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responsibilites) and the Manager of the figured to provide: of the service, and maintenance on the external options on the

tenance on the external options on the microcomputer to

Telidon: Its Potential and "Page Creation Centre".
Infomart provided training to the Page
8 Guelph local phone dial-up access
With the system installed, the project team
complement its local record keeping and
financial analysis functions.
Problems for Traditional and Creation staff on site at Guelph enabling
staff to become competent with the two
3 University of Guelph campus access
undertook to recruit several members of
faculty to explore instructional applications
At the end of the trial in October 1983
and through all 1984 the absence of a rea-
3 In-watts access ports of the medium for on-campus instruction sonable rural telecommunication service
Distance Education Norpak Information Provider Terminals.
Two years later these staff report that the 1 Program port, Westex News, and for possible distance education applica- for Ontario presented a major block in fur-
most valuable activity for them was the one University of Western Ontario tion. Four courses were selected with high ther acceptance of this or any other Teli-
week training at the beginning of the field 1 Program port, Page Creation, visual content or the need for frequent and don service. While access costs in
by G.A.B. Moore with Telidon as an agricultural extension
trial which enabled them to achieve the re- University of Guelph. immediate feedback to students. These Manitoba and Saskatchewan were reason-
medium as well as an instructional med-
quired standard. These staff members were It was found that Bell's Datapac was not were a first year introductory course in able at five and eight cents per minute
ium. From this experience several conclu-
all seasoned in their fields and had assign- available outside of the larger urban cen- Zoology, a first year Neuroanatomy course respectively, Datapac in Ontario at 15 cents
Introduction sions are drawn about the potential of
ments as follows: tres which rendered it inaccessible to the in Veterinary Medicine, a third year couse per minute was not available outside larger
Computers once meant "number proces- videotex, to use the more generic term for
Telidon Responsibility Previous experience large rural areas. Access was possible to in Psychology and a fourth year course in cities. The cost of a long distance call of 35
sing machines" and if we were not in- Telidon, for traditional and distance educa-
Manager. Page Creation Datapac but incurred a 35 to 70 cents per Ornithology. A course in Extension Educa- to 70 cents to reach a Datapac port or the
volved in teaching a subject with some tion. Centre Media Producer minute long distance charge. A further tion used the Telidon systems test and feed- University of Guelph network was seen by
mathematics we could conveniently leave Page Designers (3) Graphic artist/exhibit complication was that Telidon terminals back capacity for a computer literacy quiz our participants as prohibitive. The pro-
the computer to the math and physics I. From Farms to Classrooms designer
Database Manager Research Assistant were equipped with split speed 1200/150 related to TV Ontario's "Bits and Bytes" mise for 1985 is that an INET trial in zone
departments. The notion of computers as bps modems which were unsuitable on series. 519 of Southwestern Ontario will be avail-
1982 the University of Guelph, along with Writer Writer
"logic machines" moved us a bit closer to Bell's Datapac service although they could able at 25 cents per minute.
considering their place more widely in the several other educational institutions, was An initial target of 300 pages of Ontario
content for the field trial was more than be made to work over the voice network. GRASSROOTS Findings
curriculum but for many of us the com- awarded a Telidon equipment grant from
doubled with 688 pages being created. This Modems at 1200 bps and compatible with There was general agreement among par- II. The Instructional Applications and
puter was a foreign object and too confus- the Department of Communication under
included a market summary of Ontario Datapac cost approximately $1,000 at the ticipants that this farm information service findings
ing with which to become involved. In the its Industrial Investment Stimulation Pro-
farm prices supplied by the Ontario Minis- time of the trial which rendered this op- was easy to use and provided valuable in-
past couple of years the microcomputer has gram (IISP). The proposal listed three areas
try of Food and Agriculture and updated tion unattractive. formation on weather and commodity mar- Telidon's tree structure and menu ap-
emerged, not only as a number processor of study and application. The first was an
agricultural information service. The se- daily. A Calendar of Events for the Ontario The third objective was to test the ser- kets. It was also found that expectations of proach makes it extremely easy for first
but also as a processor of words and im- vice on selected Ontario farms. The detailed information on such topics as her- time users. However, this structure was
ages which places it at the heart of educa- cond was an on-campus electronic infor- agricultural community listed events by
mation service for students and staff and region, by date and by subject. A user was telecommunications problems have been bicides, feed ration balancing formulas and not found to be suitable for instructional
tional work. One development of potential identified and these placed serious finan- local market quotations were not as well purposes. Special action task software was
value to both traditional and distance the third was the use of Telidon in teach- able to scan the information available by
using anyone of the three search modes. cial constraints on the project's ability to met. written by Infomart to University of
education is the merging of Telidon ing. encompass a geographically dispersed farm
Agricultural extension courses in the Inde- The delemma of Telidon or videotex as Guelph specifications. This enabled several
technology 'Nith the microcomputer. audience which would be representative of a single service entity, as it was originally interactive approaches to be taken in de-
Telidon in 1985 is quite a different crea- GRASSROOTS Field Trial pendent Study program were included in
the database with an on-line course regis- Ontario agriculture. Through the participa- conceived, or as an extension of the micro- signing instructional sequences. The ma-
ture from Telidon of 1981 when the Canad- The first major project grew out of an in-
tering system available. Several interactive tion of several commercial agri-business computer, emerged early in the trial. When jor emphasis in this first instructional trial
ian Department of Communication laun- vitation from Infomart, Winnipeg, to con-
farm management programs were pro- firms 1 funds were made available to pro- the trial ended participants were invited to was for testing and feedback modules to
ched its $27.5 million program to support duct a joint six month field trial in introduc-
duced including a Crop Budgeting Aid and cure additional terminals and to add a se- continue the service by acquiring a termi- support PSI or other mastery type courses.
