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Akathisia: Case Presentation and Review

of Newer Treatment Agents

Karthik Sethuram, DO; and Joanna Gedzior, MD

Akathisia is a common and potentially
debilitating adverse effect of many psy-
chotropic agents. To a physician not spe-
cifically screening for this phenomenon,
symptoms can appear similar to depres-
sion, anxiety, and/or psychosis. Further
complicating matters, akathisia may also
occur at different points during the treat-
ment period with varying levels of severity
in terms of patient distress. Treatment op-
tions have been limited by our somewhat
poor understanding of akathisia’s neuro-
logical basis, but dopamine dysregulation
is theorized to play a central role. Most
pharmacotherapy regimens focus on be-
ta-adrenergic antagonists (eg, proprano-
lol, the current gold-standard), which are
thought to affect noradrenergic inputs
into the dopamine pathways of the brain.
However, new research suggests a role for
serotonin-based pharmacotherapy, par-
ticularly those affecting 5-HT2a/c receptors
(eg, mirtazapine) in regulating dopamine.
[Psychiatr Ann. 2014; 44(8):391-396.]
© Shutterstock

Karthik Sethuram, DO, is a PGY-3 resident,

UCSF-Fresno Psychiatry Residency Training
Program. Joanna S. Gedzior, MD, is Staff Psy-

chiatrist, VA Central CA Health Care System and his article presents a real-world gastrectomy), hepatitis C, and unspeci-
an Assistant Clinical Professor, Health Sciences, case report of akathisia and dis- fied cognitive disorder. He was brought
UCSF-Fresno. cusses emerging evidence-based in by family members for bizarre be-
Address correspondence to Karthik Sethuram, treatment strategies for it. havior and increasing anxiety over the
DO, UCSF-Fresno Department of Psychiatry, 155 past several days. He wanted to attend
N. Fresno Street, Suite 338, Fresno CA, 93701; CASE PRESENTATION a family reunion but instead presented
email: Mr. R. is a 65-year-old man with a to the hospital with the chief complaint
Disclosure: The authors have no relevant fi- history of posttraumatic stress disor- of restlessness. He reported depressed
nancial relationships to disclose. der, alcohol use disorder (in remission), mood, ongoing for several months, as
doi: 10.3928/00485713-20140806-07 peptic ulcer disease (status post total well as hopelessness, anhedonia, and

