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Journal of Heredity 2008:99(1):22–33  The American Genetic Association. 2007. All rights reserved.

doi:10.1093/jhered/esm080 For permissions, please email:

Advance Access publication September 28, 2007

Population Genetic Variation and

Structure of the Invasive Weed Mikania
micrantha in Southern China:
Consequences of Rapid Range Expansion
From the Wuhan Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China (Wang and Chen); the
School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510275, China (Su and Chen); and the Department
of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405 (Su).

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Address correspondence to Y. Su at the address above, or e-mail:

Invasive plants such as Mikania micrantha provide valuable opportunities for studying population genetic consequences of
rapid range expansion. Twenty-eight populations of M. micrantha throughout its introduced range in southern China were
examined by using intersimple sequence repeat markers. Population genetic parameters were estimated by Bayesian
approaches as well as conventional methods. Bottleneck signature, multilocus linkage disequilibrium, character
compatibility, and cluster analyses were conducted to assay the factors that may act to shape population variability. High
levels of genetic variation and differentiation were detected in the introduced populations of M. micrantha. All populations
experienced severe bottlenecks. Most of them demonstrated significant linkage disequilibrium and matrix compatibility.
Populations were mainly clustered into 2 groups, and those from different regions intermingled in the unweighted pair
group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) dendrogram. No geographical signature was found in the pattern of
population genetic variation. This research indicates that during M. micrantha invasion, multiple introductions mitigated the
loss of genetic variation associated with bottlenecks. Nonetheless, bottlenecks enhanced the population differentiation.
Human-mediated long-distance dispersal events of seeds or propagules explain the lack of geographic structure in genetic
variation. Although asexual reproduction is the predominant mating mode in M. micrantha, it has little effect on the
population genetic composition.

Biological invasions are recognized as a leading threat to variation and high genetic differentiation (Meekins et al.
global biodiversity (Sala et al. 2000). Some invasive species 2001; Walker et al. 2003; Chapman et al. 2004; Durka et al.
cause severe economic loss in agriculture and forestry 2005), as well as low genetic variation and low genetic
(Wilcove et al. 1998; Pimentel et al. 2000; Sakai et al. 2001; differentiation (Amsellem et al. 2000), have been recorded.
Bossdorf et al. 2005). However, invasions also provide Mechanisms proposed to explain the maintenance of genetic
significant opportunities to study genetic consequences of variation or depauperation of diversification in introduced
populations with expanding range (Sakai et al. 2001; Hassel regions include multiple introductions, admixture or
et al. 2005). Generally, colonization of new areas involves hybridization of different source populations, and selection
considerable founder effects with genetic drift that reduce realignment (Carson 1989; Ellstrand and Schierenbeck 2000;
within-population genetic variation and increase genetic Moody and Les 2002; Kolbe et al. 2004; Lindholm et al.
differentiation among populations (Husband and Barrett 2005; Parisod et al. 2005).
1991; Novak and Welfley 1997; Amsellem et al. 2000). This From an applied perspective, the knowledge of pop-
is especially the case for selfing and apomictic weedy plant ulation genetic structure of invasive plants is essential for
species (Husband and Barrett 1991; Amsellem et al. 2000; improving the efficacy of biological control programs
Walker et al. 2003). But exceptions, such as high genetic (Burdon and Marshall 1981; Chapman et al. 2004; Gaskin
variation and low genetic differentiation (Jørgensen and et al. 2005). Intraspecific genetic variation has been ob-
Mauricio 2004; Refoufi and Esnault 2006), high genetic served in plant defense to biological control agents (Jarosz

Wang et al.  Population Genetic Consequences of Range Expansion in Mikania micrantha

