The Seven Seals

I. The Contents of the Book: Judgment on the Old Creation

The Three Heavenly Books:

A. The Book of Destiny

Psalm 139:16

Jude 4

B. The Book of Life

Exodus 32:32-33

Psalm 69:28

Psalm 87:6

Isaiah 4:3

Daniel 12:1

Luke 10:20

Philippians 4:3

Hebrews 12:23

Revelation 3:5

Revelation 13:8; 17:8

Revelation 20:12,15

Revelation 21:27

C. The Book of Judgment

Revelation 20:12

Daniel 7:10-14

Isaiah 65:6

Psalm 51:1,9

Colossians 2:14

D. Formation of the Book of Judgment

Heaven and earth as witnesses

Deuteronomy 4:26; 30:19; 31:28; 32:1

Heaven as witness

Job 16:19

Earth as witness

Genesis 31:48,52

Joshua 22:27-28

Joshua 24:27

Tablets of Stone

Song of the Covenant as witness

Deuteronomy 31:19,21

The Covenant as witness

Deuteronomy 31:26

II. The Nature of the Seals

A. Restrain judgment until the proper time.

Romans 3:25

Acts 17:30

B. Judgment = reflex of blessing; seals also withheld blessing, the kingdom.

III. Seals as Pictures (See next page.)



IV. Overview of the Seals

1. White horse - Christ could not be crowned or ride forth to conquer

2. Red horse - The wicked world was at peace; the gospel could not trouble it

3. Black horse - The wicked prospered; the righteous suffered.

4. Green horse - The wicked lived.

5. Saints under the altar - The saints were not vindicated.

6. The Day of Wrath - could not come.

7. Silence in heaven - This is how long the wait is, from God's perspective.

V. The Seals and Genesis 1

1. Withhold and display the judgment upon the Old Creation.

2. Follow the 4+3, earth + heaven pattern

Day 1 - the Throne - light - white - Lion - (Father)

Day 2 - the firmament - altar - fiery red - Ox - (Spirit)

Day 3 - bread, wine, oil plants - Humanity - (Daughter)

Day 4 - heavenly governors - death & underworld - Eagle - (Son)

Day 5 - swarms and hosts - host of saints wait - Spirit

Day 6 - humanity - judged and sealed - son

Day 7 - sabbath - silence before God - Father



VI. The Seals as Pentecost

A. The Giving of the Law // Opening the Book. Initial giving of the covenant // final end of the

B. Waving of two loaves, representing the formed covenant people; now judged (6:6).

VII. Where Judgment Begins

- Covenant made centrally with Israel, nation of priests; extended to gentiles.

- Thus, judgment begins with the Land.

VIII. Exposition

Riders = Christ; horses = church in her mission

A. The White Horse Rider (6:1-2)

1. Called by the Lion: rule.

voice of thunder = God the Father, John 12:28-29.

2. White is color of Diamond, Naphtali.

a. Naphtali is the Church in her purity

b. Naphtali's sign is Virgo, the Virgin

Deuteronomy 33:23

Luke 1:28

c. Naphtali is a doe set loose, Genesis 49:21

Judges 4:6

Judges 5:24

d. Saints given white stone, 2:17

e. Saints are pure virgins, 14:4

f. Bride-City is Jasper, clear as glass, 21:11,18

3. Christ rides to conquer

a. Therefore, the church also conquers

b. We are not called just to bear impotent witness


4. Christ carries a bow

a. The Greater Jonathan

b. The Noahic covenant undone, Genesis 9:13

c. The Archer is the sign of Gad

Genesis 49:19

Deuteronomy 33:20-21

B. The Red Horse Rider (6:3-4)

1. Called by the Bull: sacrifice and fire on altar.

2. Red is the color of Sardius, Reuben; and Carbuncle, Judah.

a. Sardius is 'edom.

b. Red horses in Zechariah 1:8 & 6:2 is 'adam.

c. "Man” is 'adam.

d. Man is made of 'adamah, soil.

e. Peace is removed from the land.

f. Reuben's sign is the Man Pouring Water.

g. Judah, Reuben's replacement, led in the conquest of Canaan.

h. Judah's sign is the Lion.

3. Christ rides to remove peace and bring war.

a. Conquest of Canaan.

b. In the gospels: a sword to pit father against son, etc.

c. Christianity always brings initial distress and conflict.

4. Christ carries a great sword: the Word.



C. The Black Horse Rider (6:5-6).

1. Called by the Man: Food for the Bride.

2. Black is the color of Onyx, Joseph.

a. Joseph replaced baker and cupbearer.

b. As baker, he fed the world, during a famine.

c. As cupbearer, he advised Pharaoh.

3. Christ rides to bring partial famine, judging the Bride.

a. The judgments are against the sacraments of the altar.

b. Good wheat and common barley are judged.

- bread represents humanity as such.

c. Wine and oil are untouched, at the command of the Father.

- oil represents the Spirit, and is always put with the bread offered to God.

- wine represents kingship and rule, associated with the Father.

d. Thus, the wicked are judged, while the saints are preserved.

4. Christ carries scales.

a. Scales would be used to measure wheat and barley.

b. The Scales are the sign of Asher.

- Asher enjoys good food, Genesis 49:20.

- Asher is blessed with oil, Deuteronomy 33:24.

5. The Church removes old bread, and brings oil to quicken new bread, and wine for rule
and prosperity.

- This follows the conflict that Christianity first brings.

6. Famine of bread forced Hebrews to go to Joseph and the gentiles.

7. Famine forced Elijah to go to gentile woman.

8. Here, famine is against the altar: no bread for altar worship, tough tantalizingly oil and
wine are still plentiful.

9. Must go to Greater Joseph, the Son of Joseph (Luke 4) to obtain bread.


D. The Green Horse Rider (6:7-8).

1. Called by the Eagle: Judgment.

- Eagles pick out the eyes and feast on the carcasses.

2. Green is the color of Emerald, Levi.

1. Levi was stationed around the Tabernacle and Temple to kill would-be

2. They got this job by killing 3000 idolaters in Exodus 32.

3. Phinehas is the greatest Levite, Numbers 25.

4. Samuel hacked Agag to pieces, 1 Samuel 15:33.

5. The green horse administers Levitical punishment to unfaithful Jews, who

professed to serve Yahweh, but did not.

3. Christ is named “Death,” for He is the Great Levite.

4. Hades, the place of the dead, follows Him.

5. Only a fourth of the Land is destroyed. This provides hope for the rest.

6. Real death.

a. Previous judgments were symbolic:

- war between families because of the sword of the Word.

- "famine" of sacramental acceptance.

b. These judgments are literal, and four-fold, and in reverse order:

White horse "lion conquering and killing"

Red horse "war and death"
Black horse "famine"
Green horse "death"
Wild beasts

Additional Note: Stones and Signs of the Tribes. Stones are in "birth order." Signs are in adjusted position
of tribes around Tabernacle. See Jordan, Behind the Scenes: Orientation in the Book of Revelation.

Reuben Ruby/Red Camelian/Sardius Man Pouring Water

Simeon Topaz Goat
Levi Emerald Circumpolar Signs

Judah Dark Jasper Lion

Dan Sapphire Scorpion/Eagle
Naphtali Diamond Virgin

Gad Jacinth Archer

Asher Agate Scales
Issachar Amethyst Crab

Zebulun Turquoise Twins

Joseph Onyx Ephraim: Bull
Manasseh: Lamb
Benjamin Jasper Fish

Star Chart

Eagle Scales Virgin

Dan Asher Naphtali
Fish Two Heroes
Benjamin Merari

Eagle Dragon
Beheader Lion Crab
& King Dragon Issachar
Gershon Throne
Lamb Two
Manassah Bull Bears
Dragon Aaron

Man Dragon

Swan & Winged Horse

Archer Goat Man

Gad Simeon Reuben


E. The Souls Under the Altar

1. Their situation: In Abraham's bosom.

2. Given white robe: made angels at Ascension.

4:4 - angelic garb: priests but not kings yet.

19:8,14; 20:4 - receive rule at beginning of millennium.

7:9,13-17 - what the seals have restrained. What John sees does not come into being
until the millennium.

Hebrews 11:40.

3. Under the Altar:

a. Because this is blood, must be the outer altar.

b. Leviticus 17:11.

c. Altar is Ezekiel 43:13-17.

d. Saints are parallel to innocent animals whose blood fills the gutter on the ground
around the Altar.

(1.) Abel slain near altar.

(2.) Zechariah slain near altar (Matthew 23:35; 2 Chron. 24:21)

e. The seven-fold sprinkled blood of the Sin Offering parallels the blood of the
saints, and is poured back on Jerusalem in seven bowls.

4. The Divine Avenger:

a. The Kinsman

b. The Psalms

5. History's Pattern:

From evangelism
to conflict
to suffering
to prayers for vengeance and relief
to the destruction of the wicked.


F. The Sixth Seal

.Part 1: The End of the Old Creation Begins (6: 12-17)

1. The Cosmos Unravels

1. Earthquake - stability of land removed

2. Sun -black (eclipse); sackcloth (death; mourning)

3. Moon -red (eclipse); blood (death of martyrs visible in sky before God)

4. Stars - rulers fall; fig tree = Israel; wind = coming of God

5. Firmament - no barrier between God and man; covenant-scroll rent

6. Mountains & Islands -Israel and Gentiles moved from dominion



2. Israel's Day of the Lord Arrives:

1. Kings of the Land (priests)

2. Great men (Rulers; Sanhedrin?)
3. Chiliarchs (Elders Over Thousands)
4. Rich
5. Strong
6. Slave
7. Free

3. Idolatrous Hope of the Wicked:

Al. Hid themselves among the caves

A2. And they said to the mountains
B2. And to the rocks:
B3. "Fall on us,
A3. "And hide us,
A4. "From the Face of Him who sits on the throne,
B4. " And from the wrath of the Lamb.
A5. " And who is able to stand?"

A. Caves of the mountains implored to hide them from the face of God, before which all men must fail.
- not given the protection provided Moses and Elijah.

B. Rocks implored to fall on them, rather than they experience the wrath of the Lamb in the Day of wrath.
- prefer to be stoned than face Christ

Part 2: Judgment Halted While the Elect Are Sealed (7: 1-8)

1. Judgment halted

- four corners - a1tar-mountain top

- four winds - saint-army

- cosmos:
land - Israel
sea - Gentiles
tree (6:13 - sky) - Demonic host

- note: this is the Restrainer of 2 Thessalonians 2:6.



2. The Sealing

- forehead

- high priest

- Ezekiel 9

- number: only Israel numbered, not mixed multitude

- not literal

- myth of the "ten lost tribes"

- the Sealer


3. The Sealed:

a. The tribes listed.


b. Given the quadrilateral orientation in Revelation, perhaps four groups of threes. So, we try it
and see if anything meaningful results.

Reuben - Red - Red Horseman - Ox

Naphtali - White - White Horseman - Lion

Levi - Green - Green Horseman – Eagle

Joseph - Black - Black Horseman - Man

c. With 12,000 in each tribe, and given that Revelation is about the Great War , we are entitled
to set out the list as a war camp, analogous to Numbers 2. Reading clockwise in each

Bread & Wine Table

Black Stone/Horse
Man Face
Zebulun Joseph Benjamin
Manasseh Judah
Throne | White Stone/Horse | Lion Face | Naphtali Reuben | Ox Face | Red Stone/Horse | Altar
Asher Gad
Issachar Levi Simeon
Eagle Face
Green Stone/Horse

d. There is a parallel between the four horsemen, the four winds of heaven (the saints), and the
four companies of Israel.

As these are armies of praise and petition, they face inward.

The order of praise is not the order of evangelism and conquest. Thus, ox precedes
lion, and eagle precedes man. This is the order of history also.

The Ox Host - red horse

Judah carbuncle Lion Praise

Reuben sardius Man See, a Son
Gad hyacinth Archer Good Fortune

Altar comes first. This is the Mosaic period: conquest and occupation. .
Lion and Archer are only warriors in zodiac.
Judah is named first; leads in war and praise. Judah is ruler.
Reuben is named unstable by Jacob. Moses says, "may Reuben live and not die, and may his men
not be few, " both references to military might.
Gad is a raider (Jacob), and a lion, ruler, leader (Moses).

The Lion Host - white horse

Asher agate Scales Happiness

Naphtali diamond Virgin Wrestling
Manasseh sapphire (from Dan) Lamb Forget Trouble

Throne comes second. Bride on throne here. Lioness. This is the Kingdom period: peace and
Wrestling (conquest) leads to happiness as troubles are forgotten.
Conquest: In Revelation, the Lamb (Manasseh) has overcome (5:5ff.)
Asher has royal food (Jacob), and is favored with oil and walks leisurely (Moses): so is the Christian
conquest of the world, for time is on our side.
Naphtali is a doe set loose who gives beautiful words (the means of conquest) (Jacob). He is blessed
by God and conquers south and sea (Moses).
Manasseh inherits Dan's place. Jacob says Dan will judge and be a serpent to his enemies. Important
because the Saint-army in the 6th Trumpet has serpent tails. Moses does not bless Dan. Moses
says Joseph will push with ox-horns, and drive the heathen to the ends of the earth.

The Eagle Host - green horse

Simeon topaz Goat Heard

Levi emerald Eagle (from Dan) Attached
Issachar amethyst Crab Wages

Lampstand comes third. This is the Cosmopolitan period: witness to the heathen.
God hears the cry of the saints, because He is attached to them, and He gives the wicked their
Goats, eagles, and crabs are scavengers; eat the dead bodies of the wicked after the batt1e.
Jacob denounces Simeon and Levi. Moses says nothing about Simeon.

Moses blesses Levi for killing the wicked, and says that his incense will cause God to destroy his
enemies. Note that the rising incense in Revelation calls forth judgment upon the wicked.
Jacob says that Issachar is a willing laborer, who makes himself virtually into a slave in his hard
work. Moses says that Issachar will draw the heathen to God from the "sea. " This will offer
sacrifices, instead of being killed.

The Man Host - black horse

Zebulun turquoise Twins Honor

Joseph onyx Bull Added
Benjamin jasper Fish Son of the Right Hand
Table of Bread (and Wine) comes last. This is the New Creation.
God adds honor to the sons of His right hand.
The Twins, like the Fish, are associated with the sea (Acts 28: 11). The Bull is associated with the
Jacob and Moses say Zebulun will locate at the seashore and be a safe-haven for the gentiles and
their ships.
Jacob and Moses say Joseph is a fruitful bough, giving much food, and blessed by God.
Jacob says Benjamin is a hungry wolf, devouring prey and dividing spoil (reverse, so to speak, of
Joseph). Moses says God gives security to Benjamin and carries him on His shoulders, like a
baby or a lamb.


Part 3: The Worship of the Innumerable Multitude

1. The Multitude

- same or different from the 144,000?

- cannot be numbered
- tongues
- therefore, the "mixed multitude" of gentile converts

2. Their Position

- before the Throne and the Lamb - what will be when the restraint is lifted in AD 70.

- white robes (6:11), no crowns seen yet

- palms: Feast of Tabernacles

- they lead in worship (7:10-11)

- the angels standing around the Throne are specified as elders and living creatures.

3. Their Acclamation


Hosan-nah (“Save, we prithee!”) John 12:13

Now the salvation has been accomplished; God is praised for it.

Angelic response: lyres tuned anew?

5:12 5:12 upward in 7:12 21:8 21:8 upwards 22:15

fifths in fifths

Power Blessing Blessing Cowardly Abominable dogs

Riches Wisdom Glory Untrustworthy Sorcerers Sorcerers
Wisdom Glory Wisdom Abominable Untrustworthy
Might Riches Thanksgiving Murderers Immoral Immoral
Honor Honor Honor Immoral Cowardly
Glory Power Power Sorcerers Murderers Murderers
Blessing Might Might Idolaters Idolaters Idolaters

All liars All liars All liars

a. The human voice naturally rises a fifth from a low note, or drops a fourth from a high note.
Thus, one tunes upward in fifths from the last note in the list.

b. It seems that under human direction, the angels re-tune their lyres in fifths.

c. The list of those excluded from God's kingdom is re-tuned and abridged after the revelation of
the holy city.

d. "Riches" is changed to "thanksgiving," possibly because God's riches, restrained by the seals,
have now been poured out, and thanks is given for them.

e. This type of thinking almost certainly lies behind the order of the weekdays:

Distance from Earth: Tuned in fifths: Germanic equivalents:

Moon Moon Moon's day

Mercury Mars Tir's day
Venus Mercury Wotan’s day
Sun Jupiter Thor's day
Mars Venus Freia's day
Jupiter Saturn Saturn's day
Saturn Sun Sun's day

1.) Mercury was originally considered closer to Earth because its faster motion put in on a
lower sphere.

2.) Tuning is from the earth upwards, by fifths.

f. Let us now put the original ascription next to the qualities of the original creation days:

power - light (from throne)

riches - firmament (altar)
wisdom - bread and wine plants (table)
might - astral rulers (lampstand)
honor - swarms (incense)
glory - humanity (priest) )
blessing -sabbath

g. If we tune this list, we get:

blessing - sabbath
wisdom - bread and wine plants (table)
glory - humanity (priest)
riches - firmament (altar)
honor - swarms (incense)
power - light (throne)
might - astral rulers

h. This list won't work, because the priest-Son must die and be resurrected to create the bread and
wine Bride of the table. Thus, the revised list will be:

blessing - sabbath (all is finished)

glory - Christ as priest
wisdom - Church as table
thanksgiving - firmament barrier removed and riches given
honor - prayer
power - rule
might - the Son is the lamp in the holy city

i. We could go farther and consider these relations in connection with the seven qualities of Christ
in Revelation 1, the seven cities, the seven sections of Revelation, and other places where the
seven days of creation are in the background. But we won't.

4. Their Privileges

a. The angel expects John (and us) to know who they are.

b. The Great Tribulation

Revelation 6:12-17

Matthew 24:15-29

Daniel 12:1


1). Tribulation is the destruction of Jerusalem.

2). Tribulation is the persecution of the saints.

c. They enjoy the new creation:

Day 1: "before the Throne" "serve day and night"

Day 2: "spread His tabernacle over them"

Day 3: "hunger and thirst no more"

Day 4: "neither shall the sun fall down on them"

Day 5: "Lamb in the center" of the cloud

Day 6: "springs of the water of life"

Day 7: "God will wipe away all tears"



G. The Seventh Seal

A. Silence in heaven: Singing stops

1. So that the Trumpets can be heard.

2. Therefore, so that the contents of the Book can be heard.

3. So that God is heard:

Habakkuk 2:19-20

Zephaniah 1:7

Zechariah 2:13

4. So that the prayers (incense) of the saints can be heard:

2 Chronicles 29:25-29

Revelation 6:11

Revelation 9: 17

B. For a half hour:

1. About the length of time of the incense offering (?).

2. Precursor to the Trumpets, or whole Trumpets period?

3. Why are we told this? Seems to be half of an Hour.

C. "Hours" in Revelation:

1. The hour of the ten Roman rulers, from Julius Caesar to AD 70, 17:12; about 105 years.

2. The hour of the whole witness of the First fruits Church, 9:15; almost 40 years.

3. The hour of testing, 3:10, = ten days, 2:10; the last few of the 40 years.

4a. The hour Christ comes to judge, 3:3, 14:7.

