Lip Cases Finals

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— It is pointless for private respondents to
18. COMMERCIAL LAW; P.D. 49 (DECREE ON insist on compliance with the registration and
THE PROTECTION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY); deposit requirements under Presidential Decree
INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHT, CONSTRUED. No. 49 as prerequisites for invoking the court’s
— The essence of intellectual piracy should be protective mantle in copyright infringement
essayed in conceptual terms in order to cases. As explained by the court below: As
underscore its gravity by an appropriate correctly pointed out by private complainants-
understanding thereof. Infringement of a oppositors, the Department of Justice has
copyright is a trespass on a private domain resolved this legal question as far back as
owned and occupied by the owner of the December 12, 1978 in its Opinion No. 191 of the
copyright, and, therefore, protected by law, and then Secretary of Justice Vicente Abad Santos
infringement of copyright, or piracy, which is a which stated that Sections 26 and 50 do not
synonymous term in this connection, consists in apply to cinematographic works and PD No. 49
the doing by any person, without the consent of "had done away with the registration and
the owner of the copyright, of anything the sole deposit of cinematographic works" and that
right to do which is conferred by statute on the "even without prior registration and deposit of
owner of the copyright. a work which may be entitled to protection
under the Decree, the creator can file action for
19. ID.; ID.; INFRINGEMENT; COPY OF A PIRACY infringement of its rights." He cannot demand,
IS AN INFRINGEMENT OF THE ORIGINAL. — A however, payment of damages arising from
copy of a piracy is an infringement of the infringement. The same opinion stressed that
original, and it is no defense that the pirate, in "the requirements of registration and deposit
such cases, did not know what works he was are thus retained under the Decree, not as
indirectly copying, or did not know whether or conditions for the acquisition of copyright and
not he was infringing any copyright; he at least other rights, but as prerequisites to a suit for
knew that what he was copying was not his, and damages." The statutory interpretation of the
he copied at his peril. In determining the Executive Branch being correct, is entitled (to)
question of infringement, the amount of matter weight and respect.
copied from the copyrighted work is an
important consideration. To constitute 22. ID.; ID.; RIGHTS THEREUNDER SUBSISTS
infringement, it is not necessary that the whole FROM MOMENT OF CREATION. — Section 2 of
or even a large portion of the work shall have the decree prefaces its enumeration of
been copied. If so much is taken that the value copyrightable works with the explicit statement
of the original is sensibly diminished, or the that "the rights granted under this Decree shall,
labors of the original author are substantially from the moment of creation, subsist with
and to an injurious extent appropriated by respect to any of the following classes of
another, that is sufficient in point of law to works." This means that under the present state
constitute a piracy. of the law, the copyright for a work is acquired
by an intellectual creator from the moment of
creation even in the absence of registration and
21. COMMERCIAL LAW; P.D. 49 (DECREE ON deposit.
23. ID.; ID.; ABSENCE OF AUTHORITY OR artistic works. They are not intellectual
CONSENT TO SELL, LEASE, DISTRIBUTE OR creations in the literary and artistic domain, or
CIRCULATE COPYRIGHTED FILMS CONSTITUTES works of applied art. They are certainly not
FILM PIRACY; LICENSE FROM THE VIDEOGRAM ornamental designs or one having decorative
CRIMINAL PROSECUTION. — This case has been
It bears stressing that the focus of copyright is
fought on the basis of, and its resolution long
the usefulness of the artistic design, and not its
