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Reg. No. Name : VIT Yellore Institute of Technology {Deeb ity on UOC A 18) nntinuous Assessment Test I~ January 2020 & ECM) f ‘Semester ‘Code ECE1002 -onductor Devices and Circuits Class Nbr; CH2019205001261, fl ~___.€H2019205001265 eS. Ananiah Durai & Dr Om Prakash Sahu ‘Slot = GHTGI 290 ___|Max. Marks Answer ALL the questions = Question Description 1 G@) fBe- B= 0.25 eV in gallium arsenide at P= 400 K. calculate the values of n, and p, a 1 () Assume that the Fermi energy level for a particular material is 6.25 eV and the electrons in this material follow the Fermi-Dirac distribution function, Calculate the temperature at ‘which there is @ 1 per cent probability that a slate 0.30 eV below the Fermi will not contain an electron, Consider an n-type silicon semiconductor at 7’ 300 K in which N,~ 10"* cm” and N, = 0 ‘The intrinsic carrier concentration is assumed to be n,~ 1.5 x 10"° em”, determine the equilibrium electron and hole concentrations. a silicon p-n junction at 5.x 10!" cm”, Assume the n-type is 1 x 10"* cm” and assume that a forward bias of 0.60 V is applied to the p-n Caleulate the minority carrier hole concentration at the edge of the space charge the barrier built in potential Vy, of the p-n junction diode, also determine the on region width if Ny >> No. the ideal diode equation for p-n junction starting from the excess injected minority concentration with necessary diagrams. ‘the tunnelling phenomenon in Tunnel diode with necessary energy band diagrams ‘What are the applications of tunnel diode? Total Marks 10 10 150) Page 1 of | = a VASiC/OK™ ous Assessment Test-l (CAT-1) — January 2020 a Semester; Winter 19-20 Code : CHY1701 Slot :¢l Class Nbr: CH201920S000031 Max. Marks PART A (6 X5 = 30 Marks) Answer any SIX question plain the inward and outward diffusion process in corrosion mechanism and comment on of corrosion. rribe how the electrode potetial is developed if a metal road is dip in to its own salt e solution and what is the role of salt bridge. - 5 and differential aeration corrosion with an example 5 ition for metal coating, a ind correction of a Zn-C dry cell. 5 widely used commercially? 4 PART B 2X 10= 20 Marks) Answer any TWO questions etal the mechanism of wet corrosion either in an acidic medium or in @ non 8 m, Give details ofthe chemical reactions involved the following, with suitable diagram and one example: Ivanic corrosion iS anodie and impressed current protection methods. Explain why we need nods for corrosion protection, uo for metal coa Wo Page tot bee mo VIT Vellore Institute of Technology Orsweiob ana me xin HALEN 1) Continuous Assessment Test I~ January 2020 (Semester | sa °H12019205001272 a Answer ALL the questions } Question Description ace even and odd part of the signal in Fig.1 Is} ante Fig. s given in Fig.1, plot and label the following signals m 18] x{(n]= {2, 2, a h{n]= {-1, 0, 2, -2} . following signals are periodic and if periodic find the fundamental period of |g) 1) + 2cosCEn +1) + Zejan(n+O az Page 1 of 2 following signals are energy signal or power signal [10] x=" ue) xin) =<) r()=r(t—2) ine linearity, time invariant, causality, stability and memory requirements of the Ze*x(O) 112) = x{-n] + nx[n] = cos[x(t)] Total Marks [50] - oe ey * ¥ = . r al Page 2 of 2 Reg, No Name : VIT ontinous Assessment Test (CAT-1) — January 2020 ‘Semester paten 2019-20 " tT 021 (CH2019205001414 & Max. Marks: 0 7 Answer ALL the Questions (Question Dacpion Mars by ‘Ethical Human Conduct’? In what way is it important to be ethical fs fessionally competent? endeavour both values and skills are required. Explain 5 psychological insight into the causes of violence. 10 of harassment and its prevention methods. 10 lity has inspired you the most as a role model and how have you been 10 to benefit in your own life by such an inspiration? n up with X, who has been your best friend since childhood, You have shared and have been each other’s confidante. Both of you are in your final year a g your final exams. In the exam you notice that your friend is copying and ‘would you do and why? Pa Lot f Reg, No: VIT Vellore Institute of Technology ‘Continuous Assesment Test-1 — January 2020 ech & B.Tech (ECM) Semester Win 2019-20 Code ECEL00S _ Slot TDI Dr. Hemanth C Class Nor: CH2019205001772 90 Minutes Max. Marks 50 Answer all the questions Maes u are recruited by an engineering firm to provide smart home solutions for their 5. Discuss in detail about how you can provide atleast 10 features/solutions for Neatly tabulate your recommended sensors with their application and [5] ay) uracy and precision. (pressure gauge A and B) have a full scale accuracy of + 5%. Sensor A 1. tind Sensor B has a range of 0-10 bar. Which gauge is more suitable to) ng is 0.9 bar? Justify your answer. se of second order systems under the three cases (viz. under. over and with the roots of characteristics equation. |to a beam 0.1 m long and has a cross sectional area 4 cm”. Young's 17 GN/m*. The strain gauge has an unstrained resistance of 240 Q and a 4a load is applied, the resistance of gauge changes by 0.013 0. |!) (10) Total marks Reg. No.: Continuous Assessment Test I January 2020 Programme: BeTech Semester" WINTER 19-20 | +: Applications of Differential and Difference Code MAT200B Course Equations Slot BI+TBI + KALYANI DESIKAN, C. VIJAYALAKSHMI, Class Numbers, ‘CH20192050010 - DHANASEKAR S, SAROJ KUMAR DASH, (058,065,066,070,072, PANKAJ SHUKLA, BERIN GREENI A, 07,651,655 __ ABHISHEK KUMAR SINGH, MANIVANNAN A :1% hours Max. Marks [50 Answer any Five Questions -(5*10= 50 Marks) QUNo. See Question Description Marks Lae pt 7 Verify that the eigenvectors of the real symmetric matrix A 5-1} are 1-1 3 orthogonal in pairs b. Solve (D*— 2D? + D*)y = 0 3 Verify Cayley Hamilton Theorem for the given matrix 10 12 -1 A= ( 1 ~1)and hence find A~* ieee 3.- Reduce the quadratic form i Bxq? + Xp? + Xq” + 2x; Xp — 2x1 Xz — 4x2 X3 to canonical form by orthogonal transformation. Find rank, signature and nature of the Quadratic form. Also write the Orthogonal transformation. 4:- ‘Solve the following differential equation by the method of variation of parameters 1° yy" —2y'+y =e" loge 5,+ __ Solve the following differential equation y" + 2y’ + 2y = 4e* sinx 0 by the method of undetermined Co-efficient 6. 10 Solve [(1 + x)*D? + (1 + x)D + 1]y = 2 sin (log(1 + x)).

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