4b. The hour of Jerusalem's destruction, 18:10,17,19.

D. So, why do the Trumpets last only half an hour? My guess is that the Bowls are the other half hour.
Revelation 15.

E. Seven angels given seven trumpets: Breaking of seventh seal opens the Book.

1. Book is the 8th Letter.

2. Has same structure as other 7 letters:


a. Address: To the angel of the church at X write....

Book is given to Jesus, the Supreme Angel

b. Revelation of Christ as Measure

Jesus as Lamb/Lion

c. Statement that Christ knows their works

Lamb has seven eyes

d. Praise and/or criticism

Judgments of seals and trumpets

e. Commands regarding what must be done

Saints sent forth to evangelize

f. Promise to come soon and set things right

Judgments of bowls

g. Exhortation to listen

Warning to read Revelation and not to add to it

h. Promise of reward to overcomers

The New Jerusalem



Revelation 8-11: The Seven Trumpets

Initiation of the Trumpets: 8:3-5

Another Angel = Jesus

Altar = Altar of Incense

Golden censer -

Revelation 5: 8 - angels have bowls of incense prayers

Leviticus 16:11-14 - censer carries Aaron's prayers

Leviticus 16:15 - (implied) censer carries peoples' prayers

Revelation 8:3 - golden censer carries Jesus' prayers

Added to prayers - probably Revelation 6:9-10

Incense goes up to God - Spirit sent in response

Fire of the altar - the glory cloud of God, manifestation of the Spirit

Censer filled with fire - Jesus receives the Spirit

Sent to the Land - Pentecost

Fourfold manifestation
- extends Throne to earth (Revelation 4:5)
- Sinai manifestations: Law given on first Pentecost

Overview of the Trumpets

1. Against the Land (Jews)
2. Against the Sea (Gentiles)
3. Against the Springs (Priests)
4. Against the Stars (Kings)
5. Demonic host released (Principalities and Powers)
6. Heavenly host released (Church)
a. The Incense Army
b. John's Witness
c. The Two Witnesses
7. Christ is King; Satan cast down


First Trumpet
1. Against the Land.

2. Hail and fire.

- Israel is now Egypt, Exodus 9:13-35

- Israel is now David's enemy, Psalm 18:7-15

- Hail: collapse of firmament, exposure to God’s Face?

- Fire: Holy Spirit

- Therefore, judgment (as always) double-edged

3. Mixed with blood.

- Whose? probably saints', analogous to first plague against Egypt

- Blood of martyrs has called for this judgment.

- Collected in heaven, now poured out so that it can call for vengeance.

4. Land, trees, grass.

- comes only after saints are sealed (7:3)

- 1/3 of Land = judgment on Jews.

- 1/3 of trees and grass = suffering also on saints (9:4)

- as in the first three plagues on Egypt

Second Trumpet
1. Against the Sea

2. Mountain burning with fire = altar (gospel)

3. 1/3 of sea becomes blood = gentile martyrs follow gospel; sea is sacrificed

4. 1/3 of sea creatures and ships = judgment on gentiles (people and cultures)

LECTURE #046 – TRUMPETS 3 & 4 – REVELATION 8:10-12

Third Trumpet
1. Against the Sanctuary (rivers/springs of Eden)

2. Star = pastor, church ruler, angel (1:20)

- Satan or Holy Spirit

- fire is from altar (8:5)

- Compare 9:1 and 1:18 & 20:1

3. Wormwood = bitter and poisonous

- Exodus 15:22-26 reversed

- Jeremiah 9:15; 23:15

- Gospel as savor of death

Fourth Trumpet
1. Against the Rulers (sun, moon, stars)

2. Old Creation lights begin to dim; after AD 70, Christ is Light of the City

Summary of First Four Trumpets

1. Lion, throne - Jews as center of world
2. Ox, altar - Mountain cast into Sea
3. Man, table - Bitter (food and) drink for priests
4. Eagle, lampstand - Lights darkened

Day 1 - earth without form and empty

Day 2 - waters below the firmament ruined
Day 3 - dry land ruined by bitter water
Day 4 - heavenly lights darkened

Three Woes
1. Announced by eagle (part of fourth trumpet).

2. Eagle in mid-heaven (firmament); devours enemies in 19:17.

3. Invert three blessings of Genesis 1.

a. 5th day: God blesses swarms; here swarms bring curse.

b. 6th day: God blesses men; here men bring curses to men.

c. 7th day: God blesses sabbath; here the sabbath is destruction.

4. Judgments against those on the land.



Fifth Trumpet (9:1-11)

Preliminary: Joel 1-2

1. The Star from heaven:

a. Had already fallen to the land, therefore Wormwood, 8:10.

b. Is now given the key, cp. 1:18 & 20:1

c. Therefore, given the key by Jesus.

d. Therefore, Satan (correct earlier comments on Wormwood).



2. The smoke of the abyss:

a. Image of fire and brimstone burning in furnace: lake of fire.

b. Anti-incense of hell arising.

c. Counterfeit glory-cloud of demonic locusts.

d. Antithesis of the heavenly court of Revelation 4-5.

e. Sun and air darkened: 9th Egyptian plague; cp. Joel 2:10.

3. Locust-scorpions:

a. 8th Egyptian plague.

b. Joel: Assyrian army.

c. Ezekiel 2:6.

4. Grass, green things, trees spared.

a. God's people set apart for last 7 Egyptian plagues (cp. 7:3; 8:7).

b. Only “Egyptians" affected (11:8).

5-6. Five months of seeking death:

a. Suffering as preparation for gospel (6th trumpet).

b. Genesis 7:24, duration of flood; cop. Gen. 7:11; 8:2.

c. Period from Pentecost to Trumpets, which is a1so the dry season when locusts might

7-9. Description:

A. Like horses prepared for battle

B. Crowns like gold on their heads
C. Faces like faces of men
D. Hair like hair of women
C' Teeth like teeth of lions
B' Breastplates like breastplates of iron
A' Sound of wings like sound of chariots and horses rushing to battle

a. Compare the description of angels and cherubim in Revelation and Ezekiel:

(1) The demons are "like" the things they resemble, while the good angels actually
have golden crowns, animal faces, etc.

(2) "Like horses," contrast the army of the saints, cp. Joel 2:4.

(3) "Like golden crowns," contrast crowns on angels' heads in Revelation 4-5.

(4) "Like men, like lions," contrast cherubim in Revelation 4-5, cp. Joel 1:6; 2:5.

(5) "Like women's hair," contrast Nazirite warriors of Revelation 14:4.

(6) "Like breastplates of iron," contrast 9:17, cp. Joel 2:5.

(7) "Like sound of chariots in wings," contrast Ezekiel 1:24; cp. Joel 2:5.

b. Chiasm brings out quality of demonic army:

(1) An army
(2) Equipped for rule and battle
(3) Ruling and advancing
(4) Dedicated soldiers

10. Power in the tail:

a. Power in the mouth seems to be positive, evangelistic.

b. So power in the tail seems to be negative, destructive.

11. Their king:

a. The Angel of the Abyss: temporary ruler of Torments.

b. Hebrew: Abaddon: "destruction.”

c. Greek: Apollyon: "destroyer."

d. Both languages of the Restoration Covenant used.

- Summary:

a. Demonic host was held back from directly afflicting Israel during Old Creation.
b. Demonic host allowed to afflict Israel in days of Jesus, to oppose Jesus.
c. Demonic host set free at Pentecost:
- mystery of Kingdom, Spirit sent down
- mystery of Iniquity, Satan sent down
d. Demonic host once again restrained in ad 70, dawn of millennium.

- Chiasm of the Fifth Trumpet:

A. Satan releases demons, 9:1-4

B. Scorpion power for five months, 9:5-6
C. Like horses prepared for battle, 9:7a
D. Crowns like gold on their heads, 9:7b
E. Faces like faces of men, 9:7c
F. Hair like hair of women, 9:8a
E' Teeth like teeth of lions, 9:8b
D' Breastplates like breastplates of iron. 9:9a
C' Sound of wings like sound of chariots and horses rushing to battle, 9:9b
B' Scorpion power for five months, 9:10
A’ Satan as ruler, 9:11


Sixth Trumpet (9:13 - 11:14)

Part I: The Saint Army (9:13-21)

- Simultaneous with the demonic army

- Grants the death desired by those afflicted by the demons

13. The Voice from the Golden Altar

a. Jesus, 8.3

b. Events that follow are from Pentecost, 8:4-5

14. The Four Bound Angels

a. From 7:1, command the "four winds," the saints.

b. Euphrates: boundary of the Holy Land.

c. God's army crosses it (16: 12) to invade Canaan.

15. Direct the “killing” of men

a. Evangelism, though gospel is also savor of death.

b. The afflicted took for "death.

16. God's army

a. Two myriads of myriads, Psalm 68:17.

b. Formed in Revelation 7? No, not same number.

c. Angelic. Horses are the saints, the church.

17. Description

a. Not "like," but reality. Righteous, not demonic.

b. Breastplates (on horses as well as angels?):

- fire: God’s fire of Pentecost.

- hyacinth; the smoky color of the priestly ,garments.

- hyacinth: the stone of Gad.

- Gad is Archer, White horse rider, conqueror.

- Gad is a lion, Deuteronomy 33:20-21.


- hyacinth (leshem in Hebrew) related to word for “old lion” (layish).

- brimstone: gospel as savor of death to some.

c. Horse-heads like lions

- remind of Gad and Judah

d. Mouths breath forth same as breastplates:

- fire, Revelation 11:5

- smoke, incense.

- brimstone.

18. One-third "killed"

- the rest did not repent.

- therefore, these are killed by conversion.

- they are killed by ministry of the horses' mouths:

gospel fire
incense prayer
brimstone threats

19. Power of the Church

- heads: gospel witness

- tail: judgments and destruction (cp. Ananias & Sapphira, Simon Magus, etc.)

20-21. Impenitence of the Unconverted

- reference is to the Jews, for Canaan is being invaded.

- work of hands = worship of demons = worship of idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone, and
wood = the Temple

- murders = killing of the saints, Stephen and the saints under the altar , all those from Abel
to Zechariah

- sorceries = false religion of Jerusalem, 18:23

- immorality = whoredom of Jerusalem, 17:2,5.

- thefts = Revelation 13;17, and Matthew 23:14, etc.

- Summary:

a. Under angelic guidance, the horses of the Church ministered in the first- fruits era.

b. The ministry consisted of proclamation of the kingdom, warnings of hell, and prayer.

c. Death-deliverance by conversion was granted to many oppressed by demons during this





Excursus: Ezekiel and Revelation

I. Ezekiel:
A. The Archetype: Glory Cloud & commissioning of Ezekiel, ch. 1-3.

B. Judgment on and scattering of Jerusalem, ch. 4-5.

C. Dry bones on the mountains, ch. 6- 7.

D. Vision of Jerusalem's destruction, ch. 8-11.

E. Oracles against Israel, ch. 12-24.

E'. Oracles against the nations, ch. 25-32.

1. Ammon
2. Moab
3. Edom
4. Philistia
5. Tyre (7 oracles, ch. 26-28)
6. Sidon
7. Egypt (7 oracles, ch. 29-32)

D'. Vision of Israel’s renewal, ch. 33-35.

C’. Dry bones on the mountains live, ch. 36-37.

B’. Vindication of Jerusalem against Gog, ch. 38-39.

A'. The Ectype: The Visionary Altar, Temple, City, Land.

a. Courts, walls, gates, guards, doors, ch. 40-41.

b. Chambers, ch. 42.

c. Yahweh’s return; altar-hearth 1it, ch. 43.

d. Priest-servants, dwellings, maintenance, work, ch. 44-40.

c'. Cleansing outflow of reestablished worship, ch. 47.

b'. Division of the land, ch.47b-48a.

a'. Gates of the city, ch. 48b.



Excursus: Ezekiel and Revelation (Continued)

I. Ezekiel:

A. The Archetype: Glory Cloud & commissioning of Ezekiel, ch. 1-3.

B. Judgment on and scattering of Jerusalem, ch. 4-5.

C. Dry bones on the mountains, ch. 6- 7.

D. Vision of Jerusalem's destruction, ch. 8-11.

E. Oracles against Israel, ch. 12-24.

E' Oracles against the nations, ch. 25-32.

1. Ammon
2. Moab
3. Edom
4. Philistia
5. Tyre (7 oracles, ch. 26-28)
6. Sidon
7. Egypt (7 oracles, ch. 29-32)

D' Vision of Israel’s renewal, ch. 33-35.

C’ Dry bones on the mountains live, ch. 36-37.

B’ Vindication of Jerusalem against Gog, ch. 38-39.

A' The Ectype: The Visionary Altar, Temple, City, Land.

a. Courts, walls, gates, guards, doors, ch. 40-41.

b. Chambers, ch. 42.

c. Yahweh’s return; altar-hearth 1it, ch. 43.

d. Priest-servants, dwellings, maintenance, work, ch. 44-40.

c'. Cleansing outflow of reestablished worship, ch. 47.

b'. Division of the land, ch.47b-48a.

a'. Gates of the city, ch. 48b.


II. Ezekiel & Revelation:

A. The Archetype

Glory Cloud Son of Man

B. The Commission

Ezekiel: Son of Man John

C. The Addressees

The Exiles The Seven Churches

D. The Message: Don't look back to Old Jerusalem, but forward to New Jerusalem

E. The Examples:

Jerusalem and the Nations Babylon and the Beast

F. The Victory:

Return to the Land The Millennium

G. The Final Conflict:

Gog & Magog (Esther) Gog & Magog (Satan loosed)

H. The Ectype:

The Restoration Temple & Land The New Jerusalem



Excursus: Zechariah's Night Visions

A. Vision 1: Zech. 1:7-17- sunset/rainbow colored horses; the host of Yahweh of hosts. The Four Winds of
Heaven ready but not yet moving out.

B. Vision 2: Zech. 1:18-21- altars, true and false. False Babylonish altar scattered Israel, as at

C. Vision 3: Zech. 2 -God dwells in their midst. Spiritual Jerusalem is spread wherever
God's people are spread as the Four Winds of Heaven, but they must flee spiritual Babylon,
though they remain among the nations as witnesses.

D. Vision 4: Zech. 3 -Priest restored: the head of the nation. Passover.


D'. Vision 5. Zech. 4- Temple (people) restored; messianic anointing power flows out
from the two prophets.

C'. Vision 6. Zech. 5: 1-4 -God's judgment dwells in their midst, destroying with house
leprosy those who follow the principles of spiritual Babylon: false worship and theft. Jesus
pronounced this of the Temple in His day, identifying Jewry with spiritual Babylon.

B'. Vision 7. Zech. 5:5-11- Temples true and false. Erection of true worship will visibly separate
spiritual Babylon from spiritual Jerusalem.

A'. Vision 8. Zech. 6: 1-8 -sunrise/rainbow colored horses, the Four Winds of Heaven, now ready to move
out in a mission of conquest/conversion.



Excursus: Zechariah's Night Visions (Continued)

A. Vision 1: Zech. 1:7-17- sunset/rainbow colored horses; the host of Yahweh of hosts. The Four Winds of
Heaven ready but not yet moving out.

B. Vision 2: Zech. 1:18-21- altars, true and false. False Babylonish altar scattered Israel, as at

C. Vision 3: Zech. 2 -God dwells in their midst. Spiritual Jerusalem is spread wherever
God's people are spread as the Four Winds of Heaven, but they must flee spiritual Babylon,
though they remain among the nations as witnesses.

D. Vision 4: Zech. 3 -Priest restored: the head of the nation. Passover.


D'. Vision 5. Zech. 4- Temple (people) restored; messianic anointing power flows out
from the two prophets.

C'. Vision 6. Zech. 5: 1-4 -God's judgment dwells in their midst, destroying with house
leprosy those who follow the principles of spiritual Babylon: false worship and theft. Jesus
pronounced this of the Temple in His day, identifying Jewry with spiritual Babylon.

B'. Vision 7. Zech. 5:5-11- Temples true and false. Erection of true worship will visibly separate
spiritual Babylon from spiritual Jerusalem.

A'. Vision 8. Zech. 6: 1-8 -sunrise/rainbow colored horses, the Four Winds of Heaven, now ready to move
out in a mission of conquest/conversion.



Creation Days in Zechariah 1-6

Day 1: "I saw at night, and behold" (Zech. 1:8).

Yahweh and His host, among myrtles, by (not “in”) the deep.
Spirit of God over the face of the deep.
Preparation for action.

Day 2: "And I lifted up my eyes, and looked, and behold" (Zech. 1:18).
Old altar torn down; new altar being erected.
Firmament platform over the world.

Day 3a: "And I lifted up my eyes, and looked, and behold" (Zech. 2:1).
Separation of God's people from the world system.
Separation of land from the sea.
God's glory in and around His people.

Day 3b: "Then he showed me" (Zech. 3:1).

Grain and fruit plants on the land.
Atonement restores priesthood: vine and fig tree (tabernacles) ensue.
Uncleanness removed.
Note salvation on the third "day."

Day 4: "The angel returned, roused me as from sleep, and said, 'What
do you see?'... I see, and behold" (Zech. 4:1-2).
Sun, moon, and stars.

Day 5: "And I lifted up my eyes again, and looked, and behold" (Zech. 5:1).
"Leprosy" (anti-glory) uncleanness on the houses of secret sinners.
Swarms of birds and fish: glory clouds.
Parallel houses of Israelites gathered around God.
Parallel Feast of Tabernacles (vine & fig tree; 3:10).

Day 6: "Lift up now your eyes, and see" (Zech. 5:5).

Evil woman in ephah given temple in Shinar.
Humanity set in Garden of Eden.

Day 7: "And I lifted up my eyes again, and looked, and behold" (Zech. 6:1)
Horses & chariots ride forth and cause God's Spirit to rest in the North.
Sabbath rest.



1 Kings 6, Zechariah 4, and Revelation 11:3

Olive / Olive /
Cherub Cherub
Prophet Prophet
/ Tree / Tree

Kingly conduit Priestly conduit

Witness of God’s people

Church (lampstand)


Kingly Priestly
Elijah (kings) Moses (priestly)
Zechariah Haggai
Zerubbabel Jeshua
Cherubim-fire (golden oil) (kill people) Turn water to blood (call down Avenger)
Shut up the sky (national judgment) Smite land with plagues (declare unclean)

Old Creation: Gold fire-oil proceeds from angels (cherubim olive trees) through prophets, through kings
and priests, to Israel, to enflame Israel's witness.

