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Soalbahasaingrispeminatankelas X

1. Nurul : I am Nurul,.........?

Reasky : My name is Reasky.

Nurul : How do you do, Reasky?

Reasky : How do you do, Nurul

a. What is your name

b. How do youn do
c. How are you
d. I’m fine
e. How about yo
2. Yulia : you look very busy. Let me help you?
Isnaira : oh, thank you very much
Yulia :……………………………..
a. You are welcome
b. Sorry
c. Good bye
d. I don’nnbeed it
e. See you

Dialogue for question number 4-5

3. Azmi : Good Morning, Rozy

Rozy : Good Morning, Azmi
Azmi : I’m sorry. I am late
Rozy : That’s ok. Come in please.
Azmi : Thank you
Rozy : well, you have a new friend. I....... introduce Azmi to you. People, This is Azmi.
Azmi : Hello, I am Azmi. I am from Sydne
a. Like
b. Like will
c. Will be
d. Will
e. Am
4. Where Azmi come from…
a. New York
b. Paris
c. Moscow
d. London
e. Australia
Question for number 5-8
After the movies was over, I left the cinema quickly. My watched showed 11.30 pm as I got on my
bicycle. Mythought went back to the movie I had just seen. It was a scary story. I could remember
clearly a woman screaming as he wasbeing attacked by a monster.The roas was dark and quite. I had
to pass a graveyard on my home. As I approached the graveyard, I heard somesound behind me. I
was frightened and began to cycle faster. The sound come nearer and nearer. Then I heared a
familiarvoice calling me. I looked back and saw Durahim, Mya classmate was frightened too. It was
my unforgatable experience.
5. Whom the writer met on his way home?
a. His friend
b. Hius monster
c. his mom
d. monster
e. ghost
6. How the writer pedal his bycle?
a. Fast
b. Slowly
c. Hard
d. Well
e. Soft
7. It was frighten and I pedaled the bicycle faster. The synonym of the underlined word is.....
a. Afraid
b. Brave
c. Slow
d. Fast
e. Happy
8. The text mainly tells us about......
a. The writer’s funny experience
b. The writer’s unforgatable experience
c. The writer’s bad experience
d. he writer’s worst nigh
e. The writer’s happy
Question for number 9-12, read the text carefully!
Please follow these steps in order to make a machine withdrawal from your CitiBank checking or
serving account:
1. Insert your card face up into the card slot on the machine letter
2. Enter your four-digit identification number on the numbered buttons
3. Press the withdrawal button for checking or the button for savings
4. Enter the amount of withdrawal, either fifty or one hundred dollars, on the numbered buttons
and with four your receiptto be printed
5. Remove your card from the slot. The drawer will open with receipt and your cash withdrawal in
fifty-dollars packets. All customers are limited to two withdrawals in one twenty-four-hour
period.Ifyou attempt to withdraw more than the limited number of times, your card will be
retained in the machine, and you will have to reclaim it in person at your main Branch ban.
9. What is mainly discussed in the passage?
a. a. How to apply for a City Bank card
b. b. How to establish an account at Citibank
c. c. How to use City Bank machine teller
d. d. How to withdraw at City Bank
e. e. How to reclaim a card at main branch ban
10. 17. Insert your card face up into the card slot on the machine teller. The words slot in ____ the
above. a. box d. envelope b. drawer e. Saving boxc. opening
11. Based on the passage we can conclude that…….
a. 55078 in the example of typical identification number
b. $ 200 in the maximum amount that may be withdrawn
c. Withdrawal may be made from checking account only
d. A fifty-dollar withdrawal would be received in two packets
e. If the card is retained in the machine, the customer has to apply the new one

a. report b. explantations c. description d. exposition e. procédure

13. a. To describe about bank

b. To explain the reader about the City Bank

c. To describe how something is done through sequence steps

d. To amuse the reader

e. To show how drawing money from the bank

12. The text type of the passage is………

a. Report
b. Explantations
c. Description
d. Expotions
e. Procedure
13. The writer purpose the above text is………
a. To explain thwe reader about the citry Bank
b. To describe about Bank
c. To amuse the reader
d. To show hoiw drawing money from the Bank
e. To describe how something is done through sequence steps
14. Next, each……….. Carefully throws his marble toward the hole
a. member
b. people
c. players
d. marble
e. player
15. ...................your shoes when you enter the mosque
a. Put off
b. Take off
c. Bring
d. Take on
e. bring
16. Diana : “…………. You at home last night?
David : “Yes, I………. at home accompanied my mother. “
a. Was-were
b. Were-was
c. Is- are
d. Dose-are
e. Do-it
Read the text carefully and answer the question!
“Once upon a time a hawk feels in love with a hen. The hawk flew down from the sky and asked the
hen, “Won’t you marryme?” The hen loved the brave, strong hawk and wishes to marry him. But
shsaid, “I cannot fly as high as you can. If yougiveme time, I may learn to fly as high as you. Then, we
can fly together.”The hawk agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring. “This is to show
that you have promised to marry me,“said the hawk.
So it happened that the hen had already promised to marry a rooster. So, when the rooster saw the
ring, he becamevery angry. “Throw that ring away at once! Didn’
t you tell the hawk that you’d already promised to marry me?” shouted therooster .The hen was so
frightened at the rooster anger that she threw away the ring immediately.When the hawk came the
next day, the hen told him the truth. The hawk was so furious that he cursed the hen. “Why
didn’t you tell me earlier? Now, you’ll always be scratching the earth, and I’ll always be flying above
you to catch yourchildren, “said the hawk.
The curse seems to have come true.
17. What is the genre of the text?
a. descriptive
b. narrative
c. recount
d. news
e. item
18. Why couldn’t the hen say “yes” right away?

