Prob & Stats Practice Exam 2

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Math 1530 Name:

Practice Exam 2

For short answer and multiple choice questions, place answers in blanks provided or circle the “best”
answer. For solution type problems, clearly indicate final answers in space provided.

Match the following symbols with the appropriate term:

___ 1.  a) none
____2. x b) population variance
____3.  c) linear correlation coefficient
____4.  d) interquartile range
____5.  e) sample mean
____6. IQR f) range
____7. E g) population standard deviation
____8.  h) population mean
i) level of significance
j) standard error of the mean
k) margin of error

9. Determine whether the numerical value describes a parameter or a statistic:

In a survey of a sample of U.S. adults, 45% owned a portable cellular phone.

10. Determine if the data is qualitative or quantitative:

The monthly salaries of Northeast State employees.

11. Identify the population and the sample.

In a recent study of students at the University of Tennessee, 150 of the 2000 students
surveyed stated they are majoring in physics.

Population _________________________________________

Sample __________________________________________

Use the following frequency distribution to answer 12 – 14.

July Sales Frequency Relative
12. Identify the class width of the frequency distribution.
(in dollars) Frequency
1000 – 2019 12 0.545
13. If a histogram was drawn for the frequency distribution
2020 – 3039 3 0.136
above, it would be best described as:
3040 – 4059 2 ? a) skewed left b) skewed right
4060 – 5079 3 0.136 c) symmetric d) bimodal
5080 – 6099 1 0.045
6100 – 7119 1 0.045 14. Find the missing value (marked with a ?) in the relative
frequency column of the table above.
15. The sum of all the frequencies should always add to:
a) the class width b) the population mean
c) the sample size d) one

16. The sum of all the relative frequencies should always add to:
a) the class width b) the population mean
c) the sample size d) one

17. Suppose you took an aptitude test for military service and scored in the 88th percentile. Which
explanation of the following choices is correct?
a) You answered 88% of the questions correctly.
b) Eighty-eight percent of the people who took the exam scored better than you.
c) Eighty-eight percent of the people who took the exam are accepted into the military.
d) You scored better than 88% of the people who took the exam.

18. Suppose you are taking a class in which your final grade is figured as follows: 50% from your test
mean, 25% from your final exam score, 15% from your quiz mean, and 10% from your homework grade.
If your three test grades are 80, 73 and 87 while you scored 88 on the final exam, had a quiz average of
75, and a homework average of 98, what is the weighted mean of your scores?
a) 80.33 b) 85.25 c) 84.72 d) 83.05

19. The relationship between the standard deviation and variance is:
a) subtract the mean from the variance and take the square root of this value to find the
standard deviation.
b) square the variance to find the standard deviation
c) take the square root of the standard deviation to find the variance.
d) take the square root of the variance to find the standard deviation.

20. Sales from two stores are being compared. The mean sales are approximately the same value while
the standard deviation for store B is approximately twice the standard deviation of store A. These
numbers most likely indicate:
a) Store A has the highest sales. c) Store A has sales with a wider range than Store B.
b) Store B has the highest sales. d) Store B has sales with a wider range than Store A.

21. The measure of center which is most likely to be influenced by outlier data values is:
a) the mode b) the median
c) the mean d) the standard deviation
e) both (b) and (c)

22. Which statistic measures the ‘average’ value of a frequency distribution of qualitative nominal data?
a) the mean b) the mode
c) the median d) any of the above
e) both (a) and (b)

23. If a six sided die is tossed two times and “3” shows up both times, the probability of “3” on the third
trial is:
a) much larger than any other outcome b) much smaller than any other outcome
c) 1/6 d) 1/216
Put all answers in correct probability notation, and in reduced fraction form.
Use the following for questions 24 – 26.
The sales records of a real estate agency show the following sales over the past 200 days:
Number of Number
Houses Sold of Days
0 60
1 80
2 40
3 16
4 4

24. What is the probability that the agency will not sell any houses in a given day?

25. What is the probability of selling at least 2 houses in a given day?

26. What is the probability of selling less than 3 houses in a given day?

27. In a class containing 12 men and 18 women, two students are selected at random to work a
problem on the board. Find the probability that both are women.

Use the following for 28 parts a(a) and (b)

a) x P(x) b) x P(x) c) x P(x) d) x P(x)

0 0.20 0 0.20 0 0.30 0 0.30
1 0.20 1 -0.40 1 0.35 1 0.70
2 0.20 2 0.60 2 0.35
3 0.20 3 0.60
4 0.20

28. a) Determine which of above is not a probability distribution.

b) Determine which of above is a uniform distribution.

