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Bioscience Discovery, 2 (3):288-293, July 2011 ISSN: 2229-3469 (Print)



Devarkar V D
Department of Botany, Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji College, Omerga Dist. Osmanabad (MS) INDIA

Study of pollen diversity in Osmanabad district was carried oud out in the year 2005-06.
Present paper deals with the baseline inventory for pollen diversity. About 40 angiospermic families
were studied for its pollen morphological studies. Out of which 35 families are from Dicotyledons and
only 05 families are from Monocotyledons group. In all, 77 genera and eighty two 82 species from
Dicotyledons and 8 genera with 8 species from monocots were studied. Emphasis is also given on
Intrapsecific and allergenic characterisitcs of the pollens.
KEYWORDS: Pollen study, Osmanabad, Pollen diversity


Palynology is one of the most widely used Survey for collection and identification of plants
research tools in Quaternary studies (Edwards 1983). from Osmanabad district was carried out for about one
The District of Osmanabad is the southernmost district year i.e. 2005-06. During the collection period, 2-3 visits
in Maharashtra State situated between 17° 35' and 18° were made in a month covering the 35 plant vegetation
40' north latitude and 75° 16' and 76° 40' east longitude. areas, representing the cross section of Osmanabad
The district has negligible forest resources mainly district. While on field, notes on habitat, occurrence,
concentrated in Tuljapur tahsil, which is divided into were noted. Collection of plant specimens were brought
three beats, placed under the charge of the round to laboratory for further proper identification and
officers. The forests in the district cover an area of only processed for herbarium specimens. For identification,
15.411 km. The average annual rainfall in the district is standard floras like Flora of British India (Hooker, 1872-
882.1 mm. December is generally the coldest month 1897), Flora of Osmanabad (Naik, 1968) and Flora of
with the mean daily maximum temperature at about Marathwada (Naik 1998) were referred. Voucher
29.5° C and the mean daily minimum at about 15°C. May specimens are deposited in the Department of Botany,
is generally the hottest month with the mean daily Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji College, Omerga. Identification
maximum temperature at about 40°C and the mean of pollen grains is done by its micromorphological
daily minimum at about 25°C (Anonymous 1972). observations with the help of Microscope at 40x to 100x
Data derived from pollen studies can be used to magnifications. The morphological characteristics of
provide an indication as to the response of natural pollen grains are contained in the exine. Acetolysis is
vegetation to human impacts through history, as well as method used for pollen grain slide preparation
to climatic and environmental change (Prentice, 1988; suggested by Erdtman (1952) but slightly modified by
Edwards & MacDonald 1991). At the largest spatial scale, Nair (1960).
pollen data have been used to reconstruct past changes POLLEN OBSERVATIONS
of biomes, using pollen records from entire modern Pollen observations play an important role in
biomes as a basis (Jolly et al. 1998; Elenga et al. 2000). plant systematic studies. The detailed pollen
Pollen study data strengthen predictions of how observations by the author are noted here.
vegetation is likely to respond to future climatic Annona squamosa L. (ANNONACEAE) Pollen
conditions, thereby providing an indication of the future description: Pollen monosiphonous; in tetrads, Pollen
agricultural and silvicultural potential of various regions grains mono or biaperturate; monosulcate (mostly,
(Huntley 1990). Difficulties with the representivity both occasionally with two parallel furrows at the equator), 2-
between and within species are experienced, as some celled. Flowering -June – July.
taxa produce far greater quantities of pollen, which are Argemone mexicana L. (PAPAVERACEAE)
more widely dispersed than others (Birks & Birks 2005). Pollen description: Pollen Tricolporate with elongated,
Pollen data require careful interpretation as the wide colpi, rounded at their endings, trizonocolpate;
representivity of the pollen spectrum is shaped by Sculptur: Reticulate, thin, scabrate exine. Thin intine,
differences in pollen productivity, dispersal and with granular exine remnants. Flowering - Throughout
preservation (Faegri and Iverson 1989). It is useful to the year.
