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The story Helen and Paris, which cause the war of Troy
- Helen was the most beautiful woman in the ancient Greek world, the daughter of the
king of the Greek gods, and the cause of the 10-year Trojan War between Troy and Sparta.
- In the wedding of Thetis and Peleus, who invited all the Gods and Goddesses to their
wedding, except Eris, who was the Goddess of discord.
+ Eris was furious that she was not invited to the wedding and threw an apple that said
“For the Fairest”/ some source said “For The Most Beautiful” into the ceremony, which
abruptly brought it to a halt.
+ As all the goddesses were present at the ceremony, they immediately began to battle
over who would get to keep this coveted apple and become the fairest/most beautiful
+ The three most beautiful goddess were Hera, wife of Zeus, Athena, goddess of heroism,
and Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty
+As they could not decide who should claim the apple and continued to fight, they asked
that Zeus to choose who should be the rightful owner of the apple.
+Zeus did not care about the matter and simply wanted them to stop fighting, so he told
Prince Paris to decide who would win the golden apple and be declared the fairest.
+ Each of the goddesses bribed Paris with different offerings. Athena offered to make
him a powerful leader who was capable of fighting. Hera offered to make him rich and
powerful and provide him with a kingdom he could rule as his own. Aphrodite told him she
could ensure he would marry the most beautiful and coveted woman on Earth, who was
Helen of Sparta at the time. She was also already married to King Menelaus.
+ As Aphrodite promised, upon meeting Prince Paris, Helen fell in love with Paris and
agreed to be with him in marriage.
+ One night, Helen decided to run away with Paris. The couple went to Troy. King
Menelaus was furious. He put together a huge army about 70,000 - 130,000 troops. The
army went to Troy to fight and get Helen back.
+ The Greeks and the Trojans fought for 10 years. However, the Greeks could never get
past the wall surrounding Troy. They knew they couldn’t win the war if they couldn’t get
into Troy. They realized that the only way they could beat the Trojans was to play a trick
on them. The Greeks built a gigantic wooden horse and left it for the Trojans as a peace
offering. The Trojans were very excited. They thought they had won the war. They pulled
the horse into the city without thinking twice. Later that night, when Troy was asleep,
Greek soldiers emerged from inside the horse. They opened the city gates and let the
entire Greek army in. Troy was finally defeated. Helen had to go back home to King
II. Helen husbands
- Of course, the most famous mate of Helen was Paris of Troy, but he wasn't the last one.
- Laurie Macguire, writing in "Helen of Troy From Homer to Hollywood," lists the
following 11 men as husbands of Helen in ancient literature
1. Theseus
- Pirithous is Theseus' best friend. According to
some poets, both claimed that they had divine
blood and they wanted the daughter of a god. But
after Helen's abduction was complete, they did not
know who she belonged to, so the two men played
the dice game to choose.

- Pirithous (left), holding the dice in his hand,

Theseus is looking at the results he throws (both
use the back of the shield to make tables)

Pictured are "Theseus and Pirithous throwing dice to win Helen", 1846, Odorico Politi.

2. Menelaus
Helen is rescued from Theseus by her brothers and returns to Sparta where suitors from
all over Greece compete for her hand.
The suitors take an oath to support the eventual winner. And then Menelaus was chosen.
3. Paris
Like a story that I told for all of you before
4. Deiphobus
After Paris' death, he became Helen's husband and then he was kill by Menelaus in bed
5. Helenus 8. Idas

6. Achilles 9.Lynceus

7. Enarsphorus 10. Corythus

11. Theoclymenus

III. Comment
- Bettany Hughes is an Oxford University scholar, in her book she wrote:
"I believe all three people - The Princess, The Goddess And The Whore - are in Helen."
- Tim Whitmarsh is a scholar of Greek literature at the University of Exeter, England.
He said that there could not be a real Greek character behind the legend of Helen.
"The typical Greek woman who is depicted in Semonides' famous poem, she is like a hard-
working bee: she works diligently at home, creating cloths for families.
Meanwhile, Helen is a sinful figure, a wandering woman, a woman who does not stand
still, who is the source of war, and brings nothing to men but troubles” - có 11 ô ng chồ ng , nov 08, 2019

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