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Q.1 Which of the following iron exists from 14000 F to 16000 F? ( level 1 , titerson-44 )
(a) α- iron (b) β- iron (c)γ- iron (d) б-iron
Q.2 steel with less than 0.85% corbon is called ? ( level 1 , titerson-45 )
(a ) eutectic cast irons (b) hypo-eutectic cast irons
(c ) hypo- eutectoid (d) none of these
Q.3 in general any complete corrosion treatment ? - ( level 1 ,9A-6-10 )
(a) cleaning stripping of the corroded area (b) restoring protective surface films (c ) only b is correct
(d) AOA
Q.4 cementite consist of - ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) 13% carbon and 87% ferrite (b) 13% cementite and 87% ferrite
(c ) 13% ferrite and 87 % cementite (d) 6.67 % carbon and 93.33 % iron
Q.5 A steel with .8% carbon and 100% Pearlite is called- ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) eutectoid steel (b) hypo- eutectoid steel (c) hyper- eutectoid steel (d) none of these
Q.6 The essential constituent of hardened steel is - ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) Pearlite (b) austenite (c) martensite (d) none of these
Q.7.Which alloy has excellent casting characteristics:- ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) Steel (b) titanium © magnesium (d) none.
Q.8 The crystal structure of a material is, generally examined by ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) naked eye (b) optical microscope (c ) metallurgical microscope (d) X- ray techniques
Q.9 Pearlite is a combination of ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) 87% ferrite and 13% cementite (b) 12.5% ferrite and 87.5% cementite
(c ) 50% ferrite and 50% cementite (d) 25% ferrite and 75% cementite
Q.10 Steel with .8% carbon is wholly ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) Pearlite (b) Austenite (c) Martensite (d) cementite
Q.11 Heat treatment is done ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) relieve internal stresses (b) improve mechanical properties
(c ) to remove trapped gases (d) all of the above
Q.12 For full annealing of hypereutectoid steel the steel is heated300C to500C above ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) higher critical point (b) lower critical point (c) both (d) all of the above
Q. 13 Factors which affect hardenability are. ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) method of quenching (b) composition of steel (c) grain size (d) all of the above
Q.14 process of adding nitrogen and carbon to surface.. ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) cyaniding (b) nitriding (c) quenching (d) all of the above.
Q.15 process in which surface layers of specimen are hardened by keeping core soft and ductile is known
as ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) tempering (b) normalizing (c) annealing (d) case hardening
Q.16 Rapid cooling of steel makes it.. ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) stronger and harder (b) soft and ductile (c) soft and tough (d) none
Q.17 Process consisting of heating the surface above its critical point by oxy-acetylene flame followed by quenching
with spray of water is ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) induction hardening (b) flame hardening (c) gas hardening (d) quenching
Q.18 which metal is used in storage batteries ? ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) lead (b) tin (c) zinc (d) steel
Q.19 which of the following is not a type of brass ? ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) cartridge brass (b) low brass (c) gun metal (d) red brass
Q.20 which of the following metal is used in thermit welding ? ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) copper (b) lead (c) aluminium (d) tin
Q.21.Toughness is related to :- ( level 1 , titerson )
a) Impact strength b) Resilience c) Ductility d) None
Q.22.Creep is deformation of a material with :- ( level 1 , titerson )

a) Stress temperature b) temperature only c) stress time temperature d) all are correct

Q.23.In stainless steel chromium makes it :- ( level 1 , titerson )

