Metacognitive Viewing Report

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Metacognitive Viewing Report

Name: Romelyn L. Imperial Date Submitted: May 14, 2019

Course/Section: BSIT- 3A Score:

Instructions: Watch the documentary film “A Plastic Ocean” and accomplish this report after.

1. Difficult Concepts

a. Impact of plastic use

b. Improper waste disposal

c. Pollution

2. Learning Insights
a. Before watching the video clip, I thought that
- Before I watching the video clip, I thought is all about a plastic ocean, literally all of the
ocean has a plastic and I thought is all about the people who always put the garbage in the
ocean and what is the effect

However, watching the video clip, I now think/learned that

- However while I watching a video clip, I now think and learned that is not all about
the people who always put the garbage in the ocean it is also the effect of the garbage
or the plastic in the fish and other animals here In the ocean.

b. Before watching the video clip, I thought that

- Before watching the video clip, I thought that this movie is kind of boring because
when you said A Plastic Ocean you know what it is and all about.
However, after watching the video clip, I now think/learned that

- However while I watching a video clip, I now think and learned that is not all about a
plastic in the ocean and what is the effect to it. It is also the learning movies who
realized to you that you need to protect our ocean because you don’t know what is
happening to the animals under water or aquatic animals (animals that lives in the
ocean). Because Over 600 species of marine life are known to suffer directly from
plastic pollution

c. Before watching the video clip, I thought that

- Before watching the video clip, I thought that A Plastic Ocean video clip is all about the
animals and the people who put the plastic in the ocean. And also curious what is happens to the
plastic after you throw it in the ocean.

However, after watching the video clip, I now think/learned that

- However, after watching the video clip, I now think/learned that you need or I need to
know what is happening to the fish or other animals that eats a plastic because of us. We
don’t know what the effect to their health in plastic and not is all about their health it also our
health because we eat the fish and it’s direct it to our health. And we need to care and protect
animals here in the ocean because many animals like shark, dolphins died because of plastic
eating. It is also a plastic pollution
. Discussion Questions

a. What are the consequences of plastics ending up the oceans?

- The truth is there is no island of plastic in the ocean. What exists is a kind of floating
plastic smog formed by tiny pieces of plastic that come from larger pieces. Over time,
the sun´s ultraviolet light, the ocean wave action and salt break them up into smaller
pieces called micro plastics. These little particles vary in size, and are ingested by all
the sea food chain, from whales to plankton, even by sea birds. To make it worse,
chemicals from industry and agriculture stick to micro plastics, making them toxic
poison pills

b. Why is our overdependence on plastic a problem? Why isn´t this an issue just for
locations near the ocean?
- The problem is that over 80% of ocean plastic leaks from land-based sources. Even if
you don’t live near the ocean, chances are your plastic garbage has found its way to the
sea. And once there, it is travels and gets collected in any of the ocean´s gyres or currents.

c. How can a disposable product be made of a material that is “indestructible”? Where

does it go?
- Plastic is wonderful because it is durable. And plastic is terrible because it is durable.
We think that when we throw something in the trash or we just toss it from a boat or to
the beach, it just goes away, problem solved. But the fact is that almost every piece of
plastic ever made is still on the planet in some form or another.

4. Reflections

a. In what part of the film positively influenced you the most? Why?
- In the film “A Plastic Ocean” influenced us the beautiful shots of the marine
environment without plastic on it. This contrasts with footage of heavily polluted
cities and dumps full of plastic rubbish. The juxtaposition between these images
sends the message that our actions and choices can severely impact the planet.
Throughout the film, experts are interviewed to provide further insight into some of
the problems derived from plastic that might affect the marine environment.

b. What was your least liked part of the film? Why?

- It recognizes that plastics aren’t just bad for the ocean. They’re bad for our health,
and the ones who are the most affected are also the most vulnerable. This are the one
of the least I liked part of the film. Because it discuss to this part what is the bad
happen or effect of the plastic in the ocean. And also discuss the effect to our health
of the fish we eat, and eat a plastic. We are not directly eat a plastic but when we eat a
fish that eats plastic there’s possibility that it go to our health.

c. learn about the environment?

- I learn about the environment is when you see the whole it’s beautiful. We can take
action to keep our environment healthy and sustainable for the future. And also I
learn about our environment is A clean environment is essential for healthy living
because If you don’t care about the environment, chances are it will become polluted.
It’ll be polluted with contaminants and toxins, which may harmfully affect your
health. Like our ocean today there’s a plastic pollution.

d. What did you learn about yourself?

- I learned about myself that even I don’t put a plastic in the ocean or direct in the
ocean by putting the garbage or plastic in the side or the sand in the island when we
are swimming that will probably go to the ocean because of high tide. So I also
learned that I need to put all of my garbage in the bag and put it in the trash can. By
simply do that I help the ocean for that. And I/We think that when we throw
something in the trash or we just toss it from a boat or to the beach, it just goes away,
problem solved. But the fact is that almost every piece of plastic ever made is still on
the planet in some form or another.

e. What solutions presented in the film will you start doing now? Write as many as you can.

- Don´t put your plastic rubbish in a dumpster where you know it´s going to landfill,
Demand that your supermarket delivers the food in paper or just as they come. If you
must buy food in plastic, like yogurt and cheese, buy larger servings, Think reusable 
— not disposable. Repair if you can, Refuse single-use plastics, Separate your trash,
recycle the most you can and compost your organic waste, Make your own cosmetics
and cleaning product. This are the few of many solutions presented in the film. Don´t
put your plastic rubbish in a dumpster where you know it´s going to landfill this one
solution I start doing now because sometimes I’ll put the plastic anywhere and don’t
think what’s is going on after. And also the Separate your trash because I’ll always put
the garbage in the on container or one trash bin. I don’t separate it in biodegradable or
non-degradable but today I start it now I’ll put the plastic in the different trash bin to
help the environment.

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