Telidon's development. While the basic ing its agricultural information service
a demonstration Sire Selector program. cond trail area. Chatham in the heart of nal through lease or purchase and paying Ten to twenty minute test modules were
Telidon approach remains, that of a system GRASSROOTS into Ontario. This project
Research reports and summaries of Animal Southwestern Ontario's cash crop region ten cents per minute telecommunications created in the Zoology, Ornithology,
of computer codes to produce colour had three specific objectives:
Health Care seminars were included from was selected as the second trial site and a charge to use the network. Eight trial par- Neuroanatomy and Psychology courses.
graphic images, the early Telidon standard 11 to create a commercial class "Telidon four-port "mini-mux" line extension was ticipants elected to lease a terminal and no These were optional for students and were
has given way to the North American Page Creation Centre" operating at in- the Ontario Veterinary College as well as
an on-line ordering system for audio cas- installed reducing Guelph's local dial-ups one bought since they indicated a desire for presented as opportunities for them to test
Presentation Level Protocol Syntax dustry standard. to four.
21 to create agricultural content of rele- settes of the Health Care sessions. an integrated service with a microcompu- themselves against the course material.
(NAPLPSI. Low cost adaptors for the home Terminals were installed on forty farms, ter. During the trial a software decoder The modules were tests of learning rather
TV set supposed to be here by 1983 are still vance to Ontario agriculture to be avail- Infomart undertook to expand its 24 hour
weather forecasts to include Central and thirty in the Guelph area in two waves of from Microstar, in Ottawa, became avail- than as tests for mark accumulation. They
not here. There are adaptors or decoders able to Ontario farmers from the
Western Ontario for the regions of Wind- fifteen each and ten around Chatham. able for the IBM PC. Several participants did have the features of immediate feed-
but they are not low cost. What has hap- GRASSROOTS database in Winnipeg.
sor, London, Owen Sound and Toronto. In Farmers were selected by a committee of already owned Apple II plus micros; how- back to the student, suggestions for study
pened is that several microcomputers can 31 to test this Telidon service with as many Guelph faculty and were offered the ser-
representative Ontario farmers as facili- addition several agribusiness companies ever, no completely satisfactory decoder following an incorrect response, randomi-
now be outfitted with a software decoder vice on a no-charge basis for two months
ties would permit. contributed product information of interest for the Apple was available and their zation of test items allowing multiple at-
from $99 to $199, depending on the micro, in return for agreeing to complete a de-
The agreement between the University to the Ontario farm community and trading owners elected to keep their options open tempts until the achievement criteria was
which give the computer the capability to tailed written questionnaire prior to termi- by leasing a terminal.
of Guelph and Infomart was signed information from the Toronto Stock Ex- reached and feedback to the instructor in
function like a terminal. Predictions made nal installation and a second questionnaire
December 23, 1982 and preparatory work change was made available. The participants in the trial covered a the form of printed reports of student per-
by the University of Guelph in 1983 that at the end of the period. 2 In addition on-
began immediately for the field trail which The second project objective was to wide age spectrum from young to well formance. These modules were created by
Telidon would emerge as an enhanced liJ.le responses were solicited during the
operated from April to October of 1983. make the GRASSROOTS database avail- established farm operators. The majority the Guelph Page Creation Centre in close
capability of the microcomputer rather tnal. The offer of service included an inte- reported gross annual sales of agricultural
Guelph appointed a three person project able to Ontario farmers. To achieve this consultation with the participating mem-
than as an "add on" to the TV set seem grated Telidon terminal (decoder, monitor products in excess of $200,000. This sug-
management team and assigned three regu- and to enable the Guelph Page Creation bers of faculty. The materials were then
more likely of fulfilment than the reverse. and modeml, free telecommunication over gests that an economic threshold may well
lar media production staff to the "Page Centre to load the Ontario content into the uploaded from Guelph into Infomart's
This paper will report on work at the the installed network, training in the use exist below which this videotex service is
Creation Centre". This was augmented by Winnipeg computer, a dedicated 4,800 bps Winnipeg computer in similar manner to
University of Guelph beginning in 1982 too costly to be justified.
three temporary staff. In addition electron- dataroute line was leased from Bell the provison of the agricultural content for
ic staff were given fractional assignments Canada. A sixteen port concentrator was While the majority of respondents indi- GRASSROOTS. While the latter task was
G. A. B. Moore is Associate Professor of I.These companies were Chipman Inc., ciba-
cated they were seriously considering ac-
on an "as required" basis. The manage- installed at Guelph which provided two Geigy, Cyanamid, Pioneer Hybrid and Shurgain. performed directly from Guelph, the inter-
Extension Education and Director of the quiring a microcomputer they were still
Office for Educational Practice at the Uni- ment team comprised the project director, program ports on the Winnipeg computer 2 Deloitte, Haskins and Sells, Management active nature of the instructional materials
The Coordinator of Agriculture Extension, for the Page Creation units and 14 simul- Consu!tants contributed the Market Research looking. They were inclined to see the required software engineering intervention
versity of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, NIG analySIS. GRASSROOTS type of service as one of the
(both of whom had existing full-time taneous user access ports. These were con- Continued on page 23.
