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Mineral Makro dan Metabolisme

Oleh: Fitria Tsani Farda, S.Pt., M.Si

Macro minerals
 15 mineral elements were classified as essential
 7 of major elements
 6 of trace elements

Plant and animal tissue contain a further 30 mineral elements, in

small quantities, for which no essential function has ben found.

The classification of the essential minerals into major and trace

elements depends upon their concentration in the animal or
amount required in the diet.
Nutritional important essential mineral
elements and their approximate
concentration in the animal

Major elements g/kg

Calcium 15
Phosphorus 10
Potassium 2
Sodium 1,6
Chlorine 1,1
Sulphur 1,5
Magnesium 0,4
 Calcium is the most abundant mineral element in the
animal body.
 It is an important constituent of the skeleton and teeth

 Sources: milk, green leafy crops (especially legumes), sugar

beet pulp. Animal by-products containing bone, such as
fish-meal, are excellent sources.
 Deficiency symptoms:
 Of growing animals : rickets (misshapen bones, enlargement of
the joints, lameness and stiffness)
 In adult animals: osteomalacia
 In addition, phosphorus occurs in phosphoproteins,
nucleic acids and phospolipids.
 The elements play a vital role in energy metabolism in the
formation of sugar-phosphates and adenosine di- and
 Deficiency:rickets and osteomalacia, pica or depraved
appetite, poor fertility
 Potassium plays a very important part, along with sodium,
chlorine and bicarbonate ions, in osmotic regulation of
the body fluids and in the acid base balance in the animal.

 Deficiency: retarded growth, weakness and

 Sodium is the chief cation of blood plasma and other
extracellular fluids of the body.

 Deficiency: eye lesions, reproductive disturbaces, poor

growth,reduced utilisation of digested protein and energy.
 Plays in the gastrict secretion
 Excreted from the body in the urine and lost from the
body in perspiration.
 Sources: salt

 Deficiency: growth was retarded

 Plays in respiratory process from haemoglobin throug to
 Consideration of sulphur in animal nutrition is important
in areas of intensive livestock production where sulphur
in soil is not replaced regularly by fertiliser application.
 Toxicity can result from excess dietary sulphur.
 Enzyme activator
 Magnesium is absorbed from the small and large intestine
 Magnesium is a key element in cellular biochemistry and

 Deficiency: Hypomagnesaeamic tetany

 Absorption of mineral elements is either by simple
diffusion or by carrier-mediated transport.

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