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Hi, my name is Angela Otiende. I am a 4 th year student at Egerton University, Njoro Campus
pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Agribusiness Management. I am on a field research of the above
mentioned topic and I humbly request that you help me answer the questions below as honest as
possible to enable me finish my studies and graduate. I assure you that your response shall be
concealed with utmost confidentiality.
Section 1: General information
1. What is your age?
15-20 years ( )
21-30 years ( )
31-40 years ( )
41-50 years ( )
Above 50 Years ( )
2. What is your main economic activity status?
Sugarcane farming ( )
Business ( )
Employed ( )
Unemployed ( )
Self-employed ( )
3. What is your level of education?
Never been to school ( )
Primary school ( )
Secondary school ( )
Tertiary education ( )
Section 2: Formal contractual arrangements
2a Could you please talk about your contractual arrangements, who the contractor is and
how it came into being?
Who is your current contractor (buyer/processor)?
How did it come into being, who was the initiator?
Did you have support in drawing the contract, negotiating?
How much time did you have to discuss the contract with other sugarcane farmers?
For how many years have you been farming sugarcane under a contract?
• With the current contractor? ............................................................
• With others?.............................................................................
Who was negotiating the current contract and how?
2b Could you please talk about the specific elements of your current contract such as the
product, quantity, embedded services etc.
What is the duration of the current contract?
1 year ( )
6 months ( )
Others ( )
Who does the grading?
Farmers ( )
Special graders ( )
Trained ( )
Not trained ( )
Input supply: Who is in charge of what? What does the buyer supply and what the
Seeds farmer ( ) buyer ( )
Fertilizer farmer ( ) buyer ( )
Chemicals, pesticides, herbicides farmer ( ) buyer ( )
Mode of payment and inputs on credit: Could you please tell us more about the
arrangements in this respect! How does it work?
Who is paid? Group ( ) Individual farmers ( )
How are you paid? Cheque ( ) money transfer ( ) cash ( )
Frequency of payment
weekly ( ) every 2 weeks( ) monthly others ( ) Specify....................................................
Transport of sugarcane: Could you please tell us more about the way the transport of your
produce is organized
Where is the sugarcane picked up?
Distance from pick up point to next main road or factory.
How often is the produce picked up?
Who pays the transport costs?
Are there documents, which have to accompany the produce (traceability)?
Rejection of sugarcane:
What is your experience with rejections of your produce?
Is there anything mentioned in the contract how to deal with rejections? (price reduction)
Where does the rejection take place?
How is it justified?
What are the reasons for the rejection?
Do you have a possibility to intervene?
What happens with the sugarcane when it has been rejected?
Section 3: Legal issues in the contract and its enforcement
Please tell us whether the contract has an exit/termination clause for both parties?
Are there clear sanctions to mitigate breach?
Are there any things you would like to be added to/regulated by your contract? How should the
ideal contract look like?
What kind of support do you wish for your future engagement in Contract farming?
Section 4: Problems/challenges faced by the Farmer:
Please tell us the problems you were faced with since you entered into contract farming?
Was there contract breach?
Yes ( ) No ( )
If Yes, who breached the contract and why?
Which advantages do you see for you as a farmer group being engaged into contract farming?
Which disadvantages do you see for you as a farmer group being engaged into contract farming?
Which advantages do you think does the buyer have when engaged in contract farming?
Which problems do you think does the buyer face when engaged in contract farming?

Thank you for your participation.

The study had a questionnaire response rate of 86% whereby, majority of the respondents are
aged between 31 and 40 years (17). Further, 47% of the respondent asserted that they engaged in
sugarcane farming while 2% of the sampled population contended to engage in business as their
main economic activity. Concerning the education levels, 50% admitted to having at least a
secondary education while a very small percentage admitted to have acquired a tertiary education

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