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Department of Education

Negros Island Region ( NIR )

Division of Bacolod City
District VII
Sum-ag, Bacolod City



1. Matter is anything that you can see around us. Matter is classified into solid,
liquid and gas. Solid has definite size, shape and has weight. Liquid and Gas has
no shape of its own. It follow the size and shape of its container.
2. Porous materials has small holes and has the ability to absorb water. Examples
are sponge, cotton and cloth.
3. Non Porous materials does not allow water or air pass through its body.
Examples are plastic, glass and metal spoon.
4. Sink means to fall to the bottom of water. Some porous materials sink in the
water because it absorb water. Examples are wood and foam.
5. To float means to stay at the top of the water. Some non porous materials float
like plastic bottles and floaters.
6. Some materials have the ability to get decayed or to be slowly destroyed into bits
in the presence of water, air and soil. Examples are spoiled food and over-ripped
7. Not all plants and animals decay at the same time. Some were compressed
under water or underground over million of years and are converted into fossil
fuels such as coal, oil or natural gas. These minerals are used by power stations,
factories and motor vehicles.
8. The organic matter in soil is derived from plants and animals and become
organic fertilizers.
9. Some leftover foods were kept in refrigerators to avoid or delay decay or spoilage
since microorganisms that break down food do not grow fast in cold temperature.
10. Diseases are illness that affect a person, animal or plant. It is a condition that
prevents the body or mind from working normally.
11. Decaying materials are waste materials that may cause harm to one’s health or
body. Dirty surrounding caused by these decaying materials are the main source
of these illness or diseases.
12. Malaria and Dengue fever are diseases caused by mosquito bite. Dengue
mosquito is also called Aegis Egypti.
13. Typhoid fever is a waterborne disease. People who drink polluted or dirty water
can be infected by typhoid fever. Flies also can be a carrier of typhoid virus
especially those flies that breed in the garbage place.
14. Dysentery is a disease that can cause severe diarrhea which can cause death if
not treated well. This is as well a waterborne disease which can be obtained
through drinking polluted water.
15. Proper disposal of garbage should be observed properly especially in areas near
dumpsites, esteros and canals. Too much exposure to garbage may cause harm
to our health.
16. Good hygiene such as washing of hands, taking in clean and fresh air and boiling
drinking water can do good to our body.
17. Pollution is an action of doing things which can make our surrounding air, water
and soil unfit to use or become dirty.
18. Compost are waste materials such as decayed plants, vegetable and dead
animals that are recycled into fertilizers.
19. Pollution is harmful to our body. It is an one thing that can seriously affect our
20. Exposure to decaying materials especially garbage and dead animals can cause
or make people sick.
21. Making compost is one way of disposing garbage properly. Waste materials that
are made into compost are not harmful to anyone’s health and safety.
22. Household materials are classified according to their uses. They are classified as
food products, medicine, personal care, cleaning products and pesticides.
23. People can protect oneself and other members of the family from the household
materials by reading product labels.
24. Product labels are found in all products we are using to ensure the safety of the
user. Product labels contains important things we need to know when using the
25. Product labels as well warns possible dangers and it also describe the proper
way of storing the product. It also tells us the nutrients and components of the
product we are using.
26. Biodegradable materials are materials that are capable of being slowly destroyed
and broken down into very small parts through natural process.
27. To dispose of the materials properly is to use a technique or procedure we call
Total Recycling Scheme which utilizes waste factories returnable, fertilizers,
feeds, fermentable, fuels, fine crafts and filling materials. This is what we call the
multi-F’s Recycling Scheme.
28. Recycling is collecting, processing and manufacturing materials instead of
throwing them away. Recycling lessen the amount of garbage we have to
29. Proper disposal of human waste is important to avoid pollution of water sources.
Disposal must be done in order to avoid harming the environment mentor
causing harm to human health.
30. Waste should never be disposed down sinks, drains or drainage, lavatories,
ditches, near wildlife habitat or ponds and even in any body of water.
31. Products to be disposed should not be mixed together and containers should be
clearly labeled.
32. Separate or segregate materials into bio-degradable and non bio-degradable
wastes. Non bio-degradable materials can be recycled or can be made into new
product which can be used again.
33. Home materials can be tubes or bottles of shampoo and conditioner, leftover
food, plastic containers, softdrink bottles, disposable food containers and others.
34. Materials found in offices are packing materials, empty cartridge, empty boxes,
blades, cutter, white papers and others.
35. Classroom materials considered as wastes are empty boxes, cardboard, broken
pieces of writing materials, old news papers, crumpled pieces of paper and
36. In laboratories, disposable syringe, razors, gloves, needles, bandages and other
medical wastes are classified as waste or disposable materials.
37. Proper segregation of materials should be observed. Do not mix decaying
materials with non-decaying materials.
38. Sharp objects like broken glasses or jalousies must be placed in cardboard
boxes and should be taped before disposing it in a trash can.
39. Never touch waste materials with bare hands. Use appropriate equipment in
sorting waste materials to avoid puncture from sharp objects or use gloves.
40. Recycle non-decaying waste materials such as plastic bottles. They can be made
into decorations and pots.
41. Generate income by selling old newspapers, cardboard, cartolinas, manila
papers and bond papers and other materials which are not recyclable or those
that cannot be used again.
42. Reuse plastic bags.
43. A solid has definite size, shape and volume. You can hold solid with your hands