PSYCHIATRIC ANNALS • Vol. 44, No. 8, 2014 391

impaired sleep, most of which appeared Rating Scale was administered and indi- observation by clinicians of fidgeting
to coincide with the onset of restless- cated severe akathisia. At this point, the movements. It is most often associated
ness. Anxiety appeared to last 1 to 2 diagnostic impression was changed to with antipsychotic drugs, which antag-
hours, with an accompanying sensa- major neurocognitive disorder (former- onize dopamine receptors.1 The subjec-
tion of chest tightness and shortness ly “dementia”) and akathisia as his key tive component can be characterized
of breath. He experienced these symp- problems. Gabapentin was discontin- by the aforementioned restlessness, as
toms many times per day and has had ued early in treatment, but his cognitive well as tension, panic, irritability, and
them intermittently for several years. abilities remained impaired. He initially impatience. Objective signs include
Mr. R. denied symptoms of manic epi- began taking low-dose diazepam 10 mg increased motor activity, such as com-
sodes or psychotic symptoms but made nightly at bedtime to treat neuroleptic- plex, repetitive movements. The urge to
vague, passive suicidal statements of induced akathisia or possible catatonia, move appears to be a core feature, with
“not wanting to live like this anymore.” but he did not respond to this therapy. the abnormal movements being a meth-
Throughout the initial interview, he ap- Based on a literature review, proprano- od used to calm this urge. Several sub-
peared restless—standing up and sitting lol 20 mg twice per day (BID), ropini- types exist, with classification based on
down, pacing, and asking to go outside role 0.25 mg BID, and vitamin B6 300 timing, duration, and clinical presenta-
to smoke. He began taking olanzapine mg BID were prescribed. All medica- tion. Categories include the following:2
during an admission 2.5 years prior tions were given via oral administra- • Acute: develops soon after start-
for irritability and verbally abusive be- tion. Mr. R. remained restless, became ing medications; lasts less than 6
havior but had no history of psychotic agitated, and starting yelling while on months; intense dysphoria; awareness
symptoms. He had been prescribed tri- the unit. At this time, olanzapine 10 of restlessness; and complex, semi-pur-
hexyphenidyl and hydroxyzine for his mg was added back to his regimen as poseful fidgetiness
restlessness and anxiety, as well as ga- a nightly dose because akathisia may • Chronic: persists for more than 6
bapentin for neuropathy and anxiety re- have also been attributable to antipsy- months; tends to have milder dyspho-
lief. A head computed tomography was chotic withdrawal. However, behavioral ria; has stereotyped movements, often
performed and showed mild, diffuse problems continued and this medication with presence of limb/orofacial dyski-
atrophy and ventricular dilatation but was changed to haloperidol liquid 10 nesia
no acute intracranial processes. Neu- mg three times per day (TID), supple- • Tardive: delayed in onset; not re-
rological examination was benign and mented with chlorpromrazine 50 mg for lated to medication changes; associated
negative for cerebellar signs that may breakthrough agitation. The need for with tardive dykinesia
have been related to prior alcohol use. higher doses of medications reflects his • Withdrawal: associated with
He was initially admitted with a pro- status post total gastrectomy. Proprano- switching/stopping antipsychotic medi-
visional diagnosis of anxiety disorder, lol and ropinirole were discontinued cations; onset usually within 6 weeks of
major depression, posttraumatic stress due to a lack of effect and trihexyphe- discontinuation, dosage decreases, or
disorder, and a cognitive disorder, pos- nidyl 1 mg TID was restarted. With this stoppage of anticholinergic medication
sibly secondary to gabapentin use. combination of medications (haloperi- Akathisia is an important diagnosis
Throughout his 1-month admission, dol, chlorpromazine, trihexyphenidyl, to make early in the treatment course of
Mr. R. continued to complain of rest- vitamin B6), his akathisia, anxiety, and psychiatric illness due to its negative ef-
lessness. He had difficulty remembering mood symptoms improved consider- fects regarding patient outcomes. It has
the names of his recent residences. Dur- ably. He was able to sit still for longer been associated with severe distress,
ing multiple interviews, he became too than 5 minutes, representing a signifi- suicidal thoughts, impulsive/violent
restless to sit and had to terminate the cant reduction of target symptoms at- behavior,3,4 a risk of developing tar-
interviews early. Akathisia or catatonic- tributable to drug-withdrawal akathisia. dive dyskinesia,4 drug use,5 medication
like agitation was part of the initial dif- He was then discharged to a subacute noncompliance,5,6 and poor treatment
ferential diagnosis. A St. Louis Univer- care facility. response.6 For patients with schizophre-
sity School of Medicine mental status nia and bipolar I disorder,6-8 who are the
examination was performed, and Mr. BACKGROUND AND usual target population of antipsychotic
R. received a maximum score of 16 of PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF AKATHISIA medications, this could mean very real,
30 points. He denied perceptual distur- Akathisia is a movement disorder negative healthcare consequences.4
bances or concrete reasons for anxiety described as the subjective sensation As a result, several rating scales
and restlessness. A Barnes Akathisia- of inner restlessness and the objective and criteria have been developed to