ed to deliver television signals over a large tutions. Analysis of student enrollments in- years but the major trend for applying in- 2000 (pp. 127-134). Norwood, NJ: new technology, Vancouver: Know- ment, "INSAT for education",
geographical area with signals to be re- dicate that students residing in the more formation and educational services in the Ablex. ledge Network. Paris: Author.
ceived by small dishes and retransmitted sparsely populated areas of the province third world will remain with radio (Block, Casey-Sathmer, A., & Lauffer, S. (1982). A Hudson, H. (19811. A satellite network in UNESCO, (19721. A guide to satellite
to cable television. Presently 140 com- and thus beyond physical accessibility to 19831. and 21 the nations that could profit new era of satellite communica- the South Pacific. Uplink, June, 5. communication, Paris: Author.
munities in British Columbia are able to the three Universities located in the most from satellite technology for both for- tion: Can education benefit from Lalor, G.(1984). Project report: University Valakakis, G., & Wilson, T. (19841. The
receive Knowledge Network programming. southern part of the province are partici- mal and non-formal educational devel- it? Paper presented at the Internation- of the West Indies distance teaching Inuit Broadcasting Corporation: A
In November 1982, there were 375,000 pating "Distance Education" students tend opment are those that can least afford al Council for Educational Media Con- experiment. Uplink, February, 6. survey of viewing behavior and
regular viewers throughout the province. to be approximately 10 years older than them, because they lack the finances, in- ference, Mexico City, October. Mody, B. (19791. Programming for SITE. audience preferences among Inuit
In addition, some communities in the full-time on-campus students, are em- dustrial base and technical infra-structure Coldevin, G. (19771. Anik I and isolation: Journal of Communication, 29, (4). of ten communities in the Baffin
Yukon and Northwest Territories, Alber- ployed full-time and have families. Educa- to maintain a comprehensive system Television in the lives of Canadian 90-98. and Keewatin region of the North-
ta and the northwestern section of the tional opportunities are therefore being (Polcyn, 19811. Small-scale terrestrial bas- Eskimos, Journal of Communica- Polcyn, K. A. (1981). The role of communi- west Territories. Concordia Univers-
United States are able to tune in to provided and more importantly accepted ed projects will remain the norm for most tion, 27, 14). 145-153. cation satellites in education and train- ity.
Knowledge Network transmissions. and used by those who otherwise might not of the developing world for some time. Coldevin, G., & Wilson, T. (19821. Educa- ing: The 1990s. Programmed Learn- Wigand, R. T. (1980). Selected social
The Knowledge Network provides edu- be served. But for those countries currently on the tion, television par satellite et impuis- ing and Educational Technology, implications of direct satellite
cational and general interest programming A new phase of development has been edge of exploiting satellite television tech- sance chez des adoescents Inuit du 18, (4). 230-244. broadcasting. Paper presented at the
for children and adults, telecourses and live completed by a subsidiary corporation, the nology such as China, Brazil, Mexico, In- Canada. Etudes Inuit, 6, (I). 29-37. Shukla, S. (1979). The impact of SITE on International Communication Associa-
interactive educational broadcasts, consti- Knowledge-West Communications Cor- donesia, Saudi Arabia and India, the fore- Forsythe, K., & Collin, V. (19831. British primary school children. Journal of tion Conference, Acapulco, Mexico.
tuting a total of 98 broadcasting hours per poration. It now operates as a broadband seeable prospects are encouraging. The ma- Columbia - case study: Higher Communication, 29, (4). 99-105. o
week. Fifty-nine percent of the programm- closed circuit service which links five jor challenges to be faced by these nations Education and the integration of a UNESCO, (1981). Draft project docu-
ing is produced in British Columbia, the teaching hospitals and the universities with are those of software development, or-
majority of which originates with educa- two-way video, audio and data units. The chestration of human resources, and ac-
tional institutions responsible for post Knowledge-West also acts as a Develop- tivities at the receiving end (feedback and TELIDON an aggravation to a student who had to wait TABLE 1
secondary and continuing adult education. mental Directorate for new ventures in motivation factors). whether it be school, Continued from page 11. up to 30 seconds (sometimes longer) for
The number of educational institutions, closed-circuit satellite video conferencing, home or village community centre based. recognition and feedback to an entered STUDENT RESPONSES TO TELIDON
government ministries and agencies which data network and electronic publishing These are precisely the problems faced by to load the Telidon created pages to the ac- response. The University's computer net- USE IN COURSES IN
provided and supported educational pro- (Forsythe and Collins, 19821. The implica- the major developed nations and there is tion task software. work was being expanded during the time NEUROANATOMY AND
gramming on the Knowledge Network in tions of this work are interesting and pro- little reason to expect that developing coun- Student access to the instructional ma- of the trial and this led to occasional fail- INTRODUCTORY ZOOLOGY
1983 totaled 33 and include the Universi- mise future development. tries will be different although the circum- terials was provided through Telidon ter- ures in gaining access or being "dumped" Neuroanatomy Zoology
Number of enrolled
ty of British Columbia, the University of stances may warrant different solutions. minals located in the Library and in the during a session. Similarly, occasional in- students 20 600
Victoria, Simon Fraser University, 15 two- CONCLUSIONS Canada, for example, is able to supply its Audio-Tutorial Laboratory of the Ontario terruptions of the GRASSROOTS system Response rate 95% 33%
year colleges, and several learning insti- own technology, has adequate financial Veterinary College. Students were issued led to the same result. A frequent problem Previous awareness
As can be readily noted from this brief resources, and target audiences which are with a course identification number and a of Telidon 65%
tutes. was the volume of traffic on the three 22%
Previous use of
The Knowledge Network is thus not a overview, the primary uses thus far for relatively small from an international pro- personal password and signed on the sys- University access ports which led at times Telidon 20% 6%
separate Distance Education institution, satellite communications have primarily spective. It is therefore free from many of tem initially like a regular GRASSROOTS to delays of up to 45 minutes in signing on. Number of sessions
but rather one working part of the total been in areas of extending preparatory and the overwhelming concerns facing devel- subscriber. The course IDs, however, were While this instructional system was be- used 1·3
commitment to "Distance Education" in first year university courses (USP, UWI, oping nations and able to explore a varie- set up as a closed-user group and the ing used for on-campus students it was Nominal duration
of sessions 3D min. 30-45 min.
