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A Research Paper

Presented to

The Faculty of Senior High School Department

Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

Taal, Batangas

In Partial Fulfilment

Of the Requirements

For Practical Research 2


Maria Kristene P.Cabungcal

Kaye Anne L. Canobas

Angela Nicole M. Cruz

Rhiena Joi O. Redondo

April 2020


ANGELA NICOLE M. CRUZ, RHIENA JOI O. REDONDO, in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for Research II, has been examined and recommended for approval
and acceptance for Oral Examination.


Research Adviser


Approved by the committee on Oral Examination with a grade of ________________



The researchers would like to extend their deepest gratitude to the

people who made this study possible. The research study would not be possible

without the help of the following people/establishment. With this, the researchers

would like to extend their utmost gratitude to the following:

Ms. Ann Quilaton, our Research II teacher/adviser, who has been a

tremendous mentor, for her brilliant comments and suggestions, and for sharing her

valuable knowledge for the refinement of the study.

Our Lady of Caysasay Academy, spearheaded by our COO, Ms.

Nenette Estacio, upper bed vice principal, Ms. Yolanda Adalin, and Senior High

Coordinator, Sir Eugene Punzalan, for their unwavering support.

To the beloved family of the researcher for their generous support,

unconditional love and prayers that they provided.

Above all, to Almighty God for the divine intervention in this academic

endeavor and to the knowledge and guidance he has given all throughout making the


The product of this research wouldn’t be possible without their help.

The Researchers

This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to my beloved parents for their moral,

spiritual, emotional, and financial support. 

To mentors, friends, and classmates who shared their words of advice and

encouragement to finish this study. Thank you for helping and inspiring me to finish

all my tasks. 

To my research groupmates, Rhiena, Nicole, and Kayeanne for their never-

ending efforts and understanding to finish this study.

And lastly, I dedicated this study to the Almighty God, thank you for the

guidance, strength, power of mind, protection and skills and for giving us a healthy

life. All of these, we offer to you.  

- Kristene

All throughout the process toward making this research paper, I have been

inspired by the people who have been close to my heart. 

This study would not be success without the help and assistance of these people.

My parents, Mr Andres Canobas and Mrs. Restituta Canobas, thank you for the

understanding and financial support you have given me. 

To my friends and classmates who helped me and gave assistance to finish this

study. And also to Babylyn, who is always there for me no matter what happened. 

To my research groupmates, Rhiena, Nicole and Kristene for their understanding

and effort to finish this study. 

Lastly, I dedicated this study to Almighty God, thank you for the strength, wisdom

and skills you have given us.

- Kaye Anne

The course and success of this research study is selflessly dedicated to my

beloved parents, Mr. Richard Cruz and Mrs. Dorothy Cruz for being my support

system during those long tiring sleepless nights of research making.

To my classmates and friends who helped me and supported me to do and

encouraged me to beat my excellence in knowledge. 

To my groupmates, Rhiena, Kristene, and Kayeanne for the understanding

and effort they gave to finish this study.

Lastly, this will not be the end with our Lord God, thank you for the everyday

guidance and making us more confident in facing these challenges in our journey. To

God be the highest Glory. 

- Nicole

Every task given needs total effort, perseverance determination, support

and guidance as well to people whom we are very close and comfortable with. I

would like to extend my utmost gratitude and appreciation those who have

contributed to the success of this research study.

First and most importantly, our Almighty Father for giving me the wisdom

and knowledge to suffice the needed information in the route of our study. And

also, for giving me the strength on making this research study a success as it would


To our research II teacher, Ms Ann Quilaton, for her endless help.

To Mr. Wilson Brucal, our teacher as year, for her help and supervision

at the final checking of the paper.

To my fellow researchers, Kristene, Kayeanne, and Angela for the trust

they had given me for being the group’s leader, for their unending contributions within

our study and for their utmost appreciation to all the efforts that we’ve done together.

To my family, Mame, Dade, Justine, and Babyboy, my uncles, aunties

and cousins for being there for me since day 1.

My classmates and friends who had helped me in the research study.

To Sian Kayl, who trusted me that I can finish this study and helped me

to improve some data. His never ending motivation pulled me up when I was down

and tired, he always help me to stand once again and continue.

- Rhiena


Title :Correlation of Coffee Dependency and the

Level of Anxiety to the Employees in Our Lady

of Caysasay Academy

Researchers :Cabungcal, Maria Kristene P.

Canobas, Kaye Anne L.

Cruz, Angela Nicole M.

Redondo, Rhiena Joi O.

Total Number of Pages : 54

Type of Document :Research Paper

Name and Address of Institution :Taal, Batangas 4208

Number of Respondents :100 Employees of Our Lady of Caysasay


The study aims to assess the Correlation of Coffee Dependency and the Level

of Anxiety of the Employees in Our Lady of Caysasay Academy.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following queries:

1. What is the level of coffee dependency of the respondents?

2. How may the level of anxiety of respondents be described?

3. Is there a significant relationship between coffee dependency and level of

anxiety of the respondents?

4. Based on the findings, what campaign reduction of coffee in take may be


The researchers posted hypothesis:

Ho: There is no significant relationship between the coffee dependency and

the level anxiety of the employees in Our Lady of Caysasay Academy.

Descriptive type of research was used to describe coffee dependency and the

level anxiety of the respondents. The researchers used a survey questionnaire that

was administered to 100 Employees of Our Lady of Caysasay Academy which is

divded into 5 Admin, 50 Faculty Members, 40 Maintenance, and 5 Staffs. The

statistical tools utilized in this study were frequency, percentage, weighted mean and

Pearson-r Moment of Correlation.

Findings of the Study

Based on the data collected, the following findings were obtained:

1. Majority of the respondents is on average level in coffee dependency. 15

employees strongly agree that they are coffee dependent, 53 employees

agree, 32 employees disagree, and no employees strongly disagrees.

2. Most of the respondents’ level of anxiety that the more they are dependent on

coffee, the increase of anxiety level they will have. 19 employees strongly

disagree, 47 employees agree, 33 employees disagree, and only one strongly


3. The levels of coffee dependency and anxiety obtained computed r-values of

0.549, respectively, verbally interpreted as both in strong correlation. It

obtained computed p-values less than 3.816 level of significance that led to

reject the null hypothesis. Thus, there is a significant relationship between

coffee dependency and level of anxiety.

4. The proposed Group Seminar Program campaign in coffee reduction intake

may help coffee drinkers to aware on informations about what they are

drinking and how can they reduce their coffee intake to avoid experiencing

high level of anxiety.




