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Cyclic Variability in Spark Ignition Engines

A Literature Survey
Nir Ozdor, Mark Dulger, and Eran Sher
Ben-Gurion University

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Cyclic Variability in Spark Ignition Engines

A Literature Survey
Nir Ozdor, Mark Dulger, and Eran Sher
Ben-Gurion University

ABSTRACT process. The latter can be characterized by a number of

parameters, such as the rate of the heat release due to
Cyclic variability has long been recognized as combustion or the crank angle corresponding to a given
limiting the range of operating conditions of spark ignition fraction of the burnt mass.
engines, in particular, under loan and highly diluted
Variations in the combustion duration lead to a
operation conditions. Previous studies have shown that if
situation in which combustion in some of the cycles is
cyclic variability could have been eliminated, there would
faster, while in others is slower. The variations are
be a 10% increase in the power output for the same fuel
associated with losses in terms of power and
consumption. The cyclic variability results also in high
thermodynamic efficiency and fluctuations in the amount
levels of variation in the engine speed that is interpreted
of work done. Consequently, fluctuations in the engine
as poor driveability. At full load, some of the cycles tend to
speed and torque which affect also the overall engine
knock, while some others may not have complete
performance characteristics, such as the engine brake
combustion by the time the exhaust valve opens.
power and its specific fuel consumption, may be
The cyclic variability is usually attributed to the
observed. Elimination of the c.c.v. could have improved
result of random fluctuations in equivalence ratio and flow
the engine brake power by some 10% for the same fuel
field due to the turbulent nature of the flow in the cylinder.
consumption in lean mixtures (Soltau, 1960). For some
These spatial fluctuations that are also time-dependent, kinds of transmissions, such as lock-up torque converters
contribute to an imperfect mixing of the cylinder content, and manual transmissions, torque fluctuations result in
partial stratification, random convection of the spark
poor driveability of the vehicle (Young, 1981). In the fast
kernel away from the electrodes, random heat transfer
combustion cycles, both the in-cylinder peak pressures
from the burning kernel to the spark electrodes, etc.
and the knock tendency are high, and therefore these
During the last decade, extensive researches have cycles impose the lower limit for the allowed fuel octane
enriched our knowledge in this subject. It is the purpose of number and the upper limit for the engine compression
the present paper to review and discuss the different ratio. In the slow combustion cycles, the combustion may
indicators of cyclic variability used in the literature, to not be completed before EVO, and high HC emission as
evaluate the relative contribution of the various factors by well as high fuel consumption is expected. This effect is
means of a literature survey, and to designate the best prominent with diluted mixtures (either with EGR, lean
operation conditions to minimize the cycle-by-cycle mixtures or under throttled conditions). Previous studies
variations. have shown that part of the engine noise is attributed to
1. INTRODUCTION c.c.v. in the in-cylinder pressure (Young, 1981). Therefore,
reducing the c.c.v. may contribute also to suppress engine
It is known for some decades that spark-ignition noise. Periodic oscillations in engine speed of a fuel
internal combustion engines that apparently operate injected SI engine at idle conditions is another
under steady-state conditions, do not maintain perfectly phenomenon which was found to be affected by
stable operation. A comparison between one cycle to combustion perturbations (Ando and Motomochi, 1987).
another reveals random variations in the in-cylinder peak
It is however worth to notice, that the total
and indicated mean pressures. This phenomenon is
elimination of cyclic dispersion may not be desirable with
particularly noticeable in lean and highly diluted mixture
the present management systems that retard the ignition
(e.g., as with EGR operation) and at low loads and engine
when incipient knock is detected before the engine enters
speeds (such as under idle conditions) where the
into the entire knocking operation (Stone et al., 1992). If
irregularities are usually audible. It is known that the cycle-
there was no cyclic dispersion, then either none or all of
by-cycle variations (from now on will be abbreviated by
the cycles would knock. With the present management
"c.c.v.") are the result of variations in the combustion

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systems, it would be acceptable to the engine, for only a - time (in crank-angle dgrees) elapses from ignition to a
few cycles to knock. moment at which a certain mass fraction is burnt, ∆θxb.
The main challenges of the engine designers today
Flame front-related parameters:
(as ever), are to improve the engine fuel consumption
while reducing emission of pollutants. The means for - flame front position, smoothed flame front area, or flame
achieving these goals, however, are restricted to a large entrained volume at a specific crank angle,
extent by the extreme conditions caused by c.c.v. Lean - crank angle lapse between flame front arrival to two pre-
and diluted mixture operation, for example, is expected to specified different locations in the cylinder,
reduce fuel consumption and NO x emission level. but at - displacement of the flame kernel center from the spark
the same time it decreases burning rate and thereby gap at different crank angles.
increases HC emission. To compensate for long Exhaust gas-related Parameters:
combustion duration, an advanced ignition is required, - concentration of different components in the exhaust
that in turn increases the knock tendency. Furthermore, gases.
decreasing engine speed at idle would significantly
improve fuel economy, especially under urban driving It appears that different investigators use different
conditions, but it is limited by the cycles with the lowest indicators to characterize the c.c.v. phenomenon. Since
IMEP values. Also, a higher compression ratio would the results are expressed in different terms, the relative
improve engine thermodynamic efficiency, but is limited by contribution of each factor can hardly be evaluated.
the fast burn cycles. for which the knock tendency is Analysis of various definitions and their relation to other
higher. important parameters could be a very valuable tool in
A corollary from the above brief discussion is determining the most meaningful definition to use. The
evident: reducing the c.c.v. in the combustion process analysis involving pressure-related parameters has been
would enable the engine to operate under average performed by Matekunas (1983) and resumed by
conditions that are closer to the limiting ones. The latter Heywood (1988).
are determined by the fundamental properties of the 2.1. PRESSURE-RELATED PARAMETERS - The use of
combustible mixture. In this way, reduction in both the fuel pressure-related parameters seems to be a natural choice
consumption and pollutant emission. accompanied by an since these parameters can easily be measured through a
improvement in the vehicle driveability, may be achieved. pressure transducer which is usually integrated with the
2. INDICATORS OF CYCLE-BY-CYCLE spark plug unit. The in-cylinder pressure may then be
recorded against time or crank-angle. The relationship
between the maximum in-cylinder pressure and the crank-
One of the resultant effects of the c.c.v. in the angle at which it occurs is shown schematically in fig.1,
combustion process, that is most important with regard to Also is shown the effect of the burning rate and start-of-
the engine performance characteristics, is the c.c.v. in combustion timing (which is the crank angle
IMEP. The IMEP is a parameter related to the in-cylinder corresponding to the end of ignition delay), on both Pmax
pressure history, which, in turn, is determined by various and θPmax.
factors such as the rate of heat release due to combustion
process, heat losses to the cylinder walls, and the cylinder
volume change due to the piston motion.
Based on Matekunas (1983) and Heywood (1988),
the cyclic variations can be characterized by the variations
in different type of parameters. These parameters may be
grouped into four main categories:

Pressure-related parameters:
- in-cylinder peak pressure, Pmax
- crank angle at which the in-cylinder peak pressure
occurs, θPmax,
- maximum rate of pressure rise, (dP/dθ)max,
- crank angle at which the maximum rate of pressure rise
occurs, θ(dP/dθ)max
- IMEP of the individual cycles.

Combustion-related parameters:
- maximum rate of heat release, θ(dQ/dθ)max’ Fig. 1. Schematic of variation in maximum cylinder
pressure and crank angle at which it occurs,
- maximum rate of mass burning or maximum rate of
in individual cycles. CABE typical of fast heat-
change of burnt mass fraction in the cylinder, (dXb/
release process; C’A’B’D’E’ typical of slow
dθ)max’ heat-release process (Heywood, 1988).
- ignition delay, ∆θ d,
- combustion duration, ∆θ b,

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Points A and A’ correspond to the MBT start-of-combustion From the practical point of view, the impact of the c.c.v. in
timing, while all other points correspond to either retarded, the combustion process on the vehicle driveability, its fuel
or advanced timing. Thereby, different points on both curves consumption and its pollution. is of most interest. A measure
represent possible variations in the ignition delay time. One of the cyclic variability, which may be obtained from
can notice that the relationship between P max and θPmax is pressure data, is the coefficient of variance in indicated
approximately linear for fast burn in the entire range, while mean effective pressure, which is usually expressed in
for the slow burn case this linearity prevails only up to a percent (Heywood, 1988):
certain retard (point D’). For further retarding, there is a
"hook-back" region which corresponds to a very late
phasing of combustion, when the effect of expansion due to
the piston motion becomes an important factor. It seems
that the value of the maximum pressure depends on a wide
range of parameters, such as the combustion duration, the It has been found that vehicle driveability problems usually
mean burning rate, and the ignition delay. These parameters result when COVIMEP exceeds about 10 percent (Heywood,
by themselves depend on the intake pressure, the fuel-air 1988).
ratio, the amount of recirculated exhaust gas, etc. The Matekunas (1983) has found that as the spark timing
interpretation of the relative importance of each factor in the approaches the MBT conditions, the relative variations in
role of the maximum pressure cyclic variability is therefore a IMEP are very small as compared with the relative
complicated task, if possible at all. The same reasoning is variations in θPmax, and become more significant with
also applicable for (dP/dθ)max. advanced ignition timing.
Within the linear range (fig. 1) the crank angle at Soltau (1960) conducted tests at wide-open-throttle
which the in-cylinder peak pressure occurs, θPmax seems to conditions with 9:1 and 10:1 compression ratio engines, and
concluded that in a slightly enriched mixtures the relative
be weakly dependent on the burning rate. Therefore, the
c.c.v. in Pmax were about 5.5%, while the relative c.c.v. in
c.c.v. in θPmax can be interpreted as the c.c.v. in the ignition
indicated power were typically in the range of 1.0 - 1.5%.
delay (Matekunas, 1983). This conclusion can also be
Stone et al. (1992) have also noticed that the c.c.v. in
justified by fig. 2. Matekunas has applied different
IMEP are minimized as the ignition timing is set to MBT. The
combinations of swirl intensity and spark plug location in the
researchers have marked that the c.c.v. in both Pmax and
combustion chamber to obtain various burning velocities.
One can see, that except for very slow burning rates, that (dP/dθ)max decrease as the ignition timing is advanced.
correspond to the non-linear region in fig. 1, there is a linear They concluded that since the coefficient of variance of
dependence between θPmax and the crank angle at which Pmax is sensitive to the ignition timing in a way that could
Xb=0.5 (a parameter which represents combustion phasing lead to misleading results, the coefficient of variance of
IMEP (COV IMEP) should be used in preference.
in the cycle). The cyclic variability of the crank angle at
which the maximum rate of pressure rise occurs, θ(dP/dθ)max’ Hamai et al. (1986) mentioned that the variance of
may also assist to distinguish between the various IMEP is proportional to the ignition delay time raised by a
parameters, though its measurement is more involved and power of four. They found that the correlation coefficient
less convenient. between the IMEP and the ignition delay time is 0.86, which
may lead to the conclusion that the c.c.v. in IMEP are a good
indicator for the cyclic variations of the flame development in
its early stages.
Pundir et al. (1981) analyzed the influence of retarded
ignition on Pmax variations and found that they happened to
be less than at MBT ignition. This is consistent with fig.1 in
which the regimes referred to by the authors lie on the return
branch of the slow burn curve.
Belmont et al. (1986) have found distinct correlations
between the various pressure-related parameters under
lean operation conditions. They also examined the
Matekunas’ (1983) suggestion to Use θPmax as an indicator
for the cyclic variability, and found direct correlations
between θPmax and Pmax. They, therefore, suggested that
Pmax is the most convenient basis for c.c.v. measurements.
Its first advantage is the ease of measurement, and the
second is that P max is more sensitive to cyclic variations in
the indicator work, than any other parameter. However, the
Fig. 2. Location of peak pressure with spark advance correlations between θPmax and Pmax, which are presented
as a function to location of 50% mass-burned in their paper. seem to contradict the results of Matekunas
point (Matekunas, 1983). (1983) as presented in fig.1. The latter show an inverse
correlation for most of the burning rates and ignition timings.

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Weaver and Santavicca (1992) have found that the procedure of acquiring this important information is rather
fluctuations in the flame kernel radius at a certain crank- complicated and expensive. In addition, most of the visual
angle, are well correlated with the fluctuations in both techniques are restricted to a narrow observation slot. and
Pmax and (dP/dé)max, where the correlation with Pmax is their resolution is quite limited. The flame front-related
somewhat better than that with (dP/dé)max. parameters are therefore mainly used to analyze the initial
stages of the flame development and often involve some
2.2. COMBUSTION-RELATED PARAMETERS - speculative assumptions about the flame front surface
Practically, the combustion-related parameters are geometry. One more disadvantage of applying some of
derived from the pressure diagrams by means of one or the above techniques is the necessity in specially
another thermodynamic heat-release model. Therefore, designed research engine allowing for optical access into
they do not represent primary data, but rather interpret the the cylinder.
in-cylinder pressure history. The application of the
maximum rate of heat release, (dQ/dθ)max, and the 2.4. EXHAUST GAS-RELATED PARAMETERS - The
maximum rate of change of burnt mass fraction, (dXb/ parameters of this group are related to the cyclic
fluctuations in concentration of the exhaust products.
dθ)max, can hardly be found in the literature as c.c.v.
Although these parameters are not widely used to
indicators. Combustion-related parameters, such as the characterize, or to indicate, the cycle variability, one can
ignition delay, ∆θd, the combustion duration, ∆θb, and the use the data to gain an important information about
crank-angle elapses from ignition to a moment at which a several c.c.v. related phenomena, such as the in-cylinder
certain mass fraction is burnt #éxb, are in frequent use. non-homogeneity of the A/F ratio (Pundir et al, 1981),
When the combustion duration is used, however, one cyclic variability in the maximum temperature of the
should keep in mind that while the #éb variability seems to products of combustion, etc.
provide direct information about variations in the burning
rate, it is also affected by the ignition delay, ∆θb, which As it follows from the above discussion, a limited
number of parameters are preferred as c.c.v. indicators.
makes ∆θd a less helpful parameter.
These are: Pmax, θPmax, and IMEP - from the pressure-
As concern to the ignition delay, ∆θ d, it is commonly related parameters, and rf and df - from the flame front-
accepted that both its mean value and its variance to a related parameters. The first three are the easiest to
great extent determine the c.c.v. In general, ∆θd correlates acquire, though are limited to overall c.c.v. estimations,
well with the engine operation mode. A smaller ∆θd is which however are of practical importance. If to choose
usually associated with a smoother engine operation, and from the first group, one should take into account that
therefore. ∆θd seems to be a good parameter to indicate practically the ignition timing is set to MBT, and therefore
the c.c.v. in P max will be the most prominent among
the extent of c.c.v. in initial stages of combustion.
However, as it will be demonstrated later, ∆θd is not a very others. However, if the interest is limited to c.c.v. in the
stage of the early flame kernel development, then the
informative parameter, as it does not provide any
most suitable parameter would be θPmax. The c.c.v. in the
information about the reasons for early combustion c.c.v.
(random direction and velocity of the flame kernel IMEP are most useful for indicating the engine response
convection, local fluctuations in the air-fuel ratio and to c.c.v. in the combustion process. The two flame front-
amount of diluents, etc.). Also, as ∆θ d is derived from the related parameters seem to provide valuable information
for a deeper understanding of the in-cylinder combustion
pressure measurements at the earliest stage of
and the fundamental reasons for the cyclic variations.
combustion, it is highly sensitive to the accuracy of the
pressure recording system. Therefore, modest errors in
the pressure recording may lead to significantly
misleading results. This reasoning prompts us to consider Since the cyclic variations in IMEP of an engine are
utilization of the third group of parameters, namely, the
mainly attributed to the c.c.v. in the combustion
flame front-related parameters.
development, it is worthwhile to look into the combustion
2.3. FLAME FRONT-RELATED PARAMETERS - Flame process and to analyze the governing mechanisms and
front-related parameters are usually obtained by means of influencing factors. As it is commonly agreed, the
either visual techniques (fiber-optics, schlieren or shadow combustion process in a successful cycle can be
photography, LDV, etc.), or ionization gap techniques. conventionally divided into the following main stages:
These means make it possible to detect minor changes in
(1) sparking and flame initiation;
the flame kernel development and also to distinguish
between different factors. such as the flame kernel (2) initial flame kernel development;
convection velocity and direction, the rate and extent of (3) turbulent flame propagation (main stage of
the flame front wrinkling, the rate of the flame kernel combustion);
radius growth, etc. Thereby, the flame front-related
parameters provide a valuable information for the (4) flame termination.
assessment of the contributing factors. Among the most Evidently, each of the listed stages may be
commonly recognized parameters are the equivalent influenced by a different set of dominating factors, while
flame radius, rf, and the displacement of the flame kernel
center from the spark gap center, d f. Unfortunately, the

