Artikel Martabak Manis

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Sweet Martabak is originated from Chinese people in Bangka Island. According to history,
chinese people was migrated from the PRC to South East Asia, including Indonesia. Some of them
landed on Bangka Island and stayed there
until now. Back in Bangka, years ago, these
chinese people made some kind of big round
pancake in order to celebrate the full-moon
ceremony according to their ancestor's
culture. The yellowish pancake was big
enough, about 30 cm in diameter, and
represents the shape of full-moon. Therefore,
the name of this snack was not Martabak,
but Kue Terang Bulan (means the cookie of
full moon). probably because it resembles the
shape of full moon when it’s unfolded. Then,
Indonesian people accept this savoury
martabak along with the Kue Terang
Bulan and refer them as Martabak. While the
savoury martabak gets the name of Martabak
Telor (Egg martabak), the Kue Terang Bulan is
called Martabak Manis (Sweet Martabak). While it's very common today to have Sweet Martabak in
any fillings (chocolate, cheese, fruits, etc), back then the sweet martabak is just plain simple without
any fillings, only butter or margarine.

There is no fixed standard on how to make the original Martabak Bangka, the historical note
about it only calls for roasted sesame seeds and sugar for fillings, the main batter ingredients are
unknown for exact. Recipe ingredients you’ll find on the internet are also varied; from coconut milk
to water, from baking soda to yeast as leavening agent, etc. and fill it with chocolate sprinkles,
peanut butter, cheese, and sweet condensed milk. The key to make a successful Martabak Bangka is
to fill the batter with air as much as possible to make it spongy, notably if you’re going to use the
usual non sticky pan.

Sweet Martabak usually has dimension of 30 cm in diameter (round shaped) and about 3 cm
in thickness. But we also can find smaller Sweet Martabak with diameter about 20 cm. Even, in
schools, we often found Mini Sweet Martabak with diameter only 8 to 10 cm (suitable for small
children). Martabak consists of two parts : the cake and the fillings.

There are many fillings for Sweet Martabak. Creative vendors even can create rare fillings
that hard to find in any other place. Some common fillings are:

 Plain (no fillings at all or just plain sugar)

 Chocolate rice and crushed peanut
 Grated cheese
 Mix of Chocolate, peanut, and

While less common fillings are:

 Raisins
 Durian (real durian, not artificial)
 Black sweet-rice
 Jackfruit
 Strawberry (could be real strawberry or strawberry jam)
 Boiled corn

There are so many possibilites of fillings, because Sweet Martabak has unique characteristics
that somehow it would just match with any fillings (like pizza). Usually the fillings also including
butter or margarine, and sweet-condensed milk.

Sweet Martabak is quite common. Usually the seller also sells Egg Martabak as well. But there's
also a lot of seller who specialize in Sweet Martabak only. Some Sweet Martabak are very famous.
But usually only throughout the city. In Malang, some famous Sweet Martabak are :

1. Martabak Agung
Jl. Merdeka Timur No. 2F, Kelurahan Kiduldalem, Kecamatan Klojen, Kota Malang
Telp. (0341) 326575
2. Holland Martabak Terang Bulan
Jl. KH. Hasyim Ashari, Kelurahan Kauman, Kecamatan Klojen, Kota Malang
Telp. (0341) 357888
3. Martabak Hawaii Malang
Jl. Candi Telaga Wangi No. 56, Kelurahan Mojolangu, Kecamatan Lowokwaru, Kota Malang
Telp. 0812-3391-9797
4. Martabak Markobar
Jl. Soekarno Hatta No.19, Jatimulyo, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65141
Telp. 0812-8230-2754

Martabak Manis
Yield: 3 batch (20 cm pan size)
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 40 minutes

2 cup thin coconut milk (substitute with: 2 cup milk or 2 cup water)

½ tsp salt
2 cup all purpose flour
3 eggs
½ tbsp yeast, crush with the back of spoon until fine
2 ½ tbsp sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
½ tsp baking powder
1 tsp butter
- Filling:
Shredded cheddar
Sweet condensed milk
Chocolate sprinkles
Peanut butter

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