British Columbia. The term "Learning Knowledge Network) in-service teacher ty of issues which will refine the use of students by-passed the standard menus to emulating a distance education mode. Any Found system easy
System" is used to describe what happens training (USP, UWI, KNI. continuing edu- satellite technology for education. be taken directly to the appropriate materi- terminal on the GRASSROOTS system, to use 92% 78%
when the existing educational structure in- cation (USP, KN) and in-service profes- Satellites can provide the technical als for the assigned course. Telecommuni- with the appropriate ID and password, Value of colour
cluding government plus universities, com- sional training (e.g. agriculture, health; cation between the terminals at Guelph graphics 100%
means to distribute educational material could access the instructional materials. 86%
Accuracy of colour
munity colleges and provincial institutes UWI, Indonesia, KNI. Non-formal educa- over large distances at increasingly afford- and the Winnipeg database was achieved When it is considered that the system ser- graphics 92% 68%
strive to cooperate to expand educational tion at all levels was attempted in both the able costs but harnessing the technology to through the University's computer net· vices users in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Would you like to
opportunity through the use of a variety of Canadian and Indonesian projects. The on- equalize educational opportunity will re- work to which the dataroute concentrator Manitoba and Ontario, as well as those in see the system
used for marked
technological efforts, chiefly the telecom- ly country to attempt formal instruction at quire careful planning if this potentially ports were linked. GRASSROOTS America, the potential for examinations Yes - 77% 58%
munications satellite (Forsythe and Collin, the primary level was India (SITE project major innovation is to be successfully The instructional materials took two a serious distance educational application No- 23% 27%
1983). as a prelude to INSAT I-B). Another parti- exploited. basic forms. The course in Zoology used a can be appreciated. undecided· 15%

Integral in the organizing principle of the cularly beneficial use of satellite technol- resource reference approach. Here many
"Learning System" are the Learning Sys- ogy was in the use of audio teleconferenc- References of the overhead visual materials used in Student Reaction semester. This course was not offered in
tem Working Groups, consisting of repre- ing systems for direct instruction, tutorial class were available for reference and Surveys were conducted in the Winter the Winter Semester and the students were
sentatives from the participating educa- counselling and project administration Academy for Educational Development. review on the terminal. Interactive features Semester of 1984 among students using the not available at the time of the survey. The
tional institutions. The Knowledge Net- (USP, UWI, KN, and to be included in In- (1983a). Planning telecommunication were introduced so that the student could system and a second survey was taken of content of the Biological Sciences' course
work assists the members by providing the donesia). In the case of the IEC, this sys- applications in the West Indies. contrast and compare different cell struc- students at the end of the first module in in neuroanatomy was similar to the Veteri-
opportunity for the cooperation and pro- tem (video transmission from central site Uplink, March, 3. tures or order the way in which an illustra- the Fall Semester of 1984. They reported nary course. The use of the Telidon test
blem solving necessary to further devel- and audio feedback) also proved useful as Academy for Education Development. tion was presented. In the other courses in the system as basically easy to use, the col- materials by a different instructor and the
opment of the educational network. a decision making forum for adults con- (1983bl. Waves of information: using Neuroanatomy, Ornithology and Psychol- our graphics of value and expressed a positive acceptance by the students suggest
At the community level, Learning Cen- cerned with mutual regional problems. radio and communication satellite ogy a test and feedback approach was us- desire for continued use. an interesting example of sharing and ex-
tres, part of local colleges when possible, While effective at the adult level, however, technologies for rural development. ed. Here students were presented with In the following tables the results of the change of costly resources.