New Creation: Gold fire-oil is possessed by saints (new cherubim olive trees), who are prophets, and who
as prophets bear kingly and priestly witness.


Trumpet 6: Overview

I. The Invasion of the Gospel Army From the Euphrates (9:13-21).

A. Christ summons the army (9:13-14)

B. Army rides forth to war (9:15-19)
C. Those not defeated continue in sin (9:20-21)

II. The Little Scroll (10:1 – 11:2)

A. Christ descends with little scroll and shouts (10:1-3a)

B. Seven Thunders reply with words (10:3b)
C. John forbidden to copy their words (10:4)
D. Jesus swears that God's mystery is about to be completed (10:5-7)
E. John eats the little scroll (10: 8-11)
F. John measures the Church (11:1-2)

III. The Two witnesses (11:3-13)

A. Christ gives authority to the two witnesses (11:3-4)

B. Christ describes their work (11:5-6)
C. Christ describes their death and resurrection (11:7-12)
D. Partial harvest of the Church (11:13)

A. Christ initiates each parallel action.
B. Three actions:
1. Primarily angelic army of gospel
2. Angel-thunders pass words to John
3. Human testimony of the Church (two witnesses)
C. Three effects:
1. Many "killed"; the rest don't repent
2. John's preaching seals the Church
3. Witnesses are slain and a tithe of the Church is claimed by God.

The Little Book:

A. Christ roars as He reads from the Little Book, but His voice is transcendent.
B. The Seven Thunder-angels reply and turn His roar into words.
C. John does not write, but eats these words.
D. Effect of John's prophesying the Little Book: sealing of the Church.
E. Content of the Little Book: the essential message of Revelation, which strengthens the Church in
her last conflict with the Beast from the Abyss, which is shortly to break out.

LECTURE #058 – EZEKIEL 8 – 11 - REVELATION 10 – 11

The Little Book and Ezekiel 8-11


B. The righteous are sealed, and then the city is destroyed by the sword (Ezk. 9).

Discipline: the acts of persons

Revelation 7: the saints sealed.

C. The city is destroyed by God's altar fire (Ezk. 10).

Sacrament: the acts of the Spirit

Revelation 8: Pentecostal altar-fire cast to earth, but this fire has a dual effect.

D. The city is destroyed by Ezekiel's preaching (Ezk. 11)

Word: the acts of the “Son of Man”

Revelation 10: John given the little book to preach, but in terms of the city:

1. God's people are protected in Him, while their outward lives are trampled (11:1-2)
2. The counterfeit city persecutes God's people (11:8-9)
3. God takes a tithe of His city, and the rest of God's city praises Him (11:13)
a. These people are numbered, therefore saints.
b. 7000 did not bow the knee to Baal (1 Ki. 19: 18)
c. 7000 is the number of faithful Israel at that time (Rom. 11:4)
d. They are named (2:17; 3:4-5,12)
4. The counterfeit city is utterly destroyed (ch. 17-18)


Trumpet 6, Part II: The Little Scroll (chapter 10)

And I saw Another Angel, a Strong One, coming down out of heaven,

Clothed with a cloud,

And a rainbow on the head,

And His face like the sun,

And His feet like pillars of fire,
And He had in His hand a little scroll open,
And He placed His right foot on the sea and the left on the land,
And He cried with a loud voice, as a lion roars.

Rev. 10 Rev. 1

Clothed with a cloud, Clothed in a robe reaching to His feet

And a rainbow on the head, Girded across His breasts with a golden girdle

Head and hair like white wool & snow

Face like the sun, Eyes like a flame of fire
Feet like pillars of fire Feet like burnished bronze
In His hand a little scroll open, Voice like the sound of many waters
Placed His right foot on the sea and the left on the land, In His right hand seven stars
Cried with a loud voice, as a lion roars. Out of His mouth a sharp two-edged sword
Face like the sun shining in strength

Revelation 21:22- Christ is the Tabernacle / Temple

1. Clothed with cloud =

2. Rainbow on head =

3. Face like sun =

4. Feet like pillars of fire =

5. Litt1e scroll =

v. 2 - book open = He reads from it when He roars

v. 3 - lion roars

1. lion initiates series (6:1)

2. saints as lions (9:17; 11:5)

3. Lion of Judah (5:5)


v. 3 - seven thunders

- another angelic seven

- contents of the Little Scroll

v. 4 -

- John told not to write; instead he will eat Little Scroll

- sealed, but only as specifically from the seven thunders

- Rev. 22: 10, not sealed as written by John

The Seven Thunders or Great Voice Events (10:3)

1. 11:12-13 - Witnesses called up to heaven; earthquake.

Day 1: heaven and earth

2. 12:10-12 - Fullness of the kingdom announced.

Day 2: purification of the firmament?

3. 14:6, 9, 15, 18 - Harvest of First fruits Church.

Day 3: fruit and grain.

4. 16:1&17 - Bowls end Old Creation.

Day 4: heavenly rulers pour out wrath.

5. 18:2 - Fall of Babylon, place of unclean birds.

Day 5: creation of birds.

6. 19:17 - Destruction of Beasts and Kings.

Day 6: creation of beasts and men.

7. 21:3 - Tabernacle of God among men.

Day 7: sabbath.


Interlude: Survey of New Testament History

Period I: Pentecost to the Death of Stephen (Jerusalem Period)

AD 30 Spring to AD 30 Fall
Beginning: Pentecost
Leaders: Peter & John
Writings: Matthew
Satan: Cast down; attempts to silence the Church (Rev. 12:13)
End: Death of Stephen; Paul goes forth to destroy Church; Church scatters

Period II: Scattering from Jerusalem to Death of James (Judea & Samaria Period)

AD 30 Fall to AD 44
Beginning: Conversion of Paul
Leaders: Peter James & John
Writings: James & Mark
Satan: Bound by conversion of Paul; period of peace for the Church (Acts 9:31, Rev. 12:14)
End: Death of James; "death & resurrection" of Peter; Paul becomes leader (Acts 12)

Period III: The Judaizing Conflict, to end of Acts (Hellenistic Oikumene Period)

AD 44 to AD 60 (approx.)
Beginning: Peter moves off stage; James the Lord's brother takes over Jerusalem Church, Paul
becomes leader of Gentile mission. Antioch becomes center.
Leader: Paul
Writings: Luke, Acts, most of Paul's letters, including Hebrews; 1 Peter (?)
End: Paul casts off the Jews (Acts 28:25-28)
Satan: Loosed to attack Church by means of false doctrine (Rev. 12:15-16; Rev. 9)

Period IV: Defeat of Judaizers to Persecution of Nero (Hellenistic Oikumene Period)

AD 60 to AD 64 Summer
Beginning: Satan returned to the abyss (Rev. 17:8)
Leader: John
Writings: 2 Peter, John, Revelation, John's letters, Paul's pastoral letters
End: Completion of the creation of the Church
Satan: back in the abyss for a season

Period V: Deception of the Nations to Victory of Christ (Roman Beast Period)

AD 64 to AD 70
Beginning: Satan released from abyss (Rev. 17:8)
Leaders: The Two Witnesses
Writings: Jude (the predicted apostasy has happened)
End: Satan bound (Rev. 20)
Satan: Deceives nations for a brief time


vv. 5-6 - cp. Daniel 12:7

- Dan. 12:7 both hands; here right hand only

Book in left hand
Right hand of priest bloodied (Lev. 8)
“Put left hand on the Bible, and raise your right hand. Do you swear…”
- Dan. 12:7 above waters; here feet on land and sea
- Rev. 10:6 adds that God is creator
- Dan. 12:7 delay; here no more delay

v. 7 - completion of the mystery of God

- Rev. 11:15-19


The Mystery of the Kingdom

A. Proclaimed to the prophets:

1. Not something brand new, completely hidden before.

2. Rather, now revealed fully, and to all humanity.

B. Before the coming of the Holy Spirit:

- Parables of the Kingdom (Mt. 13:11; Mk. 4:11; Lk. 8:10)

C. Holy Spirit reveals Mystery:

Romans 16:25-27 – now to all nations equally

1 Corinthians 2:6-10 – the depths of God

Ephesians 1:8-10 – everything repositioned from Adam to Christ

Ephesians 3:1-10 – one body in Christ, not Adam

Ephesians 5:32 – married to Christ: eschatological fulfillment

Colossians 1:25-27 – reveals hidden Word

a. hidden in Tabernacle (cp. Rev. 11:19)

b. hidden in Hebrew tongue; now in all tongues.



Colossians 2:2-3 - mystery is in Christ

- John 1: Christ is the incarnate Tabernacle

2 Thessalonians 2:7 - the anti-mystery of the anti-kingdom

Zechariah 5

Revelation 17:5&7

D. Essence of the Mystery: God With Us

Aaron's Rod: man glorified as Elder after the Father

Everyone wants glory, praise, status, position, name, importance.

Everyone wants to be noticed, listened to.

The Law: man given all wisdom to rule as Son after the Son

Everyone wants knowledge. This becomes clear the instant we realize we don't know something
that we need to know.

The Manna: man given all life and power by the Spirit

Everyone wants life and power. This becomes clear the instant we become sick.

E. Completion of the Mystery:

1. Completion of the creation of the New Body, new glorious humanity in Christ.

2. Completion of the Scriptures, full revelation of the Word

3. Romans 11:25 - final harvest of Israel, first fruits of the Spirit.




book open - thus same content as Jesus' roar (vv. 2-3)

sea & land -applies to Gentile and Jew

vv. 9-10

honey - sign of Kingdom

bitter - test of Bride

Numbers 5:18-19,23-24,27

Proverbs 5:4

Lamentations 3: 15

Passover: Exodus 12:8; Numbers 9:11

Ruth 1

Mary the mother of Jesus

Revelation 8:11

Ezekiel 3:3&14

v. 11 - John to test Jew and Gentile through the Word

Revelation 11: 1-13

"they" said - in context, the 7 thunders



Measuring the Sanctuary

11:1-2 - transition between 2nd and 3rd parts of 6th trumpet (see p. 96).

- measuring reed: EzekieI40:3ff.

- temple = holy of holies and holy place.

naos = Temple proper

hieron = entire Temple complex


- “those who worship in it”

- not literally "in” - only two priests served at Incense Altar at a time.
- symbolically: Temple = church; all saints are now priests

- The three are equivalent; better translation: "Rise and measure God's temple, that is, the [incense]
altar; that is, those who worship in it. "

- the measured assembly = 144,000.

- Temple = image of the heavenlies

Holy Place = firmament heavens

Holy of Holies = highest heavens
Altar = ladder between the two (Jesus)
Incense = angels (church) ascending and descending on the Son of Man

- those who pray through Christ, in Jesus' name, are the Temple.

- court = earthly dimension of the Church

- unmeasured = bodies and outer lives of the saints are not the place where security is lodged.

- application: v. 4 (heavenly position); vv. 7-8 (earthly tribulation)

- given to nations for 42 months = Rev. 13:5.

- AD 64 (end), 65, 66, 67, 68 (beginning)

- climax of "time, times, and 1/2 time" Daniel 12:7.

- same as Daniel 7:25 -Land Beast (Little Horn) oppresses saints.

- Luke 21:24

- Romans 11:25

- treading - in general, dominion (Josh. 1:3; 5:15; 6:3-4)

Rev. 14:20 - martyrdom


Rev. 19:15 - Jesus controls our suffering

- holy city = Church; contrast "great city" (v. 8)



The Two Witnesses

A. Don't look for two particular people; rather, "testimony of two witnesses.

B. Martyrdom or the witnesses is parallel to martyrdom of 144,000 in chapter 14. Both come at the end of
the 6th trumpet.

C. Symbolic structure:

Elijah Moses
Power over fire Water to blood
no rain earth plagues
Fire – Sodom Blood - Egypt
Kingly period Priestly period
Trumpets Bowls
Kingly judgment first Priestly judgment final

D. Exposition

v. 3

- 1260 days = 42 months of Neronic and Jewish persecution.

- sackcloth – black, rough cloth

- man as light; darkening of radiant white garments (Eccl. 9:8)

- mourning, repentance, death

- Isaiah 20:2 - prophets warning Israel of doom

- Revelation 6:12 - darkening of firmament

v. 4

- two olive trees = cherubim in Holy of Holies

- In Zechariah 4:
two olives = angelic cherubim
two clusters = prophets Haggai & Zechariah
two pipes = priest and king
one lampstand & 49 lamps = witness of Israel
golden oil = flaming sword of Spirit

- now the Church is the cherubim, the olive trees (Acts 2)

- two lampstands, not just one

- not two people but the two-witnessing church (Rev. 1:20)

- wearing sackcloth: darkened

- stand before the Lord of the land - Jewish focus


vv. 5-6

A. Elijah: fire consumes enemies

A' Moses: in this manner enemies must be killed
B. Elijah: shut up the sky
C. Moses: turn water to blood
D. Moses: smite the land with plagues

Heaven above (B)
Earth beneath (D)
Waters under the earth (C)

A. Fire from mouth devours enemies

- from mouth, Rev. 9:17

- 2 Kings 1 (Ahaziah // Jews)

- 1 Kings 18:38


A. In this manner he must be killed

- Numbers 16 – as a sign

- Leviticus 10:1-2 - fire from cherubim (olive trees)

- Sodom: fire from heaven

B. Shut up the sky

- Luke 4:25 = 3 ½ years

- firmament becomes impermeable

- rain = blessings from heaven

- increasing distress of Jews during this time, provokes revolt against Rome

C. Turn waters to blood

- first Egyptian plague

- all old water became blood

- had to dig new water to drink

Revelation 8:8 - Gentiles

Revelation 16:3-7 - Gentiles and Jews

D. Smite the land with plagues - Egypt



v. 7

- beast from abyss 9:1&11; 17:8

- make war: explicated in Rev. 13 (13:7)

v. 8

- dead body - death of Church, body of Christ

- street

- Is. 5:25; 51:21-23

- dead bodies in street make city unclean

- contrast Rev. 21:21; 22:1-2

- the great City - Jerusalem repeatedly called such

- Spiritually - by the Spirit

- where Christ was crucified - full identification

- application to world as a whole

v. 9 - Gentile response

a. look at corpse for 3 ½ days

b. do not permit buria1 (Jews would have wanted to bury, to eliminate uncleanness)

1st possibility: Gentiles desire to curse witnesses, Ps. 79:2. But then why “look”?

2nd possibility: Gentiles consider death of witnesses, keep them in sight, ponder.

- blood of martyrs is seed of Church

- note that the witnesses only tormented Jews (v. 10)

v. 10 - Jewish response

- rejoice and send presents: false feast of Purim

v. 11 - Resurrection

- fear; compare the fear when Jesus arose, Mt. 28:4

- 3 ½ days - death of Church measured in days, unlike witness, measured in years.

compare 2:10 & 20:4

v. 12 - Ascension

- "Come up here" 4:l, associated with John. Compare 10:10-11. John's death?

- Elijah

- in the cloud - compare Jesus

- into the cloud - now men in heaven with Jesus

- enemies beheld; contrast Elijah & Jesus

- initial vindication of the Groom was private

- historical vindications of the Bride are public

v. 13 - Further martyrdoms

- earthquake: on land

- tenth of city: holy city; God's tithe

- 7000 - not bowed the knee to Baal (Elijah theme)

- remainder terrified:
Gentiles, Mt. 28:4
Weak believers, Lk. 24:5

- God of heaven – Gentile title

Gen 14:18-22
Ezr. 5:11
Neh. 2:4
Dan 2:44
Jonah 1:9
Rev 16:11

- paralle1 14:1-7,13,14-20


v. 14 - third woe: 7th trumpet

- remember: concerns the Jews (8:13)

- actual destruction of Jerusalem and Temple

v. 15 - The Great Praise

- parallel: 18:20 + 19:1-6

And the seventh angel sounded,
And there arose loud voices in heaven, saying:

"The kingdom of the world has become that of our Lord

and of His Messiah,
And He will reign age after age."
And the twenty-four elders,
Who sit on their thrones before God,
Fell on their faces,
And worshipped God, saying:
"We give thanks to You,
O Lord God the Almighty,
who is and who was,
Because You have taken Your great power
and You have begun to reign.
And the nations were enraged,
And Your wrath came,
And the time for the dead to be judged,
And to give their reward to Your bond-servants:
the prophets,
and the holy ones,
And to those who fear your Name:
the small,
and the great,
And to destroy those who destroy the land. "

v. 15 - the loud voices: since the elders respond, probably the four living creatures

- cosmos; 13:8 & 17:8 - the Adamic creation, now given to Jesus

- our Lord and His Messiah - angelic language; not the saints speaking

- compare 19:6

vv. 16-17 - why do the 24 angels thank? I suspect because their duties are completed, and now a human
being reigns. They thank for the privilege of serving, and now the privilege of rest.

- who is and who was, but not who is to come

- because at this point, He has come


- His coming involves taking His great power and beginning His full reign.

- He ruled Israel as Yahweh

- Now He rules the whole Adamic cosmos

- compare again 19:6

v. 18 - the inauguration of this full reign involves a judgment of the righteous dead.

- not of the wicked; that is at the end of this reign

- bond-servants: prophets and saints = Israel

- God-fearers: small and great = Gentiles

- compare 19:5

- reward = to rule with Christ (20:4)

- nations enraged – Psalm 2

- destruction of those who ruined God's land (Jews)

- compare 18:20; 19:2-3

- note structure:
Wicked Gentiles judged
Godly Jews rewarded
Godly Gentiles rewarded
Wicked Jews judged

Comment: We are not used to thinking of Christ's inaugurating His reign in AD 70, because in a great sense
He inaugurated it at Pentecost. But in the full sense, He inaugurated it in AD 70, and that is the focus of


Trumpets, Part 2: The Three Star-Signs of Old Creation History (11:19- End)
12:1 First Star-Sign: Virgo (Eve)
12:3 Second Star-Sign: Draco (Dragon)
15:1 Third Star-Sign: The Seven Planets (Bowl Angels)

Genesis 1:14-19 - stars as signs

- related to angels as governors, stewards of the child (Job 38:7)

Purpose of section: History of the Old Creation under God's Ark-Cherub Control
Initiated, 11:19
Concluded, 15:5
New Creation under Christ's control

11:19 - Introduction

lightning, sounds, thunder - aspects of Throne (4:5)

earth (land) quake - preliminary warning of Throne's approach (8:5): Pentecost

hailstorm - final judgment of Throne (16:17 + 21): AD 70

- hail from waters above the firmament

- collapse of firmament; no veil between Christ and Bride: marriage (19:7ff.)

