Assignment - MACR MBA-IV

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Mangement Education & Research Institute

Assignment Schedule -MACR Roll No. Group No Topic of Assignment Criteria ofevaluation

How to manage the emotions of employees in cross-border mergers and acquisitions?What are
1 1 to 6 A the major points to be considered in case of Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions?

What are some techniques to evaluate the success or the failure of the internationalization of
companies? Does the wave of consolidation of companies via mergers contribute to
2 7 to 12 B unemployment?
What are the Internal and External corporate control mechanism issues involved in Mergers and
3 13 to 18 C Acquisitions?What is the proportion of mergers and acquisitions entailing SMEs?

"Mergers and Acquisitions have become a necessity in these days of Globalization."Do you
4 19 to 24 D agree? What are the major post merger implications?

Why do high growth companies tend to have a smaller debt ratio when compared to companies
with few growth options? What impact might high ownership concentration among
5 25 to 30 E shareholders have on gains from mergers and acquisition?

6 31 to 36 F Most of Merger and Acquisition studies are event based. Why long term effect on performance or market value is not undertaken?How

What is the impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Shareholders Wealth? What are the various
7 37 to 42 G method/ proxy used for measurement merger and acquisition or acquisition alone?

How Mergers and Acquisitions are related to Value Creation? Is capital requirement a major
8 43 to 48 H factor for bank consolidation?

Suggest the most effective and data friendly method for Merger and Acquisition (M&A)
9 49 to 54 I valuation? What strategic issues do/should companies consider BEFORE they engage in M&A?
Do mergers or acquisitions of companies really improve the competitive position in the market
after completing the integration? List down the latest research trend on Mergers and
10 55 to 60 J acquisitions.
Duedate of submission

25th March, 2020

25th March, 2020

25th March, 2020

25th March, 2020

25th March, 2020

25th March, 2020

25th March, 2020

25th March, 2020

25th March, 2020

25th March, 2020

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