392 Copyright © SLACK Incorporated

identify akathisia. The Diagnostic and the dopaminergic neurons of the ventral with akathisia. Prevention of this phe-
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders tegmental area and substantia nigra.1-3,14 nomenon can be aided by using a stan-
provides a guideline for identifying However, treatment strategies that dardized titration schedule and prefer-
akathisia but does not provide a quanti- include benzodiazepines, beta-adren- ential selection of second-generation
fiable assessment.9 The most common- ergic blockers, and serotonin antago- antipsychotics.15,16 If akathisia does
ly used, reliable, and validated scale is nists suggest that a more complicated develop, psychosocial interventions are
the Barnes Akathisia-Rating Scale, first relationship exists between multiple indicated, including patient education
published in the British Journal of Psy- neurotransmitter systems, including of the benefits and risks associated with
chiatry in 1989.10 By quantifying both treatment, establishing clear expecta-
objective and subjective components, tions, continuous open dialogue about
the scale gives a measure of akathisia The pathophysiology of adverse effects, and reassurance.1,2,4
severity. It includes objective findings, Regarding medications, a common
subjective awareness of restlessness, akathisia is poorly understood, first step is lowering the antipsychotic
subjective distress, and a global clinical despite its high incidence (20% dose, switching to low-potency an-
assessment of akathisia.2,10 Although tipsychotic agents (eg, chlorproma-
some clinicians may forego scales in to 45%) among those taking zine, thioridazine), or switching to an
favor of clinical observation, akathisia antipsychotics. atypical agent. However, a conserva-
can be confused in the clinical setting tive approach should be used when
with other disorders, such as agitation changing doses, cross-tapering, or
related to mood or psychotic disorders, dopamine, acetylcholine, gamma-ami- switching medications due to adverse
restless legs syndrome, anxiety states, nobutyric acid (GABA), norepineph- effects, such as precipitation of psy-
drug-withdrawal states, antipsychotic rine, serotonin, and neuropeptides.2,5 chotic relapses or withdrawal akathi-
dysphoria, organic medical/neurologi- Involvement of multiple neurotransmit- sia.2 Several pharmacological inter-
cal disorders, or tardive dyskinesia.2-4,6 ter systems is further supported by the ventions are seen as first-line therapy
As such, a rating scale may be useful in fact that drugs such as clozapine and for the treatment of akathisia. Beta-
diagnosis and early treatment. quetiapine, which tend to weakly bind adrenergic antagonists, clonidine,
The pathophysiology of akathisia with dopamine receptors (and more po- benzodiazepines, and anticholinergics
is poorly understood, despite its high tently with serotonin receptors), may are most supported in the literature and
incidence (20% to 45%) among those cause akathisia in the absence of other are discussed below.
taking antipsychotics.1 Neuroleptic use extrapyramidal effects. Finally, the cur-
is the most common cause of akathisia, rently understood mechanism of extra- Beta-blockers and Clonidine
although other causes are also attribut- pyramidal symptoms (EPS) suggests Lipophilic beta-adrenergic antago-
able (eg, selective serotonin reuptake that dopamine antagonism results in nists, such as propranolol, are one of
inhibitors [SSRIs], anti-emetics, drug changes to the two pathways emanat- the most well-tolerated and consis-
withdrawal syndromes, dementia). It ing from the basal ganglia—affecting tently effective therapeutic agents for
is most often associated with conven- the direct pathway results in dyskinetic the treatment of akathisia,1,5,15-18 mak-
tional, first-generation antipsychotics.2,5 movements and affecting the indirect ing it the most commonly used first
Although newer, second-generation pathway results in symptoms of Parkin- agent for treatment. The exact mecha-
antipsychotics have a lower propensity son’s disease. Because this model does nism of action is not understood well
of symptoms, the literature shows that not indicate or explain a clear pathway but is thought to act by blockade of the
they are not free from inducing akathi- for the development of akathisia,5 it noradrenergic and serotonergic (5-hy-
sia.2,8,11-13 Low dopaminergic tone con- suggests that the picture is more com- droxytriptamine [5-HT] 1a) inputs into
tinues to be the primary attributable plicated than dopamine’s effects alone. the dopaminergic pathways.6 Although
mechanism by which we understand most agree that the use of propranolol
this problem due to its association with COMMON TREATMENT METHODS is the standard initial choice, at least
medications that block dopaminergic Prevention, Psychosocial one large clinical trial and several stud-
transmission. Studies point to interac- Interventions, and Regimen ies have called its efficacy into ques-
tions of the mesolimbic, mesocortical, Modifications tion.4,19,20 Significant side effects, such
and spinal dopamine/norepinephrine Several broad treatment regimens as hypotension and sleep disturbances,
systems, particularly with respect to exist when a patient initially presents may necessitate changing agents.4 Pro-