First Sign, 12:1-2

Virgo (Naphta1i)

White horse; clear crysta1 city

“Clothed with sun"

God's glory

Possibly: the time of Virgo

"Moon under her feet"

Upheld by Israel as Bride

"Crown of 12 stars"

Israel as chosen seed-people

Possibly: this sign qualifies or governs all Israel

Eve, mother of all living

Sun, moon, 12 stars = Israel (Gen. 37:9-10)

Laboring with child = all of Old Creation history before Christ's birth

Pain = judgment upon Eve, Old Creation woman

Second Sign, 12:3

Draco - circumpolar, faces Virgo (v. 4)

Nahash - serpent

Tannin – dinosaur

Isaiah 27:1

Genesis 3

Fiery red - false Judah, false ruler

Revelation 13:2

Heads – throne – Aaron’s rod – Kingly

Horns – power – Manna – Priestly
Diadems – authority – Word - Prophetic

Seven heads – Arch-cherub (cherubim have four)

Ten horns – False altar-mediatorial system

Seven diadems – False priest-teacher

Wormwood (8:11)
Apollyon, Abaddon (9:11)
Dragon, Serpent, Devil, Satan (12:9)

The Ten Horns (Ladder to Heaven)

Holy of Holies Altar


Holy Place Altar


Courtyard Altar


The Woman and the Dragon

1. The Dragon is between the Virgin and the Pole Star (God's throne in the far north)

2. The Dragon is pointed toward the Virgin.

3. The moon, the holy bride-people, is under the Virgin, supporting her feet.

She is enthroned on Israel. That is, the Godly line is supported by the whole nation of the Church.

4. The Sun clothes her.

God is her light. Compare Rev. 21:23; 22:5. Isaiah 60:19-20.

5. Over her head are the twelve stars (constellations)

Immediately overhead is the Lion of Judah.

Then, in astrological order:

Lion Judah
Crab Issachar
Twins Zebulun
Bull Ephraim
Lamb Manasseh
Fish Benjamin
Man Reuben
Goat Simeon
Archer Gad
Eagle/Scorpion Dan
Scales Asher
Virgin Naphtali (substitute Levi)

Dan, the Eagle tribe, becomes the Judas tribe, Scorpion

Naphtali is the Virgin, but already accounted for, so substitute Levi

The Falling of the Stars

v. 4: saints or angels? In context, the latter.

tail - Isaiah 9: 14-15 = false doctrine

note: the demonic army of 9:3,5,10 has power in their tails.
the saint army of 9:19 has power in their mouths.

The Seven Heads and Diadems

Wormwood - Rev. 8:10-11- corrupter of the waters (doctrine) of the sanctuary

Abaddon - Rev. 9:1-11 - corrupter of the land of Israel

Apollyon - Rev. 9:1-11 - corrupter of the Hellenistic Oikumene (protecting beast)


Dragon - devourer of the Child (12:4,17)

- warrior against God (12:7,13)
- creator of the persecuting Sea Beast (13:2,4)

Serpent - seducer of the Bride (2 Cor. 11:3; Rev. 12:15)

Devil - tempter (Jesus in the wilderness)

- adversary (1 Peter 5:8)
- accuser, in the sense of slanderer (Rev. 2: 10; meaning of diabolos)
- deceiver (Rev. 20:10)

Satan - accuser, in the sense of prosecuting attorney

Job 1-2
Psalm 109:6
Zechariah 3:1
1 Corinthians 5:5
- titular head of the fallen angels
2 Thessalonians 2:9
- ruler of the Jews (Rev. 2:9,13,24; 3:9)


Wormwood - sanctuary (garden of Eden) Day 7: sabbath

Abaddon - land Day 6: land rulers
Apollyon - world Day 5: world creatures

Dragon - Child (Gen. 3:15) Day 4: governors

Serpent - Bride (Gen. 3:15) Day 3: fruitful soil

Devil - description: enemy Day 2: firmament

Satan - title: prosecutor Day 1: light


War in Heaven

v. 5 - incarnation and ascension

v. 6 – Exodus

- recall that the city of the crucifixion is Egypt (11:8)

- nourishment, cp. Manna

- 1260 days = daytime

- ½ of 7 years

- last ½ of 70th week (?)

vv. 7-8 - The Expulsion of Satan

- time: between ascension and pentecost

- Michael = Jesus; Jude 9 + Zech. 3:2

- Michael does not fight alone; compare the Church with Christ today

- nature of the conflict: probably legal

Jesus as Strong Angel speaks (10: Iff.)

The reason Satan cannot stay in heaven is that a man has become king; Adam's work has been
completed. Proclamation of this event seems to be the weapon.

Satan is bound, trampled, cast down by preaching and faithful witness. Stands to reason that the
same principle is involved here.

- cast from heaven. Heaven is place of rule. Now Last Adam rules.

v. 9

- thrown down to the land, compare pentecost

- deceiver of the oikumene (13:1ff; 16:14; cp. 20:3,8,10)

Praise in Heaven

v. 10 - "great voice" = the second thunder (10:3; 11:12)

-"now" = "at this time"

- accuser/prosecutor defeated/cast down


v. 11 - overcomers:

1. by the blood of the Lamb

2. by public confession of the Word
3. by being wining to die rather than renounce Him

v.12 - Third Woe (8:13; 9:12; 11:14)

- seems out of chronological sequence, but the focus wi1l be on ch. 13

The Initial Persecutions

v. 13 - the woman = the believing Jewish church

- Acts 3-7, the initial persecution

v. 14 - the great eagle

Exodus 19:4 - God as eagle

Daniel 7:4 - The Guardian Beast

Ezekiel 17:3,7 - empires

- the two wings given to the woman

Psalm 17:8, etc. - protection

"And the two wings of the great eagle were given to the woman"
"And the protection of the Roman Empire was given to the woman"

- in sky, eagle flies directly away from the direction the dragon points

- fly into the wilderness

"fled" into the wilderness, v. 6

Rome assists flight by protecting Church

(v. 14) - to her place

"The place" in NT is the Temple

Temple in wilderness = Sinai, place with God, where new Tabernacle is built

- nourished for a time and times and half a time

Daniel 7:25 - the time of Herodian/High Priestly (Land Beast) persecution

= 42 months, nights

Other half of the 7 times - the time of nourishment for the Church

= 1260 days, 1ight-time


- from the face of the serpent

serpent - author of false doctrine

Church enjoyed peace until AD 44, Acts 9:31

Death of Herod, AD 44

Paul's journeys begin, and so does Judaizing heresy (serpent's water)

v. 15 - water-flood = false doctrine, Wormwood waters (8:11); Judaizing heresy

v. 16 - land helps woman = Jews drink up the false doctrine

Paul and apostles defeat Judaizers

v. 17-13:1a - no longer serpent (deceiver) but dragon (destroyer)

- goes to seashore to corrupt Roman Guardian Beast (AD 64)

- purpose: to make war with the rest of the woman's seed

- the first part of her seed = the Son (v. 5)

- the rest = the Church, considered not as Woman but as Warrior-Son

Dragon attacks Seed
Serpent deceives Woman


The Beasts of Revelation 13

la. And he stood on the sand of the sea.

Genesis 1:2

Daniel 7:2-3

sand = descendants of Abraham

The Sea Beast

1b. And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea,

having ten horns,
and seven heads,
and on his horns ten diadems,
and on his heads blasphemous names.


Daniel 7:7

Revelation 17:12


Lion: Babylon
Bear: Persia
Leopard A: Alexander
Leopard B: Hellenistic Syria
Leopard C: Hellenistic Egypt
Leopard D: Hellenistic Rome
Ten-horn: Imperial Rome

Diadems: like High Priest

Names: Satan's seven names

2a. And the beast that I saw

was like a leopard,
and his feet were bear's,
and his mouth like the mouth of a lion.

Leopard: still Hellenistic at this point

Bear feet: trampling

Lion mouth: proclaiming


2b. And the dragon gave him

his power
and his throne
and great authority.

Horn Power Leopard Beast Image

Beast Image is total picture: leopard aspect

Heads Throne Bear feet Sea Beast

Bear feet trample (11:2; 13:5)

Diadems Authority Lion mouth Land Beast

Lion mouth prophesies (13:11,14)

3a. And one of his heads was as if it had been smitten to death, and his fatal wound was healed.

Assassination of Julius Caesar caused chaos in empire.


A. Homage.
3b-4. And the whole land was amazed after the beast, and they rendered homage to the
dragon, because he gave his authority to the beast; and they rendered homage to the beast,
saying, "Who is like the beast, and who is able to wage war with him?"

Reassertion of Roman power in Palestine causes amazement.

"We have no king but Caesar."

Mi-cha-el = Who Is Like God?

Mi-cha-ha-hai = Who Is Like The Beast?

B. Given to Speak; Given Authority.

5-7a. And there was given to him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and
authority to act for 42 months was given to him.

42 months - End of 64 to middle of 68

C. Attacks God.
6. And he opened his mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme His name and His
tabernacle, those who tabernacle in heaven.

blasphemy - takes form of attack on Church

B'. Given to Act; Given Authority.

7. And it was given him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority
over ever tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him.

The Great Tribulation

2:10; 3:10


Matthew 24:21

world authority (actually over oikumene)

A’. Homage.
8. And all who dwell on the land will render hol1iage to him, those whose name has not been
written the book of life of the slain Lamb, {from the foundation of the cosmos.

despite blasphemies, Jews still worship him

9-10. If anyone has an ear, let him hear: If anyone leads into captivity, to captivity he goes; if anyone
kills with the sword, with the sword he must be killed. Here is the steadfastness and the faith of the

Eye for eye justice is coming from God


lb. And I saw a beast arising from the sea, 11a. And I saw another beast arising from the land.

lc-2a. Having ten horns, and seven heads, and on his 11b. And he was having two horns like a lamb.
horns ten diadems, and on his heads blasphemous
names. And the beast that I saw was like a leopard,
and his feet were bear's, and his mouth like the
mouth of a lion.

2b. And the dragon gave him his power and his 11c-12a. And he was speaking like a dragon, and he
throne and great authority. exercises all the authority of the first beast in its

3-4. And one of his heads was as if it had been 12b. And he causes the land and those who dwell in
smitten to death, and his fatal wound was healed. it to render homage to the first beast, whose fatal
And the whole land was amazed after the beast, and wound was healed.
they rendered homage to the dragon, because he
gave his authority to the beast; and they rendered
homage to the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast,
and who is able to wage war with him?"

5. And there was given to him a mouth speaking 13. And he performs great signs, so that he even
great things and blasphemies; and authority to act makes fire come down out of heaven to the land in
for 42 months was given to him. the presence of men.

6. And he opened his mouth in blasphemies against 14. And he deceives those who dwell on the land
God, to blaspheme His name and His tabernacle, because of the signs that it was given him to
those who tabernacle in heaven. perform in the presence of the beast, telling those
who dwell on the land to make an image to the beast
who had the wound of the sword and has come to

7. And it was given him to make war with the saints 15. And there was given to him to give breath to the
and to overcome them. And authority over every image of the beast, that the image of the beast might
tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to even speak and cause as many as do not render
him. homage to the image of the beast to be killed.

8. And all who dwell on the land will render 16-17. And he causes all, the small and the great,
homage to him, those whose name has not been and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the
written the book of life of the slain Lamb, from the slaves, that they be given a mark on their right hand
foundation of the cosmos. or on their forehead, and that no one should be able
to buy or to sell except the one who has the mark,
the name of the beast or the number of his name.

9-10. If anyone has an ear, let him hear: If anyone 18. Here is wisdom: Let him who has understanding
leads into captivity, to captivity he goes; if anyone reckon the number of the beast, for the number is a
kills with the sword, with the sword he must be human number, and his number is 666.
killed. Here is the steadfastness and the faith of the


The Land Beast

11a. And I saw another beast coming up out of the land.

And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea (v. lb).


The brother enemy: Genesis 4


Constant in OT

Jesus and Paul put in trial by


Constant in OT (Moses, Saul, David, Esther)


Daniel 11:36-45

Cain builds Enoch-city for Enoch-son: false city-garden & Adam

Herod builds Temple (Garden)

Herod controls/establishes High Priests (Adams) Garden is in Land

Priesthood is second aspect of Land Beast

2 Thessalonians 2: The Man of Lawlessness

compare Acts 12:22-23

11b. And he was having two horns like a lamb.

Having ten horns... like a leopard... (vv. lc-2a).

1. Counterfeit of the Two Witnesses

Moses power: builds Image of Beast (Temple)

Elijah power: calls down false pentecost-fire from heaven

False apostles and prophets of Pauline letters, Rev. 2:2, Matt. 24, etc.

2. Herods and High Priests

3. Lamb: Counterfeit Christ



11c-l2a. And he was speaking like a dragon, and he exercises all the authority of the first beast in its
And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority (v. 2b).



Oral Law tradition

counterfeit of the Lamb with the Book (Rev. 4-5)

Authority: Gentile sponsor theme perverted

Sea Beast passes on his authority, diadem, lion-mouth to the Land Beast

12b. And he causes the land - that is, those who dwell in it - to render homage to the first beast, whose
fatal wound was healed.
And one of his heads was as if it had been slain. ...And the whole land was amazed...and worshipped
the beast... (vv. 3-4).

Jesus brings worshippers to the Father

Healed wound: it is particularly the Power of the Beast that is adored

Power religion versus Righteousness religion



13. To wit: he performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the land
in the presence of men.
And there was given him a great mouth speaking great things and blasphemies (v. 5).

False prophet:
Counterfeit Elijah
Counterfeit two witnesses

False Christ:

Syndrome: crisis-pressure-conversion-fanaticism-scapegoating (Or: Evangelism through


1. There is a crisis of culture, accompanied by various distresses.

2. Pressure builds up to a bursting point.

3. A pentecost, an epiphany occurs. People are converted to the “old ways.” But what they call the
“old ways” are not really old; the people just think they are.

4. Fanaticism ensues. It was because we forgot the “old ways” that things have gone bad. There is
excitement, crusades, enthusiasm.

5. But who is to blame for the crisis? Those who reject the revival of the “old ways.” Those who
refuse to join the marches. It is their fault.

a. All the distresses of the society are placed on the scapegoats.

b. The scapegoats are persecuted & killed, and people feel good about it.

c. Celebrating the death of the scapegoats releases cultural power for a while; new Enochs
are built.

d. But if the scapegoats were really innocent, sooner or later their killers feel guilt and
become open to the message of the scapegoats.


14. And he deceives those who dwell on the land because of the signs that it was given him to perform
in the presence of the beast, telling those who dwell on the land to make an image to the beast who
had the wound of the sword and has come to life.
And he opened his mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme His name, that is, His
tabernacle, those who tabernacle in heaven (v. 6).

Deception: Devilish work.

Perhaps some measure of excuse, like Eve.

But no excuse after deception is exposed (ch. 16)

Image of the Sea Beast.

Parallel to "tabernacle" = Temple and synagogue, as revived after false pentecost.

Counterfeit of New Covenant church: Beast died and came to life again.

Land Beast glorifies Sea Beast in Beast Image

Jesus glorifies the Father in the Church


15. And there was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast
might even speak and cause as many as do not render homage to the image of the beast to be killed.
And it was given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority over every
tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him (v. 7).

Breath put in:

God enters Tabernacle and Temple

Pentecost: tongues loosened

True Church: Image of God

False Church: Image of Sea Beast

Gospel preaching "kills" those who won't worship God (Rev. 9:13-21)
False Church kills those who won't worship Sea Beast (Rev. 14)

False Levites

Image worship:

We expect to read "and cause as many as do not render homage to the Beast whose deadly
wound was healed to be killed."
We read instead: "and cause as many as do not render homage to the image of the Beast to be


The Church -- image of God -- rejects any worship of the Church, because it is worship of
the creature. The Image of God calls on men to worship the Father.

The false church -- image of the Sea Beast - accepts worship of the church, because that is
the heart of idolatry: worship of the creature. Thus, the Image of the Beast calls on men to
worship itself.

Potential for conflict:

Initially, the Sea Beast sets up the Land Beast as his agent. Similarly, the Land Beast sets up
the Beast Image as their agent.

The Beasts are happy for the Beast Image to seek worship for itself, because this helps
undermine God's Kingdom.

BUT, eventually there will be a competition for this worship. The Beasts will turn against the
Harlot, because instead of making men worship them, she got them to worship her (17:16).

Note historically: state and false-church fight each other for worship and allegiance, but join
forces against the true Church. We see some of this at the Reformation. Also when Herod,
Pilate, and the High Priest become friends to get rid of Jesus.

Relationship of Land Beast and Beast Image:

Land Beast has two horns:

Elijah power: prophetic: sets up Aaron

Christ (Jacob): establishes Church
Herods (Esau): false prophets: set up high priests

Moses power: apostolic/priestly: controls Levites

Spirit (Church): Church leaders
High Priests: false apostles: send false Levites to kill believers


16-17. And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the
slaves, that they be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and that no one should be
able to buy or to sell except the one who has the mark, the name of the beast or the number of his
And all who dwell on the land will worship him.

financial metaphor:: 3:18; 6:6; 18:11-17a

name: character, description

14:11 -- mark of the name; thus two equivalent things:

mark of the name/character of the Sea Beast

number of the name/character of the Sea Beast

mark: Dt. 6:8

On forehead:
Ezekiel 9:4 & 6

Revelation 7:3; 14:1; 22:4

On right hand:
Priestly: Leviticus 8:23; 14:14&17

Oath of allegiance: Revelation 10:5



18. Here is wisdom: Let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for the number
is a human number, and his number is 666.
If anyone has an ear, let him hear: If anyone leads into captivity... (v. 10).