29. State whether the following events are dependent or independent.

a) Flipping a coin one time and obtaining heads, then flipping again and obtaining tails.

b) Selecting the jack of hearts from a standard deck of cards, not replacing it, and then selecting the ace
of spades.

30. One half of all U.S. households pay bills electronically (source: Kingsport Times-News). If seven U.S
households are randomly selected, what is the probability that exactly two pay bills electronically?
a) 0.1641 b) 0.7734 c) 0.2266 d) 0.9375 e) 0.0625
31. Suppose the Phillies have won 65% of their games this season and the chance of winning is the same for
every team they play. What is the probability that they win the National League East if they need at least
eight wins out of their last ten games?
a) 0.1757 b) 0.9140 c) 0.0860 d) 0.2616 e) 0.7384

32. Heights of males are said to be normally distributed with a mean of 69.1 inches and a standard
deviation of 2.9 inches. Determine the interval of heights which would be expected to contain 95% of all
a) 66.2 – 72.0 c) 68.85 – 69.35 e) none of these
b) 60.4 – 77.8 d) 63.3 – 74.9

33. The lengths of pregnancies of humans are normally distributed with a mean of 268 days and a
standard deviation of 15 days. Find the probability of a pregnancy lasting less than 252 days.
a) 0.1423 b) 0.8577 c) 0.1446 d) 0.0367

34. The heights of adult women are normally distributed with a mean of 61.8 inches and a standard
deviation of 2.6 inches. What percentage of women are between the heights of 60 and 63 inches?
a) 23.08% b) 43.21% c) 7.77% d) 69.23%

35. Assume that the heights of men are normally distributed with a mean of 69.0 inches and a standard
deviation of 2.8 inches. If a sample of 50 men is randomly selected, find the probability that they have a
mean height greater than 70.0 inches.
a) 0.9943 b) 0.0057 c) 0.3571 d) 0.6429

36. Find the area under the standard normal curve to the right of z = -2.06.
a) 0.0036 b) 0.9803 c) 0.0197 d) 0.9953

37. Find the z score which marks off the top 3% on a standard normal distribution.

38. Assume that blood pressure readings are normally distributed with μ = 120 and σ = 9. A researcher
wishes to select people for a study but wants to exclude the top and bottom 15%. What would be the
upper and lower readings to qualify people to participate in the study?
a) 100 & 140 b) 107 & 133 c) 111 & 129 d) 119 & 121

39. A sampling distribution could best be defined as:

a) the distribution of individual values of the n items in an unbiased sample
b) a distribution which requires the population distribution be normally distributed
c) the probability distribution of a sample statistic formed when samples of size n are
repeatedly taken
d) none of the above

40. A 90% confidence interval is

a) any interval with margin of error  90%.
b) an interval computed from sample data by a method that has probability .90 of producing an
interval containing the true value of the parameter of interest.
c) an interval with margin of error  .90 which is also correct 90% of the time.
d) an interval with margin of error (1 – .90).
41. A 95% confidence interval was calculated for a population mean, μ, using n = 16 data items. The
interval observed was (72.06, 77.94). Which of the following is a true statement?
a) E = 5.88. c) x = 75 and E = 2.94.
b) μ = 75. d) This interval cannot contain μ.

42. A random sample of 90 wheat fields indicated a mean yield of 27 bushels per acre for a particular
variety of wheat. The standard deviation was 7.5 bushels per acre. Find a 95% confidence interval for
the mean yield for all the fields of this variety of wheat.
a) 19.5% < p < 34.5% c) 25.451 < μ < 28.549
b) 25.4% < pˆ < 28.6% d) 25.429 < μ < 28.571

43. 405 college students were surveyed, 185 said they own their car. Calculate a 90% confidence
interval for the proportion of college students who say they own their cars.
a) 45.68% < p < 49.75% c) 41.61% < μ < 49.75%
b) 41.61% < p < 49.75% d) 0.4568 < μ < 0.9000

44. What is the effect on the width of the confidence interval when the sample size is decreased?
a) The width of the confidence interval increases.
b) The width of the confidence interval decreases.
c) The width of the confidence interval remains the same.