In a person’s life, one of the most important aspect is Mental Health which is

not noticeable by most of the people. It doesn’t only focus on the physical

appearance of a person thus it is the inner aspect of a person. Lack of attention to the

Mental Health of a person can lead to minimal mental disorders but, eventually

people are finding ways on how can they cope up with the certain disorder that’s why

coffee intake somehow help people to decrease or increase the level of anxiety of a


Some people have their own addiction, it may be a good or bad habit. Coffee

contains over a thousand of different chemicals, including caffeine, carbohydrates

and vitamins. Millions of people around the world has been addicted and became

dependent on coffee which probably halfof them knows that it is bad for our health.

Individuals encounter it on adaily basis, but many people do not realize why abuse of

caffeine is a problem. Nevertheless, all people should be aware of the problems

caused by the drug caffeine to better prevent themselves from addiction.

Caffeine likewise serves to decrease inflammation in the body, which fills in as

a snappy method to relief from discomfort, and may lessen cerebral pains and

different purposes of soreness that can meddle with work. As per the consumers

report, eight out of ten adults in the country drink an average of two and a half cups

of coffee every day.

Filipinos are buying coffee products close to twice a week. As time passes by,

Filipinos’ love for coffee grown throughout the years. According to Khristian Ibarrola,

more than 41percent of older millennials, aged 24 to 35, predicted that they won’t be

“financially secure enough to retire until they are older than 65,” hence proving their

perceived nonchalant approach towards saving money for the future. With this, it

shows that millennial has been spending more money on coffee than engaging

themselves in other activities.

As indicated by a Gallup survey, around 66 percent of American grown-ups

have drunk any rate one mug of coffee consistently, averaging 2.7 cups of coffee

every day, and 25 percent of individuals guarantee they feel that they are dependent

on caffeine. In spite of this, solitary 10 percent of individuals need to reduce their

coffee drinking habit.

The researchers would like to help the people know how o avoid on being a

coffee dependent and to be able to share the researchers’ knowledge regarding with

the study.

The study tackles about the correlation of coffee dependency and the anxiety

level of a person. This research is done to provide people some knowledge on how

does being a coffee dependent person affect the level of anxiety. Also, the

researchers would like to aid people on what is the good and bad side effects of the

caffeine into a human’s body. Every person has the right to be know if what are they

drinking is helpful or not to them.

The researchers want to know how the coffee dependency of a person can
affect the level of anxiety to them. Specifically, the researchers aims to know the level

of anxiety of a person in the time where he or she is drinking too much coffee, if it can

help him or her in dealing with the anxiety level or not and based on the findings, how

can the proposed awareness booklet can help people deal with it.


According to the Caffeine and Activation Theory, drinking of caffeinated drinks can

increase its effect the anxiety level of a person. This affect the anxiety level of a

person because it has a norepinephrine. Norepinephrine is the neurons that pushes

the nervous system to react with its condition. With that, Coffee helps people to

increase this kind of chemical into the body which leads to the increasing and

decreasing of effect of stress.

With the presence of too much caffeine in a human’s body, the people began to

cope up with the stress that they are experiencing. The reason for drinking this is

because people being stressed with different things and they need something that

can satisfy their body and mind so that they can continue in working on the things

they need to accomplish (Adcock, Kuhn, et. al 1990).

Every day, we fill out our body with positivity and something that can help us work

for things, it can be important and less important. The Reduction of Coffee intake

Campaign will serve as a visual representation to determine on what are the good

and bad side effects of drinking too much coffee. Also, It will help people to gain more

knowledge on how can people have an alternative way on how they can cope up with

different Mental Health Disorders instead of drinking too much coffee. Among others,
Mansi Kohli wrote about 6 Benefits of cutting or reducing a persons’ Coffee Intake. It

is about the different benefit on what can people get if they reduce ones coffee intake

that can benefit a persons’ health condition.

Reduction of coffee intake can affect the Health of an individual. It can

influence how an individual can prevent themselves from different disorders. If

applied wisely, the health of an individual will be in a better condition, physically and


It is emphasized in the study that coffee dependence plays a vital role in the

level of anxiety of the employees working at Our Lady of Caysasay Academy.

However, the other factor that will affect on the said claim is also be taken into

consideration. Anexample of this is the ability of a person to work in a period of time

after he or she have drunk coffee.


 Coffee

Dependency of  Survey  Reduction of

Questionaire Coffee intake
the Employees Campaign

of Our Lady of



 Level of Anxiety
Figure 1.0
Research Paradigm

Figure 1.0 shows the conceptual paradigm of the study. The box at the left

side represents the Coffee Dependency and the Level of Anxiety of Employees of

Our Lady of Caysasay Academy. The box at the second box is the process on

how we can get information from our respondents. Lastly, the third box represents

the desired output of the study, a Reduction of Coffee intake Campaign.

To further explain the paradigm of the study, it show the two variables which

the researchers will be using which is the coffee dependency and the anxiety

level. Those variables are given to identify what is their relationship with each

other, if they are related or not. Thus the process will help the researchers to

gather informations so that the output which is the Reduction of Coffee intake

Campaign would be effective to the said respondents and to other coffee drinkers.


In our country, coffee plays a role in a human’s life especially with the Filipinos

that’s why the researchers wants to know if there is a relationship of being Coffee

Dependent with the Level of Anxiety of a person.

Coffee Drinkers. The study will help them be aware of what can they gain and

the effects of coffee from being dependent from it.

OLCA Employees. The study will help the employees to be aware on how to

reduce coffee intake to have a better health condition.

Students. The study will help them gain more knowledge about being coffee

dependent and its effect to the level of anxiety of a person.

Future Researchers. The study will help the future researchers to be aware also

and have a basis for the research they will be making if it is related with the given



The study aims to assess the Correlation of Coffee Dependency and the Level

of Anxiety of the Employees in Our Lady of Caysasay Academy.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following queries:

1. What is the level of coffee dependency of the respondents?

2. How may the level of anxiety of respondents be described?

3. Is there a significant relationship between coffee dependency and level of

anxiety of the respondents?

4. Based on the findings, what advocacy reduction of coffee in take may be



There is no significant relationship between the Coffee Dependency and the

Level of Anxiety of the Employees in Our Lady of Caysasay Academy.


The main objective of the study is to determine whether the Coffee

Dependency and the Level of Anxiety affects the Employees of Our Lady of

Caysasay Academy. It will serve as a Reduction of Coffee in take Campaign.

The study is limited to the Employees of Our Lady of Caysasay Academy. The

respondents of the study are the people who are identified as a Coffee Dependent

person. In this study, Mental Health Condition is not discussed.


For clearer understanding of the study, important terms are hereby defined

theoretically and operationally.

Anxiety. It is a psychological and physical response to treat a self-concept

characterized by subject, consciously perceived feelings of tension. (Spielberger,

1983) In this study, it is referring to the nervousness or the unusual state of being

of OLCA Employees.