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each preceding stage affects the subsequent ones. The The last phase of the spark is the glow discharge,
last stage does not affect noticeably the c.c.v. and which occurrence and characteristics depend on the type
therefore will not be discussed here. of ignition system (Heywood. 1988). Thus, in a capacitor
In any stage, the number of governing parameters discharge the glow phase is negligible, while in the
is rather significant, and many of them are of different inductive spark it can last for few milliseconds (Kalghatgi,
nature. Among the parameters are the electrical 1987; Heywood, 1988). This phase is characterized by a
characteristics of a spark discharge, the mixture relatively low power (of the order of 10 W), but as it last for
properties, the spark plug and combustion chamber a long time. the total energy release in this phase is the
geometry, the flowfield nature, etc. Some of the largest (in the range of 30 to 100 mJ) (Heywood, 1988),
parameters are completely independent. while others are which is about 90% of the total energy deposited by the
interrelated. Thus, micro-characteristics of the turbulence spark (Kalghatgi, 1987). The current is less than 100 - 200
influence the inhomogeneity of the mixture, and the mean mA (Kalghatgi, 1987; Heywood, 1988), while the voltage
flow velocity in the spark gap influences spark discharge grows up to about 500 V. The temperature of the positive
characteristics. Such complex relations hamper a column of the discharge is of the order of 3000 K, which is
quantitative evaluation of the role played by each factor. close to the adiabatic flame temperature. During the glow
In this chapter, a qualitative description of the phase, self-sustained flame propagation is established.
processes involved in each stage, is outlined. The next Development of the flame kernel at this stage is most
chapter is devoted to a detailed discussion of the complex and is governed by a large number of factors,
available findings as pertain to each factor. including combustion-related, flowfield-related, mixture
3.1. SPARKING AND FLAME INITIATION STAGE - composition-related, spark energy release-related, and
Sparking is initiated by a voltage rise between electrodes spark plug geometry-related parameters. Since the
followed by an electrical breakdown in the spark gap. combustion process gradually becomes one of the
Figure 3 shows a schematic diagram of the voltage and governing factors during this phase, there is no distinct
the current variation with time for a conventional coil boundary between the glow phase and the following initial
spark-ignition system. The first phase of the discharge, flame kernel development stage.
the breakdown phase, occurs in an extremely short time
of the order of 10 -8s (Sher and Keck, 1986; Heywood,
1988; Ho and Santavicca, 1987; Sher et al., 1992). The
size and the temperature of the hot kernel depend on the
deposited energy and plug configuration. The c.c.v. in the
properties of the plasma kernel may be caused by
fluctuations in the mixture density, mixture strength, and
the local flow velocity.
The breakdown phase is followed by the electrical
arc phase, which lasts for several hundreds of
microseconds (Sher and Keck, 1986). In this phase, the
plasma kernel is growing in size and is cooled down to
approximately 6000 K (Kalghatgi, 1987; Heywood, 1988)
due to expansion and heat transfer to the electrodes. The
voltage falls down below 50 - 100 V (Sher and Keck,
1986; Kalghatgi, 1987; Heywood, 1988), while the current
is still relatively high. At this stage, the spark
characteristics are also affected by the external flowfield.
Mean velocity in the spark vicinity stretches the discharge
channel downstream, and thereby increases its length (De
Soete, 1983; Le Coz, 1992). A phenomenon of "shunting"
may also occur, short-circuiting the downstream arc. The
higher is the mean velocity, the less is the spark duration
(De Soete, 1983), though the energy deposition into the
spark channel becomes greater (Bianco et al., 1991). In
this context, it is worth to note the importance of the
direction of the mean velocity with respect to the spark
plug orientation. Some investigations (Halldin, 1992;
Arcoumanis and Bae, 1993) showed that the position of
the side electrode relative to the mean flow direction is of
a great significance to the velocity field within the spark Fig. 3. Schematic of voltage and current variatrion
gap. The main reasons for the c.c.v. during the arc phase with time for conventional coil spark ignition
are, therefore, fluctuations in the mean velocity and its system. Typical values for energy and voltage
direction, which result in variations in the spark duration in the three phases -- breakdown, arc, and
and the energy input.
glow discharge -- are given (Heywood. 1988).

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3.2. INITIAL FLAME DEVELOPMENT STAGE - This When the flame kernel reaches a size at which it is
stage is usually defined as the period during which the simultaneously influenced by a few large eddies, it
burnt mass fraction reaches 1 or 2% (Gatowski et al., continues its growth in a flamelet regime of turbulent
1984). It lasts during about 30% of the total combustion combustion (Peters, 1986). This process is usually
duration in the cycle (Bianco et al., 1991). This fact and referred to as turbulent flame propagation stage.
the high sensitivity of the initial flame development to a
large number of factors, make the initial stage the most
this stage the main portion of the in-cylinder charge is
crucial with respect to the c.c.v.
burned. Its duration is commonly defined as the time lapse
The flame starts at the spark gap as a smooth- between 10% and 90% of the mass burnt fraction.
surfaced roughly spherical kernel being formed in about Physically, this stage begins after a stabilized turbulent
1° CA after spark breakdown (Gatowski et al., 1984; flame propagation is achieved, and terminates when the
Tagalian and Heywood, 1986). As long as the size of the whole in-cylinder charge is entrained into the flame front.
kernel is small compared to most of the turbulent scales in This stage is followed by the flame termination stage at
the flow, it preserves its smooth surface. Gatowski et al. which the combustion front reaches the cylinder wall,
(1984) observed a smooth surface during the first 3° CA while some remaining pockets of unburned mixture
after breakdown. In this period, the flame kernel growth behind the flame front may still burn.
rate is governed by the rates of kernel expansion and
mass burning (Ho and Santavicca. 1987). Different At any instance, the burning rate is strongly
investigators (Tagalian and Heywood, 1986; Bianco et al., dependent on the active flame front area. If to assume
1991; and more) noticed that in this period, the burning that the flame propagates spherically from the center of
velocity is close to its laminar value. Therefore, the c.c.v. the kernel which had been formed during the previous
at this phase of combustion are mainly attributed to the stages, then the location of this center in the combustion
fluctuations in the local equivalence ratio of the mixture, chamber together with the chamber configuration would
extent of its dilution, and the prevailing local govern the instantaneous flame front area. In this context,
thermodynamic conditions. the spark plug location is also an influencing parameter
Following this sub-period, interaction of the flame since it affects the kernel position with respect to the
front with the turbulent eddies starts and becomes one of combustion chamber; in any cycle. the center of kernel will
the main factors of the process. The turbulence increases be randomly located in a limited space around the spark
the total flame front area by its wrinkling and corrugating. gap. Actually, the presence of a directed mean flow in the
The role played by turbulence at this stage can be cylinder (either swirl, tumble, or squish motion) distorts the
assessed by the following expression for ignition delay spherical propagation of the flame and convects it farther
time (Hires at el., 1978): along the chamber. However, the higher is the burning
rate, the less is the deviation of the flame shape from a
sphere, and the less is the distance to which its center is
convected during the flame propagation.
At the considered stage, local fluctuations of the
mixture composition and flow velocity do not play a
where 1I u’, 1M and SL are the integral scale, the turbulent noticeable role, since the resultant effect is obtained
intensity, the microscale, and the laminar flame velocity, through averaging over a relatively large number of local
respectively. Equation (2) suggests, that during this stage, events. However, cyclic variability in the overall
the influence of the turbulence intensity is still less equivalence ratio and in the extent of the mixture dilution,
important than that of the laminar flame speed. therefore, as well as c.c.v. in the averaged turbulence intensity, are
local and temporal variations in the value of u’ are still important. While the mixture composition-related
secondary importance reasons for the c.c.v. parameters affect the burning rate through the laminar
Until the size of the kernel reaches the size of the flame speed, the turbulence characteristics act through
largest eddies in the flow, it can be convected as a whole influencing the effective flame front area. During flame
from the electrodes, both by mean flow and by random propagation stage, at any given crank-angle, the c.c.v. in
large-scale fluctuations, to a distance of several the turbulence intensity depend to a large extent on the
millimeters (Hacohen et al., 1992; Witze et al., 1988; c.c.v. in the combustion phasing, i.e., the c.c.v. in the
Kerstein and Witze, 1990). Motion of the kernel as a duration of the initial flame kernel development. Thus,
whole determines both the instantaneous fraction of its there is a close relation between the initial flame kernel
surface area which is in contact with the spark plug development stage and the stage of the flame
electrodes and insulator, and the active flame front area propagation. This relation is manifested through the initial
not interrupted by the solids. These two parameters settle kernel location and shape, as well as the combustion
the balance between heat losses from the kernel to the phasing in the cycle. Therefore, the parameters pertained
electrodes and the heat release from combustion, and to c.c.v. in the initial flame kernel development stage gain
thereby to a great extent determine the rate of the kernel higher importance. Moreover, since in the main stage of
growth. Too intensive flowfield can tear the kernel off the combustion the major part of the charge is burnt, c.c.v. in
electrodes and the power supply. The direction of the the charging efficiency become another influencing factor.
kernel convection influences the later stages of its
development. Thus, if the kernel is moved towards the
chamber walls, it may be subjected to a partial quenching.

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In this chapter we shall discuss together two groups

of factors, which are related to c.c.v. in a principally
different way. The first group includes those factors from
which c.c.v. can originate, while the second group
includes those factors which determine the sensitivity of
the engine to the factors of the first group. For example,
overall equivalence ratio. spark plug location, or fuel type
do not cause c.c.v. in combustion themselves but affect
the extent of c.c.v. caused by other factors. such as
mixture inhomogeneity, turbulence, c.c.v. in spark
discharge characteristics, etc.
As it was discussed in the previous chapter, e.c.v.
during the initial flame kernel development stage,
frequently referred to as 1ignition delay stage, are of the
most importance for overall c.c.v. in the engine
performance. This fact is admitted by different
investigators (Stone et al., 1992; Mantel, 1992; Pundir et
al., 1981; etc.), as well as the fact that the shorter is the Fig.4. Reaction-front speeds for selected fuels
ignition delay, the smaller are the c.c.v. in engine (Young, 1981).
performance. in the combustion chamber of a single-cylinder engine
We shall consider all the previously mentioned with a square cross-section. Laminar burning velocities of
c.c.v. related factors in more detail and present available the two fuels under engine conditions differ by an order of
findings on each of them, including those obtained before magnitude (about 1 m/s for propane and about 8 m/s for
1981 and summarized by Young (1981). hydrogen). The schlieren photographic technique was
It is proposed to relate each of the c.c.v. factors to used to visualize and record the processes occurring in
one of the four following sources: the combustion chamber. It was found that the hydrogen-
1. Mixture composition; air mixture burning rates were much higher then those for
2. Cyclic cylinder charging; propane-air mixtures (6° CA against 33° CA were needed
3. Spark and spark plug; for the hydrogen and propane mixtures, respectively, to
4. In-cylinder mixture motion; reach a certain size of the flame kernel). The hydrogen
The factors which belong to the second group flame was more spherical and less irregular in outline.
influence mostly the main stage of combustion, while all Also, the size and shape of the flame in the case of
other factors play role at any of the combustion stages. hydrogen combustion were repeated closely from cycle to
cycle, and the flame remained centered at the spark gap.
4.1. MIXTURE COMPOSITION-RELATED FACTORS - Opposite to that, for the same stage of the propane-flame
The following factors were placed into this group: development, there were substantial cyclic variations in all
1) type of fuel of these features (fig. 5). It is consistent with what has
2) the overall equivalence ratio of the mixture and its c.c.v. been said in the previous section -- high burning rates
3) the overall fraction of diluents and its c.c.v. reduce the effect of the in-cylinder mean motion -- and
4) mixture equivalence ratio and dilution spatial explains the smaller resultant c.c.v. in pressure
inhomogeneity. development for hydrogen.
Stone et al. (1992) conducted their experiments
4.1.1. Type of Fuel - the influence of the fuel type on the with three pure fuels of different structure: iso-octane,
engine performance and its c.c.v. is directly related to the toluene and methanol. All of the pressure-related
laminar burning velocity, which is of a particular parameters were measured in a variable compression
importance during initial flame kernel development. ratio spark ignition engine and used to evaluate the
Young (1981) discussed two related characteristics combustion performance. Different working conditions
of the fuel type that affect the c.c.v. Those are the were attained by using varying equivalence ratios,
equivalence ratio at which the maximum flame speed compression ratios and throttle setting while ignition
occur, and the magnitude of this maximum. From fig.4 it timing was varied to encompass the MBT timing. The
can be seen that for different fuels the equivalence ratio at results showed that differences between the fuels were
which the maximum reaction-front speed occur in the most prominent in weak mixture and with retarded
combustion chamber lies between 1.0 to 1.45, while the ignition, and that the slowest burning fuel had the highest
values of this maximum are in the range of 40 to 55 m/s. COVIMEP and vice versa. They also remarked that "in
On the other hand, as long as different commercial general the differences between fuels are smaller than the
gasolines were compared, differences in cyclic variations differences that would occur for a unity change in the air -
of pressure development were found to be small. fuel ratio".
Heywood and Vilchis (1984) compared between
propane and hydrogen with respect to flame development

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Fig. 5. Photographs showing c.c.v. in early stages of flame development. Hydrogen is on the left; propane is on the
right. Numbers showing timing of the photographs in degrees after ignition (Heywood and Vilchis, 1984).