and Burdon 1990; Bruckart et al. 2004). A mixture of both Although some research has been conducted on
resistant and nonresistant genotypes within an invasion may ecophysiological aspects as well as eradication methods of
hinder biological control efforts because plants resistant to M. micrantha (Hu and But 1994; Yang et al. 2003; Deng et al.
the biological control agent may become predominant 2004; Yang et al. 2005), comprehensive analyses of molec-
(Burdon et al. 1981, 1984). Moreover, analyses of molecular ular genetic composition of introduced populations are
genetic variation can characterize the roles that local and lacking. Because all populations of M. micrantha in southern
long-distance dispersal events have played in invasions China are derived from recent colonization events, several
(Walker et al. 2003). hypotheses can be formulated that are testable with ISSR
Mikania micrantha H.B.K. (Tribe Eupatorieae, Family markers. First, if expansion of M. micrantha is a result of
Asteraceae), a perennial creeping vine commonly called easily dispersed and sexually produced seeds, little genetic
"mile-a-minute," is one of the top 10 worst weeds in the differentiation will occur among populations and the initial
world (Holm et al. 1977). It originates from tropical Central bottleneck event may hardly have an effect on population
and South America (Kong et al. 2000) and has become genetic diversity due to effective dispersals. Second, if
a major pest of crops and forests across Asia and Africa. independent introductions are frequent because of anthro-
The earliest record of the species in the eastern hemisphere pogenic activities (e.g., intensive human-mediated transport),
is from 1884 when it was cultivated at Hong Kong Zoo- no association between geographical and genetic structure
logical and Botanical Gardens (voucher number: HK14738) may be detected. Third, if sexually reproduced seeds are the
(Wang et al. 2003). Its naturalization in Hong Kong dates to main agent of dispersal, little linkage disequilibrium is
at least 1919, and it is believed to have started to spread expected among loci; alternatively, high linkage disequilib-

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during the 1950–1960s (Wang et al. 2003). The earliest rium is expected if asexual reproduction is dominant.
collection of M. micrantha in mainland China (voucher
number: IBSC545255) is in 1984 at Yinhu, Shenzhen,
Guangdong Province (Kong et al. 2000). By the late 1980s
and early 1990s, the weed had spread over Guangdong, Materials and Methods
colonizing agricultural land, orchards, nurseries, lawns, man- Plant Material
groves, secondary forests, scrubland, waste ground, ponds,
and seashores (Zan et al. 2000; Zhang et al. 2004). Once Samples were collected from 28 populations of M. micrantha
throughout its introduced range in southern China (Figure 1
established, M. micrantha smothers and displaces native
and Table 1). The physical boundaries of each population
were well delineated, and most populations were separated
Mikania micrantha reproduces readily through both sexual
by more than 20 km. A population (Mikania cordata from
and vegetative means (Swarmy and Ramakrishnan 1987;
Xinglong [MCXL]) of another Mikania species, Mikania cordata,
Zhang et al. 2004). It produces copious amounts of fine,
was also sampled in Xinglong, Hainan Province, China. This
fluffy seeds with mean seed production ranging from 23 673
taxon is primarily distributed in tropical Asia and closely
to 52 616/0.25 m 2 (Zhang et al. 2003). Seeds are dispersed
related to M. micrantha (Kong et al. 2000; Wang et al. 2001).
by wind or water; but the most efficient mechanism is to
Twelve to 19 plants (intervals at  10 m) were sampled
become attached to clothing, animals, and machinery. When
reproducing vegetatively, M. micrantha produces shoots from from each population (Table 1). For each plant, approxi-
small stem fragments and rosettes (Swarmy and Ramakrishnan mately 3.0 g of fresh leaf tissue was collected using silica gel
to dry and preserve samples (Meekins et al. 2001). Voucher
1987; Wen et al. 2000).
specimens (CGP1–409) have been deposited at the
Intersimple sequence repeats (ISSR) have been used to
herbarium of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China.
characterize genetic diversity in plants (e.g., Tsumura et al.
1996; Camacho and Liston 2001; Deshpande et al. 2001;
Barth et al. 2002; King et al. 2002; Meloni et al. 2006). The DNA Extraction
technique may provide a higher reproducibility of bands Total genomic DNA was extracted from ground tissue
than some polymerase chain reaction (PCR)–generated markers following the modified CTAB protocol (Su et al. 2005).
such as randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) DNA concentration and purity were determined by
(Nagaoka and Ogihara 1997; Wolfe et al. 1998). However, measuring Ultraviolet (UV) absorption using a Pharmacia
for population genetic studies, a major drawback of ISSR 2000 UV/Visible Spectrophotometer. The quality of DNA
markers is their dominance (Zietkiewicz et al. 1994). To was determined by 0.8% agarose gel electrophoresis.
mitigate this problem, Holsinger et al. (2002), Holsinger and
Wallace (2004) developed a Bayesian approach to partition
ISSR Amplification and Examination
genetic variation with data derived from dominant markers.
Interestingly, it has also been reported that the Shannon PCR amplification of ISSR loci was carried out in 20 ll
diversity index is insensitive to the bias generated by the volumes containing 50 mM KCl, 10 mM Tris–HCl (pH 9.0),
dominance of molecular markers in the assays of population 0.1% Triton X-100, 2.0 mM MgCl2, 0.2 mM each
genetic differentiation of plant species such as Gliricidia deoxynucleoside triphosphate, 1 U Taq DNA polymerase,
sepium (Dawson et al. 1995), Alliaria petiolata (Meekins et al. 0.3 lM primer, 30 ng genomic DNA, and DNA-free water.
2001), and Platanthera leucophaea (Holsinger et al. 2002). Each reaction mixture was overlaid with 20 ll of PCR grade

