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Document Management System

The following describes requirements for a Document Management System we may choose to include in ProcessMaker Core. Links to relevant
products, lists of feature requirements and potential mockups are provided below.



Upload/Add a document set categories, retention policies, add meta-data

Checkin and Checkout
Version Control
All need to be permission controlled
Document Web Viewer (Thumbnail and full size)
User Interface Example

Access and control

Access via web browser - IE. Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc.
Mobile access via tablet or smartphone
Primary access via browser, RDP for install and maintenance only
Multi-tenancy with no opportunity for cross contamination
Ability to use LDAP groups to enable SSO access for other applications
Support for API enabled SSO
Access rights per user, group of users, document class by customer
Administer rights - ability to enable customers limited access to administer local functions, e.g. new users, password reset
Version control for documents including check out/in function and offline support


Support for security categories, e.g. user, administrator etc.

No possibility of cross-contamination or unauthorised access – ideally separate database tables for each customer
Option to encrypt database to a standard equivalent to triple DES
Full audit trail recorded and viewable by Prime admin users
Full support for business continuity processes including, disaster recovery provisioning, back up and restore
Ability to add KM capability at a later date


Ability to customise landing and subsequent pages to suit customer look and feel. – Ideally support for CSS

Support for virtualised environment hosted in remote data centre
Scalable, ideally with support for load balancing across multiple instances
Support for 99.99% availability
Support for S3 and in later phases other online storage (Drive, Box, Dropbox, Azure)


Support for hierarchical storage management using agreed rules per customer
Retention policy management by customer and document type
Each record/document to have its own GUID and URL
Ability to record paper storage reference if appropriate


Support for configurable classification scheme per customer

The classification scheme must allow customer and document type segregation and management
Unlimited classification and indexing structure
Ability to look up data from other sources to augment index dataset
Ability to import and automate index fields based on configurable rules
Ability to access other document repositories or databases as an integral part of the system
Ability to delete, add or split classification elements
Ability to add a configurable water mark


Ability to poll and retrieve files from ftp server and trigger a process on receipt
Ability to identify and retrieve emails and attachments from an Exchange server, including body and attachments
Ability to send emails via SMTP relay with configurable return address
Ability to send encrypted emails with configurable unlock key
Ability to import bulk records/documents from other systems
Ability to capture multiple file formats
Ability to mask data fields to a specified configuration
Ability to receive files uploaded via the web portal


Report on historical demand and queues across whole process

Configurable reporting dashboard – ability to enable customer views as well as Prime
Ability to create and automate monthly reporting by customer, e.g. SLAs, volumes, performance etc.
Demand profile reporting to enable Prime to monitor capacity and queues
Full end to end job tracking – reported in the web portal for each customer


Support for the design, creation and use of e-forms as part of a document process
Embedding of stored documents as an object in a ProcessMaker form with a link to the document store (s3 or other)


Set retention periods by document type and customer

Enable review or destruction at the end of the retention period

All documents stored in the repository shall be viewable via the web portal using standard web browser irrespective of the document
Ideally documents can be viewed on a page by page basis, possible using a compressed format, to enable fast retrieval and availability.
This is preferable to waiting for the entire document to upload to the portal
Page Manipulations – Users can quickly and easily modify and create documents in the viewer using either the contextual menu or drop
and drag functionality.
Powerful Search capabilities – Users can search text information contained within a variety of formats including Word, Excel, AFP,
PCL and PDF text search. The results are then highlighted allowing users to efficiently navigate the document text search to the desired
Picture controls - Adjust the brightness, contrast, and gamma of any document or image with picture controls. Low quality documents
can be enhanced for readability


Ability to print documents to a local printer from the web portal page


Ability to set user. Or user group, preferences to manage access to specific document types, features or functions
Ability to manage a secure password policy with a reset option either via an administrator or via and automated function
Ability to automatically lock an account after successive log in failures (5)
Audit trail to include user access attempts including failed attempts
Ability to update/change classification of documents
Ability to add. Delete users and change profiles
The option to allow specific customer users to have limited administration access – e.g. user management


Ability to route documents from one user to another for approval such that when being routed document status is locked
Ability to Approve/Reject a document for approval with comments
The ability to route records or files in a prescriptive and configurable way based on rules specific to each customer solution
Ability to copy and paste workflows from one customer to another
The inclusion of rules based notifications and triggers – e.g. a new document received or a process delay
Ability to sign/authorise a document based on configurable rules bespoke to each customer
Ability to add notes to a document record as it passes through a process, which other process users can view
Ability to configure administration access and user permissions to each workflow activity
Unlimited workflows
Ability to retrieve files from FTP, email and other sources and use these events to trigger a workflow
Ability to escalate a process for example, holiday or other absence.
Ability to deliver to a group or users as well as individuals
Support for web service calls (SOAP and REST) as part of a workflow process
Ability to trigger executable programmes so sub-contracting part of the process to an application and receiving it back for onward
Support for case management
Simple and intuitive interface for building workflow processes and testing them
Support for bespoke scripted activity, say in Java or .NET
Full support for e-form processing
Comprehensive audit trail reporting by process, customer and individual document


Option to use electronic signatures for verifying the authenticity and integrity of a document or record using the appropriate certified
Support for digital signatures for case and contract management solutions
Ability to store the e-signature either embedded in the document or as a linked file


Ability to handshake with other systems such as ERP (a certified SAP connector would be a significant advantage)


Ability to scale the capacity of the system to meet future customer demand elegantly
Support for load balancing, queue management, priority settings, schedule delays etc.
Responsive – fast retrieval of documents in the portal, reports etc.

Version Control

While the initial requirement will be for records management, the application software must also be able to support document management with
the ability to check out documents for editing and automatic version control.

Search and Retrieval

Ability to search for document via the web portal using selected index data, returning a list of all matching documents belonging to the
specific customer and subject to user permissions
Ability to view the retrieved documents on a PC, tablet or smartphone
Ability to download, print or email retrieved documents
Where documents are subject to version control, the ability to check out and check in a document for modification, with full version history
Ability to redact confidential information if required.
Any software updates must be delivered via a managed change process which includes a test plan, version control (major and minor
changes), with the option for Prime to reject a change if it impacts functionality, while maintaining continued support from the software
Update shall not require re-configuration of the system or processes
The supplier will provide a ticketing system to receive issues from Prime for resolution in accordance with agree SLAs
SLAs to be agreed for response time and fix time, for example 1 hour response and 8 hour fix – based on issue criticality
Provide training for Prime staff to configure and use the system to build customer solutions

Relevant Products:

Alfresco - - Probably the best example because Alfresco makes the Alfresco ECM and Activiti BPM and sells
them both separately and together.
OpenKM -

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