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1. Do not enter in the laboratory without wearing apron, mask, gloves, hair cover and closed foot
2. Clean your working space and keep things limited to the requirement of your current practical.
3. Do not borrow or lend anything to your colleague.
4. Do not lit your burner with the adjacent burner or transfer fire by any mean.
5. Keep your burner off, when it is not in use.
6. Do not blow off the burner by mouth.
7. Keep your record in safe area away from washbasin or working bench. Preferably cover it with
waterproof material.
8. Do not discuss anything with your colleague or make a group discussion during practicals.
Contact your teacher if you have any queries.
9. Always use dustbin for throwing waste material and do not use washbasin for this act.
10. Do not clean culture or smear plates in the washbasin. Treat it with disinfectant and then clean
11. Always sterilize inoculating loop or needle by holding it vertically on the flame, before and
after its use.
12. Gas leakage, if any, should be immediately reported to your lab technician or teacher.
13. If you have any injury during practicals, leave the laboratory and contact your office for first
aid box.
14. Do not go outside with your “Aprons on” and without washing your hands with detergent and
15. Preferably do not use cosmetics in the laboratory.
16. While leaving the laboratory, clean your working table with disinfectant.
17. Check water and gas connection before leaving the laboratory.
18. Leave the laboratory and use preparation room to remove all your apron, mask and hair cover.
Fold and pack it in a separate plastic cover and keep it for fumigation.
19. Clean your hands with soap and then with disinfectant. Finally, rewash it with fresh water.
20.Do not carry costly things likely to be lost, in the laboratory.

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