a) Heat resistant material b) corrosive resistant material c) None d) A and B correct
Q.24.Property of a material which makes it not to fracture during impact loading ( level 1 , titerson )
a) Toughness b) ductility c) strength d) none
Q.25.In Iron, copper and aluminium the order of ductility is :- ( level 1 , titerson )
a) Aluminium, copper, Iron b) cooper, iron, Aluminium c) Iron copper, Aluminium d) none.
Q.26.Pure titanium is :- ( level 1 , titerson
a) Soft b) hard c) both a & b are correct d) none.
Q.27.Titanium is...........than aluminium ( level 1 , titerson )
a) equal b) lighter c) heavier d) none
Q.28.Titanium is a ( level 1 , titerson )
a) Magnetic material b) non magnetic material c) both are correct d) none
Q.29.The fatigue strength is :- ( level 1 , titerson )
a) Resistance to impact loading b) Resistance to cyclic loading c) none
Q.30.Fire wall of aircraft is made of :- ( level 1 , titerson )
a) Aluminium b) Stainless steel c) titanium d) can be made of A, B & C.
Q.31.SAE number 1020 indicates :- ( level 1 , titerson )
a) %age of carbon b) %age of carbon in steel c) 20% carbon in a carbon steel d) none.
Q.32.SAE number 2320 is:- ( level 1 , titerson )
a) A steel with 3 % nickel b) Nickels steel with 3% nickel and 20% carbon
c) A steel d) (b) A & B
Q.33.In nitriding the part is placed in a special nitriding furnace and heated to a temperature of approximately ( level 1 ,
9A-5-22 )
a) 1100degF b) 1000degF
c) 2700degF d) either b or c
Q.34.In SAE number 1095,%age of carbon is :- ( level 1 , titerson )
a) .95 b).095 c)10 % d)none
Q.35.In SAE number 1045 indicates:- ( level 1 , titerson )
a) Steel b) carbon steel having .45% carbon
c) steel having .045% carbon d) all are correct.
Q.36.If %age of carbon is steel increases up to certain limit:- ( level 2 , titerson )
a) Hardness Increases b) ductility increases c) none d) both A & B are correct.
Q.37.In SAE number 3115 , 3 indicates. ( level 1 , titerson )
a) Steel b) nickels steel c) a nickel chromium steel d) none
Q.38.In carbon steel % age of carbon ranges:- ( level 1 , titerson )
a) 0.15-.25 b) .25-.7 c) .7-1.5 d) higher than in (c)
Q.39.\In high carbon steel %age of carbon ranges :- ( level 1 , titerson )
a) 0.15-.25 b) .25-.7 c) .7-15 d) higher than in C
Q.40.Melting point of titanium ranges in F.. ( level 1 , titerson )
a) 27300F to 3155 0 F b) 1000 0. F-1500 0 F c) 500 0F-1000 0.F d) 150 0.F-500 0. F
Q.41. Al-alloys can be heat treated ( level 1 , titerson )
(a)solution heat treatment (b)precipitation heat treatment
(c)artificial aging indicated with W(T5) (d)both a & b
Q.42. Improve tensile strength, ductility and shock resistance of Mg-alloy casting are normally ( level 2 , titerson )
(a)Case hardened (b)rotation heat treatment (c)solution heat treatment (d) (a) & (b)
Q.43. Annealing is done on heat treatable parts to ( level 1 , titerson )
(a)relief internal stresses set up during cold working (b)as in (a) and harden the metal
(c)as in (a) and soften the metal (d)none of the above
Q.44. In 7075-0 indicates( level 1 , titerson )
(a)annealed (b)strain hardened (c)solution HT (d)none
Q.45. Normalizing is applicable to( level 1 , titerson-49 )
(a) cu-alloys (b)Al-alloys (c)steel (d)Both a & b
Q.46.SAE 4130 indicates :- ( level 2 , titerson )