a. because she did not love the hawk

b. because she had no ring to exchange
c. because it would make the roaster angry
d. because the hawk was too brave and stro
19. What is the story about?
a. A hen and a rooster
b. A hawk and his wife
c. A hen and her children
d. A rooster and his fiancé
e. A hawk, a hen and a rooste
20. The hawk flew down from the sky and asked the hen,”Won’t you marry me?”(Paragraph 1).
What does the underlined utterance mean?
a. The hen wanted to marry the hawk
b. The hen refused to marry the hawk
c. The hen agreed to be the hawk’s wife
d. The hawk proposed the hen to be his wife
e. The hawk wanted to marry the hen at the sky
21. What can we learn from the story? We have to ….
a. take care of our children
b. keep our promise
c. love one another
d. listen to other
e. marry soo
Fill in the missing words to the following passage .
22. On the morning of Ied Mubarak, the Muslims (35) ….. Mosque services in their new clothes. After
that, they will (36)
….. for forgiveness from their elders. This is on important custom of the Muslims. Visiting relatives
and friends is anothercustomary practice. They may also (37) ….. Their friends of other races to their
homes where many delicacies are (38) ….. onthis special occasion.
23. a. come b. reach c. attend d. find e. arrive
24. a. say b. ask c. tell d. talk e. said
25. a. invite b. invites c. inviting d. invite e. to invite
26. a. serve b. serves c. serving d. served e. to serve
27. Cavin : “You know Rita’s father is hospitalized for his serious illness.”
Barbara : “…………….”
a. She must be very sad d. It’s boring
b. She must be very happy e. it’s good idea
c. Excuse me
28. Directors : “Type and report the meeting conclusion immediately!”
Secretary : “All right, sir!”
The underlined words express ……..
a. demand c. instruction e. comment
b. request d. comman
29. Utami :Durahim didn’t pass her exam.
Rofie : oh, I am sorry to hear that.
From the italicited sentence we know that the second speaker expresses her..................
a. Disappoinment c. Displeasuree. anger
b. Sympathy d. Apology
30. Rama : Hi, Raya. What about going to Fidya’s birthday party tonight?
Raya : I’m afraid i can’t. I’m going somewhere else with Dina.
Teh italicized sentence is used to.....
a. Decline an invitation d. Exprees a surprise
b. Ask for permission e. Ask for an apology
c. Agree to do something
II. Complete the Dialogues below with the expressions of sympathy!( ponit 3)
Situation : lukman is in the teacher office.

Lukman : Ma’am, I am asking your(1)….....nor to go to school for three days?

Teacher : three days?

Lukman : yes, ma’am three days.

Teacher : can you tell me why?

Lukman : I got a call from my parent yesterday, ma’am. They told me that our house(2)……………..
because of the earthquake.

Teacher : Oh, I am sorry to hear that.

Lukman : some of our cattle were dead too.

Teacher : how(3)…………..!

Lukman : well, the damage may very serious, but the worst thing is that my nephew died. A block of
(4)………….fell onto him.

Teacher : what a bterrible situatioan! Please accept my(5)…………… I understand hou you feel. You
may go for a few days, then.

Lukman : thank you. Ma’am I’ll be back at scool as soon as the situation is getting back to normal.

Teacher : take care.

Lukman : I will ma’am. Thank you.

ii. Madame Zaskia is a fortune teller. She is telling Maesaroh what her life will be
like. Complete the sentences using will, will be, or will be V-ing of the verb in
brackets.( point 5)

1) You(be) ……………. On holiday soon. In two weeksfrom now you(lie)…… on a beach.

2) At this time of your life you(work) ………….. very hard, but your life(be)…. Exciting
3) I see that by this time next Saturday you(have)…………………………a party on beach with your
friends, and there you(meet)……………. A nice young guy.
4) You( work) …………. A company. By the age of 25 you(merry)………… an English teacher.
5) You(be)……… rich, but you should be careful with your noney.

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