Caffeine. It is probably the main active component in coffee. (Marja-Leena

Nurminen, L Niittynen, Riita Korpela, Heikki Vapaatalo, European Journal of

Clinical Nutrition 53 (11),831, 1999) In this study, it is referring to the substance

that is in the drink that the respondents are drinking.

Correlation. It is concerned with establishing relationships between two or more

variables. (Leedy and Ormrod, 2010) In this study, it is referring to the relationship

of the Coffee Dependenc and the Level of Anxiety of OLCA Employees.

Coffee Dependence.It is the excessive and/or harmful use of caffeine over a

period of time, which has negative effects on your health, social interactions, or

other areas of your life. (Elizabeth Hartney, PhD, 2019) In this study, it is referring

to the dependency and/or drinking of too much coffee of the OLCA Employees

wherein he or she can’t go with a day without drinking a certain number of coffee.

Level of Anxiety.It is defined as the severity of manifested apprehension,

tension, or uneasiness arising from an unidentifiable source. (9 th Edition of

Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, 2009)


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the literature and studies which are relevant to this

study. The study presents some sources and some researchers who wrote their own

idea abbot the level of anxiety.

Conceptual Literature

Since the study is concerned with the coffee dependency and level of anxiety

of the employees in Our Lady of Caysasay Academy, the researchers had come up

with the readings that are related to the said study. The studies include the coffee

dependence and the level of anxiety.

Coffee Dependence. People can be a coffee dependence this is because of

the chemical changes that sustained consumption produces in the brain. On the off

chance that somebody drinks caffeine consistently, he or she will develop a

tolerance, similarly as one would to different medications or liquor (Hilliard, 2019).

Caffeine has been appeared to cause withdrawal manifestations, which

demonstrates physical dependence. It's been more enthusiastically to demonstrate

whether caffeine use can prompt habit, however a few people give indications of

compulsion, such as, proceeding to use in spite of medical issues brought about by

the medication and being not able reduced (Maldonado, 2019).

Caffeine addiction is the excessive and harmful utilization of caffeine over

some stretch of time, which affects your wellbeing, social connections, or different
parts of your life. As caffeine is a generally acknowledged and utilized medication,

numerous individuals don't accept caffeine can be addictive (Hartney, 2019).

Caffeine is the most commonly utilized medications in the world. In spite of the

fact that utilization of low to direct dosages of caffeine is commonly protected, an

expanding number of clinical examinations are demonstrating that some caffeine

clients become subject to the medication and can't diminish utilization in spite of

information of intermittent medical issues related with proceeded with use (Meredith

et al,2013).

The term “caffeine addiction” and caffeine dependence” are generally utilized,

but there is not scientific confirmation that caffeine meets the criteria to induce a

complete addiction. A few contextual analyses have shown that caffeine had the

option to initiate a clinical dependence like that instigated by other psychoactive

medications in certain individuals. There is additionally an absence of logical proof to

demonstrate that serious symptoms are related with stopping caffeine use


Caffeine dependence is progressively about the manner in which the

substance influences your everyday working than it is about the real sum you devour

every day. There's no particular number of cups, or milligrams of caffeine, every day

that implies an issue (Ducharme, April 26, 2018).

A dependence on caffeine begins a similar path for many people - a

satisfaction in that additional increase in vitality toward the beginning of the day. The

issue is that the body winds up acclimated with this counterfeit vitality and assembles

a resistance that implies you need increasingly more espresso so as to accomplish a

similar increment in vitality. Not just that, when you remove the caffeine, there can be

withdrawal side effects, which is another reason such a large number of individuals

become dependent on caffeine. (GoMentor)

Coffee is probably the most noteworthy wellspring of caffeine, a medication to

which it is extremely simple to wind up dependent. Caffeine addiction can bring about

physiological and mental side effects at whatever point utilization dips under levels

your body has been molded to anticipate. One way to decide whether you are

dependent on espresso is by taking a gander at your caffeine presumption through

the span of a month. Screen how you feel when you drink your java so you can figure

out which side affects you experience (Hardy, 2019).

Some individual are increasingly delicate with the impacts of caffeine, as well.

Their brains are more dependent on coffee than other individual. Become dependent

on caffeine can be brought about by numerous variables, and it also appears to be

influenced by genetics. (Brusie, 2017)

Dependence on caffeine isn't generally risky—it doesn't compromise your

health manner in which different medications do—it's never great to feel like you need

a substance to work. And, getting to be dependent on caffeine is way easier than you

might think. (Martuna, 2016)

Anxiety.Anxiety is more than what we know. It is not just about being stressed

or worried on something. It is the point where such emotions don't leave on our

system which occur with no specific reason. Being anxious makes it difficult for a

person to adapt on a day by day life basis. Everyone feels anxious from time to time,

but for someone experiencing anxiety, these feelings aren't easily controlled. (Beyond
Blue, 2019) 

Being discomfort, or such as being worried or feared on something can be a

mild or severe anxiety. All of us experience or become anxious at some point of our

lives. When we took our first examinations or having a medical test or even on our job

interviews. At times like these, we all knew feeling anxious is flawlessly ordinary like

how a normal person should act out. But for some, they find it difficult to control their

emotions. The feeling of anxiety can be more controlling which can affect their lives.

(NHS, 2018)

While having an anxiety issue can be incapacitating, keeping you from carrying

on with the existence you need, realize that you're not the only one.

Anxiety issues are among the most well-known psychological well-being

issues and are exceptionally treatable. When you comprehend your nervousness

issue, there are steps you can take to decrease the side effects and recover control

of your life (Smith, 2019).

Anxiety disorders are real, serious medical condition that needs a professional

help from other people. It is similarly dangerous to physical disorders like heart

disease and diabetes. Roughly 8 percent of children and adolescents experience an

uneasiness issue with the vast majority creating side effects before age 21. Just

around 33 percent of those experiencing a nervousness issue get treatment, despite

the fact that the scatters are exceptionally treatable. As soon as possible, those who

knew people who are suffering from anxiety, guide and tell them to seek for help help

from the professionals.  (Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 2016)

Levels of anxiety can be affected by character, adapting methodologies,

educational encounters, and sexual orientation. Each levels are ordinarily arranged

by the degree of pain and weakness experienced into four classes: mild anxiety,

moderate anxiety, severe anxiety and panic-level anxiety. Everybody has sentiments

of nervousness sooner or later in their lives, and a specific measure of tension is

typical (The Recovery Village, 2019).

Stress and anxiety are the same as they are mention together, but it's

definitely not. Generally, mild anxiety is the type of anxiety we are all experiencing.

Moderate anxiety is similar to mild anxiety but can make a person more anxious,

making you feel more worried about things. Severe anxiety is the highest level,

making a person experience severe panic attacks. (CABA, 2019)

On the other hand, panic-level of anxiety is the most difficult and challenging to

handle, as it overwhelms your capacity to function normally. You might not identify

danger or understand your needs in the moment. Extreme life stressors can provoke

these types of reactions, such as being victim of a crime or living through a disaster.