Journal of Heredity 2008:99(1)

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Figure 1. Map of populations of Mikania micrantha sampled in the introduced range of southern China.

paraffin oil. PCR was performed in an MJ-Research PTC- software (Yeh and Yang 1999). An unweighted pair group
100TM Peltier thermal cycler. The thermocycling program method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) dendrogram based
was set for 5 min at 94 C, 40 cycles of 40 s at 94 C, 35 s at on Nei’s (1978) unbiased genetic distances was constructed
53 C, 70 s at 72 C, and 5 min at 72 C. Negative controls to illustrate relationships among populations. Shannon’s P
where all reagents but DNA were added to the reaction mix index of phenotypic diversity was calculated as S 5 pi
were included with each experiment in order to verify the ln pi, where pi is the frequency of a given ISSR band in the
absence of contamination. Genotyping was performed with population (Lewontin 1973). In line with Allnutt et al.
24 ISSR primers (Table 2) that were selected based on the (1999), we here rather denote Shannon’s measure as "S"
results of initial screening of 80 ISSR primers (UBC ISSR than "H " in order to avoid confusion with other measures
Primers 802, 805, 807–881, 885, 886, and 888, University of diversity such as heterozygosity. S was calculated for 2
of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada) against a set of levels: the average diversity within population (Spop) and
representative samples of M. micrantha. When amplifications the diversity within species (Ssp). Its 95% confidence
for the whole set of samples were conducted, one reaction interval was estimated by a sampled randomization test
mix per primer was prepared for all samples to reduce possible (Sokal and Rohlf 2003).
inconsistencies among different amplification runs. Duplicate Holsinger et al. (2002) proposed a Bayesian approach to
reactions were run to determine the reproducibility of banding infer allele frequency and population structure from banding
patterns. In the few cases where the 2 replicates were not data of dominant markers. Its parameters, f and hB, are
identical, PCR reactions were repeated at least 3 times to analogues to the inbreeding coefficient (FIS) and the fixation
confirm the banding pattern. Amplification products were index (FST) of F-statistics (Wright 1951), respectively. The
separated by electrophoresis in 1.8% agarose gels containing posterior distributions of f and hB were approximated
ethidium bromide and then photographed under UV light. numerically through Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods
by running HICKORY v1.0 (Holsinger et al. 2002). The
‘‘f-free’’ model option was used due to its lower deviance
Data Analysis
information criterion and pD (measure of model complex-
Data were scored according to the presence and absence of ity) values than for other models. Point estimates of hB as
bands, and only those bands that are clear and reproducible well as their 95% credible intervals were achieved with
were used to construct data matrices. Percentage of poly- a burn-in of 50 000 iterations and a sampling run of 250 000
morphic loci, Nei’s (1973) gene diversity, and coefficient of iterations from which every 50th sample is retained for
gene differentiation, GST, were computed with POPGEN32 posterior calculations. Three runs were conducted to ensure

Wang et al.  Population Genetic Consequences of Range Expansion in Mikania micrantha

Table 1. Mikania micrantha populations evaluated from 6 regions in southern China. The sample size, invasion year, and altitude
are listed

Region Population Location Sample size Year of invasion Altitude (m)

Hong Kong HK81 Hong Kong Island, Stubbs Road, in shrubs 15 1957 74
HK82 Hong Kong Island, Barker Road, in tussock 13 1960a 300
HK84 Hong Kong Island, Mount Gough, in tussock 16 1919a 315
HK85 Hong Kong Island, Victoria Peak, in tussock 15 1965a 503
HK87 Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens, 12 1889a 372
under bamboo forest
HK88 New Territories, Hok Tau, in tussock 15 1980sa 46
HK89 New Territories, Luk Keng, Pat Sin Leng 12 1980sa 8
Country Park, rivulet-side
HK90 Kowloon, Hong Kong Baptist University, slope 19 25
Macao MA101 Hác Sá Beach, wasteland 15 1990sb 3
MA105 Hác Sá Village, roadside 15 1990sb 1
MA106 Hác Sá Beach, building site 14 1990sb 8
Shenzhen SZ34 Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, Liang Yi Ting, in 14 1988c 88
SZ35 Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, Desert Plant 16 1989c 42
Section, roadside