There were not many investigations devoted to the Young (1981) summarized the results of several
aspect of fuel type during last years. Probably, this is due investigators and concluded that minimum variations in all
to a common opinion that the higher is the laminar indicators of combustion variability occur at a slightly rich
flamevelocity of the fuel, the higher is burning rate and the mixture, typically 1.1 to 1.25 equivalence ratio. These
less c.c.v. are experienced by the engine. mixture ratio strengths correspond to the best-power
values and tend to give the shortest combustion duration
One more parameter by which one fuel can differ
and highest peak cycle pressures.
from another is its heating value. This parameter can
influence the burning rate through the expansion rate of Sher and Keck (1986) developed a mathematical
the flame and adiabatic flame temperature. However, we model simulating the evolution with time of a spark
did not find any comparison between the fuels with channel into a combustion wave. They took 0.24 MPa and
concern to their heating values. 480 K as typical thermodynamic conditions at sparking in
From the practical viewpoint it seems unreasonable the engine and obtained that 5% deviation of equivalence
ratio from the value of 0.9 leads to 5% change in the
to put much efforts into investigations of this subject; for
steady-state burning velocity.
radical changes in the fuel type used by vehicles today
are not likely to be introduced in the near future. On the Hill (1988) and Hill and Kapil (1989) conducted
other hand, usage of additives to the fuel, such as experiments on a Ricardo Hydra engine at different
hydrogen in small quantities, was shown to provide the speeds and equivalence ratios on the lean side of
whole set of the lean burn engine benefits (Sher and stoichiometry. Fig. 6 presents the example of the influence
Hacohen, 1988; Sher and Hacohen, 1989) and therefore of equivalence ratio on the frequency histograms of
looks more attractive. pressure data at 3000 rpm. It can be seen that the
4.1.2. The Overall Equivalence Ratio of the Mixture and decrease of the equivalence ratio from 0.926 to 0.727
Its C.C.V. - Generally, it can be stated that the effect of the results in approximately doubled relative standard
deviation of Pmax. Although the speed of 3000 rpm
overall equivalence ratio of the mixture on the engine
seems rather high as compared to the conditions for
c.c.v. is through the laminar burning speed, and that the
maximum c.c.v., fig. 7 shows that the impact of engine
highest burning speed is achieved in stoichiometric or
speed on c.c.v. is much less
slightly enriched mixtures (Young, 1981). Therefore, any
deviation from the stoichiometric ratio leads to decrease in
the laminar burning velocity with consequent increase in
the ignition delay time and the level of c.c.v.

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correlation between equivalence ration and c.c.v. in Pmax

(C.V. in the figure) is seen on the lean mixtures branch.

Fig. 8. Relative mixture non-homogeniety and cyclic

variation in peak pressure as functions of air-
fuel equivalence ratio (Pundir et al., 1981).
Fig. 6. Frequency histograms for maximum pressure
In section 4.1.4 more attention will be paid to the effect of
(Hill, 1988).
inhomogeneity on the engine c.c.v. and to the experimental
conditions employed by the authors. The only remark we
should like to make here is that the authors did not propose
any explanation to the phenomenon of the dependence of
the charge inhomogeneity in the combustion chamber on
the overall equivalence ratio. We guess that the main
reason for the observed phenomenon is the difference in
the engine temperature with different equivalence ratios
influencing perfectness of the mixing process.
The reason for c.c.v. in pressure-related parameters
arises from the corresponding fluctuations in combustion-
related parameters. This can be proved by investigations of
Ho and Santavicca (1987) devoted to early flame kernel
growth in lean mixtures in a flow reactor at atmospheric
conditions. Fig. 9 shows two sets of flame kernel growth
curves for φ=0.8 and φ=0.58 and the same other
conditions. The increased variation in the flame kernel
Fig. 7. Relative standart deviation in maximum pres- growth as the equivalence ratio is lowed is very apparent in
sure (Hill, 1988). this results.
From the above discussion it could be thought that
than the impact of equivalence ratio. This figure prompts because of the linear dependence, the equivalence ratio
for almost linear correlation between the overall may be decreased progressively without drastic impact
equivalence ratio and the relative standard deviation of onto the c.c.v. However, it is not the case. Practically, the
Pmax, at least in the range of tested conditions. equivalence ratio in engine operation is limited; for the
Pundir et al. (1981) studied the effect of charge misfires crop up, as illustrated by fig. 10. This limit is known
inhomogeneity on the engine c.c.v. Their study is as the lean misfire limit. It varies from engine to engine and
mentioned in this paragraph since the authors found strong is dependent on engine operation conditions.
and similar influences of the overall equivalence ratio on Evidently, the closer is the mixture to stoichiometric
both charge inhomogeneity in the combustion chamber one, the less are the c.c.v. However, one should not think
and c.c.v. in Pmax. Thus, they found that both the charge that this is the remedy for c.c.v. problem, since it
inhomogeneity and the c.c.v. attain minimum at nearly contradicts to the main trend for engine lean operation, as it
stoichiometric mixtures (fig 8). Again, almost linear was mentioned in the Introduction. On the contrary, the
leanest possible mixture is desired for engine operation,
and c.c.v. have to be reduced by treating other factors.

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4.1.3. The Overall Fraction of Diluents and Its C.C.V. -

Due to imperfect scavenging there is always a non-zero
amount of the residual gases remaining in the cylinder
from the previous successful cycle. Besides, one of the
known ways for NOx emission reduction is EGR --
recirculation of a portion of exhaust gases back into the
cylinder. Such a mixture dilution reduces its flammability
and the laminar burning rate.
Young (1981) summarized the results of five
researches on this subject. The methods for varying the
amount of diluents were: throttle opening variation,
skipping ignition in cycles fore-running the tested ones,
variation of the extent of EGR, and introduction of inert
additives. The results of all studies led to a conclusion that
increase in dilution, either with exhaust residuals or with
other gases, generally causes increased c.c.v. in pressure
development. The explanation to this trend was similar to
Fig. 9. Variation in ignition flame kernel diameter that for the impact of mixture leaning.
versus time (Ho and Santavicca, 1987). Matsui et al. (1979) developed a special sampling
plug which enabled for local sampling of the mixture from
the spark gap in successive cycles. They observed higher
c.c.v. in both total HC and CO2 concentrations near the
spark gap as the extent of EGR increased (fig. 11). They
did not study the effect of these variations on c.c.v. in
engine performance.

Fig. 10. Ignition probability versus equivalence ratio

(Ho and Santavicca, 1987).
As the reader could notice, we did not discuss here
the problem of c.c.v. in overall equivalence ratio. In fact,
although a simple cycle-resolved exhaust gas analysis is
needed to measure these c.c.v., it is of surprise that
nobody has reported any results of such an analysis.
Later, cycle-resolved local air/fuel (A/F) ratio Fig. 11. Mixture variatioin affected by EGR (Matsui et
measurements (Matsui et al., 1979; Hamai et al., 1986) al., 1979).
will be discussed. The results of these measurements, Sher and Keck (1986) found from their theoretical
however, is not easy to interpret: obtained local model that changing volumetric efficiency (which is equal
fluctuations can be attributed to both spatial to 1 minus residual gas fraction) by 5% leads to a
inhomogeneity of the mixture in the cycle and c.c.v. in significant (13%) change in the mixture burning velocity.
overall equivalence ratio. Giving no preference to any of Worth to note that variation of volumetric efficiency affects
these interpretations, we decided to present these studies not only a fraction of residuals, but also the
in section 4.1.4 devoted to mixture inhomogeneity. thermodynamic properties of the mixture, such as its
Anyway, it is reasonable to underline a close relationship pressure and temperature. Thereby the influence is
between mixture inhomogeneity in the cylinder and c.c.v. amplified.
in local mixture composition. Really, a non-zero mixture Kalghatgi (1985) observed a decrease in burning
inhomogeneity predetermines a non-zero c.c.v. in the velocity in the early combustion stage with reduced
mixture composition within the spark gap, but not vice engine compression ratios for three different types of fuel.
versa. The most of the effect was attributed to increase in
residuals fraction.

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Weaver and Santavicca (1992) studied the effect of

dilution on c.c.v. in flame kernel size at different crank
angles. The research was conducted on a two-stroke
single-cylinder engine modified by a square cross-section
piston with two quartz windows enabling for 2-D schlieren
photography. The results were compared for two values of
the diluent fraction: 0% and 10%. The 0% fraction was
achieved by skipping ignition in 9 cycles from each 10 in
order to ensure perfect cylinder scavenging. The 10%
fraction was obtained by the same ignition skipping and
introducing additional nitrogen. The results on both flame
kernel radius standard deviation and coefficient of variance
are plotted in figs. 12 and 13. One can notice that though
the standard deviation is not affected by dilution, the
relative variations are increased remarkably under diluted
conditions. The reason for this effect is a slower kernel
development in the diluted mixture. Therefore, at any crank
angle, the size of the kernel is less, and with the same
standard deviation the relative variations in the flame
radius appear greater. The same can be said regarding
relative variations in pressure related parameters given in
Table 1. It can be seen that the 10% dilution caused 6%
increase in standard deviation of Pmax and 34% decrease
in standard deviation of (dP/dθ)max. The decrease in Fig. 12. Standard deviation of flame kernel radius
standard deviation of (dP/dθ)max would not be misleading: vresus crank angle BTDC (Weaver and
the percent variations in both cases were almost doubled. Santavicca, 1992).
The correlations between fluctuations in flame kernel
radius and fluctuations in Pmax and (dP/dθ)max at different
crank angles had very close values for 0% and 10%

Table 1: Maximum cylinder pressure and maximum

cylinder pressure rise rate results (Weaver and
Santavicca, 1992).

Maximum Cylinder Pressure Results

0% 10%
Maximum Cylinder Pressure (kPa) 1920 1230
Standard Deviation (kPa) 163 173
Percent Variation (%) 8.5 14.1
Crank Angle of Occurrence ATDC (deg) 8.75 15.7
Standard Deviation of Crank Angle of
Occurrence ATDC (deg) 3.13 3.36

Maximum Cylinder Pressure Rise Rate Results

Dilution Fig. 13. Percent variation of flame kernel radius

0% 10% vresus crank angle BTDC (Weaver and
Santavicca, 1992).
Max. Cylinder Pressure Rise (kPa/deg) 122 45.5
Standard Deviation (kPa/deg) 31.8 21.1 dilution reduces flame kernel growth rate (see later fig. 27).
Percent Variation (%) 26.0 46.4 The complete information on the influence of EGR
Crank Angle of Occurrence ATDC (deg) 4.24 9.59 percentage on the c.c.v. in engine performance and
Standard Deviation of Crank Angle of combustion characteristics is still in lack. The only work
Occurrence ATDC (deg) 3.13 3.13 found to present more or less complete data has been
carried out rather long ago by Kuroda et al. (1978). The
examples of the influence of EGR on pressure related
Cho et al. (1992) used different amount of nitrogen
parameters are taken from this work and shown in figs. 14
as diluent in their study of the spark power effect. Their
and 15.
result will be discuss in detail in the section 4.3.2. In this
context worth mentioning their conclusion that increased
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4.1.4. Mixture EQuivalence Ratio and Dilution Spatial

Inhomogeneity - The process of fuel atomization and
evaporation in any fuel supply system, either injection or
carburettor, is never perfect. Sometimes fuel droplets with
a non-negligible size remain in the cylinder up to ignition.
Moreover, imperfect mixing between mixture components
(including exhaust residual and recirculated gases) leads
to spatial mixture inhomogeneity in the combustion
chamber. Therefore, the equivalence ratio and the amount
of diluents in the spark gap vicinity can differ from cycle to
cycle. As a consequence, there will be c.c.v. in the initial
flame kernel development stage.
In his paper Young (1981) mentioned several
studies related to the methods of mixture preparation and
their influence on c.c.v. The tentative statement is "more
homogeneous mixture, lower cyclic variability". However,
the studies described in that paper did not prove or
disprove this statement. Different authors obtained
opposite results. For example, Patterson (1966)
Fig. 14. Frequency distribution in IMEP at different concluded that particularly at lean mixtures, the well-
EGR rates. 0% gave excellent engine stbility, mixed propane-air charge was more desirable than the
20% aceptable stability, and 28% poor normally carbureted indolene-air charge. Opposite to that,
stability. Operating conditrion: 1400 RPM, #0= Soltau (1960) did not notice greater pressure stability for a
1.0, MBT timing, averaged IMEP=324 KPa. gaseous fuel than for a liquid fuel carbureted or sprayed
(Heywood, 1988). into the intake manifold. Moreover, the investigations of
Peters and Quader (1978) and Matthes and McGill (1976)
suggested that inhomogeneous mixtures containing
droplets can result in less cyclic pressure variations and
lower lean misfire limit values than well-mixed purely
gaseous mixtures. They found that for the latter mixtures
the burning rates were lower, which could be the reason
for higher c.c.v.
Matsui et al. (1979) carried out their tests on both
two-stroke and four-stroke engines. Concentrations of
CO2 and total HC were measured 22° CA before spark
discharge. The results showed that c.c.v. in the spark gap
mixture composition were larger for two-stroke engine (fig.
Pundir et al. (1981) conducted their research on the
Fig. 15. Effect of increasing burn rate on tolerance to CFR engine with unshrouded and shrouded valves at 900
EGR; Operating conditrion: as in Fig. 14 rpm. Two types of fuel -- gasoline and propane -- were
(Heywood, 1988). tested. The authors assumed a normal distribution of
It seems to be a common opinion among the mixture strength in the combustion chamber. This seems
investigators that the higher is the dilution, the less is the reasonable if to considers fig. 16 as a typical form of fuel
burning rate, and the greater are the c.c.v. in engine concentration distribution curve. The Eltinge (1968)
performance. However, emission regulations prompt for technique was used to evaluate charge inhomogeneity
usage of EGR, so the efforts should be concentrated upon through exhaust gases composition. The standard
the ways of compensating for negative EGR effect on deviation of air/fuel ratio. Sx, was obtained with the help of
c.c.v. This reminds the situation with the overall this technique and used further as the inhomogeneity
equivalence ratio, where also care should be taken of indicator. Also, a relative non-homogeneity index (RNHI)
other factors in order to diminish negative influence of was defined as the ratio between S x and A/F. Eltinge in his
mixture leaning. Heywood (1988) showed increased work obtained higher Sx values for leaner mixtures. Thus,
tolerance to EGR of the engines with fast burn rates. for stoichiometric A/F ratio he obtained Sx= 1.65
No special studies on c.c.v. in the fraction of (RNHI=10.9%), while for A/F= 18 he observed Sx =4.12
diluents was met in the literature. However, it is believed (RNHI=22.8%). To evaluate these figures one should
that such variations exist, particularly due to variations in keep in mind that deviation of the equivalence ratio from
cyclic cylinder charging efficiency discussed in section 1.0 to 0.75 results in the 150% increase in the duration of
4.2. the initial stage of combustion (Pundir et al., 1981). The
results of Pundir et al. show linear correlation between
RNHI and

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Fig. 16. Example of total HC concentration : (a) two stroke engine (operating condition: 1200 RPM, idling, gasoline
fuel), (b) four stroke engine (operating condition: as in Fig. 11 except for the gasoline fuel). (Matsui et al.,
the coefficient of variance of Pmax (fig. 17). Extrapolating history diagram was recorded, together with the mixture
their graphs to RNHI=0 they noticed non-zero values of composition in the spark gap. The heat release delay, t,
the coefficient of variance of Pmax. This led the authors to was calculated from the pressure curve. The results for 50
conclusion about the presence of other factors consecutive cycles are plotted in fig. 18. As it is seen, the
contributing to c.c.v. in Pmax. leaner is the local A/F ratio near the spark gap, the longer