delayed by resort to, technicalities to a virtually
marketability. The central inquiry is whether the
abusive extent by private respondents, without
article is a work of art.33 Works for applied art
so much as an attempt to adduce any credible
include all original pictorials, graphics, and
evidence showing that they conduct their
sculptural works that are intended to be or have
business legitimately and fairly. The fact that
been embodied in useful article regardless of
private respondents could not show proof of
factors such as mass production, commercial
their authority or that there was consent from
exploitation, and the potential availability of
the copyright owners for them to sell, lease,
design patent protection.34
distribute or circulate petitioners’ copyrighted
films immeasurably bolsters the lower courts As gleaned from the description of the models
initial finding of probable cause. That private and their objectives, these articles are useful
respondents are licensed by the Videogram articles which are defined as one having an
Regulatory Board does not insulate from intrinsic utilitarian function that is not merely to
criminal and civil liability for their unlawful portray the appearance of the article or to
business practices. convey information. Indeed, while works of
applied art, original intellectual, literary and
artistic works are copyrightable, useful articles
CHING V SALINAS and works of industrial design are not.35 A
useful article may be copyrightable only if and
But, as gleaned from the specifications
only to the extent that such design incorporates
appended to the application for a copyright
pictorial, graphic, or sculptural features that can
certificate filed by the petitioner, the said Leaf
be identified separately from, and are capable
Spring Eye Bushing for Automobile is merely a
of existing independently of the utilitarian
utility model described as comprising a
aspects of the article.
generally cylindrical body having a co-axial bore
that is centrally located and provided with a We agree with the contention of the petitioner
perpendicular flange on one of its ends and a (citing Section 171.10 of R.A. No. 8293), that the
cylindrical metal jacket surrounding the author's intellectual creation, regardless of
peripheral walls of said body, with the bushing whether it is a creation with utilitarian functions
made of plastic that is either polyvinyl chloride or incorporated in a useful article produced on
or polypropylene.31 Likewise, the Vehicle an industrial scale, is protected by copyright
Bearing Cushion is illustrated as a bearing law. However, the law refers to a "work of
cushion comprising a generally semi-circular applied art which is an artistic creation." It bears
body having a central hole to secure a stressing that there is no copyright protection
conventional bearing and a plurality of ridges for works of applied art or industrial design
provided therefore, with said cushion bearing which have aesthetic or artistic features that
being made of the same plastic cannot be identified separately from the
materials.32 Plainly, these are not literary or utilitarian aspects of the article.36 Functional
components of useful articles, no matter how musical compositions waived their right in favor
artistically designed, have generally been of the general public when they allowed their
denied copyright protection unless they are intellectual creations to become property of the
separable from the useful article.37 public domain before applying for the
corresponding copyrights for the same (Brief for
In this case, the petitioner's models are not
Defendant-Appellee, pp. 14-15) is correct.
works of applied art, nor artistic works. They are
utility models, useful articles, albeit with no Under the circumstances, it is clear that the
artistic design or value. musical compositions in question had long
become public property, and are therefore
beyond the protection of the Copyright Law.