Not a code for an individual person, number of the name/character.

anthropos" = mankind, and in Revelation, Jewish

Jewish number, 666, from 1 Kings 10:14

Theological root: Revelation 15:2

from the beast,

and from his image,
and from the number of his name

Therefore, "number of his name" = Land Beast/False Prophet here

Sea Beast parodies Father

Land Beast parodies Son
Beast Image parodies Spirit

Therefore, the Son is the Number of the Father's Name:

The Word of God

The Number of God

Jesus' new name // Jesus' new number (unknown: Rev. 19: 12)
Jesus' name on us // Jesus' number on us

Land Beast builds Beast Image

Jesus builds Temple -- Revelation 3:12


Built Temple; installed High Priest (Zadok over Abiathar) – cp. Herods

Three sins: power, authority, and throne of Dragon (13:2)

Deuteronomy 17:16-17 + 1 Kings 10:14-11:8

multiply horses: to get power

multiply women: to increase throne
multiply gold: to get authority (God's house full of gold)


Genesis 1 - sixth day

1 Samuel 17:4&7- giants

2 Samuel 21:20-22

Daniel 3:1







The Harvest of the First Fruits: Revelation 14

v. 1 - Lamb: contrast Beasts

- on Mt. Zion: earthly location before Throne of God

- forehead

sealed, 7:3

names, 13:16-17

name of Lamb: Jesus; name of Father?

v. 2 And I heard a voice out of the heaven

Like the voice of many waters,
And like the voice of a great thunder;
And the voice that I heard
Was like harpists harping on their harps.

v. 3 And they sing a new song

Before the throne
And before the four living creatures
And the elders

- voice of many waters = Jesus, Throne, 1:15

- voice of thunder = Throne & living creatures, 6: 1 + 4:6
- voice of harpists = living creatures & 24 elders/archangels, 5:8

- v. 2: Voice of God & cherubim, accompanied by voice of harpists

- v. 3: on earth, 7:15

- new song - 15:3-4?

v. 4 Undefiled with women

Exodus 19:15

Leviticus 15:16-18

Deuteronomy 23:9-10

Samuel 21:4-5

2 Samuel 11:11

v. 4 - first-fruits

v. 5 - liars are outside: 21:8 & 27; 22:15

- Satan as liar


Summary or the Trumpets

v. 6 contrast 8:13

v. 7 four-fold world: 8:6-12; 16:2-8

v. 8 compare chapter 11

v. 9-10 compare chapter 13

v. 11 compare chapter 9

Note: wrath-wine of immorality versus wrath-wine of God (vv. 8 & 10)

Note: no rest versus rest (vv. 11 & 13)

End of Trumpet Era

v. 13 - rest, but not yet reign: 15:8; 20:4

vv. 14-16 - wheat harvest

vv. 17-20 - wine harvest

wine press not a symbol of wrath, but produces wrath-wine: 19:15

15:1 blood avengers immediately called up

Structural Considerations

A. Seven" Angels" of chapter 14

SAYING A. Gospel Angel - Jesus vv. 6-7 -- Great Voice

B. Speaking Angel, v. 8
C. Speaking Angel, vv.. 9-12 -- Great Voice
D. Father & Spirit Speak, v. 13
DOING D' Son of Man – Jesus, v. 14
C' Calling Angel, v. 15 -- Great Voice
B' Reaping Angel, v. 17
A' Fire Angel - Jesus, v. 18 -- Great Voice


B. The Trumpets in Context

A. Horses, 6:1-8 (first four seals)

B. Saints Under Altar, 6:9-11 (5th seal)

C. Judgment Starts, 6:12-17 (6th seal)

D. Saints Sealed on Earth, ch. 7

E. Seven Trumpets Appear, 8:1-2

F. Pentecostal Era Begins, 8:3-5

F' Pentecostal Era Ends, 14:18

E' Seven Bowls Appear, 15:1

D' Saints in Heaven, 15:2-4

C' Judgment Restarts, 15:5- 18:24

B' Saints in Heaven, 19:1-10

A' Horses, 19:11-21



The Third Sky Sign

I. Presuppositions:
A. The sky was given to the nations as a revelation of the Word of God.

1. Noahic Covenant: rainbow in firmament

2. Psalm 19

3. The Magi

4. Just as the Word can be perverted by sinful men, so the sky revelation can also be

5. The Word is superior to the sky revelation (Ps. 19); thus, when Joseph and Daniel appear
in Gentile courts, the interpreters of the sky fail.

B. The seven stars are the seven planets that rule the zodiacal constellations.

C. Comets also move among the constellations, ruling them.

D. The sky reveals God's glory, law, and purposes (Ps. 19).

E. With the coming of the New Creation, the sky is tuned (or retuned).

F. The Book of Revelation reveals the end of the Old Creation for both Jews (Word) and Gentiles

G. The superiority of Word over sky is finalized as the gift of tongues authorizes the translation of
the Word to every language of mankind; thus, the sky no longer functions as revelation of the
Word in the New Creation.


II. Unpacking the relationship of Word and Firmament Revelation.

A. The twelve zodiacal constellations relate to the twelve tribes, forming a belt around the earth.

1. Compare Exodus 28:6-30 - the ephod, with its waistband.

2. Jeremiah 13

B. The other constellations may have related to the nations, but we have no way of unpacking these

C. Comets were common in the ancient world, and were called by various names and categories. As
they were associated with falling stars, they were signs of disaster .

1. Trumpet comets - in Revelation, approach the Sun

2. Bowl comets - in Revelation, come from the Sun

D. The seven planets (moving stars) are the lords of the firmament.

1. The order of the planets was in their supposed circles around the earth.

Moon – the feminine reflectress of the Sun

Venus - feminine: jealous love

Mercury - activity; brings messages and gifts from heaven

Sun - the Divine King

Mars - war, conflict, and honor; servant of Jupiter

Jupiter - the glorious smaller planet, the ruler

Saturn - blessing and curse



2. These qualities display God's attributes in Revelation 5:12, but Mercury and Venus have
changed positions.

power dunamis - power put forth Moon reflected light

riches ploutos - wealth Mercury wealth

wisdom sophia - feminine in Greek & in Proverbs Venus Venus jealous love

might iskhus -power in itself Sun Sun light source

honor time - respect for position or attainment Mars war Mars war

glory doxa -heaviness, in itself Jupiter rule

blessing eulogia - good speech; vs. curse Saturn blessing & curse


3. If we put this back into Genesis 1, and use the true order, we get:

1. Moon light from the Spirit, archetype of the feminine in creation

2. Venus firmament - the Word and its wisdom in the creation (feminine)

3. Mercury wealth - bread and wine plants

4. Sun light sources in the creation

5. Mars swarms and hosts

6. Jupiter rulers

7. Saturn blessing and curse: judgment in its fullest (" And God saw all. ...")

4. Why did Venus and Mercury change position? My guess is that the expulsion of Adam
from the garden means that he lost his firmament position (Day 2), and had to approach
God from the altar of earth (Day 3). Thus, instead of moving down from firmament to
earth, man must now move up from earth to firmament.

5. The order of the trumpets and bowls is the order of the planets and days, with Mercury
and Venus switched. This reflects the destruction of the Old Creation:

power Moon reflected light

1st - feminine -judgment on bride-land

riches Mercury wealth

2nd - judgment on wealth of Gentiles

wisdom Venus jealous love

3rd - feminine - judgment on Levitical Temple (bridal chamber; threshing floor)

might Sun light source

4th - image of the Divine - judgment on Sun

honor Mars war

5th - masculine - evil army & judgment on evil army

glory Jupiter rule

6th - masculine - righteous army of glorious saints

blessing Saturn blessing & curse

7th - coming of Kingdom; curse on the wicked


6. The tuning of the sky means the tuning of the planets, in their post-fall order (Mercury
and Venus reversed):

power Moon Monday reflected light

honor Mars Tuesday (Tyr's Day) war
riches Mercury Wednesday (Wotan's Day) wealth
glory Jupiter Thursday (Thor's Day) rule
wisdom Venus Friday (Freia's Day) jealous love
blessing Saturn Saturday blessing & curse
might Sun Sunday light source

7. The tuned attributes in Revelation 7:12 make several changes:

a. Thanksgiving is substituted for Riches.

b. The order is reversed.

c. The reversed order starts with Blessing and ends with Might.

d. Glory and Wisdom are switched.

blessing Saturn
glory Jupiter
wisdom Venus
thanksgiving Mercury
honor Mars
power Moon
might Sun

e. Why?

1. Original creation hymns the attributes in original astral order: the universe
displays the glory of God (Psalm 19).

2. New creation hymns the attributes in tuned order: the universe is retuned as
a lyre, to sing God's praises.

3. New creation hymns the attributes also in reverse tuned order, signifying
that the new creation reverses the order of the old, with men now over

4. New creation hymns with a shift in position so that Might (Sun) comes at
the climax.


8. If we take the tuned attributes/sky in unreversed order, and begin with Power (as the
untuned order does), we have the order of the Seals:

power Moon
1st seal: feminine: white: church
Called by Lion, the original Day 1 Moon

honor Mars
2nd seal: masculine: red: warfare
Called by Ox, the original Day 2 Venus

thanksgiving Mercury
3rd seal: masculine: black: sacraments (riches & thanksgiving)
Called by Man, the original Day 3 Mercury

wisdom Venus
4th seal: feminine: green: Levites (teachers and judges)
Called by Eagle, the original Day 4 Sun

glory Jupiter
5th seal: saints under altar given first taste of glory

blessing Saturn
6th seal: curse on world begins

might Sun
7th seal: Christ (the Sun) begins Trumpets

Why? The seals hold closed the completion of history, the New Creation climax of the whole
Book. Thus, the tuned order is in view. It is not reversed, because the inversion of men and
angels has not yet happened, but it is tuned because it reveals the new tuning of the cosmos.

9. Seals and Trumpets & Bowls

1. Moon - power put forth

First seal - white horse
First trumpet - judgment on Jews
First bowl - judgment on Jews

2. Mars - honor from victory

Second seal - red horse of war
Fifth trumpet - army from Beast's pit
Fifth bowl - judgment on throne of Beast (army)

3. Mercury - riches and thanksgiving

Third seal - black horse of gifts from God
Second trumpet - judgment on Gentiles and their riches, for they were not
Second bowl - judgment on Gentiles and their riches, for they were not

4. Venus - wisdom

Fourth seal - green horse of Levites, the warrior bride

Third trumpet - judgment on Levitical Temple
Third bowl - judgment on Levitical Temple

5. Jupiter - glory as an attribute

Fifth seal - glory given to saints under altar
Sixth trumpet – army of the saints
Sixth bowl - army of the saints

6. Saturn -blessing (and curse)

Sixth seal - judgment of the old world begins
Seventh trumpet - God's Kingdom comes
Seventh bowl - judgment of the old world climaxes

7. Sun -might as an attribute

Seventh seal - Christ begins His rule at Pentecost
Fourth trumpet - judgment on earthly suns
Fourth bowl - judgment on earthly suns

10. Other Stuff

A. The rainbow traditionally has seven (7) colors. If the rainbow sequence has some
relationship to what we have been studying, other then 7 = 7, I don't know what it

red - orange - yellow - green - blue - indigo – violet

B. Hebrew names for the planets are:

Moon Yareah ("the moon"); Lebonah ("white")

Mercury Kokhab ("star")

Venus Kokhabet ("star," f.); Kokhabet Nogah ("bright star")

Jupiter Shemesh ("the sun"); Heres ("the sun"); Hammah ("heat")

Sun Ma'adim ("red"?)

Mars Tsedeq ("righteous")

Saturn Shabbatai ("sabbath")

C. Sidereal periods are the lengths of time it takes for a planet to return to the same
position in the zodiac. The order of the planets comes from these sidereal periods:

Moon 29.5 days

Mercury 88.0 days
Venus 224.7 days
Sun 365.3 days
Mars 688.0 days
Jupiter 4331.8 days (11.8 years)
Saturn 10760.0 days (29.5 years)

D. Sidereal periods should not be confused with synodic periods. The synodic
periods of the planets are their conjunctions with the sun in the sky. Since the sun
moves in the sky, these conjunctions do not happen in the same cycles as the
return of the planet to the same place among the stars. The synodical periods of
the planets are:

Moon 27 days
Mercury 116 days
Venus 584 days
Mars 780 days
Jupiter 399 days
Saturn 378 days


The Seventh Trumpet


The two witnesses prophesy (11:3-6) The 144,000 witness (14:1-5,13)

Martyrdom of the two witnesses (11:7-12) Wheat harvest (14:14-16)

Martyrdom of the 7000 faithful (11:13) Grape harvest (14:17-20)

Seventh Trumpet (11:15a) Seven bowl angels appear (15:1)

Hymns in heaven (11:15b-18) Hymns in heaven (15:2-4)

Temple open; Ark appears (11:19a) Temple open; Ark appears (15:5)

Lightning, voices, thunder, earthquake, hailstorm (11:19b) Seventh bowl (16:17-21)



15:5 - the rent veil

No more protective firmament barrier between God’s throne and sinful Old Creation.

15:6 - avenging angels

Notice that they are dressed like Jesus, the Angel of the Lord (1:13).

Linen - garb of the High Priest on the Day of Atonement.

The seven bowls will pour back upon the wicked the blood offered on the Day of Atonement.

15:7 - cherubic initiation

Cherubim have the flaming sword; give to archangels.

Bowls of wrath: 14: 10

15:8 - the filled sanctuary

14:15&17; 15:6 - now all the angels have come out, but men not yet in (20:4).

Exodus 40:35; 1 Kings 8:10-11 – God’s glory-filling starts a new covenant; new priests will be
admitted soon (Rev. 20:4)


I. Introduction

A. phiale (“vial”)

1. Incense bowls (Rev 5:8; cp. Lev. 16:12)

2. Drinking bowls (Ex. 25:29; 37:16; Num. 4:7)

3. Sacrificial bowls (Ex. 27:3; 39:3)

B. Shape: a footed bowl

- foot of Laver, Sea, and Water Chariots

- bowl of water = waters above the firmament

- thus, poured out from heaven to earth

C. Other relevant bowls of sacrificial system:

4. Lavers for washing

5. Bowls of oil (Lev. 14:15)

6. Bowls of flour for Tribute Offering (Num. 7:13: basin)

7. Larnpstand lamps resting on "foot" of Watcher-Lampstand (Ex. 25:37)

II. Bowls or Comprehensive Alienation and Rejection

A. Acceptance and Rejection:

- humanity estranged from God, removed from Garden

- limited access under Old Creation

- full access for saints in New Creation

- therefore, full rejection for the wicked in New Creation

B. The Meaning of Bowls as “mediators”: bowls carry stuff to God, and from God to us

1. Bowls carry blood to God, so that we are accepted.

2. Bowls carry water to us, so that we are cleansed with heavenly water .

3. Bowls carry oil to us, so that we are anointed to serve.

4. Bowls contain oil that burns as lamps before God.


5. Bowls carry incense to God, as prayer .

6. Bowls carry tribute-flour to God, as gift.

7. Bowls carry beer/wine to God, to drink with Him.

C. Inverted bowls as signs of rejection:

1. Blood poured back on sinners: rejected by God.

2. Defiling waters poured out: sinners not baptized but drowned (Flood).

3. Oil of anti-consecration poured out: sinners consecrated to destruction.

4. Oil of the foolish virgins is emptied from lamps.

5. Incense, which is the saints as pray-ers, poured out on wicked, so that the saints have a hand in
their destruction.

6. Rejected tribute dumped back on wicked.

7. Wine poured back on them; meal-fellowship rejected.

D. Bowls as sustaining creation and rejecting it:

Day 1: blood, access to God

Day 2: waters above the firmament
Day 3: oil from trees
Day 4: lamps as heavenly lights
Day 5: incense as cloud/swarm
Day 6: bread as man's offering
Day 7: beer/wine as shalom-rest


III. Unpacking the Symbolism

- We shall take these in an order that makes it easiest to understand.

A. Bowls as Anti-Lavers

- Laver-water is for cleansing from defilement

- Bowls pour out defilements

1. Loathsome sores, like leprosy (Lev. 13-14)

2. Blood, like a dead corpse (Num. 19)

3. Springs issue blood (Lev. 15)

- from Temple, compare Ezekiel 47

4. Scorching sun.

5. Darkness.

6. Frog-demons let loose (unclean spirits)

7. Air is defiled; no one can escape this defilement!

- the unclean person is expelled from the sanctuary.

- the leper is expelled from the camp and from the city.

- this ultimate defilement expels from the whole world.



B. Bowls as Anti-Libations

- beer on Table a sign of God's peace with His people (Num. 28:7; Ex. 25:29)

- libation is for God to drink, with us (symbolically): communion & fellowship

- harlot drinks blood of saints, which is poured out (16:4&6; 17:6)

- puts herself in place of God (1 Sam. 2:12-17ff.)

- she eats and drinks the people into herself, making herself the god and ruler of the people

- Balamites and Nicolaitans

- God rejects communion and fellowship with presumptuous sinners.



C. Bowls as the Church

- bowls of incense - prayers of the saints; 5:8.

- content of prayers: 6:9-10.

- reinforcement of prayers: 8:3-5.

- saints as sweet-smelling incense

Eph. 5:2

Phil. 4:18

Lev. 16:12-13

2 Cor. 2:14-16

- presence of saints in world = outpouring of incense

Rev. 9:17

Rev. 19:14

Rev. 16:12


D. Bowls as Rejected Tribute

Numbers 7:13.

Sacrifices as memorials to remind God

Tribute reminds God - but of their crimes!

Possible association of manna with hailstones from heaven.