(Hildegard Peplau, 2016)

Depression and anxiety disorders are different, but people with depression

often experience symptoms similar to those of an anxiety disorder, such as

nervousness, irritability, and problems sleeping and concentrating. In any case, each

confusion has its own causes and its very own passionate and conduct indications.

Numerous individuals who has depression have a background marked by an anxiety

disorder prior throughout everyday life. (Anxiety and Depression Association of

America, 2016)

Depression causes feelings of sadness or a loss of interest in activities once

enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can

decrease a person’s ability to function at work and at home. Depression affects an

estimated one in 15 adults in any given year. And one in six people will experience

depression at some time in their life. (Ranna Parekh, 2017)

Anxiety disorders are much more than just nervousness and worrying. They

can cause alarming feeling about things that other individuals wouldn't really think

about. Numerous individuals with anxiety disorder comprehend that their

considerations are nonsensical, however despite everything they can't stop them.

Sooner or later, after developing a huge emotional turmoil, this is when depression

sets in. (Diana Rodriguez, 2015)

Reduction Campaign. Caffeine can spike pulse and blood pressure, while

expanding sentiments of stress, nervousness, and street rage. It can likewise leave

you feeling wired for as long as 16 hours after your last cup, as indicated by the

National Institutes of Health. Kicking the propensity is not as overwhelming as it

sounds, either. Move in an opposite direction from the coffee pot and attempt these

seven simple stunts for reducing caffeine (Haupt, 2012).

Caffeine is a bitter, white substance that happens normally in excess of 60

plants, including coffee beans, tea leaves and cacao units (used to make chocolate).

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) believes caffeine to be both a

substance added substance and a medication. Caffeine is the principle fixing in over-
the-counter (non-remedy) stimulants that diminish weariness (tiredness), increment

readiness or give a jolt of energy. It is additionally added to other over-the-counter

and professionally prescribed meds. (Cleveland Clinic, 2014).

In 2003 the Caffeine Awareness Alliance was formed to advocate for a

caffeine-free industry. They will likely give data and assets to everybody in the

business from officials, retailers, and media. It is this association that has supported

the making of Caffeine Awareness Month. The expressed objective for the month is

to be a wellbeing mindfulness battle that can help individuals to settle on educated

choices about the utilization regarding caffeinated product (Cleveland Clinic, 2019).

National Tobacco Campaign target is to help and discourage individuals to quit

smoking by having their ways such as TV ads, social media materials, digital apps,

resources in different languages, partnerships with mental health organisations, lastly

DVDs and resource kits for programs for Aboriginal and Torres straight Islander

peoples and pregnant women. The campaign is one of Health’s longest running

public wellbeing campaigns (National Tobacco Campaign, 2019).

The ADE Action Plan centers around improving safe utilization of

anticoagulants, diabetes specialists, and narcotic torment relievers. The Action Plan

recommends a four-pronged way to deal with decrease patient damages through

public health observation, counteractive action and impetuses and oversight. An

Adverse Drug Event is an injury coming about because of medicinal mediation

identified with a drug. This incorporates prescription mistakes , unfavorable

medication responses, hypersentive responses and overdoses (Office of Disease

Prevention and Health Promotion, 2019).

The aim of World Health Organization (WHO) is to reduce the harmful use of

liquor. The said campaign reached consensus at the World Health Assembly on a

global strategy to outbrave the alcohol consumption. The management of global

strategy will collaborate to the member of its state and to public health as well.

Alcohol abuse is a health burden especially when it is use more often (Poznyak,


The campaign includes key actions that consumer can take up to reduce food

waste. They are encourage to join in Year Towards Zero Waste efforts by adopting

three simple get up to reduce food waste. Combined with poster walkers, also

engaged patrons by sharing the message of FWR campaign, request them to join in

the exercise of food waste reduction game (Khor,).

Numerous individual are being more interested to buy cold cut foods because

of its affordability. Processed foods are increasing in availability because people

around the world are consuming more of it. Processed foods that are consumed are

rich with salt that is why it should be reduce for it can harm a person’s health (World

Health Organization, 2019).

Single-Use of Plastic Reduction Campaign built consciousness of the issue

and enable people to come up with practical suggestions to lessen single-use plastic.

World Environment Day serves as a significant day for it encourages worldwide

awareness of global environmental issues. The organization was to spread worldwide

making everyday changes to reduce the burden of plastic pollution (King, 2018).
Childhood obesity is the result of too much consumption of sugar-sweetened

beverages. The levels of both children and adults are increasing to gain weight by

reducing the intake of sugar-sweetened beverages. Recent systematic reviews of the

literature proves the link between intake of free sugar specially in the form of sugar

sweetened products (Lobstein, 2014)

Related Studies

The study of Lucas et. al. (2011) investigated the relationship between the

coffee consumption of a person and the depression. A population of women whose

mean age is 63 years were prospectively followed up through and observation to

measure the consumption of caffeine.As the researchers observed, there were

incidents cases of depressions were identified. They have compared that women who

drinks a cup or less cup of coffee or caffeinated drink per week can affect the

depression risk of a person. The researchers found out that the increase of

consumption in caffeinated coffee can decrease the risk of having a depression. Also,

the researchers did not include decaffeinated coffee that affect mental health illness

like depression. The study explained that drinking caffeinated coffee can prevent the

increase of person who will commit suicide especially women who are on their dietary

habits. Researchers had recommended that people should consume caffeinated

drinks daily because it can help prevent or treat people who are in the state of


The study of Huntly (2012) was to identify the relation between the caffeine

consumption and the factor that can affect oneself’. The 665 respondents of the
present study were asked to evaluate the web-based survey about caffeine

consumption and its effect. Caffeine Expectancy Questionnaire assess the factor of

consuming caffeinated drinks, its effect and the symptoms that a person could have if

to be called a caffeine dependent. It is a 47 item questionnaire that involves

questions about their expectancies that includes coffee dependence, work, mood and

physical enhancement, its anxiety and negative physical effects to ones’ body.

Respondents were also asked with regards their coffee consumption and some

queries pertaining to why are they consuming that cup or cups of coffee a day. With

this the researchers’ come up with the result of the study was that their negative

effects of consuming too much caffeine in our body especially on the expectancies for

Anxiety and its Negative Effect. The former study recommended that people should

set specific and moderate dose of caffeine a day with respect to the dose of its effect

in a humans’ body.

However, Uddin et. al.(2017) said that the effects of the coffee in a person

when it comes to negative depends on how much they consume the drink. Drinking of

coffee too much can lead to coffee dependence that may lead to different effects

(both negative and positive) on a persons’ body. The study also included that

caffeine wasconnected with anxiety disorder because it increases its level in the brain

that can lead to disorders such as social phobia, panic disorder, and sensitivity.