He who writes a book, or carves a statue, or
As a general proposition, there can be no
makes an invention, has the absolute right to
dispute that the artist acquires ownership of
reproduce or sell it, just as the owner of land
the product of his art. At the time of its
has the absolute right to sell it or its fruits. But
creation, he has the absolute dominion over it.
while the owner of land, by selling it and its
To help the author protect his rights the
fruits, perhaps fully realizes all its economic
copyright law was enacted. In intellectual
value, by receiving its benefits and utilities,
creations, a distinction must be made between
which are presented, for example, by the price,
two classes of property rights; the fact of
on the other hand the author of a book, statue
authorship and the right to publish and/or
or invention, does not reap all the benefits and
distribute copies of the creation. With regard to
advantages of his own property by disposing of
the first, i.e. the fact of authorship, the artist
it, for the most important form of realizing the
cannot be divested of the same. In other words,
economic advantages of a book, statue or
he may sell the right to print hundred of his
invention, consists in the right to reproduce it in
work yet the purchaser of said right can never
similar or like copies, everyone of which serves
be the author of the creation. It is the second
to give to the person reproducing them all the
right, i.e., the right to publish, republish,
conditions which the original requires in order
multiply and/or distribute copies of the
to give the author the full enjoyment thereof. If
intellectual creation which the state, through
the author of a book, after its publication,
the enactment of the copyright law, seeks to
cannot prevent its reproduction by any person
protect. The author or his assigns or heirs may
who may want to reproduce it, then the
have the work copyrighted and once this is
property right granted him is reduced to a very
legally accomplished any infringement of the
insignificant thing and the effort made in the
copyright will render the infringer liable to the
production of the book is no way rewarded.
owner of the copyright. xxx xxx xxx The plaintiff
in this case did not choose to protect his
intellectual creation by a copyright. The fact
FILSCAP v. Tan. (1987) that the design was used in the Christmas card
Nevertheless, appellee cannot be said to have of Ambassador Neri who distributed eight
infringed upon the Copyright Law. Appellee's hundred copies thereof among his friends
allegation that the composers of the contested during the Christmas season of 1959, shows
that the, same was published. Unless thus cannot be considered to have infringed
satisfactorily explained a delay in applying for a ABS-CBN’s broadcasting rights and copyright.
copyright, of more than thirty days from the
Section 202.7 of the IP Code
date of its publication, converts the property to
defines broadcasting as “the transmission by
one of public domain. Since the name of the
wireless means for the public reception of
author appears in each of the alleged infringing
sounds or of images or of representations
copies of the intellectual creation, the
thereof; such transmission by satellite is also
defendant may not be said to have pirated the
‘broadcasting’ where the means for decrypting
work nor guilty of plagiarism Consequently, the
are provided to the public by the broadcasting
complaint does not state a cause of action
organization or with its consent.” On the other
against the defendant.
hand, rebroadcasting as defined in Article 3(g)
of the International Convention for the
Protection of Performers, Producers of
Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations,
75769-70) otherwise known as the 1961 Rome
Convention, of which the Republic of the
Date: June 9, 2016Author: jaicdn0 Comments Philippines is a signatory, is “the simultaneous
Facts: broadcasting by one broadcasting organization
of the broadcast of another broadcasting
Petitioner ABS-CBN, a broadcasting corporation, organization.” The Working Paper prepared by
filed a complaint against respondent PMSI the Secretariat of the Standing Committee on
alleging that the latter’s unauthorized Copyright and Related Rights defines
rebroadcasting of Channels 2 and 23 infringed broadcasting organizations as “entities that take
on its broadcasting rights and copyright. PMSI the financial and editorial responsibility for the
posits that it was granted a franchise to operate selection and arrangement of, and investment
a digital direct-to-home satellite service and in, the transmitted content.” Evidently, PMSI
that the rebroadcasting was in accordance with would not qualify as a broadcasting
the NTC memo to carry television signals of organization because it does not have the
authorized television broadcast stations, which aforementioned responsibilities imposed upon
includes petitioner’s programs. The IPO Bureau broadcasting organizations, such as ABS-CBN.
of Legal Affairs found PMSI to have infringed
petitioner’s broadcasting rights and ordered it ABS-CBN creates and transmits its own signals;
to permanently desist from rebroadcasting. On PMSI merely carries such signals which the
appeal, the IPO Director General found for viewers receive in its unaltered form. PMSI does
PMSI. CA affirmed. not produce, select, or determine the programs
to be shown in Channels 2 and 23. Likewise, it
Issue: does not pass itself off as the origin or author of
Whether or not petitioner’s broadcasting rights such programs. Insofar as Channels 2 and 23 are
and copyright are infringed. concerned, PMSI merely retransmits the same
in accordance with Memorandum Circular 04-
Ruling: NO. 08-88. With regard to its premium channels, it
buys the channels from content providers and
The Director-General of the IPO correctly found
transmits on an as-is basis to its viewers.
that PMSI is not engaged in rebroadcasting and
Clearly, PMSI does not perform the functions of
a broadcasting organization; thus, it cannot be The Patents Office ruled that a trademark,
said that it is engaged in rebroadcasting unlike a label, cannot be copyrighted. The
Channels 2 and 23. "Cookie Monster" is not, however, a trademark.
It is a character in a TV series entitled "Sesame
Street." It was respondent which appropriated
the "Cookie Monster" as a trademark, after it
has been copyrighted. We hold that the
United Features Syndicate v. Munsingwear exclusive right secured by PD 49 to the
(1989) petitioner precludes the appropriation of the
"Cookie Monster" by the respondent.