E. Bowls as Emptied Lamp Oil

Exodus 25:37

Numbers 4:9

Zechariah 4:2

Matthew 25:1-13

Revelation 14:4

Revelation 16:8-9


F. Bowls as Rejected Sacrifices

1. Blood splashed from bowls against altar

2. Seven-fold sprinkling for sin of Aaron (Lev. 4:1-21)

Sequence from top to bottom



Not seven at once, but seven with one finger = seven days (Lev. 8:33; 9:1)

Covers Adam’s defiled week

Circumcision on eighth day: new start

3. Seven-fold sprinklings for “leprosy”

Lev. 14:7

Lev. 14:51




4. Seven-fold sprinklings for corpse contamination



5. Seven-fold sprinklings on the Day of Atonement

A. Purpose of Atonement - sins on Priest, taken away (Lev. 10:17)

1. Death penalty for sin transferred

From worshipper to sacrifice
From sacrifice to priest
From priests to High Priest
From High Priest to scapegoat

2. Bowls not used, but hand and finger: blood of priest himself

B. Calendrical position of Atonement - 7th month

1. Jesus as Passover

2. Jesus and Church as Atonement

a. death of Stephen

b. in Hebrews

c. in Revelation

C. Ushers in sabbatical year and jubilee



D. Ritual (Leviticus 16): Blood

1. Aaron's bull slaughtered (11)

2. Single finger-sprinkling on Ark-cover (14a)

A. Ark-Cover Door Opened: relationship between eternal God and human history covered

3. Heptamerous finger-sprinkling before Ark (14b)


1’ Congregation's goat slaughtered (15a)

2’ Single finger-sprinkling on Ark-cover (l5b)

A’ Ark-Cover Door Opened: relationship between eternal God and human history covered

3’ Heptamerous finger-sprinkling before the Ak (15b)

B. Veil Opened: defilement of heavenly calendar-time is covered

4. Atonement for Holy Place: heptamerous finger-sprinkling before veil (16b; 4:5-7)

B’ Veil Opened: God descends to mountain top

5. Atonement for Holy Place: blood finger-daubed on horns on Incense Altar

C. Mountain Tops Visited: links heavenly and earthly mountain tops

6. Atonement for Courtyard: blood finger-daubed on horns of Bronze Altar (18)

D. Top to Middle of Mountain opened: God meets Israel half way at calendar feasts

7. Heptamerous finger-sprinkling on Bronze Altar ( 19)

E. Middle to bottom of Mountain opened: Whole world covered

8. Blood poured out at base of Bronze Altar (4:7)

-- Number of blood applications = 49

1 top of mercy seat (bull)
7 before mercy seat (bun)
1 top of mercy seat (goat)
7 before mercy seat (goat)
7 before veil (bull)
4 horns of incense altar (bun)
7 before veil (goat)
4 horns of incense altar (goat)

4 horns of bronze altar (mixed)

7 sides of bronze altar (mixed)

E. Ritual (Azazel Goat)

1. Bifurcation of ordinary sacrifices: smoke and ashes

2. Bifurcation of Purification offerings: smoke & ashes, and:

a. flesh inside sanctuary area: sanctifying (6:26-29)

b. flesh outside camp: defiling (4:21; 16:l7-18; Nu. 19:3-10,17,21)

3. Bifurcation at Day of Atonement:

- Azazel goat is equiva1ent of ashes and outside flesh



4. Application:

a. Jesus cleanses and covers whole world and history first -- gospel offer to all

b. Those who reject are taken out and burned up (cp. harlot, and Babylon)

c. Jesus is glorified by His people's being taken up into community around Him

F. Application in Zechariah

Zechariah 3 –

Zechariah 4 –

Zechariah 5a -


Zechariah 5b –


Application in Zechariah, continued: The Leprous House

A. "Leprosy": Egyptian plague

B. Separation from Camp (13:46) [city]

C. Restoration: two phases

1. Restore to camp
2. Restore to tabernacle access

D. The ritual of restoration to the community (Lev. 14:1-9)

v. 4: two clean birds - undomesticated preferably

cedar - Temple

scarlet - Facebread, Num. 4:8

hyssop - Passover, Ex. 12:22


Word Law Altar Laver Hyssop

Sacrament Manna Facebread Altar Scarlet

Government Rod Lampstand Pillars Cedar

v. 5: earthenware vessel -man

living water - flowing from above to below; heavenly; Spirit

vv. 6-7: same blood on symbol of community and on leper = joins the two (opens doorway between them)

Leviticus 8:24


Hebrews 9:19

Leviticus 14:6-7, continued

seven-fold sprinkling = covers "week" of uncleanness

release of bird: alternative picture

bird bears and removes Egyptian plague, to Azazel


note Egyptian plagues upon Jerusalem in Revelation

vv .8-9 - new birth, new glory

E. Leprous House (Leviticus 14:33-47)

Only applies inside city walls, vv. 40, 41, 45, 53

House is cast out of city: cp. Temple and Jerusalem

Zechariah 5a

F. Cleansing the Leprous House (Leviticus 14:48-53)

vv. 45 & 53 - bird to Azazel = casting out of house from city

Zechariah 5b

G. The Sevenfold Sprinkling

1. The sevenfold sprinkling covers the week, and done before God's eyes, shows that we accept the
Substitute (goat, bird) who has died for our sins.
2. The alternative is to be cast out to Azazel.
3. If we reject God's appointed Substitute, then the sevenfold sprinkling is poured back upon us,
and we are cast out to Azazel.
4. Thus, seven bowls of blood poured back upon the wicked in Revelation 16 lead to the casting
out and burning of the city in Revelation 17-18.


(returning now to the content of the bowls)

G. Bowls as Consecration to Destruction (glorification/degradation)

1. Oil as liquid light; puts us in firmament sanctuary before God

2. Blood purifies; oil consecrates. Blood restores; oil glorifies.

3. Leviticus 8:10-12

once on Tabernacle - heaven

seven times on a1tar - earth week
Aaron - Adam

4. Leviticus 14:10-20

environment glorified (lightened by oil)

man enters (lightened by oil)

5. The environment is glorified with respect to the person about to enter it.

objectively, it is already glorified by God's presence in it.

6. Thus, in Revelation 16, the rejection of the oil means heaven is not glorified for them, because
they are not glorified.

7. The oil, poured back on them negatively, consecrates them to destruction.

from clean to holy to glorious -oil makes us light

from unclean to unholy to degraded -oil makes them bum

8. The Sevenfold Spirit of fire, oil, etc.: 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6.


IV. The Seven Bowls (Revelation 16)

A. First Bowl (v. 2):

And the first went forth

and poured out his bowl into the land,
and bad and evil sores came upon
the men having the mark of the beast
and those worshipping his image.

1. Against the land: Jews.

2. Bad and evil sores:

bad - objectively
evil - subjectively, in effect

3. Correlate to "leprosy" - objectively puts them apart from God

"house of prayer - worshipping the Beast-Image
"den of thieves" - mark of the Beast ("buying and selling")

4. Justice: eye for eye: mark for mark.

5. Justice and "leprosy" - subjectively drives them from God

- only those with mark of the Beast allowed to synagogue and Temple
- now "leprosy" excludes them from the same

6. "Mystica1 Sodom and Egypt"

a. ashes from work-kilns became sores on Egyptians (Exodus 9:10-11)

b. a1l the good things rejected by outpoured bowls // ashes taken out of sanctuary

c. ashes on them means they are rejected, dead (compare ashes on head for mourning)

d. think of “living ashes,” like insects, defiling skin and flesh

B. Second Bowl (v. 3):

And the second poured out his bowl into the sea
and it became blood like a corpse's,
and every soul of life died that was in the sea.

1. Against the sea: gentiles.

a. Gentiles not to drink blood (Gen. 9:4)


b. Blood // life (Lev. 17)

c. Note: "blood like corpse"

“soul of life"

d. Every source of life in the Gentile world is gone: so now it is Jesus' blood or nothing at all.
The older sustenance from the first creation is gone.

e. This effect was gradual, beginning at Pentecost (8:8-9).

f. Before the gospel, God sustains the Gentiles under the Noahic covenant with archaic
religion. When the gospel comes, those sustaining rituals and customs start to become death-
dealing. After a generation there is nothing left in them at all.

2. Corpses spread defilement (Num. 19)

3. The death of the sea here means "no more sea" (21:1). What remains is the City and those outside
the City.


C. Third Bowl (vv. 4-7):

And the third poured out his bowl into

the rivers
and the springs of waters,
and they became blood.

And I heard the voice of the angel of the waters saying

Just are you! You who are and who was,
"Because the blood of saints and prophets they poured out,
And blood to them You have given to drink.
Worthy are they!

And I heard the altar saying

Yes, Lord, God, All-Ruler!
True and righteous are Your judgments!

1. Against the rivers and springs: the priesthood and worship of Israel and mankind.

Angel of waters = third bowl angel

Altar = saints under the altar

2. Rivers:

a. Eden

b. Nile - called down Avenger



3. Springs:

a. Water from the Rock

b. Ezekiel 47

4. Contrast the sea: this is water to drink; water that flows downhill (from above).

a. Drinking water provided from heaven (rain, rivers, springs).

b. Now this water becomes blood, and the wicked drink it.

5. Allegorical:

a. The waters that flow from God are His prophets, messengers, servants, who "give out cups of
water in Jesus' name."

b. The wicked killed these prophets, converting the water to blood.

c. They drink the blood instead of drinking the water: rejoicing in the murder of the prophets
instead of rejoicing in the teachings of the prophets.

d. Water gives life, but blood gives death.

e. Matthew 23:34-36.

6. Justice: eye for eye; blood for blood (death for death).

7. Old water defiled; new water has come.

a. Rivers from the Throne (Rev. 22).

b. Water from the Rock: Jesus' pierced side.



D. Fourth Bowl (vv. 8-9)

And the fourth poured out his bowl upon the sun,
and it was given to it to scorch men with fire.
And men were scorched with a great scorching,

and they blasphemed the name of God,

Who has authority over these plagues,
and did not repent to give Him glory.

1. Again against the Jews ("men")

Cycle form here:

Eis (into) Epi (upon)

1. Land (Jews) 4. Men (Jews)

2. Sea (Gentiles) 5. Beast-throne (Gentiles)
3. Springs 6. River

2. Promise to Abram:

Like sand of the sea: Bowl 1

Like stars of the sky: Bowl 4

- both land and sky reject apostate Jewry

3. Heat and blasphemy: Deuteronomy 13, &c.

4. Fiery furnace

5. 2 Peter 3:10-12


E. Fifth Bowl (vv. 10-11)

And the fifth poured out his bowl upon the throne of the beast.
And his kingdom became darkened.
And they kept biting their tongues because of the pain.
And they blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and because of their sores.
And they did not repent of their works.

1. Again, against Gentiles (Beast context; "God of Heaven")

2. Which Beast?

a. Fifth bowl // Fifth trumpet (9:11 + 11:7)

b. Gave power, THRONE, authority to Sea Beast (13:2)

- Sea Beast gave power & authority to Land Beast (13:12)

- Land Beast gave power to Beast Image (13: 15)

c. Therefore, the throne of the Beast is Imperial Rome.

d. Therefore, the Beast himself is Satan.

3. Throne

a. In Genesis 1:2, God is enthroned above the waters.

b. God sat enthroned over the Flood, Psalm 29:10.

c. The Harlot is enthroned on waters, Revelation 17:1 & 15.

d. God is enthroned on water in Revelation 22:1.

4. Meaning

a. Darkening of sky above water reverses Genesis 1:2.

b. Judgment on throne = darkening of Rome (cp. 9th plague on Egypt).

c. Throne as people as well as Beast = tribulation in Empire.

5. Continual gnawing of tongues - unable to speak decrees against God's people any longer (contra
Revelation 13:14-17).

6. Notice that the brightening of the sun (God's presence, Christ's face) leads to a darkening of the
throne-people of the Beast. Gospel light scorches men and is perceived as darkness.

Interlude: Historical Events and Revelation 16-20

A. Immediate prelude:

1. Success of Paul's mission among the Gentiles.

2. Jews provoked to jealousy/wrath, and a last harvest of Jews (Romans 11).

3. Massacre of faithful Jews in Palestine as Oral Law Judaism has a false pentecost (revival). This
is the Great Tribulation (which is upon the saints). (Revelation 14)

4. Fanatically enthusiastic Jews rebel against Rome, certain that God will bless them.

B. Three "into" judgments - the beginning of the last period of the Old Creation.

1. Bowl into the land: suggest the Roman invasion and war against Jewish rebels that began in
AD 67.

2. Bowl into the sea: suggest the tribulation in Rome and Empire after Nero went insane sowed
confusion in the empire.

3. Bowl into the springs: suggest the hardening of the hearts of the Jewish religious leaders, who
"drink" the already-shed blood of the Christians by affirming to themselves that what they did
was just.

C. Four "upon" judgments - down to the end of the Old Creation's center, the false Garden.

4. Bowl upon the sun and "men" (Jews): suggest the brightening of the sun means the brightening
of God's glory and Christ's sun-like face; the fact that the Church had not been killed but was
coming to life again and continuing to witness to Jews outside of Jerusalem.

5. Bowl upon the Roman oikumene, throne of Satan: suggest the darkening of the Roman Imperial
Seat during the chaos of the Year of Three Emperors (AD 68-69; Galba, Otho, Vitellus).

6. Bowl upon the Euphrates and the Battle of the Mountain of Assembly: suggest conflict between
Church and Gentiles begins in earnest, for the battle with Jewry is essentially over. Compare
17:12-15 and as continued in 19:11-21.

7. Bowl upon the air and destruction of Babylon: suggest the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70,
the end of the Garden-center of the Old Creation. Delineated in more detail in chapters 17-l9a.

D. Immediate aftermath of the destruction of the False Garden = destruction of Old Creation and coming
of New.

1. Jesus rides forth to conquer (Revelation 19:11-16).

a. Millennium begins with ascended saints now enthroned with Christ (20:1-6).

b. New Jerusalem appears in splendor as Bride (ch. 21-22).


2. Beast (Rome) and False Prophet (Herods) destroyed, at least insofar as they had any special
place in God's plan (19:17-21).

E. Later events:

1. After Millennium, Satan loosed for a little season.

2. Judgment on Satan, Last Judgment, and transfiguration of the physical cosmos.



F. Sixth Bowl (vv. 12-16)

And the sixth poured out his bowl upon
the river
the great one
the Euphrates.
And its water was dried up,
In order that the way might be prepared for the kings from the sunrising.
And I saw
out of the mouth of the dragon
and out of the mouth of the [sea] beast
and out of the mouth of the false prophet
Three unclean spirits like frogs.
For they are spirits of demons, performing signs,
Which go out to the kings of the whole oikumene,
To gather them together for the war of the great Day of God, the Almighty.
Behold, I am coming like a Thief.
Blessed is the one who stays awake and guards his garments,
Lest he walk about naked and they see his shame.
And they gathered them together to the place that in Hebrew is called Mountain of

1. Overview:

a. The battle is between the Kings from the Sunrising and the Kings of the Whole Oikumene.

b. The drying up of the Euphrates releases the saints from the holy land into the whole world.

c. The plague of frogs came after the plague of blood, and this battle begins right after the
destruction of Jerusalem. (Here they are just being gathered.)

d. The original battle at the Mountain of Assembly was against the Amalekites, in Exodus 17.

e. Jesus comes like a thief to the churches, and thus this is not the second coming, but a general
warning to be ready at all times to fight the war.

f. The battle being prepared here is fought first in chapter 17 and then in chapter 19.

g. The Victory over the Oikumene is a sign of eventual victory over the entire world and all

2. The Euphrates

a. One of the two central rivers of the Old Creation

b. Eastern boundary of the holy land.

Genesis 15:18

Exodus 23:31

Deuteronomy 1:7,11:24; Joshua 1:4

2 Samuel 8:3 (1 Chronicles 18:3)

2 Kings 24:7

(1) In Revelation 9:14, Sixth Trumpet, the Euphrates army invades the holy land, moving

(2) In Revelation 16:12, Sixth Bowl, the Euphrates army seems to move outward from the
holy land, toward the Oikumene.

c. The place where Jerusalem & Babylon are destroyed.

Jeremiah 13:4-11

Jeremiah 51:63 + Revelation 18:21

(1) The army comes from the Euphrates, i.e., from the place where Babylon-Jerusalem has
been destroyed.

(2) The drying up of the Euphrates:

(a) Not the drying up of the Jordan, for the army is not going into the holy land.

(b) But the drying up of the Red Sea, for the army has left Egypt-Sodom-Babylon-
Jerusalem behind, and is on its way to the Mountain of Assembly.

3. The Kings from the Sunrising.

a. Led by the Messenger from the Sunrising, 7:2,

b. The same is the Angel of Yahweh, who led Israel from Egypt to Sinai.

c. Same army as that of the Sixth Trumpet, or its replacement (since the blood of martyrs is the
seed of the Church).

4. The Frog Demons

a. Dragon = Satan God

Sea Beast = Roman Oikumene Father
False Prophet // Jewish-Edomite Leaders Son/Word
Spirits // Image of the Beast Spirit

b. Satan, having failed to destroy the Church through Judaism, now moves Rome and its
puppets against the Church.

c. Frogs

(1) Hebrew: tsippor = bird, chirper (Tsipporah, Zipporah)

tsephar-dea' = chirper of knowledge, frog

(2) Greek: batrakhos = also onomatopoeic

(3) Croaking of frogs versus the singing of birds

(4) Frogs at night, birds by day

"night-knowledge" = darkness knowledge

d. Signs

Revelation 13: 13; 19f20

e. Unclean

Exodus 8:3 + Leviticus 11:3-4,32-38



f. Literary structure:

Bowl 4: Fire
Bowl 5: Water Plague 1: Nile to Blood Magicians duplicate
Bowl 6: Earth Plague 2: Frogs on Land Magicians duplicate
Bowl 7: Air Plague 3: Dust to Gnats Magicians defeated

The destruction of Babylon in Bowl 7 implies the defeat of the central "Egyptian magicians," the false
Jews/Judaizers. This implies the defeat of the frog-demons as "Egyptian magicians." Thus, the definitive
blow against the Old Creation is the destruction of Jerusalem, and the rest (the battle of the Mount of
Assembly) is just a mopping-up operation.

5. The Kings of the Entire Oikumene - those who rule over the whole empire.

a. Gathered against God's people.

b. According to 17:12, the Roman Emperors.

c. In 17:14, they will war against the Lamb's people (after AD 70)

d. In 17:16, they first destroy Jerusalem/Babylon, apparently thinking they are at war with God.

e. They are gathered at this point, before AD 70, so they can do their first work.


6. The Thief

a. A thief is a bad person, judged by God's law (Zechariah 5).

b. Jesus comes like a thief.

(1) He comes unexpectedly, at least not expected by the false virgins and the wicked.

(2) But why use the analogy of a thief! Because He comes in the persons of wicked people. The
Romans are His army. The Frog-demon army is under His control, and does His bidding.

7. The Garments

a. Stay awake, a reference back to the Parable of the Virgins.

b. Guard garments = keep the faith.

c. Nakedness and shame - reference to Adam and Eve, first of all.

(1) Shame versus glory

(2) Shame caused by unfaithfulness in the crisis



8. The Mountain of Assembly

a. Leaving Sodom-Egypt-Babylon (Revelation 11:8)

(1) Genesis 19:3,17-19,28

(2) The Exodus

(3) Ezekie1 38:8; 40:2

b. First, Mount Sinai.

(-) Tabernacle as portable Sinai, place of assembly.

c. Transfer to Mount Zion and Jerusalem.

(1) First phase of war: Against Jerusalem.

(2) People gathered for Passover, then Romans locked them in.

d. Transfer to Church.

(1) Second phase of war: Against Church

(2) Kings from the Sunrising follow Christ against Oikumene.

e. Amalekites.

(1) Descending to sack Egypt, fight Israel along the way. Exodus 17.

(2) A Combo Power

Numbers 24:20

Genesis 14:7

Genesis 36:12

Revelation 16:13 - Beast and False Prophet

f. Pattern:

(1) Church begins to be restored: Moses; Apostles

(2) Persecution on Church by false sanctuary: Pharaoh; Jews

(3) God defeats false sanctuary: Plagues; AD 70

(4) Church moves to new privilege at Mountain: Sinai; Heavenly reign

(5) Attack by world: Amalek; Three Frog Army


(6) Victory of gospel: Exodus; Revelation 19

(7) Peace: Exodus 18ff; Millennium

g. Exception on this occasion: At the Exodus, God destroyed Egypt and then brought the
Amalekites on the scene. Here the "Amalekites" are brought on the scene earlier so they can
destroy "Egypt," and then they war against the Church.

har mo’ed à har moged

Mountain (of) Appointed Assembly



9. Unifying the Passage

And the sixth poured out his bowl upon the river
the great one
the Euphrates.
And its water was dried up,
In order that the way might be prepared for the kings from the sunrising.

a. Euphrates dried up to prepare for the coming of the Christian army, in two senses:

(1) The river dries up to make possible a new exodus out of Babylon:

Isaiah 11:15-16

Isaiah 43:14-16

Cyrus leads, Isaiah 45:1

Cyrus builds New Jerusalem, Isaiah 44:28; 45:13

(2) The river dries up so Babylon can be destroyed:

Jeremiah 51:36

Three Frog Army comes

b. So:

(1) The River Euphrates dries up and removes a11 "common grace" from Babylon-Jerusalem.
The place goes insane.