Researchers concluded that the consuming of caffeinated drinks should be in

care because caffeine is an addictive drug that can make people dependent form

it.Caffeine blocks the adenosine receptors in the brain cells that makes people

dependent or addicted from it. The receptors are being antagonized by the caffeine.
The consumption of caffeine can increase the euphoria that the caffeine brought to

the brain of a person an makes them addicted or dependent from it.

Caffeine produces substances that can be life-threatening that’s why

researchers had recommended that care when it comes in consuming caffeinated

drinks should be taken during the ingestion of the caffeinated good and other

products. Caffeine is a drug that has and addictive substance regarding with

dependence, tolerance and withdrawal. Having a moderate and proper consumption

of caffeinated products can lessen the effects of into a person.

In contrary, the study of Nehlig et al.(2010) stated that Caffeine can’t be

considered as an addictive drug because it doesn’t trigger dopamine in a persons’

brain areas. The 26 respondentswere asked to drink a raspberry-tasting drink and

abstinence from caffeine containing foods and drinks. The respondents are the ones

who are non-smoking and people who doesn’t have night shiftwork, using medication

except for controlling birth and any report that he or she had taken alcohol or drugs

abuse. Also, the respondents are given written consent which states the information

about the study which was approved by the local ethical committee.

After the test, they have performed the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for the

respondents who are adult. This questionnaire was widely used for it assesses and

measure a persons’ tension of anxiety. The researchers also, allowed group analysis

and evaluation. With methods of observations, the researchers came up with the

result that the level of anxiety of a person is nothing to do with his or her clinical

surroundings. The caffeinated drinks influence more people to feel more alert and
energized after consuming caffeinated drinks. But the moderate consumption of

coffee does not affect the cardiovascular system severely.

Knowing the results of the study, researchers suggest that the dose of

caffeinated drink should be moderately consumed because it can restore the mental

awareness and wakefulness of a person that leads to sleep deprivation. Consuming

caffeinated drinks can change a persons’ sleeping habits if they will continue to drink

too much doses of caffeinated drink a day.

In the study of Smith (2015), the researchers had investigated the effects of

caffeine on behavior when it is consumed by sensitive groups. The sensitive groups

are said to be the children because nowadays, they are considered as a consumer of

caffeinate drinks especially soft drinks. Through the use of the Cornish Academies

Project, it helps the researchers gather and supply information about the study. The

Cornish Academic Project is a program of the study to investigate effects of

caffeinated drinks on school performance, general health, stress, anxiety, and

depression who belongs in the secondary school. In conclusion with that, the study

was presented with the results that caffeine consumption may be related to stress

anxiety and depression in secondary schools. The effects of caffeine may occur in

both sexes but also, results show that its effect is much higher on women than men.

The former study stated that high consumption of coffee may lead to severe cases of

anxiety and depression of a person.

In conclusion, the study stated that caffeine consumption is related with stress,

anxiety, and depression in children. It was observed that the effect of caffeine
depends on the gender of a person. Based on the observation, the consumption of

coffee is related with the anxiety in a high level than women.

Researcher recommend to lower the dosage of caffeinated drink because very

high caffeine intake can be a risk factor for a person to experience anxiety and

depression. Caffeine intake should be reduced based on the observation of the

researchers. Also, caffeinated drinks should be consumed moderately because too

much caffeine intake can be a drug abuse

The study of The Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee (2016) had

recognized that consuming of caffeinated drinks can increase a persons’ alertness

and wakefulness. The consumption of coffee can affect a persons’ ability to work his

or her tasks in a more focused way. Caffeine can give benefits also to humans

especially those people who are into job that are required to stay all-night longing-

distance driving, and jetlag. It improves the alertness and safety during sleep

deprivation. Caffeine reduces the level of an individual’s awareness when he or she is

suffering from colds. Also, it reduces the cognitive failure in the non-working

population. Coffee should be only consumed just after waking up to increase the

alertness and fight sleep. Moreover, consuming of coffee can improve and

individual’s memory, mood and reduces the risk of depression of a person.

In conclusion, the researchers stated that caffeine is not considered as a drug

of dependence because people might just be drinking coffee or caffeinated drink for

habit. It also give people benefits that can help them for their living.With these people

can cope up more with their own bodies.

However, researchers recommended that the consumption of coffee must be

controlled in every individual. Individuals must know when will they consume and

how much is the amount of coffee they should be consuming.

The study of Smith (2005) investigated caffeine and its behavioural to a

person. the researchers had undergone investigation which is done over times. The

population they have used are both human and animals. Researcher’s also want to

know if caffeinated products can affect them. The result of the study was caffeinated

drinks can affect them in memory, performance of a person to accomplish his or her

tasks, and alertness. Caffeinated drinks has its own positive effects also because it

can help a person. Habitual drinking of coffee can decrease persons who commit

suicide. However, the researchers stated that caffeine also have negative effects

when the consumption of it is abused. It can lead to different changes in the body

such us body dependency of caffeinated products, stressful and anxiety condition of a

person and sleep deprivation. too much coffee can change the pattern of a person

when it comes to sleeping schedule.

In conclusion, caffeinated drinks have its own positive and negative effects of a

humans body that’s why people should be careful on the amount of caffeinated drink

they will consume.

The researchers had recommended that people should control their caffeine

intake to prevent them from having adverse effects of caffeine.

The study of Caerols et al. (2012) evaluated the effects of alcohol, nicotine and

caffeine on psychological parameters and level of anxiety in people. The respondents

had undergone the ingest of alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine to get information about
the study. The researchers found out that the use of these can decrease the heart

rate of a person,state anxiety. Also, it was observed that Systolic and Diastolic Blood

Pressure are being decreased when consumed. In conclusion, the former study

stated that can affect a body of a person. It was recommended that intake of this

should be moderately observed because it may lead to different body complications.

The study of Larsson et al. (2015) is to investigate the association between

coffee consumption and incidence of Atrial Fibrillation (AF) in tow prospective

cohorts. The study population comprised 41,881 men in the Cohort of Swedish Men

and 34,594 women in the Swedish Mammography Cohort who had provided

information on coffee consumption in 1997 and were followed up for 12 years and the

incident cases of AF is by the Swedish Hospital Discharge Register. The researchers

ascertained 4,311 and 2,730 incident AF cases in men and women, respectively, in

the two cohorts and the result of this investigation is coffee consumption was not

associated with AF incidence in these cohort studies.

The study of Glade (2010) is to identify the beneficial effects of human

caffeine consumption. This study shows that the consumption moderate amounts of

caffeine can increase energy, alertness, wakefulness and also it can decrease the

sense of effort associated with physical activity and mental fatigue. The results of this

study is a large body of scientific evidence describes the beneficial effects of human

caffeine consumption on a number of physiological systems. 