PSYCHIATRIC ANNALS • Vol. 44, No. 8, 2014 393

Anticholinergics fluence other serotonin receptors, such
Anticholinergic medications are typ- as 5-HT1a (eg, buspirone) and 5-HT3
Treatment ically used when there are co-occurring (eg, granisetron), appear to have lim-
Recommendations EPS. EPS are a result of acetylcholine/ ited therapeutic value in the treatment
1. Psychosocial intervention dopamine imbalance caused by anti- of akathisia.1
2. Consider altering antipsychotic regimen psychotic medications’ effects on the Several medications have a pro-
(reduce dose, lower potency antipsychotic, D2 receptors of the nigrostriatal sys- nounced 5-HT2a/c antagonistic activity,
or antipsychotic with low potential to tem.1 The use of anticholinergics (eg, including ritanserin, cyproheptadine,
cause akathisia) benztropine and trihexyphenidyl) is mianserin, mirtazapine, and trazo-
3. Anti-akathisia agents: frequently mentioned in the literature done.1,2,4-6,11,15,16 Initial research per-
a. F
 irst line: beta-blockers (eg, proprano- as a common treatment method.1-3,5 formed in the 1990s suggested that the
lol) OR 5-HT2a receptor antagonists
However, data supporting their use in use of ritanserin significantly reduced
(eg, mirtazapine, mianserin, cyprohep-
tadine) lone akathisia remain equivocal. In ad- symptoms in those resistant to first-line
b. S
 econd line: anticholinergics (eg, dition, their noted side effect profile therapies.1,21,22 Cyproheptadine is an-
benztropine, trihexyphenidyl) (cognitive impairment, blurred vision, other 5-HT2a antagonist but possesses
c. Third line: benzodiazepines constipation, urinary retention) make further anticholinergic properties. Sev-
d. Fourth line: amantadine or clonidine them relatively unsuitable for long- eral studies show its beneficial effect to
term use. Benztropine can be dosed at be on par with propranolol.23,24 Mianse-
Adapted from Poyurovsky.11
1.5 to 8 mg/day and trihexyphenidyl at rin works similarly but lacks anticho-
2 to 10 mg/day.1 linergic properties,25 making it better
pranolol can be started at lower doses, tolerated and a better choice than either
such as 10 mg TID, and titrated to 40 to New Treatment Strategies ritanserin or cyproheptadine. Mianserin
120 mg/day.1 New treatment strategies tend to be- is dosed at 15 mg/day and cyprohepta-
Clonidine, a selective alpha-2 adren- lie previous suppositions about akathi- dine at 8 to 16 mg/day.1
ergic agonist, may also be used, usually sia’s pathophysiology from purely do- The latest research supports an in-
when other treatment methods have paminergic roots. Most new data are creased role for mirtazapine as the
failed. Side effects include sedation and supportive of serotonin’s role. How- preferred treatment method due to its
hypotension. Clonidine dosing is up to ever, other treatment strategies are also marked 5-HT2a/c antagonism.1,4,11 In
0.15 mg/day.1 being explored, such as the use of vita- a 90-patient, double-blind, controlled
min B6 and drugs that affect dopamine trial, mirtazapine was shown to be as
Benzodiazepines or GABA directly. effective as propranolol in control-
Benzodizapines are a second-line ling akathisia when given at low doses
treatment for akathisia, and their SEROTONIN-BASED (15 mg/day) over the course of 7 days
use is consistently mentioned in lit- PHARMACOTHERAPY and had better tolerability and more
erature.1-3,5,20 Alleviation of akathi- If low dopaminergic activity of the convenient dosing than propranolol.4
sia symptoms has been attributed to a ventral tegmental area and substantia Short-term side effects included tran-
GABA mechanism. Only short treat- nigra is involved in the development of sient sedation but did not affect blood
ment courses of these drugs (lorazepam, akathisia and EPS, antagonism of 5-HT pressure like propranolol.4,11 Similar to
clonazepam, diazepam) are indicated.20 (which exerts inhibitory control on do- mirtazapine, trazodone demonstrated
Although most clinical trials confirm paminergic neurons) would theoreti- potent anti-akithistic effects through
improvement greater than placebo, they cally decrease symptoms. Conversely, 5-HT2a/c antagonism when titrated to
tend to be small studies.20 Furthermore, the use of SSRIs increases serotonin, a dose of 100 mg/day over a period of
as with beta-blockers and anticholiner- thus inhibiting dopamine and explain- 5 days.6,7
gic medications, this class is limited by ing side effects, such as akathisia and Future directions of serotonin’s role
its side effect profile (drug dependence, EPS. Furthermore, many atypical anti- include the study of other receptors
cognitive impairment, lethargy, person- psychotics block 5-HT2a/c receptors, that may have therapeutic effects. Zol-
ality changes), especially with long- which may be responsible for their mitriptan works on the 5-HT1d recep-
term use. Lorazepam can be dosed at 1 decreased risk of akathisia and EPS.1 tor and, in a 33-patient, double-blind
to 2 mg/day, clonazepam at 0.5 to 1 mg/ However, this effect appears to be lim- study,26 was shown to be as beneficial
day, and diazepam at 5 to 15 mg/day.1 ited to 5-HT2a/c because drugs that in- as propranolol.