have been established in 67 locations the literature suggests that teleconferenc- Paper presented at the Development multiple choice or short answer questions. Winter and Fall Semester surveys are The Introductory Zoology course pre-
throughout the province. The Centres of- ing systems may not be viable for larger- Forum's Tenth Anniversary Col- In some tests a second try was allowed shown. sented a different student group. Here first
fer local residents a variety of services scale education endeavours such as sup- loquium, Paris, February. after an incorrect response while in others The above results come from two differ- year students generally are regarded as less
relating to Knowledge Network courses as port for in-school primary education Alfian, & Chu, G. (1981). Satellite televi- the next item was presented immediately. ent types of student. The Neuroanatomy flexible and more dualistic in their think-
well as other "Distance Education" efforts. (Casey-Stahmer and Lauffer, 1982). sion in Indonesia. Honolulu: East- The system described worked reasonably course is a fourth year Biological Science ing (perry, 19701. They do not have the
Such services include audio conferencing Thus while the current use of satellite West Center. well but there were problems. Operating course which enrolled majors and the high degree of experience with a variety of
opportunities to facilitate interaction with technology for distance education is rela- Balderston, M. (1979). Satellite communi- on a large database with a fluctuating user level of positive response may be associat- methods as upper class students. As a
instructors and other students, special tively limited, the literature is almost uni- cation for education in the South demand caused the system to have a vari- ed with this group's broad exposure to a group they were much less aware of the
library services for degree students, etc. form in suggesting two major trends within Pacific. Educational Technology, able response time. During periods when variety of methods over its academic career Telidon medium than the fourth year
During 1982-83, 8,000 students enrolled the next twenty years: 1) The expansion April, 26-30. the 1500 GRASSROOTS subscribers ac- and its members' relative maturity. The students and were generally less secure
in various degree and continuing education and use of satellite technology will render Block, C. (1983). Communications and cessed the Chicago Board of Trade com- Telidon materials used were designed for with its educational value. While those ex-
courses offered through the Knowledge the accessibility to television and radio al- rural development. In I. Singh (Ed.). modity prices, a noticeable slowdown in the first year Veterinary Medical students pressing negative views of its use in mark-
Network by cooperating educational insti- most universal within the next twenty Telecommunications in the Year the response time of the system provided and were used by them in the previous ed examination are approximately the


same as in the fourth year group a signifi- "Behavioral Aspects of Drug Abuse" in the PSI plus Telidon sections reported
cant minority were uncertain. This sug- course, while the introduction of the PSI a significantly greater satisfaction with the
gests some caution in using "high tech"
systems with students who may be general-
ly insecure in a new environment. This has
implications for distance education where
option resulted in a one letter grade aver-
age improvement of student performance,
it did not increase satisfaction with the
course. A consistent flaw reported by stud-
course than those in either the lec-
ture/seminar or PSI plus VAX sections.
Table 3 presents model responses obtain-
ed from at least 66 per cent of the students.
... - ..,
the human factor is even more remote than ents was an unrealized expectation that the The student expectations for grade per-
in an anonymous class of 600. contents of the course would be vividly and formance were achieved on the final exam-
dynamically demonstrable. The actions of ination results. Section average for the lec-
TABLE 2 drug agents are frequently not ethically ture/seminar mode was 66.3% while in the
demonstrable and according to students PSI plus Computer Text (VAXI and PSI
STUDENT PERCEIVED were rarely clearly portrayed but wre high- plus Telidon the average was 74.2% and
ADVANTAGES AND ly boring. 75.1 % respectively.
DISADVANTAGES OF TELIDON Attempts were made over a two year While both PSI treatments yielded
AS AN INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIUM period to address the problem by introduc- enhanced academic performance as
ing fIlm and graphic material and the inclu- measured by the common final exami-
Advantages Disadvantages sion of the PSI option. In this study two sec- nation students in the PSI with Telidon sec-
• immediate feedback • slow response time tions of the course were taught using tradi- tions reported greater satisfaction with the
• emphasizes student learn· • impersonal
iog • tested on material before
tionallecture and seminar methods. Two course than students in either the lec-
• self-pacing studied in class sections offered a PSI format with module ture/seminar or PSI plus computer text sec-
• goad practice questions • limited variety quizzes presented as computer text via a tions. Hermann also found less study time
• variety of questions • access difficult
• allows indiviuaL or group • too trivial VAX computer system. Two other sections and greater satisfaction by students using
study • wrong answers not cor- used the PSI format with student quizzes Telidon than by other PSI students. In ex-
• more objective rected
• stimulates recall • spelling counts presented via Telidon using highly graphic amining student responses between the
• opportunity for review and colourful material. All students wrote two groups using computer displayed test
a common examination prepared and grad- items, it was found that Telidon presented
ed independently of the course instructor. questions were perceived as "fair" while
These student responses show a recogni- They also completed a questionnaire which the same question asked in computer text
tion of positive attributes in the human surveyed study habits and attitudes (Herr- on a regular CRT was seen as "difficult".
learning domain for this type of automated mann 1983). In addition the same feedback given via
study system. The items on the "disadvan-
tage" side are thoe which fortunately are
Herrmann (1984) found that the students
Telidon was viewed as being "more
helpful" than that given via the AMTEC Leadership Award
addressable. Some of these are technical monochrome CRT.
and relate to the choice of equipment, e.g. A third survey was conducted among Or- The premier award given by AMTEC is the Leadership Award, a
slow response time, difficult access. The nithology students at the completion of the handsome engraved gold medallion. There may be no more than two
majority of negative points relate to mat- IN BEHAVIORAL ASPECTS OF DRUG first test module in the Fall Semester, 1984. recipients in anyone year, and it is given in recognition of outstanding
ters of instructional design such as the se- ACTION Similar methods of designing and deliver- service in the field of educational media. Following are the general
quence of tests related to the course sylla- ing the visual test items were employed as criteria for the award:
bus, the triviality of limited variety of test in the courses reported thus far. Table 4
items or the question of spelling and the
Model Response by >66%
presents the initial reaction of students to 1. The nominee must have been active in the educational media
Lecture/Seminar PSIIVAX PSlfrelidon
handling of wrong answers. In free form 1. Time and ef- this use of Telidon enhanced instruction. field for 10 years or more.