The study of Huntly (2012) and Lucas et. al. (2011) are related to the

present study because they are all focused with coffee consumption of people. The
two studies are different because Lucas et. al. aims to investigate the relationship

between coffee consumption and depression while Huntly’s study aimed to assess

the relation of caffeine consumption and the factors that can affect oneself and

present a correlation of coffee intake with the demographic variables, as well as the

relation between the Coffee consumption and the level of anxiety of a person.

The study of Glade (2010) is related to the present study because it was

about the effects of caffeine consumption of humans. The difference of the study was

that it talked the benefits of consuming caffeinated drinks. The results showed that

consuming caffeinated drinks can benefit everyone.

Lastly, the study of Nehlig et al.(2010) of was like the present study that

explores the relation between Coffee Dependency and level of Anxiety. The

difference is that the researchers used a tool to assess the coffee dependence of a

person. The data was prepared by the researchers. State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for

the respondents, percentage analysis, Mean, Standard deviation and 't' test were

used for analyzing the data.

Chapter III
Research Methodology

This chapter covers the methods and procedure utilized by the researchers.

This includes the research design, subject of the study, instruments used, data

gathering procedure and statistical treatment.

Research Design

The researchers made use of a descriptive design to determine how the coffee

dependence affects the level of anxiety of OLCA Employees. Descriptive research is

designed to give “answers to the questions of what, who, when, where, and how

which are linked with a research problem.” More over this type of research observes

a subject or situation in a “natural and unchanged environment.” It can provide a

wealth of information which can be used as basis for decision-making and

improvement for certain practices. It gathers a big volume of data for thorough

analysis. (Melgrito et, al, 2016)

Moreover, Garcia et al. (2016) said that descriptive research involves the

description, recording, analysis, and interpretation of the present nature, composition

or processes of phenomena.

Since the study will describe the correlation of the coffee dependence and the

level of anxiety of the employees in OLCA, researchers had come up with a

Reduction of Coffee intake booklet.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the Employees in Our Lady of Caysasay

Academy. The researchers will make use of the total population of the employees,

120. The actual number of the respondents will be determined through the use of

Krecjie and Morgan method.

Employees Number of respondents

Admin 5
Teachers 50
Staffs 5
Maintenance 40

Data gathering Instrument

The main instrument used in this study is a survey questionnaire made by the

researchers which will help the researchers gather information suitable for their


Questionnaire. A research-based questionnaire which was use to interpret and

gather data of the said study. The data gathering instrument mentioned are used at

the different parts of the research. The survey questionnaires are used to determine

the relationship between coffee dependency and the level of anxiety within the

employees of OLCA. With the help of the questionnaires, the respondents will go to

the process document analysis. This will help in finding results for the study.

Documentary Analysis. This was also use to gather information whether coffee

dependency and level of anxiety affects the employees of OLCA.

Administration. This was used to determine the place where the researchers will
conduct their research.

Table 1
Scaling for the first set of questionnaires
Verbal Interpretation
4 Often
3 Sometimes
2 Seldom
1 Never

Table 2
Scaling for the second set of questionnaires
Verbal Interpretation
4 Often
3 Sometimes
2 Seldom
1 Never

Data gathering procedure

The researchers sent a letter to the Vice President and Head Employees of

Our Lady of Caysasay Academy. Afterwards, tests and measurements will be

conducted in order to gather the needed information. Aside from giving the

questionnaires to the respondents, the researchers made use of the different school

libraries and the web services to gather credible evidences. The results of the

research and the test were tallied, analyzed and interpreted to distinguish a


Statistical Treatment of Data

After the researchers retrieved the data, tallying, tabulating and analyzing was

done. The following statistical treatments were used:

Frequency. This was used to determine the number of respondent for each
level of being coffee dependent perceived by the teachers of Our Lady of Caysasay


Mean.The researchers use the statistical mean in identifying whether the

Coffee Dependency and the Level of Anxiety affects the Employees of Our Lady of

Caysasay Academy.

Weighted Mean. A type of average, which will use some data points

contribute more weight than others.

Pearson-r Moment of Correlation. It was used to determine the relationship

between coffee dependency and stress for the level of anxiety of the teachers in Our

Lady of Caysasay Academy.

Chapter IV

This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data based on the

statistical procedure. The data used in the interpretation were gathered from the

employees of Our Lady of Caysasay Academy.

1. Presentation of Coffee Dependency of the Employees in OLCA

Table 6

Coffee Dependency of OLCA Employees

Level F %

Strongly Agree (3.50-4.0) 15 15

Agree (2.50-3.49) 53 53

Disagree (1.50-2.49) 32 32

Strongly Disagree (1.0-1.49) 0 0

100 100

As seen on the table, out of 100 respondents, 15 or 15 percent of the

employees in OLCA rated strongly agree in the survey-questionnaire distributed by

the researchers. Fifty-three or 53 percent rated agree and 32 or 32 percent rated

disagree. Meanwhile, none of the respondents rated disagree in the questionnaire for

the level of coffee dependency.

The table shows that most of the respondents are coffee dependent and are

considered as coffee dependent because they work it. According to the data above,
15 or 15% respondents strongly agree that they are one of those many coffee

dependent person and that they need coffee to do their task. 53 or 53% have agreed

that they are coffee dependent person. Furthermore, 32 or 32% of the respondents

are not coffee dependent. And lastly, there is no one that strongly disagree that they

are coffee dependent person. In conclusion, majority of the respondent are coffee

dependent agrees that they are one of them. It also implies that being coffee

dependent can help them to do their work.

The data supports the study of Ducharme (2018) that being coffee dependent

can help people to influence their work in everyday living. Looking at the number of

respondents who are dependent from coffee prove that they are more productive

because they are depending from coffee. Also, it verifies the definition of

Hartney,2019 that coffee drinkers affects them to their well-being.

Presentation of the level of anxiety of employees in OLCA

Table 7
As seen on the table, out of 100 respondents, 15 or 15 percent of the
F %

Strongly Agree (3.50-4.0) 19 19

Agree (2.50-3.49) 47 47

Disagree (1.50-2.49) 33 33

Strongly Disagree (1.0-1.49) 1 1

100 100

employees in OLCA rated strongly agree in the survey-questionnaire distributed by

the researchers. Fifty-three or 53 percent rated agree and 32 or 32 percent rated

disagree. Meanwhile, none of the respondents rated disagree in the questionnaire for

the level of coffee dependency.

The table shows that most of the respondents affect their level of anxiety.