(a) 1% Cr. In alloy (b) 4% Molybdenum in alloy. © .30% molybdenum in alloy. (d) None.
Q.47. What is the descriptive of the annealing process of steel during and after it has been annealed( level 1 , titerson )
(a)Rapid cooling, high strength (b) Rapid cooling, low strength
(c)Slow cooling, low strength (d) Slow cooling (high strength) and increasing resistance to wear
Q.48.Titanium is used because of its :- ( level 1 , titerson-48 )
(a) hardness (b) Ductility © High ultimate tensile strength (d) all of the above.
Q.49.18-8 steel has :- ( level 1 , 9A-5-4 )
(a) 18% Cr. - 8% Ni. (b) 18% carbon - 8% Ni. © 18% Ni - 8% Si. (d) 18% Cr - 8% carbon
Q.50.Inconel is alloy of ;- ( level 1 ,9A-5-2)
(a) Cr – mo (b) Tin & Nickel © Ni – Mg (d) Ni - Cr.
Q.51 Al. Alloy heat treatment is called :- ( level 1,9A-5-23)
(a) solution heat treatment (b) annealing & normalizing
© precipitation heat treatment (d) both (a) & © are correct.
Q.52 For steel Lower Critical Point is near to :- ( level 1 , titerson -44)
(a) 650 degree F. (b) 1274 degree F. © 1400 degree F. (d) 1657 degree F.
Q.53 Normalizing is done for :- ( level 1 ,,9A-5-13)
(a) heat treating Al. Alloy (b) Harden aluminium alloy.
© remove internal stresses (d) both (a) (b) are correct.
Q.54 Titanium is heat treated for following purpose ( level 1 , 9A-5-27)
a) Thermal hardening to improve strength
b) Annealing after hot working and cold working to provide maximum ductility for subsequent cold working
c) Both a & b
d) None
Q.55 S.A.E. 92xx contain-( level 1 , 9A-5-3)
a) Nickel, Chromium, Molybdenum b) Manganese, Silicon, Chromium
c) Manganese, Chromium, Molybdenum d) None of the above.
Q.56 S.A.E. 2330 is extensively used for aircraft parts-( level 1 , 9A-5-4)
a) Bolts, keys, pins b) Fuselage skin, bulk head
c) Landing gear d) a) & b) are both
Q.57 Aluminum melts at the comparatively low temp. Of-( level 1 , 9A-5-6)
a) 1,2500 C b) 1,1600 F
c) 1,2500 F d) None
Q.58 In hardness identification designate H2 indicates- ( level 1,9A-5-8)
a) Strained hardened only b) Strained hardened and stabilized
c) annealed, recrystallized d) Strained hardened and partially annealed
Q.59 Titanium falls between aluminum and stainless steel in terms of – ( level 2 , 9A-5-10 )
a) Hardness, toughness, brittleness b) Melting point
c) Elasticity, density, and elevated temp. Strength d) Internal structure
Q.60 Beryllium copper is recently developed alloy containing about- ( level 1 , 9A-5-11 )
a) 98% copper and 2% beryllium b) 90% copper and 10% beryllium
c) 80% copper and 20% beryllium d) 97% copper and 2% beryllium

Q.61 Which one the conifers-( level 1 , titerson-278 )

a. Deciduous b. Broadleaf
c. Softwoods d. Only c is correct

Q.62 Which one of the cells are alive & serve for food storage and translocation of food-( level 1 , titerson-279 )

a. Heartwood b. Sapwood c. Hardwood d. Softwood

Q.63 Heartwood is ...........than sapwood-( level 1 , titerson-279 )

a. Heavier b. Tougher c. Darker d. All are correct

Q64. Waterproof plywood can be soaked in-( level 1 , titerson -302)

a. Water only b. Boiling water c. Cannot be soaked d. None

Q 65 Grade A fabric contains-( level 1 , titerson-304 )

a. 20-24 threads per inch b. 80-84 thread per inch in warp & file c.1000-1050 threads per inch
d. All are correct

Q.66 surafce tape is a- ( level 1 , titerson-305 )

a. Finishing tape b. Measuring tape c. Inch tape d. None

Q.67 Direction along the length of fabric is-( level 1 , titerson-304 )

a. Warp b. Weft c. Count

Q.68 In seasoning of wood moisture content is-( level 1 , titerson -292)

a. Increased b. Decreased c. Not affected

Q.69 A pressure is required for spruce to make waterproof plywood-( level 1 , titerson-302 )

a. 125 p.s.i b. 250 p.s.i. c. 300 p.s.i. d. None

Q.70 The botanical name of sweet birch is-( level 1 , titerson-289 )

a. Betulalutea b. Betulalenta c. Fagusastropunicea d. Prunusserotina

Q.71 Mark the correct statement-( level 1 , titerson- )

a. Balloon cloth weighs 2.0 ounces per sq. yard & has atensile strength of 40 p.s.i. in the warp or fill.

b. It is made with single ply thread c. Counth in this cloth is 120 per inch d. All are correct

Q.72For obtaining smoothness in cloth-( level 1 , titerson )

a. Sand the surface after each coat is applied b. Sand the surface after
two coat is applied c. Sand the surface after three coat is applied d. Any one of the above

Q.73Picea Canadensis is the botanical name of-( level 1 , titerson- 292 )

a. Sitka spruce b. Red spruce c. White spruce d. As in (c), another botanical name is piceaglauca