Petitioner contends that it will be damaged by Pertinently, Section 2 of Presidential Decree No.
the registration of the trademark CHARLIE 49, otherwise known as the "Decree on
BROWN & DEVICE in favor of private Intellectual Property", provides:
respondent and that it has a better right to Section 2. The rights granted by this Decree
CHARLIE BROWN & DEVICE since the likeness of shall, from the moment of creation, subsist with
CHARLIE BROWN appeared in periodicals having respect to any of the following classes of works:
worldwide distribution and covered by
copyright registration in its name which xxx xxx xxx
antedates the certificate of registration of
(O) Prints, pictorial illustrations, advertising
respondent issued only on September 12, 1979.
copies, labels, tags and box wraps. ...
(Petition, Rollo, p. 21).
Therefore, since the name "CHARLIE BROWN"
Petitioner further stresses that Decision No. 84-
and its pictorial representation were covered by
83 (TM) promulgated by the Philippine Patent
a copyright registration way back in 1950 the
Office on October 2, 1984 which held that "the
same are entitled to protection under PD No.
name likeness of CHARLIE BROWN may not
provide a cause of action for the cancellation of
a trademark registration," was based in the Aside from its copyright registration, petitioner
conclusion made in the case of "Children's is also the owner of several trademark
Television Workshop v. touch of Class" earlier registrations and application for the name and
decided by the Director of Patent Office on May likeness of "CHARLIE BROWN" which is the duly
10, 1984. However, when the latter case was registered trademark and copyright of
appealed to the then Intermediate Appellate petitioner United Feature Syndicate Inc. as early
Court, docketed as A.C. G.R. SP No. 03432, the as 1957 and additionally also as TV SPECIALS
appellate court reversed the decision of the featuring the "PEANUTS" characters "CHARLIE
Director holding said appealed decision as BROWN" (Memorandum, Rollo p. 97 [211]).
illegal and contrary to law. this reversal was
An examination of the records show that the
affirmed by this Court on August 7, 1985 in G.R.
only appreciable defense of respondent-
No. 71210 by denying the petition of
registrant is embodied in its answer, which
respondent Touch of Class.
The Court of Appeals in reversing the Director
It uses, the trademark "CHARLIE BROWN" &
of Patent's decision in Touch of Class, Inc.
"DEVICE" on children's wear such as T-shirts,
succintly said:
undershirts, sweaters, brief and sandos, in class
25; whereas "CHARLIE BROWN" is used only by But the glaring fact is that 'Cocoon,' the first
petitioner as character, in a pictorial illustration video tape mentioned in the search warrant,
used in a comic strip appearing in newspapers was not even duly registered or copyrighted in
and magazines. It has no trademark significance the Philippines. (Annex C of Opposition p. 152
and therefore respondent-registrant's use of record). So, that lacking in the requisite
"CHARLIE BROWN" & "DEVICE" is not in conflict presentation to the Court of an alleged master
with the petitioner's use of "CHARLIE BROWN" tape for purposes of comparison with the
(Rollo, p. 97 [21]). purchased evidence of the video tapes allegedly
pirated and those seized from respondents,
It is undeniable from the records that petitioner
there was no way to determine whether there
is the actual owner of said trademark due to its
really was piracy, or copying of the film of the
prior registration with the Patent's Office.
complainant Twentieth Century Fox." (pp. 37-
Finally, in La Chemise Lacoste S.A. v. Hon. Oscar 39, Rollo)
Fernandez & Gobindram Hemandas Sujanani v.
Hon. Roberto V. Ongpin, et al. 129 SCRA 373
[1984]), the Court declared. The presentation of the master tapes of the
copyrighted films from which the pirated films
In upholding the right of the petitioner to
were allegedly copied, was necessary for the
maintain the present suit before our courts for
validity of search warrants against those who
unfair competition or infringement of
have in their possession the pirated films. The
trademarks of a foreign corporation, we are
petitioner's argument to the effect that the
moreover recognizing our duties and the rights
presentation of the master tapes at the time of
of foregoing states under the Paris Convention
application may not be necessary as these
for the Protection of Industrial Property to
would be merely evidentiary in nature and not
which the Philippines and (France) U.S. are
determinative of whether or not a probable
parties. We are simply interpreting a solemn
cause exists to justify the issuance of the search
international commitment of the Philippines
warrants is not meritorious. The court cannot
embodied in a multilateral treaty to which we
presume that duplicate or copied tapes were