Fig. 17. Relation between cyclic variation in Pmax

and mixture non-homogeniety (Pundir,1981).
Hamai et al. (1986) also used spark plug built-in
gas sampling valve to measure local mixture composition.
Opposite to Matsui et al. (1979), the measurements were
performed shortly after ignition and involved
concentrations of CO, CO2, NO, and HC. Through the gas
analysis, A/F ratio of the ignited mixture was obtained. As
concern to any correlations with the following combustion,
this method seems to be more accurate and trustful than
the pre-ignition measurements; for in the latter case, due
to mixture motion, combustion initiation may start in a Fig. 18. C.c.v. in heat-release delay, τ, and IMEP
neighboring eddy with different equivalence ratio. Two derived from air-fuel ratio, A/F, for each cycle
production 4-stroke, 4-cylinder engines were used in the obtained by using Consecutive Cycles Gas
experiments. Unleaded regular gasoline was supplied by Sampling Method (Hamai et al., 1986).
injection system. In each consecutive cycle pressure

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the beat release delay, and the lower is the IMEP in the succeed to obtain different residual gas non-uniformity
cycle. The variance of heat release delay tends to levels.
increase with longer t corresponding to leaner mixtures. Summarizing the above said, the dependence of
Strong correlations between A/F, t, and IMEP in the cycle c.c.v. in both engine performance and combustion on the
were found. All correlation coefficients were in the range mixture inhomogeneity in the combustion chamber
of 0.86-0.90. remains still uncertain. Our opinion on the reasons for this
Sztenderowitz and Heywood (1990a) carried out uncertainty is that up to date little attention has been paid
their tests in a research single-cylinder engine at 900 rpm. to the importance of scales of non-uniformities in the
partial load, stoichiometric A/F ratio, MBT spark timing. mixture. Following the assumption of Eltinge (1968),
Two types of mixture were compared: one was formed by Sztenderowitz and Heywood (1990a), Belmont et al.
indolene indirect injection into the air stream and (1991), the whole cylinder volume can be conventionally
simulated typical mixture inhomogeneity in the engine, subdivided into a large number of equal mass elements,
while another was a preliminary well-mixed iso-octane-air each with its own A/F ratio, from zero to infinity. However,
mixture and simulated "perfectly mixed" composition. In the size of these elements was ignored. As long as one is
fact, the ratio between the level of inhomogeneity of these interested in the inhomogeneity level only, the Eltinge
two mixtures was estimated as 2:1, when the technique is reasonable; for it is based on the analysis of
inhomogeneity was calculated through the Eltinge exhaust gases resulting from the total in-cylinder
technique. For the test conditions, this difference combustion of a sufficiently large number of elements.
manifested itself in a very modest reduction in the Opposite to this, speaking about the initial flame kernel
variation of the ignition delay time, and did not influence development stage, the scale of non-uniformities
the statistics of the main combustion phase, nor the IMEP becomes important (Belmont et al., 1991), since the
variations. The authors found their results to be consistent number of involved elements is rather limited. In its turn,
with the general knowledge that IMEP is insensitive to the scale of non-uniformities depends on the structure of
small variations in cycle phasing around MBT. They turbulence, and therefore on the engine design and its
admitted that for retarded spark and/or lean operation the operation regime. Belmont et al. (1991) estimated this
effect of mixture inhomogeneity might be more significant. scale as a millimeter or fraction of millimeter. The finer is
Concerning this work, we should notice that since all the the turbulence structure at the time of ignition. the larger is
experiments were performed at stoichiometric the number of elements participating in initial flame kernel
equivalence ratio, the results are of a limited practical formation, and therefore the more pathways between
interest, mainly for engines equipped with three-way combustible elements exist in the spark gap vicinity. In
catalysts. such a situation, the initial combustion stage is less
Another part of the investigation of Sztenderowitz sensible to the mixture inhomogeneity. An example for this
and Heywood (1990a) was devoted to the contribution of effect are the results of Pundir et al. (1981). They
imperfect mixing between burned residual gases and introduced a swirl motion of the mixture through
incoming fresh charge to the mixture inhomogeneity. Two installation of the shrouded valve and noticed a significant
different engine operating modes were compared. The decrease of the variance of Pmax (fig. 17), while the level
first represented a normal in-cylinder residual gas non- of the mixture inhomogeneity remained the same (fig. 8).
uniformity and was a regular engine operation with a This discussion suggests that the impact of
premixed propane-air mixture and continuous firing. The inhomogeneity on c.c.v. in combustion can be essentially
second simulated a homogeneous mixture of residual and reduced by controlling the in-cylinder turbulence
fresh charge in the cylinder. It was achieved by "skip- characteristics.
firing" and charging the cylinder with a mixture of propane, One more point should be stressed in the context of
air, and synthetic residual gas composed of N2, CO2, and scales of mixture inhomogeneity. Usage of any gas
air. The results with respect to variations in flame initiation sampler with the sample volume larger than the volume of
(0 - 2% mass burned fraction) and flame development (0 - the uniform elements can lead to inaccurate results as
10% mass burned fraction) angles are presented in fig. concern to the level of mixture inhomogeneity. Too large
19. They display no significant impact of residual gas non- sampling volume contains not one but several elements
uniformity on the flame development process. On the and therefore the analysis of the sample will give A/F ratio
other hand, a somewhat inconsistent result has been averaged over them. Thus, Matsui et al. (1979) and
obtained with respect to the IMEP fluctuations (fig. 20). Hamai et al. (1986) sampled 0.4 cc and 1.1 cc,
From this figure it appears that elimination of residual gas respectively. These volumes seem to be too large
inhomogeneity decreased IMEP fluctuations by 25 - 50%. compared to the above estimation of Belmont et al. We
Explaining these results, the authors suggested that in also should remind that local mixture sampling method
fact there was no difference between the residual gas does not permit to distinguish between spatial mixture
non-uniformity levels in the two used modes of engine inhomogeneity and c.c.v. in overall mixture strength.
operation and concluded that even under the regular The question of the influence of residual gas spatial
operation the residual gas was well mixed with the fresh non-uniformity on c.c.v. in engine performance still
charge. The reduction in IMEP variability was explained remains open, since no relevant studies has been found in
by reduction in cyclic variation of the in-cylinder trapped the literature. Intuitively, this non-uniformity will manifest
mass under skip-firing operation. The following section will itself in the same manner as the A/F ratio inhomogeneity,
discuss variations in cyclic cylinder charging in detail. It and the effect will also depend on ten non-uniformity
should be noted, that in fact the authors did not achieve scales.
their goal in this part of their work, since they did not
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Fig. 19. Effect of residual gas non-informative on Fig. 20. Effect of residual gas nonuniformity on
variations in flame initiation and development IMEP fluctuations as a function of mean 0-
angles as a function of mean 0-10% burn duration 10% burn duration (Sztenderowitz and
(Sztenderowitz and Heywood, 1990a). Operating Heywood, 1990a). Operating condition: as
condition: 900 RPM, f=1.0, MBT spark timing, in Fig. 19.
propane fuel.

4.2. CYCLIC CYLINDER CHARGING-RELATED dominated by charging variations. This presumption

FACTORS - This group includes factors which result in seems logical. Really, what are the reasons which can
variations in the mass of mixture trapped in the cylinder. cause different Pmax values at the same value θPmax ?
Unlike other factors, variations in cyclic cylinder charging Matekunas suggested that this can occur under
mostly influence pressure-related parameters, and not combination of both slow early flame speed with more
combustion-related ones. rapid later propagation and vice versa. Another reason is
There is no data on this subject in the Young’s variability in charging efficiency. For small θPmax values
(1981) literature survey. (corresponding to optimally phased cycles) the IMEP is
not sensitive to the burn rates, therefore the single reason
Fig.1 from section 2.1 schematically displayed the
for its fluctuations are variations in charging efficiency.
dependence between mean values of Pmax and θpmax.
This schematic presentation was gained from the detailed In the previous paragraph we discussed the work of
individual-cycle data presented by Matekunas (1983) and Sztenderowitz and Heywood (1990a), in which variations
reproduced here in fig. 21. Matekunas presumed that the in IMEP values were also attributed to cylinder charging
spread in both IMEP and Pmax values in the vicinity of variability. The detailed analysis of the reasons for
charging variations was given in the other paper of the
θPmax for optimally phased cycles and for the MBT data is

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Fig. 22. Scatter plots of IMEP versus θ0-50% for skip

firing (900 RPM,φ φ=1.0) (Sztenderowitz and
Heywood. 1990b).
Spark plug design and spark characteristics are of a
primary importance for the initial flame kernel
development stage. Due to strong correlation between
this stage and the total cycle characteristics, these factors
influence the whole engine performance. Kalghatgi (1987)
reviewed the literature on the spark ignition, the nature of
spark discharge process and the attempts to decrease
c.c.v. in engine operation through changes in the spark
Fig. 21.(a) Individual-cycle maximum pressure versus ignition. His opinion was that "variants of the spark ignition
crank angle at which Pmax occurs (épmax). system seem to be of most practical interest for
(b) Individual-cycle IMEP versus θpmax. (Hey- automobile applications in the immediate future".
wood, 1988; Matekunas, 1983). It seems reasonable to divide the appropriate
factors into two categories:
same authors (Sztenderowitz and Heywood, 1990b). In
that research elimination of gas non-uniformity by skip- 1. Ignition system related factors.
firing method had no impact on the flame development 2. Spark plug design related factors.
process but nonetheless caused IMEP fluctuation to drop The first category includes:
about half under very light load conditions. The example 1) Spark timing.
to the spread of IMEP results for a constant 0-50% mass 2) Spark discharge characteristics.
burnt fraction (representing both the flame initiation and 3) Spark "jitter" (c.c.v. in spark timing).
propagation stages) is given in fig. 22. The authors
followed Matekunas (1983) suggesting that particularly for The second category includes:
optimally-phased cycles the IMEP fluctuations were 1) Spark gap.
mainly controlled by the cyclic variations in the amount of 2) Spark plug electrode shape.
fuel burned per cycle. whose contribution was roughly
All of these factors affect the earliest stage of flame
estimated as 50 - 75%. Several plausible mechanisms
initiation. In the later stage of combustion both the location
were identified for variations in trapped fuel mass:
of the plug and the number of spark plugs in the
displacement of fresh charge by residual gas quantity
combustion chamber start to play a noticeable role, and
(thought to be relatively small), effect of residual gas
therefore are also considered in this section. Besides, due
temperature on charging efficiency, variation in the
to the wake of electrodes in the in-cylinder mean gas flow,
residual fuel mass, fluid dynamics effect, and variations in
spark plug orientation was also found to influence the
the mass leakage from the cylinder. It should be noted
early combustion stage. This factor will be discussed in
that no experimental results were obtained with regard to
section 4.4.2.
the proposed mechanisms. only rough estimations have
From the results of a few studies Young (1981)
been reported.
concluded that only a part of the listed above factors,
Lack of experimental data on c.c.v. in both the in- namely, spark gap location, number of ignition points. and
cylinder trapped fuel mass and the factors determining it, spark timing, influence c.c.v. in pressure development.
hampers any qualitative. not to mention quantitative, Later investigations partially disproved this conclusion.
conclusion. Further investigations in the field are needed.

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4.3.1. Spark Timing - Young (1981) concluded that Pundir et al. (1981) also found the effect of spark
minimum c.c.v. in combustion and pressure development timing on c.c.v. in Pmax, with minimum variations at MBT
generally take place at MBT spark timing. In the reviewed timing. They also admitted the influence of piston motion
studies the c.c.v. dependence on the spark timing was on c.c.v. in the slow burn cycles. Opposite to Young,
affected by overall mixture strength and spark location. however, they claimed that this influence reduces c.c.v. in
Thus. the leaner was the mixture, or the larger was the Pmax, This statement may be logical as long as it implies
plug offset from the center of combustion chamber, the deviations in Pmax but not a percent variation.
more prominent was the c.c.v. extreme. Note, that both In section 2.1 the work of Stone et al. (1992) was
the mixture leaning and locating spark plug at the discussed with respect to preference of one pressure
combustion chamber periphery decrease mixture burning related parameter to another. The authors confirmed that
rate. Young suggested that for slow burn rates the minimum relative c.c.v. in IMEP occur in the region of
combustion is phased late in the cycle, and c.c.v. are MBT spark timing. On the other hand, relative c.c.v. in
augmented by the changing pressure due to the rapidly Pmax and (dP/dθ)max were reduced by over-advanced
varying cylinder volume during this part of the cycle.
ignition (fig. 23). It was explained by a remarkably higher
mean values of both Pmax and (dP/dθ)max caused by the
over-advanced ignition, therefore relative variations
Pischinger and Heywood (1988) investigated the
effects of the ignition system and spark plug type on the
single-cylinder transparent visualization engine
performance characteristics. Later we shall discuss this
work in more detail. In this section it is mentioned due to
the very illustrative results concerning spark timing effect
on c.c.v. in IMEP (fig. 24). Note, that fig. 24(b)
corresponds to a shrouded-valve engine settlement
providing faster burning rate of the mixture. As it is seen,
for all presented cases the c.c.v. in IMEP achieve
minimum in the vicinity of MBT spark timing. Neither the
type of ignition system or spark plug design, nor the
burning rate do influence this fact. In the region of over-
advanced ignition, however, the curves are steeper for
non-shrouded valve (slow burn case). This is in
consistence with general knowledge on the dependence
of the severity of c.c.v. on the burning rate.
The practical inference from the above said will
sound somewhat trivial: minimization of c.c.v. in IMEP can
be provided by strict encompassing MBT ignition timing.
This is anyhow the general task of the engine designer.
The only thing worth to emphasize is a crucial importance
of ensuring the accuracy of keeping spark timing at MBT
in a slow-burn engines.
4.3.2. Spark Discharge Characteristics - Several
characteristics are usually distinguished in a spark
discharge: the spark duration, spark energy (total and
effective), and the law of energy release. Usually, all of
them are strongly coupled. Thus, changing spark duration
inevitably causes changes in either the total spark energy,
the law of its release, or in both of them (Douaud et al.,
1983). Therefore, we decided to discuss spark discharge
characteristics all together. We admit, that there is another
factor affecting these characteristics, namely, spark gap
(Pischinger and Heywood, 1988). However, we preferred
to consider the effects related to spark gap separately,
since for a given engine it is an invariable factor.
Because of the interrelations between the spark
characteristics. the influences to be presented are not
Fig. 23. Experimental and predicted values of c.c.v.
independent and have to be interpreted with care.
in: maximum rate of pressure rise, for iso-
Young (1981) concluded that spark discharge
octane with weak, stoichiometric and rich
characteristics have no effect on cyclic variation as long
mixtures over a range of ignition timings, for as the mixture could be ignited.
full throttle (Stone et al., 1992).

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suited for ignition than arc or glow discharge due to high

energy transfer efficiency.
De Soete (1983) studied flame kernel initiation and
growth in ethylene/oxygen/nitrogen mixture passing
through the duct of a square cross-section. The ignition
system he used provided for independent variation of
spark duration and energy. He observed flame kernel
growth enhancement with the spark energy increase.
while spark duration did not have any effect in a wide
range of energies. Though c.c.v. in the rate of flame
growth were not studied, general knowledge suggests that
the more rapid is the initial flame growth, the less are
relative c.c.v. in this growth.
Similar results with respect to the influence of the
spark energy on the initial flame kernel size were obtained
by Ho and Santavicca (1987). In their experiments ignition
was achieved by the pulsed laser. Such a technique has
the advantage of the absence of electrodes. Thereby both
heat losses and flow perturbations due to electrodes were
eliminated. The duration of the laser pulse was 10 ns, that
brought essentially a breakdown high energy deposition
rate discharge. Fig. 25 displays different dynamics of
kernel growth for two values of deposited energy in both
the lean combustible mixture and quiescent air.