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SZ64 The Office of Mangrove Natural Reserve, 11 19
SZ72 Meilin Park, Huanshan Road, slope 16 83
SZ75 Lotus Hill Park, the Kite Square, in tussock 14 38
SZ77 Lotus Hill Park, under the Eucalyptus forest 16 46
Neilingding NLD1 Management station, roadside 15 3
NLD10 Dong Jiao Zui Wan, slope, in shrubs 14 2001c 51
NLD15 Dong Jiao Zui Wan, slope, under spiny date 17 145
NLD26 Nan Wan, in shrubs 14 2000c 3
NLD29 Dong Wan, ravine 15 1998c 15
NLD30 Bei Wan Ma Guan, in shrubs 15 3
NLD31 Management Station East, ravine 14 1990sb 8
Zhuhai ZH43 Qi’ao Island, roadside 15 1990sb 2
ZH50 Qi’ao Island, Nong Jia Le, roadside 12 1990sb 2
Dongguan DG91 Da Ling Shan Forestry Centre, Shan Zhu Wo 16 1990sb 174
DG92 Da Ling Shan Forestry Centre, Chang Keng 15 1990sb 114
Wang et al. (2003).
Zan et al. 2000).
Our own data.

that the results were consistent. In order to report allele Once all 4 character combinations are present, this means an
frequency at each locus, a ‘‘Set reportFrequencies’’ state- incompatibility and will be explained by recombination.
ment was specified in the hickory block of data files. Alleles Thus, the sum of incompatible counts over all pairwise
were considered rare if their frequencies were 0.05 in the comparisons can be used as a measure of recombination
sampled populations (Marshall and Brown 1975). (Mes 1998; van der Hulst et al. 2000; Wilkinson 2001). In
Linkage disequilibrium and character compatibility this research, a summary statistic, the incompatibility excess
analysis were carried out to assess whether marker ratio (IER) (Wilkinson 2001) was estimated based on
distributions originated from sexual or asexual reproduction comparison of the observed incompatibility count for the
in the introduced populations. Multilocus linkage disequi- original data and mean incompatibility count for randomly
librium was estimated using the index of association IA permuted data. Asexual reproduction is expected to cause
(Brown et al. 1980; Maynard Smith et al. 1993; Haubold none or a small fraction of incompatible loci (Chapman
et al. 1998) and its modified measure rd (Agapow and Burt et al. 2004; Hassel et al. 2005).
2001) to remove the dependency of sample size. The The program BOTTLENECK (Luikart and Cornuet
program Multilocus v1.2 ( 1999) was used to test whether populations have recently
software/multilocus/) was used to calculate statistics and passed through a bottleneck. Both the stepwise mutation
test their significance by randomization. With compatibility model (SMM) and the infinite allele model (IAM) were
methods, for a pair of biallelic markers, no more than 3 of run to calculate the heterozygosity (Heq) expected at
the 4 possible character combinations should be observed. mutation–drift equilibrium because ISSR markers may

Journal of Heredity 2008:99(1)

Table 2. Primers used in ISSR analyses of Mikania micrantha (R 5 A, G; Y 5 C, T)

Primers Sequences (5#/3#) Primers Sequences (5#/3#)


evolve under a true model intermediate between them (Di Hong Kong, Neilingding, and Shenzhen, respectively;
Rienzo et al. 1994; Godwin et al. 1997; Hassel et al. 2005). whereas no rare alleles were found in Zhuhai, Dongguan,
The sign test was conducted to determine the significance of and Macao. Populations in Neilingding and Macao tended