Q.74 In air seasoning of wood-( level 1 , titerson 293)

a. It is natural drying process of lumber b. Air seasoning is seldom used for aircraft wood

c. It is performed by carefully piling the green lumber under a shed protected from rain & snow

d. all are correct

Q. 75 Which type of crack is caused by rough handling or other artificial means-( level 1 , titerson )

a. Check b. Shake c. Split d.None

Q.76 in piling of lumber-( level 1 , titerson-293 )

a. The foundation for the pile of the lumber must be at least 18 inches high b. Slope should be one inch per foot
from front to rear c. Both (a) & (b) are correct d. All are correct

Q.77To avoid checking of the ends of the lumber-( level 1 , titerson - 293)

a. Ends must be painted b. As in (a) with hardened gloss oil c. As in (b) with paraffin d. As in (c) with pitch

Q78 In case of douglas fir- ( level 1 , titerson - 292)

a. It is also known as red fir b. It is not one of the true fir family c. It grows as high as 300 feet with a diameter of
over 10 feet d. All are correct

Q.79 Spruce has- ( level 1 , titerson-292 )

a. Moderate strength b. Low strength c. High strength d. Very high strength

Q.80 natural drying process is- ( level 1 , titerson-293 )a. kiln drying b. Artificial seasoning c. Air seasoning d. Both (a) &
(b) are correct

Q.81 Disadvantages of air seasoning of wood are- ( level 1 , titerson-293 )

a. It takes from one to two years for completion b. It cannot be controlled as accurately as artificial seasoning

c. Both (a) & (b) are correct d. Only (a) is correct

Q.82 In drying of spruce, drying starts with a temperature of…….& ………relative humidity- ( level 1 , titerson-293)

a. 125◦F & 70% b. 142◦F & 80% c. 125◦F & 80% d. 142◦F & 70%

Q.83Steam bending can only be applied to- ( level 1 , titerson -295)

a. Hardwoods b. Heartwoods C. Sapwoods d. Conifers

Q.84 In steam bending , the wood is steamed at( level 1 , titerson-295 )

a. 200 ◦Ffor a period of one hour per inch of thickness b. 212 ◦F c. 212◦Ffor a period of one hour per
inch of thickness d. 212◦Ffor a period of two hour per inch of thickness

Q.85 Mark the correct statement( level 1 , titerson -295)

a. wood to be steam bent should be finished approximately to size before steaming

b. If a piece is wider than it is deep, advisable to bend a piece double the required depth & cut it into two parts after
it has dried c. Both (a) & (b) are incorrect d. Both (a) & (b) are correct

Q.86Each sheet of thin wood is known as( level 1 , titerson-298)

a. Veneer b. Grains c. Plywood d. Piles

Q.87 An example of semihard faces in the manufacture of plywood( level 1 , titerson-299 )

a. Mahogany b. White elm c. Spruce d. All are correct

Q 88 An example of hard faces in the manufacture of plywood- ( level 1 , titerson-289 )

a. Birch b. Spruce c. Poplar d. Pine

Q.89 …………… is manufactured with an odd number of plies( level 1 , titerson-299 )

a. All plywood b. All plywood except special 2-ply c. As in (b) to obtain symmetry d. None

Q.90 After soaking in water for 48 hours, shear strength of waterproof plywood will remain ( level 1 , titerson-302)

a. Min. 250 b. Min. 250 p.s.i c. Max. 250 p.s.i d. Min. 160 p.s.i

Q.91 A plywood with a metal sheet cemented to one face to take excessive wear is often used for( level 1 , titerson- )

a. Fuselage covering b. Flooring c. Interior cabin paneling d. Box spars for wings

Q.92. Hole filling fasteners (for example, MS2D47D rivets) should not be used in composite structures primarily because of
the ( level 2 , titerson )
A-possibility of causing delamination. B-increased possibility of fretting corrosion in the fastener.
C-difficulty in forming a proper shop head.
Q.93. Metal fasteners used with carbon/graphite composite structures ( level 1 , titerson )
A- May be constructed of any of the metals commonly used in aircraft fasteners.
B- Must be constructed of material such as titanium or corrosion resistant steel.
C- Must be constructed of high strength aluminum- lithium alloy.
Q.94. Sandwich panels made of metal honeycomb construction are used on modern aircraft because this type
of construction ( level 1 , titerson )
A- Has a high strength to weight ratio.
B- May be repaired by gluing replacement skin to the inner core material with thermoplastic resin.
C-- is lighter than single sheet skin of the same strength and is more corrosion resistant.