are a party and which we entered into because
necessarily reproduced from master tapes that
it is in our national interest to do so.
it owns.
The application for search warrants was
This doctrine has never been overturned, and as directed against video tape outlets which
a matter of fact it had been enshrined in the Bill allegedly were engaged in the unauthorized
of Rights in our 1973 Constitution. sale and renting out of copyrighted films
belonging to the petitioner pursuant to P.D. 49.
So that lacking in persuasive effect, the
allegation that master tapes were viewed by The essence of a copyright infringement is the
the NBI and were compared to the purchased similarity or at least substantial similarity of the
and seized video tapes from the respondents' purported pirated works to the copyrighted
establishments, it should be dismissed as not work. Hence, the applicant must present to the
supported by competent evidence and for that court the copyrighted films to compare them
matter the probable cause hovers in that grey with the purchased evidence of the video tapes
debatable twilight zone between black and allegedly pirated to determine whether the
white resolvable in favor of respondents herein. latter is an unauthorized reproduction of the
former. This linkage of the copyrighted films to (a) That the offender gives his goods the general
the pirated films must be established to satisfy appearance of the goods of another
the requirements of probable cause. Mere manufacturer or dealer;
allegations as to the existence of the
(b) That the general appearance is shown in the
copyrighted films cannot serve as basis for the
(1) goods themselves, or in the (2) wrapping of
issuance of a search warrant.
their packages, or in the (3) device or
words therein, or in (4) any other feature of
their appearance[;]
(c) That the offender offers to sell or sells those
PD 49 and Article 189(1)
goods or gives other persons a chance or
Section 539 of PD 49 ("Section 5") enumerates opportunity to do the same with a like
the rights vested exclusively on the copyright purpose[; and]
owner. Contrary to the DOJ’s ruling, the
(d) That there is actual intent to deceive the
gravamen of copyright infringement is not
public or defraud a competitor.44
merely the unauthorized "manufacturing" of
intellectual works but rather the unauthorized The element of intent to deceive may be
performance of any of the acts covered by inferred from the similarity of the goods or their
Section 5. Hence, any person who performs any appearance.
of the acts under Section 5 without obtaining
On the 2,831 Microsoft CD-ROMs49 seized from
the copyright owner’s prior consent renders
respondents, respondent Beltron, the only
himself civilly40 and criminally41 liable for
respondent who was party to the Agreement,
copyright infringement. We held in Columbia
could not have reproduced them under the
Pictures, Inc. v. Court of Appeals:42
Agreement as the Solicitor General50 and
Infringement of a copyright is a trespass on a respondents contend. Beltron’s rights51 under
private domain owned and occupied by the the Agreement were limited to:
owner of the copyright, and, therefore,
(1) the "reproduc[tion] and install[ation of] no
protected by law, and infringement of
more than one copy of [Microsoft] software on
copyright, or piracy, which is a synonymous
each Customer System hard disk or Read Only
term in this connection, consists in the doing by
Memory ("ROM")"; and
any person, without the consent of the owner
of the copyright, of anything the sole right to do (2) the "distribut[ion] xxx and licens[ing of]
which is conferred by statute on the owner of copies of the [Microsoft] Product [as
the copyright. (Emphasis supplied) reproduced above] and/or acquired from
Authorized Replicator or Authorized Distributor)
Significantly, under Section 5(A), a copyright
in object code form to end users."
owner is vested with the exclusive right to
"copy, distribute, multiply, [and] sell" his The Agreement defines an authorized replicator
intellectual works. as "a third party approved by [Microsoft] which
may reproduce and manufacture [Microsoft]
On the other hand, the elements of unfair
Product[s] for [Beltron] xxx."52 An authorized
competition under Article 189(1)43 of the
distributor, on the other hand, is a "third party
Revised Penal Code are:
approved by [Microsoft] from which [Beltron]
may purchase MED53 Product."54 Being a mere
reproducer/installer of one Microsoft software does not indicate "[s]oftware hard disk" does
copy on each customer’s hard disk or ROM, not mean that the CPU had no pre-installed
Beltron could only have acquired the hundreds Microsoft software. Respondents Keh and Chua
of Microsoft CD-ROMs found in respondents’ admit in their counter-affidavit that
possession from Microsoft distributors or respondents are the "source" of the pre-
replicators. installed MS-DOS software.