Fig. 24. COV in IMEP as a function of spark timing for

three different spark plugs: (a) base case, (b)
shrouded-valve case (Pischinger and Hey-
Fig. 25. Ignition kernel diameter versus time (Ho and
wood, 1988).
Operating condition: 1400 RPM, λ=1.2,
volumetric efficiency=0.29.
Later studies, however, led to a variety of
viewpoints (sometimes rather opposite) on the influence
of different phases of discharge and their characteristics
on the flame initiation process. The reason for this seems
to lie in a variety of ignition devices used in the
researches. Some of the devices produced high energy in
the breakdown phase, while in the others most of energy
was deposited in the arc or glow phases. The difference in
the percent of energy lost in each of the phases further
complicates the problem. Furthermore. some of the
experiments were conducted under ambient conditions,
while the others were performed on different types of
engines and on different operation regimes.
Maly and Vogel (1978) suggested that the
breakdown controls the inflammation process up to #1 Fig. 26. Cycle-to-cycle correlation between spark
ms. They concluded that the breakdown is far better duration, ∆T, and heat-release delay, τ (Hamai
et al., 1986).

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Hamai et al. (1986) used three different ignition level of energy deposit. Firstly, the duration of the spark
systems in their study: a conventional spark ignitor (CSI) varied with the energy. Secondly, the shape of the
with fully transistorized coil (provided spark duration of 1.5 electrodes, as well as the spark gap were also different
ms and spark energy of 22 mJ), a long duration spark from case to case and could affect both the rate of heat
ignitor (LDSI), and a pulsed plasma ignitor (PPI). The LDSI losses and the flowfield around the electrodes.
could have a longer spark duration (up to 6 ms) and higher Lim et al. (1987) investigated the effect of both
energy as compared to CSI, while the PPI brought shorter inductive spark energy and spark power on the early flame
(0.8 ms) high current discharge pattern with high rate of kernel development in a constant volume bomb. The coil
energy release in the spark gap. In a constant volume primary current was varied to obtain spark energies of
chamber with an inducted swirl it was observed that the approximately 2, 11.5, and 54.8 mJ with respective
LDSI provided the most favorable spark discharge discharge durations of 264, 810, and 3730 ms. For all three
characteristics with respect to rapid flame kernel cases the flame kernel size was identical up to about 100
development. Consistent results were obtained on a ms. After that, the flame radii started to deviate one from
production engine: due to longer spark duration for LDSI a another with larger kernels corresponding to higher energy
heat release delay was shortened and its range of input. The important observation was that energy
fluctuation was reduced (fig. 26). Another important augmentation from 2 to 11.5 mJ caused larger effect than
inference from this research is that the gas motion through its further augmentation from 11.5 to 54.8 mJ. Examining
the spark gap affects spark duration. This was also the effect of spark power, the same amount of energy
observed by Le Coz (1992), who found that the less is the (about 15 mJ) was deposited in different time spans (from
mean velocity in a spark gap, the longer is the spark 600 ms to 1700 ms) and did not exhibit any significant
discharge. A correlation coefficient of -0.6 between these difference in flame kernel radius after 400 ms. The authors,
parameters was obtained. From these results it can be however, mentioned that the breakdown energy of the
expected that due to velocity fluctuation spark duration lower power spark was about 100% more than that of the
shows c.c.v. The detailed discussion of mixture motion higher power spark. In the former case it resulted in a
related phenomena will be presented later. larger flame kernel at earlier times. It seems that the two
Belmont et al. (1986) hypothesized that there is a factors with opposite influence (larger breakdown energy
correlation between successive cycles in the engine and lower inductive spark power) compensated one for
operation. To check this hypothesis. they introduced an another and resulted in an insignificant net effect.
autocorrelation functions of Pmax and found that there is a Cho et al. (1992) conducted an experimental study
casual relationship between cycles and the degree of this of the effect of spark power on the flame kernel growth rate
causality depends on operating conditions. From the and misfires in a turbulent flow system under 1 atm, 300 K
autocorrelation diagrams presented in their work they conditions. All measurements were made with premixed
concluded that when the arc (spark) duration is reduced, propane-air with a different extent of dilution by nitrogen.
the autocorrelation function decreases. In order to aid Three different ignition systems: a GM High Energy Ignition
further interpretation of the autocorrelation function the (HEI) system, a low power breakdown (LPBD) system, and
cyclic dispersion has been statistically modeled. It resulted a high power breakdown (HPBD) system were employed.
in an inverse correlation between the value of the The first system provided a long (~4 ms) inductive
autocorrelation function and the c.c.v. level. Thereby the discharge with 5.35 mJ of the total effective ignition energy
authors could draw a conclusion that shortening the arc (4.73 mJ of which were released in the glow phase). The
worsens c.c.v. Unfortunately, no quantitative data on the second and the third systems provided a short (~100 ns)
c.c.v. were reported. discharge with 5.36 mJ and 56.4 mJ of the total effective
Theoretical results of Sher and Keck (1986) showed ignition energy, respectively, released in the breakdown
that "introducing a higher energy during the breakdown phase. Fig. 27 shows the effect of ignition system on the
phase and longer spark duration contribute to the creation two burn times. As it is seen, the larger is the spark power,
of a larger volume of hot region in short time". By the the higher is the burning rate. The effect is more
reasons stated above this is expected to shorten the pronounced for the earlier stage, where neither the dilution
ignition delay time and to reduce its c.c.v. of up to 14%, nor the level of turbulence showed effect on
In the previously mentioned research of Pischinger the rate of combustion with ignition by the HPBD system.
and Heywood (1988) three different discharge Shen and Jiang (1992) used schlieren technique and
characteristics were achieved with the same transistorized- high speed camera to investigate initiation and early flame
coil ignition system coupled with three different spark development in the engine. Special spark ignition system
plugs. This is an illustrative example of the above said was designed for producing different spark energy levels.
interrelation between the plug design and the discharge The distribution of spark energy with Lime was adjusted by
characteristics. Typically, a "standard" spark plug provided the plug gap. Experimental results showed qualitatively
60 mJ of energy deposited during 3.8 ms, a "breakdown" that "augmentation of breakdown energy ... made the
spark plug gave 80 mJ in 3 ms, and a "surface-gap" spark original flame size increase effectively which results in fast
plug delivered 110 mJ in 2.1 ms to the spark gap. For any flame propagation even at the very early stage.
tested conditions. the effect of increased spark energy was Conversely, the augmentation of spark energy only during
a faster initial flame growth in the earliest stage of the arc and glow phases had no obvious effect".
combustion. The consequence was a decrease in The first thing to note in conclusion of this section is
COVIMEP values at MBT-timing (fig. 24). It should be noted that the direct correlations between spark characteristics
that the observed effect cannot be solely attributed to the
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Moreover, the modem trend to replace a conventional

distributor point - breaker system by electronic ignition
system almost eliminates spark "jitter" in the engine.
4.3.4. Spark Gap - The influence of the spark gap
manifests itself through two effects. The first effect is the
change in the breakdown voltage and energy. The larger
is the gap, the higher is the voltage required to break
down the gap, and the larger is the energy released in this
phase of discharge. One should keep in mind, however,
that too large gaps cannot be broken down with realistic
ignition systems. The second effect is the change in
percent of the energy lost from the flame kernel to the
electrodes due to heat transfer. Increasing spark gap
usually results in larger ratio between flame kernel volume
and "wetted" electrode surface area. The first effect is
more important in the earliest stage of flame initiation,
while the second effect becomes apparent in the stage of
flame kernel growth. Anyway, the spark gap has to be
larger than the flame quenching distance.
Young (1981) mentioned spark gap as a factor
having little effect on pressure c.c.v.
In the work of Douaud et al. (1983) an experimental
single-cylinder engine fed by a commercial-type gasoline
was employed to reveal the effect of different parameters
on misfires. Four spark plug configurations were used to
evaluate the influence of their geometry on misfires. The
plugs had either a normal electrode diameter (2.7 mm), or
a small one (0.7 mm), and either a standard spark gap
(0.7 mm), or a wide one (1.2 mm). The results showed
extended lean misfire limit for the wide spark gap (fig. 28).
Fig. 27. The effect of ignition spark power on the burn The extent of this effect depended on the electrode
time (Cho et al, 1992). diameter. Since the lean misfire limit may be interpreted
and c.c.v. in either combustion or engine performance as a result of drastic increase in c.c.v. as the mixture is
parameters are scarcely found in the literature. However, made more lean, the extension of this limit evidence to
this should not disappoint. Most of the studies were improved conditions of flame kernel development and
devoted to the effect of spark characteristics on the rate of implicitly indicates less c.c.v. for the same overall
initial flame kernel growth. A strong correlation between equivalence ratio.
this rate and the level of its c.c.v., as well as the level of Hill and Kapil (1989) varied spark gap from 0.7 to
pressure development cyclic variability is well known and 2.3 mm in their experiment, using a conventional
was several times reminded above. sparkplug. Their results indicate little or no effect of spark
plug gap on the standard deviation of time required to
The general result is that in case of a limited energy reach a certain mass burnt fraction.
stored in the ignition system the most favorable mode of In the previous section the work of Shen and Jiang
its release is to "pore" it in a shortest possible time, ideally (1992) was briefly outlined. Besides spark energy effect,
during the breakdown phase which has the highest they also studied the effect of a spark gap using two spark
energy transfer efficiency. This will result in a largest hot plugs with 0.65 and 1.5 mm gaps with the same level of
plasma ball after the spark onset. spark energy (150 mJ). Fig. 29 presents flame kernel
Increasing total spark energy which can be done evolution for three combinations of spark gap and energy.
through introduction of additional energy in the arc and As it is seen, curves 2 and 3 correspond to different gaps
glow phases (augmentation of current and/or duration) is with the same spark energy. For the larger gap the original
also beneficial for flame kernel growth. This conclusion is kernel size was also larger. It implies that combustion was
about the same made in the review of Kalghatgi (1987). started from a larger hot plasma "ball" created by higher
breakdown energy. Increasing spark gap was also
Any modification of the ignition system is expected
accompanied by augmentation of flame velocity. Opposite
to bring maximum result at lean and highly diluted engine
to several other studies, this one suggests for a distinct
operation. Under these conditions the early flame kernel
effect of the spark gap on the initial flame kernel
development stage is longer and stronger affected by
development. The extent of this effect on pressure
spark discharge characteristics.
development c.c.v., however, was not reported.
4.3.3. Spark "Jitter" - Young (1981) counted this factor Despite some studies indicating no influence of
among others influencing c.c.v. and concluded that its spark gap on combustion process in the engine and the
effect is too small to account for. No other researches absence of any data on that influence on the engine c.c.v.,
found in the literature paid attention to this factor. it seems to

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Fig. 28. Influence of ignition parameterson misfires

(Douaud et al., 1983).
Operating condition: 1500 RPM, f=0.8,
hemispheric head, unshrouded valve,
volumetric efficiency=0.4.
us that some reduction in c.c.v should be expected with Fig. 29.Comparison of flame evolution for different
increased gaps. The lack of correlations between spark spark energy and plug gaps: 1- spark energy
gap and c.c.v. is rather disappointing since such an 63mJ and plug gap 0.65mm, 2- spark energy
experiment seems simple to carry out. 150mJ and plug gap 0.65mm, 3- spark energy
4.3.5. Spark Plug Electrode Shape - The shape of spark 150mJ and plug gap 1.50mm (Shen and
electrodes is the main factor determining heat losses to Jiang, 1992).
electrodes from the flame kernel. It is naturally to expect
more favorable kernel heat balance from thin and/or Among other investigators, Pischinger and
sharply-pointed electrodes. These electrodes, however, Heywood (1990a) carried out the most systematic study
are subjected to stronger relative erosion and therefore on spark plug geometry effects. They used standard (2.7
have less durability. Also, the surface temperature of a mm diameter) and thin (1 mm diameter) electrode plugs.
thin or sharp-pointed electrode will be higher. This creates The results showed less heat losses from the flame kernel
a danger of pre-ignition at high loads. to the electrodes with the thin electrode spark plug. The
Before discussing the effect, one remark seems to reason for that can be easily understood from fig. 30
be important. Pischinger and Heywood (1990a) and De displaying the c.c.v. in contact area fraction for both plugs.
Soete (1983) noticed that thinning the electrodes changes The contact area fraction is the ratio between the flame-
energy release distribution in the spark. The thin electrode contact area and the flame front area. As it is
electrodes spark plug is more likely to operate in the arc seen, not only the level of c.c.v. but also the average value
rather than glow discharge mode with higher release rate of the contact area fraction is lower for the thin electrode
of useful energy. This change can also contribute to the plug. The c.c.v. in contact area were found to originate
total effect. from c.c.v. in local flowfield in the spark gap vicinity. To
Young (1981) mentioned the electrode shape as a add, in both cases maximum of the contact area fraction
slightly affecting factor. occurred at flame kernel radius of about 1 mm. As a
De Soete (1983) observed the effect of the consequence, both equivalent flame kernel radius and its
electrode thickness on both the critical ignition energy and c.c.v. at any time after spark onset are influenced by the
the initial flame speed, which was stronger for weak plug geometry. The example of this influence for t=0.93
mixtures. ms is presented in fig. 31 showing somewhat 25% larger
averaged flame kernel radius and 30% less standard
Douaud et al. (1983) similarly found a sensitivity of deviation of it.
initiation of combustion to "wall" effects (fig. 28).

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Opposite to the previous studies, Hill and Kapil

(1989) used two types of spark plug -- conventional and
needle-pointed with smaller electrode diameter -- and
found no apparent effect of electrode geometry on the
standard deviations in burning times of the smallest flame
Worth noting is that since the effect of the electrode
configuration is essentially expressed through heat losses
from the flame kernel, in this sense it is similar to the
previously discussed effect of the spark gap. The
combination of spark gap and electrode diameter actually
determines the contact area ratio. This can be seen from
fig. 32 in which the lean misfire limit is plotted versus
spark gap for several center-electrode diameters.

Fig. 30. Frequency distribution of contasct area

fraction at 0.93ms after spark onset for
Standartd and Thin Electrodes spark plugs
(Pischinger and Heywood, 1990a).
Operating condition:1400 RPM, 1=1.25, 65° Fig. 32.Effect of spark plug electrode diameter, and
BTC spark timing, 28.5% volumetric plug gap width on air-fuel ratio at engine’s
efficiency. lean stable operating limit (Heywood, 1988).
Operating condition. 1600 RPM, 40° BTC
spark timing,intake pressure 300 mmHg,
30mJ spark energy.

It seems to us that though few researches deny the

effect of electrode shape on engine c.c.v., it plays an
important role in the early flame kernel development. The
thinner is the electrodes the higher is the early flame
kernel development rate and the lower are its c.c.v. The
restrictive factors for application of a thin-electrode spark
plugs were mentioned in introduction to this section. A
possible remedy can be found in further improvement of
electrode coating materials.
4.3.6. Spark Plugs Number and Location - Young (1981)
stated that spark plugs number and location have a strong
influence on cyclic combustion variations. From the
findings of several investigators he concluded that "in
general any change which decreased the maximum flame
travel distance or increased the rate of mass burning, and
thus decreased flame travel times, resulted in lowered
Fig. 31. Frequency distribution of equivalent flame cyclic variations". Grounding his statement, Young
radius at 0.93ms after spark onset for referred to the results obtained with the spark plug moved
Standard and Thin Electrodes spark plugs to a more open volume in a "L" shape head engine, and to
measurements of c.c.v. in a dual spark plug engine.
(Pischinger and Ak-Heywood, 1990a).