Q.95. (1) When performing a ring (coin tap) test on composite structures, a change in sound may be due to damage or to
transition to a different internal structure. . ( level 1 , titerson )
(2) The extent of separation damage in composite structures is most accurately measured by a ring (coin
tap) test. Regarding the above statements,
A-both No. 1 and No. 2 are true. B-only No. 1 is true. C-only No. 2 is true.

Q.96. Which of these methods may be used to inspect fiberglass/honeycomb structures for entrapped water? ( level 2 ,
titerson )
1. Acoustic emission monitoring. 2. X-ray. 3. Backlighting.
A-1 and 2. B-1 and 3. C-2and 3.

Q.97 When inspecting a composite panel using the ring test/tapping method, a dull thud may indicate ( level 1 , titerson )
A- Less than full strength curing of the matrix. B- Separation of the laminates.
C -an area of too much matrix between fiber layers

Q.98. How many of the following are benefits of using micro balloons when making repairs to laminated
honeycomb panels? ( level 1 , titerson )
1. Greater concentrations of resin in edges and corners. 2. improved strength to weight ratio.
3. Less density. 4. Lower stress concentrations.
A- 2, 3, and 4. B- 1, 2, and 4. C- AII of the above.

Q.99. The length of time that a catalyzed resin will remain in a workable state is called the ( level 1 , titerson )
A-pot life. B-shell life. C-service life.

Q.100 The classification tor high tensile strength fiberglass used in aircraft structures is ( level 1 , titerson )
A- E-glass. B- S-glass. C- G-glass.

Q.101. Superficial scars, scratches, surface abrasion, or rain erosion on fiberglass laminates can generally
be repaired by applying ( level 1 , titerson )
A-a piece of resin-impregnated glass fabric lacing.
B-one or more coats of suitable resin (room-temperature catalyzed) to the surface.
C-a sheet of polyethylene over the abraded surface and one or more coats of resin cured with Infrared
heat lamps.

Q.102. The classification tor fiberglass reinforcement material that has high resistivity and is the most
common is ( level 1 , titerson )
A- E-glass. B- S-glass. C- G glass
Q.103. A potted compound repair on honeycomb can usually be made on damages less than ( level 1 , titerson )
A- 4 inches in diameter. B- 2 inches in diameter. C-1 inch in diameter.

Q.104. Composite fabric material is considered to be the strongest in what direction? ( level 1 , titerson )
A- Fill. B- Warp. C- Bias.

Q.105. What reference tool is used to determine how the fiber is to be oriented for a particular ply of fabric?
A-Fill clock (or compass). B-Bias clock (or compass). C-Warp clock (or compass).

Q.106. The strength and stiffness of a properly constructed composite buildup depends primarily on ( level 1 , titerson )
A- A 60 percent matrix to 40 percent fiber ratio.
B- The orientation of the plies to the load direction.
C- The ability of the fibers to transfer stress to the matrix

Q.107. Which fiber to resin (percent) ratio for advanced composite wet lay-ups is generally considered the
best for strength? ( level 1 , titerson )
A-40:60. B-50:50. C-60:40.

Q.108. What is the material layer used within the vacuum bag pressure system to absorb excess resin
during curing called? ( level 1 , titerson )
A- Bleeder. B- Breather. C- Release

Q.109. When repairing large, flat surfaces with polyester resins, warping of the surface is Likely to occur.
One method of reducing the amount of warpage is to( level 2 , titerson )
A- Add an extra amount of catalyst to the resin B- Use short strips of fiberglass in the bonded repair.
C- Use less catalyst than normal so the repair will be more Flexible.
Q.110. When making repairs to fiberglass, cleaning of the area to be repaired is essential for a good bond.
The final cleaning should be made using ( level 1 , titerson )
A- MEK (methyl ethyl ketone). B- Soap, water, and a scrub brush. C- A thixotropic agent.
Q.111. Which of the following are generally characteristic of Aramid fiber (Kevlar) composites?
1. High tensile strength. 2. Flexibility. 3. Stiffness. 4. Corrosive effect in contact with aluminum.
5. Ability to conduct electricity.
A- 1 and2. B- 2, 3, and 4. C- 1, 3, and 5.
Q.112 Which of the following are generally characteristic of carbon/graphite fiber composites? ( level 1 , titerson )
1. Flexibility. 2. Stiffness. 3. High compressive strength. 4. Corrosive effect in contact with aluminum.
5. Ability to conduct electricity.
A- 1 and3. B- 2, 3, and 4. C- 1, 3, and 5.
Q.113. Matrix is used to ( level 1 , titerson )
a) transfer stress to fibers
b) stress from the fiber
c) increase the hardness of adhesive
(d) none
Q.114. Catalyst in a composite acts as ( level 1 , titerson )
a) hardness
b) curing agent
c) to increase the properties of resin
d) increase pot life.