think of pollen analysis as a remote sensing instrument, Brassica nigra (L) Koch. (BRASSICACEAE)
which records the past and present composition of Pollen description: Pollen tricolpate, colpi rounded at
vegetation (Webb et al. 1978). their end, triangular, circular to elliptical. Wall: reticulate
exine, Exine thinner towards the colpi. Flowering–August 288 ISSN: 2231-024X (Online)

Devarkar V D

Cleome gynandra L. (CLEOMACEAE) Pollen description: Pollen spheroidal or oblate-

Pollen description: Pollen tricolporate, triangular, with spheroidal, Monads, circular or oval; Exine- sexine
costae, Exine thin, sexine slightly thicker at the polar thicker than nexine. Tectum coarsely reticulate.
region than at the equator. Tectum striate-rugulate, Flowering - Throughout the year.
Flowering -August Biophytum sensitivum (L.) DC. ( OXALIDACEAE)
Abelmoschus ficulneus (L.) Wt. & Arn. (MALVACEAE) Pollen Description: Pollen Tricolpate, colpi long, linear.
Pollen description: Pollen Colporate, Distinct, Exine semitectate, reticulate, homobrochate, sexine
Pantoporate, colporate, costate spines long, apices thicker than nexine. Monads. Flowering - August –
pointed, Spheroidal, colporate , Rugulose exine, tectum December
spinulose. Flowering - July – October Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr. in Traus. (RUTACEAE)
Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet. Pollen description: Pollen tetracolporate, spherical,
Pollen description: Pollen Spheroidal, colporate , exine Polar outline circular. Sexine & Nexine not observable.
thick ; tectum spinulose, spines fine, pointed ; costae Ectocolpus long, narrow, sunken, Granulate. Flowering -
spines long, apices pointed, base bulbous, Flowering - May – June
August – November. Ruta graveolens L.var. angustifolia Hook. f.
Gossypium hirsutum L. Pollen description: Pollen tetracolporate, spheroidal.,
Pollen description: Pollen Colporate, Distinct, circular. Lumena of angular appearance, 3-sided to
Pantoporate, colporate, costate spines long, apices many sided. Ectocolpus long, narrow, sunken, regular,
pointed, base bulbous. Spheroidal, colporate , Rugulose, Granulate Flowering – Throughout the year.
exine; sexine as thick as nexine; tectum rugulose; Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. (SIMAROUBACEAE )
Flowering -September- January Pollen description: Pollens tricolpate; reticulate exine,
Gossypium arboreum L. hexagonal in polar view, elliptical in equatorial view.
Pollen description : Pollen colporate, pantoporate, Thin exine, thickened underneath Flowering - January -
colporate, costate spines long, apices pointed, base February,
bulbous, sparsely distributed; Spheroidal, colporate , Balanitis aegyptiaca (L.) Del. (BALANITACEAE )
rugulose, sexine as thick as nexine; tectum rugulose; Pollen description: Pollen grains Spheroidal, aperturate;
Flowering - October - January 3 and 6 aperturate; colporate and rugate normally
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. tricolporate and 6-rugorate. Flowering -February –
Pollen description: Pollen Colporate, distinct, November
pantoporate, colporate, costate spines as longas Mangifera indica L. (ANACARDIACEAE )
tectum, apices pointed; Spheroidal, colporate , tectum Pollen description: Pollen grains aperturate; 3
rugulose; Flowering -Throughout the year. aperturate; colporate; Prolate- spheroidal, tricolporate,
Sida acuta Burm. trilobed colpi Sexine thicker than nexine. Tectum striate.