fort com-
comment students remarked upon its "ex- pared to Students were asked to compare this sys- 2. The nominee may have been active at either local, regional,
cellent aspects of colours and visual ac- other cours- tem with the traditional testing system. national or international level.
curacy", "most impressive motivating fac- es same more as much Among the responses three patterns emerg-
2. Amount of 3. The award may be presented to one who is active, retired or
tor", "good visual representations" and ed, those favourable, those critical and
"the graphics are great especially for
effort com-
pared with those offering suggestions for improve- deceased.
neuroanatomy" . other Lec- ment. Favourable comments were "easier 4. Nominations may be made by any member of AMTEC.
A second study was conducted by Herr- methods as much more as much to use, less work", "OK for self-testing", 5. The nomination must include a brief biographical sketch of the
mann (1984) among 303 students in a 3. Apply this "OK but I'm not familiar with reading from nominee as well as any other information which will be useful
course in "Behavioral Aspects of Drug Ac- method to a screen", "OK, but disheartening when
other to the selection committee in making their decision. This
tion". This course treats information from courses nolno difference yes yes you choose a wrong answer", "definite im-
the fields of pharmacology, psychiatry and 4. Help needed provement". Among the critical reactions should include the educational background and the reasons
psychology. Its students come from a varie- for organiz- were "impersonal", "limited range of why the nominator feels the award should be made.
ing a course need help little little
ty of backgrounds and include a number 5. Exam mater-
responses", "prefer traditional, no al- Presentation of the award(s) will be made at the AMTEC Annual Con-
of continuing adult students. The course is ial prefer- lowance for ambiguity", "problem in get- ference Awards Function. This will be part of the annual conference in
offered in the evenings which makes it the ence text/lecture text/lecture text/lecture ting the exact wording", "too inflexible
6. Exam type Calgary in June 1985.
type of course eligible for consideration in with spelling", "puts more pressure on the
a distance education mode.
preference multiple choice multiple
answer individual with errors in key punching not Nominations should be submitted to the Awards Chairman as soon as
Recent approaches in the Department of 7. Preparation noticed right away". possible. Address all nominations to:
for modules-
Psychology have focussed on the learner /seminars cram systematic systematic
The most frequent comment for im- David MacDougall
rather than on the teacher. It has empha- 8. Opinion provement was the request by nearly half Director of AV and TV Services
sized methods applied to produce measur- about mo- of the respondents for the correct answer
able improvements in student retention dule method N/A like like
to be displayed. While this raises the ques- Sheridan College of AA & T
and attainments. Among the methods us-
9. Module tests N/A difficult fair
tion of the instructional intent it does pro- 1430 Trafalgar Rd.
10. Value of
ed has been the Personalized System of In- feedback N/A little help helpful vide some indication of student unease Oakville, Ontario L6H 1L1
struction (PSI) developed by Keller (19681. with an automated system. Attempts were
.... -
11. Mechanical
This approach has been found to show im- details N/A easily under-easily under- made in the design of some modules in
stood/simple standable
proved student performance and increas- 12. Expected
other courses to relieve this tension by giv-
ed student satisfaction (Leppmann and grade same higher higher ing a second try on multiple choice or short
Herrmann, 1982). However, in the answer items.

24 VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1, 1985

TABLE 4 emerged confirming evidence that Telidon tial for Telidon as an effective, user friendly References although not all, of the work commission- learning system: Bits and Bytes (Don
is an easy-to-use home service for other- and student accepted system. If the termi- Herrmann, T. (19831. Tutoring in PSI... ed is expected to be regionally informed, Robertson, TV Ontario)
wise inexperienced computer users. This nal problem and the costs of telecommuni- Person vs Computer. ERIC Document nationally significant case studies. Distance Education: the Nigerian experi-
STUDENT RESPONSE TO THE USE ence (Francis Z. Gana, Ministry of
confirmation was also received from the cation can be resolved within a specific dis- No. ED233251. Small research grants ($500-1000) will be
specific on campus instructional applica- tance education project than our evidence Herrmann, T., & Leppmann, T.(198 11· PSI, available to selected individuals. Oppor- Education, Lagos)
COURSE IN ORNOTHOLOGY N = 15 Format: Canada's National audiovisual
tions. Furthermore, while there were tech- suggests that Telidon is the only presently Personalized for Whom? ERIC Docu- tunities will be available for contributors
nical reliability problems, they are of suf- available practical method of displaying de- ment No. ED187765. to attend coordination meetings and/or information system (Donald Bidd,
1. Is this the first time Moderately easy to use 100%
you have taken a Yes 100% ficiently short duration or limited fre- tailed graphic and textual information us- Herrmann, T. (19841. "Telidon" as an workshops/symposiums in August, 1986, National Film Board, Montreal)
test using Telidon? No quency as not to man the general accepta- ing a range of colour. It appears to provide Enhancer of Student Interest and Per- Expo year in Vancouver. The project will Satellite Communications: Past Present
2. Did you have any bility of this service for home based infor- intrinsic motivation to students when pro- formance. Paper presented to the publish selected materials in either one of and Future. (W. Terry Kerr, Depart-
problems with the Yes 53%
system? No 47% mation access to extension and distance perly used. American Psychological Association, four teacher/learning booklets or a mono- ment of Communications, Ottawa)
3. What was your Very easy to use 40% education resources. The Guelph trials, unlike the educational Toronto, August, 1984. graph. Selection of contributors will be Telidon: its use in Distance Education (Dr.