45. A politician wants to conduct an opinion poll to see what proportion of the population favors
decriminalizing marijuana possession. How large of a sample is needed in order to be 95% confident
that the sample proportion will not differ from the population proportion by more than 4%?
a) 24 b) 600 c) 601 d) 1000

46. When performing a hypothesis test with a level of significance of 2%, what value would the test
statistic, z, have given a right-tail test?

47. When performing a hypothesis test with a level of significance of 2%, what value would the test
statistic, z, have given a left-tail test?

48. When performing a hypothesis test with a level of significance of 2%, what value would the test
statistic, z, have given a two-tail test?
On all hypothesis test problems questions, show the values used to make the final decisions as well as
stating Ho and H1 and the final conclusions

49. You are tired of buying those big bag of chips that are labeled 6 ¾ oz, but are half-empty. You
decide to test the weights to see if you are consistently being cheated and receiving less than 6 ¾ oz or if
that much “settling” really does occur. You buy 15 bags and find the weights of the chips are:

6.9 6.7 6.6 6.9 6.8 6.8 6.7 6.5

6.4 6.7 6.5 6.8 6.3 6.8 6.4

Test the claim with a 5% level of significance. Show all steps to receive any credit.

50. In a certain course, the placement exam given the first day of instruction was administered to the
same students on the last day of instruction. Which type of two-sample technique should be used to
determine whether the students improved during the course?
a) Inferences about two means, independent samples.
b) Inferences about two means, matched pairs.
c) Inferences about two proportions.
d) Inferences about two variances.
e) Inferences about two standard deviations.

51. At the climax of Gulf War II, one Gallop poll lists George W. Bush’s approval rating at 72%. You feel
the proportion approving of his job is less in this immediate area so you decide to test this claim made
by the poll. You do your own random survey of friends, family, classmates, coworkers, strangers in Wal-
Mart, etc. Out of 150 people surveyed, 97 say they approve of George W. and the job he is doing. Use
these results to test if this area’s approval is less than the professional poll’s result of 72%. Use α = 0.05.
Must show the basis for your decision and clearly circle your interpretation from the multiple choices
below: (Show work)

(circle one answer below)

a) Sufficient evidence to show this area’s approval is less than 72%
b) Insufficient evidence to show this area’s approval is less than 72%
c) Sufficient evidence to show this area’s approval is greater than 72%
d) Insufficient evidence to show this area’s approval is greater than 72%
52. A soft-drink vending machine is set to dispense 6.0 oz per cup. The owner suspects it is overfilling
the cups and really needs recalibration, so he writes the following hypotheses to conduct a test:
H0 : μ = 6 H1 : μ > 6 (claim)
Testing sample cups 50 times, he obtains a sample mean of 6.17 oz. with a standard deviation of 0.15 oz.
What should he do at the 0.05 level of significance? (Show your work to solve and then circle the correct choice for your
final conclusion)

(circle one answer below)

a) Reject the claim and leave the machine alone
b) Reject the null hypothesis and leave the machine alone.
c) Reject the null hypothesis and recalibrate the machine.
d) Fail to reject the null hypothesis and recalibrate the machine.
e) Fail to reject the null hypothesis and leave the machine alone.

53. Suitcases of high school youth going on a particular bus trip were selected at random. Assume the
data below represent the weights (in pounds) of selected suitcases belonging to females and males.
Females: 34 46 19 22 23 27 41 20 26
Males: 33 33 17 23 23 24 29 18 26

Test at the .10 level of significance to determine whether the mean suitcase weight is greater for
females. Assume the standard deviations of the suitcase weights are not equal for males and females
and cannot be pooled, and that the weights are normally distributed.
You must show the sample statistics and values used to make your decision and clearly state your
conclusion in the context of the problem.

Use the following information for all parts of problems 54 – 56.

A random sample of seven men provided the following data:
(x = age in years, y = systolic blood pressure).

x 16 25 39 45 49 64 70
y 109 122 143 132 199 185 199
54. Find the linear correlation coefficient.

55. As the explanatory variable increases, what is expected to happen to the response variable?
a) stay the same b) increase c) decrease d) not enough information to tell

56. a) Find the regression line equation:

b) If a man is 34 years old, what systolic blood pressure do you predict he will have?
57. Which of the following correlations indicates the weakest linear relationship?
a) r = 0.09 b) r = -0.72 c) r = 0.93 d) r = -0.95 e) r = - 0.36

58. The linear correlation coefficient r can be found for:

a) any two variables
b) any qualitative variable and any quantitative variable
c) any two qualitative variables
d) any two quantitative variables
e) none of the above
f) c & d

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