Air-Conditioning Review Questions PDF

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1.When 100 kg/min of outside air at 32°C dry
bulb and 200 kg/min re-circulated air at 22°C
dry bulb are mixed with an air conditioning
system, the resulting dry bulb temperature
A. 25.33°C
B. 35.44°C
C. 46.33°C
D. 26.88°C
2.The amount water carried by air in a cooling
tower is 15 lb/min. The change in humidity ratio
in outlet and inlet is 0.025 lb/lb. Determine the
volume flow of air needed if specific volume is
A. 6000 ft3/min
B. 7800 ft3/min
C. 7500 ft3/min
D. 5000 ft3/min
3.The change of enthalpy of air in a cooling
tower is 35 Btu/lb and the mass flow of air is
453.17 lb/min. Water enters the tower at the
rate of 50 gpm and 115°F. Determine the exit
A. 45°F
B. 55°F
C. 65°F
D. 77°F
4.The change of enthalpy in an air
conditioning unit is 10 Btu/lb. The
mass supply air is 150,000 lb/hr. What
is the conditioner capacity?
A. 125 TR
B. 100 TR
C. 150 TR
D. 200 TR air of 8 kg/sec with 53 KJ/kg
enthalpy and outside air of 2kg/sec with 90
KJ/kg enthalpy enters the conditioning unit.
Determine the air conditioning capacity if
supply enthalpy to conditioned space is 42
A. 154 KW
B. 164 KW
C. 174 KW
D. 184 KW
6.Outside air of an air conditioning system is
25% of
re-circulated air.
Determine the mass of outside air if supply air
is 15 kg/sec.
A. 1 kg/sec
B. 2 kg/sec
C. 3kg/sec
D. 4 kg/sec
7.The sensible heat load and latent heat
load in air conditioning system is 120 KW
and 47 KW, respectively. What is the
sensible heat factor?
A. 65.34%
B. 29.45%
C. 76.54
D. 71.86%
8.The total heat load and latent heat load of
theater is 150 KW and 60 KW, respectively.
Supply air is at 15°C and has a mass of 9
Determine the temperature to be maintained in
the theater.
A. 20°C
B. 25°C
C. 30°C
D. 35°C
9.A cooling tower has an efficiency of 65%.
Water enters the tower at 55°C. The wet bulb
temperature of surrounding air is 27°C. What is
the temperature of water leaving the tower?
A. 36.8°C
B. 44.5°C
C. 46.9°C
D. 30.4°C
10.The change to temperature entering the
cooling tower and wet bulb temperature of
surrounding air is 25°C and efficiency is 65%. If
mass of water leaving the tower is 10 kg/sec,
determine the heat carried by air.
A. 720 KW
B. 540 KW
C. 680 KW
D. 700 KW
11.The approach and efficiency of cooling water
is 10°C and 60%, respectively. If temperature of
water leaving the tower is 37°C, what is the
temperature of water entering?
A. 46°C
B. 52°C
C. 68°C
D. 48°C
12.A cooling tower is used to control a jacket
water loss from the engine. The heat generated
by fuel is 2500 KW and cooling loss is 30%. If
temperature range of the tower is 15°C.
Determine the mass flow of water entering the
A. 12 kg/sec
B. 14 kg/sec
C. 16 kg/sec
D. 18 kg/sec
13.A dryer is to deliver 1000 kg/hr of
cassava with 2% moisture and 20%
moisture in the feed. Determine the mass
of air required if the change in humidity
ratio is 0.0165.
A. 3.57 kg/sec
B. 4.67 kg/sec
C. 3.79 kg/sec
D. 5.36 kg/sec
14.The moisture remove from a material is 250
lb/hr and a change of humidity ratio dyer is
0.0175. Determine the fan capacity if specific
volume of air entering is 35 ft3/lb.