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However, neither in the Young’s review, nor in the later Note, that most of these factors are strongly coupled.
literature the effect was evaluated quantitatively. For example, changing flow pattern entails changes in the
Ideally, in the absence of a strong swirl motion spark turbulence characteristics throughout the whole stage of
gap of a single spark plug has to be located centrally in a combustion. Also, spark plug orientation influences local
combustion chamber. The combined effect of spark plug flow pattern in the spark gap vicinity. So, the above division
location and in-cylinder swirl was studied by Witze (1982). is conventional rather than physical.
This work will be discussed in section 4.4.4. In the case of 4.4.1. Mean Flow Velocity Vector in the Spark Gap Vicinity.
multi-plug system as many spark sources as possible and Its C.C.V. - According to the terminology of Frazer and
should be equidistantly spread in the combustion chamber, Bracco (1989) by mean flow velocity vector we imply the
or a peripheral "surface discharge" ignition should be used ensemble average of the velocity in the spark gap vicinity
(Automotive Engineering, 1992). An example to a multi- at the time of spark onset. The difference between mean
plug engine is the Mazda lean-burn engine with four spark velocity in a particular cycle and the ensemble-averaged
plugs per cylinder (Automotive Engineering, 1992). mean velocity gives the c.c.v. in mean velocity.
Witze (1982) invesigated combustion in the engine Mean flow velocity in the vicinity of spark gap has
equipped with two spark plugs along a common diameter several important effects. In the very early stage of
near the mid-radius positions. Significanly faster burning sparking and flame initiation it lengthens the discharge
rates in the main stage of combustion were obtained as channel and increases the electrical energy deposited into
compared to simply one spark plug at the same radial the flame kernel in the breakdown phase. Later, in the initial
location. However, when the single plug was optimally flame kernel development stage, it can convect flame
located, the improvement provided by two sparks was not kernel away from the electrodes decreasing beat losses to
very dramatic. them (Pischinger and Heywood, 1990a). In an undesirable
Nakamura et al. (1985) studied engine performance case (unfavorably oriented spark plug, unfavorable mean
characteristics with up to 12 simultaneously igniting sites. flow vector direction, etc.) this convection is towards one of
Their results confirmed that the more is the number of the electrodes or the combustion chamber walls. The early
simultaneously developing flame kernels, the higher is the flame kernel convection affects the rate of mass burn in the
initial burning rate. Furthermore, with a large number of flame initiation stage and thereby influences both ignition
ignition sites c.c.v. in combustion reduced due to delay time and flame kernel radius at a given crank angle.
elimination of slow and occasional partial-burning cycles Furthermore, c.c.v. in the mean flow can cause random
occurring with fewer spark plug gaps. convection that brings the kernel to different locations
4.4. IN-CYLINDER MIXTURE MOTION-RELATED around the spark gap. Then, in any individual cycle the
FACTORS - The flow in the cylinder of internal combustion history of flame propagation will depend on the initial
engine is essentially turbulent. The probabilistic nature of location of the early flame kernel center: the closer is this
turbulence forces investigators to consider mixture motion- center to the center of combustion chamber, the faster burn
related factors as the most influential with respect to c.c.v. is expected in the cycle.
in engine performance (Young, 1981; Johansson, 1993; The influence of mean flow on spark discharge
Namazian et al., 1980; etc.). Since turbulence is the characteristics was mention in section 3.1 with reference to
inevitable feature of the in-cylinder motion, c.c.v. in the De Soete (1983). To remind, gas flow mean velocity at
engine performance cannot be eliminated completely. The spark gap displaces the discharge channel downstream
turbulence nature of the flow has a double effect. On the until it reaches a given length, then a new discharge is
one hand, it accelerates the combustion by increasing created in a "shunting" mode. This phenomenon was also
flame front area and enhancing beat and mass transport observed in the experiments of Hamai et al. (1986). De
between the burned and unburned parts of the charge. Soete found that "an increase in flow velocity resulted in a
Thereby, c.c.v. tend to decrease. On the other hand, decrease of the spark duration". The effect on the spark
random flow pattern in the spark gap vicinity causes energy, however, depended on the spark type (fig. 33). For
fluctuation in the magnitude and direction of the charge conventional Capacity/inductance sparks (sparks A, B, and
velocity. It is the reason for c.c.v. in early flame kernel C in the figure) the spark energy was significantly
development. Both effects are related with other factors, aggravated by the mean flow.
such as combustion chamber geometry, spark plug Hamai et al. (1986) showed that under their
location, etc. Therefore, relative contribution of each of the experiment conditions in a constant volume chamber (see
two effects might differ from engine to engine, and the section 4.3.2.) the spark path length started to fluctuate
problem of the optimal in-cylinder flow pattern seems to be when mean velocity value reached 20 m/s. A reasonable
engine-dependent. comment is that such velocities are rather high as
The following factors are related to the mixture compared with the optimal velocity in a spark gap vicinity (3
motion: - 5 m/s) found by Pischinger and Heywood (1990a). Hamai
1) mean flow velocity vector in the spark gap vicinity, and et al. concluded from their results that c.c.v. in spark
its c.c.v., duration are caused by fluctuations in spark path length
2) spark plug orientation with respect to the mean flow due to variation in the gas flow velocity, but the effect of the
velocity vector, gas flow on the combustion fluctuations was not studied.
3) turbulence intensity and scales, While the two last works mentioned above were
4) overall in-cylinder flow pattern. carried out in a constant volume combustion chamber, Hall
(1989) performed his research on a modified SI engine

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c.c.v., i.e. in fact the mean velocity remained the same

from cycle to cycle. All variations in kernel displacement
and direction were attributed to the kernel "random walk"
in the turbulent flow.
In order to test the hypothesis of Keck et al. in a
production engine, Witze et al. (1990) used a fiber-optic
spark plug. Measurements were made in a single-cylinder
engine with the valves located in the sidewall of a disc-
shaped combustion chamber. The cylinder head had
optical access to allow for LDV measurements. A
comparison between the spark-plug-probe-derived
convection velocities and the LDV ensemble-average
swirl-direction velocities showed good agreement (fig. 34)
which implies that convection velocity can represent the
mean flow velocity. The obtained correlations between
combustion duration and convection velocity were
surprisingly low. This led the authors to conclusion that the
effect of the random early flame kernel convection on
c.c.v. in combustion might be much less than it was
suggested by Keck et al. (1987).

Fig. 33.Relative variation of spark energy as a funtion

of flow velocity (De Soete, 1983). Curves A, B,
and C: capacity/inductance sparks with
respective spark energy (Es) of 18.6, 4.0, and
2.6 mJ; respective spark durations in stagnat
air : 408, 156, and 122 ms. Curve D: high
voltage capacity spark; Es,= 36 mJ, spark
duration= 3.5 ms. Electrode spacing for all
sparks = 2 mm; two sharply pointed
electrodes of o.3 mm diameter.
fueled by methane. Different flow field characteristics
were achieved through the use of prechamber with two
different inlet orifice diameters. Measures were
Fig. 34. Comparison of ensemble-averaged spark-
undertaken to ensure perfect gas homogeneity, constant
plug-derived velocities with LDV
spark plug orientation and equal thermodynamic measurments (Witze et al., 1990).
conditions for all tests. Visual access to combustion
chamber allowed for LDV measurements of the flow, while Pischinger and Heywood (1990a) noted a
flame kernel growth and convection were recorded using remarkable role played by mean flow velocity at the time
a fiber-optic instrumented spark plug. The observations and location of the spark. The correlation coefficient found
showed significant c.c.v. in flame kernel growth and between individual cycle flow velocity and initial flame
convection which were attributed to variations in the local growth was 0.8 for condition close to the ignition limit. In
flowfield at the spark gap around the time of ignition. conclusion of their work the authors recommend to keep
Correlation coefficients between flame expansion velocity the values of mean flow velocity within the range of 3-5 m/
and convection velocity on the one hand, and P max and s as the optimal range for minimizing c.c.v. They suggest
θPmax on the other hand were calculated for different that such velocities are large enough to tear the kernel off
conditions but look rather inconsistent and in several the electrodes and at the same time are insufficient to
cases are surprisingly low. quench it by stretching.

Keck et al. (1987) analyzed the results of In another paper, Pischinger and Heywood (1990b)
experiments that were conducted on MIT square cross developed a model for early flame kernel growth
section piston engine. The analysis suggested that "c.c.v. accounting for its possible convection. They used the
in the position and growth rate of the flame kernel at very experimental results on flame-center-motion vectors and
early times are the major cause of cycle-by-cycle cycle’s electrical energies as the input data, and
fluctuation in the pressure curves for SI engines". The calculated flame propagation histories in the individual
authors noted that mean flow solely did not produce any cycles. The results showed that two thirds of the

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observed cyclic variability in flame growth was due to

cycle-to-cycle differences in the vector of the flame kernel
center motion from the spark plug. The rest of cyclic
variability was attributed to c.c.v. in mixture strength as
well as to turbulence, which were not accounted by the
Bianco et al. (1991) studied the initial flame kernel
behavior in a SI engine by using the fiber-optic spark plug
developed by Witze et al. (1988). The engine used was a
single-cylinder research engine Ricardo Hydra. A special
intake manifold was used to generate either a tumbling or
swirling motion during the induction process. With the
regular manifold the charge motion was considered as not
much organized. This case was designated as the
quiescent chamber case. The behavior of the flame kernel
was characterized by an expansion speed which
describes its growth rate, and a convection velocity which
describes its overall movement. A strong correlation
between these two parameters has been found (fig.35).
The authors explained this correlation by three factors:
higher turbulent fluctuation with higher bulk motion
velocity; larger flame stretch with higher convection
velocity due to flame anchoring by the electrodes;
reduced heat losses when the flame is pushed by
convection out of the spark plug region. There was,
however, only a weak correlation between the 10 - 90%
burn duration and the initial flame kernel behavior.
Arcoumanis and Bae (1993) conducted their work
in a cylindrical constant-volume combustion chamber
using premixed propane-air lean mixture (φ=0.75). Ignition
was provided by a conventional automotive TCI ignition
system and spark plugs. In-cylinder flow velocities were
measured by LDV and flame development was recorded
by shadowgraphy. The mixture was introduced into the
combustion chamber tangentially and ignited after various
time delays. This allowed for different levels of mean
velocity and turbulence intensity to be investigated, since
those were decaying with time. Therefore, the shorter was
the time lapse before ignition, the larger were both mean
velocity and turbulence intensity., The results (fig. 36)
showed strong effect of the flow characteristics on the
flame development in both initial and main combustion
stages. When the mean flow velocity and turbulence
intensity were higher. the combustion duration was
shorter. The correlation between mean and rms flow
velocities and combustion duration was found to be
almost linear. It should be noted that in this study the
results represent a combined effect of the mean and rms
The discussed works showed that definitely there is a
certain influence of the mean flow on the flame kernel
growth rate through both alteration of spark characteristics
and flame kernel convection. The extent of this influence,
however, is not entirely clear. Moreover, worth to remark
that it is not easy to practically distinguish between
contributions of turbulence fluctuations and c.c.v. in mean
velocity to resultant c.c.v. in flame kernel convection. In
several cases this put before us a problem of whether to Fig. 35. Expansion speed versus convection speed
ascribe the findings to the present section or to place for three flow configurations at 1300 RPM
them in section 4.4.3 devoted to turbulence (Bianco el at., 1991).

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In positions 1, 2 and 3 the ground electrode was

essentially in the wake of the spark. As it is seen, these
cases brought smaller spark advance misfire limits than
cases 4 and 5 in which the ground electrode was oriented
about perpendicularly to the flow direction. The results
look reasonable: in the latter cases the flame kernel was
convected away from the ground electrode and heat
losses were reduced.

Fig. 36. Effect of flow and spark plug orientation on Fig. 37. Interaction between swirl and spark plug
combustion characteristics in flowing electrode position on misfires (Douaud et
mixtures: al., 1983). Operating condition: as in Fig. 28.
(a) Initial flame development (t02, t05, t10 -- In their constant-volume chamber experiments,
time to burn mass fraction of 0-2%, 0-5% and Arcoumanis and Bae (1993) checked three spark plug
0-10%, respectively), orientations. They used a conventional 1 mm gap spark
(b) Combustion duration (t91, t90 , t Pmax -- plug with three angles of the ground electrode with
time to burn mass fraction of 10-90%. 0-90% respect to the mean flow direction: 0°, 90° and 180° (fig.
and time to peak pressure, respectivelly) 38). Actually, these orientations fit to different
(Arcoumanis and Bae, 1993). For spark plug combinations of swirl and tumble in a four-valve engine
orientation see Fig. 38. application. Also, a surface-gap spark plug was tested as
a reference case to examine flow/flame interaction without
4.4.2. Spark Plug Orientation - Since a conventional spark the disturbance introduced by the ground electrode. The
plug is not axisymmetric, its position with respect to the results (fig. 36) show that under high mean velocities
mean flow direction influences the local flowfield around (>5m/s) and high turbulence intensities, the downstream
the electrodes and thereby affects gasdynamic conditions orientation of the spark plug ground electrode (0°) offered
in the early flame kernel growth stage. This statement was advantages in terms of flame kernel formation and
confirmed by a recent work of Halldin (1992), who development, while the upstream orientation (180°) led to
investigated the influence of side electrode position on the slower burning in the early combustion phase. The effect
velocity field within the spark gap. Also, as it was was less prominent under lower flow velocities.
mentioned, flow convects early flame kernel either
In their square cross-section engine, Pischinger
towards the ground electrode or away from it depending
and Heywood (1990a) fixed spark plug in four different
on the plug orientation. It is a common opinion that for a
positions (fig. 39). Combustion durations were measured
given flow the optimal spark plug orientation exists.
under conditions close to the lean limit at MBT.
Douaud et al. (1983) used five orientations of the
spark plug with respect to the mean flow direction (fig. 37).