According to the data above, 19 or 19% respondents strongly agree that they are one

of those many people who are prone in having anxiety in terms of drinking coffee. 47

or 47% have agreed that they one of those many people who are experiencing

anxiety while drinking coffee. Furthermore, 33 or 33% of the respondents are not

affected by coffee. And lastly, there is 1 or 1% that strongly disagree that he/she is

not affected by the coffee intake. In conclusion, majority of the respondent agrees

that drinking coffee affects their level of anxiety after drinking coffee.

The data supports the study of NHS (2018) that all of us experience or become

anxious at some point of our lives. When we took our first examinations or having a

medical test or even on performing our jobs. Looking at the number of respondents

who are affected from drinking coffee proves that they are experiencing anxiety

whenever they drink coffee. Also, it verifies the statement of Beyond Blue, 2019 that

being anxious makes it difficult for a person to adapt on a day by day life basis.

2. Pearson-r Moment of Correlation

The table below presents the significant relationship between coffee

dependency and the anxiety level of employees in Our Lady of Caysasay Academy
using the Pearson-r Moment of Correlation.

Table 10

Relationship between Coffee Dependency and the Anxiety Level of Employees


Coffee Level of R- Description P- Decision Verbal

Dependenc Anxiety value value (Ho) Interpretation
2.8811 2.8778 0.5488 Strong 33E-06 Reject Significant

Presented on table no. 10 is the results of the Pearson-r Moment of

Correlation showing the significant relationship between Coffee Dependency and the

Level of Anxiety of the employees of OLCA. Results shows that there is a *strong

uphill (positive)* relationship between the two aforementioned variables. The

correlation coefficient is the measurement of the strength and direction of a linear

relationship between two variables and as shown on the table above, results

manifested that there is a 0.5488 r value showing a strong positive uphill relationship

between the two variables. On the other hand, the T-value shows that there is a high

difference between the sample data and the null hypothesis. The t-value as

manifested above shows a 6.4994 t-value proves that the difference between the

variation in the sample data and the null hypothesis are different which proves the

rejection of the null hypothesis. The p-value as shown above manifested that there is

a 33E-06 two-tailed p-value. The p-value shows that the results of the sample data is
statistically significant.

The study of Lucas et. al. (2011) is related to the study because it investigated

the correlation between coffee dependency and level of anxiety among the

employees in Our Lady of Caysasay Academy. Hence, it also proves on the study of

Glade (2010) that identifies the beneficial effects of human caffeine consumption.

This study shows that the consumption moderate amounts of caffeine can increase

energy, alertness, wakefulness and also it can decrease the sense of effort

associated with physical activity and mental fatigue.

3. Proposed Group Seminar Program for Employees who are coffee drinkers

The proposed product of the researchers, which is a group seminar program

was designed to create a specific focus to hit the coffee drinkers by a particular

appeal or call to action. The group seminar program would help coffee drinkers and

other people be informed about the said problem.

I. PROGRAM TITLE: Group Seminar Program for Coffee Drinkers



People nowadays, experience high level of anxiety and stress because of

workloads. Group Seminar Program for Coffee Drinkers can play an important role to

every coffee drinker to lessen the level of their anxiety.The Seminar Program can

help the to be informed and be aware of what might their drinking of coffee can take

them. As anxiety is getting higher nowadays for too much coffee intake, it also
contributed to their works.

Nature and Purpose

 Assure the emplyoees’ physical and mental stability

 Inform the symptoms of those who are in the state of Anxiety

 Improve their way of lifestyle

 Educate employees on how to lessen their coffee intake

Group Seminar Program is a program for coffee drinkers to maintain the

balance in their physical and mental stability. The program can help is aiming to help

employees to lessen the level of anxiety they have in a way.



Since the findings revealed that there is an increase of the level of anxiety

when a person is coffee dependent, the researcher developed a poster campaign

reduction of reduction of coffee intake to help coffee drinkers balance their habit on

drinking coffee. The poster campaign is composed of information about the reduction

of coffee intake.

The researcher believe that though these proposed poster campaigns would

be a great help to lessen their anxiety.


Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of the study, the findings, the conclusions

based on the findings of the researchers.

This study aimed to describe the Correlation of Coffee Dependency and the

Level of Anxiety of the Employees of Our Lady of Caysasasay Academy

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of coffee dependency of the respondents?

2. How may the level of anxiety of respondents be described?

3. Is there a significant relationship between coffee dependency and level of

anxiety of the respondents?

4. Based on the findings, what campaign reduction of coffee in take may be



The researchers posted the hypothesis:

Ho: There is no significant relationship between the coffee dependency and the level

anxiety of the employees in Our Lady of Caysasay Academy.

Descriptive type of research was used to describe coffee dependency and the

level anxiety of the respondents. The researchers used a survey questionnaire that

was administered to 100 Employees of Our Lady of Caysasay Academy which is

divded into 5 Admin, 50 Faculty Members, 40 Maintenance, and 5 Staffs. The

statistical tools utilized in this study were frequency, percentage, weighted mean and

Pearson-r Moment of Correlation.

Findings of the Study

Based on the data collected, the following findings were obtained:

1. Majority of the respondents is on average level in coffee dependency. 15

employees strongly agree that they are coffee dependent, 53 employees

agree, 32 employees disagree, and no employees strongly disagrees.

2. Most of the respondents’ level of anxiety that the more they are dependent on

coffee, the increase of anxiety level they will have. 19 employees strongly

disagree, 47 employees agree, 33 employees disagree, and only one strongly


3. The levels of coffee dependency and anxiety obtained computed r-values of

0.549, respectively, verbally interpreted as both in strong correlation. It

obtained computed p-values less than 3.816 level of significance that led to

reject the null hypothesis. Thus, there is a significant relationship between

coffee dependency and level of anxiety.

4. The proposed booklet campaign in coffee reduction intake may help coffee

drinkers to aware on informations about what they are drinking and how can

they reduce their coffee intake to avoid experiencing high level of anxiety.

Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were produced.

1. The researchers concluded thatthe level of coffee dependence of respondents

in terms is on average level.

2. Based on the survey, majority of the respondents’ anxiety are high because of

coffee dependence.

3. There is significant relationship between the coffee dependence and the level

of anxiety of the respondents.

4. The proposed plan for the study will be the “Group Seminar Program for

Coffee Drinkers”.


After the conclusions have been drawn, the following recommendations may

be considered: 

1. The students who are coffee drinkers may use the booklet be inform about the

proper intake of coffee.

2. The Employees in OLCA may use the booklet to be aware about the positive and

negative effects of coffee intake.

3. The future researchers may conduct similar study that will deeply explain the

findings of this research.