394 Copyright © SLACK Incorporated

Dopamine and GABA-Based RLS, and lowering of the seizure thresh- of other neurotransmitter systems out-
Pharmacotherapy old.30 Further support for GABA’s role side of dopamine, such as acetylcho-
Although restless legs syndrome is seen in the long-standing use of ben- line, serotonin, and GABA. From this
(RLS) and akathisia are considered two zodiazepines as a treatment regimen new theoretical foundation, treatment
separate medical entities, evidence ex- for akathisia. Medications that increase strategies have moved beyond long-
ists that similar mechanisms may play levels of GABA (eg, pregabalin) have standing regimens (eg, beta-blockers,
a role in both disorders. Although their been shown in double-blind, placebo- anticholinergics, benzodiazepines) by
pathophysiology remains unclear, in- controlled studies to effectively control including serotonin-based pharma-
creased serotonin transmission or ab- RLS symptoms.31 One case study found cotherapy (eg, mirtazapine, mianse-
normalities of subcortical pathways that relatively high doses of gabapen- rin). Based on akathisia’s similarity to
resulting in dopamine deficiency may tin (3000 mg/day) helped effectively movement disorders such as RLS, new
underlie or exacerbate symptoms. Fur- treat a patient with neuroleptic-induced approaches under investigation include
ther supporting their connection, sever- akathisia.32 Another case study found medications that increase dopamine
al medications that cause akathisia can that the addition of pregabalin (150 and GABA (eg, ropinirole, gabapen-
also worsen symptoms of RLS (neu- mg/day) to a regimen of aripiprazole tin, pregabalin, vitamin B6), which are
roleptics, SSRIs, tricyclic antidepres- helped reduce tardive akathisia.13 Al- depleted with neuroleptic use. Timely
sants).27,28 though further research is warranted, diagnosis and adequate treatment are
Due to this common potential mech- drugs that affect GABA may be a new key in maintaining patient rapport, im-
anism, medications for RLS that work avenue for treatment when other thera- proving medication compliance, and
on the same neurotransmitters have pies have failed. increasing efficacy. Thus, providers
been hypothesized to work for akathi- need to be aware of this phenomenon
sia. Amantadine has been used for sev- Vitamin B6 and understand how to manage it effec-
eral years as an anti-Parkinson’s agent There have been reports of vitamin tively using the latest research-support-
and a last-course alternative in treat- B6 being effective in the treatment of ed treatment regimens (Table 1).
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