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Assemblage Sculpture – Visual Art Two

Grades: 10-12 4-5 days

Objectives: Students will display appropriate and safe habits when working with spray
paints and adhesives.
Students will create a non-objective design, using a variety of geometric shapes
and miscellaneous found (recycled) objects.
Students will display, and critique, their work, as well as that of their peers, in
written format.

Materials: Miscellaneous wood, plastic, and/or metal pieces, glue, and spray paint.

View works (stables and assemblages) by Louise Nevelson and Alexander Calder.
Discuss assemblage sculpture and brainstorm ideas.
Demonstrate appropriate use of the medium. (Using glue, and spray paint only in a well
ventilated area – in my school this means outside.)
Discuss why it is important for us not to use “stinky” materials inside without ventilation.
Create an assemblage using a variety of recycled media.

Working in class 25 points
Proper use of spray-paint and glue (safety) 25 points
Completed assemblage 25 points
Self and peer critique 25 points
Total 100 points

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