A. 400,000 ft3/hr
B. 450,000 ft3/hr
C. 500,000 ft3/hr
D. 550,000 ft3/hr
15.The change of enthalpy in a heating
chamber of dryer is 25 Btu and the mass of
air supplied is 30,000 lb/hr. What is the heat
supplied by heater?
A. 560 KW
B. 450 KW
C. 350 KW
D. 220 KW
16.Water at 55oC is cooled in a cooling tower
which has an efficiency of 65%. The
temperature of the surrounding air is 32oC dry
bulb and 70% relative humidity. The heat
dissipated from the condenser is 2,300,00 KJ/hr.
Find the capacity in liters per second of the
pump used in the cooling tower.
A. 8.55
B. 7.34
C. 6.34
D. 9.23
17.Fifty gallons per minute of water enters a
cooling tower at 115oF. Atmospheric air at 60oF
and 55% relative humidity enters the tower
volume at 6,000 cfm and leaves at 90oF
saturated. Determine the volume of water that
leaves the volume in gpm.
A. 32.34
B. 48.62
C. 34.23
D. 65.33
18. Fifty gallons per minute of water enters a
cooling tower at 115oF. Atmospheric air at 60oF
and 55% relative humidity enters the tower
volume at 6,000 cfm and leaves at 90oF
saturated. Determine the exit temperature of
water, oF
A. 56.23
B. 65.33
C. 76.61
D. 45.34
19.An atmospheric cooling tower is to provide cooling for
the jacket water of a 4 stroke, 800 KW diesel generator
with useful output of 34% and cooling loss of 30%. The
cooling tower efficiency is 60% at a temperature of
approach of 10oC. If ambient air has a relative humidity
of 70% and dry bulb temperature of 32oC, determine the
cooling water supplied to the diesel engine in li/hr.
Generator efficiency is 97%.
A. 41,713
B. 45,232
C. 43,345
D. 47,234
20. 250,000 kg/hr of water at 35oC enters a cooling
tower where it is to be cooled to 1.75oC. The energy is to
be exchanged with the atmospheric air entering the unit
at 15oC and leaving the unit at 30oC. The air enters at
30% RH and leaves at 85%RH. If all process are
assumed to occur at atmospheric pressure, determine
the percentage of total water flow that is make up water.
A. 3.44%
B. 8.34%
C. 3.94%
D. 2.22%
21.An auditorium is to be maintained at a
temperature of 26oC dry bulb and 50% RH. Air
is to be supplied at a temperature not lower
than 15oC dry bulb. The sensible heat gain is
110 KW and the latent heat gain is 37.5 KW.
Take ventilating air as 25% RH. Determine the
refrigeration capacity in tons.
A. 43.45
B. 54.23
C. 63.28
D. 76.34
22.An assembly hall was to have an air conditioning unit
installed which would be maintained at 26oC dry bulb and
at 50% RH. The unit delivers air at 15oC dry bulb
temperature and the calculated sensible heat load is 150
kw and latent heat is 51.3 KW. 20% by weight of extracted
air is made up of outside air at 34oC dry bulb and 60% RH
while 80% is extracted by air conditioner from the
assembly hall. Determine the air conditioner’s refrigeration
capacity in tons refrigeration and its ventilation load in KW.
A. 83.22, 132
B. 75.34, 412
C. 56.23, 45.32
D. 54.23, 83.23
23.An air conditioned theater is to be maintained at 80oF
dry bulb temperature and 50% RH. The calculated total
sensible heat loaded in the theater is 620,000 Btu/hr,
and the latent heat load is 210,000 Btu/hr. The air
mixture at 84oF dry bulb and 73oF wet bulb temperature
is cooled to 63oF dry bulb and 59oF wet bulb
temperature by chilled water cooling coils and delivered
as supply air to the theater. Calculate the tons of
refrigeration required.
A. 123
B. 125
C. 124
D. 128
24.A room being air conditioned is being held at
25oC dry bulb and 50% relative humidity. A flow
rate of 5m3/s of supply air at 15oC dry bulb and
80% RH is being delivered to the room to
maintain that steady condition at 100 Kpa.
What is the sensible heat absorbed from the
room air in KW?
A. 50.8
B. 60.8
C. 40.5
D. 70.9
25.Copra enters a dryer containing 60% water
and 40% of solids and leaves with 5% water
and 95% solids. Find the weight of water
removed based on each pound of original
A. 0.34 lb
B. 0.63 lb
C. 0.86 lb
D. 0.58 lb
26. Copra enters a dryer containing 60% water
and 40% of solids and leaves with 5% water
and 95% solids. Find the weight of water
removed based on each pound of final product
A. 1.375 lb
B. 1.19 lb
C. 1.872 lb
D. 2.345 lb
maintained constant by the use of steam coils
within the dryer. The product enters the dryer at
the rate of 1 metric ton per hour. The initial
moisture content is 3 kilograms moisture per
kilograms dry solid and will be dried to a moisture
content of 0.10 kg moisture per kg solid. Air enters
the dryer with a humidity ratio of 0.016 kg
moisture per kg dry air leaves with a relative
humidity of 100% while the temperature remains
constant at 60°C. if the total pressure of air is
101.325 Kpa, determine capacity of forced draft fan
to handle this air in m3/min.
A. 80
B. 84
C. 82
D. 86
28. Wet material, containing 215% moisture(dry
basis) is to be dried at the rate of 1.5 Kg/sec in a
continuous dryer to give a product containing 5%
moisture(wet basis). The drying medium consist
of air heated to 373°K and containing water
vapor equivalent to a partial pressure of 1.40
Kpa. The air leaves the dryer at 310°K and 70%
saturated. Calculate how much air will be
required to removed the moisture.
A. 213,233 kg/hr
B. 177,142 kg/hr
C. 177,242 kg/hr
D. 198,242 kg/hr
29. A Dryer is to deliver 1000 kg/hr of palay with
a final moisture content of 10%. The initial
moisture content in the feed is 15% at
atmospheric condition with 32°C dry bulb and 21
degrees centigrade wet bulb. The dryer is
maintained 45°C while the relative humidity of
the hot humid air from the dryer is 80%. If the
steam pressure supplied to the heater is 2 Mpa,
A. 3.23 the heat supplied by heater in kw.
B. 5.46
C. 4.23
D. 6.23
final moisture content of 10%. The initial
moisture content in the feed is 15% at
atmospheric condition with 32°C dry bulb and 21
degrees centigrade wet bulb. The dryer is
maintained 45°C while the relative humidity of
the hot humid air from the dryer is 80%. If the
steam pressure supplied to the heater is 2 Mpa,
A. 1332.25 the air supplied to dryer in m 3