Pollen description: Pollen colporate, pantoporate, Flowering -January- June
colporate, apices pointed, base bulbous. Spheroidal, Semecarpus anacardium L.
colporate , rugulose exine; sexine as thick as nexine; Pollen description: Pollen aperturate; 3 aperturate;
tectum spinose; Flowering - Throughout the year. colporate; Prolate- spheroidal, tricolporate, trilobed
Sida cordifolia L. colpi Sexine thicker than nexine. Tectum striate.
Pollen description: Pollen Pantoporate, colporate, Flowering - September - November
costate spines long, apices pointed, base bulbous, Carica papaya L. (CARICACEAE)
thickly distributed; Spheroidal, colporate , Flowering- Pollen description: Pollen spheroidal, exine smooth,
Throughout the year. hyaline, Prolate, 3-colporate triangular colpi. Sexine is
Sida rhombifolia L. thicker than nexine. Flowering– Throughout the year
Pollen description: Pollen Pantoporate, colporate, Momordica charantia L. (CUCURBITACEAE)
costate spines long, apices pointed, base bulbous, Pollen description: Pollen Tricolporate, Sub-prolate to
thickly distributed; Spheroidal, colporate, Flowering – prolate or oblate-spheroidal, coarsely reticulate, Exine
August - November thin, sexine thicker than nexine. Tectum coarsely
Bombax ceiba L. (BOMBACACEAE) reticulate. Flowering– June-September
Pollen description: Pollen spheroidal, undulating. Amb Abrus precatorius (FABACEAE ) Pollen description:
triangular, interaprtural corners rounded; colpi apices Pollen grains Globular, Colpi irregular with slightly
acute, finely granulate, reticulations on exine; Flowering tapering ends, pores indistinct. Sexine thicker than
-February – April nexine. microreticulate, reticulum homobrochate.
Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. Flowering- August - September
Pollen description: Pollen spheroidal to ellipsoidal, Amb Glucine max (L.) Merr.
triangular, corners rounded, colpi apices acute, finely Pollen description: Pollens in polyads, triangular, and
granulate; reticulate, collumellate; nexine thiner than semi angular amb. Colpi irregular with slightly tapering
sexine. Flowering -January- March ends, pores indistinct. Sexine thicker than nexine.
Tribulus terrestris L. (ZYGOPHYLLACEAE) Flowering -August- December 289 ISSN: 2231-024X (Online)

Bioscience Discovery, 2 (3):288-293, July 2011 ISSN: 2229-3469 (Print)
Medicago sativa L. Lawsonia inermis L. (LYTHRACEAE)
Pollen description: Pollen grains spheroidal, and semi Pollen description: Pollen grains radially symmetrical,
angular amb. Colpi irregularwith slightly tapering ends, isopolar, colporate, prolate often oblate-spheroidal.
pores indistinct. Sexine thicker than nexine. Flowering - Sexine thicker than nexine. Tectum scabrate, prolate.
December- January Flowering -April - August.
Bauhinia variegata L. (CAESALPINIACEAE) Ageratum conyzoides L. (ASTERACEAE)
Pollen description: Prolate, tricolporate, Spherical, Pollen description: Pollen is monad, tricolporate, circular
colpal membrane reticulate, Exine thick. Sexine thicker , tri-zono-colpate with very short, acute colpi. Exine
than nexine. Tectum reticulate-rugulate. Flowering - scabrate with extremely short, blunt spines. Thin intine,
November - January. Flowering -August – April Echinops echinatus Roxb.
Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Roxb. Pollen description: Pollen elliptic, tri-zono-colpate with
Pollen description: Pollen Monads, Prolate, tricolporate, short, acute colpi. Exine scabrate with extremely short,
triangular, colpal membrane reticulate, Exine thick. blunt spines, Thin intine, Flowering - November - May.
Sexine thicker than nexine. Tectum reticulate-rugulate. Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk.