reaction to this Moderately easy to use 60% Two major hurdles, however, were iden- television panacea projects of the 1960s, Hofstetter, Fred T. (19831. The Cost of made in January 1985. Robert A. Abell, Alphatel Systems,
technology? Difficult to use
Very difficult to use tified in the agricultural field trial which undertook to limit the scope of the applica- PLATO in a University Environment For more information contact: Edmonton)
4. Was the test... too long? 20% are of intense importance for distance edu- tion of Telidon to one or two specific as- Journal of Computer Based Instruc- Dr. D.C. Wilson, Project Coordinator Among the many AMTEC members at-
too short? 27% cation. The first is the entry cost of the ter- pects of the course. The project team work- tion, 4, 148-155. Department of Social and Educational tending the 1984 ICEM conference were
right length? 33%
no answer? 20% minal. A Telidon dedicated terminal with ed with an educational philosophy which Keller, F. S. (1968). Goodbye Teacher Studies president Bill Hanson, immediate past-
5. What was your im· added significantly? 33% decoder, monitor and 1200 bps modem sought to emphasize student performance Journal of Applied Behavioral Analysis Faculty of Education president Barry Brown and president-elect
pression of the useful 60% costs in the vicinity of $2,000 and is a single and output rather than teacher input, Most 1, 79-89. University of British Columbia Ed Crisp. President Bill addressed the ses-
graphics used? not very useful 7%
much too slow?
purpose device, An IBM PC type earlier media approaches have concen- Leppmann, P., & Herrmann, T.(19821. PSI, Vancouver, British Columbia sion on the morning of the second day of
6. Was the display
time... too slow 20% microcomputer with the necessary soft- trated on information input, i.e. the more What are the Critical Elements? ERIC V6T lZ5 the conference, bringing greetings on be-
acceptable 73% ware decoder, colour board and modem senses you use the more you can share in. Document No. ED214502. Dr. R. Lorimer, Project Coordinator half of AMTEC and describing its function
very good 7%
7. How did you find inaccurate 7%
will cost in the vicinity of $5,000 although Knowledge of what is expected, student Perry, W. G. Jr. (1970). Forms ofIntellectual Department of Communication to the interested delegates.
the graphic depic- some uncertainty 33% the educationally priced IBM PC Jr can be practice and awareness of achievement and Ethical Development in the College Simon Fraser University The chairman of the ICEM 1984 Con-
tion of content? acceptable 47% put in service with a Telidon configuration through feedback on performance seem to Years, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Burnaby, British Columbia ference was Hans Kratz of Alberta Educa-
accurate 13%
8. Was the wording of Yes, very 27%
for less than $2,000. The microcomputer the author to be the most fruitful areas for Winston. V5A IS6 0 tion. (Many will remember him as chair-
question easy to Yes, fairly 60% decision will, for many potential distance improving student learning. The Keller PSI Tucker, M. S. (1983-84). Computers on man of the highly successful AMTEC Con-
understand? No, confusing 7% education users, be based on more broad- method and other approaches which em- ference held in Edmonton in 1979.) Hans
uncertain 7%
Campus: Working Papers Current Is-
9. Would you like to
ly defined needs than for the use of Telidon phasize learner responsibility, especially in sues in Higher Education 2, 0 ICEM CONFERENCE took care of every detail including the
have access to this access. With costs of this magnitude and post secondary and distance education, Continued from page 18. weather, which was perfect. After this ex-
materRil during the the elusive low cost TV Telidon adaptor not have demonstrated that such improvement perience let us hope that the Council de-
semester as a self· Yes 93%
testing aid? No 7% yet in sight one is led to conclude that the is achievable. These methods, however, MEDIA NEWS tain, Nigeria, Switzerland and the U.S.A. cides to meet again in Canada before too
population of home access terminals is not are costly in providing intensive and fre- Continued from page 15 The theme of this year's conference was long. ICEM was founded in 1950 under the
yet sufficient to warrant major investments quent feedback and often result in com- theory. As editor of that journal, Winn is "Educational Technology to Enhance Lear- name of International Council for Educa-
in creating Telidon materials for distance promises which reduce the immediacy of certainly in the position to assess trends in ning at a Distance". The program for each tion Films; the name was changed in 1966
III. Discussion and Implications education. "How will the students access the feedback and hence much of its educa- content. Perhaps prospective day consisted of a number of speakers to International Council for the Advance-
the data?" tional power. It is in this era where the authors/researchers in the field will answer followed by a symposium involving the ment of Audiovisual Media, and in 1980 to
While the two uses of the Telidon system The second major hurdle is regional in Guelph trial concentrated its study of his call for more papers on the topics of speakers for that day. All of the program International Council for Educational
reported here (agricultural extension and significance and has to do with the availa- Telidon and where its initial success analysis and design, as well as the social events were plenary session, with simul- Media. ICEM enjoys Consultative Status,
instruction I may appear unrelated to dis- bility and cost of telecommunication ser- occurred. aspects of educational technology. Copies taneous translation between English and type A, from UNESCO, through the Inter-
tance education, it is in combining the find- vices. In parts of Western Canada tele- of this conference paper may be found in French being provided over headphones. national Film and Television Council, and
ings of both studies that some guidance phone line charges established for Telidon Conclusion the ERIC document collection as ED 243 A wide variety of topics was presented maintains a secretariat in Paris, France. 0
may be offered for distance education plan- by the Government operated telephone The potential for Telidon in distance 440, or ordered from the EDRS (ERIC along the theme of Distance Education:
ners. companies are extremely reasonable at 5 education lies more in the quality of th~ in- Document Reproduction Servicel. Note Think before you leap: How to reduce pro-
The agricultural extension field trial with cents per minute in Manitoba and 6-8 cents structional design decisions than in the that EDRS has a new mailing address: 3900 blems in Distance Education (Dr. Bill COMPUTER COMMUNICATION
GRASSROOTS revealed that it is possible per minute in Saskatchewan. In contrast, technology. This has always been the case Wheeler Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia Winn, University of Calgary) Continued from page 9.