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heterozygosity excess (Cornuet and Luikart 1996). to possess more rare alleles. Specifically, population NLD10
A Euclidean squared distance matrix was calculated in possessed the highest number of rare alleles (51), NLD30
ARLEQUIN 2.0 (Schneider et al. 2000) and used as the and MA106 the second (50), NLD1 and NLD31 the third
input file for an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) (47), and NLD26 and MA105 the fourth (46). In contrast,
described by Excoffier et al. (1992). In this analysis, the population ZH43 possessed the least (Table 4). These
total variance in the ISSR data set was partitioned into regional, results indicated that certain alleles were rare in certain
among-population, and within-population components. Using populations, but not in others.
the same software, a Mantel test (Mantel 1967) was conducted
to determine the correlation between the matrix of pairwise hB Linkage Disequilibrium and Character Compatibility
estimates and the matrix of geographic distances.
By testing the index of association (IA and rd ) and
IER, significant linkage disequilibrium and considerable
Results matrix compatibility were observed within each region
(Table 4). At the population scale, significant linkage
Population Genetic Variation disequilibrium and matrix compatibility were likewise
A pilot experiment was performed to evaluate primer detected in populations NLD1, NLD26, NLD31, SZ34,
suitability. From an initial screening of 80 primers, 24 (Table 2) SZ35, SZ77, ZH43, ZH50, HK81, HK82, HK84, HK85,
were identified that produce clear and reproducible banding HK87, MA101, MA106, and DG91; but not in NLD10,
patterns. Only reproducible bands obtained from the SZ75, HK89, and HK90 (Table 4). For the remaining
selected primers were scored to construct data matrices populations, either significant linkage disequilibrium or
for subsequent statistical analyses. Figure 2 presented ex- matrix incompatibility was obtained.
amples of ISSR profiles produced with primer UBC817.
The 24 primers generated 209 bands, and each detected Bottleneck Signature Test
polymorphic loci, with 73.14% of polymorphic loci overall
(Table 3). The number of bands per primer ranged from 2 to Our data demonstrate that M. micrantha has gone through
15 with an average of 8.71 bands/primer. No identical ISSR severe bottlenecks across all the populations and regions.
pattern was found to be shared among sampled individuals. Each data set revealed a heterozygosity excess/deficiency
At the regional scale, all the genetic diversity statistics ratio that significantly deviated from the expected ratio (1:1)
consistently indicated that Hong Kong and Neilingding at mutation–drift equilibrium when either the SMM or the
maintained the highest level of variation (Table 3). As for IAM was assumed (P , 0.05, data not shown). Moreover,
regions of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Macao, and Neilingding, a significant bottleneck signature was also detected over the
each contained populations like HK84, HK87, SZ35, SZ64, whole range (Figure 3).
SZ72, MA105, MA106, and NLD10 that possessed con-
siderably lower amounts of genetic variation than the others Population Genetic Differentiation and Relationship
in the same region (Table 3). A run of f-free analysis in Hickory yielded an overall esti-
mate for hB 5 0.2797 (95% credible interval: 0.2540–0.3038).
Allele Frequency Distribution
For comparisons, the degree of population genetic
In total, 22 alleles were identified as rare at the species level. differentiation was also quantified by other parameters.
Across regions, 16, 11, and 8 rare alleles were detected in AMOVA analysis indicated that UST 5 0.3226; 67.74% of

Wang et al.  Population Genetic Consequences of Range Expansion in Mikania micrantha

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Figure 2. ISSR patterns produced with primer UBC817 for representative individuals from 28 introduced populations of
Mikania micrantha and a population of Mikania cordata. M 5 100 bp DNA ladder. Population codes as indicated in Table 1.

the variation was partitioned within populations, 23.83% Ssp) based on Shannon’s index were 0.4422 and 0.2911,
was attributed to differences among populations within respectively.
regions, and only 8.43% of the variation was due to Pairwise estimates of hB between populations showed
regional differences (all 3 hierarchical levels were signifi- nonsignificant associations with geographical distances (r 5
cant with P , 0.001) (Table 5). When individual pairs of 0.139, P 5 0.123) for the full data set. Similar results were
populations were compared, all pairwise UST values derived from the data sets of regions. Thus, Mantel tests
derived from AMOVA were significant (P , 0.001) except failed to detect any evidence of ‘‘isolation by distance’’
between populations DG91 and DG92 (P 5 0.100), (Wright 1943) at either the regional or the entire range level.
highlighting remarkable differences between populations. UPGMA analysis (Figure 4) revealed that 28 populations
Meanwhile, values of GST (Nei 1973) and the compo- mainly fell into 2 groups: Group I was composed of HK84,
nent of genetic diversity among populations (1 Spop/ HK87, SZ35, SZ64, SZ72, NLD10, MA105, and MA106,

Journal of Heredity 2008:99(1)

Table 3. Summary statistics revealed by using 24 ISSR primers to detect populations of Mikania micrantha