Flowering - July - December. Pollen description: Pollen spheroidal, tri-zono-colpate
Cassia fistula L. with very short, acute colpi. Exine scabrate with blunt
Pollen description: Pollen Sub-prolate, tricolporate, non- spines. Thin intine. Flowering - Throughout the year.
angular, colpi divided ,Exine thin. Sexine thicker than Helianthus annus L.
nexine. Tectum reticulate-rugulate. Flowering - March - Pollen description: Pollen circular, tri-zono-colpate with
June very short, acute colpi. Exine scabrate with short, sharp
Delonix regia (Boj. ex Hook.)Rof. spines. Thin intine. Flowering -September – December
Pollen description: Pollens in clusters. Sub-prolate, Parthenium hysterophorus L.
tricolporate, triangular colpi. Sexine thicker than nexine. Pollen description: Pollen monad, tricolporate and
Tectum reticulate-rugulate. Flowering -April August echinate, circular to semi-angular, tri-zono-colpate with
Acacia nilotica (L.) Del. subssp. indica (MIMOSACEAE) short, Exine scabrate with sharp pointed spines, Thin
Pollen description: Pollen in cluster, circular; elliptical in intine. Flowering - September – December
equatorial view. Colporate monads, The exine shows a Tridax procumbers L.
more or less quadrangular, very thin, psilate exine, thin Pollen description: Pollen spheroidal, tri-zono-colpate
intine, Flowering -June - January with very short, acute colpi, Exine scabrate with
Mimosa pudica L. extremely short, blunt spines. Thin intine. Flowering -
Pollen description: Pollen in clusters, Bilateral, circular; Throughout the year.
elliptical in equatorial view. Colporate monads, The Vernonia cineria (L.) Less.
exine quadrangular laesio , thin, psilate exine. Flowering Pollen description: Pollens circular, tri-zono-colpate with
- August – October long, acute colpi, Exine scabrate with extremely short,
Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (MELIACEAE) blunt spines. Thin intine. Flowering - September –
Pollen description: Pollen Prolate-spheroidal, 4- December
colporate, ends of colpi not well-defined. Sexine thinner Xanthium strumarium L.
than nexine. Tectum reticulate. Flowering -January- Pollen Description: Pollen outline circular, tri-zono-
May colpate with very short, acute colpi, Eexine scabrate
Melia azadirach L. with extremely short, blunt spines. Thin intine .
Pollen description: Pollen Prolate-spheroidal, 3,4- Flowering - October – February
colporate, ends of colpi not well-defined. Sexine thinner Allmanda cathartica L. (APOCYNACEAE)
than nexine. Tectum reticulate. Flowering -July – Pollen description: Pollen Isopolar, oblate-spheroidal to
September suboblate, radially symetrical, triporate, pores Sherical,
Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.) Wt. & Arn. (COMBRETACEAE) with annulus. Exine thin, microrugulate. Flowering –
Pollen Description : Pollen in monads, prolate- September - October
spheroidal, radially symetrical, Heterocolpate, Catharanthus roseus (L.)G. Don.
syncolporate, Exine thick, scabrate, sexine and nexine of Pollen Description: Pollen monads, Isopolar, oblate-
same thickness. Flowering - June - August spheroidal to suboblate, radially symetrical, triporate,
Terminalia bellerica (Gaertn.) Roxb. pores elliptical. Exine thin, microrugulate. Flowering –
Pollen Description : Pollen monads, Isopolar, prolate- Throughout the year
spheroidal, radially symetrical. Heterocolpate, Nerium indicum Mill.
syncolporate. Exine tectate, scabrate, sexine & nexine of Pollen description: Pollen Isopolar, oblate-spheroidal to
the same thickness. Flowering - March – May. suboblate, radially symetrical, triporate, pores elliptical.
Terminalia chebula Retz. Exine thin, microrugulate. Flowering - Throughout year.