Q.115. For the lightening protection on the composite material, used( level 2 , titerson )
a) carbon/graphide composite on the surface
b) Al-layer to provide a conductive path
c) No lightening protection is needed for the composite
d) Aromide layer is used
Q.116. Hybrid is ( level 1 , titerson )
a) used as a core material in composite
b) two or more different layer of reinforcing material
c) used as a met rise material
d) refrigeration of the film

Q.117 Mark the correct statement ( level 1 , titerson )

a) E-glass is electrical glass
b) Has low strength and high wt
c) E- glass is borosilicate glass
d) All
Q118. In Aramid ( level 1 , titerson )
a) Kevlar has 4 times the strength of aluminum
b) White color
c) All
d) None
Q.119 Boron fibers are ( level 1 , titerson )
a) made by depositing tungsten on boron
b) boron on tungsten deposited
Q.120. Carbon graphite ( level 1 , titerson )
a) is same strong as Kevlar
b) is more stronger than Kevlar (compressive strength)
c) is more brittle than Kevlar
d) (b) & (c)
Q.121. Metal matrix ( level 1 , titerson )
a) used in a/c
b) uncommon
c) same as plastic matrix with fibre reinforcement
d) none
Q.122 Nomex and Kevlar are used for making composites as ( level 1 , titerson )
a) they are used interchangeably
b) both have some molecular size
c) both have same internal structure
d) both have same strength

Q123. Pickling of steel is carried out in:- ( level 1 , titerson-256 )

(a) H2SO4 (b) Muriatic acid (c) Both is correct (d) None is correct

Q124. The internal surface of sealed structural steel tubing is best protected against corrosion by:- ( level 1 , titerson )

(a) Coating of hot linseed oil (b) Evacuation of tubing before sealing (c) Coating of ZN-chromate primer

Q125. How may Mg engine parts be cleaned? ( level 1 , titerson )

(a) Soak in a 20% caustic soda solution. (b) Spray with MEK (methyl ethyl ketone)

(c) Wash with commercial solvent, decarbonizes, and scrape or girt blast.

Q126. Which of the following are acceptable to use when utilizing chemical cleaning agents on aircraft? ( level 1 , titerson

1- Synthetic fiber wiping cloths when using a flammable agent.

2- Cotton fiber wiping cloths when using a flammable agent.

3- Atomizing spray equipment.

` (a) 2&3 (b) 1 (c) 2

Q127. caustic cleaning products used on Al structures have the effect of producing. ( level 1 , titerson )

(a) Passive oxidation. (b) Improved corrosion resistance. (c) Corrosion

Q128. Which of the following are acceptable to use in cleaning anodized surfaces? ( level 1 , titerson )

1 Steel wool 2 Brass wire brush 3 Aluminium wool 4Stainless steel wire brush 5 Fiber bristle brush

(a) 1, 3 & 5 (b) 2&4 (c) 3 &5

Q129. corrosion may affect tubing at any material particularly ( level 1 , titerson )

(a) In exposed location (b) In the area of clips and supports

(c) Both (a) & (b) and also where moisture may be trapped

Q130. Dry corrosion causes formation of aluminum oxide and iron when aluminum reacts with oxygen and iron react with
oxygen.Which of the following is main difference between Iron oxide and alluminium oxide ( level 2 , titerson )

(a) Aluminum oxide film is unbroken and oxygen it formed further reaction greatly reduced it almost stops but iron
oxide film is parts caused to continue the reaction until the material is completely eaten away.

(b) Aluminum oxide film is porous where as iron oxide film is unbroken.

(c) Aluminum oxide allows oxygen to come in contact with surface where as iron oxide allow oxygen to come in
contact with surface (d) No difference

Q131. A primary reason why ordinary or otherwise non-approved cleaning compounds should not be used when washing
aircraft is because their use can result in ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) Hydrogen embrittlement in metal structures. (b) Hydrogen embrittlement innonmetalic materials.
(c) A general inability to remove compound residues.