Number of Percentage of Shannon’s index

Population Number of loci polymorphic loci polymorphic loci Nei’s gene diversity (95% confidence interval)
HK81 158 76 0.4810 0.1610 0.1999 (0.1659, 0.2349)
HK82 164 80 0.4878 0.1747 0.1972 (0.1647, 0.2314)
HK84 157 55 0.3503 0.1186 0.1595 (0.1237, 0.1954)
HK85 161 75 0.4658 0.1734 0.1985 (0.1646, 0.2325)
HK87 149 42 0.2819 0.0952 0.1233 (0.0923, 0.1577)
HK88 156 77 0.4936 0.1725 0.2170 (0.1801, 0.2517)
HK89 167 85 0.5090 0.1783 0.2061 (0.1738, 0.2393)
HK90 170 87 0.5118 0.1868 0.2129 (0.1813, 0.2456)
Hong Kong 200 146 0.7300 0.2144 0.2437 (0.2135, 0.2697)
MA101 162 73 0.4506 0.1700 0.1799 (0.1472, 0.2145)
MA105 144 46 0.3194 0.1172 0.1156 (0.0857, 0.1467)
MA106 139 36 0.2590 0.0908 0.1100 (0.0764, 0.1441)
Macao 171 98 0.5731 0.1913 0.2006 (0.1682, 0.2333)
SZ34 160 66 0.4125 0.1521 0.1751 (0.1429, 0.2106)
SZ35 150 53 0.3533 0.1282 0.1472 (0.1147, 0.1826)
SZ64 161 59 0.3665 0.1363 0.1573 (0.1240, 0.1905)
SZ72 139 40 0.2878 0.1179 0.1208 (0.0889, 0.1532)

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SZ75 169 83 0.4911 0.1715 0.2016 (0.1644, 0.2362)
SZ77 175 96 0.5486 0.1896 0.2284 (0.1960, 0.2597)
Shenzhen 195 136 0.6974 0.2157 0.2377 (0.2070, 0.2658)
NLD1 152 74 0.4868 0.1807 0.1982 (0.1614, 0.2319)
NLD10 139 36 0.2590 0.0977 0.1083 (0.0770, 0.1391)
NLD15 162 75 0.4630 0.1799 0.1844 (0.1499, 0.2162)
NLD26 144 55 0.3819 0.1518 0.1467 (0.1127, 0.1843)
NLD29 157 83 0.5287 0.1942 0.2059 (0.1747, 0.2406)
NLD30 141 56 0.3972 0.1394 0.1581 (0.1239, 0.1931)
NLD31 151 66 0.4371 0.1645 0.1671 (0.1334, 0.1985)
Neilingding 191 144 0.7539 0.2248 0.2296 (0.2015, 0.2566)
ZH43 176 105 0.5966 0.2075 0.2475 (0.2170, 0.2792)
ZH50 168 85 0.5060 0.1836 0.2146 (0.1792, 0.2472)
Zhuhai 190 128 0.6737 0.2213 0.2544 (0.2250, 0.2844)
DG91 173 96 0.5549 0.1923 0.2367 (0.2032, 0.2693)
DG92 152 63 0.4145 0.1572 0.1812 (0.1450, 0.2173)
Dongguan 180 109 0.6056 0.2007 0.2387 (0.2072, 0.2707)
Total 209 179 0.8565 0.2404 0.2518 (0.2248, 0.2792)

whereas Group II consisted of the remaining populations. different geographical locations (Figure 4), whereas individuals
Populations from different regions intermingled in the from the same location do not group together (data not
dendrogram, except for Zhuhai and Dongguan, suggesting shown). Therefore, it is reasonable to deduce that multiple
a lack of geographical pattern. introductions have played a role in the spread of M. micrantha.
In addition, M. micrantha populations that are genetically
more similar appear to maintain equivalent level of genetic
variation. For example, populations HK84, HK87, SZ35,
Discussion SZ64, SZ72, NLD10, MA105, and MA106 are all members
Compared with population genetic estimates based on ISSR of Group I, and they unvaryingly possess less variation than
analyses of other invasive weed species (Table 6), substantial those populations that constitute Group II (Figure 4 and
amounts of intraspecific and within-population variation Table 3). The result further indicates that levels of
were revealed across the introduced range of M. micrantha in population genetic variation are affected by introduced
southern China (Table 3). The findings are striking individuals.
considering all the populations have passed through severe Holm et al. (1977) suggest that M. micrantha mainly
bottlenecks. Kolbe et al. (2004) suggest that high genetic propagates by seeds, but others report that its local spread
variation in introduced populations can be created via results mostly from vegetative propagation (Swarmy and
multiple introductions by transforming among-population Ramakrishnan 1987; Wen et al. 2000). We find that
variation from different geographical sources into within- significant linkage disequilibrium and locus compatibility
population variation. Here, multiple introductions are were identified in a majority (16 out of 28) of the
inferred among populations of M. micrantha. As shown with M. micrantha populations (Table 4), suggesting that asexual
cluster analysis, closely related populations often are from reproduction is the predominant mating system in the