Pollen Description : Pollen monads, Isopolar, prolate- Tabernemontana divaricata (L.) R. Br.
spheroidal, radially symetrical. Heterocolpate , Pollen Description: Pollen in monads, Isopolar, oblate-
syncolporate. Exine tectate, scabrate, sexine and nexine spheroidal to suboblate, radially symetrical, triporate,
of same thickness. Flowering - March – May. 290 ISSN: 2231-024X (Online)

Devarkar V D

pores elliptical, large with annulus. Exine thin, tricolporate, exine sculpturing granular smooth.
microrugulate. Flowering - Throughout year. Flowering - November –February
Thevetia peruviana (Pers.)K. Schum. Vitex negundo L.
Pollen Description : Pollen in monads, Isopolar, oblate- Pollen description: Pollen circular-lobate polar view and
spheroidal to suboblate, radially symetrical, triporate, prolate spheroidal in equarorial view. Monads, type:
pores elliptical, large with annulus. Exine thin, tricolporate, exine sculpturing smooth. Flowering - July
microrugulate. Flowering– June – December. – February
Asclepias curassavica L. (ASCLEPIADACEAE) Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit. (LAMIACEAE)
Pollen description: Pollen shed in aggregates; in the Pollen description: Pollen grains symmetrical, isopolar,
form of pollinia (one or two per theca). Pollen grains 2- sub rplate, 3-6-colpate, colpal membrane granulated,
celled. Flowering– Throughout year. sexine thiner than nexine, tectum reticulate. Flowering -
Ipomoea quamoclit L. (CONVOLVULACEAE) September – February
Pollen description: Pollen is monad and tricolporate. The Ocimum bassilicum L.
shape of pollen in polar view is circular to semi-circular Pollen description : Pollens symmetrical, isopolar, sub
and in equatorial view is prolate. Flowering – September prolate, 3-6-colpate, trilobed, membrane granulated,
– December. sexine thiner than nexine, tectum reticulate. Flowering -
Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. (CUSCUTACEAE) September – December
Pollen Description: Pollen hexacolpate, pantocolpate, Boerhaavia repens L. var. diffusa (L.) Hook.
suboblate to prolate spheroidal; circular in polar view, (NYCTAGINACEAE)
surface with granules; exine scabrate. Flowering - Pollen description: Pollens Oblate-spheroidal,
September – December pantoporate, pores 7-10, circular, sunke. Exine thick,
Datura stramonium L. (SOLANACEAE) sexine thinner than nexine. Tectum tubuliferous and
Pollen description: Pollen tricolporate, zonoaperturate, spinulose. Flowering - July - March.
Exine ; Sexine as thick as nexine. Pollen elliptic, polar Achyranthes aspera L. (AMARANTHACEAE)
view rounded trilobed. Flowering - July - October. Pollen description : Pollen grain with 30-40 pores,
Spathodia campanulata P. (BIGNONIACEAE) monads, Pantoporate, reticulate, circular sub-lobate.
Pollen description: Pollens Isopolar, spheroidal, radially Exine have rough surface. Sexine as thick as nexine.
symetrical, amb circular, tricolporate, wide, elliptic. Flowering - September – December
Exine thin, tectate, psilate, sexine and nexine of same Aerva lanata (L.) Juss.
thickness. Flowering – Sept – Feb. Pollen description : Pollen grains with 30-40
Blepharis linarifolia Pers. (ACANTHACEAE) pores,monads, Pantoporate, reticulate, circular sub-
Pollen description: Pollen grains prolate, tricolpate, lobate. Exine rough. Sexine as thick as nexine. Flowering
sexine thiner than nexine. Tectum foveolate. Flowering - September – February
– July -September. Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R. Br.
Lepidagathis cristata Willd. Pollen description: Pollen grains with 20-25 pores,
Pollen description: Pollens isopolar, spheroidal, prolate, monads, Pantoporate, reticulate, circular sub-lobate.
porate, colpate, amb trilobed or triangular, colpar Exine smooth. Sexine as thick as nexine. Flowering -
membrane scrabate. Tectum reticulum coarsely July- March
foveolate. Flowering - September - February. Amaranthus spinosus L.