and you can change its physical properties such as size, shape, color, texture,
weight and other characteristics in many ways.
44. Solid materials can be changed through many ways such as cutting, tearing,
twisting, bending, stretching, pressing, coloring, crumpling, melting and in other
ways. Such actions can change the size, shape, texture, color and other
characteristics of solid materials.
45. Solid materials can be bent. When bent, these materials may change their size
and shapes. No new materials is formed when you bend an object. Only its
physical appearance or physical characteristics has changed.
46. Bending materials is applied in situations like bending a steel bar or iron in an
47. Solid materials can be pressed. When pressed, these materials may change their
size and shape and even its texture. However, no new material is formed when
an objects was pressed because only its physical characteristics has been
48. A hammer is a tool usually consist of a solid head and a handle at its end. It is
used for beating / striking or pounding materials or objects.
49. Solid materials can be hammered. When hammered, these materials may
change its size and shape however, no new material is formed because only
physical appearance of the materials is changed.
50. Solid materials can be cut. When cut, these materials may change its size, shape
and texture. Even when cut, no new material is formed because only its physical
appearance change when cut.
51. Not all solid material can be cut using simple scissors or knife. Some solid
materials like iron and steel can be cut using some sophisticated cutters like
metal cutters, machine cutters of chainsaw.
52. When materials are heated, they change their size, shape and texture. They also
change their forms. When heated, the solid materials change into liquid
materials. When cooled, the liquid materials change into solid.
53. Materials like crayons, chocolate, butter or margarine change its form when
heated. It becomes liquid. However, when cooled, these materials change back
into solid. No new substance was formed when these materials return back to its
original form.
54. Solid materials can be mixed or combined with liquid materials. Some solid
completely dissolve in some liquid materials but others do not. Examples are
juice with water, coffee with hot water, tuyo and vinegar.
55. Some solid materials settled at the bottom of the container like flour and water.
Others stay within the liquid.
56. Some solid materials spread evenly in the liquid. Some solid materials change
their size, shape and color but some do not.
57. Some changes in the materials are useful to the environment while others are
58. Useful changes are cutting of fabric to be made into clothes, cutting and shaping
pieces of wood or lumber into a furniture or changing of wood into charcoal for
59. Harmful changes can be observed in burning old tires, burning plastic materials,
throwing kerosene and detergents into water and other harmful activity of man.
60. When soil or land were dumped with garbage of any kind such as empty bottles,
plastics, toxic wastes, chemicals from factories and other harmful materials, soil
or land become polluted. Polluted land becomes breeding places for
cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes and rats. These pets carry germs that cause
diseases, hence, hazardous to one’s health. No plants will grow in polluted land
as well.
61. When the water in the river are dumped with garbage such as empty bottles,
plastics waste materials from houses and dead animals, the water become
polluted. If we drink water contaminated with germs, we are more likely to get
sick/diseases. Polluted water also kills living organisms like fishes, water plants
and other living things in the river or seas.
62. When the surrounding air is blanketed with smoke from factories and motorized
vehicles, ashes and other dust particles, the air becomes polluted. Polluted air
can cause skin itchiness, lung infections, cancer, and other respiratory diseases.
63. Some changes in the materials are harmful to the environment. It may pollute
land, water and air. To keep our surrounding clean and to prevent or minimize
pollution in our environment, people are encouraged to do the 5R’s…. Reduce,
Re-use, Recycle, Repair and Rot.
64. Burning of garbage such as plastic materials, rubber and other wastes are
harmful to the environment. Materials when burnt release dangerous toxic
chemicals. These may cause health risks for people particularly those with
asthma, and other heart and lung problems. Because the smoke is close to the
ground, it can also settle at fruits, vegetables and other vegetation that become
dangerous when eaten by human beings and other wildlife.
65. The smoke and toxins that enter the air also contribute to the greenhouse effect
and global warming. To prevent or minimize the effect of burning of garbage or
wastes, waste segregation must be observed especially the 5 Rs.
66. Cutting down trees is also harmful to the environment. It affects the quality of air
that we breath. It can cause a rapid change in temperature. When trees are cut
down, rain levels are severely affected.
67. Cutting down trees also cause soil erosion. Many animals native to forests also
lose its habitat. Cutting of trees is prohibited. To solve problem on deforestation,
planting of trees is encouraged.
68. Deforestation is cutting down of trees with replacing it.
69. Illegal-logging is the illegal cutting of trees done without permission and is
prohibited by the government.
70. Reforestation is planting of trees to replace the cut down trees caused by illegal
logging and deforestation.
71. To REDUCE, we need to buy items in refillable containers. We have to use cloth
bag or ecobag, paper bag or native basket instead of using plastic bag.
72. To REUSE, donate or sell reusable items. Use both sides of paper when printing
or re-use as scratch paper or something to be wrapped. Buy durable food
storage boxes or containers instead of using foil or plastic wrapper.
73. We RECYCLE when we use bottles, tin cans, rubber tires into useful materials.
Non-biodegradable materials can be recycled into new product that we can use
for the second time.
74. We REPAIR materials when we repair appliances, office equipment, furniture,
lighting fixtures and automotive parts instead of buying new ones.
75. We ROT when we build compost pile to let decaying materials and other
biodegradable materials become compost and turn into an organic fertilizer.

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