(2) The Kings From the East leave Babylon-Jerusalem, and get ready for the Battle of the
Mountain of Festival Assembly.

(3) The Three-Frog Army moves in and destroys Babylon-Jerusalem, which removes the Great
Harlot and greatly prepares the way for the Church's mission.

c. Cyrus

(1) Destroyed Old Babylon, rebuilt Jerusalem.

(2) As Jesus, captain by providence of the Three-Frog Army.
(3) As Jesus, captain by covenant of the Kings From the Sunrising Army.

And I saw
out of the mouth or the dragon
and out of the mouth of the [sea] beast
and out of the mouth of the false prophet
Three unclean spirits like frogs.
For they are spirits of demons, performing signs,
Which go out to the kings of the whole oikumene,
To gather them together for the war of the great Day of God, the Almighty.

a. The Frogs parallel the Image of the Beast.

b. Therefore, are the Jews/Judaizers.

c. Chirpers of (false) knowledge; cp. 13:15.

d. Seek to arouse the Oikumene against the Church; 17:13-14; Acts; Epistles.

e. Eye for eye, God turns the Oikumene Army against Babylon; 17:16-17.

f. After destroying Babylon, the Oikumene Army is still active, and turns to fight the Church at the
Battle of the Mountain of Festival Assembly.

Behold, I am coming like a Thief.
Blessed is the one who stays awake and guards his garments,
Lest he walk about naked and they see his shame.

- Same warning as Matthew 24 and Parables: When the Kings of the Oikumene (Romans) show up,
go to the Mountain.

And they gathered them together to the place that in Hebrew is called Mountain of Assembly.

a. Mountain of War-Feast Assembly.

b. Not said to gather to Babylon, because Har Magedon is both Jerusalems.

c. Mountain of Assembly first, Isaiah 14:13; Rev. 17-19a.

- gathered for Passover; then war came.

d. True Mountain of Assembly next, Rev. 19b.

- marriage feast with bride; 19:7-9; 21-22.

- city comes down from heaven.

- army comes down from heaven.





G. Seventh Bowl (16:17-21)

And the seventh poured out his bowl upon the air.
And a great voice came out of the sanctuary from the throne,
Saying, "It has occurred.”
And what occurred were lightnings and voices and thunders.
And there was a great earthquake,
Such as there had not been since mankind came to be upon the land,
So vast an earthquake, so great.
And the great city came to be into three parts,
And all the cities of the nations fell.
And Babylon the Great was remembered before God,
To give her the cup of His fierce wrath-wine.
And every island fled,
And no mountains were found.
And hail great as talents comes down from heaven upon mankind,
And men blasphemed God because of the plague of hail,
Because great is its plague, severely.

And the seventh poured out his bowl upon the air.
And a great voice came out of the sanctuary from the throne, saying, "It has occurred."
And what occurred were lightnings and voices and thunders.

A. And there was a great earthquake,

Such as there had not been since mankind came to be upon the land,
So vast an earthquake, so great.
B. And the great city came to be into three parts,
C. And all the cities of the nations fell
D. And Babylon the Great was remembered before God,
D’ To give her the cup of His fierce wrath-wine.
C’ And every island fled,
B’ And no mountains were found.
A’ And hall great as talents comes down from heaven upon mankind,
And men blasphemed God because of the plague of hail,
Because great is its plague, severely.

1. Air - affects everyone alive.

- curse on breath? Genesis 2:7; 3:19

2. It is done - cp. 21:6

- John 19:30 - Tetelestai! "It has been brought to completion!"

- Revelation - Gegonen! “It has occurred!”

- next words: “And what occurred were…”


3. Lightning, voices, thunders - these three are manifestation of Throne in heaven

Trumpets: Rev. 8:5 - Throne extends to earth as landquake; cf. Acts 2:2,6; 4:31

Rev. 11:13

Bowls: Rev. 11: 19 - Throne adds hailstones (anticipates

Rev. 16:18 - Throne, earthquake, hailstones (v. 21)



4. Landquake - shakedown of Israel

Zechariah 14:4

5. Chiasm of vv. 19-20 –

a. City/mountain - Jerusalem/Sinai - high places (altars) of Land

b. Nations/islands - peoples/sea - Gentiles

c. Memorial - (anti-)sacrament

- 17:4,6; 14:19-20

- Day of Atonement memorializes Passover

6. Jerusalem into three parts -

a. Given to the three frogs for a time.

b. Ezekiel 5


7. Hail -

a. Collapse of firmament -

Genesis 7:11

Ezekiel 1:22

Revelation 4:6

b. Talent-weight = 100 lbs. (5 gold talents = $3,200,000, if gold = $400/oz.)

Why express it this way? Possibilities:

(1) Lampstand, Exodus 25:39

(2) Astral/firmament associations, Exodus 38:24-31

(3) Zechariah 5:7 - lid on ephah

parallels lid on Ark

= firmament

8. Babylon

a. Genesis 10:8-12 - a new Enoch; new Garden of Men

- First, four separate cities - world

- Last, four cities so close as to be one great city - final world

b. Genesis 11- apostate Hebrews

c. Thematic essence:

1. People come to have one religion, one universal God.

2. People apostatize from true God, but keep the notion of one universal god.
3. The true God is Trinity, so a diversified society results.
4. The false monotheism results in results in statism and imperialism.
5. Example: Nineveh - Jonah and Nahum
6. Example: Jerusalem


d. Some notes on the original Babel:

(1). Personnel:

Shemites (Hebrews) Hamites (Cushites)

One religion ("lip") One vocabulary (v. 1)

Tar Bricks (v. 3)
Tower City (v. 4a)
Name Dwelling together (v. 4b)
One "lip" One people (v. 6)
Confuse "lip" (v. 7) Scattered city (v. 8)
Confused "lip" Scattered people (v. 9)

(2). Literary structure:

A. One lip, one vocabulary (culture), v. 1

B. Shinar, v. 2a
C. Dwell together, v. 2b
D. Said to one another, v. 3a
E. "Lend your strength, " v. 3b
F. Bricks and tar, v. 3c
G. Build city and tower, v. 4a
H. Name of their own, v. 4b
I. Lest we be scattered, v. 4c
H' Yahweh as Name, v. Sa
G' Examine city and tower, v. 5b
F' One people and one lip, v. 6
E. "Lend your strength," v. 7a
D’ Confuse one another, v. 7b
C' Scattered, v. 8
B' Babel, v. 9a
A' Confused lip, many cultures, v. 9b

A-H. The original situation and man's sinful plan.

I. The sinful determination of man.
H'-A'. God's judgment and the new situation.

e. Babel in history.

(1). Historical Contrast:

1. Before exile, empires sought to create Babelic systems.

2. After exile, empires no longer seek to do so, but Israel does.

(2). Babel Within Israel:



Babylon in the Former Days:

Priestly era:
1. Establishment of true Tower (ladder to heaven) with patriarchs.
2. Tower and shadow-City (land) at Sinai and Conquest.
3. Judgment of apostate Tower (Tabernacle) in 1 Samuel 1-4.

Kingly era:
4. Reestablishment of true Tower (worship) by Samuel.
5. City and restored true Tower with David and Solomon.
6. Judgment on apostate City (and Tower) at exile.

Babylon in the Latter Days:

Priestly era:
1. Tower built, now embracing Jerusalem as sacrally-bounded "Holy City," in days of Zechariah
and Nehemiah.
2. Judgment on apostate Tower when Jesus leaves the Temple and Jerusalem and pronounces
judgment on them in Matthew 23-25.

Kingly era:
1. Jesus ascends to right hand of the Father as King. Jesus as True Tower and the Church as
2. Apostasy of the Church under Judaizers, and judgment of the whole old creation in AD 70.


The Seven Last Visions

After the Bowls:

1. The Seven Letters (1-3)

a. Intro: Jesus (1)
b. The Seven Letters

2. The Seven Seals (4-7)

a. Intro: Jesus (4-5)
b. The Seven Seals (8th letter)

3. The Seven Trumpets (8-14)

a. The Seven Trumpets (8-11)
b. After: Woman, Dragon & Beasts, Saints, Harvest (12-14)
c. Climax: Seven "angels" (3 Jesus, 4 spirits), in ch. 14.

4. The Seven Libation-Bowls (15-22)

a. The Seven Bowls (15-16)
b. After: Woman, Dragon & Beasts, Saints, City (17-22)
c. Structure: Seven "angels" (3 Jesus, 4 spirits)

The Seven Final Visions:

A. Bowl Angel, 17:1

B. Other Angel (Jesus), 18:1

C. Angel (strong), 18:21

D. Jesus, 19:11

C' Angel (sun), 19:17

B' Key Angel {Jesus), 20: 1

A' Bowl Angel, 21:9

A. Bowl Angel, 17:1

Come hither
Show you the harlot
Into a wilderness in the Spirit
Rules nations and kings of the land (17:1,15,17,18)
Day 1: wilderness; harlot hovers over waters

B. Other Angel (Jesus), 18:1

Coming down from heaven
Having great authority
"I sit as a queen," 18:7
Burned up, 18:8
Merchants and Shipmasters lament
Day 2: firmament glory light (18:1)

C. Strong Angel, 18:21

No feast for wicked, 18:22-23
Feasts for righteous, 19:7-9
Day 3: sea & land, bread & wine

D. Jesus rides forth in victory, 19:11-16

Day 4: Rulers and governors

C' Angel, 19:17 Sun

Feasts for birds, 19:17-18
Day 5: birds

B' Key Angel (Jesus), 20:1

Coming down from heaven
Having key (authority)
Reigned 1000 years, 20:4
Wicked burned up, 20:15
Saints comforted, 21:3-8
Day 6: mankind established in rule

A' Bowl Angel, 21:9

Come hither
Show you the Bride
To a mountain in the Spirit
Rules nations and kings of the land (21:24,26)
Day 7: sabbath

Structure of Revelation 17
A. The Woman, 1-2

B. The Beast, 3

A' The Woman, 4-6

Clothed as High Priest, 4-5
Drunk on Blood, 6

B' The Beast, 7-17

Introduction, 7
Beast, 8
Heads, 9-11
Horns, 12-17

A" The Woman, 18



And came forth one of the seven angels,
Of those having the seven bowls,
And spoke with me, saying:
"Come hither!
I shall show you the judgment of the Harlot, the Great one,
The sitter upon many waters,
With whom fornicated
The kings of the land;
And were made DRUNK
The dwellers on the land,
From the WINE of her fornication.

A. An extension of the bowl judgments; aftermath.

B. Great Harlot: false church.

C. Above the waters:

1. Genesis 1:2.

2. Spirit as creator of environment, city, bride. Counterfeited.

3. Waters as gentiles, v. 15.

4. Church as Spirit-led priest forms the Gentiles into a cosmos. Counterfeited.

5. And/or: Water as Judaizing doctrine, foundation of false church, 12:15-16.

D. Marriage and wine:

1. One flesh: eating and sex.

2. "Marriage Feast."

3. Counterfeit: "Harlot Orgy."

4. Israel married to Yahweh, "made love" at feasts: mutual/reciprocal self-giving.

5. False Israel married to self, "fornicated" at feasts: selfish taking. (e. g., Cor. 11)

And he carried me away to a wilderness in the Spirit.
And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast,
Full of blasphemous names,
Having seven heads and ten horns.

A. Wilderness:

1. Between Egypt and Promised Land: AD 30-70.


2. True & fa1se Israel, 12:6&14.

3. Azazel goat with sins upon it.

B. Woman on beast counterfeits Yahweh on cherubim. Again: self-worship.

C. Scarlet beast: both and Rome; 12:3; 13:1.

D. Blasphemous names: evil cherub, 4:6.

E. Heads: sequence o empires.

F. Horns: Roman emperors.



And the woman was arrayed with purple and scarlet [crimson],
And gilded with gold and precious stones and pearls,
Having a golden cup in her hand,
Full of abominations
And the unclean things of her fornication,
And on her forehead a name written:
And I saw that the woman was drunk
with the blood or the saints [holy ones]
and with the blood or the witnesses or Jesus.
And I wondered, when I saw her, with a great wonder.

A. The five-fold description: "And I saw:"

Sitting on a scarlet beast full of NAMES.

Arrayed with purple and scarlet.
Gilded with gold, gems, and pearls.
Having a gold cup in hand.
Having a NAME on forehead.

B. The Harlot is the Beast-Image of Revelation 13 = church.

1. Names on heads of Beast in 13:1 are also on Beast-Image here.

2. Scarlet Beast gives scarlet to Beast-Image.



C. Purple and Scarlet (crimson):

1. Like, but not same, as High Priest's blue robe.

2. Purple robe: Mark 15:17&20, John 19:2&5 - Jesus' royal robe.

3. Scarlet robe: Matthew 27:28 - Jesus' royal robe.

4. Church as body of Christ. Counterfeit.

D. Gold, Gems, Pearls:

1. Gold and gems like High Priest's ephod.

2. Pearls (margaritas) from sea: gentiles added.

3. "Gilded" is architectural, cf. 1 Kings 6:35, etc.

4. High Priest in his robes is image of God in tabernacle/temple.

- man as image of God

5. Harlot is false High Priest, Temple, and City.

E. The Cup:

1. Counterfeit of the Cup of Jesus.

2. His cup is a cup of suffering.

3. We drink His blood-wine, join His suffering for the world.

4. Her cup is opposite, a cup of triumph in the sense of oppression.

5. She drinks our blood-wine, which is abomination and unclean.

F. Abominations:

1. Drinking of blood strictly forbidden:

Genesis 9:4

Leviticus 17:10-14

2. Abomination that causes desolation:

Matthew 24: 15

Ezekiel 8-11

G. Unclean things of her fornication: Leviticus 15

1. The false church worships herself, Revelation 13: 15.

2. This is spiritual masturbation.

3. Her sacrament is to drink her own menstruation.

4. This imagery is supposed to horrify us.

H. Name on Forehead:

1. Is "mystery" part of name, or is it a "mystery name"?

2. Counterfeit of High Priest's Golden Flower.

3. Counterfeit of the sign on the cross (John 19:19):



a. the GREAT versus "can anything good come from Nazareth?" (John 1:46).

b. "Mother of the harlots" versus "King of the Jews."

c. Harlots and Abominations are people: Jews/Judaizers.



I. Drunk on blood:

1. Abomination of Desolation = massacre of believers, ch. 14.

2. "Holy ones" = Old Creation believers; "Witnesses of Jesus" = New Creation.

J. Wonder:

1. "Original sin: man's self-worship.

2. After all the visions of God, John is now amazed at original sin.

3. Man as daughter, sister, bride: makes herself God.

4. All cosmic religions have the feminine as ultimate: Mother Earth.

- we are seeing an attempt to revive this today.

- Roman Catholicism approaches this by making the Church an equal source of

revelation with the Bible; by elevating Mary almost to Co-redemptrix.


Excursus: A Few Thoughts on the Fall

1. Nakedness
Now the two of them were naked ('arummim), the man and his woman, and they did not sense shame.

2. Serpent's nature
And the serpent: He was crafty ('arum), more than all the beasts of the field that Yahweh God

3. Serpent speaks
And he said to the woman, "Indeed, did God really say, 'NOT shall you eat from any tree of
the garden'?"

4. Woman speaks
And the woman said to the serpent, "From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may
eat. 3And from the fruit of the tree that is in the center of the garden, God said, 'NOT
shall you eat from it, and NOT shall you touch it, or YOU WILL DIE.

5. Serpent speaks
And the serpent said to the woman, "NOT DYING YOU SHALL DIE.
For God is knowing that in the day of your eating from it
your eyes will be opened
and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

6. Humanity adopts serpent's nature

And the woman saw
that good was the tree for food,
and that pleasant was it to the eyes,
and desirable was the tree for gaining wisdom,
and she took from its fruit,
and she ate,
and she gave also to her husband with her,
and he ate.

7. Nakedness
And the eyes of both of them were opened
and they knew that they were naked.
A. And they sewed fig leaves and made for themselves girdings.
B. And they heard the sound/voice of Yahweh God walking in the garden in the cool of the day.
C. And they hid -- the man and his woman -- from the face of Yahweh God among the
garden's trees.
D. And Yahweh God called to the man.
C' And He said to him "Where are you?"
B' And he said "Your sound/voice I heard in the garden,
A' "And I was afraid because I was naked and I hid."

A. Lucifer as Chief Tutor.

- the "Second Lucifer"


B. Fa1se prophecy as main problem/weapon:

1. False prophets in OT

2. Matthew 24

3. 2 Thessalonians 2

4. Judaizers

C. Stirs up wife against husband, human leader:

1. Murder of prophets

2. Divisions in Corinth

3. Paul’s self-vindications

D. Impatience for glory at heart of sin:

-- Judaizers not willing to serve

Lording it over
Laying new laws on the people


And I wondered, when I saw her, with a great wonder.
And the angel said to me, "Why did you wonder?
I shall tell you the mystery
of the woman
and of the beast that carries her,
which has the seven heads
and the ten horns.
A. The beast that you saw
and is not,
and is about to come up out of the abyss,
and to destruction goes.

B. And those who dwell on the land will wonder, whose name has not been written in the book of
life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast, that he
and is not
and will appear.
B’ Here is the mind that has wisdom:
The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits,
And they are seven kings.
the five fell;
the one is;
the other has not yet come;
and when he comes, a little while he must remain.
A’ And the beast that
and is not,
also he is an eighth,
and or the seven is,
and to destruction goes."

The chiasm:

A. Satan carries the wicked to azazel.

B. The wicked marvel.
B' The righteous have wisdom.
A' Satan carries the wicked to azazel.

Into the Lake of Fire:

A. Babylon and her people, 14:8-11

B. Beasts, 19:20
C. Millennium
B' Satan, 20:10
A' Hades and its people, 20:14-15

And I wondered, when I saw her, with a great wonder.
And the angel said to me, "Why did you wonder?
I shall tell you the mystery
of the woman
and of the beast that carries her,
which has the seven heads
and the ten horns.

