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Prayer & Praise West Harbour Alliance Church

• If you have any requests for the WHAC

Prayer Chain, please contact Pastor Matt
at home, or at the church
145 Moire Road, West Harbour
(09) 416-8991
Pastoral team
• Pray that the Lord would restore Jim Pastor Matthew Mordaunt and Sharilyn 832 3922
Baker to complete health. Phyllis Charlton 833 3455

• Pray for God’s continued blessing on the Elders
united Alliance Youth ministry under Dale John Skellon - Jacob Lauaki - Joh Remiens - Barry Thomas
and Amber Hart. Executive
Tom McKean [Treasurer], Naren Nanjan, Pauline Thomas,
• Pray that those we invite to our Christmas Matthew Mordaunt, and a representative from the Elders. 12th December 2010
celebrations would feel the warmth and Church Office 416 8991
love of Christ through us this festive sea-
Pastor Matt ‘s office hours are 9am - 11.30am
Sunday to Thursday. If you would like to drop by outside
these hours, please ring the church before you come.
• Please pray that all of the details that need
finishing for the planned Childcare to /
move forward at WHAC will fall into place ROSTERS for Dec/Jan
date preacher worship pianist media m/tea lawns
before Christmas.
• Praise God, the first Advent Sunday at
Freischwimmer (CMA church in Germany)
12 Children’s Christmas Presentation Mele Naren
was well attended and included visitors
from the neighbourhood. Hundreds of
flyers were distributed prior to the service. 19 Kevin N. Barry Sharilyn Sophie Pauline Matt
Pray that all who attended will come to
know Jesus
26 Matt Tom Sharilyn Moya Matt
Are you new to West Harbour Alliance?
We are so pleased to have you join us today!
We know that it can take a lot of energy to 02 Matt Matt Aeran Natalie Raquel Jacob
attend a new church, so please note that:
• The toilets are located down the passage Helping people move from
just inside the entrance from the car park. Communion: Dec 19th Barry Thomas
Jan 2nd Matt Mordaunt
brokenness to wholeness
• The crèche room is located diagonally to
the left as you exit the sanctuary. in Christ
If you would like to include any bits and pieces
for the weekly Newsletter, please email Pastor “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted;
• Each week we share a cuppa together after
Matt at:, or phone the He rescues those whose spirits are crushed”
the service and would love for you to stay
church office. Psalm 34:18
for a chat.
TODAY Bank Error in your favour
You never thought it was possible, but an
accounting error of good tidings of great joy
10.30 am - Morning Worship has been found! Recently, the Executive has
Children’s Christmas Presentation
A big thank you to all of our wonderful children reported that our total giving for the first
Led by - Bethany Lauaki quarter rose to93% of our estimated needs.
for helping us to remember more about the
Speaker - WHAC children greatest Gift this Christmas. Well done, and This is not true. In fact, it rose to slightly
thank you for all of your efforts! over 100% of our estimated needs for the
Series: Christmas first three months of our financial year;
The Community Christmas Celebration which again brings us to say: Praise the Lord,
Next Saturday from 5:00, we will be celebrating and good for you!
Please join us for a cup of tea or
coffee following the service the birth of Christ with our friends, family and
community through a special evening at WHAC.
Sunday Ministries for This celebration will be filled with carols, food
and fun, but to make it a success, we need some
Children at WHAC
help from everyone at WHAC Volunteer sign up
Ages 1 - 4 The preschool ministry
sheets will be made available this morning, and
begins at the start of the service,
it would be a delight to have you help.
and is located diagonally to the left
as you exit the sanctuary. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Ages 5 - 13 Sunday School meets in With the Christmas season looming around the
the back hall during school terms, and begins part corner, why not set aside some gifts or some
way through the service. A slide will appear on the groceries for a family in need this year? A bas-
screen when it’s time to dismiss your children. ket is in the foyer to receive your thoughtful do-
nations. Meetings Coming Up….
Prayer at WHAC Elders Board—
Kids Christmas Tree
Prayer Night: Normally meets twice a Look for the children’s Christmas tree in the hall. December 1st
month in the church from 7:30, but If you would like a sweet, help yourself—only Executive Committee—
Will be in recess until February 2011. leave a coin to replace it (preferably a gold one). January 26th
The money will be sent to TEAR fund to buy a
pig for a poor family

Do you love to sing? Birthdays coming up...

A Community Choir is being put together to sing
carols at the Warehouse on December 18th at Dianne McGowan - Dec 13
McKean’s: Please see Tom or Esther for details. Sarah Skellon - Dec 20
11:30. Anita Lai will be directing the choir, and
Mordaunt’s: Will resume early 2011 rehearsals will be interested can register by plac- Bruce Carter - Dec 26
ing a Communication Card with their name and Keren Carter - Dec 28
Thomas’: Will resume early 2011. “Carol Choir” in the offering plate today! Moya Baker - Dec 28

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