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Fig. 38. Spark plug orientation relative to flow

direction (é) (Arcoumanis and Bae, 1993).
A significant impact of the spark plug orientation was
claimed by the authors, though rather moderate influence Fig. 39. Impact of spark plug rotation on varius
burned-levels with the standard spark plug
can be seen in the figure. The delayed combustion
(Pischinger and Heywood, 1990a).
process was observed when the ground electrode was
Operating condition: as in Fig. 30.
oriented towards the intake valve. In this case, as it was
evidenced by schlieren pictures, the flame kernel was both the shortest combustion duration and the lowest lean
blown by the local flow more often towards the cooling limit.
ground electrode.
To summarize the findings described in this section,
Mantel (1992) used three-dimensional numerical there is still uncertainty about what side electrode
simulations of flame kernel growth to compare between orientation, either upstream or downstream. is more
different spark electrode orientations, namely, crossflow, favorable for fast flame kernel growth. Anyway, crossflow
downstream, and upstream. The results showed that the orientation of the spark plug was commonly recognized as
crossflow and downstream cases permitted a faster burnt the best one, and this conclusion has the most practical
kernel growth. The upstream case happened to be the importance.
worst. This was explained by a masking effect imposed by
Unfortunately, no direct correlations between c.c.v.
the ground electrode in the upstream position. The effect
in combustion and spark plug orientations were found in
led to lower mean and rms turbulent velocities in the spark
the literature.
gap. The masking effect for the upstream ground
electrode position was later observed experimentally by 4.4.3. Turbulence Intensity and Scales - All early
Arcoumanis and Bae (1993). Mantel presented a investigations of turbulence effect on combustion
comparative table containing the results of several studies summarized in the Young’s (1981) review agreed that
in which the best spark plug orientation was sought. The turbulence enhancement, especially in the small-scale
works of Ziegler et al. (1986), Bjorge (1987), and part of its spectrum, leads to a higher burn rate and
Anderson and Asik (1983) not mentioned by us before, reduced c.c.v. However, most of those studies were not
were included in this table. The two first researches "vote" accompanied by flow measurements and qualitative
for downstream orientation, while the third study gave assumptions about the flow were made for different
preference to the upstream case. The common opinion, modifications in the intake system. Therefore, most of the
however, was that the crossflow orientation is the best conclusions in fact concerned the effect of the overall flow
from all points of view, providing

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pattern alone. They will be discussed in the next section. cylinder research engine modified to permit visual access
Some later researchers also drawn their conclusions on to the combustion chamber. In addition, the crank angle of
turbulence effect from experiments involving different flow flame arrival to the LDV probe volume (éFA) was
patterns. Thus, the profound effect of a swirl motion was registered in each cycle. The main finding of the
attributed partly to increased turbulence. investigation is a strong correlation between turbulence
The following phenomenology of the influence of intensity ahead of the flame and éFA (fig. 40). As it is seen
turbulence on the combustion process is customary. The from the figure, a shorter flame initiation stage occurs in
rate of energy release from combustion depends on both the cycle with higher turbulence intensity. concluded that
the instantaneous mass burning velocity and the flame these results strongly suggest that c.c.v. in burn duration
front area. The latter, in turn, is influenced by turbulence. are caused by c.c.v. in the bulk turbulence intensity.
In the regime of flamelet combustion, turbulence
increases the total flame front area by wrinkling and
corrugating (Peters, 1986). Therefore, to a certain extent
turbulence is beneficial to the kernel growth rate. Worth
noting is that in contrast to a fully developed flame, the
evolutionary small kernel at any given moment can be
affected only by scales less than its size, while the large
scale fluctuations can only convect it as a whole (Abdel-
Gayed et al., 1986). As the kernel radius grows, more and
more scales start to interact with the flame front until the
whole spectrum of fluctuations is involved in the process.
Not all of the fluctuations are favorable to flame kernel
development. The eddies with sufficiently large velocities
are able to locally quench the flame (Meneveau and
Poinsot, 1991; Ko and Anderson, 1989). The larger is the
turbulence intensity, the higher is the probability of there
being of these eddies in the flow, and global flame
quenching becomes more probable.
Cole and Swords (1981) conducted their study
using conditionally sampled LDV measurements in the Fig. 40. Conditionally-sampled turbulence data in the
research engine. The conclusion was that there is "...a unburned gas region. In general, there is a
strong correlation between fluctuation of relatively large correlation between flame arival time and the
scale flow structures in the spark gap region immediately turbulence intensity ahead of the flame
prior to ignition and the subsequent combustion efficiency. (Witze,et al., 1984).
High frequency turbulence makes a much less significant
contribution to the observed combustion fluctuation". The work of Hall (1989) was referred to in section
However, no graphs or tables were presented in the paper 4.4.1 with concern to the mean flow effect. In this paper
in support of this conclusion. the influence of turbulence intensity was studied also. The
Similar statement is contained in the work of Le Coz inference derived from the results of flame kernel
(1992) in which a single-cylinder engine with a four-valve development visualization in three different engine
head has been used. Three different patterns of the in- configurations is rather opposite to the above conclusions
cylinder charge motion were achieved by changing intake of Cole and Swords (1981) and Le Coz (1992). The author
valves configuration. The LDV technique was used to suggests that just the small-scale turbulence intensity is of
obtain the velocity components near the electrode gap. a primary importance for early flame kernel growth rate,
Spark current was recorded in order to evaluate spark while c.c.v. in the larger scale bulk velocities in the vicinity
duration. With this concern the results of the author were of the spark do not contribute significantly to cyclic
mentioned in section 4.3.2. Analyzing the cyclic variance variations in pressure. Higher small-scale turbulence
of the flame initiation duration, Le Coz found that it is intensity was found to enhance the rate of flame kernel
predominantly affected by flame kernel convection which growth for mixtures with equivalence ratio as lean as 0.7
is determined by the large scale fluid motion. The small- (fig. 41). Unfortunately, it is not entirely clear from the
scale turbulence affects the initiation stability mostly for a paper how the author has distinguished between the
fuel/air equivalence ratio higher than 0.8. This result contributions of the small-scale and large-scale fluctuation
sounds illogical unless the author meant relative to the overall turbulence intensity without using frequency
contribution of small-scale turbulence to the total variance filter. Moreover, the conclusion about the minor role of the
in a lean and diluted mixture. Indeed, as the mixture is large scales bulk velocities was derived from small
made more lean, the effects of both spark characteristics, (always less than 0.3) correlation coefficients between
large-scale motion, and small-scale fluctuation are convection velocity and Pmax and épmax, However, the
increased. Relatively, however, the two firsts of these author himself admitted that this result should not be
factors start to prevail. generalized. Thus, as the spark location was changed,
Witze et al. (1984) used LDV measurements of the stronger correlation was obtained.
flowfield ahead of the flame front in the Sandia single-

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In their analysis of the experimental results of

Gatowski and Heywood (1985), Keck et al. (1987) looked
for possible c.c.v. in the values of the characteristic
turbulent entrainment speed and eddy size during the
main combustion stage but did not find any. They
concluded that the random fluctuations in these quantities
were averaged out over the large flame area occurring
during this stage.

Fig. 41. Mean flame speed of flame kernel (Hall, 1989).

Ho and Santavicca (1987), whose findings

concerning equivalence ratio and spark energy were
mentioned earlier in sections 4.1.2 and 4.3.2, also
investigated the effect of turbulence on the early flame
kernel growth. The kernel growth was measured in a flow
reactor under two different turbulent flow conditions with
the help of laser shadowgraphy. Turbulence intensity and Fig. 42. Ignition kernel diameter versus time for
integral length scale were obtained by using LDV for two- different turbulence intensities and spark
point spatial correlation measurements. Though the energies: (a) 7mJ spark energy, (b) 30mJ
experiments were conducted not in the engine, they are spark energy (Ho and Santavicca, 1987).
rather detailed and informative. Fig. 42 illustrates the
effect of turbulence intensity on kernel growth for two intensities, respectively. Fig. 44 displayes relative c.c.v in
different spark energies. Note, that the two studied flame kernel volume at a fixed time of 2 ms after spark
turbulence intensities differed one from another very onset. Somewhat surprisingly, high turbulence manifested
significantly (by the factor of 20). As it is seen, in both itself in higher cyclic variability over the whole range of the
cases higher turbulence intensity resulted in more rapid examined mixture strengths. The authors did not explain
flame development. The effect, however. is delayed in the their results. We propose the following explanation. In the
high spark energy case. This was explained by the case of low turbulence the value of turbulence intensity
dominant influence of the powerful spark on the flame was very small as compared to the laminar flame speed
kernel expansion velocity during the first few milliseconds. plus expansion velocity of the kernel. Under such
The effect of turbulence depended on mixtures strength. conditions the early flame kernel formation seems to
For ultra-lean mixtures, as it is shown in fig. 43, too high proceed in the almost laminar mode, and the impact of
turbulence level can be undesirable, imposing an inverse turbulence is negligible. On the opposite, the high
effect on the rate of flame kernel growth. This was turbulence case examined in the work is close to the
attributed to an excessive flame surface stretching and quenching boundary, when the probability of locally
local flame extinction. Note. that fig. 43, as well as the quenching eddies is significant. Such a flame usually
following fig. 44 are reproduced from the original paper develops by irregular "jerks" which could become the
without any changes. However, it seems that by mistake main reason for the observed high variability. We dare to
the legend contains the two constant turbulence intensity/ guess that a moderate turbulence level, somewhat
laminar flame velocity ratios (U’/SL). Evidently. they between those chosen in the research, would have both
cannot remain constant as the mixture strength is accelerated the flame and reduced c.c.v.
changed. Therefore the reader should be advised to relate
Another attempt to relate c.c.v. in combustion to the
triangles and circles to 100 cm/s and 5 cm/s turbulence
ratio between turbulence characteristics and the laminar

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operating conditions with a factor of two-thirds between

the experimental data and theoretical values. From this
result the authors arrived to a conclusion that cyclic
variation in SI engine can be reduced by decreasing the
Taylor microscale during ignition and increasing the
turbulence intensity.

Fig. 43. Mean equivalence flame kernel volume

versus equivalence ratio (Ho and
Santavicca, 1987).

Fig. 45. Comparison of estimated mean ignition time

delay and initial standard deviation of
burning times (Hill, 1988).
Cho et al. (1992) studied the influence of turbulence
level on early flame kernel development in the flow under
atmospheric conditions. Two turbulence intensities (0.33
m/s and 0.88 m/s) were employed in combination with
three ignition systems (see section 4.3.2). The results (fig.
46) showed that increased turbulence intensity generally
increased the flame kernel growth rate. However, the
extent of this effect depended on spark characteristics.
This latter conclusion is consistent with that of Ho and
Santavicca (1987).
As turbulence intensity is known to vary almost
linearly with the mean piston velocity, its effect can be
Fig. 44. Relative rms fluctuation of the equivalent studied by comparison between early flame kernel
flame kernel volume versus equivalence development at different engine speeds. This method was
ratio (Ho and Santavicca, 1987). adopted by Shen and Jiang (1992). The results are
consonant to the previous studies. Fig. 47 shows a
flame speed was undertaken in the works of Hill (1988) progressively enhanced flame kernel development rate at
and Hill and Kapil (1989). Opposite to the study of Ho and higher engine speed.
Santavicca (1987) in which the turbulence intensity was Opposite to the above studies, Petrovic (1982)
involved, in these researches the Taylor microscale length investigated the impact of turbulence level on both initial
(λ) stood for turbulence characteristic. Hill (1988) and main stages of in-cylinder combustion. His
proposed to utilize the Tennekes model of turbulence experimental work was carried out on a single-cylinder
structure to quantify c.c.v. in the initial stage of CFR engine. The level of turbulence was aggravated by a
combustion. He defined the characteristic mean random factor of two by changing the intake valve from
time delay as λ/4SL and hypothesized quantitative relation unshrouded to shrouded. Two ionization gap probes were
between this time and the observed fluctuations in ignition used to measure the flame propagation periods: the first
delay time in the engine. Fig. 45 shows that such a probe located close to the spark plug was thought to
relation really exists. Note, that σ0 in the figure is the value measure averaged flame kernel growth period, while the
of standard deviation in burning times corresponding to a second was fixed at the chamber wall opposite the spark
certain mass burnt fraction, x, extrapolated to x=0. The plug and supposed to represent the total flame
inference from the study was that the origin of cyclic propagation period. The results suggested that increased
variations in engines lies mainly in the small-scale turbulence level
structure of turbulence. In a later paper of Hill and Kapil
(1989) similar relation was revealed for the wider
Downloaded from SAE International by Columbia Univ, Monday, August 20, 2018

reduced the standard deviation in developed flame

propagation period. On the other hand, it did not affect
noticeably the parameters of flame initiation stage.
Unfortunately, no flow characteristics were measured by
the author. Therefore, no conclusions can be done about
either the overall flow pattern. which was definitely
changed by the shroud, or the constituents of the
turbulence intensity. Consequently, attributing the obtained
results to the changed turbulence level solely seems to be
not well-grounded.
Summarizing this section, several important
conclusions can be proposed. Firstly, to enhance the flame
kernel growth rate and accordingly to reduce c.c.v. in
combustion, the level of turbulence intensity near the spark
gap should be increased. This will be true until a certain
limiting value of turbulence intensity is reached. Above this
value opposite effect can be obtained due to excessive
flame stretching causing local flame quenching. Secondly,
the optimal turbulence level depends on the engine
operating conditions, particularly on the mixture strength
and spark characteristics. Despite a very limited
experimental data, another liable conclusion is that high
turbulence intensity is also beneficial at the main stage of
flame propagation, though again a certain limit is likely to
Several studies revealed that at the initial stage of
combustion the impact of turbulence level strongly
depends on spark discharge characteristics, in particular,
on the effective spark energy. This implies that insufficient
level of turbulence can be to some extent compensated by
Fig. 46. The effect of ignition spark power on flame enhanced spark discharge.
kernel growth at low and high turbulence There is not a lot of agreement between the
conditions, with no dilution (Cho et al., investigators about relative importance of large and small
1992). scales in the flow concerning their influence on the early
flame kernel growth rate. It is not of surprise; for the
experimental conditions strongly varied from study to study.
The extent of the effect of both large and small scale
fluctuations, however, strongly depends on flame initiation
conditions. Thus, large scale motion would be expected to
have a more profound effect if there is no strong mean flow
through the spark gap which predetermines kernel
convection. Then, random large scale fluctuations will
entail strong e.c.v. in direction of kernel convection, and
their relative importance will be large. On the opposite, in
the presence of a significant mean flow the kernel will be
convected more or less similarly in any cycle, and the role
played by small-scale fluctuations will grow. Also, the
energy distribution between small and large scales in the
spectrum is of a great importance and can differ from one
flow to another. A useful parameter to characterize this
distribution is the Taylor microscale length. C.c.v. in flame
initiation duration were found to be strongly related to this
parameter. The less is #, the less is the dispersion in "first
eddy bum times", and the less are the c.c.v.
The final remark worth to make is that the only
reasonable cut-off boundary between large and small
turbulent scales with concern to their effect on flame kernel
Fig. 47. Comparison of flame evolution for different growth seems to be the instantaneous size of the kernel.
engine speeds (Shen and Jiang, 1992). As this size is time-dependent, the relative contribution of
--.--.--.-- engine speed 500 RPM; different scales also must vary. Apparently. this
-- -- -- -- - engine speed 1100 RPM. phenomenon was out of the scope of the referred works.