Wang et al.  Population Genetic Consequences of Range Expansion in Mikania micrantha

Table 4. Number of rare alleles and parameters derived from

linkage disequilibrium and character compatibility analysis for
Mikania micrantha

Population R IA rd IER

HK81 35 2.337*** 0.0312*** 0.180***
HK82 40 1.424*** 0.0180*** 0.054*
HK84 31 9.747*** 0.1806*** 0.557***
HK85 39 1.5467* 0.0209* 0.199***
HK87 44 3.0107*** 0.0735*** 0.373***
HK88 42 0.344 0.0045 0.076*
HK89 39 0.3254 0.0039 0.048
HK90 35 0.2956 0.0034 0.036
Hong Kong 16 1.269*** 0.0092*** 0.048***
MA101 41 2.264** 0.0315** 0.186***
MA105 46 2.044** 0.0454** 0.067
MA106 50 1.8660** 0.0533** 0.304***
Macao 0 3.622*** 0.0384*** 0.172***
SZ34 42 1.699** 0.0261** 0.141**
SZ35 45 2.890** 0.0556** 0.314***
SZ64 43 1.921** 0.0331** 0.059

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Figure 3. Heterozygosity excess at each of 179 polymorphic
SZ72 44 4.0520** 0.1040** 0.001
SZ75 39 0.4973 0.0061 0.050
loci in Mikania micrantha. The horizontal dashed line represents
SZ77 29 3.617** 0.0381** 0.052* the heterozygosity excess expected at equilibrium. Loci with
Shenzhen 8 1.353*** 0.0105*** 0.061*** a heterozygosity excess scatter above the dashed line. ¤IMM,
NLD1 47 2.588** 0.0355** 0.152*** hSMM.
NLD10 51 0.0438 0.0013 0.039
NLD15 41 1.343** 0.0182** 0.015
NLD26 46 4.813** 0.0892** 0.260*** and Richardson 1986; Barrett and Husband 1990; Pellegrin
NLD29 42 1.941** 0.0237** 0.010
NLD30 50 6.029** 0.1097** 0.046
and Hauber 1999; Amsellem et al. 2001). However, in 4
NLD31 47 5.243** 0.0807** 0.116** other populations NLD10, SZ75, HK89, and HK90,
Neilingding 11 1.467*** 0.0110*** 0.082*** M. micrantha indeed reproduces sexually and generates sub-
ZH43 28 1.448** 0.0139** 0.149*** stantial recombinations (Table 4). And contrary to general
ZH50 30 4.557** 0.0542** 0.176*** expectation that sexual reproduction tends to increase
Zhuhai 0 1.388*** 0.01105*** 0.081*** population genetic variation (Godt and Hamrick 1991;
DG91 33 1.819** 0.0192** 0.143*** Hamrick and Godt 1996; Pappert et al. 2000), these 4
DG92 38 4.340** 0.0701** 0.043
Dongguan 0 1.163* 0.0102* 0.046** populations possess either less or similar degree of genetic
variation to those with predominantly asexual reproduction
R, number of rare alleles; IA, index of association; rd , modified index of in the same region (Table 3). Reproductive system seems
association. not to have been a determining factor in the level of
P , 0.05 population genetic variation during the range expansion of
P , 0.01 M. micrantha.
P , 0.001. A relatively high degree of genetic differentiation was
detected among introduced populations of M. micrantha in
comparison with ISSR inferences from other invasive weeds
populations. This is in accordance with the findings that (Table 6), which was further highlighted by the findings that
most invasive plants are selfing or asexual (Price and Jain pairwise UST values between populations were all significant
1981; Husband and Barrett 1991; Amsellem et al. 2001), and (P , 0.001) except between DG91 and DG92. Such
some plants can even switch to higher levels of inbreeding a population genetic structure is not unexpected in view of
or vegetative reproduction during their invasions (Barrett each population having experienced a severe bottleneck.