Lantana camara L. var. aculeata (L.) Mold. Pollen description: Pollen grains, spheroidal with 30-65
(VERBENACEAE) pores. The exine is thin and granular. Grains are 18-31
Pollen description: Pollen semi angular polar view and micrometers in diameter. Flowering – July – December
prolate spheroidal in equarorial view. Monads, type: Celosia argentea L. var argentea L.
tricolporate, exine sculpturing smooth. Flowering - Pollen description: Pollen grains with 30-35 pores,
Throughout the year. monads, Pantoporate, reticulate, circular lobate. Exine
Clerodendrum serratum (L.) Moon. rough. Flowering - September – November
Pollen description: Pollen grains symmetrical, isopolar, Chenopodium album L.
prolate- spheroidal, tricolporate, sexine as thick as Pollen description: Pollens circular, periporate,
nexine. tricolpate, tectum very finely reticulate with pantoporate, pollen grain with 30-70 pori. Membrane
spinules. Flowering - September – December finely granulate. Exine scrabrate with columellae; thin
Clerodendrum multiflorum (Burm f.) O. Ktze. intine. Flowering - September - December
Pollen description: Pollens symmetrical, tricolpate, Digera muricata (L.)Mart.
isopolar, prolate- spheroidal, tricolporate, tectum very Pollen description: Pollen grains spheroidal with 30-45
finely reticulate with spinules. sexine as thick as nexine. pores. Monads, Pantoporate, reticulate, circular lobate.
Flowering - September – February The exine is thin and granular. Flowering –June –
Verbena bipinnatifida Schau. February
Pollen description: Pollen sub angular in polar view and Gomphrena serrata L.
sub-prolate in equarorial view. Monads, type: Pollen description: Pollen circular, periporate,
pantoporate with numerous pori. Membrane finely 291 ISSN: 2231-024X (Online)
Bioscience Discovery, 2 (3):288-293, July 2011 ISSN: 2229-3469 (Print)

granulate. Pantoporate, reticulate, Exine scrabrate, thin Pollen description: Pollens Spherical; monoporate;
intine. Flowering – June – January round annulate pore; coarsely scabrate; exine thin.
Acalypha ciliata Forsk. (EUPHORBIACEAE) Flowering – Throughout the year.
Pollen description: Pollens oblate-spheroidal; Monads. Digitaria cilliaris (Retz.) Koel.
Isopolar, prolate-spheroidal, radially symetric, 3-4 Pollen description: Pollens Spherical; monoporate;
porate. The sexine is thin and slightly thickened at the round annulate pore with operculum often present;
pores. Flowering – August – December scabrate; exine thicker than intine. Flowering– July -
Euphorbia hirta L. December.
Pollen description: Pollens in monads. Isopolar, Zea mays L.
ellipsoidal, radially symetric, tricolpodiporate, Pollen description: Pollens circular to oval: monoporate,
diploporate, Exine, tectate, rugulate, striate, sexine porus with operculum and a distinct annulus, Wall thin,
thicker than nexine. Flowering - Throughout year. scabrate exine, mostly thin intine. Flowering-July -
Euphorbia neriifolia L. December.
Pollen description: Pollens in monads. Isopolar, prolate- Cocos Nucifera L. (ARECACEAE)
spheroidal, tricolpodiporate, diploporate, circular. Exine, Pollen description: Pollens trichotomocolpate,, bilateral,
tectate, rugulate, striate, sexine thicker than nexine. ovoidal and monosulcate. Sexine tegillate with smooth
Flowering - February – March or undulating tegillum ,irregularly spaced pits, granulate.