However, respondents makes no such claim.

What respondents contend is that these CD-
ROMs were left to them for safekeeping. But
neither is this claim tenable for lack of MICROSOFT V MAXICORP
substantiation. Indeed, respondents Keh and
Chua, the only respondents who filed counter- The offense charged against Maxicorp is
affidavits, did not make this claim in the DOJ. copyright infringement under Section 29 of PD
These circumstances give rise to the reasonable 49 and unfair competition under Article 189 of
inference that respondents mass-produced the the RPC. To support these charges, petitioners
CD-ROMs in question without securing presented the testimonies of NBI Agent
Microsoft’s prior authorization. Samiano, computer technician Pante, and
Sacriz, a civilian. The offenses that petitioners
The counterfeit "non-installer" CD-ROMs Sacriz charged Maxicorp contemplate several overt
and Samiano bought from respondents also acts. The sale of counterfeit products is but one
suffice to support a finding of probable cause to of these acts. Both NBI Agent Samiano and
indict respondents for unfair competition under Sacriz related to the RTC how they personally
Article 189(1) of the Revised Penal Code for saw Maxicorp commit acts of infringement and
passing off Microsoft products. From the unfair competition.
pictures of the CD-ROMs’ packaging,55 one
cannot distinguish them from the packaging of During the preliminary examination, the RTC
CD-ROMs containing genuine Microsoft subjected the testimonies of the witnesses to
software. Such replication, coupled with the the requisite examination. NBI Agent Samiano
similarity of content of these fake CD-ROMs and testified that he saw Maxicorp display and offer
the CD-ROMs with genuine Microsoft software, for sale counterfeit software in its premises. He
implies intent to deceive. also saw how the counterfeit software were
produced and packaged within Maxicorp’s
Respondents’ contention that the 12 CD-ROMs premises. NBI Agent Samiano categorically
Sacriz and Samiano purchased cannot be traced stated that he was certain the products were
to them because the receipt for these articles counterfeit because Maxicorp sold them to its
does not indicate its source is unavailing. The customers without giving the accompanying
receipt in question should be taken together ownership manuals, license agreements and
with Microsoft’s claim that Sacriz and Samiano certificates of authenticity.
bought the CD-ROMs from
respondents.56 Together, these considerations Sacriz testified that during his visits to
point to respondents as the vendor of the Maxicorp, he witnessed several instances when
counterfeit CD-ROMs. Respondents do not give Maxicorp installed petitioners’ software into
any reason why the Court should not give computers it had assembled. Sacriz also
credence to Microsoft’s claim. For the same testified that he saw the sale of petitioners’
reason, the fact that the receipt for the CPU software within Maxicorp’s premises.
Petitioners never authorized Maxicorp to install
or sell their software.

The testimonies of these two witnesses,

coupled with the object and documentary
evidence they presented, are sufficient to
establish the existence of probable cause. From
what they have witnessed, there is reason to
believe that Maxicorp engaged in copyright
infringement and unfair competition to the
prejudice of petitioners. Both NBI Agent
Samiano and Sacriz were clear and insistent
that the counterfeit software were not only
displayed and sold within Maxicorp’s premises,
they were also produced, packaged and in some
cases, installed there.


Unquestionably, respondent Chan, being

undeniably the composer and author of the
lyrics of the two (2) songs, is protected by the
mere fact alone that he is the creator thereof,
conformably with Republic Act No. 8293,
otherwise known as the Intellectual Property
Code, Section 172.2 of which reads:

172.2. Works are protected by the sole fact of

their creation, irrespective of their mode or
form of expression, as well as of their content,
quality and purpose.

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