Table 5. AMOVA analysis of ISSR variation for 28 Mikania micrantha populations in 6 regions: Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Zhuhai,
Macao, Neilingding, and Dongguan

Degrees of Sum of Variance Percentage

freedom squares components of total variation P U-statistics
Among regions 5 480.681 2.002 8.43 ,0.001 UCT 5 0.0843
Among populations within regions 22 1048.670 5.655 23.83 ,0.001 USC 5 0.2602
Within populations 128 2058.450 16.082 67.74 ,0.001 UST 5 0.3226

The P value was calculated by a permutation procedure based on 1023 replicates.

Journal of Heredity 2008:99(1)

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Figure 4. UPGMA dendrogram, derived from Nei’s (1978) unbiased genetic distances, showing the relationships among 28
examined populations of Mikania micrantha. A population of Mikania cordata MCXL was used as the root. Branch lengths are
proportional to genetic distances (see scale at the bottom of figure).

The rationale behind the bottleneck signature test is that weeds such as Heracleum mantegazzianum (Walker et al. 2003),
a population that has suffered a recent bottleneck will Hieracium lepidulum (Chapman et al. 2004), and A. petiolata
transiently disrupt the mutation–drift equilibrium across loci (Durka et al. 2005). In those studies, effects of multiple
and generate a heterozygosity excess (Luikart and Cornuet independent introductions are invoked to account for the
1999). Our results show that all the sampled populations strong population genetic structure. Similar reasoning may
and regions exhibit a significant bottleneck pattern under apply to M. micrantha. Additionally, given the results that 16
both the SMM and the IAM. Generally, bottlenecks can populations are dominant for asexual reproduction, whereas
enhance genetic differentiation among newly established 4 are prevalent for sexual reproduction, impact of mating
populations by causing rapid losses of rare alleles as well as systems on population differentiation were further exam-
significant changes in allelic frequencies (Hedrick 1999, ined. AMOVA analyses, using the data sets established from
2000). Besides M. micrantha, high genetic differentiations sexually reproduced and asexually reproduced populations
have also been recorded in the populations of other invasive separately, demonstrated that equivalent amounts (28.71%

Wang et al.  Population Genetic Consequences of Range Expansion in Mikania micrantha

Table 6. Percentage of polymorphic loci (PL), Shannon’s diversity within species (Ssp), Nei’s (1973) total gene diversity (HT), GST,
and UST obtained from the introduced populations of different invasive weed species based on ISSR data

Species PL Ssp HT GST UST Reference

Chromolaena odorata 12.31 0.0623 0.0406 — 0.736 Ye et al. (2004)
Hieracium lepidulum 88 — — — 0.54 Chapman et al. (2004)
Pueraria lobata — 0.221 — — 0.187 Sun et al. (2005)
Leersia hexandra 94.3 — 0.261 0.417 0.401 Song et al. (2006)
Mikania micrantha 85.65 0.2518 0.2404 0.4422 0.3226 This Study

and 29.53%) of among-population variation are partitioned Shannon diversity is insensitive to the skewing effects
(data not presented). caused by the dominance of molecular markers, such as
At either regional or entire range scale, no geographical ISSR and RAPD (Dawson et al. 1995; Meekins et al. 2001;
signature is revealed in the pattern of ISSR variation among Holsinger et al. 2002).
introduced populations of M. micrantha. The result may be
mainly attributed to long-distance dispersals of seeds or
propagules mediated by humans. During the past 2 decades, Funding

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business trade, transport, and tourism have dramatically
increased in the area including the Pearl River Delta, Hong Key Pilot Project of Department of Science and Technology
Kong, and Macao. It has been noticed that intensive of Guangdong Province, China (2004B33301020); the
economic activities do assist the expansion of M. micrantha in Scientific Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese
the region (Zhang et al. 2004). Nonanthropogenic mecha- Scholars, State Education Ministry of China ([2005]546);
nisms also play a role in generating the nongeographical and the ‘‘100 Talent Project’’ of the Chinese Academy of
nature of population divergence. Typhoons, tornadoes, and Sciences (05052903).
thunderstorms occur in the spring in the coastal area of
Guangdong Province, precisely at the time that fruits of
M. micrantha are maturing and seeds are being released (Hu Acknowledgments
and But 1994). Because M. micrantha seeds are small and light We thank Dr Troy E. Wood at the Department of Biology, Indiana
(8.80–10.20  10 5 g) (Zhang et al. 2003), the violent winds University for advice and revision of English.
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