Phyllanthus amarus Schumach, & Thonn. Flowering - February - May
Pollen Description : Pollens monads, Isopolar, prolate-
spheroidal, radially symetric, tricolpodiporate, CONCLUSION
diploporate. Exine tectate, rugulate, striate, sexine During this baseline inventory, about fourty (40)
thicker than nexine. Flowering - August - April. families of angiosperms were studied for its pollen
Ricinus communis L. morphological and diversity studies. Out of which thirty
Pollen description: Pollens oblate-spheroidal; Monads. five (35) families are from Dicotyledons and only five
Isopolar, prolate-spheroidal, triporate, granular. The (05) families are from Monocotyledons group.Pollen
sexine is thin. Flowering - December – May morphology and diversity of seventy seven (77) genera
and eighty two (82) species from Dicotyledons and eight
Cannabis sativa L. (CANNABACEAE)
(8) genera with eight (8) species were observed under
Pollen description: Pollens Spherical, subulate to oblate;
the microscope. Thus, in all ninety (90) angiospermic
triporate, Scabrate, Scabrate, exine relatively thin than
speices are studied under this project. Intra-specific
intine, much thickened oncus. Flowering - September –
comparative studies for pollen diversity were done for
Argemone (A. mexicana and A. ochroleuca), Sida (S.
Casurina equisetifolia J. R. & G (CASURINACEAE)
acuta, S. cordifolia and S. rhomboidea), Gossypium (G.
Pollen description: Pollens circular or triangular, side
arboreum and G. hirsutum), Terminalia (T. arjuna, T.
view elliptical or circular, triporate, scabrate exine,
bellerica and T. chebula), Clerodendrum (C. multiflorum
annularly thickened. Intine thin, Flowering - Jannuary –
and C. serratum) and Euphorbia (E. hirta and E. nerifolia)
. Out of all ninety (90) angiospermic speices studied
Canna indica L. (CANNACEAE)
under this project, ten (10) are found allergic as per the
Pollen description: Pollen grains nonaperturate; 2-celled.
study of Singh A. B. and Pawan Kumar (2003). These are
Flowering - Throughout the year
Cynodon dactylon, Cannabis sativa, Chenopodium
Aloe vera (L.) Burm f. (LILIACEAE)
album, Parthenium hysterophorus, Amaranthus
Pollen description: Pollen grains monocolpate. Colpus
spinosus, Ricinus communis, Xanthium strumerium,
ornamented, retuculate & scabrate, irregular. Very small
Ageratum conyzoides, Argemone mexicana and
lumina. Globular clumps of exine (pollen kit). Flowering -
Ailanthus excelsa. Out of these ten species only one
December – May
species i.e. Ailanthus excelsa is tree species. This
Asparagus racemosus Wild. var. javanicus
indicates that 90% allergic pollens are either from
Pollen description: Pollens in Monads, monosulcate,
herbacious or shrubby species.
ellipsoidal. Exine semitectate, perforate, reticulate,
reticulate-rugulate, rugulate. Ectexine is thicker than ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
endexine. Flowering - - October - December. Author wish to express sincere thanks to
Alocasia indica (Lour.) Koch. (ARACEAE) University Grants Commission, Western Circle, Ganesh
Pollen description: Pollens Oval; inaperturate; psilate; Khind, Pune for providing financial help under the
exine thickness: 1.3 µm. Spadix-August - November. scheme Minor Research Project to conduct this survey.
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. (POACEAE) 292 ISSN: 2231-024X (Online)

Devarkar V D

Anonymous. 1972. Maharashtra State Gazetteers (Govt. of Maharashtra) Osmanabad District (Revsd. Edn.)
Directorate of Government Printing, Stationery and Publications, Maharashtra State.
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R.W. Battarbee, H.J.B. Birks And F. Oldfield (Eds), Global Change In The Holocene, Hodder Arnold, London, Pp. 342-
Birks HJB. 1981. The Use of Pollen Analysis in the Reconstruction of Past Climates: A Review. In: T.M.L. Wigley, M.J.
Ingram and G. Farmer (Eds) Climate And History. Studies In Past Climates And Their Impact Of Man, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, Pp. 111-138.
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