Q132.When an anodized surface coatingis damaged in service, it can be partially restored by ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) Applying a thin coat of Zn chromate primer. (b) Chemical surface treatment. (c) Use of a suitable mild cleaner.

Q133. For which of the following reasons would a water break test be conducted? ( level 2, titerson )
(a) To make certain that a newly alodized Al surface is sufficiently coated. (b) To make that a bare metal surface
is thoroughly clean.
(c) To make certain that an anodized coating has been sufficiently removed before an electrical bonding connection
can be made.

Q.134 The rust or corrosion that occurs with most metals is the result of ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) Atendancy for them to return to their natural state. (b) Blocking the flow of electrons in homogenous
metals, or between dissimilar metals.
(c) Electron flow in or between metals from cathodic to anodic areas.

Q135. Which of the following are the desired effects of using Alodine on Al alloy? ( level 1 , titerson )
1- A slightly rough surface 2- Relieved surface stresses 3- A smooth painting surface.
4- Increased corrosion resistance.
(a) 3 & 4. (b) 1, 2, & 4 (c) 1&4

Q.136 Which of the listed conditions are not one the requirements for corrosion to occur? ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) The presence of an electrolyte. (b) Electrical contact between an anodic area and a cathodic area.
(c) The presence of passive oxide film.

Q137. Why is it important not to rotate the crankshaft after corrosion preventive mixture has been put into the cylinders on
engines prepared for storage? ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) Fuel may be drawn into one or more cylinders and dilute or wash off the corrosion preventive mixture will be
broken. (b) The seal of corrosion preventive will be broken (c) Engine damage can occur from hydraulic

Q138. Which of the following is an acceptable first step proce dure to help prevent scratching when cleaning a transparent
plastic surface? ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) Gently wipe the surface with a clean, dry, soft cloth (b) Flush the surface with clean water.
(c) Gently wipe the surface with a clean, soft cloth moistened with de-mineralized or distilled water.

Q139. What should be done to prevent rapid deterioration when oil or grease come in contact with a tire? ( level 2 , titerson
(a) Wipe the tire thoroughly with a dry cloth and then rinse with clean water.
(b) Wipe the tire with a dry cloth followed by a wash down and rinse with soap and water.
(c) Wipe the tire with a cloth dampened with aromatic naphtha and then wipe dry with a clean cloth.

Q.140 Which of these materials is the most anodic? ( level 1 , wikipidia)

(a) Cd (b) 7075-T6 Al alloy (c) Mg

Q.141 The interior surface of sealed structural steel tubing would be best protected against corrosion by which of the
following? ( level 2 , wikipidia )

(a) Charging the tubing with dry Nitrogen prior to sealing
(b) Evacuating moisture from the tubing before sealing. (c) A coating of linseed oil.

Q142. Which of these materials is the most cathodic? ( level 1 , wikipidia )

(a) Zn (b) 2024 Al alloy (c) Stainless steel.

Q143. One way of obtaining increased resistance to corrosion cracking is by ( level 2 , titerson )
(a) Relieving compressive stresses (via heat treatment) on the metal surface.
(b) surface Creating compressive stresses(via shot peening) on the metal.
(c) Producing nonuniform deformation while cold working during the manufacturing process.
144Q. Spilled mercury on Al ( level 2 , titerson )
(a) Greatly increases susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement
(b) May cause impaired corrosion resistance if left in prolonged contact.
(c) Causes rapid and severe corrosion that is very difficult to control.
Q145. Fatigue crack is detected by:- ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) Ultrasonic (b) Radiography (c) Body current (d) All is correct

Q146. Fatigue crack occurs due to:- ( level 1 , titerson )

(a) Continuous reversal load (b) In new parts (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None

Q147. Fiber glass sheet is used between Al and carbon/graphite joint to:- ( level 1 , titerson )
(a) Protect it from corrosion (b) Used as core metal (c) Provide better strength (d) All are correct

Q148. MTCS:- ( level 2 , titerson )

(a) If corrosion is found on the outer surface, it should be rejected. (b) Bearing must be inspected
periodically at least once in a year. (c) Shielded bearing is used be inspected for corrosion
(d) Both (b) and (c) are correct.

Prepared by Arif Muhammad



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