B. 1532.34
C. 1234.23
D. 1982.34
31. At 30°C, air vapor mixture has a
relative humidity of 70%. Find the
humidity ratio if barometric pressure is
100°C. at 30°C , Psat=4.246 kpa.

A. 0.123
B. 0.986
C. 0.054
D. 0.019
32. The humidity ratio of air is
0.045. if barometric pressure is
101 kpa, find the partial pressure
of water vapor.
A. 4.23 kpa
B. 7.34 kpa
C. 6.81 kpa
D. 5.23 kpa
33. Air at 36°C and pressure
of 101.2 kpa has a density of
1.08 kg/m3. find the humidity
ratio of air.
A. 0.0352
B. 0.6350
C. 0.0653
D. 0.0173
34. What is the enthalpy of the air-
vapor mixture at 60% RH and 35°C
when the barometric pressure is 102
kpa? C: Psat= 5.628, hg= 2565.3
A. 89.63 KJ/kg
B. 74.23 KJ/kg
C. 67.34 KJ/kg
D. 53.34 KJ/kg
35. Air-vapor mixture has an
enthalpy of 75 KJ/kg at 30°C .
Find the partial pressure of water
vapor, at 30°C: hg= 2556.3 KJ/kg
A. 6.34 kpa
B. 1.34 kpa
C. 4.231 kpa
D. 2.791 kpa
36. Air in an air-conditioner enters at 60%
RH with w= 0.021 and leaves at 25°C dry
bulb and 16°C wet bulb. If mass of air is
10 kg/s, find the refrigeration capacity in
tons of refrigeration. At 60% RH, w=
0.021: h=87kj/kg, v= 0.903 m3/kg at 25°C
db, 16°C wb: h= 45KJ/kg;
A. 134.34 TR
B. 119.45 TR
C. 102.45 TR
D. 98.34 TR
37. A 160 kw air conditioner has an initial
condition of 40°C db and 60% RH and leaves
at 20°C db and 20% RH. Find the volume of
air entering the conditioner. At 40°C db and
60% RH: h= 112 KJ/kg, w=0.93m3/kg; at 20°C
db and 20% RH: h=26 KJ/kg
A. 3.22 m3/s
B. 2.62 m3/s
C. 2.12 m3/s
D. 1.73 m3/s
38. Outside air in an air conditioning
unit has a mass of 50 kg at 45°C is
mixed with re-circulated air at 30 kg at
26°C, find the temperature after
A. 35.23°C
B. 32.23°C
C. 37.87°C
D. 40.40°C
39. Twenty kilograms air enters the dryer at
25°C db and 30% RH. Fifteen kg of re –
circulated air from the dryer has a partial
pressure of water vapor of 10kpa. Find the
humidity ratio after mixing. At 25°C db, 30%
RH: w=0.0059