A. Wondering or marveling:

- at Jesus in the gospels

- at unbelief, Mark 6:6

- at Judaizing apostasy, Galatians 1:6, Revelation 17:6-7

- at Beast, Revelation 13:3, 17:8

-- the wicked marvel at power, either Jesus' or the Beast's.

-- the ,righteous marvel at unbelief: How could anyone reject God?

B. The Mystery:

1. Two aspects: woman and beast that carries her.

2. Counterfeit of 12:14 - cherubim carry the Church.

3. Beast carries woman, who is sin incarnate, to azazel.

- compare storks in Zechariah 5.

4. Note ritual in Leviticus 16:

A. Bull for Aaron goes into Holy of Holies: compare Jesus.

B. Goat for people goes into Holy of Holies: compare saints.

1. Note that the goat covers a whole list of types of sins in 16:16.

2. Only after both have gone into Holy of Holies is the earth (altar) covered.

C. Sins are put on Azazel Goat and it is sent to destruction.



C. Explanation of the Mystery.

- revelation of what has been concealed:
- symbolically, behind the veils: a new people
- personally, the Messianic secret: God among us
- doctrinally, the parables: the mystery of the Kingdom

- of wickedness:
- symbolically, the woman out of the ephah, Revelation 17:5&7
- personally, the man of lawlessness, beast, 2 Thessalonians 2:7
- doctrinally, evil teaching, 2 Thessalonians 2:7

- simultaneous exposure: the revelation of the Kingdom exposes the mystery of iniquity.

- The mystery of iniquity is this: to maintain a civilization by blaming innocent people for your own
sins, making them the scapegoat to bear away your own sins.

How this system works:

1. A disaster comes.
2. It cannot be our fault.
3. We must find someone to blame.
4. The person to be blamed is the person who does not fit in (stranger, widow, lame, etc.)
- especially, the person who is blaming us for the disaster (a prophet)
5. We cannot face what we are really doing, without admitting our own fault, so:
6. The victim must be forced to admit guilt.
7. The scapegoat must then be killed or exiled.
8. This resolves the problem, makes us feel good.
9. Out of this rest comes social energy, and civilization is re-founded.
10. Suppressed guilt is assuaged by making the innocent victim into a god.



1. The forced confessions under Soviet communism, when the 5-year plans failed.
2. Oedipus the King and Qedipus at Colonos
- (only in the pre-Christian world do we see the pattern in its totality, because Christianity
defuses it. )

3. The Pharisees (Matthew 23, etc.)

sin against Father: fatherless (outcasts) persecuted

sin against Brother: )
stranger persecuted, made second-class in Judaism
cursing the deaf
tripping the blind (John 9:2)
sin against Spirit: widow persecuted as witch

4. Treatment of Jews and other "oddities" in semi-Christian cultures.



Breaking the pattern: when the victim refuses to cooperate.

1. Cain and Abel.

2. Job. (Note that the victim needs to be readjusted after his trauma.)




3. Jeremiah. (Note that the Jews built monuments to the prophets they killed.)

4. Jesus. (This is the full revelation, and changes history.)

5. The saints in Revelation. (They extend the revelation into history.)

- Note that the upheavals in Palestine brought about the scapegoating of the Christians. Nero
did the same when Rome burned.

6. The secret of victory:

a. Refuse to admit guilt. Stand firm in Christ.
b. Be martyred.
c. This exposes the fact that the sinners are at fault.
d. Civilization cannot be rebuilt.
e. Many will convert.
f. Thus, the blood of martyrs is the seed of the church.
g. God promises to wipe away our tears.

7. 'Note: You don't have to understand this pattern, this mystery or secret of iniquity, in order to be
victorious over it. The Bible only teaches this mystery by implication. All the saints need to do is
obey Jesus and stand fast, and the mystery of iniquity will be broken.


Summary points:

1. In normal times, society exists in a balance brought about by a tension of envy and rivalry, with
some scapegoating and persecution, but nothing major.

2. In crisis times, society falls apart into open discord, and a scapegoat is sought that all can agree
in persecuting.

3. The scapegoat tends to cooperate because the need to "belong" and to "be a part of” the society
is greater than his need to maintain innocence, unless he keeps his mind firmly fixed on his membership in
the Society of God.

4. Every non-Christian society is fragile, a house of cards built of mutual envy, ready to shatter in
times of crisis. The more Christian influence there is, the more love and mutual service overcome envy &
rivalry and make for long-term stability.

5. After a crisis, when the scapegoat has been punished, society re-forms and settles down, with
new "myths" (stories that tell how the society came to be).

6. If the scapegoating process fails to work, the society will not re-form, and the tension will
become worse and worse. The crisis is prolonged.

7. The Truth destroys the scapegoating process, because Jesus refused to admit guilt, resisted the
temptation to be part of the old fallen community, and kept His eyes on the Society of God. After His
death, His followers insisted on His innocence.

8. The sacrificial life and death of Jesus exposed the horror of human society, built on envy and
rivalry. Those involved in His death felt guilt. Many changed, and formed a new society around Jesus,
based on love and mutual service.

9. Jesus was identified as the perfect scapegoat by the wicked because He appeared to be an open
blasphemer. Christians are similarly identified, because they claim to know God personally. This claim is
intellectually offensive to “Greeks,” morally offensive to “Jews.” Thus, like Jesus, Christians make good
scapegoats. As with Jesus, men must lie about Christians in order to criminalize them.

10. Those who do not move into the new Christian society become more and more mutually
destructive, as the crisis is prolonged.

11. In the fullness of time: A. Israel

a. In the days of Antiochus Epiphanes, the Jews committed the abomination of desolation and
destroyed the Restoration Covenant.

b. They united against Antiochus, but then broke apart into rivalrous factions.

c. This situation continued down to Jesus' time.

d. The pressure increased with Roman rule, which became harsh in response to repeated Jewish

e. All the Jewish factions united to kill Jesus; even Herod and Pilate became friends.

f. The apostolic church, by insisting on Jesus' innocence and on His resurrection and
continuing presence, destroyed the value of the scapegoating process.

g. The Jews could not re-form into a new, more unified society on the basis of scapegoating
Jesus, and so the tensions threatened to break out. But they kept the temporary unity because
the crisis was prolonged for six months until the martyrdom of Stephen.

h. The departure of the Christians from Jerusalem allowed the Jews to settle back down into
their rivalrous society. The immediate crisis was over, but the deeper problem has not been
resolved, and so tensions increased. The Jews became more and more mutually destructive,
and more and more rebellious against Rome. Harsh pressure from Rome increased, and so
did the hatred of the Jews for each other.

i. The completion Herod's Temple in AD 64 was accompanied by a revival in Judaism. By now

the Christian witness was quite visible, and there was great hostility to the Christians all over
the land, because every family had a member who had left to follow Christ. The Jews were
able to unite to persecute Christians, but the Christians who were not massacred "fled to the
mountains." Once again, the Jews were left with their crisis unresolved, and turned against
each other with even more violent mutual hatred.

j. In the late 60s, the Romans surrounded Jerusalem and destroyed it, but not before the Jews
had killed each other off to a great extent inside the city.

k. The Jews were finally able to re-form as a community on the basis of hatred of Jesus and of
the Christians, in the form of "Oral Law" Judaism.


13. In the fullness of time: B. The Oikumene

a. The expansion of the Roman empire and of prosperity, and the expansion of Rome itself into the
Italian countryside, created conflicts between the patricians and plebeians in Rome. This led to
the century-long Roman Civil War, which was only relieved by occasional wars with Carthage,
which would temporarily unify the people. This was the first phase of the Roman Revolution: the
"period of rising expectations.”

b. The second phase, the “revolution of the moderates," took place when the three most powerful men
in Rome formed a new kind of government, a "triumvirate." This did not last long.

c. Soon came the "revolution of the radicals." The decadent but heroic Julius Caesar became a hero to
the Romans, but he greatly offended them by bringing the Egyptian Cleopatra to Rome with their
son, and by courting a crown, which the Romans all rejected. The Romans unified to a degree and
put Caesar to death. This scapegoating process did not quite work, however, because Caesar's
supporters insisted on his righteousness, stated that he had wanted to give money and rights to all
the people (the "radical" side) and Caesar's nephew Octavian (Augustus) mounted an army to
avenge his family.

d. The once adored, then feared and vilified Caesar was divinized and made a god, and the line of his
heirs became "emperors" (not "kings"). This settled the Roman Revolution, and reconstituted the
Roman Oikumene into a new form at the top. (The fourth phase of revolution: "the triumph of a
dictator. ")

e. During this period, as we have stated, the new 7th Head Roman Oikumene coexisted with the older
6th Head Hellenistic Oikumene (in its fourth, Roman, phase). The 7th head desired to complete the
conquest of the 6th, and so the Emperor-worship cult was spread into the empire. Finally, Caesar's
descendant Nero burned Old Rome in AD 64 in order to build a new one designed by himself. Nero
fancied himself virtually a god, a "renaissance man" with all talents, and godlike, he wanted to build
a new world.

f. The crisis precipitated by the burning of Rome called for a scapegoat, and Nero picked the
Christians. Thus ensued the first great persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. Note that
Roman and Jew unite in scapegoating Christians after AD 64. As we have seen, scapegoating
Christians does not work, and so the Roman crisis was not resolved. Soon Nero was dead, and a
civil war erupted in Rome in the "year of three emperors.” Because the scapegoating of Christians
did not work, Roman and Jew were soon at each other's throats again. A new scapegoat for Rome
was found: Jerusalem. The destruction of Jerusalem successfully completed the scapegoating
process, and the leaders of the Jerusalem campaign (Vespasian and Titus) became the new line of
Roman emperors.

g. The settling of this Neronic crisis ended the 7th Head Roman Oikumene of the line of the Caesars,
and created a new Rome outside of the sequence of Biblical prophecy.


753 BC Founding of Rome.

509 BC Overthrow of the seventh 'Roman king, Tarquin the Proud, by Lucius
Junius Brutus.

400 BC Romans begin subjugation of Italy.

Third Beast 338 BC Philip of Macedon completes conquest of Greece.

334 BC Alexander, son of Philip, invades Asia & Persia.

Third Beast: 1st Head 330 BC Alexander completes conquest of Persia.

2nd Head 323 BC Alexander dies; Ptolemies of Egypt control Palestine (King of the

270 BC Rome completes subjugation of Italy.

264 BC First Punic War (Rome against Carthage in North Africa) begins.

201 BC Second Punic War ends with Carthage's surrender to Rome.

3rd Head 199 BC After many conflicts, Seleucids of Syria (King of the North) take
control of Palestine.

197 BC Rome conquers Greece.

190 BC Rome defeats Syria and takes much territory.

168 BC Rome reconquers Greece after revolt.

(4th Head) 142 BC Judea throws off Syrians, but appeals to Rome for help. With Rome's
blessing Judea remains relatively independent until 63 BC.

133 BC Tiberius Gracchus, a tribune, seeks land reform in Rome to favor the
poor, but is assassinated. Beginning of the Roman Civil War, which
was mainly a political conflict, and lasted about a century.

123 BC Gaius Gracchus, a tribune, pushes through a law guaranteeing cheap

gram for the poor In Rome.

101 BC Gaius Marius, a popular Roman leader and general, becomes a great
hero for defeating Germans and extending the Roman territories.

100 BC Marius has several tribunes of the people, who wanted more cheap food
for the poor, killed.

91 BC Three-year Italian revolt against Rome


87 BC Popular general Cornelius Sulla removes demagogues from Rome,

institutes reforms; leaves. Under Cornelius Cinna, a reign of terror
against Roman nobility ensues.

80 BC After many victories, Sulla returns and takes over Rome as Dictator.
Institutes many reforms, stops the free distribution of grain, and
abolishes the Tribunes of the people.

71 BC Third Roman Slave Revolt, led by Spartacus, is defeated by Licinius,

Crassus and Pompey.

70 BC Crassus and Pompey become Consuls, restore free grain, restore the
office of Tribune; begin the course of ruling by buying the popularity
of the people. A new kind of Rome is rising.

4th Head 63 BC Pompey completes Roman conquest of Syria with the subjugation of
Judea. Meanwhile a rebellion of the disgruntled and unenfranchised in
Rome under Sergius Cataline is crushed.

60 BC Pompey, Crassus, and Julius Caesar form the First Triumvirate to rule
Rome in a new way. Fourth Beast begins to arise.

58 BC Roman demagogue A. C. Pulcher distributes free grain to 300,000 in

bid to become consul.

54 BC The First Triumvirate breaks apart.

49 BC After ten years of fighting in Gaul and Britain, for which he has
become famous, Caesar crosses the Rubicon River and takes Rome
away from his opponents. Over the next few years he defeats Pompey
and fights in the east and in Africa.

46 BC Caesar returns to Rome.

Fourth Beast 44 BC Caesar is made Dictator For Life, and assassinated by Crassus, Marcus
1st Horn Brutus and others.

43 BC Marcus Anthony and Gaius Octavian Caesar form Second Triumvirate

with Marcus Lepidus.

42 BC Julius Caesar is formally deified by the Triumvirate.

41 BC Marc Anthony enters into alliance with Cleopatra.

Herod 1 37 BC Herod the Great begins his reign.

31 BC Octavian arouses Rome against Marc Anthony, charging that he and

Cleopatra want to rule the Roman Empire. Antony defeated at Battle of
Actium. Soon he and Cleopatra are both dead. This ends any possibility
of a continuation of Rome as an essentially Hellenistic empire based on
trade; Third Beast defeated, but not yet ended.

2nd Horn 27 BC Octavian becomes first Roman Emperor, changing his name to
Augustus Caesar

20 BC Herod begins building of Temple.


3rd Horn 14 BC Augustus dies. Tiberius reigns.

6 BC Birth of Jesus, two years before the death of Herod (approximate).

Herod 2 4 BC Death of Herod the Great. Herod Antipas becomes Tetrarch of


AD 30 Death and resurrection of Jesus. Death of Stephen. Conversion of Paul.

Scattering of Christians from Jerusalem. Peter at Lydda, then Joppa.
Conversion of Cornelius. Preaching to gentiles at Antioch begins.

AD 33 End of Daniel 9's 490 years "for Jerusalem." Christian center shifts to
Antioch. Paul visits Jerusalem and then begins teaching in Tarsus and
then in Antioch.

4th Horn AD 37 Tiberius dies. Gaius Caligula reigns.

5th Horn AD 41 Ca1igula murdered. Claudius reigns. Herod Agrippa I becomes king of
Herod 3 Judea.

AD 44 Paul in Jerusalem. Herod Agrippa I kills James, imprisons Peter, dies.

Herod 4 AD 50 Herod Agrippa II become Tetrarch of “Northern Territory.”

6th Horn AD 54 Claudius dies. Nero reigns.

AD 58 (approx.) Arrest of Paul, and his vindication.

AD 62 (approx.) Revelation of Jesus Christ to John.

Fourth Beast AD 64 Rome burns. Persecution of Christians begins. Temple completed.

Final end of Third Beast and Old Rome; full entry of Fourth Beast,
Apostate Rome.

AD 67 General Vespasian enters Judea to put down insurrection. Beginning of

the Jewish War.

7th Horn AD 68 Nero sentenced to death, suicides. Galba rules for six months.

8th Horn AD 69 Otho kills Galba, rules one month. Vitellus kills Otho, rules five
months. Vespasian returns to Rome and Vitellus is killed in a street
brawl. Vespasian rules.

9th Horn AD 70 Vespasian leaves Titus to complete siege of Jerusalem, which falls on
10th Horn September 7.


The inversion of the scapegoat pattern:

1. True justice: The sins are put on the wicked, where they belong, and the wicked are exiled or

2. In mystery form: The day of atonement: goat carries sins to azazel (destruction).

3. In Revelation: Beast carries Babylon to destruction (17:7)

4. Verse 7 describes the authority (heads) and power (horns) of the Beast to show that this is not
some partial resolution of the problem, but a total one, in two phases:

a. In AD 70: Roman form of Beast carries Babylon away.

b. After Millennium, Satan carries all the wicked away.

The beast that you saw
and is not,
and is about to come up out of the abyss,
and to destruction goes.

A. Satan's Judaizing campaign defeated (from Revelation 9-11).

B. He is about to return for his final effort before AD 70.

C. Eventually he will go to destruction, to azazel.

And those who dwell on the land will wonder, whose name has not been written in the book of life
from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast, that he
and is not,
and will appear .

A. The wicked (non-elect) are impressed with signs and wonders (Matthew 24:24),

B. The appearance of Satan through the Land Beast (2 Thessalonians 2:9).

Here is the mind that has wisdom:
The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits,
And they are seven kings.
the five fell;
the one is;
the other has not yet come;
and when he comes, a little while he must remain.

A. The wicked marvel, while the saints have wisdom.

- the "mind" is the "mind of Christ"


- wisdom to discern what is rea11y going on.

B. Seven mountains = seven kingdoms; cp. Revelation 21:10.

- not the seven little hills of Rome, or of Jerusalem.

C. Seven kings = rulers of these kingdoms, as sets of rulers, not persons.

- the horns will be specific persons.

D. Five fell = i.e., did not go to destruction, but may still be around:

1. Babylon
2. Persia
3. Greece
4. Greek Egypt
5. Greek Syria

E. One is = Greek Rome

F. One is to come = Nero's new Rome: Imperial Rome

- Don't worry: It won't last long.

G. Summary: Wisdom sees the reality that is it not so impressive. It is not really Satan's signs and
wonders, but the succession of empires, none of which last very long. Meanwhile, "His kingdom is
forever," as Luther wrote.


And the beast that
and is not,
also he is an eighth,
and to destruction goes."

A. Satan is an invisible eighth head of the historical, visible beast.

B. Or: perhaps more likely, the 8th head refers to the Land Beast, the Herod-High Priest complex of
Temple ruler, the False Prophet

Danie1 7:8

Daniel 7:19-27

Three Roman Emperors give their power to three Herods:

Augustus: to Herod the Great, who tried to kill Jesus.

Tiberius: to Herod Antipas, who killed John and Jesus.
Claudius: to Herod Agrippa I, who killed James.

- The Land Beast is the face of the Sea Beast in the Land, among God's older people, the Jews and
Jewish Christians. Revelation 13:3,12,14.

C. "Of the seven," or literally: "Out of the seven."

- Either this means "apart from the seven," the spirit animating the seven-headed beast, but apart
from it.

- Or it means "one of the seven," the actual seventh head, of which Nero is only a puppet. This goes
with A. above, and assumes that Satan possesses Nero as he possessed Judas.

- Or, perhaps more likely, it means "out of” and refers back to the Little Horn of Daniel 7, who
comes "out or' the Roman beast.

- Jesus is the True Eighth Head, who does not come "out of” the seven. The false 8th head is, thus,
the False Prophet, False Messiah(s) of Matthew 24; the Man of Sin.

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