ANPERC Equipment

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ANPERC Equipment

Enhanced Oil Recovery Laboratory

The objective of enhanced oil recovery testing systems is to measure core and fluid
parameters to assist in efficient recovery of hydrocarbons. The experimental
capabilities are focused on reducing uncertainty in reservoir evaluation by providing
representative data of the reservoir at in-situ conditions. Below is a list of the
available testing equipment applications:

• Standard basic property measurements are helium porosity and permeability

(Klinkenberg corrected), grain and bulk density, residual oil and water
saturation, and visual lithology descriptions.
• Electrical properties such as cementation and saturation Exponents.
Electrical properties data are used in the Archie water saturation equation,
and in its shale corrected models, to calibrate water saturation to the physical
properties of the pore geometry of the rock. Typically required parameters

➢ Tortuosity constant (A)

➢ Cementation exponent (M)
➢ Saturation exponent (N)

• Capillary pressure defines the magnitude and distribution of fluids in the
reservoir. It relates saturation to porosity, permeability, and height above the
free water level.
• Centrifuge capillary pressure and relative permeability providing single and
multi-speed relative permeability and capillary pressure
• Formation damage assessment fluid compatibility, rock-fluid compatibility,
rate sensitivity testing, return permeability, drilling-completion-injection fluids

Helium Porosimeter

The research grade helium porosimeter at ANPERC is meant for measurement of

difficult samples such as shales and tight gas sands where the absolute highest
precision is required. It is designed to accurately determine the grain volume of
porous materials via the helium expansion method.

The equipment is able to automatically calculate and record:

1) grain density
2) bulk volume
3) pore volume
4) porosity area
Steady State Permeameter

The steady state permeameter, SSK-400, is designed to overcome the challenges

associated with quantifying low permeability measurements and avoiding major

The equipment is able to measure:

1) gas permeability of samples under stress

2) multiple tests run at different mean pore pressures to measure Klinkenberg
corrected permeability

Basic Core Flood System

Additional tests that can be performed are:

1. Two-Phase Relative SS/USS Permeability at elevated temperature with high

2. Fluid saturation to measure pore volume and porosity
3. Gas or liquid pore volume, porosity, and permeability
4. Electrical properties, F and m
5. Qv by Co/Cw method
6. Sample desaturation via porous plate
7. I/Sw resistivity index to determine n
8. Unsteady state relative permeability
9. Steady-State relative permeability

Advanced Core Flood System

The advanced core flood system is designed to allow single or two-phase flow testing
of 1" or 1.5" diameter samples up to 6" long at temperatures up to 120 degrees C,
confining pressures up to 10,000 psi, and pore pressure up to 2000 psi.
The core holder is fitted with 2 side taps to measure pore pressure along the length
of the sample. Additional tests that can be performed are:

1. Miscible flow through cleaning

2. Fluid saturation to measure pore volume and porosity
3. Gas or liquid pore volume, porosity, and permeability
4. Electrical properties - F and m
5. Qv by Co/Cw method
6. Sample desaturation via porous plate
7. I/Sw resistivity index to determine n
8. USS unsteady state relative permeability
9. Steady state relative permeability
Multi-Role 10 Cell Cleaning System

Tests that can be performed are:

1. Miscible flow through cleaning

2. Fluid saturation to measure pore volume and porosity
3. Gas or liquid pore volume, porosity, and permeability
4. Electrical properties: F and m
5. Qv by Co/Cw method
6. Sample desaturation via porous plate
7. I/Sw resistivity index to determine n (Archie)
8. Unsteady state relative permeability

X-ray CT Scanner

Our customized X-ray CT scanner has the capacity to scan large and heavy
specimens, (including full-size rock cores), using a high powered X-ray beam and
rotational stage. The unique design also enables the study of hydro-chemo-
mechanical coupling processes of rock and soil specimens.

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