for a university to collaborate with a com- Eastern Canada has no such provision with with educational media but the novelty of 22304. The Association for Educational Extending opportunity: Telidon technology
mercial electronic publisher to their mutual regular voice tariffs costing at least 50 cents another system can blue one's vision of Communication and Technology (and in Vocational Education (Amelia Holmberg, B. (1982). Recent research in
advantage. The University was able to get per minute. In addition rural phone lines what comes first, purpose and plan or tool. ECTJ) may be contacted at 1126 Sixteenth Turnbull, Alberta Correspondence distance education. Hagen:
up to spped in a very short period of time are frequently party lines and the attach- There are many existing forms in which Street NW, Washington, DC 20036. School) Zentrales Institut fur
without the capital and operating expense ment of data terminals to such lines is not course content for distance education can Educational Teleconferencing (Dr. G. Fernstudienforschung.
associated with a major database delivery permitted. The arrangement Infomart has be delivered. The test, the audiocassette, Barry Ellis, University of Calgary I March, J. G., & Olsen, J. (19761· Ambigu-
system and network. The system operator made with Bell Canada for a special INET printed or film slide illustrations, all can Educational Technology to enhance learn- ity and choice in organizations.
gained access to a region otherwise difficult rate of 25 cents per minute in dialing area deliver content at a fraction of the cost of CALL FOR PROPOSALS ing at a distance: a systematic ap- Bergen: Universitets-forlaget.
to enter. It also gained experience in the 519 is a move in the right direction but its Telidon or other computer based systems. proach (Dr. Ron J. McBeath, San Jose Rekkedal, T. (19821. The drop-out problem
design of action task software not then in cost structure will inhibit all but short ac- What they cannot do as effectively nor as A major Secretary of State funded project State University) and what to do about it. In J. S. Daniel,
use by the company. Ongoing working cess sessions by the majority of individual effeciently is provide students at a distance is soliciting proposals from individuals in- New Realities in Educational Communica- M. A. Stroud, &J. R. Thompson (Eds.),
relationships were established which make users. The recent breakup of AT & T in the with frequent short tests of learning terested in contributing secondary curricu- tions (Peter L. Senchuk, ACCESS Learning at a distance (pp. 118-122).
it possible, subject to agreement on specific United States is resulting in rate increases achievement and immediate feedback. It lum materials or research papers on trans- Alberta) Edmonton: ICEE Publications.
applications, for the GRASSROOTS system for some institutionally provided distance . is in identifying similar limited segments portation and communication. It is expect- Clearinghouse for Computer Software (Dr. Stewart, D. (1982). Counselling in distance
to serve a number of distance education education services which threaten the con- of distance education delivery where ed that, based upon proposals submitted, S. Jim Thiessen, General Systems education - An overview. In A. Tait,
projects. The existence of the GRASS- tinuance of these services at least in pre- Telidon can make a useful contribution. persons selected to contribute will include Research Ltd., Edmontonl & D. Stewart (Eds.), International
ROOTS network, relative ease of access, sent form. Since Canada is moving in a teachers, college instructors, university Technology in Distance Education: Im- Workshop on Counselling and Dis-
and economy of use should not be over- similar direction with telecommunications NOTE Based on the difficulty of serving level researchers, and other writers and proving Man's humanity to Man (Dr. tance Education lpp. 8-111. Milton
looked by other institutions interested in policy, potential applications of Telidon to larger numbers of students on campus researchers. John S. Daniel, Laurentian UniversitYl Keynes: Open University/I.C.D.E.
this technology for distance education, The distance education should examine this from a distant database, the University Thompson, G. (19841. The development of
of Guelph and Tayson Information Materials to be developed will discuss By Making too many technological turns,
analogy here is using the railway company dimension carefully and then proceed with Technolgy have developed a standalone the social, political, cultural, and/or econo- one ends up going around in circles the educational telephone network at
to transport goods rather than building caution. IBM PC based system, VITAL IVideotex mic aspects of transportation, resource ex- (Andre Hebert, University of Quebecl the University of Wisconsin. Inter-
your own railroad or highway system. From the instructional applications Integrated Teaching and Learning The TV Ontario Academy on Computers national Council for Distance Edu-
System for Education and Trainingj. traction transportation, broadcasting and
Secondly, from the agricultural field trial reported it can be seen that there is poten- new communication technologies. Much, in Education - a Canadian distance- cation Bulletin, 5 (2), 47-52. 0


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