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4.4.4. Overall In-Cylinder Flow Pattern - Different types of increased burning rate, particularly during the main stage
flow pattern can be met in the engine. The actual flow in of combustion. Squish velocities were also found to be
the combustion chamber is determined by the engine beneficial for the combustion, but to a less extent. While
design, namely, by the shape of combustion chamber and the main effect of the swirl was in the early combustion
induction ports, and the type and configuration of inlet development stage, the squish was found to have its
valves. The instantaneous flow also depends on the greatest impact on the main combustion stage near top
piston position and the engine operating regime. Three center. As cyclic variations arise mainly in the early
main macro-structures of the in-cylinder flow are usually combustion stage, the overall effect of swirl motion was
referred to: swirl, squish and tumble. The first is stronger than the effect of squish.
essentially a rotation of the charge about the cylinder axis.
The second is the charge motion radially inward the
combustion chamber at the end of compression stroke.
The third is the charge rotation in one of the meridional
planes of the cylinder. This last structure is known to exist
during intake and most of compression, but is usually
broken up close to the end of the compression stroke.
Most of its energy then is transformed into a turbulent
kinetic energy. Different combinations of these three main
motions can be provided by engine design.
In most of the engine designs there is a strong
correlation between in-cylinder flow pattern and mean flow
vector through a spark gap. Thus. if the spark is located
with some offset from the cylinder axis, swirl motion will
cause predominant flame kernel convection in the
tangential direction, while squish will tend to convect it
radially towards the center of the combustion chamber.
These trends were observed by Keck et al. (1987).
According to the previous discussion, early displacement Fig. 48. Effect of a shrouded valve on percent
of the flame center from the spark gap is one of the major variation. With high combustion rates, the
reasons for c.c.v. in mass burning rates observed later in minimum variation approched 30% (Young,
the cycles. Therefore, one of the mechanisms of the 1981; Patterson, 1966).
overall flow pattern influence on c.c.v. is expected through
early flame kernel convection.
In section 4.1.4 we mention the work of Pundir et al.
Another important feature of any mean turbulent
(1981). To remind, they modified intake system in the CFR
flow is the extent of turbulence generating shear stresses.
engine with a shrouded intake valve in order to generate a
In the swirl motion. turbulence is generated rather
swirl charge motion. From the experiments results (fig. 17)
moderately throughout the whole compression stroke,
they noticed that introduction of swirl decreased
whereas in the cases of tumble or squish, turbulence level
significantly the variance coefficient of Pmax.
is aggravated rapidly near the top center of compression
stroke. This turbulence generation can be thought as the In the study of Witze (1982) a single-cylinder
second mechanism of the overall flow pattern influence. engine with a sapphire window was employed. The
The last mechanism of the flow pattern effect is window was used for both LDV measurements and
through convection of the fully developed flame within the shadowgraph photography. Several different shrouded
combustion chamber. This phenomenon was intake-valves located at the side wall were used to
demonstrated by the in-cylinder photographs taken by generate swirls with different intensity. Three spark plug
Witze (1982). locations were studied: side-wall, central, and mid-radius.
The paper contains very illustrative flame motion pictures
From the Young’s (1981) survey it can be for different combinations of swirl ratio and plug position. It
concluded that swirl motion permits a significant decrease was revealed that optimal spark plug position in the
in c.c.v. in pressure and combustion development, as well combustion chamber depends on swirl intensity (fig. 49).
as achievement of remarkable improvement in other Thus, in the low swirl cases the central spark plug location
important characteristics, such as burning rate, IMEP, etc. brought the shortest total bum duration. It was explained
In one of the referred studies (Patterson, 1966) a 50% by the dominant effect of the flame travel distance. For
reduction in the relative pressure rate variations due to higher swirl numbers the mid-radius spark location started
swirl motion was announced (fig. 48). The largest effect of to be most favorable. Finally, for the most intensive swirls
swirl was obtained with lean mixtures. These conclusions the side-wall spark location was found to be the best. The
were common for all studies. The significant effect of the generally known relationship between total bum duration
swirl supplies energy to the turbulence, opposite to and c.c.v. in combustion was confirmed. Fig. 50 displayes
dissipation process that leads to turbulence decay.
Thereby, higher turbulence level remains in the
combustion chamber for longer period resulting in

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these c.c.v. through standard deviation in éPmax versus In section 4.4.1 the work of Bianco et al. (1991) was
total burn duration for different swirl numbers. discussed. Three types of flow pattern were compared,
Unfortunately, the spark location is not prescribed in the namely, quiescent. swirl and tumble. The results showed
figure legend. According to fig. 49, we guess that all the that in every stage of combustion swirl and tumble provided
data are for side-wall spark location. faster burning rate compared to the quiescent case. The
contribution of tumble to the burning rate was most
prominent in the early stage of combustion, when the burnt
mass fraction was between 5 and 10 percent. In the swirl
case the best improvement came in the middle of the
burning process. when the burnt mass fraction was
between 30 and 50 percent. This result looks very logical:
tumble cannot be felt in the late combustion stage since it
does not exist after top center. On the other hand, its
contribution at the early stage is caused by according
contribution to the small-scale turbulence fluctuations, as
was discussed before. One of the conclusions of this study
was that swirl and tumble present a definite charge motion
in the chamber and thereby provide less variation in the
direction of convection velocity, than the quiescent case.
Lord et al. (1993) used fiber-optic spark plug in
conjunction with pressure transducer to collect the data
from four production engines designed to generate
quiescent, swirl, and tumble charge motions. All tests were
conducted at stoichiometric A/F ratio. Analyzing early flame
kernel growth dynamics, the authors marked the highest
values of both the convection velocity and flame kernel
growth rate in the case of high swirl. Tumble could enhance
flame growth rate to a less extent and only in cases of
Fig. 49. Effect of swirl on total bum duration (0-90%) retarded ignition. This is consistent with the foregoing
for varius spark locations (protruding plug)
discussion on tumble collapse at the end of compression.
and equivalence ratio (Witze, 1982).
Really, before this collapse. the influence of tumble should
not be expected. The tumble engine showed the shortest
total burning duration. This result should not be misleading:
the tests were carried out on different engines. Complete
engine specifications are not included into the paper. The
only available information is about engine displacements
and number of valves. It helped us to note that the
displacement of the tumble engine was somewhat 20%
less than that of the high swirl engine. while the
displacement of the quiescent engine was even less. The
immediate objection concerning direct comparison
between total combustion durations in these engines arises
from different flame travel distances supposed to be in their
combustion chambers. Then, it is rather natural that the
tumble engine had shorter combustion time than the high
swirl engine, but rather unnatural to relate this effect to the
flow pattern alone.
Belaire et al. (1983) investigated the effect of squish
intensity on 0 - 10% and 10 - 90% mass fraction burn
durations in a high swirl spark ignition engines. A single-
cylinder engine with a nearly central spark plug location,
operated on propane premixed with air, was utilized in the
study. Three combustion chambers were employed:
pancake, 60% squish area bowl-in-piston, and 75% squish
area bowl-in-piston. The results showed a significant
reduction of both 0 - 10% and 10 - 90% burn durations for
Fig. 50. Dependence of cyclic variation on the total bowl-in-piston combustion chambers. The strongest effect
burn duration (0-90%) and swirl number. was obtained for 75% squish area combustion chamber.
Cyclic variaton has been defind as the Worth noting that 0 - 10% burn duration was affected by
standard deviation in the crank angle of
squish only if the ignition was retarded. Keeping in mind
maximum per-cycle pressure (Witze, 1982).
that squish motion is generated late in the compression
stroke. this result appears to be very reasonable.

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In the work of Le Coz (1992), which was partially among the researchers, a well grounded basis for a
discussed in section 4.4.3, the following conclusion was conclusive comparison study could have been
proposed with concern to the overall flow pattern. established. In this study we arrived to the conclusion that.
"Practically, the generation of a vortex in the combustion on the basis of the present available data on c.c.v. in
chamber is a way for stabilizing the flow. The swirling pressure-related parameters, it is almost impossible to
vortex ... reduces the cyclic variability. However, if the estimate in quantitative terms, the effect of some
spark plug is central, ... then it always in the vicinity of the important variables on the c.c.v. Our conclusions are
rotation axis of the vortex. This zone is known to be the therefore reduced to essentially qualitative ones.
most unstable in the flow because the rotation axis moves Though many indicators for c.c.v. can be
in a random manner. Therefore, it is desirable to introduce considered, the maximum pressure, P max, the crank-
a tumblimg component also. A vortex with a horizontal angle at which it occurs, θPmax, and the IMEP, are of
axis induces a more regular flow velocity at the spark plug special importance. Each of them has its own
location, and this property has the advantage of allowing peculiarities. Pmax exhibits the largest relative c.c.v. at the
more stable initiation of combustion. Finally, the
MBT timing, i.e., under practical engine operation. θPmax
combination of a tumbling and a swirling components is a
type of flow that minimizes the cyclic variability". is the most suitable indicator for c.c.v. in the initial flame
The last quotation may stand for a part of this kernel development stage, and the c.c.v. in IMEP are most
section’s summary. Strong swirl charge motion enhances useful for the indication of the engine response to the
the burning rate if the spark plug is located off-center the c.c.v. in the combustion process.
combustion chamber. For the optimal result the spark In this study, we have distinguished between c.c.v.
location should be matched to a given swirl intensity. causing and c.c.v. influencing factors. Tables 2 and 3
Generation of swirl motion by installation of a shroud onto present an idea of the mechanisms of their influences,
the intake valve, however, has the disadvantage of and an attempt to evaluate the relative contribution of the
reducing engine volumetric efficiency and increasing heat causing (table 2) and influencing factors (table 3) on the
losses to the cylinder walls (Stone, 1992; Young, 1981). It C.C.V. Estimating the relative contribution of the c.c.v.
is still unclear, in which stage of combustion the swirl is causing factors, however, was sometimes a problematic
more effective, but its beneficence to both initial and task due to coupled effects or insufficient data.
developed flame propagation stages is definite. As concern to the factors influencing the extent of
The effect of tumble is most prominent at the stage the c.c.v., all of them affect the duration of either or both,
of flame initiation. This is due to its break up with the initial flame kernel development stage, and the main
consequent contribution to the in-cylinder turbulence propagation stage. The general rule which can be inferred
intensity just about the time of spark discharge. from many studies is: the shorter are the combustion
A very limited number of studies have analyzed the stages (especially, the initial flame kernel development
effect of squish on engine combustion characteristics and stage), the less are the c.c.v. in combustion. The last
their c.c.v. From the. reported results it follows that in column of table 3 suggests best choice for each of the
general squish reduces the duration of both combustion factors to achieve minimum c.c.v. However, in many
stages, but the extent of this reduction is less than that cases this choice is not a practical solution. Thus, fuel
imposed by swirl. type is determined by commercial reasons. and its
replacement is rather a theoretical issue. Also, opposite to
5. SUMMARY the theoretical choice, high values of the overall A/F ratio
and EGR percent are needed to satisfy engine emission
The problem of cycle-by-cycle variations in various regulations. Therefore their contribution to the extent of
phenomena that occur inside the cylinder of a SI engine, c.c.v. should be compensated by treating other factors.
has been intensively studied during the last decades. The From all considered, the optimization of the spark
subject received an increasing interest, that reflects the plug-related parameters (including spark orientation),
increasing importance of the c.c.v. problem in the light of seems to be the easiest to implement. This. however,
the continuously stringent restrictions on engine requires advanced materials to with stand intensive
pollutants. erosion and to provide high rate of heat conduction. Also,
The development of advanced techniques for in-cylinder one should remember that spark plug-related parameters
measurements of the flame initiation and development do not affect noticeably the main stage of combustion, and
allows to gain a deep and fundamental understanding of therefore the result of their optimization is more limited
the c.c.v. origin, though yet only in qualitative terms. The than that which could be obtained by optimizing flow-
high potential of these methods is more and more related factors.
appreciated by both the scientific and industrial Flow-related parameters influence all combustion
communities. Simple measurements, however. such as stages. Their optimization, however, is not a simple task.
measurements of c.c.v. in pressure-related parameters Usually it involves modifications in configuration of both
(Pmax, θPmax, or IMEP), are still most valuable in the intake system and combustion chamber. and depends
estimating in quantitative terms, the effect of various on the number of spark plugs, spark plugs’ location and
variables on the c.c.v. It seems that if a combination of the orientation. The optimal flow pattern. therefore. depends
methods, i.e., simultaneous measurements of the in- very much on the engine design.
cylinder phenomena together with the corresponding
pressure-related parameters, were a common practice

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Table 2 - Summary on c.c.v. causing factors

Influenced combustion Relative

stage contribution(st
1- sparking and flame ars stand for
initiation, Kind of caused primary variations remarks
C.c.v. causing factor
2 - intial flame kernel beneath the
development, table)
3 - turbulent flame
turbulence intensity and scales 2 Flame streching, local quenching, flame Significant
kernel convection
c.c.v. in the overall A/F ratio 2 Laminar flame speed affecting flame *
kernel growth rate
3 Laminar flame speed affecting flame Unstudied
propagation velocity
c.c.v. in the overall fraction of 2 Laminar flame speed affecting flame *
diluents kernel growth rate
3 Laminar flame speed affecting flame **
propagation velocity
mixture spatial inhomogeneity 2 mixture composition Depends on
in the "first eddy burnt" the scale of
c.c.v. in cylinder charging 3 Amout of fuel burned per cycle Significant
(conclusion is
based on a
single study)
c.c.v. in mean flow vector 1 Length of spark channel affecting spark Small
discharge characteristics
2 Kernel convection velocity vector Small,***
c.c.v. in spark discharge 1 Initial size of the hot plasma kernel Unstudied,
characteristics ****
2 Energy amount and rate of its deposition Unstudied,
into the flame kernel ****
Spark "jitter" 1 Thermodynamic conditions affecting Negligible,
spark breakdown energy particularly in
3 Combustion phasing in the cycle electronic

* Only a combined effect of spatial inhomogeneity and
c.c.v. in both overall A/F ratio and fraction of diluents can *** C.c.v. in flame kernel convection can be caused by
be drawn from the studies with local mixture sampling; this both random turbulent fluctuations and c.c.v. in mean flow
combined effect is estimated to be significant. velocity. The latter source seems to be less important,
therefore its contribution is estimated as small.
** The effect is coupled with the effect of c.c.v. in cylinder
charging (reduced amount of residuals in the cycle is **** C.c.v. in spark discharge characteristics are mostly
usually accompanied by increased amount of fuel to be a secondary effect of the c.c.v. in mean flow velocity.
burned, thereby the total effect is amplified). As a matter There is a lack of data on the magnitude of these
of fact, we are not aware of any experimental data on variations; only the effect of mean values of spark
c.c.v. in both fraction of diluents and cylinder charging. characteristics was reported.

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Table 3 - Summary on factors influencing the extent of c.c.v.

combustion stage
Factor influencing the extent 1- sparking and Mechanism of influence Best for minimum
c.c.v. flame initiation. c.c.v
2 - intial flame kernel
3 - turbulent flame
Type of fuel 2 and 3 Laminar flame speed Providing maximum
laminar flame speed
Overall A/F ratio 2 and 3 Laminar flame speed Close to
Overall fraction of diluents 2 and 3 Laminar flame speed Minimum possible
Spark timing ----- Combustion phasing in the cycle MBT
Spark discharge characteristics 1 Hot plasma kernel expansion rate High breakdown
energy, long spark
2 Spark contribution to the flame duration, aggravated
kernel energy balance spark current
Spark gap 1 Size of initial hot plasma kernel,
breakdown energy
As wide as possible
2 Relative heat loss affected by
flame kernel volume to "wetted"
surface area ratio
Electrode shape 2 Relative heat loss affected by Thin and/or sharp-
contact area fraction poined
Spark plugs number and location 3 Flame travel distance Multi-point ignition;
single spark location
depends on the flow
Spark plug orientation with Heat losses affected by flame perpendicular to
respect to mean flow velocity kernel convection with respect to mean flow velocity
vector the side electrode vector
Mean flow vector at the spark gap 2 Flame kernel convection 3 - 5 m/s, crossflow
Overall in-cylinder flow pattern 2 Flame kernel convection Intensive swirl
coupled with tumble
3 Convection of the fully developed or squish component
Turbulence scales 2 Dispersion in "first eddy burn Small Taylor
in the spark gap vicinity times" microscale at the
time of ignition
Turbulence intensity 2 Flame kernel growth rate Increased to a value
giving incipient local
3 Turbulent flame propagation flame quenching

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