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Red Cross Nordic United World College

Student Council Constitution

Adopted 30th November 2010

The Student Council [Part 1]

The Student Council is responsible for representing the whole Student Body at all Stu-
dent Council functions.
The Council consists of 12 members:
- 1 Chairman
- 4 Aspect Workers
- 5 House Representatives
- 1 Board Representative
- 1 Communications Representative

Chairman of the Council

1. The Chairman is elected at large by the Student Body.
2. The Chairman is responsible for leading all Student Council meetings; to represent
the Council before the Student Body; and to facilitate a dialogue between the Staff
and the Student Body, and between the Staff and the Student Council. Additional re-
sponsibilities are outlined in the Student Council Handbook.

Aspect Workers
1. Aspect Workers are elected at large by the Student Body.
2. Each of the four Aspect Workers sits on one of the four Leader Committees. Because
the main responsibility of Aspect Workers is to work on their respective committees,
Aspect Workers have priority when selecting committees.

House Representatives
1. Each House elects its own Representative for the Student Council.
2. House Representatives’ main responsibilities are to represent the needs of their
houses on the Student Council and to assist their House Mentors in administrating
and managing their houses.
3. House Representatives sit on committees to assist the Aspect Workers.

Communications Representative
1. The Communications Representative is elected at large by the Student Body.
2. The Communications Representative is responsible for taking the minutes at all Stu-
dent Council, Student Body and Student-Staff Meetings; and for sending the minutes
from Student Council and Student Body meetings to the Student Body in a timely

Student Council Constitution
Board Representative
1. The Board Representative is elected at large by the Student Body.
2. The main responsibility of the Board Representative is to represent the Student Body
and the Student Council on the Board of RCNUWC at its quarterly meetings, and on
the Nordic Council at its annual meetings.
3. Norwegian Law requires that the Board Representative be 18 years of age by August
in their second year.

The Student Council [Part 2]

1. The Student Council must meet once every week except in extenuating circum-
2. All students are welcome to attend and speak at Student Council meetings, but only
Student Councillors may vote on motions.
3. Students must attend 5 Student Council meetings before they are eligible to run for
any position on the Council.
4. The Student Council is responsible for organising the elections of the new Student
5. Any Student Councillor may resign by submitting a letter of resignation to the Student
Council. The Student Council then organises a special election to fill the vacancy.

Student Councillors may be recalled from their positions in a popular vote. House Repre-
sentatives may only be recalled by their respective houses, which are free to choose their
own recall procedures. The Chairman, Board and Communications Representatives and
Aspect Workers may be recalled in a vote of the Student Body. In order for one of these
Councillors to be recalled, more than half of all students must vote, and more than half of
those voting must vote ‘yes’ in order for the Councillor to be recalled. If the member is
recalled, the Student Council organises a special election to fill the vacancy.
Further details of the Recall Procedure are contained in the Student Council Handbook.

Amending or Revising the Constitution

The Student Council or members of the Student Body may propose amendments or re-
visions to the Constitution. If the Student Council approves of the changes with a three-
quarters vote of its members, the changes are submitted to the Student Body. More than
half of all students must vote, and more than half of those voting must vote ‘yes’ in order
for the amendments or revisions to be adopted.

Amending or Revising the Student Council Handbook

The Student Council may amend or revise the Student Council Handbook by a vote of
three-quarters of its members.

Student Council Constitution

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