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Topic 1: Revision Test

1. Which social class made up the majority of the Russian population?

2. Why is Nicholas II often considered a weak Tsar?

3. What were the three pillars of the tsarist system?

4. How did the Crimean War impact Russia?

5. What was the policy of ‘Russification’?

6. What is Marxism?


1. ‘I conceive Russia as a landed estate, __ _____ ___ __________ __ ___

____, the administrator is the nobility, and the workers are the

____ ________ __

2. ‘It was as if the greatest empire in the world…were an artificial

construction _______ _______ _____, held together by wires, all of
which _________ __ ___ ______ __ ___ _______.’

_______ _____
3. ‘It was not a ‘weakness of will’ that was the undoing of the last tsar
but, on the contrary, _ ______ _____________ to rule from the throne
_______ ___ ____ ____ __ _______ ______ ___ _________ _________ to do

_______ _____

1. Publication of the Communist Manifesto:

2. Edict of Emancipation:

3. Construction of the Trans-Siberian railway begins:

4. Ascension of Tsar Nicholas II:

5. Coronation of Tsar Nicholas II:

6. Sergei Witte’s ‘great spurt’ of industrialisation:

1. Explain how the years prior to the ascension of Nicholas II contributed to the
atmosphere of discontent that fuelled the 1917 Russian Revolution?
Topic 2: Revision Test

7. Give three examples of sailor and soldier mutinies during or after the Russo-
Japanese War?

8. What was the cause/s of the Bloody Sunday massacre?

9. What is liberal reformism?

10. Why did the Social Democrats split?

11. What were the main beliefs of the Social Revolutionaries?

12. What did the October Manifesto promise?


4. ‘No revolution in the past has absorbed such a mass of popular

energy while yielding such _______ ________ _______...’

____ _______

5. ‘The 1905 revolution had _________ ___ ________ _______ __ _____

“______ ______” the tsar.’

_______ _____
6. ‘Although the regime succeeded in restoring order, it could not hope
to put the clock back, ____ _______ _______ ___ ____.’

_______ _____

7. Japan attacks Port Arthur:

8. Bloody Sunday:

9. The Battle of Mukden:

10. Russia defeated in the Battle of Tsushima:

11. Mutiny on the Potemkin:

12. The Treaty of Portsmouth signed:

13. The October Manifesto is issued:

2. Explain why the 1905 Revolution failed to bring about the change desired by the
Russian proletariat?
Topic 3: Revision Test

13. What changes were made by the Tsar in the Fundamental Laws?

14. Why did the second duma end?

15. What is revolutionary populism?

16. How did Stolypin repress the people?

17. Which was the largest political party in the first duma?

18. How did Stolypin plan to reform Russia?


7. ‘The 1905 Revolution had exposed the vulnerability of the autocracy,

but it also _________ ___ _________ ________of the bureaucracy.’

_______ _____

8. ‘The regime [used] the Manifesto as a _________ ________... it had

_______ _________ __ ______ __ ___ ___ __________ ____ once the danger
had passed…

_______ _____
9. ‘Since there seemed to be no way of peacefully reconciling the
divergent interests of Russia’s 150 million inhabitants, ______
__________ ___ _ ________ ___________.’

_______ _____

14. Social Democrats split:

15. Bloody Sunday:

16. Fundamental Laws issued:

17. First Duma opens:

18. Stolypin changes the electoral laws:

19. Lena Goldfields Massacre:

20. Signing of the Treaty of Portsmouth:

3. Explain how strong Russia was at the end of 1913.
Topic 4: Revision Test

19. Why was Russia defeated so often during WWI?

20. Why was Tsar Nicholas’ move to the front line command so important?

21. What is revolutionary populism?

22. What was Russian nationalism like before the outbreak of WWI and during

23. Name three key battles that Russia was involved in between 1914 and

24. What was the Progressive Bloc?


10. ‘[The February Revolution] was cause by the ___________ _______

__ ___ ___________ ___________ ______.’

Alan ____

11. ‘___ _______ ______’_ ________ ___ ___ __________; ___ ___ ___
_________ ____ __ __.’

Orlando _____
12. ‘The immediate cause of the [February] Revolution of 1917
would be the ________ __ ______’_ _______ _________ ___ ________
__________ _____ ___ _______ __ ___.’
Richard _____

21. Nicholas assumes command of the army:

22. Bloody Sunday:

23. The abdication of the tsar:

24. Formation of the Provisional Government:

25. Mutiny of the Petrograd Garrison:

26. The Brusilov Offensive:

27. The issue of the October Manifesto:

4. Explain how World War I impacted Russia both socially and economically.
Topic 5: Revision Test

25. Why did Kerensky become Prime Minister of Russia?

26. What were the two Bolshevik slogans that came out of the April Theses?

27. Why was the June Offensive so significant?

28. What was the Milrevkom?

29. Why did the Mensheviks walk out of the Second All-Russian Congress of

30. What was Lenin’s position on Russian involvement in World War I?


13. ‘The Bolsheviks concealed their long-term aims and picked up

the immediate aims of the popular movement - peace, bread, land
and all power to the Soviets… ___ _____ _______ __ ___ ______. __ ___
___ ____ ___ ______.’

Christopher ____

14. ‘The Bolsheviks came to power, not because they were superior
manipulators or cynical opportunists, but because their
________...______ ____ __ ___ ____ __ _ _________ _______ ________.’
Ronald Suny

15. ‘October was a _______ ____ _’___...rather than a popular

revolution, and the Bolsheviks’ victory was attributed not to their
popular support but to their ________ ____________ ___ _______
Richard _____

28. Lenin returns to Russia:

29. The April Theses published:

30. June Offensive launched:

31. Kerensky becomes Prime Minister:

32. The July Days:

33. The Kornilov Affair:

34. The assault on the Winter Palace:

5. Explain how the Bolsheviks were able to successfully take over Petrograd in
October of 1917.

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