A. 0.0325
B. 0.1930
C. 0.0653
D. 0.0842
40. Sixty kilogram of air with
enthalpy of 80 KJ/kg enthalpy.
Find the enthalpy of x air
before mixing.
A. 23.23 KJ/kg
B. 17.45 KJ/kg
C. 43.75 KJ/kg
D. 55.01 KJ/kg
41. An 80% efficient cooling tower has
water entering at 48°C and wet bulb
temperature of air entering at 25°C .
Find the water exit temperature of
A. 16.23°C
B. 29.60°C
C. 32.34°C
D. 23.44°C
42. Water enters the cooling tower at 50°C
and leaves at 28°C while the heat rejected
to air is 100 KW. Find the capacity of the
pump needed to pump the water.

A. 1.08 li/s
B. 3.22 li/s
C. 2.34 li/s
D. 4.23 li/s
43. Air enter the tower at the rate of
50 kg/s. the air entrance enthalpy is 53
KJ/kg and exit enthalpy is 86 KJ/kg. find
the temperature range of the tower if
mass flow rate of water is 32 kg/s.
A. 14.34°C
B. 16.34°C
C. 10.23°C
D. 12.31°C
44. A 100 BHP diesel engine has a break
thermal efficiency of 35% and jacket water
loss of 30%. The engine is to be cooled by
means of a cooling tower having a range of
30°C. find the mass of water leaving the
A. 5,238.45 kg/hr
B. 4,284.56 kg/hr
C. 1,832.24 kg/hr
D. 6,108.62 kg/hr
45. A 130 tons refrigeration system with COP of 4
has a condenser which is to be cooled by means of
a cooling tower. Air enters the tower at 25°C db
and 50% RH and leaves at 35°C db and 80% RH.
Find the volume of air needed m3/hr.
At 25°C db and 50% RH: h=50KJ/kg, v= 0.86m3/kg.
At 35°C and 80% RH: h=108
A. 8.47m3/s
B. 7.34m3/s
C. 4.98m3/s
D. 3.16m3/s
46. The evaporative condenser of an ammonia refrigeration
plant has a water flowrate of 130 kg/s and enters a natural
draft cooling tower at 43°C. the water cooled to 30°C by air
entering at 27°C db 24°C wet bulb. The air leaves the tower
as 90% RH and 32°C db. Calculate the percent of make-up
water needed the tower.
At 27°C db and 24°C wb: h=72.5 KJ/kg, w=0.0178 At 90°C db
and 32°C db: h=102 KJ/kg, w=0.0275
A. 2.34%
B. 1.79%
C. 3.12%
D. 2.84%
47. A cooling tower cools water from
39°C to 27 °C at the rate of 20 kg/s. air
enters the tower at 22 °C at the rate of
35 kg/s. find the temperature of air
leaving the tower.
A. 50.71 °C
B. 28.86 °C
C. 45.23 °C
D. 34.45 °C
48. The sensible heat rate is
0.8, which of the following is
A. 20 latent and 80 sensible heat
B. 80 latent heat and 20 sensible heat
C. 80 sensible heat and 20 sensible heat and latent
D. 20 latent heat and 80 sensible and latent heat
49. The amount of sensible
heating, the sensible heat
ratio of 0.80 and a total
cooling load of 100.:
A. 80
B. 20
C. 100
D. 60
50. A coil has an inlet
temperature of 60 °F and outlet
of 90 °F. if the mean temperature
of coil is 110 °F, find the bypass
factor of the coil.
A. 0.4
B. 2
C. 1
D. 3
51. A 4m x 4m x 4m room has a
relative humidity of 80%. The pressure
in the room is 120 kpa and
temperature is 35 °C(Psat=5.628). What
is the mass of vapor in the
room(Rv=0.4615 Kpa-m3/kg=°K).
A. 2.03
B. 1.50
C. 0.80
D. 4.80
52. The evaporative condenser of an ammonia refrigeration plant has a water
flowrate of 126 kg per second and enters a natural draft cooling tower at 40 °C.
the water is cooled to 29 °C by air entering at 38 °C db and 24 °C wb. The air
leaves the tower as saturated at 40 °C db. Calculate the make-up water required
in kg per hour.
Water properties:
At 40 °C, hf= 167.48 KJ/kg
At 29°C, hg= 121.43 KJ/kg
Air properties:
At 38 °C db and 24 °C wb:
h=72.5 KJ/kg
At 40 °C db saturated:

A. 8977
B. 8699
C. 8055
D. 8388

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