Electronic Resources

Hilliard, 2019

Retrieved from:

Maldonado, 2019

Retrieved from:

Hartney, 2019

Retrieved from:


Retrieved from:


Retrieved from:

Ducharme, 2018
Retrieved from:


Retrieved from:

Hardy, 2019

Retrieved from:


Brusie, 2017

Retrieved from:

Martuna, 2016

Retrieved from:

Beyond Blue, 2019

Retrieved from:
NHS, 2018

Retrieved from:

Smith, 2019

Retrieved from: l

Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 2016

Retrieved from:

The Recovery Village, 2019

Retrieved from:

CABA, 2019

Retrieved from:

Hildegard Peplau, 2016

Retrieved from:

Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 2016

Retrieved from:

Ranna Parekh, 2017

Retrieved from:

Rodriguez, 2015

Retrieved from:


Retrieved from: 

Cleveland Clinic ,2014

Retrieved from: 

National Tobacco Campaign, 2019

Retrieved from: 
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2019

Retrieved from: 

Poznyak, 2019

Retrieved from:



Retrieved from:


World Health Organization, 2019

Retrieved from:

King, 2018

Retrieved from:
Lobstein, 2014

Retrieved from:

Cleveland Clinic, 2014

Retrieved from:



Lucas, 2011

Retrieved from:

Huntly, 2012

Retrieved from:

Uddin et. al, 2017

Retrieved from:


Nehlig, 2010

Retrieved from:

Smith, 2015

Retrieved from:

The Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee, 2016

Retrieved from:


Smith, 2005

Retrieved from:

Caerols, 2012
Retrieved from:

Larsson et. al, 2015

Retrieved from:

Glade, 2010

Retrieved from:

Appendix A


Integrated School
Taal, Batangas, Philippines 4208


When I drink, I… 4 3 2 1
1. feel energized
2. feel that my stress is lessened
3. feel comfortable
4. am awaken
5. want a cup of coffee again
6. am more nervous that I can’t finish all the
tasks that is given to me
7. am became full that I couldn’t eat anymore
8. felt satisfaction that can push me to do the
tasks that is assigned to me
9. am loosen up or unwind before doing work
10. am boosted up
11. am more confident to finish all the task that
is given to me
12. Palpitate
13. can finish all my works
14. am relaxed while doing my work loads
15. can feel that my brain is working
Part I. Direction. Please answer the following by putting a check (/) on the box that
Part II. Directions. The following statements describer the coffee dependency of
the people and the level of anxiety it may cause. Put a check (/) on the proper
column that reflects you as a coffee dependent person corresponds your answer.
Admin Faculty Maintenance Staff
Coffee Drinkers
No. of cups of coffee a day
1-3 4-6 7-9 Others:_____________________
4- Strongly Agree 3- Agree 2- Disagree 1-Strongly Disagree
Part II.A Coffee Dependency
Part II.B Level of Anxiety

I drink coffee when, I… 4 3 2 1

1. feel tired and I need to finish lots
of tasks
2. have to be energized tpo finish
3. have lots of things to work
4. will come up with the work that
I’ve missed
5. have to finish too much
6. need to feel awake all day so
that I can do the work that is
given to me
7. feel sleepy while working on
different activities/workloads
8. am hungry while doing the tasks
that is given to me
9. woke up early in the morning to
do the tasks that is given to me
10. am cramming with a heavy
11. need to be productive in doing
the tasks
12. am sleepy while doing the tasks
that is given
13. have nothing to do after finishing
on working on tasks that is given
to me
14. am feeling too much pressure
with a lot of workloads
15. want to focus with the tasks that
is given to me
Appendix B

Sample Letters


Integrated School
Taal, Batangas, Philippines 4208

Good Day!

Dear Respondents:

Attached herewith are questionnaire to gather data and/or information for our



ACADEMY .In this connection, may we solicit your kind indulgence and consideration

by answering every question included in the questionnaires. Rest assured that these

informations will be treated with outmost confidentiality.

Thank you very much for sharing your precious time and effort.

Respectfully yours,

Cabungcal, Maria Kristene P.

Canobas, Kaye Ann L.

Cruz, Angela Nicole M.

Redondo, RhienaJoi O.
Integrated School
Taal, Batangas, Philippines 4208

September 28, 2018


Taal, Batangas

Dear Rev. Fr. Carlo M. Ilagan:

TheGRADE 12 students of Our Lady of Caysasay Academy under HUMSS strand,

are currently conducting a study entitled,“CORRELATION OF COFFEE
as a requirement in their Research in Daily Life 2 subject. In connection with this, I
am requesting your good office to permit the following students to allow us to conduct
a survey to the employees in Our Lady of Caysasay Academy:
Maria Kristene P. Cabungcal
Kaye Anne L. Canobas
Angela Nicole M. Cruz
RhienaJoi O. Redondo

I hope this request will merit your kind and favorable consideration. Rest assured that
the gathered data will be treated confidentially.

Thank you very much.

Respectfully yours,

_______________________ _____________________
Maria Kristene P. Cabungcal Kaye Anne L. Canobas

_______________________ ______________________
Angela Nicole M. Cruz RhienaJoi O. Redondo


Research 2 Teacher


NAME : Maria Kristene P. Cabungcal

AGE : 17

ADDRESS :Poblacion Uno, StaTeresita, Batangas

SEX : Female



RELIGION : Roman Catholic

BIRTHDATE : April 1, 2002

BIRTHPLACE :Poblacion Uno, StaTeresita, Batangas

FATHER'S NAME : Manuel M. Cabungcal

MOTHER'S NAME : Jessica P. Cabungcal


ELEMENTARY : Sta. Teresita Central School

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

STRAND : Humanities and Social Sciences



NAME : Kayeanne L. Canobas

AGE : 17

ADDRESS : Poblacion, Agoncillo, Batangas

SEX : Female



RELIGION : Roman Catholic

BIRTHDATE : May 12, 2002

BIRTHPLACE : Poblacion, Agoncillo, Batangas

FATHER'S NAME : Andres Canobas

MOTHER'S NAME : Restituta Canobas


ELEMENTARY : Agoncillo College Incorporated

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

STRAND : Humanities and Social Sciences



NAME : Angela Nicole M. Cruz

AGE : 18

ADDRESS :Anak Dagat, Lemery, Batangas

SEX : Female



RELIGION : Roman Catholic

BIRTHDATE : July 27, 2001

BIRTHPLACE :Anak Dagat, Lemery, Batangas

FATHER'S NAME : Richard Cruz

MOTHER'S NAME : Dorothy Cruz


ELEMENTARY : Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

STRAND : Humanities and Social Science



NAME :Rhiena Joi O. Redondo

AGE : 18

ADDRESS :Bagong Pook, Lemery, Batangas

SEX : Female



RELIGION : Roman Catholic

BIRTHDATE : September 10, 2001

BIRTHPLACE :Bagong Pook, Lemery, Batangas

FATHER'S NAME : Renato D. Redondo

MOTHER'S NAME : Rona Joy O. Redondo


ELEMENTARY : Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

STRAND : Humanities and Social Sciences

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